Friday, March 20, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, March 19, 2009, The Adventures of Nanda in No Nana Land

Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning and have a great day. Will some kind, smart person out there please post this recap to the sidebar. Thank you.

Also, FYI – I will probably be a better person after this novela is over if the captions continue to have dementia. Meanwhile, I’m wading through it all without my safety net.

Lucio, who thinks he can beat Barb at her own game, is reassuring her of his loyalty, and tells her, he’ll keep his mouth shut – especially not talk to her husband about her “indiscretions.”

Gonzo is looking for somebody.

Barb says – what’s the catch – what do you want. She wants to be absolutely sure she can count on him. What an idiot. Why do these guys all tip their hand to the bad guys. She dangles a house, cows, etc in front of him. Like a fool, he bites the bait. She admits that he’s not as stupid as she had thought. She promises to give him whatever he wants in exchange for his loyalty. He also offers her “friendship.” She sees Gonzo coming and hides behind the limo. Gonzo calls Lucio who steps to the other side of the vehicle to draw Gonzo’s attention away from where Barb is hiding. Gonzo keeps asking Lucio questions and finally asks Lucio if he’s been drinking. Lucio, who’s, acting stupid, says yes, just a little. Gonzo tells him to go home and rest and not to drive.

Barb orders Lucio to do as ordered – look for Jacinto.

Meanwhile, Jacinto is in a cantina drinking more tequila. Martina and friend are getting ready for the night – Martina is worried about Jacinto and her father, who just happens to be at home making coffee. Daddy finds a box that he thinks contains cookies. The cookies are gone, but something is inside the tin. He doesn’t know what it is, and neither do we. Looks like we have another mysterious treasure box.

Back at the wedding, the guests look like they’re having a good time. Damian is still there. Ed is feeding Anibal, Priscilla and Camilo a good line when Erika enters the picture. She’s drunk. Ed gives her a long look and introduces himself – she questions him – you look like someone else, are you sure that is your name. Ed doesn’t like that.

Damian comes over and goes along with a toast to the newlyweds. Erika points out Ed – Erika is smitten with him, and Camila makes an ugly face, no, wait, that is his face.

Nanda, Santi, and Aurora are riding along to the cemetery (Panteon Municipal). But, the gate is locked. A guard comes up to the gate and they plead for entry. The guard can’t understand why someone dressed as a bride wants to visit a cemetery. He then looks up the name of Soledad Cruz in his ledger book, finds her name and tells them Soledad is in the cemetery and provides the exact location. Nanda breaks down – literally heads for the ground. Santi catches her.

Nanda keeps saying – no, it can’t be, it’s not true. The guard shows her the book with Soledad’s name in it. Finally, Nanda cries out, “She’s dead.”

Margarita, Gardenia and Florecita (?) are talking about what Gardenia learned in the hacienda.

Barb’s private phone call is interrupted by Gonzo who wants to know where she’s been. Gonzo wants to call Nanda and tell her what happened because Nanda is destroyed. Barb goes into her very believable crying act and asks forgiveness of Gonzo for provoking this tragedy.

Erika keeps drinking much to the amusement of Damian and Camila. Ed asks what happened to the newlyweds. Anibal, who’s attempting a cover up, says in the house. Erika lets the cat out of bag and says Nanda went somewhere with Santi. She mocks Damian because he’s still here. Ed thinks what a miserable SOB Damian is to have the love of Nanda.

Nanda and Santi still argue. Aurora asks who can see the grave, and Nanda say’s us. The guard tells them about a young man who came to see the deceased. Nanda says, Eduardo, Eduardo. Somewhere along the line Nanda figured out that perhaps Eduardo has returned.

Erika keeps it up, she’s now annoying Camilo and calls him a cheat and liar and says that he’s capable of anything. She calls Ed "Franco"– she’ll call him Franco until she finds out his name – she’s grabs Anibal’s tie and with disgust let’s go of it. They talk of race and she calls Anibal and Camilo street dogs.

The guard also tells Nanda and Santi that a woman also came to the cemetery. He asks if the deceased was family. He wants to know if they are children. He’s not looking for any trouble from heirs. Finally, he opens the gate.

At Las Copetonas, Lucio arrives. He’s pissed off because it’s not been easy finding Jacinto. Then he spots Jacinto’s bike. What joy! Martina comes out to talk to Jacinto but the boss wants her to take care of him. She says he’s not just any old customer. Her friend sidles up to Jacinto and a few words from Martina sends her away.

Barb continues her fake crying to impress Gonzo. She wants to be alone and asks him to attend to their guests. She promises to fix everything. The last thing Gonzo’s thinking about is a party. He’s going to look for Santi. Barb asks him to maybe bring her a cognac. The minute he’s out of the room Barb calls Lucio and wants to know where the Hell is Jacinto. She gives Lucio 15 minutes to bring him forth. Martina tries to run Lucio off. He says he’s looking for Jacinto , not her. As an experienced wrestler, she knocks Lucio down – he pulls off his belt – she gives it right back to him and beats Lucio to the ground. He’s bleeding and getting mad.

Slowly, painfully slowly, Santi, Nanda, Aurora and the guard make their way to Soledad’s grave.

Nanda approaches the grave and cries out for Nana. She clutches the cross marker and cries unconsolably. Aurora and Santi look sad.
Nanda touches the dirt and talks to Soledad. I didn’t think you were here, Nana. Why did God take you away. You’ve been my strength; you’ve been like my mother. You didn’t give me your blessing. Santi puts his arms around her. Nanda is hysterical and asks Soledad’s forgiveness, and says she didn’t know and how much she is going to miss her.

Jacinto keeps pouring more booze. Girlfriend comes in and tells Jacinto that Margarita is outside in a fight. Martina has a knife at Lucio’s throat – the crowd claps – I think they want her to cut his throat. That would probably save him from a more painful ending to be inflicted by Barb. Jacinto comes out and tells her to let go. The boss tells her to quit bothering him, and she backs off. Lucio then tells Jacinto to get in the car and that he will tell Jacinto where they’re going on the way. Ever the obedient slave, Jacinto follows.

The young maid is talking on the phone to the girl (Florecita) at her house where Margarita and Gardenia are hiding. Flor at first she denies that they are there. The maid is looking for Jacinto and finally Florecita says she hasn’t seen him.

Erika is harassing Ed. Camilo pulls her away. She can’t understand how he could have lost a girl. He says, sometimes men are pigs. Some men are rats, cockroaches – garbage. She’s annoying everyone. But, Ed keeps leading her on. Camilo, who is taking all this personally, is trying to pull her away. She, in her sweetest voice tells Ed that he’s sincere.

Priscilla watches with concern and Anibal apologies, but, Ed says he’s amused by Erika.

Barb tells Gonzo that she’s been stupid all these years. She’s loved his children like they were hers. When they married she swore she’d be part of their life like a mother. They’d be a happy family. She accepted the last wish of Soledad. She was wrong – Barb tells Gonzo that Soledad told Jacinto and Margarita that if she died before the wedding, they’d all keep quiet until after the honeymoon. Somebody wants to do them (the Elizaldes)harm. Gonzo asks her if she knows who sent the flowers. Only Jacinto and Margarita and Gardenia knew of Soledad’s death. Barb, like she was struck by lightning, says. “It’s them, they did it.” Gonzo looks dumbfounded. Maybe just dumb.

Those people don’t have a heart, she sobs.

Camilo pulls Erika and threatens her and calls her stupid and tells her to go away and never dare to come back. She looks shocked. That lightning bolt sure gets around.

In his head, Ed replays the scene of Nanda asking for her Nana, getting hysterical, screaming at her family and asking them, “Where’s Nana?” He says to himself, “Now the only thing that unites us is a terrible pain.”

Avances – looks like Barb is back in the driver’s seat, pulling Jacinto’s strings.


I didn't read the recap yet but I'm just junping to say to susanlynn I'm with you on Fr/Ed's "FosterGrants in that great suit have mercy" and the striped necktie making the embossed stripe shirt PULSATE... have mercy.

By the way, the food faire was a poor choice, dripping chocolate on the guests fine clothes? I don't think so.

The budget must all go to Barb's wardrobe. ...and some to Franco...

I'll post to sidebar.

Pasafino, thanks for the excellent recap of a fun episode. A couple of things I noticed along the way last night:

When Babs ducked down after spotting Gonzo it appeared that for one glorious shining moment, Lucio thought that he had just won the lottery and was going to get instant gratification from The Babinator. Watching his lecherous smile dissolve into disappointment and then fear was priceless. I've changed my mind about him. He will be missed. I hpe Babs lets him stay around a while.

There was a lady watching Martina beat up on Lucio (it just wasn't his day, he should have consulted his horoscope that morning) who shouted out, "¡hazlo trizas!" with the wildest eyes I think I've ever seen.


I thought Martina's father found a wad of cash in the cookie tin, but maybe I was just assuming it was money?

The caption situation has gotten so bad that I'm just going to turn them off tonight and see how well I can live without them. There's no point in waiting for the caption for what you just heard if reading it means that you won't hear what they're saying... and a lot of lines are just getting dropped anyway.

Thanks for the great recap, Pasofino. And I would like to thank all the recappers again. I'm not sure what was said to start la tormenta en la taza yesterday, I hope that my comments didn't contribute. I can only imagine the work that goes in to recapping. At least for me, it would take hours and hours (days!)to come close to what you guys are able to do on a regular basis, and I am grateful to each and every one of you for your efforts, I tip my fedora to you...
I can't quite understand why Eddy is hanging around the reception. His buddy Jacinto is in danger (or does Eddy not know this?), Fernanda has left, looking for Sloedad, (he HAD to know that). I guess he's doing a little fact finding. Eddy just seems a bit self-absorbed, and not paying attention. Surely he must realize that Nanda did not know about Soledad, and that that she cared for her very much, but he didn't include that thought in his bubble, did he? And he's not covering Jacinto's back very well. My thoughts are that Eddy is not a very sympathetic hero, kind of an aloof bastard, really. (Oh, that's right, he went to Harvard).
It was funny watching Martina beat up Lucio- what a wimp- what was he going to do with his belt?
I hope that tough guy Camilho only threatens Errorika. If he smacks her, that will be crying for an even more painful come-uppance than he already has coming.
It looked to me like what her pop pulled out of the cookie tin was a wad of bills- leading into a line of questioning soon, I'm sure.
One thing for sure, BOW is going to have to do some really convincing damage-control lying to keep this story going. I would actually say, she would have pretty much destoyed this family if she were to just disappear right now. She has sacked the treasury, put Anibal in jeopardy with the spilled, sour milk debacle, seen that Lili isn't going anywhere, has destroyed Fernanda emotionally, and will destroy Gonzo, too by leaving. The only family memeber untouched (untouchable?) is Santiago. I'd just blow town, she's got the cash, doen't even have to asnswer to Cigarman.

Thanks for the recap Pasofino. I'm living on recaps this week and YouTube. I thought Fr/Ed was super yummy in his shades. However, now you all have me staring at his ears. He does look like an elf.

Cute picture of Bonnie Belle Carlos.

Thank you Pasofino for a wonderful recap. What a great show, it moves so quickly. I can't imagine Fr/Ed is going to be able to hide who he is. Erika knew something was up.

So if the servant trio gets the boot, do they all go work for Fr/Ed? Someone has to stay on the inside.

"Camilo makes an ugly face, no, wait, that is his face." Best line, I so agree!

I too thought it was a wad of bills that Geppetto pulled out of the can. Sorry, everytime he is on screen he reminds me of the Disney drawing.

Paula: Thanks.

Julie and Dorado Dave: You're probably right about the prize in the box being cash. But - hasn't Martina been complaining to her friend that she didn't have enought money to pay the rent?

I've been leaving the captions on but not relying on them because it's too distracting and annoying.

Thanks, Pasofina. Carlos, I, too, noted that look of surprised delight on Lucio's face when Barbie ducked down quickly to hide from her hubby. He thought that he was going to get very lucky because he was expecting that Barb was immediately going to prove right there and then that she was willing to do anything to keep him quiet about her evil ways. NO, Lucio, you are not that persuasive and you do not know our Barb all. She will kill you . go, Martina !!! That girl is like Wonder Woman [and my cousin Jan and my high school friend Mary Jane]. There are some mujeres you should just not mess with. So now we have POWERMILK MAN [Fr/Ed]and wONDER WOMAN [Martina]...SO WATCH OUT EVIL FORCES. I, too, thought that Martina's dad pulled a great big roll of bills out of that canister after enjoying his delicious Bimbo bread and jam....mmmmm...mmmm... good product placement. How about a nice cold glass of expired powdered milk with that sammy ????

Bonney~~~So thanks for the shout out. You and I evidently have the same taste in hombres....tall, dark, guaypo, and in a custommade suit.

Pasofino- that's right, she has been complaing about rent money. Must be something other than cash...

I thought so too Molly! He does look like Geppetto. I hope Oompa Loompa Camil-Ho gets the crap kicked out of him.

Thank you Pasofino. I enjoy the recaps as much as the shows themselves.
As someone pointed out Franco is not having many lines to say but his facial expressions should not be missed! What an actor.
Also LOVED Erika's tipsey tell it all scenes! She and Priscilla should team up. They can be the inside persons for Franco!

Yeah,...why would Martina be so stretched for money and yet have that wad that shocked her father? Must be a side story on that one.
I want Franco to hire Martina as his bodyguard! Yep! I say he needs a bodyguard. No reason or rhyme to my decision,...but I want Franco protected from all dangers seen and unpredictable. And Martina is just the skilled woman to do it.

Have been watching this off and on, but after last night's episode, I think I am hooked.

The scene at Soledad's grave was wrenching. Although I have not liked the actress playing Fernanda, I thought she was terrific in her grief scene at the grave.

I'm getting tired of this watchful waiting that Eduardo is doing. The show will be much more exciting when he gets into action. Also how long do we have to wait until he and Fernanda start interacting. As I recall, there was a long period in Pasion before Riccardo/Colunga became involved with the heroine. I guess it keeps us all on the edge of our seat waiting.

Having seen Lucero once in Alborada, I can't believe how good she is as an evil witch.

Thanks, pasofino, for the recap.
NJ Sue

I do hope that Ed leaves the party and starts helping Jacinto get his life back soon. As yummy as he looks, his willingness to let Jacinto's life fall apart to keep his secret is getting on my nerves. Ed also knew before the wedding that Fernanda didn't know about Soledad's death - he was inside the house when Barb forbade Jacinto and Margarita to say anything (remember the crushed glass?). So what was his point? If he just wanted to expose Barb, why not send Nanda a note before the wedding?

Thanks for a great recap. The novela, the recaps and the comments are all great. The total package is priceless. As much as I enjoy the flattering comments about the best looking man on earth, (that would be Ed),I enjoy snark about him just as much. That said, Dorado Dave's remarks are right on the money. "My thoughts are that Eddy is not a very sympathetic hero, kind of an aloof bastard, really". As far as the ears, I must admit, they are a big distraction for me. I can't look at his face without seeing the ears. He should get a more flattering hairdo if he doesn't want to get his ears pinned. As a surgical nurse I've seen the procedure many times and it's not a big deal (especially if you make your living by looking pretty). OK, let me hush. Ya esta numero uno en mi libro. (That's supposed to say "He's still number one in my book".

I can't help but wonder if this TN will have the old plotline of "La Esposa Virgen"? Our heroine is now married but will not consummate her marriage with her new husband leaving Eduardo to stew over her and her husband.

I think Erika's acting last night was very good and it seems that she will be an ally to Eduardo.

I have to say that I wasn't too crazy about this TN at the beginning but I am getting more into it now as we learn more about the characters.

Yes, that certainly was a roll of $ that Martina's father pulled out of the tin. Didn't Martina say last night or the night before that she hadn't used the loaned money yet?

Am I the only one thinking that Priscilla's wig is really bad? Where are they getting those awful wigs?

Fuego in AZ/MEPS in AZ

Thanks for the recap Pasofino. You did an amazing job without subtitles.

ITA with you Dorado Dave, Fr/Ed is not being the best of heroes. He knows that Babs has pinned the blame on Jacinto and that Nanda didn't have a clue about Soledad's death. Yes he got great intelligence about the family but now its time for action.

Carlos, susanlynn - the scene with Lucio thinking he was going to get some from Babs was great. His expressions were priceless. It will be interesting to see how long he lasts.

Camil-ho, the oompa loompa needs to get beat down badly.

Pasofino, thanks for the funny recap. I enjoyed especially the ugly face that Camilho makes and the dumbfounded no just dumb Gonzo lines.

Carlos, et al, I tuned in a couple of minutes late last night and my first sight was Lucio making the titillating sounds of pleasure and I thought for just a minute that Babs really was really going to pleasure him.....Not! How funny that scene was, so well done by the photographer too. Gonzo is such a dumb bunny. Lucio is such a fool but I love his character so I hope she doesn't bite him or he doesn't bite the dust so to speak.

The Martina beats the stuffing out of Lucio was my second moment of pleasuring! The boss shouldn't be too hard on Martina, look at the supportive crowd that cheered then all trooped back into the bar, probably had the best beer and tequia sales of the month.

Lucky Erika, she gets to climb Franco for the next few months I bet. And about those ears, well if he is an elf, he can hang out in my magic forest any time, I do mean any time. and Susanlynn, I'd like it if he were just wearing the Foster-Grants and that towel from last week. Those muscles somehow don't make me think ELF, ever....

I never noticed the ears until someone said something. Now, they're all I see (hee).

What's with the different looking knots in Ed's ties? Anyone else notice? I haven't seen that before. I'm no fashionista!

I'm confused about the message con flowers that Ed (right?) sent Nanda at the wedding. Wasn't that a really cruel way to treat her? Or did I miss something?

Loved the Lucio/b--- job psych!

Can't wait to see Erika's character develop. Loved her in Pasion!

Thanks recappers--especially during these days of crappy captions!


Ghepetto (great name!) thinks Martina is a nurse and that there's no reason to worry about money, so he probably thinks the stuff in the cookie tin is extra. But it's possible that it's supposed to be the rent money and there's not quite enough yet to cover it.

I hope he doesn't run out and spend it!

Beth, I don't think Edu/Franco knew that Fernanda was totally kept in the dark about Soledad until he saw her freak out. Remember that the maid said the flower deliverer told her the message was to be read out loud in front of everyone so E/F was trying to hurt everyone with the message from the tomb. But it seemed also he assumed they were all ignoring his mother. Well, Nanda could have made a real effort to see her but I guess we have to believe that Barbara made extraordinary efforts to distract her each time she headed toward Nana's cottage.

I think he did know she was in the dark because he was in the house when Babs threatened Jacinto and Margarita about letting the death beans spill. And Jacinto tried to tell him already that Nanda wasn't like the rest of them, but he's just not listening.

So do you think Fer/Ed believes that Nanda is not the one to blane? It's not fair to take it out on her if she didn't know.

I can just see Gepetta running to the local grocery with that roll of bills. He could buy a lot of loaves on Bimbo bread with that much money. Just a thought : Maybe Martini hides money at Gepetto's to cover his food , rent, etc. , and perhaps she asked her hoochykoochy friend for a loan to cover her own expenses.[She probably takes care of her dad's needs before her own.] This scenario came to mind because Hub used to leave money with his mother in her apartment until it mysteriously started disappearing. [Thanks to neighbors who didn't mind taking advantage of a senior citizen....don't even get me started on this...I'm here to forget reality.]

Eduardo gave Jacinto money to give Martina when they were in the cantina.

I want Martina to get her hands on Camilo

Recapping without working captions? Te saludo, Pasafino and the rest of the recappers.

I am enjoying the fast pace of this novela so far. I've never seen a wedding reception like this before, even in Novelaland. As Bonney would say, "Well, I never!". (And Bonney, I'm looking for ways to incorporate this phrase into my everyday conversations.)

I keep wondering what Fr/Ed would have done if Fernanda had been still single when he arrived to find his mother had been badly treated. Would he still have made her part of his vengeance or would he have taken the time to find out who the innocents in this family are. I love his match-up with Barbara and the withering looks they give each other. I'm also looking forward to any punishments he can dole out to Anibal and CamilHo, but Fernanda and Santiago are good guys and Gonzo is just weak and pathetic. He's already defeated.

For some reason the Lucio character reminds me of Bertie Wooster, memorably played by Hugh Laurie on PBS in the 90s. Of course Lucio's meaner than Bertie Wooster, but still...

I think Ed was trying to hurt the whole family. Even though Nanda didn't know about Soledad's death, Ed's mad at her for supposedly ignoring all his letters, and marrying that bum Damian. I think over time, Ed will change.

I don't think Jacinto, Margarita and Gardenia will be kicked out as employees. It's more likely that Nanda and Gonzalo will just be really disappointed in them, and won't trust them. Eventually, though, I hope that will change.

Finally, to me, Fernanda is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I know some people don't like her eyebrows, but I think her face, especially her eyes, are magnificent, her doe-like eyes show sadness, joy, fear, many emotions. She looks good even in extreme closeup, and from any angle. I now know why they made her the heroine.

Pasafino: Thanks so much for the fine recap.

Ears, what ears? There is so much more to enjoy!

Don't be too hard on poor Fr/Ed, remember that grief does strange things to people.

I love the Ghepetto nickname, perfecto!

How in the world did Gonzo get anywhere in the business world? I think I have seen smarter rocks.

Yes, I noticed the look on Lucio face, it was "priceless".


Yeah, Variopinta, I'd forgotten about the money from Eddy to Martina. Is this the wad that Ghepetto found? How is this all going to be wound into the fabric of the plot?

Cheryl, I just wanted to be sure that you know how much I enjoyed your recap yesterday. You never know what pearls of wisdom one might pick up here at Caray Caray. If I'd known about the eye shadow years ago, it would have saved me a lot of time.

Connie, thanks. BB weighed 12#s then and had never seen grass before.(She's originally from Phoenix.)

Liberate Lil!


I bet BB doesn't weigh 12 pounds now! I like her markings.

I will also jump to the denfense of Fr/Ed. He knew Babs was trying to keep Nanda in the dark, but its been days since Sole died, he can't know how they kept making sure she didn't go looking for her. He also doesn't know she wasn't ignoring his letters.

Also, when he left Jacinto to head to the grave and wedding, he didn't know Jacinto was going to go tie one on. He is trying to keep his identity a secret, but I would bet if someone tried to hurt Jacinto in front of him, that he would not let it happen.

He has to be the good guy, so until he really is a schmuck, I'll assume it is because they are all working from their own point of view right now, when we see everything that is going on.

Yes PLEASE on the Fosters and towel only! HOT!

Carols, love the new puppy pick, she really is a cutie.

Thanks for the recap, pasofino. Oooh, yes, I liked Fr/Ed in those Foster Grants, too!

OMG I’m afraid Jacinto will die of alcohol poisoning, the way he’s been downing that tequila.

How interesting, that Erika senses that Franco is not who he says he is.

dorado dave - Lucio was going to hit that girl with his belt, like a whip. I like that she kicked the !@#$ out of him. :-)

How about Fosters and no towel? :-}

Oh Connie, then we would be on a different channel! But, okay!

Ok, ok Molly--how about Fosters and a strategically placed washcloth?

You know Connie, I love him all crip and starched in the suit and shirt, but realy, hasn't this wedding day dragged on long enough? Isn't it time to go home, relax and take shower? That would be a very nice start to my weekend tonight!

Girls, now-now, a wash cloth(?)...well I never.

Well, I'd like to!

Molly and Connie, Behave!


Now Carlos, where's the fun in that! ;-P

You guys are funny!! Everybody hit the highlights for sure. I'm just wondering what turn the plot will take when Erika sobers up and Fernanda stops crying so hard and they talk. Those girls each have an important piece of the puzzle and can easily figure out he IS Edurardo. It would be a surprise if that is revealed so early, and if they did, how would they make the rest of the plot intriguing and suspenseful?

Barbinator on her knees WAS hilarious, as good as the whuppin' Martina laid on Lucio.

Man. And caint nobody cry like these Mexican actors! Wow.


I figured out how they will tie the cookie tin windfall into the story. Ghepeto has been living a pretty boring life lately, not even able to work, not many pesos, right? He's gonna stroll on down to the cantina to throw back a couple tequilas, maybe catch the show, ya know, enjoy life just a bit. Guess who's working that shift?
Can't believe that I'm putting this much thought into this thing, but Eddy may at least be able to rationalize his desprecio for Fernanda, at least for now. He thinks he ignored his letters, he thinks that she neglected his mother all those years, he thinks that she let Soledad die without caring. I can kinda see how that could be explained.
I don't know why Erika would think that Santoro is not who he sez he is- why should she suspect? She wasn't around cuando ninos, was she? just seems kinda odd, what she said...

You've got that right Khalilah. I think Juan cried every night on Fuego.

What is the weather like in your parts of the country? It is supposed to rain here ALL WEEKEND! Why can't it rain through the week instead. I guess I will be sewing instead of working on my patio.

Carlos I have a great doggy related e-mail to send you. Email me at

Erika probably did know Eddy as a kid - she was Nanda's friend even then, she was at the First Communion - remember when Camilo told her that Santi said... I forget what... something really mean!

Novelera, you're right, Lucio does have a Wooster-esque dumbness about him. However, he makes Bertie look like a genius by comparison. Also, he doesn't have the benefit of a Jeeves to keep him out of trouble!

Erika was part of the kid group. Santiago was smitten with Erika & Camilo un gilipollo even as a child, gave her a kiss just to torment Santiago. For some unknown reason Erika still has the hots for Camilo.
Now she's showing some good taste flirting with Fr/Ed

Why do we have to type in some stupid letters to post, many times I can't even read them.

And wasn't it Erika that Barb made rat out Edwardo and Nanda in the hay loft? So she would know him well.

I love the flash back scenes of the kids, they are such cute actors!

I think Fr/Ed will feel better after a bath tonight. I know I would!

Pasofino: Great job with the recap despite retarded captioning (and I mean that both literally as well as figuratively)....Hope I can do as well. Loved your take on Camilo and Gonzo and Lucio: " I think they want her to cut his throat. That would probably save him from a more painful ending to be inflicted by Barb". LOL!

I sort of think that Ed's having a grand time letting everybody make fools of themselves, but he's got to also be taking mental notes of the family's current weaknesses that he can exploit them in the coming weeks and months. He's earned mucho points from me with that Banquo's bouquet ruse. --He says he's going to be needing help for the huge place he rented so maybe he'll rescue Jacinto and his family by hiring them on for it if Babs gets Gonzo to fire him.

Variopinta: you may need to sign in to G-mail first so it recognizes you automatically.

p.s. I think Errorika may subconciously recognize something about Eddie's looks that makes her tease him about using a false name and she may just be the first one to guess his secret because of it.

You guys are cracking me up with the whole . . "isn't it time for Fr/Ed to go home and relax and take a bath"

ROTFL. But I agreed - it is time!

Fellow commentators: Your observations and comments are indeed unique and funny. Thank you and good luck tonight Jardinera. You'll do great.

I'll be right there to wash his back or front.

Connie - you'll be sewing? What are you making???

thanks, Molly, Variopinta, and Julie, for reminding me that Erika has been around forever. Of course, she was the one that Camil-ho was teasing Santiago about...

Connie is sewing a special snare for Fr/Ed.

What I remember of the brat brother at the communion is that CamilHo asked Santiago if he liked how Erika looked. Of course, Santi said oh yes, yes. Then nasty boy went over to Erika and said Santi says you look fat/ or says you look ugly in that dress. Either comment to a prepubescent girl would be devastating but CamilHo seemed to have a direct line to the devil to feed his mean streak and remember his arrogant pseudo aristocratic mother encouraged him by laughing delightedly when CamilHo came up behind her and pushed Soledad into the pool. They declared his character very early.

Cheryl, he said "you look like a piñata" Thanks for reminding me, I hadn't realized it was Errorika.

Pasofino: muchas gracias!

I noticed Bimbo ads 3 times last night. They had product placement on Cuidado. Clemencia was spreading a slice with jam. Mmmm delicioso! Then, our friend Gepeto doing the same on MEPS. And then, on the little sports segment that we get around 20 minutes til, they showed a bunch of futbol players with Bimbo emblazoned on their jerseys. ¡Basta! It's basically wonder bread and I would never eat the stuff. Are they a new sponsor? If so, can't they subsidize an improvement in our closed captions?

Connie: lows in the low 20s, highs in the mid-fifties with sun after morning - yes - snow. One year we got an appreciable snowfall on the first day of Spring and on May 6, 2006 we got 6 inches! This is Michigan, we know we're not safe from snow til June!


Agnes, Bimbo is pretty infuential and is around us more than people think. They own Entenmann's pastries that we find in the supermarket.

Grupo Bimbo was established in Mexico in 1945, today it is one of the most important baking companies in brand and trademark positioning, sales, and production volume around the world. The company is currently #4 among the largest food corporations in the world, just behind Unilever, Sara Lee and Nestlé. The company has plans to become the world's largest bread manufacturing company by 2010, with its expansion in China central to this effort.

They are most definitely bigger than grupo Lactos. ;)

Bimbo is also prominent in many telenovelas. It could be product placement or coincidence since they pretty much monopolized sliced bread in Latin America and Spain.


I missed a few episodes and don't understand why Barb wanted Soledad's death kept secret. Could someone fill me in? And thanks for the great recaps. My captions are all messed up, too.

"I missed a few episodes and don't understand why Barb wanted Soledad's death kept secret. Could someone fill me in? And thanks for the great recaps. My captions are all messed up, too."

Babs did not want the wedding to be delayed at all. The funeral could have delayed it. Cigarman told Babs that the wedding will go on no matter what and Eduardo will not see his mother buried. He has his reasons.


Is Bimbo bigger than Power Milk?

Oh, No doubt. No Doubt at all.
:) Bimbo is definitely bigger than powermilk.

I love Bimbo, I don't think there's a single person here that doesn't eat it.

I loved the scene with Barbara hiding, and Lucio's face was priceless, I've seen that scene many times in youtube now.

I also loved Ferdanda crying at the cementery, so powerful, finally the writers gave something to do to Silvia Navarro, it's annoying how they underuse her since she was one of the main atractives to watch(at least here in México) before the novela even aired.

I've always noticed Colunga's ears, for some reason it has never bothered me, I think he is much better now than a few years ago when he got so bulky, he looked like he had no neck; I love him as an actor and he is very manly and atractive, but I don't find him that particulary good looking (well when he was younger in Maria Mecedes and Maria la del Barrio I did liked him alot).


Ibarramedia: Thanks for the Bimbo info. I knew they were a big company, but I had no idea how big.

I see the products more on the West Coast than here in NYC (except Entenmanns, of course). And I've always noticed the Bimbo ads in soccer games. But I don't think the glimpses of Bimbo that we're seeing in the novelas recently are coincidence. The way they have the loaf positioned on the table; plus two identical scenarios in one night. And they did it again last night when Gardenia, Margarita and what's her name? were stressing over Jacinto. It was central to the scene.

Anyway, thanks for posting the grupobimbo link. I checked it out and learned a bunch of stuff. Now all we need is and

Can someone please let me know what Friday night's capitulo was. I missed the program and would like to have an idea what happened.


you will get a recap when the recaper has the time to do it. Usually the Fri recap is late because it's the weekend, just keep checking in

Ahhh...Bimbo...The greatest thing since sliced wait...It is sliced bread. The wrapper does look a lot like the Wonder Bread wrapper. Bleceehhh. Thanks for all the background info Ibarramedia . As for the weather here---50 and sunny with blue skies...I can't wait to clean off the patio and deck and paint my toenails . Spring has sprung at last. Thank goodness.

To variopinto- Sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I know we get the recap later on the weekends. I am referring to not having seen the show. I always watch it and also read the recaps. I wanted to see what was happening. Ret

To variopinto- Sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I know we get the recap later on the weekends. I am referring to not having seen the show. I always watch it and also read the recaps. I wanted to see what was happening. Ret

Regarding captions. I too am having problems with univision caps here in PA. For a few days they were slow and behind and now I get nothing. I thought it was my tv. Ret

anon 12:06
read it here

Thanks for the hilarious recap, Pasofino. Loved Martina's beatdown of Lucio. He needed to lose some of that smugness. I really laughed when she was holding that frosting spatula to his throat. I agree she needs to be Ed's bodyguard.
La Paloma

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