Tuesday, February 10, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon. & Tues., Feb, 2-3 - Isabel and PJ/S are off the hook for Andres' death but their relationship is revealed
Inidira retracts her accusation against Isabel. In the picture, Isabel is talking to her attorney and getting the good news that the charges have been dropped.

Gaetana's performance at the bar is interrupted by an unwelcome serenata from Evaristo.

There is a big party at the Donoso house in honor of Antonio's graduation from the University as an Industrial Engineer. Antonio goes into the study to thank the person responsible - PJ. Naturally, who should come out of the shadows in the study but PJ/S in his red shirt assuring Antonio that PJ would be very proud of him. They have a manly hug.

The next morning Angela gives her gift to Antonio - a new car.

Isabel tells Valeria that she has to leave the Donoso house and live her life. Valeria tells Isabel that it is logical that Isabel rejects her because she dared to love the men that Isabel was intereted in. "The men?" asks Isabel. Valeria says that she was always attracted to PJ and still feels a great affection for him. She will give up PJ/S but not PJ. (This scene could easily have been shot separately by the actresses playing Valeria and Isabel. They were never in the same frame.)

Tues. Feb., 3
Ángela, Antonio, Simón and Abigail go out dancing to celebrate Antonio's graduation and Ángela faints.

PJ (in his flannel pj's) is worried about Ángela but happy that Gaetana can continue renting the bar for another 6 months while she fends off Evaristo's attentions.

Felipe comes to see PJ/S and tries to find out who he really is. Is he a fraud or did he take over the body of some poor peasant? He says that if PJ/S did succeed in taking over someone else's body, he has an obligation to humanity and science to make that known. Naturally PJ/S (in his burgundy shirt and tie) doesn't want to talk about such a thing and when Felipe won't leave, PJ/S hits him.

The next morning PJ/S comes to see Ángela. He tells her to take care of herself and much to Ángela's confusion, provides details of Ángela's mother's death that he would have had no way of knowing. PJ/S leaves Ángela's room and seems to be about to go into Valeria's room when Isabel come out into the hall. PJ/S says that he doesn't want to bother Valeria; he wants to talk to Isabel. They go into Isabel's room observed by Walter.
PJ/S asks why Isabel wants Valeria to leave. She claims that the decision wasn't made in revenge but as future planning since sooner or later, she, Rebeca and Valeria will have to leave the house. PJ/S tells her that she and Valeria can't leave the house yet. PJ/S takes Isabel's face in his hands and says that he has been tied to her her from the first day he met her. Nothing and no one will separate them. Isabel asks him to tells her that they will marry. PJ/S tells Isabel that they can get married because the danger is past but he doesn't want her or Valeria to leave the house. Isabel wants to run away but PJ/S says that they don't have to hide. Isabel says that she will prove that she loves him and do it. They kiss and in walks Rebeca.

Labels: cuerpo
Gaetana's expressions were funny though. She is about the most interesting character on this novela.
I think it was during this week that Rebeca came to the factory to threaten PJ/S with what she knows about his past. Sure as shooting, this was another scene where they had an incredibly private conversation conducted right down on the shipping dock, with all kinds of people running hither & yon around them. Who does this? It's not as if he doesn't have a private office, for crying out loud...
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