Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Las tontas no van #66, Mon 3/9, I JUST noticed Marissa acting strangely
In one of the clinic’s examining rooms, Santiago explains to Candy that they closed the office for the wedding, and no one will bother them. After his usual flirting, she suggests that he needs to confront his emotions. Candy would be the perfect candidate to help him face his emotions, were it not for the enormous log in her eye (more on that in the next paragraph). He says, apart from Marissa’s plot, he’s glad he halted the wedding, because of what he feels for Candy. He has uncovered his feelings and emotions, but now what is he supposed to do with them?
Santiago muses, “I was at the altar, at the point of saying yes, when your call came like a miracle. Know why? Because I was about to marry and spend the rest of my life with a woman I don’t love. I lived with someone and didn’t even realize that I didn’t know her - the mother of my son. Can you believe it?” But Santi is bothered by a suspicion. Did Candy really, truly hear that? After all, maybe she lied just a little (Candy? Lie? Cómo puede ser?) to win a grand prize like him. The man who Candy says needs to confront his emotions tells his ‘counselor,’ “You know I love you. And you love me too. But since you don’t let yourself admit that (Candy looks away, rather than facing her emotions), maybe you invented the story about Marissa’s plot.” Or, giving her space to evade him, he suggests that maybe she did it to get a scoop on a best-seller story for her column! Santi is boggled – what kind of woman would separate a father from his son? (Maybe Candy has some answers for that one.) Candy says she needs to perform surgery on Santiago’s heart. What will she find?
At her apartment, Marissa and Raúl are trying to figure out what happened, and what should be their next move. He counsels that the only way she can win this match is to be cold. She proposes a wager on who will suffer more, Candy or Santiago.
At the clubhouse, Ed says he expected Santi to cancel the wedding at any moment, but not at that moment! Carlos says Santi is his idol. Hector is worried about Raúl – he went kinda’ nutso. What will happen when Raúl and Santiago are together in the club? Carlos says maybe they should let Marissa be an abandonada. Hector says she’s hot, but she’s poison.
The institute staff discusses the ramifications of the day. Chayo says Santiago is a great dad but he’ll never marry. He’s been chasing women ever since Pau abandoned him. Soledad wishes Candy and Pat were together, but the others recognize it’s because Sol wants the leftovers. Ceci points out that if Santi doesn’t marry Marissa because he’s with Candy, Mar won’t come back to the institute. Goodbye institute, goodbye radio program, goodbye employment.
Marissa reminds Santi that Candy is known as Doña Mentiras, and he has to admit that Marissa doesn’t lie to him. Raúl plays offended because Santi won’t believe his old friend. Santiago suggests that they need to cool off and sleep on it, and they can deal with it tomorrow. He expresses his concern for the baby (3), and she essentially tells him to shove it. Santi leaves, and the moment the door shuts, our fib-sibbs panic because the gig is up. Mar asks what they will do, and Raúl corrects: “Us? No. What will you do?”
Candy sits in her room remembering. Chapala kisses, moonlight dancing, and an interrupted wedding. Her mom brings her tea and tucks her in, just like when she was little. They remember those times, and Gregoria says she used to listen to the girls’ lights-out talk through the door. (Chismosa metiche!)
Writing in her diary, Candy ponders some more. She saved Santiago, but she’s worried about Marissa because she hates Candy, hates Santi, and might hurt the baby (4). Candy realizes she needs to be careful about Mar. You gotta’ hand it to Candy, she never misses a trick, though she usually waits until three weeks after the horses have left the barn. Chava comes in and climbs into bed with Mama. He asks if he can marry Rocío. Nope. Then trying for Plan B, can they be novios? Wellll, okay.
Sven and Ole prop each other up as they stagger into the restaurant. Sven steps on a business envelope on the floor. He doesn’t notice it, but we do. Ole starts a joke: How is an interrupted wedding like a Chivas vs. America match? Sven doesn’t know. Neither does Ole; he hoped Sven knew.
Isabel listens while Santiago rehashes his feelings. He hates what he had to do, but he’s also relieved. The wedding never should’ve happened, and he feels like he can breath again. He notes Marissa has “dark crevices in her mind,” and he’s just worried what she might do with the baby (5). It sounds like Santi, Candy, and Raúl are recognizing simultaneously that Marissa is dangerously unstable. Mama recommends that Santiago take a nice hot bath so he can sleep. If this were a Colunga novela, the next scene would be... Alas, it’s not. The next scene is a sunrise.
Raúl calls on Candy to try to rearrange the truth. He says she lied about escaping with Santiago. She redirects the conversation to Marissa’s plot to disappear with the baby. Raúl claims he doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but she knocks that idea down in one blow. As she kicks him out, she tells him, “One of us is lying, and it’s not me.”
Meanwhile, Paulina will take Fantasy Worlds for 800, Alex. When Santiago fled his wedding, she assumed he wanted to get back with her. He tells her ‘no’ clearly, but Paulina has trouble with concepts like “no.” Santi reminds her that she has a daughter. An e-mail, a card, a little phone call, is it too much to ask? “Sure, Santi, sure. And for starters, can you give her this goodbye note because I’m too much of a slime mold to face her myself.” Loosely translated.
Ha nacido un sol, que aparte de hoy ilumine mi alma.
Eres tu, mi gran amor, que abra la esperanza en mi.
A sun was born, that starting today lights my soul.
It’s you, my great love, that awakens hope in me.
Roc wonders if she’ll ever see her mother again. Papa explains that in life there are happy things and sad things, but all of them make you a better person. No matter what happens, her mama and her papa will always be in her heart (that's not very reassuring). To cheer her up, he does a magic trick with a piece of paper because to Rocío, her papa is magical.
At the restaurant, they are packing up everything. Ole is long-faced, Gregoria is blubbering, and Sven is singing the blues. Meño, the one losing everything, is left to cheer up everyone else. Pat arrives and explains that he’s there to present the new owners. But they are not ready to take charge so they need a manager. Candy asks, “I suppose that’s you, Pat?” No. He explains that starting today, Meño is the manager of the property. And the new owners? His sons, Chava and Beto.
Candy is ecstatic. She runs up and gives Pato a big appreciative hug. He confesses that it hurts because he loves her and she is with Santiago. Candy corrects him. She saved Santi from Marissa, but she’s not with him. In fact, at the moment she would like to be with Pat because she’s tired of being alone, tired of running from the past, and tired of running from Pat (but apparently not tired of running from Santiago).
de vez en cuando – every so often
frenar – to put the brakes on
’toy contigo – short for ‘Estoy contigo.’ I’m here for you; I’ll support you. It’s what Isabel tells Santiago.
Where have all the chinos gone?
Marissa threatens that the baby might have an “accident”
Raúl fights with Santiago
Marissa trashes the institute
A couple of marginally related points.
1. Jaime Camil started a new 6-week show for Televisa Saturday, Aventura por Mexico.
2. For those of you who use music to improve your Spanish, last week on a MEPS recap, someone recommended Pandora.com, a free service with no ads, that plays music through the internet, customized to your preferences. I’ve been listening to Latin Pop all week, and I couldn’t be happier with the service.
Labels: Tontas
Our hero is finally positioned to win.
Rival is involved in a restaurant sale, saving heroine's bacon.
Heroine switches sides.
Ring any bells?
I haven't seen last night's show, was at class (hey, I got an A on my microbiology exam, YEAH!!, thanks for your good vibes everyone), but have it on tape and will use what you sent me, Paula, to help with my Spanish translation. Thank you again.
Nice touch, Pato purchasing the restaurant for the boys, I was actually surprised.
Yep, Marissa is creeping me out big time.
Congratulations Violet!
Thanks for the great details on this recap. Although I got the gist of it,I completely missed most of what was being said between Santiago and Candy in the operating room. Ditto for the conversation between Sven and Ole. I heard "Chivas and America", but couldn't figure out why they were talking about soccer. It didn't seem to fit with the rest of the conversation. Now I realize it was the start of a joke. I generally get the big picture of things, but often miss these small details, so the recaps are a BIG help!
Patricio might try touching a lit cigarette to Alicia's butt - that's supposed to work for ticks and leeches. It might also work for a big parasite?
Paula, thanks for another great recap!
Like Mike, I'm wondering who the father of Marissa's baby is but I'm not thinking Raul. I'm wondering if she had herself artificially inseminated in order to use the baby to hurt Santiago, tricking him into thinking it's his and then "disappearing" it. She's is one very disturbed woman.
I like seeing Gregoria become softer and more supportive. Her comfort scene with Candy was very nice. However, I'm not sure it's a good idea to snuggle in bed with your 8-year-old son and insist on being his no. 1 "novia". I still think that relationship is a little 'off'.
Also, I actually liked Alicia in her scene with Patricio. I thought she was supportive (for her) and she did finally leave. That was a big step for her and an improvement over the frantic "Hola mi amor" and the sex goddess route she's been taking.
Vioet, CONGRATS!!!! A "A" on the microbiology test. Someone needs to put a gold star on your fridge. That's fantastic.
And where's Diana in Maine? We've been missing her lately.
1. This novela is lighter than most. I wouldn't expect them to bring in a topic that dark, especially not in the 7:00 time slot.
2. We haven't seen any clues pointing at that, other than the closeness. We also haven't seen any clues about Mar being with anybody else in recent times. Whereas we do have her meeting with Santi when he was doped up for the tattoo. The timing matches.
3. A lot of the family affection in this novela seems excessive in our culture. Hortensia is so cariñosa with her brother. Gregoria climbs into Candy's bed. Candy is afraid to love any man so she has redirected all her affection to her son. Santi and Ed snuggle on the couch in his office (not family, I know, but I was hoping you wouldn't notice). I think the Raul/Mar relationship seems comparable to others in this show.
Mariloca is definitely headed off the edge. I wonder who she will take with her.
I'm liking Raul less and less.
I think perhaps Americans just aren't as open to showing affection as some other cultures? I don't see why Candy's affection toward her son is so different than Santi's towards his daughter.
I have sons too and have felt that there has always been a bias toward daughters and affection, whereas sons are suppose to be held at arms length.
There's a lot of snuggling in Santi's case too.
I don't see any harm in any of it but I've worked with other cultures most of my life where this is more the norm and it doesn't seem odd to me to show this affection in a harmless way.
Thanks everyone for all the interesting comments.
Carrie L.
I actually feel a little sympathy for Raúl. I know he´s lying now to protect Marissa, but he´s being pulled in 3 different directions. 1) He´s been Santi´s friend since childhood, but 2) he has to protect his sister, and 3) he still may have desires or hopes for Candy and himself. I'd like to think that he'll be able to stop Mari from her nefarious plans, but I'm not too optimistic.
Marissa is not dumb, and she really does have a lot of power at this point. She has the spy-cam installed, she knows the Institute needs her financially, and she has possession of the the unborn child.
And now that Candy, while stopping the wedding, has told Santiago she does not wanted to get married to him (at this point), and has told Pat she doesn't like being alone, things do not look at all promising for Santiago, although fortunately, he has lots of support, from his mother, his pal Ed, his daughters, Donato, Tina and of course, Hortensia.
I do think that Raul is a spineless enabler.. but I have a feeling he may rat mari out... to win over Candy??
Mauni in Wa
We can't fault him for that drive. In that setting, what could he do when he saw her start to become unstable? Abandon her? Turn against her? That goes against the prime directive.
But now he is starting to realize that her greatest enemy might be herself, not Santiago. He might have to work against her in order to protect her. That will require a major shift in his worldview. He'll need some internal struggle before he can make that shift.
She immediately pulled me across the desk and kissed me soundly on both cheeks! I loved it. Reminded me of the way Italians react.
However, there's a difference between that and some of what I find excessive between Candy and her son. Would you all be equally comfortable with Santiago (if he had no love life) snuggling in bed with an 8-year-old daughter? Maybe I've just listened to too many counseling cases, but I find the Candy/Chava dynamic disturbing.
However, I'll stand corrected if y'all disagree.
Violet - congrats on your A!!
Judy - I was thinking along the lines of Carrie L's suggestion that this is just a case of Mexican/Latino/a culture being more expressive than ours and then you brought up the bed and comparing Santi's actions to Candy's. While I'm open to being proved wrong and Candy's actions are just inappropriate (as opposed to exceeding problematic), I'm with you.
I do like all the different and somewhat atypical dynamics in this novella. I love love love that they are showing the values and acceptance piece.
For example what Pato did for Meño was a huge step for him. I think he has come to value him and respect him despite his "condition"
I love to see some of those walls broken down.
Mauni in WA
Last night in the "heart surgery," who did Santiago say was in his heart? His daughters (in first position, notice), his mother, a couple of friends, and Candy of course. That is a very healthy balance in his affections.
To which Candy responded, very snotty and proud of herself, "In my heart, my son is in first place." No mention of her mother, Meño, friends, nobody. And obviously no mention of Santiago. To me, the thing that indicates that her affection for Chava is unhealthy, is that she doesn't have room in her heart for anyone else.
Since I didn't watch this show when it started, what is the deal with Marissa? Where does her wealth come from? Was she raped as a young girl? Is that why Raul is so protective of her?
I am so glad Meño's restaurant will be saved. That was a sweet gesture on Patricio's part, not only saving his business, but also putting it in his son's names. I had a feeling either Pat or Santi would be the knight in shining armour. It's a tough call between regarding the man Candy will end up with, but at this point, I don't care. I like them both!
Marissa was in love at 15, became pregnant, her boyfriend dropped her off at the abortionist and then disappeared. (Her parents were dead and her older brother was out of the country at the time).
She had only a cynical world-weary nurse at her side during the painful aftermath of the procedure and finally was left crying all alone, damaged physically and emotionally.
That is why Raul is so intense about not letting her down now...and why she is so "off" in her stability.
On the other question, Karen I like your word...inappropriate. It is totally innocent on Candy's part I'm sure...but it seems inappropriate. And yet it may not be at all in Latino culture. There are differences.
Or it IS supposed to make us feel uncomfortable so we'll realize Candy really needs to make room for an adult man in her life and not lavish all her affection on one little 8-year-old boy.
Now, whether it will be Santiago or Patricio...I'm sure they want to keep us guessing.
Hombre I will get to your recap too, I acutally thought this show and last were pleasantly un-monotonous finally, than just more of Santi chasing and Candy running, although from last night I have to say what the f?
She stops Santi's wedding, bonds with him on the operating table but then tells Smurf that she isn't with Santi but instead has every reason to be with Pato? Eh????
Ok whatever...yes, must prolong agony, can't engage key couple yet, more time more shows....
I'll weigh in on the whole affection thing. Totally not inappropriate and super normal in this culture and plenty others.
People I know do the same thing. Also, especially where there is a tendency for large families and shared space, often times there isn't even another option, and sleeping together is required in order to have a bed. Not the case in this show, I know, but still not out of line, just not what certain other cultures are used to.
I agree Candi is portrayed as having filled her companion void with Chava instead of a male husbandly partner, and people like that have a rough time when the chick leaves the nest, but that is something different than being inappropriately affectionate IMHO.
This plot is so whacky but I love this telenovela. I love the little kids especially too. I think we should watch these names to see what great adult actors they turn into.
Marissa has gone from eerie to really scary. I don't care for the story line that suggests she might do harm to lots of people including the baby.
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