Friday, April 03, 2009
Tontas Wed 4-2-09 - A re-engagement, a re-inauguration, a re-al estate deal, and really not much
Meno teases Greg about liking her daughter’s pa- in law, or her co-inlaw. My reception wacked out a little here but he makes a joke about her walking around like with her head in the clouds, and he mimics ringing noises, but she says the only one who’ll be hearing bells is him when she whacks him with the pot she‘s holding. She thinks she’s too old for such a thing and he makes a joke about not letting the spider webs grow on it. Feel free to imagine what "it" could be in this scenario.
Candy comes to visit the mansion and promises Ma she'll get her money back, Ma isn't worried and agrees to let Candi talk to Lu. She begs Lu to come to the institute to teach kids because she could save their lives. Lu finally agrees. Charlie is at the institute already with Barb and she tells him he needs a specialist (infectologist?) right away and so he agrees to contact the one they work with there. Thank goodness, finally some treatment efforts!
Candi shows up at the institute to find that Pato has sent pink roses. He’s waiting in her office and tells her he wants to invest in her Institute, he thinks her loan is going to be expensive, but he‘ll only costs kisses. She doesn’t want his money because this is her own creation, her project and she wants to do it on her own. Pato finally leaves that subject and instead tries to convince her to take off a day. Just one day, this week. She says after the inauguration she will.
Grego is dressed up and on the phone thanking someone for watching Chava and then talking to Candi that she’s on her way but as she is about to leave Arti shows up and wants her to go for coffee. She can’t obviously, but he offers to take her to where she needs to go. She gets a face.
Everyone is dressed up for the inaugural party and they decide that the name for the institute will be MILAGROS. They do chick high fives.
Marta, I guess, is the first guest and shows up with her HUSBAND. Candi is glad they are there. Smart hubby wonders how she came before if the opening is today. Candi explains it’s really a reopening about the name change and that they are going to specialize a little more in “sexuality.” Huh. This earns ominous looks from Marta and Lucio.
Horty is getting a treatment from Santi, some botox maybe? She wants him to take the cost out of her salary but he said he doesn’t charge friends. She tries to “refine” that definition with him, He says they are more than friends, but not lovers, brother and sister perhaps. She begs for his pardon and when he asks why, she grabs him and smooches him.
Just then Lalo shows up and sees it, and screams bloody murder! Santi runs out telling him he saw nothing and slapping him out of his reaction. Lalo like the good machista slaps back. Horty just smiles. Lalo finally calms down and goes to leave saying he‘s on his way to the grand reopening. Horty is beaming through the window but Santi tells her this will cost her (cobrar) which also means “cover” and so I think in this play on words she begs him to please cover (cobrar) her…:)
Thus Santi finds out about the reinauguration.
The Mariachis are playing the Tontas no Van al Cielo song, Greg sheepishly shows up with Arti, and Pato greets them. Candi begins to announce to everyone how the new center will dedicate itself to feelings and everyone being loyal to what they feel, as this is what truly matters. Huh? So if you are feeling like sleeping with your neighbor’s wife and then feel like you should steal his flat screen TV you should just run with that? Oh, maybe I’m missing some thing here. Then again maybe not because I realized Santi had that same idea later.
Anyway, Santi is missing something too as he shows up and announces to the crowd that this institute doesn’t come through with what they say they will do for you. He walks right up to Candi and claims it’s a joke, and then congratulates her in front of everyone and wishes her much success once he realizes no one laughed. On his way out he passes out his business card to everyone.
She takes him aside and Pato gears up to claim his territory. Before Pato arrives we learn Santi was a little bent because he didn’t get invited to the purple institute and he refers tons of clients to her! When Pato arrives, the pissing match starts, but it turns out that Candi wants to talk to Santi so shakes off Pato for now. Meno begs everyone to come and dance and tells Pato Candi knows how to defend herself.
Dancing ensues at the party.

Obviously I thought this was pretty funny. I think Jacquie flubs a line here calling Santi Pato, but he covers reminding her Pato is the one on the couch not him and the cameras keep on rolling.

We are flashed the building with the name Tower of Iron where Mari lives … she’s practicing her breathing and ignoring a call from Ali when the doorbell rings and surprise it’s Ali. They both warn each other about backing out of their deal.
Back at the mansion, Ma wants the nieto living with them, but more importantly wants her son happy. She asks him who is obligating him to do this marriage. He says he’s talked to a lot of folks and they all convinced him he’s doing what he needs to protect his child.
Candi stands in the entryway again and this time has flashbacks to times with Pato being cute and loving to what seemed like a rather loud La Quinta Estacion’s “Yo” until she sees Santi singing mariachi to her and curses that the Dr. Plastico always ends up in the middle. Pato finally comes out and wonders what she was talking about with him. Pato admits to being jealous, but sends it off dolor style and invites Candi to have a tequila.
In the meantime Barb drags Candi off to therapy thinking she looks happy but appears to still be sad inside. Barb wants Candi to admit what she felt when Santi kissed her on the cheek. She says fine it felt nice, but she wants to give Pato another chance.
Santi chats with Donato about safety changes to the mansion and changing those horribly dangerous plants. Now there’s a challenge, baby proofing a mansion. Life is sure tough. Donato too wants to see his boss happy and worries about the real reason for the safety excess.
Chayo interrupts to tell Candi that a girl is in her office wanting to talk only to the woman who writes the column. This girl, Aurora, wants help because she boffed her man, then he never talked to her again. Chayo keeps interjecting how men are all the same and Candi tries to chill that sentiment repeatedly so as not to jade the poor young gal.
Ma shows up to tell Mari if she messes with the son or grandson, she’ll answer to her. Mari mocks her. Ma is not amused and tells her she knows Santi doesn’t love her so why is she insisting on this.
Santi is going overboard making the house safe. He’s putting up gates, despite the kid not being able to walk or even crawl for at least a year.
The girl wronged goes to chew out boy with the entire institute in tow. He snips at her to come in so they can finish it once and for all and wonders what the heck all these other gals are doing. Candi tells her it’s her decision, and Aurora ends up deciding to tell him she’s not a rug to be trampled and to go and find some other doormat. She leaves with her support crew in tow.
Santi tells Mari to withdraw her money from the institute and instead put it into trust for their son, he just doesn't want any partners anymore.
Pato leaves Candi an envelope giving her directions somewhere. She tells Lulu she’s afraid if things don’t work out and what she would tell her son and she has regrets about involving him. Lulu very sensibly replies that she should just tell him things didn’t work out with his Pa, he'll still be Pa and end of story.
Lalo is imagining making out with Barb. She gives him a pin and says each time he thinks about being with another woman he needs to prick himself. He does this twice while in her office and declares it hurts and yes, it works.
Candi goes to an address, it looks like an empty house. A nice BIG empty house. In the meantime Lu gets a mean e-mail that everyone in school will learn you went out with a guy that has AIDS. Santi learns this and tells her they'll find out who did it and take care of it. Earlier we saw Mari penning that e-mail.
Turns out the house Candi and Pato are touring with champagne is going to be their house for their family.... impactada, and cut.
Labels: Tontas
I see you posted at 3 am last night. What dedication! Again, I don't know how the recappers do it. I've already spent about 15 minutes trying to write my one little comment.
There were a few cute scenes especially when they baby-proofed the house. Anyone having younger siblings, children, did babysitting or had fur children, can relate to the gates.
I like Hotensia, she's a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go for it! But, please, enough botox. Are we ever going to see her brother again?
Some disquieting scenes for me were Santi's immature comments and passing out of business cards at the reception, the Gregoria/Art storyline (which seems just wrong) and of course, the wretched Mari e-mailing poor Luc that terrible e-mail.
I love Pat and Candy but it's obvious Candy's having too many doubts. How long will it take her to realize it? I hope it's not at the alter (again). Diana in MA.
I had a no-good, very bad, horrid day so most of the time, with this one, I was just grumpy and POSSIBLY it wasn't the episode, just me.
But again, the quick fix for problems, 10 seconds of conversation and the girl is cured (in this case of the poor lass who was seduced by her beau and then callously dropped), while flanked by cheeful, vapid, pseudo-therapists. AGGGH.
On the other hand, loved your recap Kris. Wonderful title, clever indeed....and for some reason the phrase "Dancing ensues" just cracked me up. I could imagine you rolling your eyes while you wrote that one.
Marissa's e-mail to Lucia made me physically sick. I can't stand baby kidnappings or attacks on vulnerable adolescents. This one is taking some very dark turns indeed, and that, coupled with the preachiness, is hard to take.
Time for Marissa to give birth so a Dumpster full of nasties can fall on her head. (Potato peels tangled up in that mass of curls, imagine!) That e-mail she sent to Lucia was really the last straw!
Sorry about your bad day. Hope today is better. I spent yesterday babysitting my neighbor's 91 year old mother. She's such a joy. We had a wonderful time.
By the way, great recap, Kris. Always love inserted photos.
Thanks to all the recappers. I never say it enough, but y'all are wonderful.
Judy, yes, my wife definitely agrees with you. Problems come up, solved and wrapped up quickly. Milagros aplenty.
Watching Lalo with Barb, all I could think is he'll go home and have one bloody hand! :-)
Sorry about your bad day Judy. The Baylor BB team has had better days as well.
Thanks again, Kris.
And Carlos...again, thanks for saying you found this episode entertaining. It's important to remember that a show that falls flat for some can be perfectly enjoyable for others.
Individual differences.
Lulu is the smartest one in the group. Her simple logic makes a lot of sense.
I loved seeing Candy and Santi together at the reception. I would say that was a real goof, calling him Pat.
The email from Mariloca was bizarre. She is way too dangerous for Santi to bring into his house with his children.
I don't know what the solution is except maybe pre-labor lock up in a secure hospital?
I'm sorry to hear your day was so bad Judy! Hopefully today will be better. Treat yourself to something fun you enjoy!
Carrie L.
Oh that Marissa is getting creepier and creepier!
Kris, great job on the recap, and I notice there were no closed captions last night so you were doing it all by ear. You go girl! And nice catch on the goof, that was funny.
Hey Judy, I'm sorry to hear you had a bummer of a day and that one person could spoil the day for you. Sometime we humans can be so clueless. If only you had an Instituta in your area you might have been able to fix your day in 5 minutes with a little confrontation backed by a group of women in cocktail dresses. But joking aside, I hope you do something special for yourself today.
No, Carlos, I love the way you gently tease other folks on the line. It's very endearing.
But hey, still okay amigo. And I agree with your MEPS comment that closed captions don't make us miss what's on the screen. The only time that happens for me is when I'm madly scribbling down notes on recap night. (Delighted I learned typing, WISH I'd learned shorthand)
Carlos, thanks very much for the "pretty" part. And "petite" is never an offense unless you grew up with my height-challenged tough as nails mom. She was an arch-Conservative when it came to politics and was very enthusiastic about a Republican Illinois governor many years ago until he came to Indianapolis to speak and she found out he was short. He's SHORT!!!! I can still remember her horror. You would have thought the poor man had swindled millions , murdered thousands and seduced a bunch of underage pages. That was it for him.
Mari is really getting weirder by the day, laughing to herself, mocking Isabel, and then that mean email to Lucia! But what can be done? I have no idea.
I really felt Pat's presumptuousness went beyond all limits when he invited Candy into that house for all of them to live in, completely without her input or permission. She's always talking about standing up for your rights, women having equal say in things, and if she just goes along with this, she could be making a big mistake. What's next? Well, Pat could inform her he's bought a new wardrobe for her that she has to wear. Then he could tell her he switched the kids to school in the the U.S., but you don't mind, do you Candy?
And he wants "just one day" for them to be together. Hasn't he already done this one special day twice?
I know I'm overreacting, and actually Candy probably will put the brakes on, but I just feel so sorry for Santi (not even invited to the Institute's reopening, had to hear about it from Ed).
But maybe the writers know what they're doing, because I can't wait to see how they get the characters out of the big messes they're falling into.
But then he went into a series of fumbles in his office with Marissa. He lost his line right around "we shouldn’t mix business & relationship." Then two more times in the brief scene, I think he struggled for his line. He covers so well, you miss it unless you're looking for it. But that halting speech is not usually Santiago's style.
They must have been in a rush on shooting some scenes, if both leads blew lines. Maybe the cast got the script late.
Kris, thanks for the great recap.
The pictures looked kind of funny, so I think I fixed that with some edits, you know me. When I've typed my last word at night I just can't bring myself to go back and proofread right away again. Sigh. Anyway, I think it's better now.
I think this was a funny episode. It does seem the cast is so much more comfortable with each other and their acting quirks and this really shows in the interactions. By the way, I think Horty looked absolutely gorgeous yesterday. It's so cool she's not stuck in some goofy Giraffe character.... :)
Poor Pato, I'm beginning to think that he may have a minor(or not so minor) character disorder. He constantly jumps to inappropriate conclusions. The house was another example of his overreaching and overkill.
And Judy, are you sure your mother didn't have a second family in Texas?
I sent you a quote from our paper by the Baylor coach to your e-mail address listed. Figured I'd already bored our blog readers enough with my basketball talk.
Sylvia...I SHOULD be interested in the Columbus Blue Jackets. Our local paper is financially invested in them and give the team extensive coverage. For so far....nada.
Generally I have kept my few comments to FELS and now MEPS, but I have been watching Tontas since the beginning. Wanted to see Jaime in another role besides LFMB. Watching Tontas, MEPS, and Mariana de la Noche at this time.
I can't comment on Tontas as I have not had time to watch it much, but hopefully in a few weeks will be able to. Love the recaps!
Hi JudyB.
Jeff...glad to know you've been watching Tontas from the beginning. Check in with us more often. We love new voices on the line. And of course we want to know if you're on Team Pato or Team Santiago.
Something like Querida Enemiga, not quite sure which way Candy will go. Could go either way. Neither one of these guys are total saints and they both have a lot of good traits.
I just think Candy is leading both of these guys on too much. Come on, leave one of them alone! LOL
By the way, super title I noticed for April Fool Sylvia!! Since I've missed so much lately I was reading it and going, dang! I sure missed a lot, what the heck...until I saw the sure had me for a second or two there..... :)
Once again, Pato is overstepping. I hate pushy.
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