Tuesday, March 03, 2009

MEPS, March 3rd, Capitulo #7 - Descanse en Paz, Soledad and Prisila Needs to Go See Octo-Mom's Fertility Specialist Instead

Previews: Nanda wants to take Sole to the hospital, but Sole wants to stay in her house. Gardenia tells Nanda that Eduardo is supposed to arrive at anytime. Outside, Ed says he doesn’t want to see Nanda at his mother’s house.

New stuff: Barb is talking to Cigarman, she tells him Soledad is close to death. He says that’s why they need to watch her even more closely now, so that she takes his secret to her grave.

Soledad is in her living room with all concerned parties, minus Eddie. Nanda wants to hang out longer, but Soledad wants to rest. She tells Nanda that if she wants to see her at her wedding she has to rest. Nanda then asks Sole about Eddie and explains to Damian who Eddie is. Soledad tells her not to worry about these things, and now she wants to rest. Warm goodbyes between Sole and Nanda ensue. She assures Gardenia, Jacinto and Margarita she’ll be fine and doesn’t need anyone to stay with her. Everyone leaves. Enter TBLMOE, who still hasn’t taken his Snoopy scarf or his muddy jeans off. Soledad tries to get Eddie to leave and go back to New York, and says if he doesn’t a tragedy will happen. He wants to know what she’s talking about, but she says all she can tell him is that he has to get out of there and never return. FC puts on his very best concerned and worried face.

Note: I’m with all of you that don’t like Fernanda’s eyebrows. They make her look mean. So far, I think Gardenia is the prettiest one of the bunch.

Prisila is in a snit with gross Anibal and about Barb calling her a traitor to her own family. Prisila says the only reason she doesn't make Barb tell her the truth about why she called Prisila a traitor to her family is because one day Anibal is going to be the father of her son. He says, “Yeah, I love you too.” She proceeds to strip down to her negligee and tells him he betters perform his obligations as a husband and make her a baby. He’s not bitin’ and she tells him if he doesn’t do his part as a hubby, she’s not going to do her part as a wifey. He tells her to do whatever she wants and walks out.

Nanda thanks Damian for going with her to see Soledad, that she’s the closest thing to a mother that she has. She says goodnight, he goes to leave, gets in the car and Creepy Barby takes him by surprise and tells him his “work” for the day isn’t finished. He’s tells her she scared the bejeezus out of him and she tells him she likes that. After a biting (literally) kiss, they leave. [Lucero is doing a great job at being one creepy witch. Someone said she has those “dead” eyes and it’s true. She looks like the female terminator and Sendel looks like a Maskatron – anybody remember that toy Maskatron from the ‘70’s?] She says let’s go where I can give you one of the best “despedidas soltero” (bachelor party) he could ever have. Yuck.

Jacinto tells Ed that the best medicine for Soledad would be for Eddie to take her away from there. Ed says he came back for two things: to see his mother and to ask Fernanda to marry him, but now that’s impossible. Now he only wants to get his mother better, and he’s going to take her to the best hospital in Mexico and never return. Jacinto leaves. Mama is coughing badly. He picks her up and says they’re leaving, but she won’t let him. He puts her back on the bed. She tells him it’s not that she doesn’t want to go with him, but that her time is finished. He’s devastated to think she might die.

Nanda is in her room looking at the charm Eddie gave her as a child. She’s sure he’s found love with another woman by now, and besides she’s going to marry Damian, the man that loves her. She puts the necklace back in the jewelry box.

Barb and Damian are making out in the car, in what looks like a field somewhere and talk about being caught by her husband and his girlfriend, but they don’t care.

Sole tells Eddie her heart broke every time he told her in his letters he wanted to come home. He tells her to rest, that “manana es para . . .” She interrupts and she tells him there’s no more time and she has to tell him what’s happened. She starts with telling him that Liliana is keeping a terrible secret. She explains how Liliana knows that Barb killed Montse and that Barb has managed to have Liliana locked up and drugged in the insane asylum. Barbara managed to get Don Gonzalo to believe that it was Liliana that killed Montse. She goes on to say she’s been posing as a volunteer named “Cruz” all these years in order to visit her. Nanda has gone each week to see her also and bring flowers. Eduardo asks why doesn’t Fernanda get her sister out of there and she tells him that Barb has gotten the Director of the asylum to declare Liliana insane. Sole tells him Barb wanted to “finish” her too, and that she’s done it. Eduardo begs his mother to tell him the secret, but she tells him she’s too weak and wants to sleep. She tells him to remember that Liliana holds the secret in her power of all the bad things that have happened. She tells him she’s tired and wants to sleep, and Eddie lets his mother rest.

At what looks like the community center or whatever that place is that they’re supposedly building, Barb comes in and is talking with Anibal about the powdered milk, and the possibility of him spending a lot of time in jail for it. He says nobody is ever going to find out that they’ve bought a shipment of milk that is “caduca” (expired). Barb says meanwhile they have to find a safe place to sell it and keep Fernanda from finding out. He says Fernanda is busy with her wedding. I’m not getting the whole selling the expired milk thing. My beanie must have a short in the wiring.

Fernanda is asleep but dreams about having a conversation with Soledad about getting married tomorrow and Soledad says look, here comes your prometido (fiancé), who happens to turn out to be the mysterious man she encountered yesterday. She’s woken up by a text message from Damian saying he can’t sleep because he’s thinking about her. She wonders why she had a dream about kissing that mysterious guy. Note to Fernanda: because he’s HOT!!!!

Eddie is remembering his chance encounter with Nanda on the road when he arrived, while he stares at the engagement ring. He holds his mother’s hand at her bedside and says soon they’ll leave. Soledad is asleep. He spends most of the night pacing, thinking . . . he tells his mother she has to confide the secret in him and he’ll do whatever he can to protect her. He cries for his mother.

Next day Eddie wakes up sleeping by his mother’s side. The window blows open by itself (never a good sign), the sun shines in on Soledad’s face. Slowly, Eddie realizes his mother has passed away in her sleep. He’s overcome with grief.

Liliana wakes up with a jolt in the asylum, screaming, almost as if she knows that her Nana is dead. Eddie sobs for his mother. I don’t mind men crying at all, especially under circumstances like this, but honestly, this wasn’t Colunga’s best moment – too much high-pitched whimpering for my taste. Liliana cries, “No!” Eddie cries and holds his dead mother.

Jacinto arrives at Sole’s cottage, lets himself in and finds Eduardo grief stricken. Eduardo tells him Soledad is dead.

Liliana gets up and goes to leave her hospital room, but some hospital thug and Nurse Ratchet catch her and shoot her up with drugs again, while she screams for her Nana and something about them waiting for her in the garden. She’s unconscious again.

Jacinto wants to know what happened and Eddie tells him Sole couldn’t take all the pain. Jacinto looks out the window and sees the Barbinator coming. Eddie is pissed that woman is coming to his mother’s house. Barb knocks on the door. Jacinto goes outside instead of letting Barb in. She asks how Soledad is. Jacinto tells her she’s gone on to a better life. Barb wants to know who else knows, and he tells her nobody does. Barb is pissed off that Soledad has picked this moment to die. Eddie hears this from inside and literally breaks a glass in his bare hand – he bleeds and is furious. Barb says she doesn’t want the happiest day of Fernanda’s life ruined by a funeral and that Jacinto needs to keep his mouth shut or she’ll throw him out of his house. If he does this favor for her she’ll be grateful the rest of Jacinto’s life. Looks like Jacinto’s going to be sick, but Babs is pretty pleased with herself.

Prisila is on the treadmill. Gross Anibal comes out of the shower. They bicker again. She says she’s going to tell her family the truth about the Elizalde’s using powdered milk. I don’t think she knows the milk is “expired” though.

Gardenia goes running up the stairs and runs into Barb, who thinks Jacinto has told her about Soledad dying and that Gardenia’s going to tell Fernanda. Barb spills the beans to Gardenia, but then realizes that Gardenia didn’t already know until she opened her big Barbinator mouth. She tells Gardenia to keep her mouth shut or Jacinto will lose his house.

Eddie wants to go along with Barb’s plan. He says Jacinto can’t defend himself against Barb. Eddie tells him what Soledad told him about Liliana being in the insane asylum and that Barb killed Montse. Eddie says Barb killed his mother and made her suffer for 15 years, and because of that they’re going to do exactly what Barb says. Eddie looks like he’s planning revenge. Jacinto can’t believe what he’s hearing.

Previews: Barb tells Cigarman Soledad is dead. Cigarman tells Barb she must not let Eduardo assist with Soledad’s funeral. Eduardo says he’s going to spend every minute of his life getting back at the Elizalde family.


Thank you Melissa! That Babs sure put the moves on our mustachioed friend.

And I completely agree about watching a grown man cry: " ...but honestly, this wasn’t Colunga’s best moment – too much high-pitched whimpering for my taste."

I am so looking forward to Liliana making a break for it. I am getting a kind of Sara Connor (in Terminator 2) vibe from her, biding her time in the manicomio, waiting for her chance to partner up with Eddie and wreak vengeance on ol' Artemio Bravo and his Barbinator.

I'm glad I caught your post before turning in, as I was up late blogging myself.

Oh, and another thing: was that straight rubbing alcohol we saw Jacinto pouring on Eddie's lacerated hand? Gah! He didn't even flinch.

I think I remember Ed Yañez crushing a glass in his hand back in Destilando.

Another fast posting, thanks Melissa! I'm with you and Agnes, the high-pitched keening was a bit much, though it still managed to be touching. I can't wait for the revenge to come, though I know it's gonna be a long ride before we get that satisfaction. While I realize it would mean a very short show, am I the only one who wishes just once when someone gets threatened not to tell something, they tell anyway? If the person gets busted, just how much harm can they do? But still, wouldn't make for much of a telenovela if they did that so I'll just bite my tongue and go along for the ride. :o)
Thanks to all you MEPS recappers. As always, you make the shows even better!
Kim P.

Thanks for the speedy recap, Melissa, and making the powdered milk scenario more comprehensible to me. What is wrong with Anibal that makes him not interested in his wifey? The Fer/Ed kiss was just a dream but it was still pretty dreamy. F C seems very competent in that area. Poor poor Liliana. Every time she regains her consciousness, they forcefully shoot her up to sedate her again...it really hit me as to how she has no control over this situation. GinCA

Hi Melissa...enjoyed your recap as I missed last night but sure hope that dream kiss is on my tape. Laughed out loud when I read "Note to Fernanda: Because he's hot".

Yes, indeed he is, but you've pointed out the one thing about Fernando Colunga that's not so thrilling. His voice is too high, period. Not just when he's crying. I'd much prefer a low vibrant rumble like Cesar Evora has...that in combination with everything else about Colunga would probably be more than the universe could handle....but I can dream can't I?

PS Thanks for that link, Agnes. Incredible pictures. Of course one can see you're an artist just in the wonderful way you photograph those plants.

Look forward to reading more of your blog later.

Thank you, Melissa for the detailed recap. I'm glad I have the kiss on tape. Eduardo's long, agonizing silent facial contortions which were finally vocalized in raw, visceral screams and then the whimpering you all mention while not pretty really communicated his grief and felt almost too private to witness. That and the crushed glass in the hand (yes like Rodrigo in DA)mean one thing: THAT'S YO' ASS EVILBITCHONWHEELSBARBINATOR!!

There. I feel better. And Evilbitch with Daminan. All I can say is he better be glad she has a use for him cause the way she gets her swerve on seems like she wants to follow it up by biting off and eating his head like Miss Preying (and I mean preying) Mantis. Damn girl, yuk indeed.

Thanks Melissa for describing poor Mommy Sole's last conversation with Eduardo, I couldn't understand her through her tears.

"Note: I’m with all of you that don’t like Fernanda’s eyebrows. They make her look mean. So far, I think Gardenia is the prettiest one of the bunch." That's the first thing that jumped out at me. I'll just have to keep in mind her righteousness and sincerity. But I think when she finds out what Evilbitch did to her Mom, big Sister and Beloved Nana, those eyebrows gon' come in real handy when she hands out a fresh ass whuppin to that Evilbeeeyatch!!

Okay. Gotta end on an up beat: The Kiss was HOT!


Yikes...Who directed that death scene ? I love FernandO and consider him a skilled actor , but that was a little TOO much. Monica Miquel directs him so perfectly. When will they team up again ??? Does anyone know if Carla Estrada is working on anything? I guess FernandO wanted to get away from the historical novelas for awhile. However, I loved the scene of Ed looking in the window at Damien . That was good. And Barbaraaaaaa is quite the maneater. I guess Damien is thinking ..just keep on using me until you use me up. What a team ...parking like a couple of teens.....Thanks, Melissa.

Question : Why does Cigarman tell Barbara that Ed must not assist with Soledad's funeral? What would that matter ?

Wow, body count is climbing! Week #2 with 2 down. Aye caramba!

Thanks, Melissa, for the awesome recap. Looks like MEPS is going to be long on dialogue & short on action (well, minus the heavy necking) so I REALLY need help keeping up. Facial expressions only take you so far when your language skills are lacking.

Anyone think that Ed will help Liliana bust out of the asylum? (no spoiler...just speculating) I'm hoping that the bad uns suffer a few setbacks along the way, rather than make us wait for the final week (think Pasion vs. FELS...Bouffy took a few hits along the way but good old Feo reigned supreme up until the last moment--I found it annoying).

Answer to Ibarramedia's query from yesterday: Colunga, baby!! Like Variopinta said, if he's the reason we have global warming, I'll pack away my woolen sweaters para siempre!


Snoopy scarf! LOL! OMG, that scarf thing was bugging me and you nailed it! Thanks for a great recap and filling in a few rough to capture phrases. This script has some of the most confusing lines I've run up against. The way it's written you always feel like you're starting in the middle and having to work your way outward.

Agnes: beautiful floral photos. If I ever took a picture of a flower it would be washed out with flash, blurred or who knows what. You either have it or you don't, and you definitely have that special "it" with a camera.

Priscila: worst wig of the month. Gag me.

About the previews: I didn't see them, but if Babs used the word "asistir" she meant, he can't BE at the funeral, not that he can't help with the funeral.

Thanks Melissa!

Thanks for the recap Melissa. I was having problems with the whole powdered milk thing but it's starting to make sense.

And the award for the best wailing banshee (or scalded cat) goes to our boy Eddie. Seriously, that was just the worst. I was laughing hysterically and the dogs were looking a little puzzled too! I had to FF through that agonizing scene.

Here's a question--When Nanda got the text message was that really supposed to be for the Barbinator? She looked puzzled but I couldn't hear what she was saying.

Thank you, Melissa. I don't have the rights of the dairy business goings on and I too found it hard to follow what Soledad was telling Ed so your recap was much appreciated.

Why didn't Soledad tell the rest of the secret?

And yes, Cigarman was telling Babs to make sure Ed does not attend the funeral. Now that Soledad is dead, why do they care about Ed at all?

Melissa, I love your style and humor, what a good job. Of all the improbable things that this show has served up so far, I think that Anibal's rejection of Pris strains credulity the most. Did I miss something? Is he a eunuch or on some super impotence inducing antihypertensive? Jeez!

Jardiera, touché.


Melissa: Thanks for the great recap.

I heard TMBMOE on a Cristina show and thought that his voice was somewhat high pitched. Anyway, during the scream that went on forever did you notice that he has beautiful teeth with his mouth wide open. How good does it get.

Barb doesn't want anyone to know about Soledad's death or to attend to the funeral because she wants Fernanda's wedding to go foward without interruption. If Fernanda knew that Soledad had died she might postpone or call off the wedding, and that would interfere with Barb's plans.

Maybe Babs somehow blackmailed Anibal into marrying Pris because her family is a competitor? That would explain his lack of interest in her. What might Babs be holding over his head? Is he gay?

So, it looks like Priscilla isn't in on Babs and Damian's scheme after all. She was just as surprised as everyone else when Babs used her for a cover story.

Do we know how much Damian knows? We know he's working with Babs, but does he know that Babs is working for someone else?

I was a little surprised during the death scene - I thought I heard a puppy crying, then I realized it was Colunga. I won't hold it against him, but that was some bad crying noise!

...and much to my surprise, I do not remember the Maskatron toys. We had some Bionic Woman stuff, but no $6 Million Man stuff.

thanks, Melissa, for the fine recap. I'm just having trouble getting into this TN. The storyline is just not credible, and it's being presented in a way that demands crdibility, if that makes sense. FELS was even more incredible, but was silly, so was easier to accept. Just me?
I, for one do not understand the powdered milk biz. I missed Friday's episode ( working in a town with a huge hispanic population, 4 spanish channels, but NO UNIVISION!), and maybe that was the key to understanding it. I don't understand this "treason" issue with Prisila, the whole thing is nonsensical to me.Just accept it, I guess.
Nanda's eyebrows are distracting to me, too. She is quite a dish, tho. And Lucero is gorgeous, a bit overdone, tho. Gardenia may be the beauty queen here, gonna have to watch her a bit closer.
That stupid comment from Cigar to Babs to not let Eddy attend (asistir) the funeral will no doubt be the crux of his downfall. How could she possibly prevent it, supposedly Soledad was the only one that knew how to contact him. A quick aside- Bab's comment about Soledad's funeral spoiling the wedding- My good buddy's intended best man died a few days before the wedding. The funeral was held earlier in the day of the wedding, and he (my buddy) invited all the funeral attendees to the reception- BEST reception ever! Everyone was already in a party mood, and half lubricated from the funeral! The joy didn't last forever, however; they divorced a few years later...

Carlos, that was kind of a weird scene. It reminded me of Isadora and Rod in DA. Anibal is a big whiney butt anyway.

I'm having trouble with all the "grown up" kids. I can't figure out who is who.

I enjoyed the scene with Bab's and Damian. The sultry music reminded me a bit of the theme music played whenever Ruth was on the prowl. However, Damian really should trade in his little sports car for an SUV or a van.


From Toys of the '70s website:

"Maskatron was a male version of the Fembots introduced on the 6 Million Dollar man show, with a removable face and detachable arms you could replace with grappling hook and string, a large pincher-like contraption."

All the Maskatrons had that same square-jawed, somewhat rugged manly look. Underneath the removeable face was a bunch of wiring and stuff. It kind of was a take on the Yul Brynner movie, Westworld with androids.

Really, I have no idea why I even remember useless crap like this! LOL

Agnes: Love the photos on your blog, they're beautiful! Where in NJ are you? I'm originally from West Orange.

I agree with some of you who said you're finding this novela a bit difficult to get into. I think the problem might be that we haven't had any characters that we can really hang on to, or feel for, that is, for any length of time. Montse was too annoying to feel sorry for, and Liliana probably could've tugged at our heart strings more but they snatched her away too quickly.

Even Eduardo, I just don't feel bad for a hot guy with a great education, supposed BMOC at Harvard, an MBA, etc., who still believes that his childhood sweetheart would still be waiting for him after absolutely NO contact in 15 years!

I'm not going to stop watching, but this one has been difficult, and it feels like we've been watching for longer than a little over a week!

Maybe we just need to find a new frequency on our beanies?

It took me a while to warm up to Pasion and now, unfortunately, nothing compares! I'll stick with MEPS because I can fall asleep with some lovely images floating in my brain. (man, I sound so shallow & superficial! ogle, ogle, ogle...how tawdry)

I'm not a huge fan of TN's general addiction to tears, men & women alike. In fact, when I first started watching TNs (it was called La Madrastra), I would time the tears. Typically, within 5 minutes, someone was crying. Glad I missed Ed's sobs...sounds a bit overwrought for my hottie.


Thanks for the recap Melissa. It's funny you all mentioned Ed's crying b/c as I watched it said to myself, this will be mocked.

Agnes - your pictures are beautiful. The "alcohol" scene made me flinch also.

The kiss was great but I knew it had to be a dream or some type of fantasy b/c at this point in our novela there is no reason for Nanda and Ed to kiss now.

Of all the transitions from child to adult the one that makes the least sense to me is Anibal. He was a nice and handsome boy and now he's mean and not that attractive.

Thanks for the recap Melissa. Kim P and Connie, I had the same reaction to the crying scene. (keening and banshee). It reminded me of a story from my wife's family about the 'keening woman' in their old Irish neighborhood that would show up at wakes (held in the home of the deceased). Did anyone else notice that with all the wailing there were no tears from FC? Maybe we're spoiled by the instant gushers from FELS.
Abuelo P

Yes, Anibal was nice - and didn't he have blond hair? Now he's ikky and has a worked-over face. But I fear, far more, the upcoming appearance of Meester James...

At least this time, "Meester James" won't be faking a British accent. That was awful.

But I do NOT like the hair!

Probably I'm over-analyzing things(this TN seems to beg for it, however) But could Lil be the daughter of Soledad and Gonzo, and maybe Eddie the offspring of Soledad and Cigarman ( who's voice I covet)?
There was definitely a psycic connection between Soledad and Lil when Soledad croaked (the llamada de la sangre}? Nah, that would be too much fun. Then again...


Carlos - That's a good conspiracy theory about Liliana. It would kind of be like Eva having the daughter with Bernardo.

Carlos: why not? Don't we have to have at least one swapped baby somewhere in the story? It's like a mandatory ingredient:

Take 2 star crossed lovers
Add 2-3 villains
Stir in a few untimely deaths (or more to taste)
Blend until lumpy
Add copious amounts of tears
Toss in a handful of assorted side characters
Throw in swapped/stolen/lost baby (or more to flavor)
Whiz in a blender
Before baking, afix beanie
Cook for 150 capitulos


Yes Abuelo P I think that is it. Juan could turn on the faucet at the drop of a hat. I don't know what was worse with Eddie--the crying with nothing coming out and making all those weird faces or the keening and wailing. I had to do the FF thing.

No macho man should be allowed to make a noise like that. Ugh!

Julie at least we won't have to listen to Meester James say Sof-ia instead of So-fia. That used to drive me crazy.

Thanks for the helpful recap, Melissa. This TN is still somewhat confusing, especially the older kids. I hope to get them firmly established in my (foil-protected) brain.
Sorry that Soledad died, but very happy that Ed got to speak to her first. At least she gave him a little clue on the BOW/Artemio plot. Now if he can just get to Liliana. In addition to being a "Snoopy" scarf, was that muffler the Harvard crimson color??
I'm still not straight on the cohort of lower-class children who are now grown staff around the Elizalde business and hacienda.
Is it just me, or was the tequila business more interesting than the milk business? Hard to get excited about all those bags of powdered milk... In earlier years, we sometimes did the same thing at home, mixed up a batch of powdered milk and blended it with real milk to save money. It was NOT thrilling.
Sergio Sendel seems at little watered down so far, as well. No tantrums or power trips, just smiles, good manners, and letting the BOW devour him. Ah well, both galans have to break out sometime soon.
La Paloma

Anon10:03: "Why didn't Soledad tell the rest of the secret?" Because this is a telenovela!And one of the basic tenets is that the principal characters withhold enough critical information to keep the plot rolling along for several months. It is maddening, I agree.

And Melissa: "Maybe we just need to find a new frequency on our beanies?" I am totally ROTF laughing my head off, so true. And, FYI, I live in Jersey City, which only a couple of years ago nobody in their right mind would have admitted to. But things have gotten better here.

I'm glad you all liked those flower pictures. I couldn't resist sharing even though it felt like shameless self-promotion. We all need a little respite from this apparently endless winter.

Agnes - Not self-promotion at all - proud of your beautiful work is all!

Yes, Jersey City was definitely not the "in" place to be a few years back. But now there's lots of high-priced waterfront condos, correct? Or am I thinking of Hoboken?

Pasofino, I, too, was marveling at F C's set of beautiful choppers during the embarrassing and endless high pitched wailing. I was able to complete an oral exam of his wide open mouth. I am glad to report there didn't seem to be one cavity or fillings in his pristine mouth. Director, please wake up and do not let this happen to our galan again...it's really not so attractive when he squeals. GinCA

Melissa, Yes Hoboken definitely, in fact the entire western shore of the Hudson is packed solid with High-rise condos now. All the way up to Fort Lee. But Jersey City has made a comeback (after 200 years, it seems). After all this was the place Aaron Burr stashed his girlfriend back in the day. He would hop the ferry over when things got too hot and heavy in Manhattan. (see Burr by Gore Vidal). We've been here 25 years and it's only started being respectable for the last 5 or so. We now boast the tallest skyscraper in NJ (Goldman Sachs) and "the Donald" has even put up a big building (He tried to get the city fathers to name the block for him, but no dice.)

I just like the proximity to the big city and I get to have a big backyard where I can grow those famous "Jersey tomatoes"

I vaguely recall one scene perhaps at Fernanda's communion where Anibal seemed to have a mean streak. He and Camilo were teasing a boy. I remember because up to that point I thought he was a good kid. Still this does not explain the change in his appearance and values but then we have little back story on most of the characters development over the years .GinCA

Yes Melinama the first Annibal was blonde. Good memory G in CA; I forgot that scene with Annibal. And Mr. James in that hideous wig is going to be something (unfortunately bad).

Carlos - loved your conspiracy theory. Clearly Lil and Soledad must share an important connection considering Lil's reactions. Or perhaps it was to show us Lil is actually still sane and cognizant of the world when she's not doped up.

Maggarita love your telenovela recipe and LaPaloma love your observation: yeah it's hard to get excited about all those bags of milk. We used to drink powdered milk when we wer kids (10 of us) and I remember hating the job of mixing big batches of it. It really was powdered yet didn't dissolve that well and you had to stir and stir. . . At least on DA some of the behavior and flaring tempers could be blamed on consuming the family product. What will we get here, them all standing around blowing gas from drinking too much milk? You guys are funny, too about Eddie's wailing. Yeah, it was 'barrasing. And he is TBLMOE, not TMBMOE and he be'd better watch scenes linke that if he wants to keep his title.


Maggarita, simply brilliant, all the reasons we watch, enjoy, and complain.

La Paloma, agreed. The Tequila industry as well as chocolate production (ahh, Cocolbosh) are much more interesting than the dairy business, but then again alittle Mexican bakery held our interest and our affection (as well as our dismay) for quite a spell.


I don't drink milk much so it always goes bad before I can use it. The only milk I have in the house is powdered for cooking and sometimes for cereal. It's not so bad. Kind of like skim. You get used to it.

Damien doesn't seem to have much of a personality. I hope that changes. I really want him to smash a phone or two. I had a boss that would do that. He would smash down the receiver and then he would come out and shake it at me (and it rattled). He would say my phone is broken. Duhhhhh! I bought him 3 new handsets that year. I don't get it.

Thanks Melissa, great recap. How much fun we can all have inspite of a sad story. I love this group.

Agnes, thanks for the link to your blog. I enjoyed the pictures so far. I have only attended the Philadelphia Flower Show (first and greatest in the nation) once but I used to live for the March rescue of the Boston Flower Show to keep me alive for the rest of the winter.

Did anyone else get the image of the Pietá in reverse? It was a striking visual cameo of Eduardo holding his dead mother with the strangely glowing cross behind his head above the bed. I was so taken by it I didn't mind the crying, it seemed to fit the moment of a long lost son losing his mother in so horrible a fashion.

The commenters are kind of amazing me with the criticisms of the voice level, don't mind his voice at all even though I agree that Cesar Evora has the sexiest deep voice other than James Earl Jones that I can think of. Also the eyebrow thing, what is this? I am much more bothered by her motormouth talking speed that makes her seem like a blithering idiot or like she is channeling Marichuy.

I'm not thinking Soledad was Liliana's mom but wasn't she the only loving humane adult in these kids' life especially compared to their icy mom Monserrat(ed).

Wow Cheryl...good call on the Pieta in reverse. I "got" that the scene was supposed to be very symbolic but didn't process it as far as you did. Great observation. I guess most of all I was a little put off by all that grappling with a corpse. "Didn't seem fittin'" as that great character in Gone With The Wind once said.

You have to cut Eddie some slack on the death scene. Hey, he had 15 years of pent up emotion without being with Mama. :-) or is it :-(
Thing that struck me was Babs and Damian in the car. The tail lights/brake lights were on, but no front lights. Seems sort of strange having the red lights in the back. Then again, it did appear to be a red light district. Perhaps they were Damian's brake lights saying stop, stop.. Hmm, guess they didn't work and he didn't seem to mind too much.
Jeff in MN

Agnes - Aaahhh, Jersey tomatos! We grew them in our backyard. My father babied those things. I miss them so much! Out here in AZ I can't get anything decent to grow. Sometimes when I'm at Home Depot I'll go into the garden section just to feel and smell the small tomato plants, it takes me back!

Cheryl & JudyB: Yes, the pose was totally classical and I kept focusing on her crucifix (not as gaudy as Gabriela's) and the overall triangular shape of the scene. I was very moved by it despite Eduardo's odd vocal stylings.

And JudyB: "I am much more bothered by her motormouth talking speed that makes her seem like a blithering idiot or like she is channeling Marichuy." You said it all. I hope as time and the inevitable tragedies ensue that she will calm down and mature. Maybe they are intentionally making her out to be a flibbertigibbet at the outset. Same with Damien—I am anticipating character development, as in, increased irrational behaviour and cell-phone smashing. Call me disappointed thusfar.

Jeff in MN: "red light district" Ha!

FC is my dream man but I think the crying needs a little work also. Some sobbing, saying mamá & holding her would have been just fine.

With your help I think I have the grown up versions of the kids worked out. I had no problem with Santiago, the artist kid, but Camilo & Anibal confused me, especially since Anibal was the creepy looking kid, so I thought he grew up to be the creepy looking guy & he looks older than Camilo, who is now the oversexed bimbo chaser except for Erika. Right?

I think Erika is very pretty & it took awhile to make the Pasión Jimena connection.

I thought Gardenia was running up the stairs to tell Fernanda about Soledad's death, but apparently it was about Barb & Damian.

Artemio is PO'd at the whole family, but why? In the cast of characters I find the name Aurora Elizalde Greco. Barb's real name is Rebeca Sanchez. Artemio is Gonzalos half brother. I don't know what any of this means, just something to think about. I'm sure
Gonzalo didn't steal Moneserrat from Artemio, why would he have wanted her?

Connie, keep a close eye on Damian. That guy does quiet disgust and impatience better than anyone.


You're right Carlos. He was great in Destilando. I even cried a little when they hooked him up for the lethal injection. He's usually over the top so I guess that's what I'm expecting. He seems to care for Nanda but I'm not getting into it like I thought I would. I might have missed some stuff.

The death scene was a little hard to watch with the crying/noncrying/squealing/whimpering. I love TBLMOE but that scene was hard to take. Now I'm looking forward to Eddie exacting revenge and if the glassbreaking scene was any implication he will not stop until he's avenged his mother's death. Poor Liliana. I wonder how long will she be trapped in that asylum and drugged up before she finds the stash that Sole hid. Babs is one heartless and unfeelinging machine. I looking forward to her and Eddie butting heads.

Carlos, you got that one right. I was expecting Damian to wipe his hand after Soledad talked to him last night. He just did not want to be near her/those people. You can see the impatience in him when Nanda has to do something else before going where they are supposed to go. Hmmm, wonder if he wiped off the seats in his car after his and Babs.. er, hmm, time together.
Jeff in MN

CherylMewMex said:

"Did anyone else get the image of the Pietá in reverse? It was a striking visual cameo of Eduardo holding his dead mother with the strangely glowing cross behind his head above the bed."

I was going to comment about this but you beat me to it. since i'm just posting now. I thought it was just me being irritated at his wailing crying voice. Has he cried like that before?


Variopinta, I believe Camilo was the creepy looking kid. He was the one who teased Santiago about Erika and more or less stole her away. And he has definitely continued his creepiness. Anibal is the oldest one and only had like one scene (talking) that I can remember when the kids were younger. He was pretty old 15 years ago, so I think he may actually be very close in age to Babs. I think Babs had to be very young, early twenties, 15 years ago and Anibal must have been getting close to that then, perhaps already in college?
Jeff in MN

Ibarramedia, I've only seen FC twice before, Pasion and Navidad sin Fin. The main reason I liked him in Pasion was because he did not cry like a big baby all the time like other main (..EY..) TN male leads! After watching Destilando where they broke up all the time, it was so surprising in Pasion where they actually talked things out and understood where each other was coming from! LOL
I guess here, I don't know when they will together and finally work things out.
Jeff in MN

We'll just blame Ed's crying scene on the director.

So we have:

Anibal--oldest (married to Priscila)
Camilo--Creepy one with fake bake tan
Santiago--Meester James with bad curly hair
Liliana--In the looney bin
Fernanda--Youngest. Loves Edwardo.

Does that sum it up better?

Khalilah, LOL. Perhaps milk can cause bad behavior and flaring tempers in the Elizalde family if they are lactose intolerant. Someone needs to go to Costco and purchase a supersized bottle of Lactaid to relieve them of whatever has been pent up in them over these last 15 years. I'd rather have an intolerance to milk than tequila. GinCA

Connie, you are a math whiz! That sums it up quite well. Maybe to add, Camilo and Erika are sort of together, but Camilo suffers from the 15 year itch.
Jeff in MN

Thanks Melissa for a great recap. Although I always enjoy the recaps, I usually I give the comments a hit and miss quick once over because too much snark spoils it for me. But so far the comments on this novela have been priceless. I like Khalilah's comment that Nanda's eyebrows gon come in handy. Like Cheryl, I'm cutting Eddie some slack on the tears & voice thing. Sorry Melissa but I think Erika is the prettiest lady of all. Can you all tell that I'm really into this so far?

Snoopy Scarf cracked me up! He really is hot, and doesn't have a massive head like EY. Who is hot in his own right, but dude has a serious melon head.

I'm still trying to understand this one. Who knew milk could be so controversail. And I really hate powdered milk. At first I thought you all were kidding and it was something other then milk. Mope, just milk!

Thanks for the recap!

Can someone summarize the lesser characters for me? I think there is the guy that is Eddie's friend, and the other 2 girls. And somebody in the kitchen? I'm just not sure.

Thanks Melissa. Has anyone figured out why Eduardo wants revenge on the Elizalde family. Aren't they victims too for the most part?

Great recap! I thought FC's crying in Pasion, after they found his baby was very real and touching. Last night's wimpering, etc. was brutal to watch. I understand that the director wanted to show how FC felt the loss of his mother but that was too much to take. Thank you, Connie, for clearing up the "who's who".
Barbara in Pembroke, MA

Molly, think two words "milk bath." Hmmmm....that certainly has possibilities.

Attention newcomers to FernandO Colunga: Please don't judge TBLMOE by that very over-the-top scene. I blame the director because I've seen him in 3 other novelas [Alborada, Amor Real, and Pasion] in which he has lost a wife, a mother, and a mother respectively , and he did a great job of showing his grief without all that business he did at Soledad's death in this show. I think the director told him to chew up some scenery. And Damien is creepy [wiping off his leather carseat after the peasants exit his vehicle] but I'm used to seeing him large and in charge and not just a little BSC. He usually plays the primary asshat in novelas, but that would be Barbie and Cigarguy in this novela. [Shout out to Beckster !] Also, Agnes ~~~My daughter lived in Hoboken [3 different places..the last being a highrise on the Hudson where she could watch the cruise ships passing by before moving to West New York and then moving to Manhattan and living in 2 different apartments there before she moved to Toronto]. So Hub and I used to make many trips to your neck of the woods. That area has also become a convenient place to catch a cruise ship for a quick vacation to Canada or the Caribbean. They are really transforming those NJ towns across the Hudson from NYC. Do you ever go to the Botanical Gardens ? Absolutely beautiful. Our family went there to see a display of Dale Chuilhuly's works...breathtaking amidst the flowers and plants. Thanks for brightening our day with your photos.

Oh Connie, that could be yummy! And followed with a nice shower scene.

Okay, I've tried to work this out on my own but I guess I am just slow today. What is TBLMOE?

GinCA, supersized bottle of Lacataid... bwaahahahah! Hilarious! and Khalilah, I just love Preying Mantis! Good one! The way she was trying to bite chunks out of Damian's head last night makes the insect image perfect! Can't wait for tonight!
Kim P.

Molly: The Best Looking Man on Earth! LOL

Thank you Melissa! I was trying to come up with something that had an element of dirt and it was just not working! I feel so much better.

Molly, TBLMOE = The Best Looking Man On Earth. I'm not sure who coined that, Paula H maybe?
Kim P.

Great comments. Cheryl~~~That was very astute of you to connect the death scene with the Pieta. Maybe Nanda is being a chatterbox to illustrate to us that she is only a youthful 20something chick....all carefree and perky, perky, perky...just a wild and crazy kid. Also, I don't even remember Anibal as a kid. I think Margarita and Gardenia are sisters and Marg is married to Jacinta. As for the milk connection, I grew up with lots of friends who lived on dairy farms...a very smelly business. Hub and I drink milk every day...1%. I think that they should introduce flavored milk to spice the storyline up...chocolate...maybe tequila. My aunt used to save money by mixing powdered milk and real milk, so my cousin Drew loved to come for vacation to our farm because my mother always served real milk. Anyhoo...I've enjoyed all the comments. I plan to ride this pony out to the bitter end no matter what because FernandO is so fine and I like all the familiar faces. It's enough for me.

Speaking of baths/showers, Eddie still hasn't cleaned up since he got the mud puddle soaking from Nanda. You'd definitely think it's time to clean up. ;-)
Jeff in MN

Wouldn't the tequila sour the milk? Blech.

Yes Jeff, please!

Is there a reason why fernanda and edwardo took 15 years to finish an education?

I'm so grateful for the good recaps this TN because my comprehension plummeted with the fast delivery of lines--thanks, Melissa! And I agree with everyone who felt that FC was a bit over the top with his anguish (so why was I crying??). Nobody beats Eduardo Yanez in the over-the-top anguish department (remember his discovering his sister's body in FELS)!

I've been wondering when all the lactose interolant and Lactaid jokes would start "pouring" (yes, pun intended) out! LOL Hilarious!

Love the Pieta reference also. But do any of you wonder if the writers/directors actually think that deeply and make that connection? Some of the stuff in these novelas are so ridiculous, it makes me wonder if they're smart enough for those hidden references like the Edgar Allen Poe stuff in FELS? You think they're capable?

Jeff MN: You and I are definitely channeling re: Damian pulling a Monk after touching Soledad's hand and of course, Damian fooling around with Babs in the Beamer. Hubby and I gave him extra points for remembering to at least put the top up during the commercial. We were taking bets.
The crying scene after Soledad died was uncomfortably lo-o-o-ng. Sort of like a little spice when cooking is good but adding just a bit more spoils the entire dish. I could deal with the wide mouth frog look but I couldn't stop fixating on the guk that came flying out of Eddie-boy's nostrils and landed on Sole's hair. I kept thinking María Rojo was soooo lucky she had her eyes closed during that.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Carlos: after your Root withdrawal with FELS, I wondered last night if Prissy was too tame to merit a cigarette break from you.

Yes, Kim, I'm the one who introduced the "TBLMOE" label. But it's not so much that I invented it. Rather, the first time I visited Caray, I saw his picture on the sidebar, and the thought exploded in my head, OHMYGOSH, THAT'S THE BEST-LOOKING MAN ON EARTH!!! I've thought of him as such, ever since.

BTW, Molly, you'll also see references to TMBMOE, The Most Beautiful Man on Earth, the label this board has given Jaime Camil who is starring in Tontas in the 7:00 time slot. Although I am a big Camil fan (I like looking at Colunga, but I prefer Camil's acting), I wasn't familiar with that term until last week.

PaulaH, I never knew the difference between TBLMOE being Colunga and TMBMOE being Camil. Since Fea was before my time here on Caray2, I guess he was awarded that title then? I stand corrected, I have been using either set of initials and thinking they all applied to Colunga, silly me. I am finally learning the unforgetable charms of Camil on Tontas so I am not likely to mount a demand for recount or any kind of protest. There is room for all guapos.

Cheryl - I think you just came up with a new telenovela name:

"Hay Espacio Por Todos Los Guapos" !!!

Some other characters:
Jacinto: Eduardo's amigo from back in the day. Appears to still work for the Elizaldes. Seen before: Nacho Machetes in Querendon.

Margarita: Jacinto's esposa. Sounds like she is now a teacher. She was also there 15 years ago, but can't remember what all she did. Seen before: Yadira in Querendon.

Gardenia: Margarita's sister. Works for Elizaldes. Gave Eduardo a note when he left 15 years ago telling him how much she loved him. Seen before: Yazmin in LFMB, love interest of Senor Checque.


HAH! and Priscilla is YVONNE from Juan Querendon!!!! I knew I'd seen her someplace before! Too bad about this awful wig!!!

Thanks Paula, I followed the link, and he is!

Molly, if you like what you see (Camil), you should watch Tontas at 7, and come visit the Tontas recap group. Wednesday's episode was just packed with good stuff, and the ones for Thur and Fri promise to be even better. If you drop in now, there's so much action going on, you might get lost. If you decide to do that, post a request on TUESDAY's Tontas recap, and I'll reply with a 1-paragraph synopsis so you can make sense of Thur & Fri's episodes. That way I'm not bothering the MEPS folks with any more Tontas stuff.

Cheryl, you never saw LFMB? Que lastima! Me haces llorar la corazon! If you think Camil is sexy in Tontas, he's downright dumpy compared to his performance in Fea! In that one, he was just plain burninating!

Melissa, you're right. Cheryl's line, "Hay Espacio Por Todos Los Guapos," should be a novela title! Don't you just love that Mexico uses "manly" men for their stars, instead of the prettyboys that top the charts in the US?

Paula, I think my kids would kill me. They thought it would end with FELS. I told them I was getting rid of cable and they were giving me crap about having to give up Univision. I told them no it is UHV, I'm all good.

They are cracking up over the bad powered milk in MEPS. I had to explain what powered milk was.

I watched the link. That is the creepiest, ugliest stuffed cat I have ever seen. Reminds me of those old black velvet poster in the 70s!

Molly, did you watch the other segments? Especially Part 4, where Santiago (Camil) is sweet-talking Candy.

No, I will go back and watch more! Thanks

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