Wednesday, April 01, 2009

MEPS, March 31st - The Games People Play, Every Night and Every Day

Capitulo 31

From last night: We see Dr. Not Feel-So-Good pill pushing our poor Lili once again. If she doesn’t tell him what she told her sister Nanda, he’s going to give her electric shock treatments and she’ll be a crazy person for real!

Lili goes into the bathroom and makes herself vomit up the pills – you go girl!

Freduardo is driving with Jacinto, he tells Jacinto he needs to find out more from Liliana, Jacinto promises his and Margarita’s friendship and help once again.

Don Silvestre aka Gepetto is bragging about his daughter the “nurse” again to the Doctor. Martina tells the doctor how worried she is about her father. Martina and Daddy go to leave the doc’s office and Martina shakes the doc’s hand – they are obviously attracted to each other, otherwise we wouldn’t be hearing sexy “let’s get it on” type music playing in the background. The doc is kinda hunky, huh? He sort of looks like he could be Hawt Chef’s little brother from Querida Enemiga. He’s no FC, but then again, nadie es!

Fred wants to know if Gardena is working at the hacienda again because he’s got a solution for her. Jac tells Ed what a pain in the ass Gardenia’s been lately and says if Gardenia ever finds out about what they’ve done with Soledad, and that she wasn’t there for the original burial there will be hell to pay. Fr/Ed says he’s going to put Gardenia to work for him at Las Animas – he’s Franco Santoro now, remember?.

Speaking of Gardenia, she harping away at Margarita again about what an ingrate Fr/Ed is. Margarita keeps quiet, but looks like she might spill the beans to Gardenia sometime soon.

Prisci’s still lying around in Vlad-the-Impale-Her’s bed. She has her legs elevated at the foot of the bed – Vlad wants to know if that’s a new yoga pose. She says she’s relaxing, but all of us women who have ever struggled to get pregnant know, that’s what you do after the . . . ahem, deed is done . . . so as not to lose any of the precious little tadpoles needed for the makin’ of the baby! Vlad wants her to hang around a bit longer, he offers coffee, but she says she has to leave. She goes to get dressed, and Vlad smiles to himself.

Back at Don Silvestre’s shop, he and Martina discuss the Hot Doc. Daddy Gepetto tells her it’s time she got a boyfriend and she says, but who would want a “pueblina” (small town girl like her. He tells her it happens in the novelas all the time. (Yeah, just look at Aurora and Santiago!) He says the doc would have to be blind not to see what a good girl she is. Gepetto is in for a shock one day soon.

It’s dinnertime at the Hacienda of the Dysfunctional Rich People. The Barbinator is hammering away at Fernanda about Eduardo not showing up to transfer the coffin, and it definitely had to have been him who stole it. Nanda looks a little fed up with Babs and says she’s going to get to the bottom of it tomorrow herself with Eduardo. Cadmilho thinks it’s funny that Fernanda is now chasing the son of a servant. Anyballs can’t understand why they’re even bothering with this stuff. Fernanda and Santiago say it’s important to find out who robbed the coffin. Babs goes along with it and agrees, saying who knows just what kind of bad person Eduardo could have turned out to be, or how far he’ll go since he hates them so much. But, for once Cadmilho opens his big mouth at the right time and asks Babs if she’s forgotten that it was she who went and told his parents that Eduardo was trying to take advantage of Fernanda in the old barn that day. Fernanda is shocked to learn it was Babs who told on them. Nanda defends Eduardo, saying he didn’t do anything to her. Babs fakes being choked up, saying she was only trying to protect Nanda’s innocence. It doesn’t look like Prisci’s buying any of this story. Telephone rings in the background and the servant comes to say it’s a phone call from the US. They all agree it must be Eduardo. Nanda goes to the library to take the call, picks up the phone and automatically says, “Eduardo” – Ruh Roh – it’s her husband Dumian! He’s like, quien the hell is Eduardo? It’s me your husband! Nanda explains the confusion. Dumian says he’s bored, Esteve Norton (Esteve has a last name!) hasn’t been able to see him, and Dumian is feeling like a monkey in a cage. He tells Nanda he misses her, she hesitates, and never answers him.

We switch over to Errorika and Freduardo at Las Animas. She’s come by to give him a surprise and hands him an envelope. She says they have something to celebrate and tells him to open the envelope.

Back to the dining room, Nanda returns and tells them it was Dumian. AnyBalls wants to know how the business deal with Pow-where Meeelk is going and Nanda tells him Dumian hasn’t been able to see Esteve yet. AnyBalls asks what else he said and she repeats that he said he misses and loves her. Cadmilho thinks this is hilarious and Anyballs is just pissed. Nanda is furious and cries to Daddy Gonzo about how her stupid brothers are treating her. AnyBalls looks like he’s starting to sweat about Dumian not making the deal yet – probably cause they’ve got no money left. Gonzo tells Cadmilho that the two of them are going to have problems if Cad continues picking on his sis. Cad makes another wisecrack. AnyBalls wants to know what Cad’s going to do about Errorika. Cad’s not getting it – he says relationships end, why is there so much drama about Errorika? He wants to know if he has to marry her just to make everyone in the family happy. AnyBalls (who is showing signs of some little ones right now now) says at least if you’re not going to marry her, the least you could do is not disfigure her face! Nanda wants to know que the hell they’re talking about. and AnyBalls let’s the gata out of the bolsa that Cad practically beat Errorika to death. Cadmilho tries to defend himself by saying he was drunk so it doesn’t count and starts cackling with laughter. Gonzo finally says Basta! He gets up, goes over to Cad, picks him up out of his chair and gives him a damn good hard slap across the face and screams at him to shut up! They all look on stunned – including Cadmilho. Babs stifles a chuckle.

Back to Fr/Ed’s Nest where Errorika has given Fr/Ed ownership papers to a horse that’s very expensive. Fr/Ed says he can’t accept it. She says they have lots of horses and that this horse isn’t worth half as much as the favor he’s going to do for her. This horse must be the gift her parents sent her.

Back at dinner, Gonzo says it’s shameful what Cadmilho has done. Nanda says that Cad is an animal, but no she says, animals have more feeling that he does. She says Errorika should report him to the police and have him thrown in jail. Poor Aurora looks like if she stays in that house one more days she’ll wind up with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – drunken Dominga is probably starting to look normal to her. Nanda and The Cad continue screaming at each other until Gonzo yells Basta! Gonzo tells The Cad that if Errorika decides to press charges against him, he won’t be moving one finger to help Cad. Nanda says she’s going to invite Errorika over to beg her forgiveness for what’s happened. Cad says he doesn’t remember what happened and he doesn’t have anything to say he’s sorry for. Daddy Gonzo orders Cad to be there and to say he’s sorry. Cad walks out.

Back at Fr/Ed’s Errorika is saying that maybe it took being hit by Cadmilho to find out just what kind of worm he really is (que clase de gusano es). Errorika’s phone rings, it’s Nanda calling to invite her to dinner and tells her she just found out what happened with Cadmilho. Nanda says they’re all sorry for what happened and will she come for dinner tomorrow. Erika confirms with Fr/Ed that he can go tomorrow and tells Nanda she’ll be bringing someone. Erika tells Fr/Ed she can’t wait to see Cad’s face when he sees her with another guy. Fr/Ed tells her he feels a bit uncomfortable going to dinner because he’s doing business with the family now, but he’ll go. She’s happy and scampers off.

Nanda tells everyone at the table that Erika has accepted and will be bringing someone to dinner. Prisci changes the subject and tells everyone that the fertility specialist said she and Anibal are both fine and that one day soon there will be a baby in the house. Barb fakes happiness. AnyBalls excuses himself from the table and ruins the moment.

Fr/Ed is on the phone with Esteve, saying how frantic Dumian must be waiting for Esteve’s call, and that tomorrow night he’ll be seeing Fernanda once again. He says Esteve will confirm that the Elizalde business is in a financial crisis. Esteve says he’s going to bombard Dumian with questions about Grupo Intolerancia de Lactos. Fr/Ed tells Esteve he wants it to be obvious that Damian’s trip to NY was a complete disaster, and that Damian comes back to Mexico empty-handed.

Ay ay ay! Gardenia is pissed off once again because Jacinto has told her he’s found her a job at Las Animas with the Engineer that’s moved in. She’s mad because they didn’t talk to her first. She says she doesn’t need them, she’ll go somewhere far away and find her own job. Looks like this time Gardenia has pushed Jacinto to his limit. He yells that they’re just trying to help her, but if that’s what she wants to do then fine, nobody is going to stop her. He gets up and walks out. Margarita just shakes her head at Gardenia and goes to calm Jacinto down.

Santiago is happily whistling to himself while making up the couch for him to sleep on for his slumber party with the light of his life, Aurora Borealis. She gives him a peck on the cheek and tells him he’s the best person she’s ever met. He says he’s sorry his sister isn’t her normal self with all that’s going on, she’s usually a lot happier. This reminds Aurora of what she saw through the window on Nanda’s wedding night – Babs and Damian goin’ at it. Aurora says poor Fernanda. Santiago jokes about snoring – I could snore through his scenes with Aurora.

Margarita doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Gardenia to be working at Las Animas, that she’ll probably recognize Eduardo. She says Gardenia loves Eduardo more now than when they were kids. Jacinto agrees. Jacinto and Margarita get lovey-dovey with each other.

At the hospital, Doctor Guapo asks a nurse about Martina. She says she doesn’t know of any nurse named Martina. Speaking of Muddy Martina, she’s telling her teammate about Doctor Guapo. El Jefe shows up and tells them to hurry up. He tries to get Martina to be more “friendly” with the clients again, but she says she can’t be bought and that if he brings it up again she’ll break his face. How ladylike – Gepetto would be so proud.

At the Cukoo’s Nest, Lili tells Ciro how Dr. Evil threatened her with electric shock treatments. She tells him she asked Eduardo for help, but he didn’t answer her. Ciro says he’s got the answer. Ciro says tonight he’s going to create a distraction so that the Reina Blanca (White Queen) – Liliana – can make a call for help. He tells her not to worry and she goes back to her room. Ciro pulls a book off of his shelf and looks at what appears to be algebra problems. He goes to put the book back on the shelf and he knocks over the box that Soledad hid under the floor, that Lili left in his room. He finds the papers inside and reads them – Ciro is muy impactado and says, “Santo Dios!”

At the Hacienda, Nanda is in her room obviously not able to sleep. She goes to the window for fresh air and Smart Nanda shows up behind her. The two Nandas figure out that Eduardo must’ve been sent away because Soledad got wind of Eduardo trying to take advantage of Nanda, even though it wasn’t true. They think it’s strange that he never even came back for vacations. Barb knocks on the door and comes in pretending to be worried about Nanda. Nanda tells Barb she’s worried that Eduardo thinks it’s her fault that he got sent away to school, because of all the gossip about him trying to take advantage of her. Babs assures her she wasn’t responsible for that, and Babs encourages Nanda to talk to Eduardo. Babs swears that Eduardo will never cause Nanda anymore pain, but to herself she thinks that “bastard has to come back and deal with his mother”.

The next day, Nanda is one the phone waiting for Eduardo’s secretary to connect her. Santiago stands by listening. Eduardo tells the secretary to tell Nanda that he’s just arrived in Mexico City yesterday – nothing more. Just then Erika pulls up in her car behind Fr/Ed, to introduce him to Saleroso (Salty), the new horse.

Nanda asks the secretary if she’s sure he’s in Mexico. She tells the secretary when she talks to him tell him to contact the Elizalde family right away. After she hangs up she explains to Santiago that the secretary said Eddie’s had some business problems and that he’s having a problem getting to the Hacienda. Santiago asks Nanda if she’s sure she wants to see him, and she says yes, if it’s the last thing she does in her life.

Out comes Saleroso, the horse. Fr/Ed is completely impressed by this horse. Of course it’s the classic good guy on the beautiful white horse. They confirm their plans for dinner at the Elizaldes tonight and she’s thrilled that she can tell everyone they’re dating.

Nanda is starting to suspect that Eduardo is playing games with her and that’s why he hasn’t arrived yet.

Erika watches Fr/Ed ride Saleroso. She’s more impressed with Fr/Ed than Fr/Ed is with the horse. After he gets off the horse, she runs over and plants a kiss on Fr/Ed’s mouth. She looks thrilled – he looks stunned.

Tomorrow: Fr/Ed explains to Jacinto about his new future “novia” – Erika. Nanda confesses to Margarita that she used to think Eduardo was the “bestest guy” in the whole world, but now she’s realized he is despicable. Babs is on the phone with Dr. Evil and he tells her he can’t get any info out of Lili even though he’s threatened her with electric shocks – Babs says then go ahead and roast her brain (“rostizar su cerebro”) so we can be done with this problem. I’m completely creeped out by that!


Yay Melissa! Once again a wonderful recap. I wish Cadmilho would have gotten smacked a few more times.

Love how Priss so didn't seem to believe Babs tears. Guess now them not getting along makes more sense. Priss and Santiago seem to see through Babs.

Nanda is just as bad as Fr/Ed in jumping to conclusions about another persons motives without all the facts. I guess if people were more thoughtful we wouldn't have a show.

Great title, I always liked that song. I couldnt' tell whether Vlad was admiring Pris or his own bod. There is a very interesting little power thing going on between Fernanda and Barb, isn't there? Oh man, I found the slap that Gonzo gave Cad deeply satisfying. Also fun, how his entire family turned against him. Heh, Grupo Intolerancia de Lactos, good one. Oh my, Santi may have the head of a poodle but he's got quite the hot bod. Speaking of hot, yes ma'am, the new doctor is lovely.

Thanks Melissa, what a scathingly fun recap!

Oh, and FC on a horse, no wonder Erika kissed him. Watching that guy ride is like foreplay.

Melissa, I so enjoyed your lively and humorous retelling of this episode. Thanks. Cuckoo's Nest was one of many favorite descriptions. Things are really moving fast right now. We should remember this time fondly when they drag us on all fours through the summer to make this thing last longer. Francuardo seems swept off his feet by the speed of Errika's plans and assumptions. Wow, that horse is beautiful and seeing our FC on a dancing horse was just too Principe Azul for words. He only lacks the billowing sleeves of his pirate days in Pasion but white shirts this time I suppose.
The Dysfunctional family does dinner did seem scary and I loved your Aurora Borealis shines, and the Doctor Matamentes is going to live up to the name I gave him last week. Really, really frightening, I agree. I hope Edanco (obviously I can't decide what to call our changling hero) can get away from the gala little family Cena in time to keep her from the rotisserie treatment to her timid little brain.

Does any one know about the beautiful horses we see on this show. Are the opening and transitional scene horses Pasofinos? Does our Caray Caray Pasofino know? And what about Señor Salty? I wouldn't mind getting to rent him, but I think EF knows what the implied rent payment will be once the Cena scene is delivered as promised.

Oh, Cap'n, yes him riding the horse was lovely!

Great recap Melissa! I loved reading about the family dinner, it was as if I was watching it again, it's one of my favorite scenes of the novela, Babs amusement at watching Gonzo slap Camilo was the icing on the cake for me, she just loves watching all kinds of trouble, I was there with her chuckling.

I really like Fernanda, I had my reservations because I had heard alot of bad opinions on the original character, and I didn't wanted Silvia to play a lame character after all she had to go through with the network change. But I like her alot and she was also great at the table scene.

And Gonzo finally showing a bit of spine! Priscila was also pure fun, she is not bad person, but she is not a good one either, I like those type of characteres.

The guy playing Vlad (Fabián Robles) has played the boyfriend of both Arleth Terán (Pris) and Lucero before in telenovelas, I can't believe I hadn't remembered that before.

Melissa the right word for a town girl is "Pueblerina". "Saleroso" comes from the word "sal" (salt), but it's actual meaning is "graceful". It's not a commonly used word, but is very well known because it is used in a popular song of the Mexican folklore called "La Malagueña" that speaks about a poor man desperately inlove with a woman, but that can't be with her because she is from a different (higher) class.

"Besar tus labios quisiera, besar tus labios quisiera, malagueña salerosa. Y decirte niña hermosa, que eres linda y hechicera, eres linda y hechicera, como el candor de una rosa..."


Jarocha, would you mind visiting the Tontas recap and helping us out with an idiomatic phrase?

Thank you, Molly for a thorough and funny recap. "Dr. Not Feel-So-Good". Exactly.

I thought Babs said that Eduardo has to come back so he can rot with his mother. Maybe she and Artemio plan to step up their game. Ominous. Oh well, it's not like they'll know he's there anyway.


Molly - Yes, I think you're right - Pris and Santi are the only ones who see right through Babs. I'm pretty sure that's why Prisci gave Nanda that amulet to keep away the evil, or whatever it was she said. BTW, Molly, I love the pic you have of FC! That's one of my favorites. Viva Ricky McPirateson!

Cap'n - That power thing between Babs and Nanda is a little weird, huh? It really seems as though sometimes Nanda "gets it", while other times she just completely buys into Babs line of BS.

Cheryl - love the names Edanco and Francuardo - makes me laugh and reminds of me the cereal Count Chocula and Frankenberries!

Jarocha, thanks so much for clarifying "pueblerina" and "saleroso" for us. Sometimes we definitely miss the subtle nuances of the Spanish language and your insight is definitely appreciated! I love the song "La Malaguena" - my husband plays it on the guitar, but I've never really comprehended the words. In English, "Salty" would mean "spunky" or "feisty". But graceful definitely fits that horse and it's new rider!

J - Looking back on it now, I think you're right about Babs saying Eddie has to come back and "rot" with his mother. Thanks for the correction - it makes more sense.

All said, this was a fun recap to do with all the yelling and slapping!

Good recap, Melissa!

I wondered how long it would take for Fer to notice her best friend wasn't around. I sense the power play with Babs and Fer has red flags going up all over. But, will Fer listen to smart Fer? I like that Prissy has Babs number, and still doesn't back down.

Yikes, cuckoo's nest doctor is the worst! He's got to have a bad ending along with Babs, Artemio, Cad, etc. The scenes with the Doc make my skin crawl.

Sylvia, you're so right about Fr/Ed riding that horse...

Thank you so much, Melissa. You got the two Nandas again and the Cadmilo smack down - yes, it was worth it and I may keep this episode!

Indeed, Dominga must be starting to look normal. It's been nothin' but high drama in the Elizalde house since Santi brought Aurora there.

Loved the other action at the dinner table: Cadmilho spilling the beans about Babs telling Gonzo that Eduardo was violando (can that be interpreted as "taking advantage of" or did he mean to say raping?) Nanda. Also, Prissy's smirky snickle of dismissal at Bab's phony defense and Bab's capping off an attempted snort as Cad underwent an explosive jaw realignment! Suh-weeeet! Gonzo: that old school child-rearin' is a little late with Cad, ain't it?

Gardenia's gonna be trouble. She's gonna be a nosy, snitchin' conclusion-jumping pain at Las Animas.

And Lili. What a strong will she has to have endured 15 years of the hell of being falsely accused of precipitating her mother's death, of being insane, imprisioned and drugged and now the threat of electric shock therapy, she really commnicates her desperation, that this is the limit! I'm with y'all that say the portrayal of that will be too devastating. I, too, hope they don't use it as a delaying/heighten the drama tactic

And I like Santi with Aurora. Especially if my man wears his sleeveless tees. Meester James been working out! My man was lookin' mighty fine: broad shoulders, nice, not overdone definition in his arms, full, solid chest tapering down to a nice embraceable V. . . .

Ah, Erika. . another post, another day!


Haven't read the recap, yet Melissa, but enjoying the blog fer sure! Whoa, absolutely nailed it with your second comment. Have you been reading my mind?

Great recap Melissa, and thank you!

That family dinner is one big PSA for extended families NOT living under the same roof. NOBODY at that dinner table thinks Fer and Damian are in love, either. How interesting.

I hope we won't see any more shirtless scenes of Vlad. His man-boobs grossed me out. Looks like he's almost a B-cup. Those did not look like the usual gym muscle type, but more hormonal. Eeew.

The scene where Fernanda looks out her bedroom window was interesting---very visual messages here. The bars over the window is a visual symbol of her currently being trapped in her family and life, etc., yet . . . what a fire hazard!!! All I could think was how would she escape if there was a fire in the hallway?

Thank goodness Gonzo and Jacinto had spines last night. I was cheering.

So now Ciro knows whatever the Big Secret is that Soledad took to the grave with her after writing it down on paper. That’s good. I hope Lili will tell the doc some sort of made-up drivel to keep him happy.

Melissa: Thanks for the funny recap.

Doris: I thought the love scene between Pris and Vlad was smarmy. He needs a breast reduction and body wax. And, he shouldn't drool after the act.

Now that mad scientist Ciro has blown himself out of the second floor, what will happen to the note left by Sole in a hidden compartment in a tiny little box. Did I just write that? He has to live because if Dr. Shock finds it, the whole jig will be up.

Cheryl: I don't know what type of horse we see at the opening credits other than that it is a beautiful black male (stallion or gelding, can't say that either without a closer look). The horse Erika gifted Ed could be a Pasofino or possibly an Arab. It, too, was beautiful.

I'm no horse expert - especially when seeing one on my TV screen. Look, Pasofino is easier to spell than Quarter Horse. Regards.

Vlad needs a body wax and a b-cup! You guys are hilarious! Maybe we should chip in and buy him a "mansierre" a la Seinfeld!

Muchas gracias por el resumen tan útil y gracioso.

I thought that the book Ciro was looking at contained chemical formulas of some sort. Perhaps he's planning to poison the doctor (¡Ojalá!), or put some kind of vile-smelling substance into the air so everyone will have to leave. But then, how would Lili and he be immune?

This comment has been removed by the author.

tahnks for the excellent recap, Melissa. Kind of a fun episode, especially the dinner table scene. Did you see Aurora's eyes? She'd need toothpicks to open them wider than this dysfunctional family's antics! The next dinner at this table should be even more interesting- is cowardly Camil-ho going to show, or is he going to choose life on his own over making a hollow, forced apology? And what's the latest on Natasha's condition? This guy is really tough on "his" women. What a piece of work, Gonzo should throw him out, now that his testicles have descended.
Lots happenng now, Maybe the Damian/Esteve meeting, the dinner at Gonzo's, Gardenia's first encounter with Eddy, Lili's stryline, the Martina/doctor storyline starting up, all on top of the main story.

Thank you Melissa. You know idioms?! I love that when you explain those.

What did Erroika say after she gave that little peck near the mouth to FrEd?
And why did FrEd change his mind about accepting the horse?

How in the world is Errorika going to tell her parents I gave away the gift you gave me?! To a stranger! See, she lacks good judgement. Do not reveal the masqerade to her.

What a CUTE! little hat the horse was wearing. Could Papa have given the horse in a hat for his little princess?!

Melissa, what an entertaining zesty recap. Imagine how Aurora must have felt during the typical family sitdown dinner. Just the usual polite banter and familial interaction. It's refreshing to see a family take the time to dine together. We need more displays of such family values in these shows. No TV trays for these folks.

I'll be very disappointed if the good Dr. No proceeds with EST on our Lil. The rescue of Lil should be job one for these folks.


FrEd may be Harvard Goal Oriented trained - but Prissy leaves everybody in the dust.

That dinner repartee was up there with the wedding Event! Even the characters who were not talking were speaking their opinions. And they were funnie! Even Barb got a laugh out of it.
I guess Papa never used corporal punishment before.I thought 'do it again' so he'll believe that was the basta line.

Bonney, yes, Pris is a woman of action who has no trouble deciding what she wants and then going after it. No dithering by this girl over little details such as morals or propriety. Nope, full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes! I'm on her team.

And doesn't Martina wear mud well? Not many women can pull that off.


LOL Carlos.
But it's not just Prissy's goal I'm looking at. It's that she is not smelling any flowers along the way; no cuddling-after! Sip of coffee! just for politeness sake ---gotago!

Argh! My DVR cut off the last 15 minutes so your recap Melissa is greatly appreciated. I missed Fr/Ed on a horse? And Ciro blew up?! My favorite part was when Cadmil-Ho got the snot knocked out of him. Nothing like a good bitch-slap at dinner. I was yelling at the TV "Do it again! Do it again!" But no---they didn't hear me. And Pris rolling her eyes--Ha! Meester James sure looks mighty fine. when Nanda was looking out the window I was thinking "Juan wouldn't be able to come in that way."

Thanks for the recap Melissa. You had a great episode. Gonzo and Jacinto grew spines as doris mentioned and Cadmilho got slapped. The only thing that really needs to be done is Lil's rescue.

Gardenia is going to be a pain. As dorado dave mentioned she's too much of a loose cannon to let her in on any secrets. Couple that with her love for Fr/Ed and you've got a muy, muy, muy mal situation.

Fr/Ed looked great on this horse and you all are too fun with Vlad needing a reduction and wax.

Bonney Churros...I haven't seen the episode yet but I did catch that last scene with Erika and Eduardo after finishing my Tontas recap.

After she kissed him she said she hoped that didn't bother him. Just a rehearsal (ensayo) before tonight's dinner party.

It struck me because I found myself thinking how much fun it would be to actually rehearse scenes with our galan. Too late, too late!

I think Fred changed his mind about accepting the horse after Erika basically convinced him she was only "lending" Saleroso to him. I'm not sure, but I think he explained he wasn't going to be hanging around forever and she said fine, then when you leave, just give him back to me.

I don't know how she's going to explain it to her parents though - who obviously made such a big deal out of the horse being a gift.

Maybe we don't know what's going to happen yet, but I think it would've been much easier to just say her family already owned the horse. She did say they had lots of horses at her hacienda. Why the big fuss about the gift? Just so we would know the horse came from Spain?

They should write in more time for Fr/Ed to ride the horse for our viewing pleasure rather than these convoluted excuses! LOL

Thank you JudyB.
I hope the love line doesn't get too long for FrEd! Looking at this point like Estev, Jacinto, as 'bromangle'; Gardenia, Errorika, Fern of course, and the Black not-yet-widow Spider. How could she not love Franco? Conquering a challenger before the kill is such a charge.

Some random thoughts:

Somebody asked what Erika said after she gave Franco a peck on the cheek. "Consulta con la almohada". She was telling him to sleep on it (ie whether to accept the horse / and to accept the dinner invite). Literally "consult with your pillow".

I was originally thinking that Ed was going to challenge Camilo to a an "English" style horse race, jumping over creeks and fences and such. And then Camilo would fall off and bust his head open. But this horse doesn't appear to be the "jumping" variety - so maybe not. What kind of horse is this, anyway??

I was surprised that Franco would go for Gardenia to be at his ranch. I thought he'd go for the mud wrestler. (Her dad being one who made horse shoes would mean she knows how to care for horses - and she could cover his back.) Now it remains to be seen how the mud wrestler will fit into the main plot.

I'm not anticipating Camilo's apology that much, as it will be in "words only" - if he does it at all. I'd rather see him go through an event causing "enlightenment". Maybe that will happen later on - or maybe he'll just get his justifiable terrible punishment later.

This telenovela has almost too many subplots and switching between them.

Thank you Melissa. Yeah that does seem like a dithering conversation for nothing. BUT, anything that keeps this telenovela going is fine with me! Its been a LONG DRY SPELL since I found a telenovela that didn't make me growl in disgust. (I dropped out during the naked bakers one. Juramento made me talk to the walls, in disgust.)

Bonney - LOL - "naked bakers". The best part of FELS was its pure stupidity at times. It was great for recapping because it was the gift of sarcastic comedy that just kept on giving!

Great recap, Melissa!

Not that it's important, but I think the new doctor said Silvestre was going to have a cataract operation, and then his sight would be fixed, and he could resume his blacksmith duties. Of course, anytime you have an operation in a novela....

I thought Ciro said he was going to cook up a "substance" that would somehow take care of Dr. Evil. That's why he was looking a chemical equations.

Carlos, I agree that Martina wears mud well, as does her wrestling partner.

I loved the family dinner. Each character is so over the top, and they're all at the same table. Too much fun!

"I loved the family dinner. Each character is so over the top, and they're all at the same table. Too much fun!"

Except for Aurora, hombre. I'm surprised she did not though bubble that this is one screwed up family. She was just sitting there looking on in horror. The look on her face was priceless.


Thanks for filling in some of the blanks, Hombre. I don't use the captions and I guess I don't pay the same attention to the side stories that are going on until they actually are inherent to the plot.


As a side story, I think I'd like Santi and Franco to become friends and go for a swim. . . .oh heck, Jacinto's gotta be there and the lovely new Doc, too. For the boys throw in Gardenia, Nanda, Erika and Aurora (no mud)!


ooops, I mean and Martina without mud!


HA Gepetto!

That is the best nickname in a very long time.

Maybe the doctor of horror will get sick and have to be replaced with someone who Babs doesn't have control over. I can't see Fr/Ed breaking Lili out, because where would he put her? But Babs telling the doctor just to go ahead and fry her brain, she is really just evil!

I totally want to see Babs go after Fr/Ed. Why would she take a pass on that??

Ferro - Can't take credit for Gepetto - I can't remember who gave Don Silvestre that moniker, but it's been floating around a while. It totally fits him.

Jarocha...know this is the tn you really watch, so just want to thank you for bopping over to the Tontas line and helping us with the "dicho" that had us flummoxed. We really benefit from your native language and cultural gifts. Gracias!

And thanks Sylvia for alerting her!

Yeah (the family dinner table), and they eat meat again tonight $-[, with guests! one of which will not be surprised.

Melissa...I have not seen the show that pic of FC came from, but I love pirates! I'm watching Alborada on youtube at the urging of PaulaH and have to say FC with long hair and a sword is about as much man as any woman could need! Whoa!

OMG Molly - then you're going to LOVE Pasion. Alborada is still my favorite all-around novela. But I think FC looked his best in Pasion. If you love pirates you will just go gaga over Pasion!

Good question about where would he stash Lili. Um thinking, a half-way house half-way across country. She needs guidance for re-entry into the world. Certainly she needs self-assurance before going 'home'. Imagine her dealing with Cad?
Imagine her dealing with Gardenia!? at FrEd's place!

Thanks for the recap Melissa! By the way, Saleroso means charming, graceful or winsome, not salty - remember the old song, "Malagueña Salerosa"? He is indeed a beautiful horse to go along with our beautiful FC! I can't make up my mind which scene I enjoyed most last night - Erica giving FC an unexpected kiss or Daddy giving sonny a smack at the dinner table!


Finally got to watch this (great lunch-time entertainment) and then enjoy your fine recap, Melissa. And laughed that you too noted Priss' post-coital position as ideal for getting pregnant. Went through mucho trouble getting pregnant the first time (when the doctor learned I usually went jogging afterwards he looked at me like "are you kidding me!?" I knew right away what our clever Priss was up to. Duh.

Molly, See Pasion. In addition to TBLMOE,it is the work of the same crew that created Alborada. I say this crew of women that produced this work of art just keep getting better. IMHO, Pasion rivals anything in the movie theater. I hope time will and academic attention to Pasion will place it on the list of 'The Greatest Ever'.

Oh, something else I just thought of...Gardenia used a very interesting expression when speaking of Soledad's death which I had just seen in a slang book... something about "se fue al otro barrio" (went to the other neighborhood, in other words "died".) It's such a colorful expression...a little flippant...but I understand in Mexico they often speak lightly of death. Whistling in the dark, perhaps?

I will have to start on Pasion after I finish Alborada. I was going to rent the video but then people were saying they are so cut up, that I decided just to watch the whole thing off youtube. One user posted a really nice feed of Alborada, I hope I can find one as crisp and clear of Pasion.

FC seems like a very stong actor, does anyone know why he has not done any film?

JudyB it is like saying they are no longer with us. Not saying outright that the person is dead.

Molly Amor Real,Alborada and Pasion are really great works of art. I came on board during the last week of Pasion then on to Fuego and finally here. I have the dvds and I have seen it all. When I have time I will watch the full episodes on youtube...... I hope the run them again here....


Colunga has done some movies, he was good in them but I think novelas seem to be his strength. When you oversell every reaction and emotion in a novela, it fits, in a movie, it seems over the top.

On the topic of DVDs/youtube novelas - has anyone found a way to watch the Zorro novela that was on Telemundo a couple years ago? I missed it and am dying to watch it but can't find a DVD.

Señor guapisimo on a white horse & no sombrero o maraichi clothes ¡que maravilloso! I'm still haunted by FELS.

I think Ciro is looking up a formula so he can create the diversion so Lil can call her family.

I could have sworn I saw Lil stash the pills under her pillow but after the throw up scene, obviously not.

Seems to me that Lili at las Animas might not be so bad. Gardenia, of course would have to be in on the secrets, but I don't see her being in contact with anyone at Elizalde's. No, on second thought, she's too wacko to trust with any secret.
It is going to be interesting how Eddy keeps his true identity from her, unless he does intend to tell her. She was (and is) so gaga over the memory of him as a boy, this is going to be a real complication. Vamos a ver...

Melissa, thanks for the great recap. Agree with Chris Ferro in that your "Gepetto" nickname is perfect!

The Lili storyline is very upsetting and the one dark spot in this telenova. As you said: "If she doesn’t tell him what she told her sister Nanda, he’s going to give her electric shock treatments and she’ll be a crazy person for real".

A few previews have shown Lili making a break for it at some point. I don't think this is what Carlos had in mind when he started "Liberate Lili". I'm cringing at her inevitable recapture and what horrible retribution it will bring.

So many excellent comments and insights. Khalilah, I agree with your comments about Lili and also enjoy Aurora and Santiago.

Loved the Cad smack-down. I don't condone violence, but will make an exception in his case. Amp up the frequency and severity please. Diana in MA.

I think Lili would be very happy at Las Animas (I know I would!), but wouldn't it be kind of odd for business man Franco Santoro to harber their sister?

I agree Gardenia can't be trused. She was so in love with Ed as a kid, wait until she realized who Mr. Hotty is! Someone needs to find that girl a man!

Has Cadmil-ho shown any concern for his present novia, Natasha?

Judy, Judy, Judy, post-coital jogs? Did you ever try a cigarette(or cigar for that matter) instead? A similar breathless feeling and you don't have to put on shoes. (And you can even put your feet up ala Pris.)

Bonney,gotta go! Too funny.


I can't believe I didn't recognize her pose after all the baby-making efforts of my own a year ago - I saw my wife with her feet on top of the headboard 'afterwards' all the time.

One thing I can say for anyone trying to make a baby - throw away the thermometers, charts, etc and just do your 'tarea' every day for the whole month. That's what finally worked for us and others have told me the same thing.

Carlos...puhleeze...I'm a health nut. Cigarettes or cigars are out of the question. (although my editor at the time chain-smoked cigars so I was getting a lot of smoke anyway).

Why post-coital? Well, heck, I didn't want to be too tired to enjoy making that baby, doctor!

You know, Eddie made light of Gardenia's childhood crush on him, more or less dismissing that she might might still have strong feelings. Well, for goodness sakes, what has has he been obsessing over and saving himself for for the past 15 yrs.?


Molly, if you want to see FC in a fun movie you should rent Ladron que Roba a Ladron. It's very enjoyable and I recommend it. I rented it from Netflix but I have also seen it for sale at Target.

I agree with Ferro though, Telenovelas are his strength.

Cap'n I just watched the trailer for it on Lionsgate website. Looks very fun. I think the place I rent locally has it, so I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend!

Ibarramedia...thanks for clarifying and explanding the definition for "irse al otro barrio". Another example of why input from real people who know the language is better than "book-larnin'".

And Carlos...yeah, I was thinking the same thing. If Eduardo's carried the torch for umpteen years (and Fernanda though he doesn't know it) why would he dismiss Gardenia's childhood crush?

Doing the deed everyday of the month works for me. ;) I'm not married but would like to 'do the deed' with our beautiful novela ladies. ;) :) j/k

I know most ladies here don't advocate violence, but in Camilo's case, it had to be done. What he did to Ericka was inexcusable. the violence here really pales in comparison to Fuego En La Sangre's hitting and bloodshed.

Ferro94 I too had been trying to find a dvd of the zorro: La Espada Y La Rosa. Some of dvds on the web are bootlegs taped from tv. so i'm skeptical. I want to get the official entire series run if possible.

I'm watching 2 Zorros on the web now. The Columbian version on you tube:

entermain's Channel has over 1619 video clips. I think he/she has them all.

The other one is the Philippine Zorro which I found out started last week.

These are the first 2 weeks episodes. Everyday there is a new one added. It is like in a parallel universe watching this. Half the language is in spanish.
Click on the yellow link,click on continue, then click play...

I also want to get my hands on the dvds of Alondra and Ramona but can't find any so far. :(


I saw Zorro when it aired on Telemundo a couple years ago. I thought it was going to be good, but I was extremely disappointed, especially towards the end. It turned out to be ridiculous. If FELS was a 9 on the ridiculous scale, then Zorro definitely hauls in at least a 7.5. Just my opinion.

About 5 years ago I only watched Telemundo novelas - Alborada was my first Univision novela. What a difference! Telemundo should be called Quesomundo - pure cheese.

Ibarramedia - that first one, that you call the 'Columbian' one, is the one I was referring to - that's the one that Telemundo ran recently. If all the episodes are there on youtube, I have a LOT of viewing ahead of me!
It says that this user is owned by Televisa and this isn't a copyright infringement, but the Zorro novela wasn't a Televisa production, so who knows what that means.

Hmmm - looks like only the first 14 episodes are here - are there more under a different user?

Sorry to digress into Zorro chat, but here's a user who appears to have uploaded the entire series, but with poorer video quality -

Guess there's lots of differences in personal tastes, Melissa. I really liked Zorro. Christian Meier, currently in Doña Bárbara on Telemundo, played Zorro. He's my second favorite telenovio after TBLMOE. I also liked Marlene Favela as the love interest.

Since we love Period telenovelas, you might like the combination of 2 worlds here Japanese Animation-Anime and Spanish period novelas.

Here is King Arthur dubbed in spanish. El Rey Arturo (anime 1979). Episodio primero



This anime is serious. People actually die here. It's not like the kiddie cartoons shown in the US.


Novelera, I think both actors did a good job with what they had to work with. I think the novela went off the rails at the end with the jungle scenes. Don't want to give away any spoilers, though.

I saw Zorro when it aired on Telemundo a couple years ago. I thought it was going to be good, but I was extremely disappointed, especially towards the end. It turned out to be ridiculous. If
Melissa Said:
FELS was a 9 on the ridiculous scale, then Zorro definitely hauls in at least a 7.5. Just my opinion.

About 5 years ago I only watched Telemundo novelas - Alborada was my first Univision novela. What a difference! Telemundo should be called Quesomundo - pure cheese.

In my short Telenovela experience, I find that I'm partial to Televisa-univision and Mexican stuff. I saw the dvd of Pasion de Gavilanes. You will think i'm out of my mind for liking the Mexican Fuego En La Sangre better. I would love to see Las aguas Mansas even on the internet, but there is very little out there. The one in youtube has really bad reception. Can't see anything.

The only other thing I watch is the You Soy Betty La fea re run in Telefutura. Televisa-Esmas-Univision is the way to go for me...


Thanks, Melissa. Cap'n Sylvia~~~Ahoy there. You are so right about FC on horseback = foreplay. My favorite though was FC as longhaired facialhaired Luis in Alborada riding on the beach with Team Luis to rescue damsel in distress Hippolita . My oh my.... ...................................Where was I ? The scene of breakfast at the McBickersons brought to mind similar scenes in those grand old American telenovelas Dynasty, Dallas, and Falcon Crest....ah, now there was escapism at its best. [Bobby's NOT DEAD !!!! Pam just had a bad dream !!!! And, uh-oh who's going to fall into the fishpond this week, Alexis or Kristal ?????] And Gonzo's slap for Cad...too little too late, man . You should have done that much earlier and more often. The die has been cast by this point and Cad is a lost cause. He is headed toward an even bigger smackdown...probably by Francuardo...ojala.

I'm just liking Zorro because, well it's zorro. And it is also a period show. I'm a history buff(even if this is fiction)


I agree, Ibarramedia. For what it's worth (maybe a misspent youth reading some bodice rippers) I do love period novelas the best. Amor Real is probably my all time fave, although I did like Alborada and Pasión a lot.

Another Telemundo offering that I liked was Los Plateados with Mauricio Islas and a Spanish actress whose name escapes me. Also a period novela.

What I liked about Zorro was Christian Meier who really is good at being funny, one of the few galanes with that skill.

Ay! Melissa! Thanks for all the belly laughs! "Poor Aurora looks like if she stays in that house one more days she’ll wind up with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – drunken Dominga is probably starting to look normal" //
"Erika watches Fr/Ed ride Saleroso. She’s more impressed with Fr/Ed than Fr/Ed is with the horse." LOL!
I'm half expecting Alberto to be Any Balls' lover.

Great recap.... thank u....You know whats going to happen? as Ciro is reading the papers he found in the box, the mad doctor is going to walk in and get the papers from Ciro and then he will be able to black mail Babs...then all her plans will be blown to for fer not knowing whats going on with babs, bit by bit she is finding things out hopefully she puts 2 and 2 together real soon... super Fr/Ed will get to lili soon and keep her at his place....unless babs has her done away with for good... and the papers stay with many things could happen..........BN

Juanita I thought the algebra was symbolizing the need for strategy. Algebra is used to solve many things in life. Since he also utilizes the chess pieces in strategies for Lilils problems, mayb he thinks using formulas will work better?? Ret

Thanks for the great recaps of the last two episodes, M & M. (Melinama and Melissa).
When I stay off the computer for a day, I get so far behind. Loved reading all the comments.
In Mon. epi, when Pris asked Barb about maternal instinct? Her stone-faced killer look said something happened in the past. It was great to see Gonzo put the smackdown on Cadmilho.
My captions were excellent yesterday on both Mariana de la Noche and MEPS. Today was a little iffy on Mariana--some hesitation and some words retyped as it went along. I'm hoping tonight's captions are good.
La Paloma

One thing that bothered me (besides the man-boobs) last night in the Vlad/Pris scene was that she has no idea if she contracted a STD. Eeeew! That was the anti-PSA scene of the night.

I'm also amazed that Ciro is allowed a chemical laboratory in the manicomio!

Telenovela beanie hat is firmly in place with a new layer of aluminum foil liner.

Doris: About the chemistry lab... I got to thinking that maybe the old guy is a former pharmacist or chemistry teacher and would pull a MacGuyver on us and make something out of toothpaste or soap and hairspray or shoe polish and chalk or some such.

Doris, I wondered about the pose she was in. Someone said she was doing that so the u-know-what stayed inside; however, their pose was not a good one for a tv screen.

Melissa, thank you for your time in doing these recaps. I study spanish and I get the gist of what is happening; however, so often there is something real intense going on and I would love to know what is said. If it werent' for these recaps, I would miss a lot. Also these recaps and the commenters, make the novelas so much more interesting. Again thanks. Ret

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It looked like an organic chemistry book. Not that that narrows things down much... organic chem could mean anything from a stink bomb to TNT or LSD. Or a bar of really good soap, for that matter.

Does Cadmilo do anything for a living? Or does he just ride horses all day?

Julie, I don't think the cad does a bleepin thing but horse around in every sense of the word, using that riding crop on Jacinto and beating Erika makes him the horse's ass!


Julie, I think Camil-Ho just uses up good air! He is such a slimy little toad.

While we're reminiscing:

Abrazame Muy Fuerte was my first telenovela. It was notable in that the Star of the show was the villain: Cesar Evora.

The co-protaganistas were our very own Fernando Colunga, and Pablo Montero. But, they were not the stars of the show. We all tuned in to find out who Cesar was going to do in next each night. This was one of my favorite telenovelas from the standpoint that this novela was not slow. There was action every night.

Two of my favorite telenovelas of all time were on Telemundo before they started producing their own.

El Clon was a Brazilian production by Globo Productions and was about a doctor/researcher making a clon when the "master" person was 20 years old. Most of the telenovela was after the Clon's approximate 20th birthday and the "master" person's 40th birthday. Neither one knows they are a Master and a Clon. They live in different worlds - the Clon in Morocco as a muslim and the master in Brazil as a devoted Catholic. Then, little by little, their paths begin to cross from thousands of miles away until one day - they meet. This was one of my longest telenovelas - and also raised all kinds of issues - Muslim world vs Catholic world - Morrocco vs Brazil, and the whole issue of cloning. It presented much of Muslim life and their reasoning for the various rules they have - a basic "lesson" to the Latino Catholic audience. (this was before 09/11). This has to be one of the best telenovelas of all time on many levels - production, scenery, acting, directing, etc.

The other was La Terra - a story of an Italian immigrant family into Brazil in the early 1900's. I believe this was also a Globo production and was totally excellent.

To my humble senses, both of these telenovelas were head and shoulders over any Mexican telenovela that I've ever seen.

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