Friday, March 20, 2009

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Thurs., March 19 - Walter shoots the wrong guy; Valeria and Rebeca leave; Salvador wakes up

Tía Rebeca finally leaves the Donoso house but she keeps seeing PJ/S and PJ.

Walter sneaks into the hospital and shoots and kills a patient but fortunately it's some other guy with really long hair. He is arrested.

Ángela comes home with the baby.

Gaetana goes to see PJ/S.

Valeria leaves the Donoso house to start a new life and everyone, especially Simón, is upset.

It's Salvador who is back in the body when he wakes up and no one understands what is going on.

The doctor tells Salvador that he can go back to the nice house or to an institution.


Jean, thank you for your time, dedication and hard work. I don't know how you have managed to do these summaries and pictures by yourself for so many days. I have enjoyed and appreciated them all.

Even though he is no longer Pedro Jose, I have grown fond of Salvador, especially after he helped the little boy in the Newton Lake episode. (Ha,I guess I'm really fond of him because he's Mario.)

I'm enjoying Walter and the Tia getting what they deserve.


Thanks, Jean. How many episodes are left ? I haven't been able to watch, but I appreciate your recaps and photos. [I'm watching DB and Manana es para siempre....that's enough !!!]

One episode left, Susanlynn - today's.

Thanks for everyone's nice comments. It's been fun and I will be sorry to have the Mario Marathon end. And I will get back to recapping LT.

You have really gone above & beyond with the year-plus-long "Mariothon". Know that we are so incredibly grateful for all you've done - and continue to do! :-)

In this episode, did anybody else get the shock of their life when, at the hospital after he shot the wrong man, the cop who came for Walter rousted him out of sleep by saying, "Hey buddy, wake up" in English?!?!! We know this show was shot in Miami, but I never really thought we were supposed to assume the story took place in an English- speaking country, so hearing that brief bit of English kind of knocked me for a loop.

The other thing that frustrated me in this episode was why did Gaetana never visit Salvador in the hospital? She may have sensed that he was no longer PJ, but I guess if I were her that would've been all the more reason for me to be with him. If the rest of the family didn't have a clue as to the reason for his personality change, she'd have been an awfully big help in filling in the blanks. Of course, there wasn't much love between her & the Donoso family, so perhaps that history was enough to make her stay away. Still, poor Salvador could have used someone around that knew what was going on, and she would also have been a familiar face.

Speaking of knowing what was going on, it also frustrated me that Antonio didn't step up more with what he knew. He kind of just sat on his hands & played dumb. (Honestly, sometimes I think everyone gives Antonio too much credit. Seems to me the smartest thing he ever did was get Angela pregnant. ;-)

Thank you so much for your recaps Jean. I've enjoyed reading them immensely and I can't wait for you to also get back to LT.

Salvador deserves to be happy. In the Newton lake saga when he first stopped the old people's car, you could make out he was terrified. He's not used to being out of his home and he just doesn't know what to do.

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