Tuesday, February 17, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Wed.-Fri., Feb 11-13: Rebeca tries to kill PJ/S; PJ/S invited Gaetana and Matilda to his wedding
While PJ/S is asleep, he has a dream about the fight with Miguel. Here, the dream has woken him up.

Then we have a shower scene, which could be the same one they already showed but we don't care.

Gaetana tells PJ/S that she is worried about this happening again. PJ/S (in his purple shirt) says that it is inevitable. He only hopes that he has enough time to complete his mission. The rest is up to God. Gaetana says that she would be more at ease if she knew what the mission was but at that moment Matilda comes in and the opportunity is lost.
PJ/S goes out to dinner with Isabel. She says that in spite of the bruises, he looks very handsome. He suggests that that they put a bold face on their engagement and have a big party to announce their engagement. Isabel says that she likes challenges.
PJ/S tells Gaetana that if Salvador gets his body back, he won't give it up again and PJ will never return again.
Thurs. 2/12
The the big engagement party takes place. Afterwards, PJ/S refuses to stay with Isabel. He is leaving the Donoso house and there is some psychic tension and he turns and Rebeca is pointing a gun at him. She fires but misses.
PJ/S looks on with sardonic satisfaction as Rebeca is forced to confess how she pursued PJ/S. PJ/S tells Isabel that he wants Rebeca to stay at the Donoso house. Rebeca tells Walter that she has one more card to play.
Fri. 2/13
Ángela, Abigail, Antonio and Simón ask Isabel if she is going to bring PJ/S to live in the house. After what happened with Valeria and Rebeca, they are afraid that his presence will be even more disruptive than when Andrés lived there. Isabel asks what happened to all of their great affection for PJ/S. She says that she still has the right to live in the house and if they don't want to live with PJ/S, they should leave.
PJ/S invites Gaetana, Camilo, Lupe and Matilda to his wedding. He says that once he marries Isabel all the need for secrecy and mystery is over.
Cantalicia sees the picture of PJ/S and Isabel in the newspaper. She gets a neighbor to read the wedding notice to her. Cantalicia is destrozada.
The gang of four (Ángela, Abigail, Antonio and Simón) tell PJ/S that they don't want him to live at the house because of the conflicts that it will cause. PJ/S says that he won't give up on the people he loves. He asks for one month to show that he isn't an opportunist who is after their money. PJ/S says that he is here for a reason that he can't disclose.
Labels: cuerpo
CC - Agreed with you on the purpose behind the Newton Lake storyline. I also thought it was unusual for Mario to keep his shirt on during the fighting scene but maybe it was to avoid comparisons with the other beefy actor.
Marie Celeste - Good solution for the next Sal takeover: get PJ/S a GPS transmitter or tags with a message. Loved your "...please return me to Antonio in my big white house..."
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