Monday, March 02, 2009

Doña Barbara, Mon. March 2 -

Melquíades confesses to the murder of BP and trying to kill Santos. Santos tells the judge that he has no alternative to releasing DB.

The doctor (this actor played a doctor on La Traición, too) tells Antonio that his recommendation is that Lucía have a therapeutic abortion. Antonio asks if there is any alternative. The doctor says no. Lucía refuses. She says that her child will be born. She has to be born.

Melesio says that María Nieves and Altagracia can get married and without delay since he guesses that she she has thrown her bonnet over the windmill as they used to say.

The judge signs DB's release order and tells Santos not to darken his door again. When Santos leaves, the judge says that he is going to have a big problem with the Don.

Melquíades gives DB some advice before he is taken to jail. He tells her that he won't leave her alone for too long and to watch out for the Los Mondragón because they have changed bosses.

El Sapo offers to pay for dresses that Marisela is looking at in a store.

Someone is stealing cattle from Don Encarnación and the trail leads back to El Miedo. DE concludes that DB is responsible.

Marisela throws the dress at Sapo and tells him that he should be glad her boyfriend Santos Luzardo isn't there or he would be arrested for lack of respect. She stomps out calling him a pig.

Santos takes DB back to the hotel. She thinks things are back to the way they were with Santos but he asks her who Fidell Castell is.

Marisela tells herself that she has seen El Sapo's face somewhere before but she can't remember where.

El Sapo is confused about Santos. He says that he wants to get to know him. (I thought he had already put a hit out on Santos.)

DB pretends that she hasn't heard of Fidell Castell. She is saved from having to answer by the appearance of Marisela. DB is impactada. Santos tells DB that Marisela came with him and she will stay with him. DB calles them traitors.

Pajarote calls MN a traitor and MN tells him to hurry up and get his ternera.

Genoveva is down in the dumps because she doesn't have a boyfriend. She asks for advice from the other terneras and they all start to talk at once.

Santos calls Gonzalo and asks him to find out what he can about Fidell Castell.

A soldier tells El Sapo about Santos. The lieutenant says that Sapo is an idealisitic romantic. He is like the gentlemen of the past with his rectitude and attachment to the law and justice. El Sapo asks how a guy like Santos got invovled with DB. The lieutenant say that everyone knows that DB is a witch. He says that no one she gets her claws in escapes. El Sapo points out that Santos seemed to have escaped and the soldier says that Santos is also very tenacious. When he takes on something, he sees it through.

Antonio thinks that Lucía should put her life before the baby's but she thinks otherwise. She wants Antonio to promise that if he has to choose between the baby and her, he will choose the baby. Antonio is saved from having to promise by meeting Marisela and Santos.

El Sapo tells the lieutenant that he has to do something to get Santos to open his eyes. He says that he has an old memory that will work. The judge arrives and confesses to El Sapo that he had no choice but to release DB from prison. El Sapo is furious. He hits the judge and calls him an idiot, tells him to go away and wait for more instructions. Fausto tells El Sapo that Melquíades is dangerous and El Sapos orders that he be eliminated. El Sapo is more interested in learning about Santos. Fausto says that Santos has behaved very strangely. They sent him the diary so he could use it against DB and he didn't use it. El Sapo tells Fausto to send for Guerrero, the soldier who told them about how he was served 'Arroz con Meléndez.' He might be able to tell El Sapo more about Santos.

Marisela tells Santos about the gross old guy she saw in the store. She is sure that she has seen him somewhere before.

Genoveva tells Santos and Marisela that MN is going to marry Altagracia. Genoveva tells Marisela that she is afraid of turning into an old maid. Marisela comforts her.

In a very funny scene, MN and Altagracia come to see Bartolo. They find him reading pornography. Altagracia tells Bartolo that they have come to give him two pieces of news: one good and one bad. The dim Bartolo can't see what is going on but Mujica knows right away. He tells Bartolo that he told him before that he would never end up with someone as beautiful as Altagracia. Now Bartolo has been touched by the bad luck of the Mujicas in love. Altagracia tells Bartolo that the good new news is that she is getting married and the bad news is that she isn't going to marry Bartolo. She is going to marry MN.

DB runs into Acosta in the street. She tells him to tell Pernalete and Mujica that they should be careful because she is back and more dangerous than ever.

Altagracia tells Bartolo that she is sure that he will find another girl who is more hygenic than she is. She says that MN is not at all afraid of germs and she and MN proceed to french kiss while Bartolo watches in a combination of fascination and disgust. When they leave, Bartolo starts to cry and Mujica reminds Bartolo that he taught him that big boys don't cry. At this moment Acosta drops the bombshell that DB is free and is furious. Mujica says that he and Pernalete are dead men.

DB returns to El Miedo and has a joyous reunion with Eustaquia. DB tells Eustaquia how Melquíades sacrificed himself for her. She says that Santos and Marisela are traitors. Then she asks where everybody, Los Mondragón, in particular, are.

Los Mondragón are celebrating the fact that they are making it look like DB stole cattle but they don't have to share any of the money with her.

Antonio tells Santos how hard it is to put on a good face while Lucía gets worse every day.

Oops, ran out of time. See y'all when I get back.


OK, I will add some to Jean's fine recap as a comment.

Santos and Antonio discuss Lucía's decision to proceed with the pregnancy. Santos asks if he loves her. Antonio says he does; he now understands how Cecilia felt about Lorenzo. I interpreted this to mean there's more than one kind of love and his toward Lucía is like that of Cecelia toward Lorenzo, fond, but that's all.

While DB and Eustachia are talking about DB's feelings about Marisela and Santos, Leon and Tigre Mondragon stride into the house. They are, to say the least, impactados to see a smiling DB in her usual spot. She's very sweet to them, reminds them she's the one who clothed and shod them and sends them to the kitchen for food. Eustachia is surpised but DB says "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

Marisela gets together with the other terneras and plans her "Shakespeare plot". We thought Pajarote and Genoveva were like Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing. This is Marisela's plan. To have Genoveva and Pajarote overhear the terneras and the guys as well saying that the other person is madly in love with them.

DB sends Juan Primito to Altamira with a message that, if Marisela loves Santos, she should come to El Miedo to see her mother. She tries the guilt trip again. You have a debt. Marisela responds that she saved her life twice and that they're even. DB responds that she gave her life. Marisela says she didn't ask for it. DB tells her that a good daughter would do it. Marisela says she could have been a good daughter if she'd had a good mother. DB accuses her of being vengeful. Marisela responds that she doesn't need revenge and she doesn't need the property either. "Here you are, and here you can stay as long as you wish. But don't ever forget that this is the hacienda of Los Barquero." DB asks why she did the lawsuit and Marisela responds it was for her father's dignity, even though he's gone. And now it's DB's turn to live on her charity.

Don Encarnación is ready to give up and sell. Tigre and Leon have stolen more than 40 cattle the night before. Antonio suggests bringing it before the Cattlemen's Association.

Fausto reports to El Sapo that the Mondragones began their work last night, the "encomienda" got to Santos Luzardo (a package?) and the Indian is neutralized.

The guard comes to Melquiades cell, notices his tray from the last meal is still there and says something to him. When there's no response he approaches the bunk to teach him some respect. Melquiades is hiding underneath the bottom bunk, jerks the guy off his feet and proceeds to strangle him with some beads.

DB is still trying to get to Marisela. She says she's only doing well with Santos because they had a fight, but she'll get him back. Marisela gives it to her good: "I gave him to you for a year so you could learn to be happy with him. I disappeared. But he looked for me because he was not happy with you." DB says that Marisela is her enemy. Eustachia, overhearing this, slumps down weakly, saying: She is your daughter.

Santos is opening mail: bills, bills, and then an envelope. It contains a photo of the 5 rapists. Wasn't too clear, but it looked like perhaps El Sapo had a bandanna around his face, but you could see the other guys clearly.

Great job finishing up my recap, novelera. I'm in the Atlanta airport waiting for my flight to Caracas.

THANK YOU LADIES!!! I would be so lost without you.

I hope you have a great trip Jean. Bon Voyage and we eagerly await your return. I think there can be no better sub for you than Novelera.

Between Jean's amazing recaps and Novelera's unique literary perspective we readers have been fortunate indeed.

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