Friday, February 06, 2009

FYI -- 30Rock does a telenovela

I loved this episode of 30Rock, in which Jack woos his girlfriend's grandmother by buying the Spanish language tv station to change her favorite telenovela (Los Amantes Clandestinos). Pretty cute! (Salma Hayek is the girlfriend.)


I haven't seen this yet (taped it) but thought I caught a glimpse of Jon Hamm in the preview as well. I can't wait to see it!

It was great--I saw it Thursday.
Alec Baldwin plays a part in the novela.

This is so funny. Thanks for posting the link.

OMG hilarious. Best 30Rock Ever.

Inside joke - NBC owns Telemundo.

Thanks so much for link. I only discovered 30Rock recently and have been making my way through the DVD's of past years. Just watched this recent one. Hilarious!!!!

I've never watched 30Rock, but I loved Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin on Saturday Night Live so I should start watching . I also love Jon Hamm on Mad Men.

Thanks for the 411 Melinama ;) I don't watch 30 Rock (I already watch waaaay more TV than I should) but I just had to watch this epi! They really do have a great cast and writing staff on that one.

Having TNs in shows is not new: Ugly Betty has TNs that the family watches (actually they might be one of the few shows that acknowledges the fact that they end because they keep changing the names as I recall - it's been a while since I've watched that one as well). House made fun of his friend Wilson who watched a TN called "El Fuego del Amor" to improve his Spanish and erased it from his Tivo (including the finale) as revenge for taking his guitar or something like that. In Psych, our fake detective went undercover as an actor for a TN for which a fan, much like the abuela in 30 Rock, had a hard time telling the plotline apart from reality. Actually a couple of folks started watching LT because that episode of Psych was re-broadcast in Spanish on Telemundo and they saw ads for LT. Guess our "prime time network" folks are starting to see the power of the TN ;)

Ok, I admit, Psych is not a network show, but the other two are ;)

Thank you for the link. I have never seen 30 Rock , it was hilarious. I know a grandmother like the one on 30 Rock, so it was so much fun for me to watch. When I was in Panama, just about every time I'd get into a taxi my conversation with the drivers were about novelas.
Liena, FL

I remember hearing a couple months back that Salma Hayek totally adores Alec Baldwin. She was distinctly effusive in her praise. Apparently, they get along really well together.

We got caught up on "30 Rock" dvd's over the holiday. I don't like waiting week-to-week for shows, so I guess I'll have to wait until the dvd's for this season come out to see them together.

(I happen to have some scans of Salma's Redbook photos; click the link at my name.)

Conan O'Brien also does a spoof of telenovelas. He is a riot, even speaks some Spanish. Very funny.

Thanks Melinama, this was a hoot! I occasionally watch 30 Rock but I had missed this episode.

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