Monday, April 20, 2009

Doña Barbara, Mon. Apr. 20 - The hopes of peace and happiness returning to Altamira are dashed; the war starts with an empty house and some mice

Marisela tries to reason with Santos. She asks what reason she would have had for deceiving him about DB's pregnancy.

DB tells Facundo that she usually gets rid of filth like him but that his time will come. Right now, he can go back to El Sapo and tell him that DB is declaring war on him.

Gonzalo pretends that he gave Antonio an order to pay for the repair of a street twice by mistake. He tells Antonio that the Marisela situation has his head all mixed up.

Marisela tells Santos that he is being controlled by his anger. If he throws her out, she won't come back. She won't beg like DB does. When he doesn't respond, she leaves. Juan Primito tells Marisela that Santos will get over his anger but Marisela says that Santos doesn't love her and she has no reason to wait for his anger to pass.

With Pernalete and Mujica present, DB accuses Sapo of rape and murder. She tells Facundo to tell Sapo that this is her territory and these are her men. She is declaring a fight to the death between them.

Altagracia tells the other terneras about how Santos threw DB out of Altamira. They hope that happy times are coming back to Altamira with Santos and Marisela together.

In a lovely scene, JP tells truth to power. When Santos tells him that he threw Marisela out because she lied, he points out that everyone lies and when Santos lived at El Miedo, he didn't tell DB how much he missed Marisela. Santos says that was different and that JP doesn't understand. JP says that he does understand: it's ok for Santos to lie but not Marisela. He says that Santos thinks he knows everything but he doesn't know anything. He tells Santos that a good man doesn't make women cry but with Santos, they all cry: Marisela, DB and Luisana. He says that Santos is bad, bad, very bad (muy malo)!

Cecilia tells Genoveva and Casilda that she will rent the house that they saw. Antonio comes in and the other women leave. Antonio tells Cecilia that he got a restraining order against Don Encarnación. Cecilia thinks that was the wrong thing to do. When he kisses Cecilia, someone takes a photograph.

When DE comes to see his granddaughter, he is turned away. He is furious.

Pernalete and Mujica come back with long faces to the cafe where Federica and Josefa are waiting . They say that a war is coming and DB and Sapo will kill each other and no matter which side Pernalete and Mujica are on, they will get killed, too.

Facundo returns to Sapo and says that he has a message for him. He tells Sapo that DB wants to see him in hell before he dies. She wants him to suffer more than any of the other rapists. He says that DB is possessed (endemoniada). "And she's coming after me?" asks Sapo nervously.

DB returns to El Miedo to find Marisela there. Marisela says that DB has tricked her again. She was naive and stupid enough to believe that DB had gone crazy after she lost her baby. DB tells her that at first she was crazy but Marisela no longer believes anything she says. DB says that losing her baby was horrible; almost as bad as being raped. The only good thing was finding out that Marisela loved her in spite of all the horrible things she had done. "You still deceived me?" says Marisela, "You still used me to get close to Santos?" DB admits it and says that she would do it again. It's the way she is.

Santos is rude to the terneras.

Marisela tells DB that Santos has kicked her out of Altamira for lying to him about DB losing her baby. "That's what you wanted, right?" asks Marisela. DB admits that is exactly what she wanted.

Santos is rude to María Nieves when he tells Santos that Marisela's mare is pregnant.

Gonzalo tells Sapo to sabotage the dairy plant while he will destroy Santos' reputation and then finish him off.

Santos rides off and is assaulted by flashbacks.

Marisela tells DB that Santos is all hers now. She says that she will go far away forever. DB can stay at El Miedo with her hatred and lies and try to regain the love of someone who hates her. Marisela turns to leave and DB tries to stop her without success. As she walks away, DB asks Marisela to forgive her. Eustaquia says that she hopes DB doesn't regret for the rest of her life breaking her daughter's heart.

Santos, assaulted by flashbacks, is rude to Carmelito.

After hearing about Santos' behavior from the terneras, Carmelito and MN, Melesio decides to go and speak to him.

DB finds JP hiding under a table and crying because Marisela has gone and won't be coming back. DB tells him that Marisela will always be unhappy near her and that is why it is better for her to be far away.

Marisela tells Cecilia, Antonio and Genoveva that she has to get far away from DB.

DB lights up her cigarillo, loads her gun, kisses Eustaquia and JP goodbye and heads off to do battle with Sapo.

Genoveva is looking for the stapler (engrapadora) in Gonzalo's office when she finds the much-traveled picture of the DB's rapists. She says that she has to show it to Marisela.

Melesio tells Santos that he should be going after Marisela. Santos says that Marisela doesn't exist for him anymore.

DB and her gang shoot up Sapo's flat screen TV but there's no one at his house.

Sapo and Facundo are off releasing a bunch of white mice into the dairy processing plant. Sapo says that Santos' dairy plant is finished.

Melesio lets Santos get all the crazy things out of his head. Then he tells him that he has acted like an idiot and had better do something soon or he will lose the most valuable thing in the world - the love of a good woman.

Geno shows Marisela the picture of the rapists. She recognizes Sapo and realizes that the fifth rapist is Sapo and that he is very close.


Thank God someone finally told Santos what an idiot he is. Still, I don't how much water JP's words hold.

I felt bad for Marisela. She was protecting her mother's 'fragile' mental state in the only way she could and then DB turned around and betrayed her again. Does Marisela get to keep her teddy bear though lol?

When the cats are away, the mice will play. Sapo and his minions have come up with a pretty devious plan. Let's see if it works.

I thought of your comment yesterday, CC, when Juan Primito told Santos that a good man doesn't make women cry.

Thanks, Jean. I don't know if this saying exists in Spanish, but I thought DB was referring to it. She said that what she did to Marisela was her "naturaleza". And then she said she was like the scorpion. To me this seemed like the famous story of the frog and the scorpion where the scorpion promises the frog he won't sting him if he carries him on his back across the water. Halfway across, he does it anyway and just before they both drown the frog asks why. The scorpion replies he can't help it, it's his nature.

I guess the Mondragones are more afraid of DB than Sapo. I don't think loyalty is why they stuck to her.

Releasing the rats was really diabolical. Looks like we're in the phase where everything goes wrong for our protagonists, just before the big everything works out phase.

Hi Novelera: You know when DB said she was a scorpion it sort of drifted across my mind that she was referring to something but I didn't check it out.

Some internet checking indicates that the story is certainly known in Spanish speaking countries. Here is a version that was in an opinion piece that had something to do with right wing party infighting in Chile:

Estaba un escorpión al borde de un río, esperando para que algo o alguien lo cruzara al otro lado; en eso aparece un sapo que justamente va en ese sentido, por lo que el alacrán le pide que lo lleve en la espalda, a lo cual el anfibio se niega en primera instancia argumentando que lo puede matar clavándole el aguijón. Ante eso, el arácnido le contraargumenta: “Cómo se te ocurre, sapito lindo, si lo hiciera mientras vamos cruzando, yo también moriría porque no sé nadar”. Ante este razonamiento el anuro accede, pero cuando van en la mitad del caudal el escorpión le clava la lanceta. Agónico y sorprendido, el sapo le pregunta: ¿“Porqué lo hiciste? Moriremos los dos”. Y el alacrán le responde: “Perdóname sapito, pero está en mi naturaleza”.

That version is Spanish was great! And it does apply to DB, because in her heart of hearts she really does love her daughter, but she can't stop trying to sabotage her relationship with Santos. And the sad result for her is pushing away the only other person (besides Eustaquia) who really, truly matters to her. This makes her sad, but she is compelled to do it.

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