Friday, March 20, 2009

Tontas - Thursday 3/19 - Patricio grows up and Alicia grows horns

Tonight it's my turn to have no closed captions, then delayed and missing closed captions, and lots of macroblocking. How annoying! However I was in luck because today our dear Paula mailed her notes of tonight's episode to me which were a big help. Thanks Paula!

Tonight starts where last night left off: Alicia and Patricio are having dinner and the mood is strained. She's enamored and wants to talk about "their" baby. He acts like he's barely hanging in there. She says no importa that you have two sons and are in love with my sis, but I can't adopt a baby alone and I need your help. He is so not on board with this. He doesn't want to be grosero (coarse) but he needs to find his rumbo (course), and she ain't it.

Arturo asks Margarita's forgiveness. She replies she doesn't want to compromise herself, much less for a man. She justs wants his money so she's going for the divorce. Wow, is she on the level? I find her honesty refreshing and I loved seeing Art leave in a huff.

Next morning at the Institute Candy talks to Mili the miracle bobblehead about her (Mili's) life. It's like a telenovela, but in a telenovela you marry the boss or the son of the boss. Mili says her patron is not her patron but her pa... OK, I realize she's talking about the plot of Guapos and I apologize because I never watched it, but I just know the guy she fell for turned out to be her brother, but not really, right? Mili wistfully says she would have liked to marry the son of the boss.

The kids are back in class and Rocio doesn't want to turn in her homework. The pretty maestra grabs it, looks at it, and notes that her homework looks like Chava's handwriting. Chava shakes his head "No" and Rocio is impactada.

Santi and Lalo are in Santi's office watching bandanna guy do bicep curls with Santi's statuary. They congratulate themselves on their successful radio show and discuss that Raul has big plans for them. They'll copy the girls' themes and then contradict them. Great idea guys.

Mili says she loves how Candy's column nails the macho guys. She wants advice...she's married and she doesn't love her husband but rather Alejandro his cousin. Al is Luciana's son and after that it gets complicated and I was completely confused. But hey, her life is a telenovela and you guys already know that.

Gregoria tries to comfort Meño. She heard about Charly's HIV and it's like a bomb in the hand (una bomba en las manos), i.e. a losing battle (I think). Meño wishes it were a bomb in his hand that he could explode away from his son. He says suddenly he feels he's in a film that will soon end and his son will be fine. She holds his hand and he tells her it's the first time she's shown him affection. She reveals that his brother thought of him before he died and forgave him. (Forgave him for what?!? Oh well, she's trying to be sweet and Meño seems cool about it.)

The doorbell interrupts them, it's his ex-wife mean Laura at the door. However, she's come to make up so now she's nice and they agree they have to both be strong for Charly because he needs them.

Candy tells Mili to fight for her love. Of course Candy uses this as an opportunity to butt in and tell her own tale of woe and her rejection of all men until the plastic doctor appeared and showed her how to love again. They are instant best friends when Mili pronounces Candy's sis a traitor. They discover they both love futbol, woot! They bicker good-naturedly about rooting for opposing teams. Mili says she vows to be with Al, who will Candy choose...Santi or Pat?

Break time and it looks like I get next Thursday off for the Premio Lo Nuestro show...Proximo Jueves!

Whew, we get a lighthearted scene where Meño gives his dance lessons to Luciana and Mili. Barb really cuts loose, forms a conga line, the women whoop and bond, and Meño shakes his bootie and forgets his grief for a short while.

Meanwhile Greg and Laura sadly discuss life. Laura says Clemente made Meño marry her and she ended up blaming Meño for everything bad in her life. Greg says he can maybe be blamed for not standing up to Clemente but Meño's a wonderful guy. Laura cries and says she doesn't know anything about AIDS. Greg assures Laura that with proper treatment Charly could live many more years.

Rocio scolds Chava for doing her homework. Hey, he was just trying to help, he says. Well he made it worse because now la maestra's going to her house to accuse her. Beto eats a pastry as big as his head, yum.

Back at the Instituto Sol announces that Luciana is ready to be presented. She looks fantastic with her makeover and blue silk dress. She thanks Candy for helping to teach her that her vocation is no longer to be a rug. Group hug!

Outside the big house Charly gingerly approaches Lucia and tells her Donato let him in. She goes nuts, throws dirt clods at him and screams at him to leave. He says he didn't know he was contagious and he loves her. She pushes him and cries, Vete! Vete! Poor Charly stumbles off in grief. I don't blame her for being angry and scared but Charly was a real man for facing her like that.

Candy rings The Bell and asks Santi how he's doing. He says they need to know the truth but he's afraid. How is...Patricio (makes face and imitates Pat)? He asks does she really think it can work with Pat after what he did at the wedding? She's determined to give it a try but he sighs and tells her it won't work. Candy responds with "me voy", "I'm outta here". That is so Candy.

Isabel and Jaime are having a conference with Rocio's maestra. Isa figures out Rocio's problems started with Mariloca's bad news so she and Jaime give the maestra a brief rundown of Rocio's's in NY, dad's wedding was a bust, and her papi's not there because he is worried and involved with his other daughter who has a very delicate sickness. Maestra diagnoses that Rocio is acting out to get her papa's attention.

Now comes the most interesting scene of the evening - Santi visits Pato for a face-off. Pat tells Santi to butt out of his life. Santi cautions Pat against playing with Candy's feelings. Pat retaliates by swearing he's waited years to get Candy back and the last thing he'd do is hurt her. He has the right to fight for her. This sets Santi off on a tirade against Pat, Pat ruined Candy's trust in men, he's worse than Santi's ex-wife, he's using their kid as a link to Candy...

Pat patiently listens and finally tells Santi not to confuse issues, he knows why Santi is upset. It's because he is having a bad time with his daughter. Santi acts like the wind is knocked out of him, how does Pat know about Lucia? He's not happy to hear that Candy told Pat, but Pat is understanding, "Hey, I'm a dad too and not long ago Chava almost died, I know what you're going through." Santi calms down and admits this thing with Candy makes him crazy. And Marissa, she's nuts and won't let Santi see their son, but the thing with Lucia is the worst, she's his daughter. Pat gives Santi a man hug and tells Santi they have their differences but family is family and he's there for Santi, whatever he needs. Poor Santi leaves looking mollified and slightly confused to have found a friend in such an unlikely place.

Double double, toil and trouble...
Al and Mariloca eat potato chips (or is it eye of newt) with hot sauce and brew up their hell broth of a plot, they'll travel together to another country and swap identities. Then Mariloca, as Aliloca, will have the kid so when Al returns home the kid will be her own. Apparently Mari had a friend who did it and it's easy! The brujas snuggle and pinkie-shake on their new fiendship.

Candy gathers the institutas to tell them about Charly. Even though the radio program will be a lot more work she doesn't want to cancel it. Mariloca tiptoes in to eavesdrop. After Candy leaves Loca demands why she wasn't invited on the radio show, it was her idea. Lulu says there are two bosses but the institute was Candy's brainchild. Loca insists on being involved, it's her money and they'd better all hail the queen or their little feet will be in the street.

Lucia coughs in bed, pale wan hands upon the coverlet; she feels muy mal and doesn't want to die. What if Charly infected her? Santi tells her there is a lot of misinformation on the internet. The whole family will support her. Time to fast forward through the PSA about HIV and AIDS...some people live a long time with HIV and don't get AIDS Magic Johnson has had HIV over 15 years, they are making medical advances all the time. Santi gives her a safe, fatherly hug.

Isa and Jaime report to Santi that Loca is responsible for Rocio's bad behavior. Santi explodes and they all agree he needs to calm down. Rocio needs his attention.

Over at the Instituta Mariloca practices her mothering skills. She demands to review all the institutas' work, she pulls the sucker out of Lulu's mouth, and she won't let Sole make personal calls at work. The institutas all agree she's making them pay for what Candy and Santi did to her. Mamaloca breaks them up, pulls the sucker out of Lulus' mouth again and the moment she leaves what does Lulu do? Yep...sucker.

Santi gives Rocio a ride to school and stops the car so they can have a talk. She thinks she's in trouble for her homework but no, dad just wants her to talk to him. Is she sad that Mari won't be her new mama? Rocio admits not really because Chava said Loca has a bad heart and she believes it, but she's bummed because she wanted to take care of her little brother and change his diapers. "Que asco!" teases Santi. Dad said he's sad about it too and he'll do everything so her brother can be with them. (This actress is awesome. When she acts sad her little voice trembles like she's really about to sob.)

Pato shows up at Meño's talk to Charly. Charly blows a fuse when he finds out Pato knows he's HIV positive but Pato gently presses him into a man-to-man talk. Pato has a friend in the DF who has the disease. Pato assures Charly if he takes care of his disease he can live quite well. Charly asks how long did his friend have it before he died? Pato's friend has had it for 11 years. He works, has a girlfriend, and lives a normal life. He gives Charly his telephone number and tells him to call him if he wants. Charly thanks him and they bond.

Downstairs, Meño tells Pat he heard what he said and he's glad Candy's giving him a chance. Pat says he knows Meño was on Santi's side but Meño says no, nobody can tell Candy what to do. Both men agree that the day you touch your child is the day your heart starts.

In desperation Santi visits Raul to confront him about Mariloca. "She's Loca!" he cries in despair. He begs Raul to help him. Raul fidgets, paces, and rubs his face before telling Santi it was his own fault, Mari read the email he sent to Raul. Santi is blown away, she read the email he sent to Raul before the wedding? And she still wanted to continue? Then Candy was right, Mari planned to marry and then abandon him? Raul claims he knows nothing about it and he's loyal to his sister. Santi becomes heated and accuses Raul of knowing much more, and what about his loyalty to his friend and to his own nephew? What about his nephew's safety? Raul wails he can't do a thing. Santi, in a rage, yells "I know you can do much more Raul!"

Mañana: What? Patricio agrees to help Alicia? Que asco!


Thanks, Sylvia. Loved it. Interesting point, coarse vs. course.

Why should Margarita try to grab Art's money at this point? It makes no sense! They're old, Art has a bad heart, and she'll soon inherit all of it instead of half. Besides, whatever she gets will soon become Pat's inheritance, so why skim off so much to pay lawyers for a divorce? She can spend as much as she wants right now; what does she want the money for?

Some powerful, powerful scenes tonight. I just love how Santiago faces his problems head-on, even when they are his emotional problems. He's on the verge of a breakdown, and he can't fix Luc, so instead he launches direct assaults on the other problems in his life that maybe he CAN fix - Candy, Pat robbing him of Candy, Roc, and Mar (via Raul). Candy runs from all problems; Santiago faces them. And with Raul, what a stunning portrayal of RAGE! My TV set shook! That boy can act.

I forgot to mention yesterday. At the start of Wednesday's show, when Santi comes out the front door and Candy adds to his problems, did anyone notice that Camil was looking sexier than usual (for Tontas, anyway)? I don't know if it was the new hair, or the lighting, or the emotional intensity, or what, but my gosh, through the whole scene he was registering on the Richter Scale. Up until now, Santiago's dopeyness has tended to dampen Camil's sexiness. But not Wednesday. Tropical heat wave!

Thank you for the very entertaining recap, Sylvia. Very nicely done. I always love the crazies on the TNs, and to team up 2 genuine nut cases is an inspired touch. It seems to be lightening up a bit or maybe it's just that Milagro's so gosh darned perky. I didn't watch Guapos but I think that she is precious.

Patricio scored major points with me last night with his compassionate sincere heart to heart with Charly. No grandstanding for Candy's benefit, just a sympathetic offer of support and friendship. I hope he gets that weekend with Candy that he wants so badly.

I'm feeling bad for Santi right now but he is so well-centered that one just simply knows that he'll be OK.

I echo the admiration for the kids in this show especially Rocio. That child is a gem.


I thought last night was a VERY interesting episode. First, for all the reasons Paula mentions. Camil was absolutely amazing, he was completely believable in his sweetness, his world-weariness, and then ultimately his rage. He's mesmerizing. Second, I felt last night was a turning point for Pat and Al. Remember Wed night we said they didn't have friends? Well last night Pat made friends all over town and Alicia made one friend (or fiend as I said, and no it wasn't a spelling error). Third, I think Raul is on the verge of deciding that to side with Mari is to travel to deeply into the dark side. I can't wait to see what he does tonight. I'll bet I'm not the only one who noticed his slight flirtation with Soledad Wed. night.

Paula, why would Margarita tell Art she wants a divorce? I can think of two reasons: 1) She's sick of seeing his smug face and just wants the cash with no strings attached. 2) She's playing him; she wants to remain married but she wants him to grovel and beg to have her back.

Once again, thanks Paula for your help! I wonder when Univision will get back on track with their closed captions? I finally turned mine off last night because the delay was so distracting.

Thank you Sylvia!
Paula, I thought Santi was looking his best during his rage at Raul.
I wondered if it's the new hair or the dark brown shirt that added to it.
All said, he does rage REALLY, REALLY well and makes you wish for more and more rage at anyone!
I don't understand why Pat is suddenly town counsler to everyone but I suppose it's just to show his positive personality change.
So Candy told Santi she will give it a try with Pat? That will be interesting.
Locamama has found her only friend in Alicia. So does this mean they will go off and Al will come home with Loca's baby as her own?

Carrie L.

Sylvia, great take on Margarita - that she wants Art to grovel. That would certainly change the power structure between them.

Raul and Soledad. Yep. When she turned and walked out of Reception, you could see his light bulb go on. And when he gave the cuartel - oops, the institute staff - the ratings sheet, everyone looked at the paper, except Soledad who looked at Raul. A month or so ago, Diana in MA first predicted a Soledad & Raul match, and Anya said the same more recently.

Carrie, some time ago, you posted, "Marissa and Alicia are obnoxious and should just go off together." Be careful what you wish for! In the same vein, remember when we were all saying, "I hope Lucía's not pregnant." Ojala.

Last precient prediction (repetitive redundancy), three weeks ago, Hombre d'M said, "I have a feeling we're entering some kind of very difficult period for Santiago, when everything goes wrong for him." You cised it, HDM!

I thought last night was Pat's finest hour. Santiago crashed into his office trying to pick a fight. Remember Pat has the upper hand at this point - Candy has chosen him for now, and he could have thrown that in Santi's face, as "Get lost, loser!" Instead he patiently let him rant and then turned it around and got to the core of the matter, and ended up supporting him like a brother. From the beginning, I've said Pat wants to be a good guy but he's weak. He's weak, but he's growing.

Thanks for the recap Sylvia. I liked the title as well. Though you didn't have captions, you did a great job!

Paula - yes I thought Camil looked great on Wednesday. I had the TV on and wasn't really watching it but when I saw him I had to pay attention. I don't know what it was but I'm glad someone else saw it too ;)

Sylvia - yes I noticed Raul and Soledad's interaction and thought of those who had predicted this earlier.

Diana from MA - I hope you are well. I haven't seen you post in a while.

Thanks, Sylvia, for a great recap. I couldn't totally understand what Alicia and Mariloca were planning, so now it makes sense (instead of switching babies, they switch mothers!).

Being on team Santiago, I'm a little frustrated with Pat, as he's doing everything right. It all just seems so unfair to Santi. However, with Mari's plan, it looks as if it'll get even worse for him, and he's really going to need a lot of strength (or help) to get through it. In fact, maybe that's it- Pat is ultimately such a good soul that he can team up with Santi, and (maybe) eventually even get Santi and Candy back together?? Of course, who would Pat have as a girlfriend, since now we think Soledad and Raul are heating up? For that matter, if Santi doesn't end with Candy, there doesn't seem to be ANYONE for him, so I'm totally mystified. I guess that's what I enjoy watching these novelas!

Okay, I wasn't really paying attention, but I don't get it. If Marisa wants Alicia to have the baby, can't she just give him to her to adopt? It's a terrible idea, but I see no reason she couldn't do it unless Santi was able to wield his parental rights and prevent it. Why do they need to leave the country and do some fakery? If Ali comes home with a baby, is no one going to wonder where she got it?

Just a thought here, If M & A are the only ones who know who Alicia's baby is, they can continue to jerk Pat & Santi around. They will know that they have Santi's son right there under his nose but he will be off looking everywhere. Even if he finds the place where Mariloca presumably had the baby the trail will die -- because she was never really there -- and, of course, there is no way to find the origin of Alicia's baby.

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