Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Apr. 14 - Desire on the beach

DB stokes up Gonzalo's jealousy by telling him how Santos and Marisela still love each other and are spending time together at Altamira. She says that he has to take Marisela away from there right away or he will lose her.

Santos is kissing Marisela in the bathtub.
M: No, no.
S: Let me stay with you for just a little while.
M: Yes, yes. No! no!
S: Yes, yes, yes.
M: (with the sprayer from the bathtub) No, Santos, no, Get out! Get out!

Santos agrees to leave.

Pajarote tries to understand what Federica is telling him. He can't believe that Genoveva is pregnant. When Federica suggests that Geno didn't tell Pajarote about the baby because it isn't his, Pajarote pushes her away and say that of course it's his. Geno isn't like Federica.

Federica says that at least she gets paid. All Geno's getting is a big belly (panza). "My sweet pineapple with a belly," muses Pajarote, "how lovely." He leaves Federica.

Melesio comes in to the hospital where Cecilia is breastfeeding Lucía's baby. The baby is out of the incubator, which is pretty good for a baby that was born three months premature two days ago. Melesio thanks Cecilia for all she is doing for Antonio and the baby. He says that she has a great soul and now he knows why Antonio never stopped loving her.

Marisela and Santos rehash their usual discussion. Eustaquia sees Santos leave Marisela's room and goes to see her. Marisela tells Eustaquia that she loves Santos so much but she can't take him from DB after what DB has suffered has caused her to lose her mind. Eustaquia seems to be on on the point of telling Marisela the truth when DB returns.

Melesio reassures Antonio that he did right in respecting Lucía's wishes about putting the baby's life first.

DB is knitting and babbling to Santos and Marisela about her baby when Gonzalo comes in and says that he is taking Marisela to the governors' conference at the beach.

Pajarote goes to Melesio's house and accuses the Carmelito and the others of hiding the fact that Genoveva is pregnant.

Santos and Gonzalo are having their usual argument when Marisela tells Gonzalo to wait outside. She will go with him. Santos tries to convince Marisela to stay. She says that she doesn't love Gonzalo but she has to go with him but she will be back and meanwhile he should take care of DB. Santos agrees but says that he is only doing it for her.

When they get back to San Fernando, Marisela tells Gonzalo that she is very tired and wants to be alone. He leaves.

At Altamira, Santos is brooding oblivious to DB and her babble. He says that he is tired and goes to bed.

Gonzalo shows Marisela the sea. He asks if she has forgotten Santos. She replies that Santos belongs to her mother. Marisela belongs to Gonzalo. They kiss. Back at Altamira, Santos wakes up. He says that he can't let this happen and gets out of bed.

At breakfast in the hotel the next morning, Cecilia tells Melesio that she is thinking of renting a house in San Ferncando. Don Encarnación comes into the restaurant and leaves when he sees Cecilia and Melesio.

Pajarote wakes up hung over. He tells María Nieves that he is going to San Fernando to find the mother of his child.

DB runs all over Altamira looking for Santos. Gonzalo and Marisela check into the hotel at the beach. Gonzalo sees Santos come into the lobby of the hotel but he can't avoid being taken to meet the president.

Juan Primito tells DB that he saw Santos with a suitcase leaving in his truck in a big hurry. She realizes that he has gone after Marisela.

Sapo and Facundo congratulate themselves on their plan. The family of the owner sold their hacienda to his agents and then used the money to ransom the owner. So now Sapo has the hacienda and the money. They discuss their plan to get the neighboring hacienda. The owner has a 12-year old son and Sapo is sure the owner will pay to get him released.

Santos tricks the receptionist into giving hm Marisela's room number.

Marisela is very unhappy in her hotel room. She receives flowers from Gonzalo but pays no attention to them. She asks herself what she is doing in a hotel with Gonzalo and says that she has to get used to the idea that she is going to marry him and forget Santos. She wanted Santos to be the one to show the ocean to her. She says it's not the same without him and he appears in her room. She runs to his arms.

Santos brings Marisela to the beach as if it the first time and they play in the water.

DB bribes a pilot to fly her and a very reluctant Melquiades to the beach.

Santos rents a boat and takes Marisela out on it.

Melesio comes to talk to DE. DE initially says that he has nothing to say to Melesio or his family but Melesio tells him that talking releases pain and anger and lets a person see things the way they really are.

Pajarote comes to San Fernando and asks Genoveva why she didn't tell him that she was pregnant. Antonio overhears.
Gonzalo finds that Marisela is not in her room. He guesses that she is with Santos. He says that if Santos touches Marisela, he will kill him.

Meanwhile Santos and Marisla have gone to some secluded beach where they are very happy together and quite a lot of touching is going on.


Thanks, Jean. Wow, was anyone else thinking of From Here to Eternity with that scene on the beach with Santos and Marisela? I'm so glad Santos rented a boat and got them away. Neither Gonzalo nor DB can burst in on this tender scene.

How is DB going to reconcile her new saintly, loving mamá image with showing up at the convention looking for Santos and Marisela? This is clearly a move by the "old" DB.

Sapo needs to get his, and soon! Planning to kidnap a 12-year-old child is beyond despicable. For a moment I thought Facundo gave him a scornful look when Sapo came up with that one, but at the end of their scene I wasn't sure if Facundo has any feelings at all.

Yes, I thought of From Here to Eternity when Santos and Marisela were rolling around on the beach.

DB is going to have explain why she chased after Santos if she still crazy. I don't know if Mequiades just didn't want to get on the plane. I don't think he has ever been on one or whether his obvious reluctance to go with DB illustrated his disapproval of the idea of following Santos to the beach.

I have wondered about Facundo, too. Sometimes, he seems to be a little surprised or shocked at Sapo's cruelties and sometimes I just think he's dumb. But I definitely agree that Sapo needs to meet the fate of the other rapists and soon.

I think Melquiades disapproves of DB going after Santos. He has never approved of her relationship with Santos. Maybe some percentage of this is jealousy since he loves her himself. Another piece of it is his worship of the fierce, take no prisoners cacica of the Arauca. He resents any softening of that persona, which, I feel, he considers his soul mate. He tolerated her relationship with Santos when it was reciprocal, but he considers her pursuit of a man who no longer loves her as beneath her dignity. I don't think he'd be afraid to get on a plane. He's pretty fearless in general.

Thanks, Jean. Novelera, I always enjoy your comments. I, too, was thinking of From Here to Eternity . WHAAAA...I want to be at the beach in the sunshine . [It's been cold, grat, and rainy here for days.] Sapo deserves a dreadful end. I love Parajote. What a cutie.

Hello Jean and others. For the past week I have been remiss in all the TNs except the one I'm recapping. I hate it when pesky life gets in the way of my fun. I played catch-up tonight and really enjoyed reading all your recaps Jean. Thank you for your clever writing and wonderful pictures. For the longest time I did not like Pajarote. I thought he would never change his womanizing ways but he's starting to grow on me. Yes, I think he and Genoveva the prickly but sweet pineapple might be perfect for each other. However even when I didn't like him I thought he was a complete babe. In addition to the many wonderful things about this TN the plethora of hunky guys is a bonus.

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