Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Wed., Oct. 29: Santos still doesn't know the truth; Gonzalo found out the truth and Lucía gets really bad news
Eustaquia identifies the people in the photograph to DB but she says that she doesn't know any of them. DB leaves the photo on a table and Gonzalo finds it.

Cecilia tells Lucía that she is asking her to be her executioner and she can't do that. Lucía says that she only wants Cecilia to be her baby's guardian angel. Lucía says that she never robbed Antonio from Cecilia because they still love each other. She just borrowed him for a little while but now she will return him and he won't be alone. Cecilia won't agree to do what Lucía is asking. She says that she has to leave. Outside the room, Antonio has heard their conversation. He says that he can't choose between his daughter and Lucía. Cecilia assures him that he won't have to choose. Everything will be all right.
Santos tells Marisela that DB is just pretending like always. Marisela says that DB isn't pretending. She has a whole different personality - loving, feminine caring. Santos won't buy it. He says that DB is manipulating them like she always has. DB comes in and Marisela tells DB to remind Santos about their love.

Genoveva tells Melesio that she is leaving to go back to San Fernando with Marisela. She says that she wants to change her life. She wants to continue her edcuation. She says that she wants to succeed on her own and never get married. "So you're going to become a nun," says Melesio. Geno starts to say that she can't become a nun anymore but catches herself. She says that she wants to live her life alone like Cecilia. Melesio points out that Cecilia isn't alone. She has a son. Geno leaves and the alcaraván starts to call again.

Santos tries to find out if Marisela is right. When DB tells Santos that she is happy because she loves him and he loves her and they are going to have a baby, he tells DB that many bad things have happened between them. DB says that he is exaggerating. DB launches into a fantasy about the first time they made love and says that she was a virgin. Santos is surprised and says that she had many lovers before she met him and has a daughter. DB asks if Santos isn't Marisela's father. Now Santos is convinced that DB is bonkers. He says that she has to go to a see a doctor. DB says that there is no need for that.

Geno takes a tearful leave of the terneras and Melesio.

Gonzalo is very pleased with himself for having found out about DB's secret.
DB runs from Santos into Marisela's arms and tells him that she won't go see a doctor.

Marisela and Santos hatch a plan to get DB to a doctor. Marisela invites DB to go shopping for the baby with her in San Fernando.
Marisela, Genoveva and DB are walking along the street in San Fernando. Geno says that she can't believe this woman is the Doña. Marisela replies that DB is sick and defeated and she feels sorry for her. Geno says that she likes this DB better and suggests that maybe this is the real DB and the other was the sick one. Marisela says that she has never seen DB so happy. Geno says that her mother died when she was very young and she imagines that her mother would be like DB is now. She asks Marisela how DB was when Marisela was a child. Marisela says that DB was cold and heartless. She never kissed or hugged Marisela. While they watch DB buy a giant teddy bear from a street vendor, Marisela says that she always wanted a teddy bear but her mother never even bought her a toy. Her father was drunk all the time and the only one who showed her any affection was Juan Primito. DB gives the big teddy bear to Marisela and hugs her.
When Marisela suggests that she and DB visit Lucía in the hospital, DB gets agitated and runs away. Marisela and Genoveva search for her but with no success.
Antonio tells Gonzalo that his investigation could not find any connection between Sapo and the attack on El Miedo. Gonzalo says that he thought the accusation against Sapo was ridiculous and urges Gonzalo to drop the investigation. When Antonio mentions Santos' suspicions, Gonzalo says Santos has made accusations without any proof. He should allow the police to do their job.
Gonzalo casually asks Antonio if has known DB for a long time. He says that DB has been around for 20 years. Gonzalo asks Antonio to tell him about DB's past. After hearing the story, Gonzalo tells Antonio that DB's history is terrible. Antonio is called to the hospital. When he is gone, Gonzalo says that he has finally figured out the puzzle (rombecabeza, a puzzle, literally, a 'head breaker') of Sapo's relationship to DB.
Juan Primito tells Melquíades that DB has gone to San Fernando.

Melquíades confronts Santos and asks how he let DB go so far away and that she is in danger. He accuses Santos of abandoning DB because he wants Marisela. Santos says that he asked Melquíades to disclose who DB's enemy is but he refused. Melquíades says that DB did not want him to tell. Santos replies that if something happens because of Melquíades' foolish promise to DB, it will be Melquíades' fault.

Marisela and Genoveva can't find DB and they ask for Gonzalo's help. He alerts the police to be on the lookout for DB.
Fidel Castell shows up at Gonzalo's office and Gonzalo shows that he knows his past by calling him Sapo. Sapo is impactado.

Gonzalo tells Sapo that he knows all about Sapo's past as a rapist and murderer and that it is all written down.
Pajarote comes to see Genoveva with a pineapple but the other terneras tell him that she has left Progresso for good. They are scornful when he tells them that he is surprised that Geno left without telling him.

The doctor tells Don Encarnacion and Antonio that they have to do a C-section on Lucía right away. DE asks how that can be - Lucía is only six months pregnant. The doctor says that there is no choice. If they don't act now, both Lucía and the baby could die.
Gonzalo tells Sapo that if he gets so much as a scratch, Sapo will be destroyed. He tells Sapo that he doesn't care about Sapo's feud with DB. He is only interested in making money. He tells Sapo not to go after DB any more. Sapo replies that DB won't forget and will go after him.
Lucía begs the doctor not to operate. She knows that her baby is fully developed yet. The doctor says that if there was any other option, he would take it but the baby is in danger, too. Cecilia comes into Cecilia's room with the priest and Lucía asks him to stay

Marisela just misses seeing DB go into the building where Gonzalo's office is. Santos and Melquíades arrive and Marisela tells them that DB has disappeared.
DB is in Gonzalo outer office when Gonzalo and Sapo come into the room. DB is impactada.

Labels: barbara
Zowee! I hope DB wakes up and recognizes Sapo tonight. It would be very bad for him to see her in her present bemused, zoned out state.
Gonzalo looks like he's heading for a very bad end. I was outraged that he went through Santos' things in his office. The guy really has no morals whatsoever. I'm starting to suspect that the dramatic reversal of his character is a novela-extending device. He was pretty noble when he was a fugitive. The only character flaw was being so nuts about Marisela that he kept sneaking out of the hiding places to be with her.
I'm not complaining, mind you. So far, whatever they've done to extend the novela has kept my interest quite well. I NEVER get bored watching Doña Bárbara
Gonzalo's change of character is the only thing that really doesn't make sense in the novela. He was reckless before both in his pursuit of Marisela and his revolutionary activities but his willingness to do business with the likes of Sapo doesn't really make sense. But like you say, it's not a big deal.
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