Friday, January 16, 2009

Tontas Thursday 1/15 - Doors for hiding behind, eavesdropping, locking, walking through and bursting open

Yowza, Santi's old med school buddy Eugenio stops by for a visit. Candy shows up and goes ballistic, hits the guy, "Murderer!!", and tries to call the police. As Kris surmised he is the quack who killed Candy's sister. Candy says he called himself Francisco Rodriguez Rodriguez and she was at his supposed (dizque) office and saw him face to face when he told her her sis was dying. He admits it's true, he worked for med students who ran a clandestine operation. Santi is incredulous, Eugenio went to Miami! No, he ran away to Costa Rica and even though he never went to jail he swears that he is still paying for what he did. Candy disappears into the house and Santi tells Eugenio he will help Candy go after him, "now get out!"

Candy hightails it to the institute where she tells Barbara what happened. The conversation turns to Chayo's obsession with having a bubi enhancement and they plot to dissuade Chayo from plastic surgery.

Soledad and Patricio make up. He's happy that Beto called him papa and now he wants to talk. He knows she's not Rojiblanca, will she tell him who is the real Rojiblanca? "OK" she agrees.

Barb shrinks Chayo's head about her motives for wanting plastic surgery. Chayo wants a bubi job to make herself more attractive to her husband and save her marriage. Barb asks, what if Eduardo doesn't care? All that pain and recovery for nothing? Chayo should do it for herself, not for someone else. Chayo's confused and feels like she's throwing balls in the air (feels shot down = echar bolas). Barb tells her it's a very serious decision; Chayo bites her nails and thinks hard.

Candy tells Ceci she's been getting secret roses for weeks and she still has no idea who's leaving them. Ceci says it must be a very special type of person, not the plastic doctor like Candy thought. Candy notes that even though he's an insincere braggart (farolón) he does show some sweet traits. Coincidentally the farolón is Candy's next type of machograma, the dangerous lyin' lion. Speaking of the king of Rome, Santi peeks through the door and growls at them. He only stopped by to let her know he has dinner plans for that night. He growls and leaves. See, she tells Ceci, he is sweet sometimes.

Sole brings Patricio to Meño's restaurant and is surprised that they already know each other. This plays perfectly into her little plan, she introduces Meño as Rojiblanca. Meño smiles coquettishly and Pato is homophobically impactado.

Candy visits Raul at his office and he convinces her to have dinner with him. He was invited by friends and he doesn't want to go alone. "Hey, if I'm your 'novio' the least you can do is dine with me."

Beto and Chava practice futbol and discuss the merits of a papa with purchasing power vs. a papa who can play futbol with you. Even though Chava's less materialistic he wonders if Beto's new papa will buy him stuff too. Soledad listens pensively.

Lulu arrives at the restaurant sobbing and Meño asks "Why so gloomy?" (porque de negro?) Apparently Lulu dreamt that she was crowned the old maid of the year, boo hoo!

Barbara catches Ceci mooning over Candy's photo and asks why does she torture herself working close to Candy? Know-it-all Barb advises Ceci to be careful or she'll lose Candy as a friend.

Charly and Lucia sneak into her very pink room for a quick smooch. Charly locks the door for security. Unfortunately Donato, lying in wait inside the girls' bathroom, pops out and threatens Charly's family jewels with the pruning shears. Young love nipped in the bud.

At home Alicia admires her reflection in front of a large painting that's hung askew; she comments that it's the women who wait for men instead of men always waiting for women. (OMG that's so true in my experience, however I'll admit I'm fanatically punctual.) She drags a tired and reluctant Patricio out the door, they are supposed to meet her plastic surgeon for dinner and if they become friends maybe she'll get a discount! That's our Alicia, always working the angle.

Elsewhere Marissa, sporting a tight silver lamé mini-dress, waits for Santi. You're late, no you're late they bicker, he does his Alejandro Fernandez impersonation and then off they dash to meet Al and Pat for dinner.

Meanwhile Raul picks Candy up and gives her a flower in a bowl; is it a magnolia?

The first two couples arrive at the restaurant. Santi is confused to see six places. Uh oh, he tries to call Candy on the sly but Meño gasps she's already left. To Marissa's delight and Santi's horror Candy and Raul appear. Will Candy be outed?

Not this night. As Candy escapes to the bathroom Santi shouts "Magic!" and makes a huge scene by pulling the tablecloth out from under the crashing dishes. Marissa is horrified but Alicia is delighted. For his next trick he grabs a cake and "accidentally" smashes it into Alicia's cleavage. Patricio is highly amused as a number of Asian tourists whip out their cameras to record the moment.

Back at the darkened manor the adolescents sneak around in the dark trying to steal kisses while the hulking Donato lurches after them and spoils their fun.

This next part was kind of confusing but here's what I think is going on: Alicia wants to go clean up in the bathroom but Santi, as her doctor, refuses to let her go. HE should go to the bathroom while Marissa helps Alicia clean up at the table. Alicia's all "que the hell?". Suddently Patricio's on board and shuffles Santi off toward the bathrooms because he remembers meeting Santi with another woman at the futbol field. He wants to help Santi the tiger with his lady problems. Santi catches on and says Oh right, the woman at the futbol field is my lover whom I impregnated and I need to keep her and my official girlfriend apart. All this while the camera's continue to flash. Pato goes back to the table to cover for his new pal.

Santi bursts into the ladies room and almost breaks Candy's nose with the door. They are forced to hide together in a small stall when the baño is invaded by a group of women.

Meanwhile Pato entertains himself by eating the cake out of Alicia's cleavage, explaining Santiago's "situation" to Alicia and assuring her he's nothing like the cheating Santiago.

We're transported to the Little Casa on the Prairie as Gregoria, dressed in her nightcap and flannel nightgown, crawls into bed with Chava. Uh oh, looks like our little bed-wetter has struck again and pipi-sodden Granny isn't pleased.

Santi and Candy try to plot her escape while Santi pipes up in his best girly voice that he needs help with his grown-up diaper. Whatever. He tries to give Candy his car keys and drops them in the toilet. Instead of just getting them they both make a big deal about how gross it is. The hilarity of it all.

Evil granny in flannel makes Chava feel bad for wetting the bed and forces him to pipi one more time before getting back into bed. She tells him if that witch Isabel asks to tell her he sweated a lot.

While Santi tries to muster up the strength to grab his keys out of the amazingly clean toilet Candy recites a tongue-twister to distract them. "Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas, ¿con cuantas planchas plancha Pancha?" Success! Santi retrieves the keys.

At the table Alicia insists on going to the bathroom while Marissa and Raul whisper behind their menus that Santi's taking a long time.

Santi and Candy see Al coming toward the bathroom so they go back in and secure the door. In his best high voice Santi calls Alicia stupid and tells her to go away. This raises Alicia's hackles and she decides to bust the door down. Santi and Candy step back so that Alicia crashes through the door, flies to the far side of the bathroom and knocks herself out on the sink. "We killed her" fears Candy, but no, Santi finds a pulse and pushes Candy out the door leaving Alicia alone on the tile floor.

Santi drives Candy away from the restaurant and she wonders how they will ever repair this disaster of a night? Santi's sure Alicia didn't see Candy and they can fix the rest. He prefers they enjoy the beautiful night and dancing under the stars. "To what music?" asks Candy. Singer David Cavazos and band suddenly materialize and he badly lip-syncs Bruja Hada for them while the couple dances. Weird.

Back at the restaurant a doctor tends to Alicia's conked noggin while Marissa and Raul make excuses for their absent dinner mates. Marissa starts her usual jealous tirade and Raul strongly advises her to get a grip and change tactics.

As they dance Santiago tells Candy the old legend of the broken heart. Man and woman used to share a heart but eventually their egos got in the way and the heart divided into two halves, like two halves of an orange. For every person in the universe there is one other person who is the perfect other half of the orange and when they find one another those two halves of the heart are again united forever. He wants to tell Candy that this night he found the other half of his and she found hers. Whatever happens they now have the same heart that will forever beat as one. Candy seems smitten and quite frankly if some babe told me that same ridiculous story under similar circumstances I might be too.

The next morning Santi's got some explaining to do. He stutters that he left because Candy wasn't feeling well. Marissa kittens up to him and coos that she knows perfectly well he's a good doctor but it was very naughty of them to leave without letting her and Raul know, right? She had ugly thoughts but then she remembered that Santi is her novio, candy is her partner and sister in law and also her friend, they are all one big happy family, right? And now he's going to tell her how much he loves her and missed her, right? Santi is very nervous.

Over at the restaurant Meño advises Lulu to stop thinking about her bad dream. She should concentrate on everything she has instead of what she doesn't, which (as Lulu points out) is a man of her own.

Patricio pays Santi a man-to-man visit and tells him he figured out what when on last night. Clearly his lover called to tell him his child (by his lover) was sick or something. Santi plays long and asks Pato how many "amigas" does Pato have? Oh tons and tons of course, the mujeriegos toast to all their amigas.

When Lulu arrives at work she complains to all her gal pals that she keeps having her bad dream about being Miss Old Maid. She says all the rest of them are cute and skinny and will all have a guy. Barbara scolds Lulu and says love doesn't work like that, it has no size, skinny people have to work just as hard for true love. It can be right under your nose, a neighbor, a friend, a boss, all Lulu has to do is pay attention and when love jumps out at her not to be afraid of it.

Over at the restaurant Meño tells Sven and Ole that Lulu would make any man happy because she's a complete woman. "Too complete," wisecracks Sven. Meño comments that he loves Lulu like a daughter and from now on he's going to spoil her because she's stolen his heart. Not sure what this is all about, maybe he's going to help her find a man.

When Candy gets to work she asks Ceci why she's staring at her (Candy's) picture. As usual Barb is skulking outside the door and highly amused at Ceci's tormented heart. Ceci gives some lame excuse that she needs the picture for publicity. Candy happily comments that finally there is no rose on her desk and of course it was the plastic doctor who put the flowers on her desk. She asks Ceci not to tell Marissa. Barb smirks nastily.

Gregoria starts to give Chava a hard time for wetting the bed, holding the dog, whatever. He disarms her by telling her he loves her and she practically smothers him in kisses. He asks her about his father and she reveals his name was Patricio. Kid=smart, grandma=sucker.

Marissa waits for Candy to appear, then she calls Santi and tells him she wants him to tell her sweet things. He's preoccupied at work but it's easier to do what she says than argue with her. When Candy walks by Marissa puts Santi on speakerphone, pretends not to see Candy, and turns up the volume while Santiago distractedly tells her "I love you, I want us to live together, to never say goodbye in the morning, to make love again and again, and again, then one more time..." Candy listens and gets madder and madder. Mission accomplished for Marissa.

Tomorrow: Beto tells Patricio that Chava's papa's name is Patricio too!

Dizque = supposed, apparent
Echar bolas = to feel shot down, unappreciated
Farolón = braggart (also farolero)

Porque de negro? = why so gloomy/pessimistic?
Trabalenguas = tongue twister


Great work, Sylvia! I especially loved the "young love, nipped in the bud."

Score, to date, for Pato's near-misses: 12. The last two were at the couples' dinner, and Sol's apt. I wonder how high the score will get before he finally discovers.

Poor Pat, do you notice he has no friends? (Neither does Ali; are we surprised?) And his wife and parents are a torture, not a support. He's trying to buddy up with Santi. That could sure create some interesting situations.

Poor Santi. He just came off the muy pesado (very heavy) situation regarding his old buddy, when along came Rocío, missing her mama. Did you notice how he shoved all his troubles off the table to take care of her needs? What a papa!

When Santiago spilled his guts to Don (#27), we thought it might be a turning point. What have we seen since then?
A. Sweet popcorn: You make me feel alive, above the waist.
B. He resists Raquel's advances. Obviously he's attracted but doesn't want to be.
C. Dancing in the moonlight - he starts talking about forever

Quite a change from the near-rape last Friday. I think he's shifting from trying to get Candy into his bed, to trying to get her into his life.

Cap'n Sylvia: Your wonderful recaps always include great detail and are simply great fun to read. My favorites: "Evil granny in flannel", "Meanwhile Pato entertains himself by eating the cake out of Alicia's cleavage". "Kid=smart, granddma=sucker.

Quack Eugenio thought he was in for a nice afternoon reunion with his school bud. I'm sure he didn't anticipate meeting and being recognized by the sister of of a deceased patient caused by his botched operation. While I have no doubt he is suffering, I hope Candy and Santi do go after him so Candy can have some closure (at least in this area).

Love that Meño is now looking out for Lulu (in addition to just about everyone else). He is the best character on this show - hands down.

Also, I cannot fault Marissa for the stunt she pulled on Candy regarding the phone call from Santi. I think she's been genuinely hurt by the relationship developing between Candy and Santi. As she and Santi are still officially novios, I don't blame her a bit.

Paula H, Santiago is a good father - absolutely. Being good parents are important redeeming qualities (in my eyes) for both him and Candy. Diana in MA

Sylvia, thanks so much for the vocabulary too. Diana in MA

Dang, people keep stealing my commentary lines...or maybe Paula and I are twin souls...anyway I was also charmed by "young love nipped in the bud" especially given the previous rose and stem/pruning shears scene from Tuesday. You always score with an outrageous line, Sylvia...I'm still remembering Jacqui's a** "hitting all four points of the compass" in that Querida Enemiga episode.

The dancing under the starts scene was charming as well as the Platonesque story of the separated hearts (I think in Plato's version it was the soul. But I could be's been more than 50 years!yikes).

On the other hand, I am sooo uncomfortable with the character of Barbara. She seemed empathetic and wise when counseling Chayo...but otherwise operates in a malicious, cruel way with Cece and her crush. A nasty grownup version of a middle school b***h is our Barbara, and what kind of a psychologist is that? And remember her sneaky, sure-I'll- rat- out-Candy- to -you pact with Marissa? Ugh.

Really appreciate you giving the accurate version of that eyes and ears just blurred over in that scene. And the rest of the vocab too! Really like your translation of "Porque de negro?" Too bad Meño's gay...I could really see him and Lulu together. Yeah, I know he's a lot older...but sometimes that works.

And I REALLY need to stop using the word REALLY so much!

The dancing under the stars was real romantic and I was waiting to see Candy knee him in the cojones (again). Lovely.

Judy, my comment yesterday that you would understand referred (again) to your Bluegrass DNA. Absolutely no offense intended.

Marrying 13 year old cousins, etc, is an example of what the current president at UK refers to as the "Kentucky Uglies."

Hey I knew you were just teasing...and you know I treasure my Bluegrass DNA (as well as my second cousins, Jewel, Garnet and Sapphire...yes, really. When they finally had a boy, folks were worried they were going to name him "Diamond Jim") That and the other distant relative who decorated her mantel with a gilded pair of chicken feet are proud memories, big guy!

Now seriously, where did you take Emilia for dinner yesterday?

Why does Cece get such menacing music? Is it just because she's gay or is she going to do something really awful?

Jaime is such a great comedian, and such a lively charismatic actor. I can't take my eyes off him.

Again everybody gives their all for Candy and her stupid secret. She isn't thinking any more clearly than a five year old and uses everybody around her to compensate for her lack of courage.

Judy, we went to a place called Parrot Bay Cafe which we've been meaning to try. It was OK, but just OK.

Is that supposed to be some sort of Jimmy Buffet restaurant, Mike? Margaritas and whatnot? That might make anything taste better.

I bought a whole tenderloin and do you know the dang thing cost me $97 some dollars?! Still, if I'd taken the three or four of us out to celebrate, it would have come to much more. But since most of the time we eat vegetarian, it was a shock.

Still, the meat was divine and there are plenty of leftovers. Will be in a carnal delirium for a few more days. Made a South American side sauce with parsley, FIVE cloves of garlic, vinegar, oil and salt all whizzed together. Mighty good. Can still taste the garlic this monring and still remember the tenderloin. Mmmmmmmm

Judy, yeah, it was a one off, independent place - not associated w/ Buffett Empire, Inc. There's another place here called Cheeseburger in Paradise that apparently is a chain and part of the Buffett Empire. We ate lunch there once - not worth a second trip. Probably a wondrous place if you're a 25 year old parrot head looking to hook up.

Mmmmmmm, JudyB, did you make Chimichurri sauce? Sounds yummy! (Love the family tale, they sound like real gems. Ouch.)

Very interesting point about Cece's ominous accompaniment. It's probably because she's gay, sigh. Everytime Barb talks to Cece about Candy she makes a point of saying "she's not like you". So far Barb is the worst of the bunch (not counting Candy of course).

Paula, thanks for reminding us of the short scene with Rocio and Santiago. I passed right by it and didn't even include it in the recap. However you're right, he was able to quickly change gears from himself to Rocio in a split second.

Mike, you are so right, it was a miracle that Candy didn't knee Santi in the nuts for once. It's pretty bad when that's what we expect from our 'heroine' during every romantic scene.

Spot on! Sylvia...I didn't even remember the name of it until I checked back...but it was in the big cookbook after the directions for roasting the tenderloin. I hadn't planned to make any sauce but I had a huge wad of parsley left over from another recipe, and I always have garlic, oil and vinegar on hand so I went to town. My son normally doesn't like any sauces (he will NOT touch ketchup and always has his cheeseburgers plain) but this he seemed to like. I was amazed he even tried it.

Judyb~~Yes, meat is expensive. Even though my dad raised steer and we ate a lot of beef growing up, I gave up red meat years ago when my younger daughter became a vegetarian while she was in college. [Then , she married a carnivore and is back to enjoying steak.] I do eat some chicken and pork , but I prefer fruits and vegetables. So why are my grocery bills still high when I buy NO red meat. Anyway, it was nice of you to make Andy such a special meal for his birthday...better than Crackerbarrel.

Susaylynn...yes, it's so easy to fall back into the meat trap. I was a complete vegetarian for about 10 years. Started to relax and think I could have turkey on the holidays and meat that I cooked for children's birthdays. Still only eat it for special occasions...but you'd be amazed how many special occasions I can come up with now! Once someone told me about those roasted chickens you could buy at the store to make soup with, I was a goner. Grocery bills, like everything else, are scary. Most of the everything else we can forgo, but And I'm no good with coupons, I'm afraid.

Still, a friend of mine who works with someone who came over from Russia said this woman burst into tears when she saw her first American supermarket. Evidently she had to wait in line for hours just to get a banana (A banana) as a special treat for her son. She rightly saw us Americans, (and all Westerners really) as unbelievably blessed and not realizing it.

Thanks for the fun recap, Sylvia. My cable went out for a minute or two while the keys were in the toilet, and I missed the trabalenguas (of course, I probably wouldn't have understood it anyway). I also like how you identified the singer and the song that Santiago magically summoned up under the stars.

I was a little jealous of Pat when he got to eat that cake from Alicia's cleavage. She didn't seem to mind too much, either.

That Chava is pretty clever, telling his abuelita he loves her to stop her complaints. And maybe these clever but innocent children are going to finally uncover some of our many secrets.

Thanks Sylvia for your highly amusing recap. Thanks everyone for your comments. ITA with Mike and JudyB, what does it say about our heroine if we expect her to groin the galan after a romantic moment?

And Paula, I too noticed Santi's change of gears with Rocio. He is so attentive. I have to agree with deciegirl's post (yesterday or a few days ago) that Santi is just acting out b/c his wife left him. He wants to be a husband but is afraid to be devastated again. Glad he's moving away from near rape as well.

And Karen, did you notice that Santi consoled his daughter under his papa's picture, looking down on him?

JudyB I too am not impressed by the snide Barb. She seems to enjoy tormenting Cece although in reality she is telling her to get over Candy that there is no future there. Perhaps with Barb herself?

I missed everything after Alicia knocked herself out. Don't know why my DVR just quit - perhaps the Bush speech, in any event thank God for these recaps.

Evil granny is right. What a consummate b**ch she is. She humiliates the poor child about his bedwetting and calls him a brat. No one Candy and Alicia are so screwed up.

Interesting the story of the orange. I always heard it as an apple and once wrote a paper about in in freshman English in HS. Good a good grade too! That was a nice little scene and probably more of a tease for us about how this novela will go down in the end. Bye bye Pato.

Another vote for that touching little scene with Santi and Rocio. Those scenes and the ones with his mother show us more of who he really is. Also JC seems to work really well with children as for what it is worth does Valentino.

Speaking of Pat I was honestly surprised that he didn't just lick the cake off Alicia and get it over with.

JC is amazingly flexible. I can still picture him the way he got down to check Ali's pulse. He has great body control and often moves like a trained dancer. It must be all that Brazilian blood. He is also a gifted physical comedian. Who can forget all his scenes with Agustin Arana in LFMB. The actor playing Ed is a competent actor but lacks the physicality that made the LFMB scenes such fun. For what it is worth I think Arana was in the episode I saw in Spain as a friend of Santi (then again maybe I dreamed it)

Deciegirl, reminder. Be very careful what you say about future episodes. Caray Caray is very adamant about no spoilers.

I loved your recap Sylvia, thanks!

I totally agree with you about women actually being the ones waiting on men. I feel like I'm constantly saying "are you ready yet?"

I found the scenes with Pato retrieving the icing from Alicia's chest pretty amusing, he had such a wicked little smile while he was doing it!

I've wondered, like Decie Girl, whether Barbara is interested in Cece for herself. Maybe Barbara is so hateful because she's battling accepting the truth about herself and striking out at poor Cece.

Nice one Syl. I too especially liked the kid=smart, g-ma= sucker!!
Course we know that woman is a little wacked but I like seeing her in the Abue role. Candi will love this one!

What is it with this poor kid always having bedwetting issues? At his age, isn't it a sign of some anxiety or something? Someone more familiar can enlighten me, but maybe he's in need of some "father" type bonding. Could that be coming?

I was reminicing and cracking up during the dancing scene. The last time I was in Guad we had to run and take cover at the Teatro Degollado from a heavy downpour. We spent a really, really long time waiting it out under those columns with plenty other folks and had some really great conversations and a mini party.

Problem was so did the birds. (Waited it out, not had conversations, well maybe with each other, but not with us ;)).

Soo, my friend ended up with caca on her shoulder. Talk about asco, that toliet key drop was nothing! I have some photos somewhere, maybe I can post them sometime.

I have to say I'm tiring of the near misses, per Paula it's 12 now? That's quite enough... move it along thank you...

PaulaH Don't worry i won't say anything about the episode I saw in Spain. I now know that what O saw was about three weeks from the end. I did post a very brief comment about it on the Guapos blog when I got back and recently checked it to be sure I had not poasted any spoiler and I hadn't.

My comment about how the scene with Santi and Candy and bye bye Pat WAS STRICTLY a comment and how i hope it goes. What I saw did not give me any clue to how the show would end or who would be with who (Thank God). The next time O reference it will be the day we actually see it (if i can even remember) but O sure do hope to see Arana again as I love watching hm and JC together.

I used to work for pedi uro and there are many reasons for bedwetting, anatomical, familial, constipation, not emptying enough, drinking too much liquid after supper, not realizing you have to urinate while you are in a deep sleep and not being able to wake up, etc.

I'm assuming Chava's bedwetting was a result of the recent upheaval in his living arrangements. Even though he comes across as well-adjusted his bedwetting is one of many clues that indicate he is insecure about life, and who can blame him? Candy is caring at bedtime and helps him through this sensitive stage. Grandma is brusque and probably wants him to suck it up. Honestly, whoever cast the children is brilliant, they are absolutely perfect sympathetic characters and that is one big plus in this show.

A comment about Santi's "Magic trick" scenes, it looked to me like the other cast members could barely contain themselves. Fabiola (Alicia) was truly cracking up and couldn't even begin to hide her laughing. Just looking at their faces was making me laugh. It must be both fun and exhausting to work with JC.

Jeez I've got to check my spelling before posting.

I seem to remember a little chat between Chava and Candy earlier on about bed wetting. For all her screwy behavior she like Santi seems to have really good parental instincts. Lord only knows where she got hers because granny should doesn't have any.

One of the hallmarks of a JC novela seems to be his ability to make his co-stars crack up despite their professionalism. Reminds me of how many times Tim Conway broke up the cast in the Carol Burnett show.

Hello, all. I have to say I laughed at the tablecloth whisking caper along with the cake throwing escapade. But then I was baffled by Santi and Candi slipping away and leaving everyone behind. Didn't they think someone would notice?
But the dancing scene was so romantic--I can see how they're trying to build our belief in a real relationship.

Then suddenly it's morning and back to the usual. And what's with all the toilet humor?

Thanks for fabu recaps from Kris and Sylvia ;) Loved the titles!

Happy Belated B-day Emilia and Andy ;) See, I miss a day and all sorts of cool stuff happens! Judy, your birthday dinner description made me hungry again!

Kris – Sorry to hear Kitty’s not doing well. Mine fell off the banister as a kitten (hadn’t yet learned the whole turning around thing and only had about a floor to figure it out) and the vet said he’d probably have arthritis on that leg when he got older. Once in a while he limps from it, but it’s brief. Hopefully your little guy just has something like that and the doc can give him some cortisone or something so he’ll be right as rain. It’s so hard not to panic once they reach a certain age (mine is 15, that’s 69 in cat years!) that every little thing means you’ll be losing them soon. I’ll light a candle for it to be something simple and easy to manage.

69 in CAT YEARS!!!! on the brink of the great beyond!...thanks a lot, Margarita...just turned 69 myself. Oh well....

"Homophobically impactado, Little Casa on the Prairie, evil granny in flannel, and young love nipped in the bud!" I'm still cracking up. I thought the show was hilarious last night, but the recap is even funnier!

I sure enjoy this show! When Santiago and Candy were in the bathroom stall with him trying to fake being a woman with a high voice and the keys dropping in the toilet, the arguing over who would fish them out, it reminded me of the old "I Love Lucy" show with the antics, completely outlandish scenarios and physical humor.

I get a good laugh every even, some practice with listening to Spanish, and learn new vocabulary such as "bubi" and "hamster." (I have a pet hamster in my classroom and my students were asking how to say hamster in Spanish. It wasn't in my dictionary, so I consulted another one, which had "rata del trigo." I can't wait to tell them next week that it's actually "hamster" in Mexico!

Thanks for the funny recap and the vocab list at the end.

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