Friday, April 03, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., April 3: DB loses her baby and maybe her mind

Facundo tells Sapo that DB doesn't have half the money or power he has. Sapo says that DB's hate is more powerful than 20 armed men. Sapo describes to Facundo (and we see) all the horrible ways that DB killed the other four rapists. He says that he got this information from the late BP.
Gonzalo makes a big boo boo and tries to order Marisela to return to San Fernando with him. She tells him in no uncertain terms that no one tells her what to do and if he thinks he can order her around, he can have his ring back. Here, Gonzalo apologizes for his temerity and puts the ring on Marisela's finger again.

Juan Primito returns to El Miedo to get clean clothes for DB and Melquiades. He finds the Mondragon tribe holding the Altamira vaqueros at gunpoint. He tells them that Leoncia and Celeste are at Altamira but that he doesn't know where DB is.
After losing the baby, DB goes to the river to clean herself up.
Poor Melquiades is devasted at DB's loss of the baby.

He starts to become concerned when DB starts behaving as if shewere still pregnant.

Santos has no success in convincing Antonio that Sapo was responsible for attacking El Miedo or that Gonzalo is involved with him.
DB returns to Altamira. She is sweet and tender to Marisela who is obviously surprised. DB says that she doesn't need any medical attention and claims that all is well with the baby.
Los Mondragon are reunited with Leoncia and Celeste. DB tells them not to bother the people at Altamira but to go and stay at Danger's house. She says that tomorrow they will start repairing El Miedo.
Antonio tells Cecilia that he has to return to San Fernando because Lucia is alone in the hospital. Cecilia says that she is on vacation from her school and offers to spend time with Lucia and bring Tonito to see her. Antonio is grateful.Melquiades tells Eustaquia that DB lost the baby but is either pretending that she didn't or really believes that she is still pregnant. He tells Eustaquia that whatever is going on with DB, they must say nothing about it to anyone.
Santos is making his ususal pitch about their need to be together to Marisela...
..when DB comes downstairs all radiant to say that she has just felt the baby move ('mi bébé me acaba de dar su primera patadita,' literally, 'my baby just gave me its first little foot').
Labels: barbara
Jean, when looking at your pictures DB and Marisela really do look like mother and daughter (or sisters).
My favorite scene was when Marisela put Gonzo in his place. He is becoming such a little napoleon it's fun to watch him kowtow to someone else.
Thank you Jean.
I'm feeling very sorry for DB. It appears to me that she's hallucinating that she's still pregnant, not faking in her old deceiving way. She simply could not accept the loss of the child that represented to her the way back - to Santos, to a better life.
Yes, it was fun to see Gonzalo's face when Marisela gave him back the ring. He certainly doesn't know Marisela very well if he thinks he can order her to do anything.
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