Friday, February 06, 2009

Las Tontas Thurs 2/5 - Tonight's lessons: don't inject oil into your body and don't have lunch with insane ladies who look like dogs

Well, there are more lessons than just those two but we'll figure the rest out for ourselves.

From last night courtesy of Paula:
Outside Candy’s house, Gregoria, Alicia, and Candy have a lovely mother-daughter chat.

Alicia: Leave my husband alone or we’ll take your son.
Candy: He has amante, 2 sons, now me.
Alicia: He belongs to me.
Candy: You’re stupid!
Alicia: Look who's talking!

Over at the big house basement Charlie lounges on his mattress while Lucia reads a romantic tale to him, "I'll love you and be with you forever." Santi sneaks downstairs and eavesdrops on the romantic narrative. No Puede Ser!! Whew, he's relieved to discover they are just reading and not getting it on. Nevertheless the kids get scolded and after tonight Charlie must return home to his worried papa.

Next morning Santi and Charlie have a man to man talk. Charlie thinks if he accepts his father is gay then something might happen to him. Santi makes boogie man noises and tells Charlie to grow up, he's educated and lives in modern times. Fine then, Charlie says, he'll accept his dad is gay but he won't live with him.

Candy visits Patricio's office with a long tube in her hands. She sneaks into Pat's office and when he gets to work he's surprised to see Candy and a big sign above his desk, "Ask my forgiveness". He's incredulous, why should he? "You destroyed my life!" he reasons. They argue about who committed the greater treachery against the other and Candy insists she'll persecute him until he begs her forgiveness.

Speaking of treachery, Pilar the blackmailing patient is awake and Santi inspects her bubis and proclaims the operation was a success. She's delighted, she doesn't even feel any pain! But wait, she checks out her bubis and cries there's been a mistake, she ordered grapefruits and she's looking at a couple of raisins! She then notices there was no liposuction or butt implants. In typical telenovela fashion she admits she didn't have any money so she blackmailed him into operating on her by lying that he molested her and now he tricked her, boo hoo. Santi's nurse pulls a recorder out of her pocket and Santi holds it up. Busted, her entire confession is on tape! I still don't know why this random story line was included in the show.

Barbara and Ceci give Chayo some professional advice regarding her marriage to Eduardo, "Men never change." Babs tells Ceci that Chayo is just trying to fight for her marriage. Ceci asks how, by polishing the horns that adorn his head? (Referring to the saying poner cuernos or putting the horns on someone, i.e. cuckolding them.)

Pat refuses to apologize and Candy follows him downstairs yammering he'd better apologize blah blah blah. He says "You first". The guard's boom box is playing 'their' song ("Vivir sin aire" by Maná) and Candy sings along "But I can't, I feel like I'm dying, I'm suffocating without your love." Pat tries to turn the song off, she jumps in his way, they glare at each other with barely restrained emotion.

Now we have a silly and rather long scene with Hortensia in Santi's office. In short she tries to talk him out of seeing his next patient. She made the appointment over the phone but now that she sees the patient she's creeped out. Santi scolds her for being prejudiced, he treats all people no matter their physical appearance.

Horti escorts the patient in, a Miss or Mrs. Renata Hidalgo Sanchez, and we se that Ms. Sanchez is a transsexual.

Rocio and Marissa are having lunch out. Rocio announces she's number one in class and Marissa says in that case she has a surprise for her. Ta da, it's Marissa's ultrasound! The baby will be a perfect little boy just like Santi wants. Poor Rocio gets thoughtful and sad and thinks dad won't love her anymore. Marissa comforts Rocio by letting Rocio kiss her heavily made up face and preggy belly. Lunch with Marissa sucks.

Ding dong, Meño's household is getting a surprise visit from none other than Charlie's mom Laura. She bitches at Candy that Charlie is missing and it's all Meño's fault. She admits to Candy that she told Charlie his dad is gay. Candy tells Laura that in fact Charlie's disappearance is Laura's fault, not Meño's. Meño comes downstairs and tells Laura thanks to her his relationship with Charlie is lost. Laura spits back that if something happens to Charlie Meño will regret it. Duh.

Santi confirms that Renata is a transsexual and assumes she's consulting with him about a botched surgery. Renata corrects him, she didn't have surgery, she had oil injections in her bubis, butt and hips. (Yikes!) She couldn't afford plastic surgery so she went the cheap route and it all went horribly wrong and now she has many lumps in her bubis and her butt is terrible. Can Santi help her? He looks concerned and calls Horty to prepare the examination room.

In our PSA of the night Santi shares the bad news with Renata, since the oil was injected in numerous places it has traveled throughout her body. If he tries to remove the oil from her body she won't have any muscles under her skin. It's a very serious situation because the oil can affect her internal organs and her immune system. Renata cries that she doesn't want to die. Santi recommends that she consult an internal doctor but also her problem transcends the physical. He has a friend on the next floor who runs an institute for women. They have a psychologist and he's sure they can help Renata. They are altruistic and he can talk to them so money won't be a problem.

Meño and Laura's bickering is interrupted by the doorbell. It's Santi come to talk to Candy about his patient who was ruined by a charletan. He meets the rude and insulting Laura and reveals to the group that Charlie is fine and at his house. They all argue about Charlie. Laura wants him with her, the others think he should reflect on being more accepting of Meño. Santi starts singing some little song about Señor Patiño that I totally did not get. Meño finally puts his foot down, they will leave the kid with Santi so the doctor can work on Charlie's prejudices.

Back at the big house an understanding Lucia tries to help Charlie deal with the anger inside him. Santi shows up and drags Charlie and his duffel bag off to some secret location that Lucia doesn't get to know about.

Later that night Jaime and Isabel sing songs to a delighted Rocio. Jaime promises to give Rocio piano lessons and she asks if she can call him grandpa. Why are the happy scenes so short?

Santi's secret location turns out to be the club de abandonados. Drinks are served (Charlie gets milk) and the discussion turns to homosexuality, what causes it, how the guys deal with it, etc. Raul has a lot of gay friends, one abandonado says gays give him hives, Santi says homosexuals are just like anyone else. Charlie jumps up and shouts he can't stand them and doesn't want them near him! So much for mature conversation.

Over at Meño's place Pat visits Chava and brings him an arsenal of toy guns. Chava announces he likes Patricio as his dad and he's looking forward to a lot of gifts just like Beto gets. He says he would also like Santiago as a dad. Pat teases him and declares war unless he's the number 1 dad. Chava reconsiders and says since he wants Rocio as his novia then it won't work for Santi to be his dad so Pat is definitely the number 1 and only dad. Chava listens to Pat's heart and pronounces it good, then he shoots Pat in the butt with a ping pong ball.

Tha abandonados leave and Santi tells Charlie he's really disappointed in him for being so discriminatory. Does Charlie like Freddie Mercury? Elton John? Andy Warhol? (Charlie's wearing a Warhol t-shirt.) Well guess what, all gay. He instructs Charlie to spend the night at the apartment and reflect on his attitude, but hands off the niece and the booze!

Pat brags to Candy that Chava says he has a good heart. His son is marvelous...and Candy kept Chava from him all this time. Candy responds "why did you cheat on me with Soledad?" Again with the argument about who screwed whom and mutual refusal to apologize. Pat yells "I hate you I hate you I hate you I love you with all my heart." Candy bares her teeth and cries. Again the argument. She wants a divorce. He demands an apology. She knows about all his betrayals, Soledad, Alicia at his bachelor party, everything! She saved herself for a man with no heart. "Because you stole it!" he yells at her as she retreats into the house.

Back inside Candy complains to Meño that she's got her own problems yet she hears about relationship problems all day at work and she's sick of it. Meño is the sweetest guy ever, he's dealing with his own problems and all he can think about is making Candy feel better which he does. "Fuera Dolor!" She's a pain but she loves her uncle that's for sure.

Next morning Santi and Candy regroup and he tells her Charlie is staying at the bachelor pad apartment.

Raul teases Marissa about her growing belly. She nastily comments she'll end up like Lulu, then when she loses weight she'll look like a Shar Pei. (She already looks like a Boxer with Poodle ears so a Shar Pei's not such a stretch.) She cries to Raul about Santi not loving her then changes the subject to her wedding, she and Santi will make a beautiful couple. Whatever crazy lady.

Santi gives Candy the address and says she seems sad. She admits she had it out with Pat last night and he told her he hates her and loves her. She's afraid that Alicia will put it in Pat's head to take Chava away from her. Suddenly Santi's cell phone rings and who could it be but Pat wanting to get together for coffee, they need to talk. Santi agrees without letting Candy know who's on the phone. As he leaves he tells Candy it shatters him that Pat has told her he loves her.

Candy bites her lip and Pat sits in his car and sniffles while listening to Maná.

The ladies of the institute are sitting around wondering where Candy is, Ceci says it's empty without her. A meek-looking bespectacled man comes in and the girls frighten him with their attentiveness. Babs convinces him to have a seat and wait for Candy who will arrive shortly. He wrings his hands.

Pat asks since Santi lied about his friendship with Candy is there anything else to their relationship? Nope, just friends, answers Santi unconvincingly. Pat asks are there any other lies? Santi admits that the clown Chivic Chivi was Candy. And there's more, the nurse in his office? That was Candy. The secretary with the low voice, that was Candy too. Santi says Candy did all the hiding because she was afraid that Patricio would try to take her kid away from her. Patricio looks thoughtful and scary music plays.

Back at the institute nervous man tries to leave but three beautiful customers come in talking about how great the institute is so he decides to stay a little longer. Then they make him feel uncomfortable by saying he's a spy for their husbands so he changes his mind and tries to leave but Candy comes in and asks him how things are going with his wife. OK I recognize him now, he's the wimp from the restaurant. His wife is that bitchy lady and her name is Agatha and things are very bad at home.

Pat tells Santi he's not proud of what he did but at least he didn't leave like Candy did. Santi says yes Pato did leave the moment he decided to sleep with Candy's sister Alicia. Santiago's advice to Pat is to forget her, to leave and go far from Guadalajara and start a new life, it would be best for both of them. Nice try Santi.

Tomorrow: Santi tells Candy he loves her then he kisses her. Pato, stupidly dressed like a clown, sees them and gets pissed off.


Favorite part: When Chava listened to Pat's heart and proclaimed it good, no one had to explain to Pat what was going on. He already understood, to the point that he listened to Chava's heart. Santi understood Chava's reality after Chava explained it, but Pat understood without being told.

Least favorite part. Candy has two problems in her life, and she finds the burden overwhelming. She wants to run away and join the French Foreign Legion. (I'll buy your ticket, Tutz!) Two problems? That's too much for our "heroine."

Santiago, on the other hand, carries the weight of:
* an orphaned teenage daughter,
* an abandoned daughter who fears she'll be forgotten,
* a good friend who whines that his wife gets annoyed when he treats her like crap,
* a pregnant girlfriend he doesn't want, who is going off the rails,
* a basket-case half-orange who only lets him get close when she needs something from him,
* a little boy who is desperate for a father figure,
* any number of loca and suffering patients
* and a very capable rival who could very well take away the love of his life, a guy who considers Santiago his best buddy.

Santiago carries all that (other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?), and yet he never waivers. He CERTAINLY never whines!

Cap'n Sylvia: Excellent recap from beginning to end. Thank you for providing detail as several things happened that I couldn't follow, particularly the Ms. Sanchez storyline. It was nice to see Santiago treated her with the dignity and respect she deserved.

I put most of the unpleasant aspects of last night's show (most notably the Candy/Pat bickering) behind and tried to concentrate on what I like about this show. All of the younger children are a pure joy to watch. and I like any scenes Isabel and Lucia are in. Pat's scenes with his children are always great.

Would love to have a Meño in my life. As you noted Sylvia he "is the sweetest guy ever, he's dealing with his own problems and all he can think about is making Candy feel better which he does." What a treasure.

Paula, you also noted my favorite scene of Chava listening to Pat's heart. "...and proclaimed it good, no one had to explain to Pat what was going on. He already understood, to the point that he listened to Chava's heart. Santi understood Chava's reality after Chava explained it, but Pat understood without being told."

Diana in MA

Good morning Miss Sylvia...always love your no-holds-barred sense of humor. My favorite this time? "Lunch with Marissa sucks".

Seems to me she's is extremely pregnant looking....thought she was only supposed to be a couple of months along...she looks more like six or seven months to me. Not sure what kind of wedding gown would be best.

And of course slipping in that tidbit about Santiago being happy it's a boy because he can play soccer with him...and girls can't...was a sly nasty way of making Rocio feel even more insecure.

I find all the little PSA sermonettes in this one a bit wearing, but if it helps educate I guess I'm all for it. Do they do the same things on US soaps?

By the way, found a great new slang book...The Streetwise Spanish Survival Guide by Eleanor Hamer and Fernando Diez de Urdanivia by Skyhorse Press. I've bought several Streetwise Spanish books and been somewhat disappointed but this one is great and well-organized. I have a library copy but am probably going to buy it. It's great IMO.

Marissa's a complete witch, that's for sure. I thought she was supposed to be working at the institute and all about women but then when she's got the opportunity to help instill confidence in a young girl she makes that cruel and sexist comment about girls not playing soccer. Not even true, grrrrr.

I haven't watched any U.S. soaps in a while but I seem to recall they had plenty of PSAs.

Judy, thanks for the book tip. I believe I'll pick that one up.


Thanks for the recap. After tuning out for three weeks or so, I return to find this is even more of a hot mess. How are they going to reconcile all these jealous blended families in the end?

Thank you Sylvia for the great recap!
Marissa is getting creepier by the day! I felt sorry for Rocio at the luncheon. "Kiss my belly", yuck! Marissa is starting to remind me of Betty Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane".
Poor Santi, how is one person going to solve all these problems?

Carrie L.

Thanks, Sylvia, for an excellent recap. I loved your description of Marissa ("She already looks like a Boxer with Poodle ears so a Shar Pei's not such a stretch")! How true. Marissa is really getting nutty.

I guess the scene with Pilar was just to show that Santi can handle anything, and stays cool under pressure.

Paula, good list of the burdens Santi has to carry. There's also dealing with, and helping Charly, and that's no easy task.

It's interesting how each female character has a very specific style of dress, and they're all very different. Just want to say that I don't like Candy's typical outfit of long sweater or long blouse with a sweater - they make her shoulders look too thin. I LOVE Soledad's short shorts and high heels, even if they're not too practical. Chayo dresses way too conservatively for me. All the guys like whatever Alicia wears (and she always has to wear heels, 'cause she's shorter than most of the other ladies). Ceci has her distinctive manly style, and Lulu - well, at least she's not boring!

Marissa did cross the line with that snarky lunch with poor little Rocio. First Marissa is going to ship Lucia off to Europe so what is the plan now ship Rocio off to Pau. This woman is as seriously disturbed as her brother. Heaven help that child of hers.

I do wish Pat and Candy would grow up, take responsibility for their actions and stop acting like 14 year olds. That you beg my forgiveness routine was a stupid as the "you hang up first" phone conversations. SIGH!

I didn't put any stock in Pat not asking why Chava listened to his heart and proclaimed it good while Santi asked. I think Pat just goes with the flow and isn't deep enough to wonder about it, the little guy said he was good and that's enough for him.

There has to be a point to the blackmailing patient scene. It's an old dramatic trick have something minor happen which you ignore and then wham later on something happens and the dots get connect. Classic example is running through GH these days. There have been several references to one of the characters having a son he knows nothing about. This was months of go but the son has yet to appear. (There also seems to be a casting problem holding it up) But sooner or later he will appear. And yes JudyB American soaps do have PDA's but usually it will be after some story line like AIDS, Breast Cancer or Bi Polar disease and after the show for a few days the actors come out of character and mention where to go to get help. I've never seen one of those short bits that run through Novelas.

Thanks for the reminder of who that little guy was in the waiting room. I was wracking my brains trying to figure out where I'd seen him.

I think the blackmail was to show the contrast. Santi had said her boob size was perfect for her frame, but she whined later, "I am too poor and I need bigger boobs." So she used ugly extortion for something unnecessary.

OTOH, Ms Sanchez couldn't pay, but she truly did need medical help, and Santi said he and others would help her regardless of ability to pay.

Great recap Sylvia, I got all caught up again without having to go back and read up. So Candy being alive isn't a secret any more and Charlie knows that his dad is gay. Seems like in a month more should have happened! I think you did a great job on this recap, the writing was excellent.
I'm not ready to take back a recapping spot, but the wife and I are going to try and watch the new Fernando Colunga novela, hopefully I'll see some of you over there!

Hombre, one of the things I've learned from watching a few novelas now is that each character has a "uniform," in that their costumes always look the same, but they will be in different fabrics and colors. Each character is then immediately recognizable instead of all of them wearing ordinary street clothes.

Thanks for the recap Sylvia. Your lessons were fun as well. Poor Rocio!! ITA with decie girl regarding Marisa, the insane. If Santi ever gets the revelation that Marissa is harming his daughter, that could be what he needs to dump her.

Judy - you made a great point regarding Marissa being miserable means she'll take it out on anyone and everyone. And Lucia's happiness reminds her of her own bad situation as a teen. It's just Marissa is the adult and should pick on other adults.

Judy, Karen I agree with you about Marissa. In many ways both Pat and Marissa are stuck in the past. She can't get over what happened to her at 15 and Lucia reminds her of it albeit unintentional which fuels the bitterness and lack of self respect she felt as a teen.

Pat is stuck in the dream of his younger self with Candy. She has never grown older in his mind and neither has he. Unfortunately for him she has grown into a strong capable woman which she most likely would never have done if he hadn't been th skirt chaser he was/is.

Ferro...glad to know you'll be coming back with your wife to watching the 9 0'clock show. Hope it lives up to expectations...people have been waiting and anticipating for so long.

How's your adorable baby doing? And big brother?

Hey Ferro, great to hear from you and the family. You'll definitely see me over at Mañana.

Good luck with Manana. It's got a cast of thousands including our own Meester James/Raul. I might take a look at it later on as I'm curious to see St. Lucero as a villainess and who doesn't love an Alejandro Fernandez theme song.

My family is doing well, thanks! The baby is over a month old now, things change so fast. Apparently she looks a LOT like me (hopefully not when she's older, poor girl) - my father in law, over a grainy webcam/internet link from Mexico, even said holy crap she looks like her papa. My wife says babies look like their fathers so the men don't start cooking up conspiracy theories. So I guess in a novela there's no way this baby would turn out to be someone else's. She sleeps fairly well, but even getting up a couple times a night to change diapers is screwing with my sleep something awful. My wife, by default, has the 'food', so I get diaper duty. I have learned to do that while only being 5% awake so it's working out ok.

When does Manana start? I don't want to get distracted and miss the first episode!

Ferro You've got time. Manana begins Feb 23.

Phew I'm not too late. Thanks Decie.

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