Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tontas Tuesday April 14, '09 There's A Hot New Babe in Town....And It's Lulu!
I figure you know everything that happened last night, either from viewing or from reading Paula's fine recap so let's get to the hot, juicy new stuff. First Santiago's belt buckle, and the rest of him, arrives at Paulina's hotel room to retrieve errant Rocio. Paulina is strangely compliant, astonishing Santiago by purring "your daddy is right. So be good, trot on home with him, darling" (or words to that effect). Santiago is astonished and actually pops back in the door to thank Paulina. He leaves and she gets her crafty and cunning look on. We know for sure she's plotting something.
And now the Mariachis...singing on-key "Solamente una vez, ame en la vida"...One only truly loves once in life and ay yi yi...enter Lulu in a form-fitting plum colored clingy dress, showing off her bounteous curves, looking luscious, sexy, seductive and ready to give Toño a sizzling "beso". Alas, our lovers end up, eyes closed, about 6 inches away from each other. Dang! It was just a dream, but hey, we know this is a dream that CAN come true. So stay tuned. I love these two as a couple.
But THIS couple, not so much. Yep, I'm talking about Gregoria and Pato's sleazy dad. He's wanting to know why she's acting so strange and whether or not she liked the "chicken" last night (I kept wondering if there was a double entendre there or if they really did eat "pollito" at the restaurant). Anyway, she stammers out that dinner was delicious and er, so was the rest. But she just can't handle the guilt. Whoops. This intimate encounter is interrrupted by Sleazebag's current, though separated, wife, who apologizes for the intrusion but is looking for backup in her fight with hubby over money. Naturally Gregoria has to side with her.
But back to our dear Lulu. She's asking Candy for advice (God knows why) and confessing that she kissed Toño but isn't sure of his reaction. His eyes were wide open and then he skedaddled. Or as she says "patatin patatan" and off he went. Not quite the reaction a lovelorn gal would want.
Zamora, back at the restaurant, is trying like mad to find out what "novia" his buddy Toño was dreaming of. They play at hot hot hot, cold cold cold until he figures out it's someone who works at the restaurant. Ye gods! Doña Gogo is corrupting minors, he thinks.
And our favorite little minor, Rocio, is way deep in the blues. She can't even eat, she's so blue, although Granny finally wins her over with a tray of food brought by Donato. And also explains that Daddy is punishing her not because she was "bad" but because she scared him to death by running off from home. He just wants you to think about your actions, she adds gently. Will you help me think about it, Grandmother, sniffles Rocio. Ahhhh....what's not to love about this kid?
The advice session continues with Candy and she whips out her favorite saying "Love has no dress size". Easy for our svelte heroine to say. Lulu knows different. You should see how men look at me, she insists. All they see is "fat".
Now a scene with Marissa and Alicia. And I have some kind of mental block with these two. I NEVER clearly get what they saying to each other and it's something to do with the repulsion I feel for their schemes, I think. So if I'm off...credit my mental illness. Marissa seemed to be saying something about wanting pictures (or videos?) of Santiago desperately looking for her when she has disappeared to have the baby. And Alicia's worried that Marissa is going to double-cross her and wants reassurance that she'll really hand over the infant. And Marissa says sure...I want nothing to do with bottoms, diapers or all the rest. That's what I got. Aaaargggh. If I'm wrong, let me know...I'll fix it. I really do have a block with these two. I'm only human. Mercifully, we break for an ad.
Now another odd couple...but with potential. Donato and Tina. She wants to know if he's still carrying around a photo of Doña Isabella and he is. But it's an impossible love. Nevertheless he's happy that she's happy with her new husband. And guess what...He has a little corner of his heart and who is nestled there? a cute, flirtateous cook (Tina!) Hmmm...this could go places.
Okay, meddling time. Isabella has called Candy to come over so she can let her know Santiago's not marrying Marissa. And it's Candy's fault...'cause he's in love with her. This prompts our heroine to trot up to Santiago's room to talk to him. She's creeping in the door when he informs her he's naked. Our eternal virgin covers her eyes. He reassures her that he has a towel (actually it's a robe) but she better get used to naked men if she's going to spend the next 50 years with him. Whoops, the towel has dropped he adds. And Candy skedaddles. I just can't deal with your son, she huffs to Isabella.
So Mom marches up and when she comes to the door, Santiago laughs and says, Ha, couldn't resist, came back to see me in the buff. Whoops. It's his "santa, pura y casta" (holy, pure and chaste) madonna of a mother. And a "metiche" (meddler) as well. She admits to meddling, and Tina, who happens to be passing by, ogles Santiago in his robe (showing off a bit of chest hair) and reminds him that "her door is always open". Whew...lots of heat in this episode but none of it actually goes anywhere.
Speaking of heat, we have a sexy little scene in the fertility doctor's office. He's a poker-faced (no pun intended) humorless guy but there seems to be a misunderstanding on Chayo's part with performance and sterility. Once they establish that Eduardo just has to produce a "muestra" (sample) for the doctor to analyze, they're both hot to trot with Chayo promising all sorts of help...like dancing, a little whipping etc, chortles Eduardo in anticipation. And they're off to the races. Doc never cracks a smile. Well, he's not having any fun but we surmise our young couple will.
Now we're back at Santiago's house with malevolent Marissa stalking the grounds. Rocio is mad at her because she's told her there's no "hermanito" for her. So she doesn't like the baby OR Marissa. Our witch is outraged. After all I've done for you, she shrieks. When witch no. 2, Paulina, arrives and chases her off. Rocio goes off with Pau, leaving her playmate Chava all alone.
The squabble continues inside. Marissa's complaining about her treatment to Santi. She's also mad that Candy was there. Rocio and Paulina arrive and are perched together and Rocio wants to be just like mom and dress just like her. See how pretty mom is? she adds. Santiago wisely says nothing. And another ad break.
When we come back, more malice aforethought. Isabella's defending her right to let Candy in...after all, it's her house, and Marissa threatens her saying "Too bad for your grandson." Ick. Another mental block for me. Aaaagh. A little humor break here with Donato and Santiago seeming to hear Isabella's thoughts, and the scene ends with Santiago deciding to put an end to it, once and for all. He's sick of Marissa's behavior and her threats. (and so are we)
Back at the restaurant, Lulu is now having that 7th grade chat with Zamora. You know the one....did he ask about me? Do you think he likes me? Does he ever talk about me? Zamora makes some remark about her "abundance" of charms and she's afraid she's not ready for a real life romance.
And Santiago's not ready to marry Marissa. Not now. Not ever. She reverts to threats again. That's it for you kid, she says to her poor unborn child. Don't mess with me Marissa, snaps Santiago. I'm not playing she assures him. We're a package deal, you don't take me, you don't get the kid. Santi protests that this is not a self-service cafeteria but she doesn't budge. I'll just be a single mother.....like so many single mothers all over the world, she sighs.
Alright, another minor humor break in this dreck. Rocio and Chava are having a little domestic dispute in the play house (the one the Abandonados built for Santiago's boy-to-be). She "cooked" so she wants him to do the dishes. But men don't do dishes, that's women's work according to his grandmother Gogo. Men watch soccer on tv while their wives do the dishes. Isabella tactfully concludes that there are differences of opinion on this.
Cece is moving into Soledad's apartment at the same moment Patricio comes to pick up Beto. Soledad follows him out and wants to know if she can "call him sometime". Patricio tells her he's not in a good place right now. She knows....she understands. He's angry...and she's angry too, because she gave him up with without a fight, and she's angry also because someone (Candy!) has hurt him. Pato seems to soften at this. Hmmm...could be potential here. Who knows? And we've got another ad.
Yikes...when we get back, the subject is premature ejaculation. Lordy, we're covering every topic possible in this blasted telenovela. Glum wife, 20 years without an orgasm, is wondering if she'll have the courage to tell her husband things need to change. And Barbara assures her it's a problem that's very easy to fix. (Really?) I could do without returning to this topic....but I'm sure we will. And it'll all be hunky-dory no doubt.
Now some mirror scenes, with the Abandonados teasing Eduardo about his sterility issues and jokes about performance failures on their parts, (quickly denied of course) and the girls are on a similar topic, recalling how romantic encounters fizzled and they had to change from being a girlfriend to a "mother", reassuring the poor lad that "it happens to everybody sometime". And some lame jokes, in my opinion. Cece tells one about Tarzan talking to a mouse or rat (raton) and saying, So little and yet with a mustache! And the raton says to Tarzan, And you soooo big and yet still with a diaper!. Didn't do much for me but if it floats your boat, enjoy.
More girl talk, this time with Rocio, Lucia and Paulina. Rocio's complaining that she can't sleep with the light on. Lucia has to have it on; she's studying for a test tomorrow. Isabella enters just when Rocio says to Paulina, And you're going to give me a little brother, right mom? Impactada look from Isabella. And Paulina laughs and says....Oh my, the things that children say!
Patricio is having dinner with Alicia and she's had the mysterious, never-to-be seen Eva fix his favorite meal. He reminds her this is just a dinner to talk business. She reminds him that she needs to know how much money she can count on per month.....why?...so she'll know how much she can buy for HIS baby. Not my baby, he snaps. I'll support you in the adoption but it's your baby, not mine. She makes a crack about dessert and sugar overload, given how bitter he is. Way to go, Alicia.
The evening's winding down. Soledad and Cece are talking while Beto sleeps with her head on her lap. They're talking about loneliness, and Cece's almost marriage (until she told her fiance about her sexual preferences and he vanished) and how her mother kicked her out when she learned about it. Cece shares about the fear that people who are different sexually experience. The fear of being rejected, pointed at, talked about, discriminated against.....Soledad is wide-eyed and just beginning to understand that there are many kinds of loneliness. Not just her particular loneliness of wanting a man all her own.
And the evening is winding down at Santiago's as well (or at least he thinks it is...he's in for a surprise). He bids Donato good-night and tells him to "keep on with your rounds, Lieutenant", then tiptoes into the girls' room to kiss Rocio and Lucia good-night, then into his own room where, yikes! a barely covered Paulina lounges in his bed. Evidently she plans to start working on that "hermanito" that very night. In words that echo his to Candy earlier that day, she admits that she has absolutely nothing on under her robe. And doesn't get any more action than Santi did earlier.
Alicia's not getting anywhere with Patricio either. She can't hang around for the meeting with the Japanese that he's planning because she's got her own trip planned. Well then, he thought he'd stay at the house while she's gone. I know you're not living with Candy anymore and that it didn't work out, and I'm sorry, Alicia says. But this is YOUR home and you're always welcome.
Nope, Alicia hasn't given up. Just changed tactics.
And Paulina hasn't given up either. She's delighted Santi's not going to marry Marissa (well, we're all delighted, honey) but she'd sure like to provide some warm comfort to her former husband in the meantime. Santiago reminds her that he was crazy in love with her when they married, and she gave him the most wonderful daughter in the world....Rocio...but as a couple, they're OVER. This doesn't make much of a dent until he adds....and I'm in love with another woman. Impactada look from Paulina. And that's it for this evening. Goodnight all.
Previews: Paulina's still arguing her case...she'll be Santi's lover, his secret romance. Will he fall for that? Tune in tomorrow and find out.
Proverb of the Day: En boca cerrada no entran moscas. (lit. flies don't enter a closed mouth.) If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it. Or...Silence is golden. Eduardo said this when Chayo was telling the doctor that sometimes he had "performance failures".
A similar proverb: Por la boca muere el pez. (the fish dies by it's mouth) Talking too much is dangerous.... or again, Silence is golden.
hacer una montaña de un granito de arena = making a mountain out of a little grain of sand. we'd say "making a mountain out of a molehill". Chayo, speaking to Eduardo about his fears of having to give a "sample".
eso es otro cantar = that's another story (lit. another singing)
discolo(a) = unruly, disobedient. Santiago speaking about Rocio
no me copie = I didn't "track" follow...Zamora, getting befuddled during the Abandonado's rapid fire discussion.
muestra = sample, specimen
Labels: Tontas
Why do people keep asking Candy for advice? It's usually worthless and cut-rate. Funnily enough Tivo randomly recorded an episode of Juan Querendon and I watched a little bit of it. I guess it's airing on telefutura or something. Anyway, my point is this, as annoying as Candy is she's not nearly as obnoxious as the heroine of JQ, Licenciada Paula, AKA the Harpy on Jet Fuel. In fact, compared to Paula, Candy is rather pleasant and benign although clueless and self-centered. I find this trait of unlikable heroines curious.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't understand the wicked witches. It's dang near impossible. Like Mike said, and adding Alicia, those two look like they are having way too much fun with their roles, so much fun they talk a mile a minute!
Thanks Judy, I loved the recaps and your dichos.
The writers want us to believe "Love has no sizes." So why has Candy been desired by Pat, Santi, Raul, and Sven, while the count for Lulu is roughly zero?
Sylvia, "unlikable heroines" - YUCK! What's the point?
The next time you're tempted to complain about high-speed dialog, check the first 10 seconds of this clip! My gosh, how does Camil fit so many words in his mouth at once???
I spent last night tossing and turning,wondering why this show annoys me so. Part of it is the self-centeredness of the heroine but part of it is the writers' process of trotting out one sexual or relationship dysfunction after another and dispatching it with some fatuous advice and resolution.
The latest to get my goat is the "make love without guilt" sermonette they preaching via the "romance" with Gregoria and her 'cosuegro'. Yuck. As if getting laid by some retirement-age Lothario is the answer to Life's Big Question. Give me a break.
I was blown away by Lulu's scene. As she descended the stairs blowing her kisses she looked absolutely lovely. The mariachis were singing beautifully (thank you for the song title Judy, you always pick up on the details). I was completely drawn in and when the bubble burst, I could not believe it didn't happen! Judy, you and others predicted a Toño/Lulu romance and you were right!
My heart broke for Lulu when she said: "You should see how men look at me, she insists. All they see is "fat"." Sigh. Anyone who like myself has waged a life long battle with weight unerstands how true and hurtful that is. I liked your comment Paula: "The writers want us to believe "Love has no sizes." So why has Candy been desired by Pat, Santi, Raul, and Sven, while the count for Lulu is roughly zero?" Case closed.
Sylvia: "Do we think we might get to see our sweet Lulu get some lovin' action?" Yes, it seems we will get our wish and can't wait to see it develop!
Sylvia, I also thought your comment was spot on: "Candy is rather pleasant and benign although clueless and self-centered." She just doesn't inspire me to particularly care about her, kind of essential for a heroine, no?
Santi was adorable last night. I loved the flirtatious look he gave Tina when she eyed him in his robe.
Diana in MA
The power of Fea was that you loved Lety and wanted more than anything for her to be happy...and you loved Fernando (played by Camil) and wanted more than anything for him to win back Lety's disillusioned heart.
Here...most of the protagonists leave me cold. But our sizzling little Lulu...bring it on! Her vamp scenes are probably the only ones in this telenovela that I'd like to see again. What an comedienne!
In my classes, I try to stress getting strong, fit and healthy and leave the weight question completely aside. It's a pretty toxic issue in my opinion.
I keep smiling at "As if getting laid by some retirement-age Lothario is the answer to Life's Big Question. Give me a break." I think that is DEFINITE side bar material. :) Diana in MA
After last night's white robe scene I say we need a Dr. Plastico action figure complete with robe, doctor's coat, jeans, etc.
While they are at it they could make a Pat doll with flowers, candy, balloons and other romantic items.
A Candy doll wouldn't be necessary, just have an empty box she is hiding inside.
The three witches are definitely the most fun. I love seeing the scenes of them together.
Carrie L.
That scene where Margarita confronts them at the park was kind of curious; not sure what the purpose of that was, except maybe to fill Gregoria in on her boyfriend's most recent skullduggery.
This whole little subplot has made me wonder if in Mexico, the good old boy network tries to pressure wives into not using the community property laws.
It has come up in the Chayo and Lalo plotline, too: men claiming that they made the money, so in divorce the woman has no right to it, even though it's the law.
I sure hope Santiago does not lose his mind and sleep with Paulina. That would be so dismaying.
Lulu and Toño are pretty darned adorable. I always thought he was kinda cute. She looked lovely last night.
Diana in MA
When Pat wouldn't tell Alicia how much he would pay her per month, just that he'd take care of her and she'd get enough, he reminded me a little of Arturo and Margarita.
Cece really needs to meet some gay friends. There should be some groups she could join. But none of our famous advice-givers seems to have thought of that. They're just stuck on how cruel society is to gays. True, but shouldn't they tell Cece she is "not alone"? They say that to every other client. :)
I sure hope Santiago doesn't give in to Paulina's seduction. And I'm fairly sure he WILL be able to resist this time.
I was happy to see Chayo and Ed smiling together.
The Lulu/Toño romance seems to be working. All right!
Jeri...I don't know if women can be pressured to not ask for alimony or adequate support. I would certainly hope they would be protected by the law in that respect, regardless of the mens' attitudes.
I understand the anger that a man must feel who's required to support a woman he no longer loves. But I also understand the anger of a woman who is cast aside after devoting her life to caring for a husband and children. And if I had put aside a career or job advancement in order to be the kind of housewife and mother my husband required...what recourse would I have? There's no getting back those lost years and lost earnings.
On the other question, no I don't think Santiago will sleep with Paulina as she's hoping. He's got a little more going for himn with Senorita Candy this time 'round and that should keep him on the chaste and narrow path. Ojala!
And yep, I think everybody's happy about Lulu and Toño. At last, a romance we can all applaud. About time, sez I.
Here's my question...and I don't know the mores in Mexican society.... But are there organized groups for gays South of the Border or is that just in the US and some European countries? I don't know how openly gay people are in Latino countries. And also, even here, it's not always safe. It can even be fatal. There have been both women and men killed, simply for the fact that they are openly gay. So I can understand Cece keeping a low profile, and also understand Candy and crew as being somewhat flummoxed as to how to be supportive and helpful. They seem to be feeling their way along, (witness Soledad's reluctance to take Cece in as a lodger)...so I think it's realistic that they're not "spot on" with their advice. Actually I find their advice on all counts incredibly superficial.
ex: Break his heart? So what, he'll get over it.
ex 2: Premature ejactulation? No problem. Just tell him. It'll be fine.
They must have that famous EASY button from the office supply store.
How did Gogo go from barely able to look at what's-his-guts to spending the night all in one fell swoop? Un.Believable. It's not like he's at all appealing.
Candy's advice never fails to fail. "Love has no size"...well, that's true enough, once you're in love it really doesn't matter what the person looks like, but Candy doesn't seem to realize that no one's going to fall in love with Lulu unless they first notice her and get to know her, and men just don't notice her. Why not some very basic advice, like suggesting that Lulu actually talk to Tono, flirt a bit, see how it goes?
I love every scene Santiago is in. It was great how he teased Candy while wearing the robe. She's such a freak.
Julia, I like your "what's-his-guts" nickname for our aged Lothario. And you're right, it's un.believable even though Meño was pushing it...for reasons that escape me. Just another contrived sermonette on the various sexual themes in this novela. It's a forced and very nonentertaining way of getting the "message" across, I must say.
- Big kudos to this TN for addressing the subject of teen sex and HIV/AIDS. We hear lots and lots of statistics about infection rates in different places. Statistics. Numbers. No names, no faces - clean, sanitary. Doesn't affect me. But it's good of the producers and writers to show how deeply it affects the person who acquires it and everyone around him. I really hope some young folks in the primary market take heed.
- I do wonder why all the TN actors/actresses all look "European" Hispanic and show no trace of mixed blood except for the servants and field hand types. Their business, I guess, but with nearly 500 years of Spanish and Indian interaction one would think... Anyone else wonder about that?
The serious one. Lety has rejected Fernando for his betrayal. Fern begs Lety's mom to let him talk to her so she doesn't leave the company.
The funny one. Fern and Omar are broke so they are forced to share an apartment with Marcia, Fern's ex-novia. The best line in the clip? "Don't spoon me!"
Judy, about the fast-talk clip. You're right, Camil was hyperactive; still is. But I've seen lots of clips (interviews, etc.) and I've NEVER seen him talk anything like that fast.
And yes, I'm glad they're portraying the dangers of AIDS with real life faces and stories, but I tire of the endless round of PSA's that this show seems to have. Naturally we're going to accept a certain amount of contrived plotting 'cause that's the way things are...but this non-stop "lessonizing" is getting to me.
I get my medical newsletters throughout the month and my sermons every Sunday. I really don't need that when I'm looking for an entertaining tv show.(of course I'm still learning Spanish so there's always THAT lesson)
I think the difficulty in that other clip of Jaime was that he was also talking very low, in a sort of surreptitious whisper. Didn't help one single bit.
I just finished the first - my, I thought I liked the curly hair but the slicked back hair is to die for.
Judy, I don't have headphones! You should have seen me with the sound on as low as it can go with my face only inches from the screen! Several people walked by and looked inquisitively at what I was doing so alas, will have to watch the second link tomorrow.
Paula, thanks again for your kindness. Diana in MA
I remember someone relating that her own grandmother shocked her by declaring that by marrying a Euro-type, she was "improving the breed."
But there is another factor; not sure how weighty it is, but Televisa (and other novela companies) always sell their shows around the world, if they can. Maybe a Hollywood-looking cast will bring them a better return, especially in Europe.
Rosy Ocampo, the producer of Tontas, is a long time producer of childrens' novelas; and she is a natural for the didactic approach. This show is definitely including kids and teens along with the adults, so there is a distinct family focus.
an album of LFMB, "Fernando and Lety's Adventure," at:
and the LFMB "makeover" episode:
and screencaps of him from "Mi Destino Eres Tu" at:
(If you plan on seeing LFMB, just for fair warning -- the makeover album would be a spoiler.)
The makeover episode has some screen caps of the lovely scenes between Fernando and Lety's mom.
Sylvia, I think the one improvement in heroine characteristics is that self-centered and ill advising, Candi at least has a pleasent voice which Paula did not. In face Mayrin has an unfortunately pitched shrill voice all the time. But those were the vocabulary days, ¿no?
Paulina coming back in is so silly but maybe she can neutralize the more and more annoying Marissa. The pregnant mother being the meanest person in the room, especially to the children, is getting really unpleasant. When here scenes come sometimes I get up to get a drink of water or let Willa in or out quickly.
Thanks too for including some other clips for Diana. She'll have to space them out, fer sure, or she'l get busted.
And Diana...I was put off by the slicked back hair at first...but came to love it...and Jaime Camil the longer I watched the show.
Those links are to my screen caps, not clips with sound -- so they are office safe. ;-)
Yes, I agree, Paulina popping back in is odd. Has she decided she's bored with her career? My impression of New York life is you don't dare leave or you get replaced pronto.
I'll have to try your exit strategy for the Marissa scenes. It won't work for recapping nights but it's sure a temptation otherwise.
Thinking of you today for many reasons...but in part because Sylvia used the phrase "harpy on jet fuel"....and weren't you the one who came up with it as a description of Paula in (Juan Querendon)?
And yes, I have to admit that our Carlos also has a way with words. We tried to persuade him to recap but I guess his real job as a family physician doesn't leave him much time. Go figure!
I'm not a technical person so is there anything I could be doing that I'm not? thanks. Diana
Or click the link at my name in this post and then hunt up the albums I mentioned. They're all listed, but you have to look through the links at the top.
My favorite is the makeover album.
It's one thing to manage without closed captions, quite another to have nuttin' at all! Glad I got my recap done last night.
Thanks for checking in Jeff.
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