Saturday, March 21, 2009

Las tontas no van #75, Fri 3/20, Hanging on, barely

Lucía is waiting for Candy in her office. She feels like God must hate her – He took her parents, Charlie is infected, and maybe she is too. Candy reminds her that she’s not alone, she has her family.. Luc inserts, “and my Papa Santiago?” Candy offers to be like her mother if Luc is willing. Luc looks at her askance, and Candy corrects, “Okay, your older sister.” Luc likes the sound of that, but they can’t make it official because then Candy would be Santiago’s niece and couldn’t be his novia. Candy tries to deny it but Luc isn’t buying the denial. Luc asks for help from the institute.

In Raúl’s office, Santi has calmed down from his rage, but not by much, and he’s aggravated because Raúl isn’t helping him protect his son.
Raúl: You don't know what Mar can do when she's mad.
Santi: We are.. well, we were like brothers. What happened?
R: Family comes before friends.
S: In case you didn’t notice, my son is your nephew. Isn’t that family?
R: What about my wife?
S: What? (He has no idea what she has to do with this discussion.)
R: I've waited a long time to ask you. I want the truth. Did you do anything with my wife?
S: (Flabbergasted) Yes! In high school she was my girlfriend. Several months after we split, you went with her and married her.
R: Did you sleep with her?
S: You're as crazy as your sister! The shrink should give you a group rate!

At Pat’s hotel, Ali again asks for his help adopting. Pat again points out the insanity of the idea. She tries to use guilt. She reminds him that she helped him when he was deserted and alone (conveniently forgetting why he was alone), and he owes this to her now that she is alone. He finally agrees to help her adopt. Ali allows herself the victor’s smile for only a moment.

Charlie challenges his mom because she hasn’t hugged him since she arrived. PSA about AIDS transmission. Laura wants him to come back to DF, but he’s staying here with his papa, close to Luc. He feels that he is to blame for Lucía’s crisis, but more than that, if she is infected, he wants to spend what’s left of his life with her.

Marissa is getting ugly to Raúl too, pulling out all her sharpest weapons. She accuses him of siding with the enemy, the one who slept with his wife. He didn't care for her baby when she was 15, and he won’t care for this one either.

Luc memory montages meeting Charlie and their time together, and she struggles with whether to call him. She finally calls and he is thrilled to hear from her. She tells him, “I don’t want to die!” (I would have started with, “Nice weather we’re having, isn’t it?”) She pleads, “Why didn’t we protect ourselves?”

Santiago thanks Candy for helping Lucía. At times like this she really needs a mother figure. Candy asks how it’s going with Marissa. He found out from his lawyer that the only thing the law requires is that she has to notify him when the baby is born. Candy encourages Santi to protect his son (next she’ll remind him to breath) and recalls what she heard from Marissa on the wedding day.

He is just boggled that she wants to hurt her own child. He tells her again that he’s doing bad. Mar is nuts, his son in danger, the thing with Lu, and it's been ages since he laughed. You can tell that he’s getting close to the edge. Marissa enters and tries to push him over that edge and she comes darned close to succeeding. She ponders that her baby won't have a father. What a coincidence.
“Candy, you took your baby from his father, didn't you?”
Santi yells, “HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH MY SON??” She speculates that maybe it’s not his son.
He tells her, forcefully, “Like it or not, he’s my son. I'm gonna’ be in his life, I'm gonna’ love him. Whether that suits you or not!”
She tells him the love is dead. His love is trash. She dares him to hit her, and says if he does, she’ll (something), and then she’ll (take from him / get rid of) his son. (It’s hard to tell which one she says.)

Santiago is glaring at Marissa, seething, barely containing his fury. Maybe he should borrow Fr/Ed’s Foster Grants. And Fr/Ed’s tailored jacket and shirt too. Not that Santiago would look any better with them. Rather, that Fr/Ed would look so much better without them!

Candy suggests they get professional help. Mar says the problem is that Candy stole her husband. Santi says Candy didn’t steal nothing. Mar tells him to shut up and die. She lays out his options. “You marry me, you get your son. No marriage, no son. Santi is amazed that she wants to marry him even though all the love is gone. He admits that he once felt something for her, but now “You've managed to destroy EVERYTHING I've ever felt for you, even friendship.” Mar snits back that she didn’t destroy it; he did.

Mar leaves and Santi and Candy stick around, trying to sort it out. Candy says Marissa is acting this way because of pain. Santi admits that he bears part of the blame because he didn’t have the.. PANTS (his mouth says ‘pants’ but his hands suggest something more spherical) to break up with her back when he could have. (It sure took our boy wonder a long time to figure out that fatal flaw!)

Mar fires up the spy cam and snoops on the rest of their conversation. Santi is amazed that she’d hold his son ransom. Of course he wouldn’t go through with it; it’s macabre. He’d have to be as crazy as she is. But he assures her, he will always do anything to protect his child.

In Pat’s office, Arturo is trying to comprehend his son’s crazy decision. Art is sure Ali can’t adopt if they’re separated. Pat, looking quite spiffy in that tie, says it is easier to adopt in certain other countries. Art thinks Ali’s doing this just to get Pat back (Art’s a scumbag, but he’s a cunning scumbag). Pat thinks he owes Ali this. Art wonders if Pat is buying her off with this (See? I told you he’s a scumbag!). Pat rationalizes that it will help a child, it will make Ali happy, and it won’t cost him anything. Pat also believes in the Easter Bunny.

Laura begs Charly to come back to DF with her so she can take care of him, but he’s not willing to be that far from Luc, even if she’s not willing to see him. They cry and hug a lot.

Chava is getting ready for bed, and he asks Candy how Rocío’s dad can also be the dad to Marissa’s baby. Candy starts to explain that the daddy puts the seed into the mommy’s belly. That’s old hat to Chava. What he wants to know is how the daddy puts it there. Candy fumbles a bit, then promises to get a book that they can read together. Pat comes in to give Chava a goodnight kiss and grabs one from Candy too. Chava asks Pat his question, and Pat starts sweating and sputtering. He starts a soccer analogy that doesn’t get him any closer to answering Chava’s question, so Chava keeps trying to bring him back to the main subject. “I want to know about babies, not soccer.”

Donato serves Santiago his evening tea, and suggests that Santi take his cue from one of the knights of the roundtable, King Arthur who was a heroic prince. (I understood about 20% of this conversation. Can anybody explain it to me?) Santi likes the idea, except that (??). Don says Santi could move into the tree house. Isabel comes in and tells Santi that his daughter would like a bedtime story. Santi leaves and Don offers Isabel una taza de te. Isabel would like a te-quila. Doble!

Most little girls are lucky to get a bedtime story from their daddies. Rocío gets an encore of Camil’s Capitan Garfio (Captain Hook) from Peter Pan. One thing you gotta' say for Santiago: he throws himself, body and soul, into everything he does, but most of all into his children.

Alicia and Margarita talk about her adoption plan, baby names, etc.

In the kitchen, Meño is hungry for chisme. He wants to know if Candy is going to accept her husband’s invitation to go away for the weekend. Candy bristles at the word “husband,” but it sounds like she’ll go. Meño pushes as much as he dares.

At breakfast, Jaime is quizzing Rocío on her math. Santiago passes through, distracted. Jaime joins him out on the patio and says he’s worried – Santi doesn’t even pick on him any more. Jaime offers the name of a friend who is a Family Law attorney, and Santi is glad for the support. Isabel is ready to take Roc to school, but Santi says he’ll take her instead. Roc practically levitates when she hears that.

Chayo is looking at her new “attitude,” packaged in a Victoria’s Secret box. Ed dashes in, desperate for her to wash his shirt. He picks up the new duds from the bed, and she swipes them out of his hands. She says, “They were for you, but now they’re for me.” Ed is getting tired of not having a wife-slave to cook and clean for him. Chayo is more than willing to help – she gives him the number of a good housekeeper he can hire.

When Santi takes Roc to school, he sees Pat and Candy drop off Chava, but he stays out of view. He asks Chava why his mama said, “See you tomorrow.” Why, because his parents are going away together. Santi strikes his macho stance as if he doesn’t care. He protesteth too much.

At Marissa’s apartment, over a couple of tequilas, Marissa proposes to Barbara that she dump Candy and make Barbara her partner. Barb doesn’t say anything.

At school, the kids put their heads together to solve Rocío’s problem. Her papa is sad because he doesn’t have a novia, so they should find him one. Chava says it can’t be his mama because his papa is already her novio. But Beto’s mom doesn’t have a novio. Problem solved! When Beto gets home, he asks his mom if she wants to be novia to Roc’s dad. Beto is quite proud of his brilliance.

Note, the following was rough without captions. I made a brave effort, but I’m sure there are errors. Any and all corrections are welcome.

Santiago ushers a new patient into his office. I’ll call her “Rachel” because I didn’t catch her name. Did anyone else? Santi tries to call Candy’s cell, but it’s turned off. He starts talking to himself regarding Candy, but Rachel thinks he’s talking to her about her boob job.
Santi: Sí, claro, you have to give yourself the opportunity.
Rachel: Exactly. That’s what I want. A new opportunity. You understand, Doctor.
Santi: Where would they have gone? Where did they go?
Rachel: Well, I guess they sag lower. Or do you mean the old ones? I don’t know where they go. Better to get new ones.
Santi: Hmm. One by one. Alone.
Rachel: No, not one by one. If I’m going to have the operation, I prefer if you do them both at the same time.
Santi: Perdón? What were you saying?
Rachel: What were you saying?
He tries to call Candy again, gets the recording again, looks at Rachel as if she just now sat down, and says, “How are you? What can I do for you?”

Hey! Santiago! That Rachel. She’s some kind of girl, isn’t she? You’ve known her five minutes, and she hasn’t once kicked you or lied to you, she won’t get carried away by a stiff breeze, she’s not neurotic or self-obsessed, she knows what she wants and isn’t fickle, she’s making eyes at you, .. why I’ll bet she even likes Club America! I’m just saying…

At the lake, at the same campsite where Candy took Chava, Pat is hammering tent pegs with a piece of firewood. Note, my Mexican friend tells me that Americans have a different tool for every task, while Mexicans use one tool to do everything. I guess she’s right!

Out in the rowboat, Pat says this is a special place because his life came back to him here. Candy says she’s back in his life, and Pat says only as his friend, not like before. But he loves her completely. He doesn’t know if she loves him, but he has hopes. “Once I asked you in the air, and now I ask you in the water. Marry me.”

Don't you think Santiago and Rachel would make a nice couple?


Hi, Paula, thanks for subbing for me. I'm sneaking this in, in the middle of my daughter's wedding weekend. Great recap, and w/o captions! Two things I think I heard were 1) Marissa said if Santi hit her, she'd send him to jail, and then she'd take away the baby; 2) Donato said wouldn't it be nice if Santi could, like the knights of the round table, imprison Marissa in a tower until she had the baby! When Santi pointed out that we aren't in the middle ages, and he doesn't have a tower, Donato said "Well, you could lock her up in the Abandonados' Clubhouse"! Jokingly, of course.

Paula --As soon as I read this I knew you had written it. You certainly have developed a distinct style.

Oh to be Candy. To have two such men madly in love with her (Goodness knows why), and keep them both on the hook without making a decision, and pretending to be an Amiga to both. I wonder how long this will last until she makes some decision. Even Lety, in La Fea mas Bella, knew she had to make a decision --even if it was the wrong one. She gave up the man she REALLY loved to be with the man who would be better for her. I hope Candy makes a decision soon, as this situation is becoming boring. It's pretty bad when a viewer is hoping to see a plot about teenage AIDS rather than the main story.
NJ sue

OK, I'll bite - Who is Fr/Ed?

Great recap, Paula. It was difficult to follow (especially when they speak so durn fast!!) without captions. Thanks for 'splaining it all.

Emilia, on MEPS, the 9:00 novela, TBLMOE (Colunga) plays Eduardo, but he is in town under the pseudonym Franco. Thus the MEPS board dubbed him Fr/Ed.

As you probably know, when Colunga is angry he has a silent seething look that can scorch paint off walls (who am I kidding? It can burn down the whole house!). In MEPS he's been quietly seething a lot lately, and often in that state he puts on his shades, probably to avoid random spontaneous combustion.

I was comparing the two men's silent seething fury.

Thanks, Paula. Since we don't watch MEPS it didn't mean anything. Makes more sense now.

You'd think, being half Cuban, I'd really go for these swarthy Latin types, but except for one swarthy Italian, I've always fallen for blondes - go figure. We have a blonde daughter, a redhead son, and a swarthy Latin-type son, so I do really like one dark curly-haired fellow. Camil and Colunga just don't do it for me. Paula and JudyB can have my part of them.

I'm sort of on Team Patricio, but figure poor Santiago will end up with Candy, bless his heart!

Thank you, thank you for the great recap Paula!
I loved the Hook link! I would have liked to have seen Camil in that role.
He is an excellent singer (to my ear anyway). Of course being Camil how could anything he does not be excellent???

I'm really tired of the women's advice group.
I am feeling like so much of what they do now is just killing time.
I'm doing a lot more fast-forwarding right now than I did in the past.

Carrie L.

Carrie, I agree about the womens' group. Are we supposed to believe they cured an alcoholic with a new hairdo and some dancing? Oh, if only...

Thanks for the recap Paula. I thought it was you when you made reference to Fr/Ed.

Poor Santi. Please consider Rachel.

Carrie, I'm with you. I really like Camil's singing voice. Can't stand most of the songs on his CDs, but I love when he sings other stuff. El Tiburon...

There has to be something that Santiago can do to put Marissa in a nuthouse. She is really losing it. Pat is crazy to go ahead and adopt with Alicia. If he thinks this will make her leave him alone, he's nuts. She'll cling to him only more. I'm on team Santiago and hope that Cande tells Pat no when he proposes to her on the lake. Can't wait til next week.

Paula, great recap per your usual!

Just to be weird: I don't see Candy as being all that and a bag o' chips. Yeah, hiring a cute actress can help but that character is not the kind of woman I'd want either of my sons to get involved with. My two cents.

More importantly:

Hombre - how'd your daughter's wedding go?

Margarita, how are you coming along? You've got, what, 2 months to go?

Thank you, folks, for your comments. I confess Friday is not my favorite night to recap. The Friday recap never gets many comments, and I have to battle the feeling of, "If nobody is going to read this, why bother?" So I'm glad that several of you have commented.

I know that by Saturday night, even fewer people check the blog. But let me encourage you lurkers, for the sake of all the recappers, let us know you're out there. When nobody posts, it feels like nobody is reading the blog, and it gets discouraging.

You don't even need to tell us how wonderful we are (g). When you comment on the episode, it still indicates that we're not playing to a bunch of empty chairs. Speaking of which, Gloria, I haven't noticed you here before. Welcome aboard!

Emilia, I'm full-blooded German and I've always thought the Latin men were the best looking (except Pierce Brosnan who I'll make an honarary Latino). So I won't turn down your offer. Since Judy is in Charlotte this weekend, I get first choice. I take dibbs on TBLMOE (por supuesto que sí) and I'll leave Jaime for Judy.

Hombre d'M, thank you for the clarification on those two scenes. They really beat my lips.

HEY! SANTIAGO! Rachel's car is in the shop. Maybe you can give her a ride home! Maybe stop by Starbucks for some chai on the way. She looks thirsty.

Hey Paula, don't ever feel that people aren't interested in the recaps!
I would guess they are just busier on the weekends running around and may read but don't take the time to comment.
I'm sure there are others like me who no matter what the day is look forward to the recaps and check in more than once on the weekend.

I didn't pay much attention to Rachel and don't even remember what she looked like.
If we are going to give Santi away to her I'd better check her out carefully if she's on again.

I don't see the big deal about Candy either and why she is so popular with the men.
I did notice in her close ups she has very beautiful skin and of course has that hair and figure.
I guess I think some of the other women are more attractive and have better personalities.

I love the dark haired Latino men too and have all my life.
To each his own I suppose!

I can't understand what the advice group is saying until I see the recaps, but it looks like most of it is just sappy nonsense.

Carrie L.

Heyyyheyheyhheyhey....I'm back and I'll fight you for Colunga. Imagine swiping him just 'cause I was down in Charlotte with the love of my life, Mr. Jack. (who isn't swarthy but does have thick dark hair and the build of a miniature Sumo wrestler.

Loved the recap and I too, knew within a few paragraphs that it was Paula at the helm. Loved the photos and the comments.

Hombre...have to know. Did you shed a few tears giving your daughter away? It's an emotional time...for moms and dads both. Hope it was lovely from start to finish and that they'll come as close to" happily ever" after as any mere mortal can.

Paula, I read the recaps every weekend, but usually not until Sunday. I do appreciate all the recaps--even the Friday night one, but I have little time to comment.
I enjoy everyone's comments as well. Some provide additional insight and some make me laugh out loud at the sarcasm.

This is a great website that is helping my study of Spanish and Mexican culture! My family knows for 1 hour every evening they better not get between the TV and me. It's my "study" time! And boy do I love studying, I mean, improving my Spanish!

Mike, JudyB and everyone else. I'm on nube número nueve (cloud nine) after my daughter's wedding! I warned the groom to turn off his cell phone, so he wouldn't get any last minute calls :) The whole weekend was wonderful. We had a rehearsal dinner Friday night at a Baltimore restaurant on the water, and after some speeches, I sang a song I had written to the tune of Mañana es Para Siempre to Tracy and Ross (my daughter and her now-husband). It was very emotional. Saturday was the wedding, and when my wife Fran and I walked Tracy down the aisle, it really hit me, and I started tearing up (3 musicians were playing Ombra Mai Fu, which is a beautiful theme from Handel's Xerxes). My daughter is a bit of a ham, and when the rabbi asked if she took Ross as her husband, she shouted out "I absolutely do!" and pumped her fist in the air.

The party was incredible. My daughter and wife had planned everything, so I was completely surprised, and everything was beautiful, the food was great, the band was awesome, and the Tracy and Ross surprised us by singing a song, Suddenly Seymour (from Little Shop of Horrors). Tracy has a super voice, but I hadn't heard her sing in a few years (she lives in NY, I live in Baltimore), and they really brought down the house.

Oh, and did I add that she was the most beautiful bride ever, and her dress was breathtaking! I may be a little biased, tho.

It wasn't quite like the telenovela weddings that close the series, such as on LFMB, Destilando Amor or FELS, but at least we didn't have any of the problems they have on the weddings earlier in the novelas, such as both (so far) in Tontas, and the disastrous wedding over on MEPS!

Sorry if I've rambled on, but it's hard to contain my joy, and I'm happy to share a little bit of it with all of you.

Congratulations, Hombre on your daughter's wedding. You sound like a lovely family.

Paula, I read this blog every day and appreciate it and everyone's time for doing this. I don't post much because I don't get to see the show every night and really don't understand Spanish and my captions are all messed up, so I don't have anything witty to contribute or really any opinion because I'm quite lost!! So, your recaps are my saving grace!

Paula, I'm blown away that you knew Jaime Camil was in Peter Pan and that you were able to link to it. I never would have known what he was doing in his scene with Rocio and would have flown right by it. Thank you thank you thank you for the link! Jaime Camil rocks and so do you.

Rachel might be perfect for Santi, they both talk at warp speed. I'm amazed you got as much out of the conversation that you did. Nice job amiga.

I didn't have internet access from Friday afternoon until this morning, and when I finally got it I wasn't able to leave a comment, gah! Thank goodness I'm back home and can finally join in. Thanks again for your terrific recap.

HdeM, your daughter's wedding sounds like it was a ton of fun. You are a very musical family. I love that Tracy and Ross sang Suddenly Seymour, what a hoot and how sweet. Thank you for giving us a synopsis of your super day.

Wow Hombre...I teared up just reading about you getting misty-eyed. There is no "rambling on" when talking about beautiful moments like that. Every word is treasured and I love imagining you singing a very special song to your daughter. I hope you will record it and put a link to it so we all can listen...(if it's not too personal to share). We all are happy for you and I love it that your daughter is sooo expressive!

By the way, Diane in MA says "hello". She is no longer able to post because of a glitch in the work computer but she reads every word of the recaps and comments when she has a moment free. I know you all remember how supportive and thoughtful her comments always after reading what people wrote, just pause and imagine what kind words Diane might say...because she is thinking them....she just can't post them.

Diane we miss you. I'm glad to hear that you are silently with us. What a bummer that you are unable to post your comments though.

Paula, thanks for the recap. I really do love your style I always check the recaps with my cell phone, but haven't figured out how to post with it so I must wait til Mon. to post. Rest assured that I always read and appreciate your recaps every weekend.

Hombre, your account of your daughters wedding was beautiful and touching. I'm sure you're still walking on air. I admire your bravery to perform at your own daughter's wedding. Congratulations!


Thank you, everyone, for letting us know you're out there. Please keep it up. It makes a big difference.

Hear hear, Paula...yes indeed , the behavioral scientists told us long ago that the best way to "erase" behavior is to ignore it. So if the recappers think no one is reading....or caring...they lose steam. And worse yet, some of them quit . That happened on another show and blog line when some anonymous bloggers started actually sniping at the recappers and criticizing their recaps. All of us welcome corrections and are blessed by them because we learn. But criticisms, especially harsh ones, are very discouraging.

Thank you to all recappers!! My husband and I began watching this all because hubby saw a commercial of Candy ran down the beach in her undies after the wedding. We do not speak any spanish, but pretty much get the basics of what's going on. We have picked up a few words here and there plus we have had things translated by our regular waitress at our favorite Mexican restaurant who speaks very good English. We look forward to the recaps because I can print them off and we can read about what took place the night before.
Hubby loves Candy, I love Patricio and Santiago. We both can't stand Marissa or Alicia. The thing about this show is it just looks like it's filmed live, not like those soaps in the US. I especially enjoy that they do alot of filming outdoors. We appreciate all the hours you folks put into telling the story!!

Welcome MaryG and husband! Univision will be delighted to know that Jacqueline Bracamontes in her wedding garter belt brought in a couple of new viewers. Your waitress sounds like a doll. Glad she can help and that you're enjoying the show. And thanks for posting. Delighted to have you here.

That is hilarious MaryG, I love how you found the show, and that you guys are watching without knowing any spanish. Funny what an image of a girl running down the beach in her wedding undies will do no? (these writer and producers are no fools!)

I'm also sitting here misting up from the description of the wedding, thanks for sharing that Hombre.

I'm not even watching this show, but I like reading the recaps and comments to keep up, thanks!

Hi Mary and welcome! I find the character of Candy very irritating but I think Jacqui Bracamontes is a complete knockout. I also like the way she laughs, completely joyful, even though she sounds a little like a hyena. Did anyone notice on Friday's episode that Meño imitated her a bit? It was very cute.

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