Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tontas Tuesday Feb. 3 '09 Everybody's Walking "La Via Dolorosa" Tonight

Alternative title: What Goes 'Round Comes 'Round

Hope this doesn't offend anyone's religious sentiments, but I kept thinking of the Stations of the Cross tonight (Via Dolorosa) because of all the suffering and emotional flagellation going on. There's the obvious difference that we visit and remember Christ's sufferings for our sins while doing the stations, whereas these people revisit "stations" (decisions) in their lives that caused their own suffering and that of others. And the recurrent cry is "my fault, my fault" (mi culpa, mi culpa). Also a lot of flinging blame around to others...but we'll get to that in due time. First, the rehash.

Pato is at Soledad's house, asking about his favorite penalty kicker, Chava. He has leukemia answers Soledad. Patricio's stunned and saddened. But...he can die from that, right? No, says Candy, suddenly appearing. You can save him. In the space of a few seconds, Pato learns Candy is alive and that they have a son who is dying. I swear even a young man could have a heart attack trying to process news like that all of a sudden. He's angry of course and bewildered. How could she do this to him? She destroyed his life. And a son? How could they have a son?

New stuff: Remember my 18th birthday? Candy asks. And of course he does. The tender lovemaking on a rose-covered bed. Chava, at least, was conceived in love, rather than the drunken romp that led to Beto's arrival in this world. I want to see my son, Patricio continues angrily...OUR son...I WANT TO SEE HIM. Candy slips out the door. He turns to follow her but first gives Soledad an angry look as well, realizing that she knew all about Chava and Candy but didn't tell him. A tear slides down Soledad's cheek as the door closes. First staion of the cross. Multiple suffering.

Next station. Raúl and Marissa. She's letting him know she saw the fateful e-mail from Santiago telling Raúl that he'll do the right thing by Marissa and his baby but don't expect him to be happy, because he's giving up the woman he loves....Candy. Raúl of course assumes Marissa will give up her wedding plans but no way...she's decided she can't live without Santiago and is determined to have him at all costs.

Another station. Candy waits for Patricio to open the car door for her (even now she has that attitude of entitlement) and once in the car (which is always a very intimate venue for a man and woman. Just think back to your dating days) he remembers their rides as sweethearts....Candy singing a Mana song...and the memory is so poignant and powerful, he has to get out of the car and groan. Finally he gets back in and tells her that from now on, only their son counts. For him, she remains a ghost, a dead person.

Back to the unpleasant Raúl/Marissa scene. She's bad-mouthing Lucia and promising to take her down a peg or two once she's married to Santiago. She also decries Lucia's "empalagosa"(sickeningly sweet) romance with Charly. You mean...she's happy, right? answers Raúl gently. Like you were when you were 15 and in love. All Marissa wants is payback for her crappy life and that means Santiago. But the conversation leads her back to memories of her abortion. We see a very young girl, doubled over with cramps (I've had a miscarriage so I know how painful those contractions can be) while a brisk, and not particularly sympathetic nurse watches over her. Marissa assumes her boyfriend is waiting for her, but the nurse bluntly tells her that he left after handing over the money. No man's worth your tears, she adds, while the girl silently weeps from both emotional and physical pain. They get what they want and then they're gone. But you're young, you'll fall in love again. Next time just use protection.

He used me and then threw me away, Marissa tells Raúl angrily. He destroyed me. From now on I'll do the hurting.

A powerful and painful scene. We're left hoping that one day Chava will listen to Marissa's heart and find that she's a good person. But for now she's filled with resentment and vengeance.

After the ads (which tonight were a relief rather than an annoyance) we see Meño entering Charly's room, finding him gone and the closet empty. At least he has left his dad a note, saying "I don't want to force you to lie. Good-bye." Meño immediately goes into self-blame...The time came and I couldn't be honest. Mi culpa. Mi culpa. Another station of the cross.

At last, a somewhat light-hearted break. Donato is circling Tina in the kitchen trying to reassure her about the results of the tests. Don't worry...you're a good person. You'll be alright. Even good people get sick and die, retorts Tina. Well, I'll fix you a delicious dinner with three kisses, how about that. Really! And the kisses begin. First one cheek. Then the other. Then her mouth. Bof! Another kiss on the mouth. Another "bofetada" (slap) Donato figures it's worth it and takes his punishment gladly. This does not qualify as a station.

And a tender scene with Santiago, Rocio and Lucia singing together. Pretty off-key ("desafinado") to begin with, and some teasing about Santiago's alternative rock group but then Lucia sings a song her dad (Santiago's brother sang to her) and her voice is really lovely. The words are poignant "Reloj, deten tu camino porque mi vida apaga" (Clock, slow down because my life is slipping away).

The next scene is at the hospital and Patricio is impatient with the whole process. He doesn't want explanations of what's going to happen. Just do it. My son's life is in the balance. Candy is babbling her thanks but Pato silences her with a look as he dials his cellphone and tells Alicia to come to the hospital....and hurry! Gregoria enters the room, thanking God that Candy is finally there because Chava is asking for her. So Patricio's anger and pain increase as he learns that Gregoria knew Candy was alive also. Yes...but only recently, stammers Gregoria. She lied to me too.

Another light break. Jaime and Santiago are in his office. Clearly Jaime is there to tell him of his wedding plans but Santiago's having none of it. "Don't do a Beethoven" chides Jaime. (don't be deaf to my words) and of course, regardless of what Santiago says, Jaime's going to marry his mom. Punto.

The doctor reassures Chava about the procedure (Just imagine you're in a space ship). Patricio learns from Alicia's reaction that she too knew about Candy. Everybody but stupid Patricio, he mutters angrily. Santiago greets Candy in the hallway and hands her a rosary that comforted him when his father was undergoing an operation. And of course he asks about Pato's reaction to the news and tries to reassure her that while he doesn't know Pato well, he really doesn't think he'll try to take her son.

Pato is indeed a good match for Chava and Candy at his bedside stammers her gratitude, adding that she'd give anything to be in his place. Alicia stomps in, marks her territory by pushing Candy aside, kissing Patricio and giving little sis the LOOK. (nice try Alicia, but you've already lost this battle). Then Gregoria arrives, kisses Candy as she's on her way out (further enraging Alicia) who then goes on to say I don't care a thing about that kid. I'm only going along with this because it's important to Patricio. Big slap from Gregoria.

Lots of pain being passed around here. Physical and emotional. And lots of stations still to go, alas.

Everybody's pacing around, waiting for the surgery. Once Patricio's part is over, Alicia wants him to leave with her but he refuses. He wants to stay for his son, naturally. But it's not natural to her and she's angry and frustrated, angry that he never listens to her or considers HER feelings. Basta! enough, he shouts. I'm staying.

An odd shift here where Candy is back at home (this makes no sense...in real life she would never leave the hospital at this time) listening to Meño lamenting the rupture with Charly. He suffered so much when his own family rejected him...but being rejected by his son is even worse. Candy is somewhat dismissive. Well, if Charlie's prejudiced he'll just have to change. People who discriminate are never happy. This fails to comfort Meño who hates seeing his son suffer because of his fault...more cries of "mi culpa, mi culpa".

Then we have a little twin scene format so dear to the heart of telenovelists. Lucia goes down to the basement with a tray, trying to get Charly to eat. He angrily refuses. And Candy's outside Meño's door with a tray trying the same thing with the same results. Nada. Leave me alone.

Pato has also left the hospital, running, trying to work off his emotional storm with physical exertion (this part makes perfect sense to me). He remembers the romance, the wedding, the fateful kiss, the rupture, the news of her death, her ashes, the brutal reality of finding her alive and learning a son he didn't know he had is dying of leukemia...and suddenly he breaks out in shouts of gratitude, laughter, weeping and more Gracias Diosito, gracias, gracias. Candy's alive! Candy's alive!

I loved that scene. It seemed real to me and well-acted. When Patricio is trying to act stunned, I'm afraid those chipmunk teeth ruin it . But this exhuberant flailing happiness he did well.

Candy now calls Charly's mom to see if she's heard from him, alarming her and bringing forth more cries of it's all Meño's fault. Then Santiago arrives to take Candy to the hospital and we see Alicia at home, going through Patricio's old photos of him with Candy and setting fire to them. More stations, more suffering.

Well it's THAT TIME. You know .......the long chat with the Virgencita. Candy's in the hospital chapel briefly acknowledging her faults (I know I've been thoughtless and hurt a lot of people) and remembering Chava's birth and Meño gentle remonstrances about her lies;and how Chava was named Salvador because he saved her life and gave her a reason for living. And you know what it is to lose a son, she reminds the Virgin, you know the infinite pain, so you must save him. If I could, I'd take his place. But care for him, Virgincita, care for him.

Santiago comes into the chapel, sits beside her. Tells he he's here for her and will be here for her. She leans her head on his shoulder. Patricio enters. The final betrayal. Even his "hermano" Santiago knew about Candy. And in spite of knowing how Patricio suffered from her death, didn't tell him "the secret". Pato storms out. Santiago tells Candy to follow him. After she leaves, he looks sideways at the Virgincita as if to say "Now what?" Indeed.

Meño calls Lucia to see if she knows Charly's whereabouts. She lies and says she doesn't. Well if you do, tell him I need to see him immediately, pleads Meño and then looks sadly at a photo Charly took of them in chefs' hats with his cellphone. Good times. Gone forever? Who knows.
This sad scene is capped by an angry telephone conversation with Charly's mother. He's MY son. In your life he was just an accident. Everything's YOUR fault. "Mi culpa, mi culpa" echoes Meño sadly.

Surgery on Chava is about to begin. Patricio is remembering his times with the little guy, playing soccer, asking for his help with Beto, going to the game with the two of them, wrapping his arms around them affectionately. Candy and Meño are encouraging the little guy, explaining they can't be with him in the operating room but will be praying for him. And he should pray too. "God bless you. I love you." The universal words of comfort and support.

And herewith endeth the lesson for tonight.

Previews: Candy sees Patricio leaning tenderly over Chava as he is in recovery.
Alicia is angrily stating that Patricio is HER husband. Actually, I'm still married to Candy, he replies flatly.


empalagosa = sickly sweet, gooey, cloying
apagar = to go out, as in a light going out
la verdad sale a flote = the truth comes out in a big way
bofetada = slap, punch
desafinado = off-key


Thanks for the recap Judy. Your theme was very appropriate. I couldn't get over Candy saying repeatedly to Pat "the only thing that's important is our son." I guess her self-centeredness can work in her favor as she won't allow herself to process all that Pat is going through. As you noted even a healthy young man could have a heart attack after the bombs she dropped on him.

One more thing about Pat. I haven't been a fan of his (even though Alicia wretched, he's an awful spouse who keeps cheating on her) but his reaction to Candy's resurrection (keeping with the religious theme) was nice. As he is processing his own hurt, he could actually be thankful she was alive. It showed he has a capacity towards forgiveness that Candy still has yet to attain.

And its going to get very ugly with Marissa; her vendetta against Lucia is very disturbing to me. Be mad at Candy and Santi but leave the children out of this. It's fascinating to me how even in comedic novela they have these dark aspects (pretending you are dead) and really damaged characters that do really mean things (Alicia). I feel I'm expecting a murder.

Actually I thought the scene with Pat out of the hospital and running like a fool was way over the top. He had just had a procedure on his spine which is painful and he is up and running. Looks like Chava will be back playing football by the end of the week if that scene was any indication.

In any event thank God for this blog. I'm in Tucson and our freaking cable companies are driving me mad. I had it set for the show but when I checked it was half over and no recording so I only got there in time for the scene with Alicia and Mommy Dearest.

I honestly don't get Marissa's vengeful feelings toward Lucia. I guess even loco's like her can sense they can't fool all of the people all of the time. Just as I suspected Marissa is going to hang on to Santi come hell or high water.

I will say I almost lost it when Chava was being wheeled to the operating room and he lifted his little hand and waved good bye.

Thanks JudyB. Once again you created an amazingly sensible and well-formulated recap out of the seemingly haphazard scenes. I mean really, Marissa waits two weeks (at least) to bitch about Santi's email? I doubt it. Probably bad editing.

So was this the night to badmouth the kiddies? Marissa against Lucia and Alicia against Chava, what a couple of perras!

Speaking of perra, I'm kind of beginning to like Candy's mom even thought there is still a lot to dislike about her. What's wrong with me? (Oh yeah, she slapped Alicia.)

I quite liked Patricio's scene at the end. He had a whole episode of being angry with Candy (and really, who wouldn't be) but at the end his true feelings came out, he's happy she's alive. I guess this is where he and Santiago start battling for her affections, right? Maybe Chava will take after dad and he'll be up and running around in no time.

Karen, a murder? Oy, I hope not, that's one bad thing we've managed to avoid so far.

Thanks Judy!!

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I say, "Go Pat, Go!" FINALLY someone had the pelotes to stand up to Candy! Finally someone who didn't just say, "Oh Candy,
maybe you should..,
perhaps you would..,
don't you think you could..,
how about if we..,
I hope you don't mind if I..,
it might be nice if you..,
I wish you would try to..,"
and all the other things that have kept Miss Centro de Universo on her throne.

For once she got a taste of her own chocolate! For once,
someone else pushed her around,
someone ranted at her,
someone didn't give a rat's about her pain because he was too consumed by his own.
For once she didn't trot out her threadbare mantra, "When I opened the door.."

For the first time in 43 episodes, the champion of Belleze Interior took a moment to recognize someone else's pain instead of wallowing in her own. In fact, I think she even felt a little guilt.

I say, "HOORAY FOR PAT!" It's about time!

Rant finished. Judy, nicely done. You're always so good at those unifying themes. It pulls the package together better.

Oh my....such a diversity of opinion. When I'm just sitting in my own head, I figure there's only one way to react to a scene, and then I get to read your comments and realize I'm wrong.

Let me elaborate a little on what I felt last night. Patricio's exultation (which I believe could override physical pain, by the way. My joint pain, which can be severe, goes away when I dance...) but anyway, the exultation came not only because Candy was alive but because the terrible crushing guilt of believing he had caused someone's death had just been lifted. Can you believe how fantastic that would feel?! Truly like being born again. So that's my belief for his ability to run, even after that procedure.

Now, strangely enough,I CAN understand Marissa's ugly reaction to Lucia. Marissa, when in love as an adolescent, had no family to protect and love her (parents dead, Raul away at university) either before the pregnancy or after the abortion. I have done some counseling with young women who are regretting their abortion and the psychological damage can be extreme (not in all but some). When you are deeply unhappy, it's all too natural to see someone else in a similar situation, seemingly surrounded with all that you lacked and thriving on it and HATE them. Jealously and envy are ugly. But there's a little bit in all of us...and a lot in poor Marissa right now. A woman's body is physically created to create and nurture a fetus until it's ready to be born. When you go against that, the repercussions can be severe and long-lasting. Mind you...I'm not against legal abortion. I wish it weren't necessary but I know in many cases it is. I just know up close the damage it can do.

And there are many moments when I sympathize with Candy's mom. They give her scenes where she's obnoxious (like with Meño) but others where even if she's tetchy it's understandable, given the circumstances. You sense she's thriving on cooking for her crazy quilt family, doing the dishes and feeling part of something once again. She's not ALL bad. No one is in this telenovela (although Decie Girl might argue tht Patricio is. Would you?)

Judy: Leave it to you to find the perfect point of reference for this episode: the Stations of the Cross. It was a lovely recap and I really enjoyed your insightful comments.

Marissa is lamenting her pain and loss of a child and is (consciously or unconsciously) taking it out on Lucia. Raúl captured it with: "You mean...she's happy, right? answers Raúl gently. Like you were when you were 15 and in love." Marissa is blinded by her pain right now but I'm still hoping for her redemption.

I agree with you Judy and Karen that Pat had a tremedous shock made even more difficult as everyone seemed to know Candy was alive except for him. Everyone in Pat's world deceived him. He has his faults but he didn't deserve to think his wife was dead and to have a son he knew nothing about. I would like to see him with either Candy or Soledad so he could be a live in father to at least one of his sons whom he obviously adores.

Sylvia, Gregoria is starting to soften and is on the road to becoming a better person. I can't imagine being positioned between her 2 daughters the way she been. Not to mention thinking one of them was dead for years...

Great comments from everyone and it's only 7:49! Can't wait to read the rest. Diana in MA

Judy: I forgot to note great vocabulary too today - thank you. Diana in MA

Yes, Diana...the most fun of these recaps is reading everyone's comments. We have a great mix of people (and the other blog lines do as well). Fun to all be learning the language together and still be free to rant now and then.

I've been haunted by the concept of Stations of the Cross ever since this novela began. But a line from the song Tiempos fits this story as well. " La vida es un Rosario y sus cuentos un recuerdo" ...Life is a Rosary and each bead a memory. As they work their way through those beads, prayers and memories, hopefully there will be spiritual redemption. Everyone in this novela needs it in some form or another...and of course we do too.

Wow Judy, what a perceptive recap of an intense, emotional episode. And Paula, don't be reticent, tell us what you really think of Candy.

I have one word for all of the characters (with the possible exception of Santiago) : butch up! OK, 2 words.


I'm with Judy on Pat being thankful Candy is alive. I think he's just relieved to know that it wasn't his fault she was dead. I am not a fan of Pat at all, though. I can barely stand looking at him with those little needle teeth of his and that weird hair. Unfortunately it's not just his character as Pat, I've never like Valentino Lanus in anything I've ever seen him in.

Now would you like to know how I really feel? LOL

Excellent recap, Judy. The stations theme tied it all together very well. I'm especially grateful you told us what Marissa said, because I often can't understand her when she talks a mile a minute (or maybe I'm just staring at that hair!).

It's sadly ironic that Meño has lost Charly (hopefully, just temporarily) not due to the fact that Meño is gay, but because of his lying about it. Of course, he was rightfully worried that if he had told the truth, Charly would have left, but just like most of the other characters, keeping these big secrets doesn't seem to work out in the end.

I personally was surprised that Pat was initially angry at Candy, although reading the comments I understand it better. I just thought he'd immediately be happy to see her, since he sort of kept hoping to see her through all the near misses. Now he's relieved that she's alive, and so far he says he cares only about Chava. But I don't think it'll be too long before he's trying to rekindle what he had with Candy 7 years ago. The question is, how will she react?

Hey Carlos...that's my favorite pic so far. You and your mascota are looking very wise and relaxed, hombre. And I loved the "butch up!"

Melissa...that's a new one...little needle teeth...hmmm...makes me think of nibble nibble which can be fun...but not if you hate his hair as well. So it's Santiago for you all the way, eh?

Well I'm perfectly fine with Pato ending up with Soledad. And Santiago with Candy. And all the kids happy and healthy.

And Marissa and Raul just need to go away...or get healthy emotionally. Neither one of them is right now.

And of course, we want you ALL to say how you really feel. This is Rant Central. Get it out here and then you can be nice to friends and family. That's how my aerobics class works for me too. Without that Sweat Lodge effect I might be a homicidal maniac.

Missed your comment Hombre while I was writing mine. I have to say if someone had made me suffer loss, pain and guilt like Candy did...and then I found out she was alive and well, I probably would have wanted to rip her throat out. (see, I wasn't kidding about the homicidal maniac part). I thought the shading and fluctuation of his emotions was realistic and well done. But again, opinions vary.

Yes, the Charly/Meño split was tough and would have happened no matter what. But at least if Meño had been honest, he could have dealt with the hurt without loading self-reproach on top. Of course we know that eventually Charly will see the light and accept and love Meño for who he is...his dad...no matter what.

In fact, that's my favorite definition of love...to LOVE NO MATTER WHAT. Doesn't mean you put up with everything...but you do love.

What a brilliant recap, Judy! Somehow you always make sense of it all.

I'm glad all these secrets are finally out in the open; I think the fallout is way more interesting and entertaining than the constant near-misses and lies. Pato is actually one of my favorite characters...well, other than Santiago. He's very complex. The ladies all seem kind of one-dimensional.

Marissa vs. Lucía. Santiago is becoming Mar's obsession, the object of her desparation. She loves him although in a very selfish love.

Santi is hurting her bad. It's natural to hate him for treating her that way. But her psyche won't allow her to hate him. But the hate is still there. So she redirects it to whom Santi loves instead. The other reasons you mentioned - happy 15 yo - make her a handy target. If she can hurt Luc, that will hurt Santi and her subconscious will feast on revenge toward him, while her conscious can keep claiming "I love Santi, I hate Luc." If I'm right, then Rocío will be the next object of her hate, and ugly it will be.

That's an interesting observation, Julia...that the ladies all seem one-dimensional. I would agree, with the exception of Isabella, Santiago's mom...and maybe Gregoria. Of course those are the supporting parts, not the main roles. And I'm sure you were thinking of Candy, Marissa and Alicia, right?

Paula, good call on Rocio and we've already seen some of that. Marissa's cruelty in hiding the dog and her muttering about how kids are such brats after Rocio had run upstairs one day. Marissa doesn't love anybody. And she loathes herself. So the only way is up...or total disaster.

Melissa I too dislike VL and always have. He consistently plays the same kind of character and I don't find him attractive. Did you see him in the awful Innocente de Ti?

As for me thinking Pat is all bad I actually don't. What I do think is that he is a self centered, over sexed, one track mind pri**. That said he does seem to love Candy as much as someone so shallow can and he does appear to truly love his kids. He has had to deal with difficult parents and he hasn't lived up to their expectations which may make him what he is.

I actually don't see Santi and Pat battling it out for Candy. Santi knows that Pat loves Candy and is in fact married to her. He also knows that like it or not he has obligations to Marissa. I think he will stand back and try to remain just a good, close confidant for Candy.

Since this is Novelaland and things haven't been too heavy handed and dark I can only see very bad things headed everyone's way. Candy may have taken the first hit with Chava but everyone else is till living in a pretty rosy world.

Yikes...very bad things headed everyone's way. Now you've got me worried, Decie Girl.

Although I do remember, back in Fea days, when they did that very cruel replay of Lety's quinceañera that the title of the recap was "And I thought this was supposed to be a comedy".

The only thing I liked about this one so far was the absence of too much awfulness going on but I guess that's too much to ask.

Heading for my bomb shelter now...

Judy, It's just with so many novelas under my belt I recognize the signs. It's all been pretty much sweet and light and there are several months to go ergo bad stuff has to happen. Also in most novelas people have to learn and grow and you can't do that if everything is all hunky dory all the time. Just so long as there are no murders, kidnappings, fatal accidents. I'll be fine with it and look forward to however it ends.

Ah...not only in novelas, Decie Girl. In real life we don't grow and get stronger if everything is hunky dory all the time. Will have to remember that the next time the s*** hits the fan.

Decie girl - I didn't see Innocente de Ti, but even in the small part VL had in Alborada he annoyed me. I could bear the thought of watching Amar Sin Limite because of him either.

He always plays a whining character that wants something he can't have.

LOL Melissa...there were SO many reasons not to watch Amar Sin Limites. I used to feel really sorry for the team condemned to recap that travesty. And also used to feel sorry for the FELS recappers but folks are having a blast during these ultimas semanas, I'd say.

Yeah, at least people aren't getting murdered left and right on this show (and let's keep it that way!). The body count on ASL was out of control. The only reason I watched, really, was to see Arnaldo (currently appearing as Eduardo on Cuidado). Does anyone know what's become of our favorite tialoving abuelokiller? Has he been in anything recently?

I think he's in an afternoon show, Julia...maybe it's Juro que te amo or something like that.

JudyB, that was a very insightful statement you made about Marissa loathing herself and not really liking anyone else. As a child I was taught that in order to love others one must "love" one's self ("love" meaning self respect and general contentment as opposed to narcissism). I think you hit the nail on the head with Marissa, her self-loathing makes it impossible for her to love others and she certainly can't put others first. She claims to love Santi but even in that relationship it's all about her. She even proposed to herself and provided her own ring. He's more an addendum than a life partner. He deserves better.

You are a genius recap author. The stations of the cross. I'm Jewish but I understand the power of the ritual and the comparison to this episode. I also appreciate the Spanish lessons

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