Monday, February 23, 2009

Mañana es para siempre - this first episode, 2/23, is full of cute kids who will sadly grow up in a day or so and we won't see them any more.

Patience, folks, it's always hard to get everybody straight at first, and to make sense of all the "as you knows" that come tumbling out...

Mexico City, 1992.

It takes a helicopter a long time to arrive; grim-looking guys in suits wait for it to touch down. The gravelly voice villain makes a call: "Come to me immediately."

He and a leather-clad woman on a motorcycle convene in a fancy office building. He (who will turn out to be Artemio Bravo, Gonzalo's half-brother, according to the avances) tells her: "Rebeca, the hour has come!"

"I'm afraid!" "It's THEY who should be afraid!" He gives her a fake resume, with her new fake name (Barbara Greco); she will give it to Gonzalo Elizalde.

"Barbara?" "In honor of your mother, it's an amiable gesture, in view of what you did." "I didn't do anything to them that they didn't deserve."

My subtitles aren't working so I don't know what he subsequently says about her mother and father, but the avances said she assassinated them!

Gravel-voice Cigarman instructs her to worm her way into the Elizalde household, and marry Gonzalo! "But first, be sure to 'nullify' the housekeeper, Soledad Cruz, who is important because she's the only living person who knows that I exist, hence she is a danger to my plans of vengeance, so she must be 'muzzled,' especially because she has been trusted by the family for so many years, and has been nanny to the five children. But now she has a very weak side - her son Eduardo!"

"It won't be easy to get rid of your wife Montserrat," sez Rebeca/Barbara. "It won't be much different than what you learned to do as a child," sez Cigarman, adding that she must also gain the confidence of all the children, take over the business, and eventually there should not be a single drop of Elizalde blood left on this earth. Tall order! She glowers.

Somewhere in the country, also 1992.

On the grounds of Elizalde manor, a very cute girl (Fernanda, youngest daughter of aforementioned Gonzalo Elizalde) with a basket runs up to a very cute boy (Eduardo, son of Soledad the housekeeper). She snuck away from the Big House while her mother was on the phone - they go off to pick apples together. Did I mention they are very cute?

In the kitchen of the big house: blond Montserrat, Gonzalo's crabby wife, clearly likes to have her kids where she can keep an eye on them, and she doesn't want them mixing with the help. She asks the housekeeper/cook, Soledad: Where's Fernanda? Soledad pretends she doesn't know but sends another kid to fetch her back pronto.

Montserrat sits at the head of the table next to her eldest son Anibal, who is soon going back to university. Two more sons (annoying Camilo, cute Santiago) and the two daughters (sassy pseudo-Goth Liliana, Fernanda) arrive and last, the husband, who is sweet and affectionate with the kids.

Gonzalo complains, as he did earlier to his assistant in the cow house, that none of the personal-assistant candidates are suitable - they don't speak English, or don't like the hours, "or they look like prehistoric lizards..." giggles a kid. Another adds: "Be careful, if you get a sexy one Mom won't like it" The mother sez she just absolutely HAS to have somebody, ASAP, to help with the party.

After the commercials, Barbara gets the job, thanks to the superb recommendations etc. that Cigarman cooked up, starting immediately, with the First Communion party.

Out on the grounds, big sis teases Eduardo: "Stop calling me Señorita Liliana!" She crosses her eyes and says she'll punish him.

Oh, mom's asking for her kids again, they must come immediately, "the marvelous new assistant is arriving shortly."

All the kids love Soledad.

Up at the Big House, Barbara gives unctuous compliments as she is introduced to the family. She and ma want to get to work on the reception immediately, but dad says, "One more thing, let me introduce our beloved nana, Soledad." Soledad and Barbara exchange snake eyes.

Weeks later: Eduardo grooms a white horse saying he should be read for Fernanda to ride. Camilo, the annoying Elizalde brother, rides up and says something annoying.

It's the day of Fernanda's confession. Montserrat rises from her bed and after a bad night's sleep receives her asthma medicine (UH-OH! UH-OH!) from Barbara and gratefully sez: "I don't know what I'd do without you!" [Prolly live longer.]

Eduardo and his fine side-kick Jacinto gape at Massa's fine goings-on: caterers, florists, etc.

Barbara comes down the lawn stairs coldly barking orders as Eduardo and Jacinto look on. The astute young sidekick says something like: "Ay, here comes the Hyena." "The what?" "La Hiena - people say she laughs as she kills ..." [Thanks, Cheryl!] "...The workers say if you make a single mistake, she'll send you to the devil with a smile."

In the kitchen Soledad is also bossing people around. The boys run in and gape at an ice sculpture. Barbara comes up behind and icily orders them out.

Soledad sez, you don't rule here in my kitchen, and you especially don't get to boss my son around. "Conmigo, bueno y poco." [?] Barbara hisses: "Enjoy your power while you can, cook, it won't last long! And you can't come to Fernanda's communion." Soledad tells the boys they should stay away from the big house, the woman is gunning for them.

Leaving, Jacinto says Soledad is way brave. Eduardo thinks his mom better not get Barbara too worked up, he doesn't want to get sent to the devil like the others.

They go to see the blacksmith, whom Eduardo has been paying on layaway to make a lucky charm for Fernanda out of a horseshoe. It says FE (faith) on it - that's also their initials, Fernanda y Eduardo ...

At the big house, Ma comes in to help Fernanda get into her fancy dress - it's time for her to go to the priest, confess her sins, and be given a penitence. Sister Liliana mocks. Ma sez, you don't know cause you refused to have a first communion.

"But ma, what sins can a ten year old girl have? Father Arcadio should rather be confessing to my sister, because he surely has more sins than she does."

The mother starts asthma-gasping furiously. "Lili, don't do this to mom, she's sick." "OK, I'll find another sport."

Dad tells Barbara, with her clipboard, "You're now my right hand." She snipes about Soledad a bit. He, changing the subject, worries that in modernizing his plant he'll take jobs from workers; she says not necessarily, they can expand and perhaps can hire more workers.

Wifey hustles up to them gasping: "I can't take it any more, Lili is so insolent and blasphemous, go to the house, hubby, and straighten her out!" Dad leaves. Montserrat foreshadows: "One of these days she'll kill me" She goes to lie down. Barbara smirks an evil smirk. [I like Lucero as a bad guy more than I liked her as the love interest in Alborada.]

Dad kisses lil Fernanda and then goes to see Lili. He passes by - uh-oh - a STAIRWAY OF DEATH!!!

Barbara lurks while Soledad and Fernanda discuss Montserrat's sickness. [Continuity problem, I don't think the dad ever made it to Lili's room...]

Lili is dancing and singing to karaoke in her room. Barbara lurks and then busts in. "Don't come in without an invitation, you didn't knock." "You're making your ma sick!" "That's my problem, not yours, and you don't fool me, everybody else trusts you and your sweet face, but you're wasting your time with me!" Barbara's thought-bubble: "I'll take care of you soon, you snotnose."

The string quartet plays, Fernanda kneels at the little outdoor altar and receives communion. Annoying middle brother Camilo asks utterly adorable little brother Santiago if he likes Erika. Santiago whispers yes. Camilo goes to Erika and lies: "Santiago said your dress makes you look like a pinata." [Thanks, Jody!]

Mom wheezes to Dad: "Lili's not here because she's in her room listening to her awful music, she wouldn't come to the festivities, everything she does is done to mortify me."

Jacinto and Eduardo watch from a tree. Eduardo unfurls a yellow flag; Fernanda sees him and smiles and waves very cutely. Jacinto's leg falls asleep and he falls out of the tree.

Barbara takes advantage of the diversion to sneak away to make a call from Elizalde's office. Lili sneaks carefully down the stairway of death to listen behind the door. And the episode ends.

Tomorrow: Eduardo gets caught kissing Fernanda (cutely) and is going to be sent away.


Wow Melinama! Thanks for the excellent and quick recap.

Just a few notes:
the little girl Soledad sends to find Fernandita is "Margarita"

The son that says "or they look like prehistoric lizards..." was non other than annoying Camilo

"Be careful, if you get a sexy one Mom won't like it" - said by Liliana

Jacinto calls Barbara "La Hiena" - he compares her laugh to killing people.

The blacksmith is Don Silvestre; his daughter is Martina.

The karaoke song - "Girls just wanna have fun" by Cindy Lauper

I think Camilo told Erika that Santiago said her dress made her look like a pinata.

Jody :)

Yay! Another show to watch, and with FC as well! Woo hoo! I had to give up on Tontas, as much as I love Jaime Camil I simply couldn't take any of the characters. But I'm really looking forward to this one. I agree Lucero seems like she's gonna be a great she-devil. Thanks for the quick translation melinama!! Kim P.

Wow, murder planned in the 1st episode.

Lucero looks so much prettier in this than in Alborada. I didn't realize it was the same person a first.

Eduardo wasn't supposed to move but Liliana made him laugh, so he can't call her Senorita anymore.

I know it's easier for the cameraman but it looks so ridiculous for everyone to sit on the same side of the dinner table.

I just had to check out this show, but I probably won’t be able to watch it except now and again. The storyline looks intriguing. Loved your funny recap, Melinama!

I was very impressed that when Lucero removed her helmet her hair was perfectly coiffed, hair nests and all. What a woman!

And not just any old murder planned in episode one, rather the annihilation of an entire bloodline. Talk about a homework assignment.

Thanks Melinama, terrific recap! The first recap, (the first week or so really), is always difficult. I can never keep the names straight. I hope they don't make us wait too long for FC.

Thank you Melinama. Off to a great start, and yes, that helicopter approached the landing pad at least six times before it touched down, but at least we got some great views of the Valley of Mexico.
The kids are adorable and I don't mind waiting for FC if we get to see them for a little while longer.
So far, the sets, costumes and relationships don't seem too farfetched, but how on earth can a blacksmith (was he the mayodomo from Destilando?) make a sterling silver charm out of a rusty ol' horseshoe?

Very funny title. . .
Thanks, Melinama. Once again I feel like I'm in a honeymoon phase. I like this so far, but I've gone off the rails on other shows. Ojala that this one stays good, as Cuidado and Tontas have become unwatchable for me.

I wonder if it's very common for rich people to have private first communions like that.

Thanks for the recap, melinama. DH was in the room while this was on, and he figured out who our villana was after I said, "biggest hair and shortest skirt." ;-) I thought Lucero's acting was rather mechanical and robot-like. She reminded me of a Stepford wife/Fem-bot hybrid.

I'll stick with this and see if it takes.

Thanks , Melinama ```I am impatiently waiting for Eduardo to become a fullsized Fernando. Yes, the blacksmith is the same dude who was the foreman of the Destilando ranch. Evidently he is an alchemist who can turn horseshoes into intricate , monogrammed siver hearts. This guy should be a millionaire with this ability. Wow ...that Cindy Lauper tune ''Girls Just Want to Have Fun'' gave me some groovvy flashbacks. Liliana just wants to have fuuunnn, but I think Barbara will put a severe hold on everyone's fun from this point on. Lucero as Lucifer...interesting since she is ususally the angelic, innocent heroine. Let's hope this one makes some kind of sense now that we have left the Mexidoon city limits.

Thanks Melinama for the recap. If I had to walk around all day in those heels in that big house my feet would be killing me! How did she take off that helmet and have perfect hair? The kids are cute. For sure the wife is going to die because of her asthma because she made a point of putting her inhaler on the table. I miss Capricho already!

Thanks, Melinama! It's tough to start anew with cast & characters, never mind the intricate plot...I'd be lost w/out you!

One side note: if we start the story in 1992, Eduardo & Fernanda will eventually mature into a pair of hotties but Babs doesn't age at all??


" Eduardo & Fernanda will eventually mature into a pair of hotties but Babs doesn't age at all??"

Maggarita - perhaps this story takes place on the Mexidoom side of the D.F.? Let's be watching for eternal full moons.

Do we have to get the beanies out already?


MEPS is on an hour earlier, 8:00PM EST, due to the president's address

No time to read now, will check in later, but just wanted to say I LOVED LOVED LOVED this. Best first telenovela episode I've ever seen, I think!

I've got two weeks of cable left - after that I'm going to have to beg my parents to tape the show for me or something. (Really hate watching TV on the computer.)

Also, I cracked up at the "dress makes you look like a piñata" comment. Bratty kid. I wonder if he's the one who grows up to be Sergio Sendel?

Doris: ruh roh! perpetual full moons & no "lost in the jungle" side stories. However, feel free to load up the show with plenty of shower scenes!!!


This comment has been removed by the author.

I think we are in the Mexidoom side. Not only Babs won't age but Liliana is at least 5 years off with her Cyndi Lauper thing -- and the adult women's fashions have that 80's vibe going as well.


Great fast recap, Melinama! Thanks! So far, so good. Think I may stick with this one. When I saw the giant staircase in the mansion I, too, immediately knew that someone was going to take a terrible tumble down those stairs. In one scene, Asthma-ma was wearing a pink creation that must have had shoulder pads on a pole. Bet she has to walk thru doors sideways.

Melinama, thanks for getting this off to a rousing start. As usual I will need a little time to get all the characters straight, and your recap has helped get me off on the right.

The show looks very promising; cute kids, beautiful well-nourished horses, beautiful well-nourished humans, lovely scenery, dairy cattle, a gorgeous villainess, a mysterious villain with a sonorous voice to die for(I'd drink a fifth of whisky and smoke a half-dozen cigars a day if it would make me sound like that), a sinester, beckoning staircase, and a frisky, nubile, precocious teen; something for everyone. Let the games begin!


Shower and bathing scenes are always welcome. I'm excitedly waiting to see our hero all grown up since you all think he is to die for!

Connie~~~Trust me...Fernando never disappoints..although I do prefer him in historical dramas. [Have you checked out Amor Real and Alborada on Youtube ??? Muy hot.] Wait until you hear that voice....I't's like melted butter.

Well I thought i would come around for the first recap.
Yea that plane landing anoyed me when i watched online.
Im on episode 12 of this show(im haveing a hard time with it). I do much better with these shows when i dont read recaps. I can understand a show pretty much just by reading the summary and actions of people. I watched a few hours of Pura Sangre and its just as good. Seems i have a bit to learn about the great Lucero!
In other good news i am still watching Cuidado con el angel! Im on episode 108 and only have missed 4 hours here and there so far!
Great recap, I loved the details!
oh yes a reminder this is episode 1 and 2. This show started off as a half an hour up till episode ten .
i think theres 120 episodes of this show as i know.

Melinama, Thanks for the premiere recap with humor as we start the search for the most snark worthy characters. I loved your comment the other day that the really bad plots are easier to write humor and snark well. I could see a few chinks in the armor here already. The gravel voiced cigarman or the cigar voiced gravelman. The new Barbara has a heavy assignment to annihilate gravelman's entire family. We aren't given motivation here of why she is so beholden to him. hmmmm.

I love Lucero as the evil Baba already. She looks very heavily made-up, I actually preferred her more natural looks in Alborada but she is drop-dead gorgeous either way and the modern clothes are fun and an easy way for her to look so much better than gasping crabby Mom in her sleepy time clothes, and whose time is oh so limited. I thought the hyena comment was that she is like the hyena "who laughs while he kills". Dastardly description at any rate.

Waiting for Fernando to appear even though I love the cute kids too.

CherylNewMex - You're right about the hyena comment. That's the way I interpreted it, too.

Julie - I'll bet you're correct about the bratty piñata-comment boy growing up to be Sergio. That kid is a real jerk.

Melinama, thanks for a great first recap. You pointed out the stairs, the inhaler, all sorts of hints of things to come.

When I read the synopsis a few weeks ago I didn't see anyone listed as playing the part of Artemio Bravo. I guess since all we see of him are his ring, his hand and his cigar, they just used one of the writers or producers (I could be wrong, tho). Maybe we'll NEVER get to see his face! Ooooo, scary!

What a beautiful evil villaness. Love her sense of clothes, especially that leather jacket with the cute, cute little pocket slanted center front where you can actually get to it.And her angel sleeves black jacket work clothes? Yep, I can imagine her boss will notice more than her efficency.
If Barbara is poisoning the mother's medicine maybe the death by staircase will be...someone else...hee,hee,hee. And her assignment to kill them all will need several different methods. Any hunky cops in this show?

Thanks Melinama. Mine was also missing CC last night, so it was harder to follow.

I hope there are some happy moments mixed with the wiping out of an entire family in this show. I think they shouldn't have told us that in the very beginning but let it unfold gradually that that's what she's up to. Just an opinion.

Does anyone else see Pipi Lonstocking when you look at Soledad? All she needs is some wire in her braids so they can stand up! :}

Sendals character is Damian Gallardo. I don't remember the name of the bratty kid, but the boys names are Anibal,(I think the snot nose) Camilo (I think the painter) & Santiago(I think the one in college).

Did I say 108? i ment 110 lol!
I also forgot to say i miss u all!
Connie I see not much pipi in Soledad. But I see a sonic style hair in Barb lol!

No Fernando in the first episode and I'm already drawn into the show. What's it going to be like when he steams up my screen?!?

Barbara does seem like a robot--but does that have more to do with the fact that she's a cold hearted beotch rather than Lucero's acting?

My one complaint: The use of Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" is about 9 years too late, since it was really hot in 1983. I highly doubt there were any posters of her still hanging on walls in 1992. It would have been more accurate to have a Kurt Cobain poster and some Nirvana song playing. She still could have gotten away with the "goth" attire and it would seem more accurate to the time frame.

Loved everyone's comments about the iron horse shoe being turned into a sterling silver necklace. Our blacksmith is obviously a magician. That aside, I really like the FE double meaning.

Also remember that Damian or Sendel is going to marry Fernandita so he can't have been one of her brothers in the opening. I don't think he is there at all. But who is the cutie that is Edwardo's best friend who falls from the tree. Does he become a character in the adult after world?

Montserrat, aka Asthma-ma, aka AsthMa, very funny Ellen. Thanks for the recap, Melinama. GinCA

I think Soledad is the same actress who played the pirate queen in Alborada ...the daughter the queen of the Crime World and mother of the demure Marina , ward of Luis's [Fernando's] tia.

Thanks for the recap Melinama. This looks very promising. I can't wait to see what unfolds this week.

Thanks for the recap!!!! So far this one looks good. I noticed that in the beginning of the show that Fernando was looking pretty good shirtless! I rewound the dvr just to get a better look!:0

Thanks, Melinama, for the initial snarky recap, setting a fine standard. Something tells me that this won't be near as easy or fun to mock as Fuego, oh well.
Like others commented, the alchemist/blacksmith, cute kids, extravagant first communion, Lucero's reserved acting, were all things I noticed. So far, not too terribly interesting, but I'll stick with it for a while, see how it goes.
I also think that Lucero is going to make a great villaness, and surely Soledad isn't going to have to worry about having her inhaler handy for long. Odd that they've given Erica Buenfil such top billing.
Aslo looking forward to Colunga. His voice is so smooth and pronounces so clearly, no captions needed when he is doing the talking.

Let the fun begin!

Thanks for the great recap, melinama.

Camilo said that the white horse was "sarnoso", which means mangy. Had to run to my dictionary for that one.

I don't wish to offend, but I prefer not to know things that are not portrayed on screen. I never read the synopses. My brain was frantically trying to figure out who the "mastermind" who put Lucero up to her dirty deeds was. I'd rather not have known that he's a half brother until the script told me so. Again, I understand that others may disagree, but I do enjoy figuring out the plots on my own.

OK, novelera, good point. We had already posted three or four synopses - provided by televisa etc. prior to the airing of the shows - so I figured the information they contained was in our domain, but I guess not.

Rogelio Guerra is both Gonzalo Elizalde & Artemio Bravo.

Eduardos' amigo grows up to be played by Alejando Ruiz.

Susanlynn, I knew I could count on you to identify Soledad. Yep, she was the pirate queen all right. Thanks amiga!!

Is Alejandro Ruiz the guy who played Sylvestre on Mundo de Fieras ???? Cap'n Sylvia~~You're Welcome. I love to see familiar faces in a new novela. I wonder how long it will be before Fernando lights up the screen .

Hey all. Excellent recap Melinama. Glad to be back to see TBLMOE once again after missing seeing his awesomeness from last I saw in Pasion. This looks promising already and looking forward to seeing Fernando tonight. I'm especially looking forward to him and Lucero interacting after watching them in Alborada. Ready for the mayhem to begin.

Soledad/Erica Buenfil was al
nother "Soledad" in that stupid Duelo de Passion that we had so much fun witha while back.

The Soledad actress is also on during the day right now in the repeat of "Mariana de la Noche". For you FELS fans, in that show, she plays the mother of "Oscar", Lucrecia. Oscar is really young there...

Anyway... To me, that's one of the fun things with a new telenovela, figuring out where you have seen all of the different actors/actresses before. Maybe I've watched too many now, but there are usually quite a few!!?? :-O
Many times, it's not that easy to recognize them in their new roles. There appears to be quite a few old favorites here. I can't wait to watch the episode, still haven't done it yet.
Jeff in MN

make that "another"

Here is the Televisa site where you can read about the episode. I like to do that to get some idea of what's happening & you can pick up some of the words.

Actually, Monserrat is Erica Buenfil, Soledad is Maria Rojo.
Jeff in MN

Thank you, Jeff, for the correction. Gotta learn a whole bunch of new faces and names...

Thanks, Melinama, for the recap and thanks, Variopinta for the heads up on the earlier time for tonight. I'm going try to hang with this one. I am three months behind on (taped) Fuego (and read the blog after almost every episode) and I so enjoyed you guys comments on that I just had to try to go along for this ride. Looks like it will be good!


Woweezowee, Melinama. Great way to start off this one. Thank you!
First impression of Lucero's character: ya gotta respect a woman who's a dead shot with high-caliber semi-automatic and does it one-handed to boot. Yes indeedy. She may be frightened but she ain't gonna be the kind to ever let you see her sweat --and that is dangerous!
As for FC: All it took was the previews of him wet from a shower with only a towel and then, later on, kissing his adult "Fernanda" at the end of the lead-in to the show to know I was in Heaven again. WHAT A SIGHT FOR THESE SORE EYES. Sorry, but in my book EY doesn't hold a candle to TMBMOE.

Anyway, it was a very well done first episodio and I know that 3 months or so into it in Mexico it's breaking records for share down there, so I think we'll be well compensated in the 8/9PM timeslot after 10 months of dreck.

Hi, Melinama! I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed this website and reading the recaps and comments ever since I discovered you all halfway through FELS. I'm now hooked for life! I promise to lurk less and comment more during MEPS to show my appreciation. Like many of you, I'm also enjoying Lucero as antagonista, but I loved her as the sweet young attorney, Andrea, in Mi Destino Eres Tu, which also featured Jorge Salinas (Oscar) as her love interest and Susana Zabaleta (Root) as his nasty wife. Thanks in advance to all you great recappers for the next 329 episodes of Manana es Para Siempre!

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