Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Fuego #169 - Tues. 01/06/2009 - Help Murder Police, My Mother Fell In The Grease, I Laughed So Hard I Fell In The Lard, HMP
But not to worry - BlogMom is coming to the rescue, she will do the four recaps to feed our greedy little habits....
Old News:
Sofia tells Tio Vicente who killed his brother and sister-in-law
Feonando plans with Ruth or tells her his plans to cause an accident for dear Gabriela
Juan shoots into the dark and ? hits Ricardo in flight?
But back to Ricardo in his cool black outfit scaring the daylights out of little Pablito as he sees his chest taken. Ricardo can't resist a moment of egoism while he stomps on the Reyes family crest taken down from the mantel. Pablito the brave has the nerve to approach this bad man in the dark and and cling to his leg while he screams his young lungs out for Juan. Jimena runs out of the room and leaves Oscar to fend for himself on the floor trying to regain his wheelchair. Finally people show up and Juan shoots in the dark as Ricardo rides off. He empties his pistol while telling Rosendo or someone that Pablito was attacked but he couldn't see who was there.
Oscar feels sorry that he couldn't do anything to defend his family and starts the whining, I'm useless stuff again. (I's sorry, I am not heartless at all about real injuries but some of these theatrics get to me now and then.)
And aha, the mystery from last night's discussion is solved: Ricardo curses from his horse and admits out loud for the horse's benefit no doubt, he was hit in the leg and has to get help before he looses too much blood.
Juan rushes into the other hacienda how did he get there so fast? and wakes up Sofia. She chirps that her mother asked her pardon. She doesn't seem to register that her mother's lover killed Juan's family and her mother is involved. But that's our Sofia. She can't move the girls out of danger in the dark because she is so excited about her mother apologizing to her. They kiss some loud smacking, non-sexy kisses and Juan leaves while Sofia decides she needs the advice of Padre Tadeo about what ever to do with her heavy as lead knowledge of Ricardo Uribe's murderous past.
Raquel gets a great consolation prize for her pains. Coyote offers her that they can join together to fight their common enemy, If she accepts.
Ruth sees her father come in grab a drink and say he had an accident on the horse, but she kneels at his feet in a disgusting move to find blood. They yell, he admits that Juan fired at him. Ruth looks full of doubt and worry but doesn't say much. Smart girl who obviously know Daddy Dearest pretty well.
Back dressed to the nines in Ranchero/Mariachi wear, Juan questions Pablito for his memory of exact details of the burglar in the bedroom assault. Pablito remembers mostly the taking of his chest (árcon) of secrets and in an ahhhaaa moment, Juan says, Ricardo Uribe! Vicente speaks up that Uribe was looking for something evidently .
Gabriela shows up at the casita and discusses and diagnoses with Ruth and Ricardo the obviously injured leg. Ricardo doesn't want to alert anyone by seeking medical help so Gabriela offers they will have to take the bullet out themselves right here. Can't you just see her ripping it out with her teeth and spitting it across the room?
Paddy Tad advises Sofia to be very careful with her big news but he thinks she must talk with Tio Vicente immediately since he will know what to do for the Reyes. He obviously doesn't trust Juan's hothead button either. Sofia agrees that Vicente is the pillar of the family and is the wisest to help with the burden of this dangerous news.
Meanwhile, just to punctuate Juan's temper, he demands of Rosendo, who was it that wore the serpent buckled belt? I know you know, tell me, tell me.
Gabriela cleans the knife with a candle flame and gouges Ricardo with some relish, while he bites on something. A gruesome digging with the big knife in his leg is filmed with careful close camera work and eventually reveals the sought after bullet while Coyote listens just outside and then knocks on the door and tells Gabriela, he wants to come in.
Juan presses Rosendo that he remembers the snake buckle on the murderer of his parents and he knows Rosendo knows whose it was.
Back at the casita, in embarrassed pauses, Coyote comes in and evidently Ricardo doesn't know who he is. He says he came to see how Gabi was and Feo told him she was out in the casita (lying through his shiny teeth) so he apologizes for coming at an inopportune time, as they stutter and finally Ruth says Papa had an accident with this horse so they are obviously a little worried and hence flustered. Coyote smiles then gallantly leaves and Ricardo wants to know what Gabi is doing with this guy. He's is so fine, she offers. What friends you have for your cause Gabi, snorts Ricardo with evident jealousy.
In the Coyote den, Mama and Raquel begin to talk of what they have in common but are interrupted by the silly old maid sisters (whose names I can never recall). Mama Coyote wants to go to confession, she tells the sisters, Raquel looks on in horror where she is hiding in the next room
Sofia and Vicente get to the point finally. He demands to know who killed his brother and sister-in-law and Sofia dramatically speaks out the name: RICARDO URIBE killed them.
Ricardo refuses Ruth's suggestion that he should lie back and rest, he has stuff to do. Gabriela finally realizes Raquel isn't hanging around as usual. Where is she? She ran off and we don't know where, but someone is obviously sheltering her. Don't make me laugh. Who would help out that fool? sneers Gab, Ric and Rut don't look too pleased with Gabi's snooty but probably true description.
Sofia and Vicente agree that Juan will go into orbit and continue the vengeance quest and end up with lots of bodies. So Vicente suggests that they not tell Juan the hothead just yet. Sofia says she is sure that as impulsive as Juan is he will certainly get into horrible trouble by killing RU an then rotting in jail.
Sofia says he has to pay he has to be punished for his murders. Vicente swears that RU will pay for killing Juan Jose and his SIL:
Coyote remembers the meeting with Gabi, Ruth and Ricardo when Ricardo tells him who he is, then Coyote twirls his ring and says, Ruth Uribe will be my first victim.
Ruth comes into the hacienda and gets a crushing sexy hug from Feo who wants to plan dastardly deeds with Gabriela's truck.
Over at the Reyes, Gabriela walks into the wide open living room calling for Jimena then wanders into Oscar's bedroom and teases him about his medicine. Is this the only thing that will stop your pain? He is desperate with pain and she follows his directions to find the medicine but then dangles it in front of him asking what would happen if a lamentable accident happened to his medicine, and says the real pain is what he and the miserable Reyes have caused by meddling with her daughters and he actually deserves to suffer this pain. Then she makes the generous offer that if he promises to stay away form Jimena and get out of her life, she will give him the vial of medicine he so badly needs. But, if he does not agree right now, she will drop the precious medicine on the floor, it will break and he will suffer unbelievable pain while she applauds. (well the applause is added but the rest is pretty much straight from Gabriela's sour mouth).
Juan and Sofia discuss the Rosendo conversation in the kitchen unaware of the venomous Gabi in the Oscar's room. Juan is totally in hothead state about Rosendo knowing who wore the snake belt and still not telling him. He figures out that Sofia knows and they accuse each other of holding back information and not trusting each other. Egad this is boring couples arguing.
Just as Oscar screams in pain and Gabi moves in with more threats Jimena shows up and grabs the vial of meds. Jimena wants to know what she is there for. Gabi spews a string of venom about what a useless crippled guy Oscar is . Jimena is fed up and wants her mother out, But, back in the kitchen Sofia coos at Juan and they talk about the good of their daughters and other pap while the voices get louder in the other room finally they hear her and Juan tells Gabi
Vicente tells her to leave and she says she is glad to leave this dump yeah you have bad memories of how you disrespected my brother and his loving wife he knows all about her memories. She denies it but Sofia chimes in that she confessed all this to her. Gabi wants to know why Sofia could possibly be against her. She gets out and Jimena comforts Oscar .
Feo and Ruth wrestle and plan dastardly deeds in his/now her bedroom. He expands on his plans to rush the inheritance proceedings by what he is planning to do to shut out Gabriela's lights as soon as he can. Ruth doesn't want to hurt Gabriela, she claims to love her. He argues that he will take care of everything but is just warning her. The paper gives him half of all she inherits from Gabriela. Finally Ruth signs the document with reluctance.
Ricardo limps in to see Ruth climbing He is continuing to look for Raquel and shut her loose lips then he will deal with her after he finds the papers he is still seeking .
Sofia meets with Rosendo and thanks him for not telling the hothead. They agree to keep their silence so Juan won't do something out dangerous to all. Come on, you know this is going to lead to trouble but at least it is delayed trouble.
Mrs. Coyote, Soledad, confesses to Paddy Tad. For the first time she is going to confess her entire story without leaving out any details.
Ricardo is on the horse looking for whatever and holding his hurt leg. He asks farm workers, walkers on the dirt path and whoever else I guess asking for signs of Raquel, we don't hear anything .
At the river edge Ric dips his sore leg while Coyote pops up from behind a tree in a kind of "everywhere you want to be" style and says that isnt' a boo boo sore like he said, it's a bullet wound. Someone shot you, do you have a lot of enemies?
Soledad Coyote continues her story to PadTad, Ricardo Uribe used me like a toy and then abandoned me as a useless thing a bother, and then I was destitute and pregnant. Gabriela knew about the affair and was insane with jealousy and rage. PadTad looks amazed, says dear God, Gabriela agian, and Santo Dios a lot but asks, does Ricardo know you have his son? No, he never knew or even suspected.
Feo is back to his line cutting tricks with Gabriela's SUV. He crawls under to snip and let liquids flow in perfect secrecy while unsuspecting farm hands move hay bales around very near the vehicle.
Next: Sofia and Ruth argue over who has Gabriela's heart, Gabriela gets into the altered SUV and begins to have braking or steering problems.
Labels: Fuego
Thanks too for the good wishes on my travels. Other than missing Willa terribly, I am happiest when I am in the middle of a journey. Some trips with her along are just perfect.
Padre Tadeo must be going crazy knowing all the secrets yet can't tell anyone. Soledad's confession implicating Gabriela just made him say Oh my God! Dios Mio....
Let us give Jimena an award for finally standing up for herself against Gabriella in a big way. Practically yelling at her and ordering her to get out.
Looks like I was right on the money about Ricardo's leg wound. Can't believe that they made Gabriella into some kind of Florence Nightingale. Who would have thoguht she had some rudimentary medical knowledge for extracting bullets...
I sure hope Coyote the Yul Bryner does not plan on killing his half sister Ruth. He should bond with her instead.
I thought Gabriela looked intent on her digging and cutting in the Florence scene. She mostly looked dangerously competent with a big knife in her hands. Her medicine scene was too nasty for words but I too loved Jimena's standing up to her mother.
Fuego to me is getting more exciting. The last 30 episodes (170-207)are much better than the middle 30 epsiodes
Did Ricardo take the little chest or did he drop it when Pablito grabbed his leg? He didn't have it with him when he got home.
Kudos to Jimena for finally having some guts. Now if she would just pass some off to Sofia...
The Ricky murder secret is hardly a secret any more. Why doesn't someone tell Commisario Mutton Chops? [bonk]
Instead of the Crap From Afar shop, the Elizondo nitwits should have opened a DNA lab. Then, they would have been rolling in pesos.
I love Pablito & wish we saw more of him.
Go Coyote Go! We need t shirts to go with our beanies.
Well, I wondered if Raqui would respect the sanctity of confession and mind her own business and then maybe swap stories later with Soledad instead. Guess not.
Does everyone in Mexico know how to remove a bullet from someone? Why is it that Juan goes into raging fever with every small flesh wound, but Darth Rico is up and marauding about the next day, doing his daily evil? That river he was putting his leg in looked awfully muddy. Ick.
I FFWD>> thru the Juan&Sofi scenes. I love that button on my remote.
Gabi lines. Oscar lines. Gabi lines. Jimena lines. Ugh.
At least Sofia has a modern, attractive outfit with the trench coat and neck scarf. That is The Best Outfit I've seen her wear in the past 299 episodes.
Oh, I wish! It was pretty quick, so you probably didn't get a good look - that was Quintina's foot, clad in a green sock with toes. The sock had a star on it and maybe some other markings. Then the camera panned up and over to Eva.
Well... maybe the green socks were sheer and we were seeing a birthmark through them. But Quintina seems a bit old to be Rosario's age.
Since it was dark, I couldn't tell who either of them were at first. I thought it was Luisito with the socks, and Ofelia having the dream! (It really would be nice to get an update on those two!) Then I realized it was Eva's dream. I still didn't realize the one wearing the socks was Quintina until she woke up.
After the dream, Quintina did say it was too bad Rosario wasn't Eva's. I agree. There's really not much hope of this by now - there were only two babies for Raquel to swap, so unless Eva had twins and NOBODY knew about the other one, Rosario's parentage is still a mystery. (I still think Ofelia was lying, Rosario really is Margarita's daughter, and Ofelia had the birthmark removed.)
Reaching for my foil-lined beanie hat . . .
I really did not think Ruth was going to sign that paper. But she still has time to stop this, and avoid being doomed.
Cheryl, I hope you have a great trip. I'm glad you'll back in time for the gran final. :-)
Great recap! I'm glad it's starting to pick up - finally!
I'm ready to sign you up to be a script writer.
Enjoy your travels. I'm embarrassed to admit we miss our little cat terribly when we go off to visit our grandchildren. Wish we could be in two places at once. Sounds like you're the same...but have a great time.
Anyway, as to the actor playing Ricardo Uribe, he can ride a horse, and a beautiful and well-trained one at that. Take a look at a disaster the next time Franco comes galloping into view.
Hope you have a great trip. I'm going to the Dom.Rep. end of next week and hope to keep up with the recaps. Just not as exciting as a tour through Mexico.
Ibarramedia, I agree, Fuego is really getting good. I feel it's redeeming itself from several months of sub-par plot lines. I don't want Coyote to hurt or kill Ruth either.
Connie, I didn't notice the dog/coyote in the field prior to El Coyote appearing. Great catch -wish I had seen it.
Carlos: "We definitely do not wish to see any animals harmed in this TN. Well, maybe with the exception s of Fernando, Ricardo, and Gabriella, not necessarily in that order." Great line!
I keep thinking Gabi has reached the epitome of evil and every day it seems another dastardly deed comes to light. Wonder how many other skeletons in her closet will emerge before it's over. Diana in MA
Julie, thanks for the correction on my mistaken foot-birthmark sighting, guess I got carried away.
Doris, maybe you're right, quintina is going to turn out to be somebody's lost baby. Wouldn't be the craziest thing to happen on FELS!
I had a little shudder of excitement when Raqui reached out to shake Coyote's own hand was slowly creeping towards the TV screen of its own accord...
Someone mentioned Cesar Evora as having been considered as a possible cast member. He would have been a great menacing Darth Rico though I like the guy who is playing him now.
Finally, hope we find out how Gabi managed to burn/blind Soledad Coyote. El Coyote is the most intriguing character for the time being. GinCA
Ah, Gabi, the Jekyll and Hyde of medical treatment. Helping Ricardo by removing the bullet and torturing Oscar by witholding the pain meds. Or maybe she was just having fun cutting into Ricardo's leg.
La Paloma
Have a merry time on your travels, and Willa, do treat yourself too while Mom is out and about, and feel free to share some pics!
I hope Coyote comes out well and can get revenge without landing in jail forever like Sofia and Vicente are afraid Juan is likely to do. And maybe Raquel can do something helpful instead of standing by and sniveling in fear. She could at least help Soledad and Coyote. Ah well, enjoy.
I'll be in touch and will be back in the cockpit in February. Adios amigos.
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