Wednesday, April 08, 2009

MEPS Mar 8, Wed, - Games of Hide and Seek

Good Evening, Here is the post wind posting, which means the dish did not run away with the spoon. The captions got turned off with my fumbling with the remote and I did not get them back on until the very last break, but I like a good challenge and at least all these characters enunciate a lot better than Marichuy so I can be grateful I work on MEPS tonight.

Martina's Papa replays how Martina had mysterious money and he decides she is a good thief not a good nurse. Ciro's nurse is having problems watching her patient suffer, in response, Dr. Obregon (Matamentos to us) disparages the nurse with his crack wondering if she has had short courses in first aid (primeros auxilios cursillos) and then looks in horror as Ciro calls out for help, murmuring Liliana.

Liliana calls out for help too. She doesn't want to go to the Hacienda, no one loves her there, she wants to stay with Eduardo. Franco walks in the other room where Jacinto and Margarita are distracting Martina. He thanks Martina who calls him sir and doesn't seem to recognize him.

Fernanda has dreams: She is running in her bride pure white peignoir screaming for Eduardo, she wakes up hugging her self

Franco has dreams: He is approaching the fireside calling for Erika but sees Fernanda is sitting there. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? He asks, she turns with anger to retort What are you playing at, it was you who sent the flowers and the card, why are you playing with me why did you do this you destroyed my wedding vows (dichos). I love you with all my strength, and with all my being. You can just tell he kisses better than dumbass Damian. He half awakens can't, I shouldn't love you.

Sound of footsteps (pisadas) and the big cats chant while Pris rubs her belly with a satisfied smile.

Jacinto rides his bike, Gardenia shakes her pretty curls and fixes pillows, but can't resist looking in the guest room where she sees two sleeping women. Pretty but not so smart, she suspects something fishy or wishes something was fishy. Jacinto comes in and she starts her usual rant about how things just aren't normal here and she isn't going to put up with it. Jacinto calmly asks, Is Señor Franco here? Something is fishy here, the house is full of women, she continues mindlessly. This guy (fulano), what nerve (descaro). Close your beak, warns Jacinto because you don't know what is going on. I have suspicions (sospechos). EdFranco appears looking fierce says the condition is that you would not ask questions and you have broken your word.

Anibal aka Anyoneseenmyballs wonders how they got back to the house last night. Last night was an aberration, he whines, how could this occur. I just remember that I stayed there and You left. No they (those floozy women) were only there to relax you and get you ready.

Gardenia wants to forget it all and fix breakfast. Eduardo decides to give her the day off. She is relieved she isn.t losing her job. She wants to grab her sweater and Franco warns her not to make noise and wake the guests. - Break

Something strange happened but I don't remember anything, grogs Anibal. Priscilla brags, I have to go to get the analysis. What analysis? of my pregnancy! Did we make love? Well in a manner of speaking , technically, she hesitates but then cheerfully assures him. But all in all it went off perfectly.

Dumbian is soaping up his chest and yelps at an attack or a cold breeze in the room, well surprised anyway.

Jacinto discusses his fears. He thinks they must be sounding an alarm at the escape of Liliana. Ed says no he thinks something else is going on and he is going to go check with Obregon to find out what is up at the asylum and why they are silent about Lili.

Martina's Papa comes to the hospital to look for Martina and is told there is no nurse with that name. Cute Young Doctor sees him walk out and asks what Papa wanted, The nurse tells him he asked for the same Martina that he was asking about the other day.

Fernanda and Gonzo have breakfast together. He tells her that Barbara is afraid that family matters are affecting her new marriage. Oh Santa Barbara, Gonzo always sings your praises.

The body attack in the shower is Guess Who. Damian isn't happy about the intrusion, but Barb takes time to conquer his objections with undressing enough to show his what a pretty bra she is wearing she grabs him for a sizzling kiss (maybe she should work on Anibal's inhibitions) he actually says enough! She reminds him that the only one who decides things here is HER.

Margarita is gazing at an old photo of a pretty girl with braided hair, must be Soledad and loading up the donkey cart with the last of Soledad's personal things. Margi and the helper pull the donkey who isn't too stubborn but is probably pulling more than Jethro ever has to carry.

In the garden, Baba shows up with her dress back in place, Gonzo explains that Barbara is the one who cares for Nanda as if she were her own daughter. Barbara smiles innocently (do I smell smoke)?

Anibal breaks into a dark bedroom to wake up the useless Camilo, who doesn't want to get up, they argue about going over to see Franco and talk horses. Camilo resists but is given 10 minutes to get up and dressed. Anibal is determined to keep working on Franco. He also snaps at Damian for waking in to interrupt, Can't you see I am busy berrating here. He adds that Damian should not be thinking he can work whatever hours he wants just because he is part of the family now.

Obregon is surprised that the baseball capped stranger is asking for Liliana. Guess who? Good thing Obregon isn't a woman, this disguise would not have worked, who looks at the top of FC's head??? - Break

Who are you? A friend of the Elizalde family. Obregonzo picks up the phone in a threat to get permission and insinuates that surely he knows that she is restricted from visits. Now Ed calls his bluff and says, I think you have another problem. LIli escaped didn't she, and now you should try to call the Elizaldes and tell them she is gone.

Martina and Liliana enjoy the grass and sunshine. Don't you want to go back to your nice hacienda, to your papa and brothers? No, no, moans Lili. She only wants to be with Eduardo Juarez. But why are you calling Franco Santoro Eduardo? asks the clueless Martina.

Back to the sparing match with Santoro and Matamentes: It's not important who I am or that you inform the Elizaldes about my viist. What is important is that Lili has escaped and it is all your fault. Obregon offers this formidible visitor a chair to discuss terms, Ed pretends to call the Elizalde hacienda to Obregon's horror.

Anibal honks for Camilo, Barbara walks out and complains what are you doing, stop making a scandal. Anibal then tells her that they are going off to the Santoro's hacienda. BOW doesn't look happy at being left out once again.

Fernanda explains to Damian that her parents are trying to help them have a good time with their marriage. She call him Monstro with innocent flirting and they almost almost kiss but his phone goes off which gives us another breathless moment waiting for the phone throwing, but it is Barb and she tells him about the brothers visit with Franco and he better get on top of the business meetings. He gets off and says there is a problem with the processing plant Pasteurization process. She wants to work on the chapel service he yells that Soledad's own son could not show up for the funeral. He freaks then turns and thinks better of it and comes back in for a tender kiss but she doesn't seem particularly turned on by it. Her wistfullness is noticeable.

Aurora is packing again, and Santii comes in from running in his hippy kerchief What is happening he says overly cheerful She is going she says with no cheer at all.

Wow, the clinic reports are handed over to Ed. Obregon officiously wants him to understand that this information is confidential. Who are you For your good you should regard me as a phantom (fantasma) he takes the file.

Anibal and Camilo argue over horses and business with Franco. Anibal warns him not to ruin the business deal.

Aurora says she thinks Santi is the best person in the world but she has to go. She can't find her mother in the city she doesn't even know the name she would be using so she will return to her village and try to find the name and more information there. Santi says perfect, I'll go with you.

Martina does Lili's nails and surmises that MudBar Boss will come to look for her at her Papa's house and will spill the beans about her not being a nurse.

Ani and Cami show up at Franco's, Martina goes see who has arrived, She tells Lili she will do all her nails but she can put some of the polish on too, she will be right back. The boys approach, Martina struts out in short skirt and heels . Asunto? she says with great attitude. We are looking for Franco Santoro. He's not here. My name is Anibal and this is Camilho Elizalde. =Break

Cami wants to go since Santoro isn't home Damian calls Anibal. I am at the plant. Tell me somethlng I don't know says brotherly Anibal. I want to tell you that there is a problem with the Pasteurization. Martina goes inside saying she will return in a minute and Cami says Vale. (often used in Spain to indicate how cool something is) in appreciation of Franco's style.

At the beauty shop Priscila wrapped in a towels ignores a call on her cell phone from Vladi who whines, why don't you answer? Don't you know I need to hear your voice? Hmmmm is this the last we hear from him?

Martina runs back to Lili who is so proud of her nails. When Martina tells her her brothers are on the other side of the house, Lili freaks, and runs out into the yard. Back inside, Cami wants to run too but Anibal is staying put until Santoro shows up

Aurora wants to say goodbye to you, Fernanda, explains Santi. She is tired of all the lies. But Santii gallantly says all the lies were from him. Fernanda is glad they are going to run off together, hot foot it. Santi says he is going too. The maid says she has a call from the States. When Santi says why the States, Fernanda leaves the room, she is just trying to verify why Eduardo didn't show yesterday.

Franco says, this file reads like a catalog of tranquilizers. What is the diagnosis he demands, She isn't sick, other people are sick.

Nurse comes in to say that Ciro is in distress about Lili and Eduardo threatens again that Obregon needs to take the phone, dial the number and tell the Elizaldes that someone wants to see LIli and he is calls to verify and get it approved. Again Obregon demands his name nervously and Franco writes down Eduardo Juarez!

Fernanda finishes her call to the States. she is irritated that he isn't coming to deal with the arrangements but Santi says what she is really doing is trying to search for the first man she ever loved in her life. Break

Last round: Fernanda says we were playmates when we were children that's all. Santi isn't buying it, he insists, she is altered by the proximity of Eduardo You don't need to explain anything to me, I am not accusing nor judging you. This is hard for you to assimilate and it will cost you work to realize that if you don't deal with it now you will have to keep this inside all your life. Others won't judge you but you are going to be judging yourself. Sweet Brother gives a sweet kiss.

Lili runs from Martina crying that Eduardo has betrayed her. No, Martina shows her how to hide behind the hedge and that if she wants, she will hide her (from the Boyz) and they they will both flee some where. Martina hopes Franco show up soon.

Bow gives the jaunty chauffeur, the Soledad house since Eduardo didn't show up yesterday. Great cheer at his sudden good luck.

Margarita is talking to Gardenia about the wild things Gardenia imagines Margi tells her to settle down. Gardenia is going to be stupid me thinks before she wises up. .

Cami and Anibal are inside waiting for Franco. Cami laughs in his crazy cackle saying when Franco shows up if they can't talk about horses, they can also switch to rented females (alquiladas hembras). So suave, so suave.

Next: Eduardo is hiding Lili in his house and Babara must have heard that Liliana was visited by Eduardo in the clinic, does she know Liliana is gone?


Cheryl~~~Wow--You'd better batten down the hatches and hold on to Miss Willa.

Cheryl, here in Tucson, AZ, we are having the same windy problem. Hope things work out for you since I really enjoy your recaps.

I am also enjoying the fast pace of this show - what a difference from FELS!


Thanks, amigas, the wind has finally calmed down and I am 3/4 thorugh the 10PM showing. I will post before I go to sleep. Willa was actually glad to come in out of the sand storm and is currently enjoying the best couch while I sit on the floor in front of the TV with my computer typing like mad: NO CAPTIONS NIGHT.

Gardenia just can't stop being nosy cna't she? I love Gardenia but she better get a grip. I don't blame Eduardo from being annoyed at her.

Stupid Damian looked freaked out when Babs opened the shower doors. Dumb ass did not lock the door so serves him right.

Why did they choose to talk to Franco about horses? Don't they have to go to work? Oh no. Camila does not work but he i sin the board of directors. And Anibal makes up his own hours.

I'm surprised that Anibal and Camilo don't recognize Martina. They all know each other.....
And Martina said to them Asunto. Remember that word? It is what Ricardo Uribe said to Jimena when she was about to go down the stairs while accusing him of attempted rape to Ruth Uribe's horror in FELS.

I guess we have to be glad that Ciro is in a real hospital not like that backwards dispensario from Fels that looks almost worse than a hospital in Somalia.


A couple of additions. Franco/Eduardo was in the room with Lili for a while discussing things we were not privy to - maybe we'll see flashbacks later of new details??

Franco/Eduardo's intended destination for Lily, as I understood him to say, was Los Angeles, CA in los Estados Unidos with a friend of Ed's - far, far away. (Unless there is a Los Angeles in Mexico.)

Damian is getting frustrated to the extreme - with Fernanda for denying him sex, with Babs for forcing him to be her sex slave, and Anibal, who is treating him as a servant at the company and talking down to him. I think Damian may do something rash one of these days. He is at least a possible break in the armour of Bab's Army.

Also, Ed told Obregon that he was to tell the Elizvalde's that it was Eduardo Juarez who paid the visit - and that he was NOT Eduardo Juarez.

Ed and his army continues pressing the offensive on all fronts. The army of Babs/Artemio continue on the defensive. When will they strike and what will it be??

Very nice Cheryl. Thank you. I swear I'm going to go home and play the asylum scene over, and over, and over. Freduardo did look good in jeans. The hat made it better too for some reason.

While driving home last night I was thinking about the difference between Juan Reyes and Fr/Eduardo. They are both handsome but Juan was boyishly handsome and Fr/Ed is ruggedly handsome. Anyone agree with that?

Cheryl, many, many thanks! Once again, gotta work so haven't read recap yet but had to gush here a little:

Ayyyyy, those dreams!! Gawd, if my man can kiss like THAT in his dreams! ayyyyyy

Hilarious scene when Gardenia discovered two babes in one of Francuardo's bedrooms!! I know he thinks it's safer to keep motor-mouth near but, it's just a matter of time. . . .

Nanda to Barb: "Coffeee?". . .Barb after surprising Damian in the shower: "No I just ate!" Ooooh Barb: you're such a scheming skank but Damian is the bitch! Even dumb-ass Anyball's tryin' to get in his shit! Nice physique though!

Damn. Francuardo! Uuuuuuh, them jeans, those eyes, them jeeeeeansssss!!! This is truly the first time I can say a man looked HOT in a baseball cap!

Santiago in a white t-shirt. Niiiiiiice. Though Aurora looks like she's thinkin' he might be a little psycho.

Ayyyy no! What happened! The cable company conducted a test just as Martina was facing off with Anyballs and the Cad. I was hoping he would insult her so she would pass out a fresh-ass whuppin' on him! I usually watch on the computer, one night I watched on the big screen. Jeez, Martina's a Big Girl! Glad she's on the winning side!

See y'all after trabajo!


I'm with you Khalilah, I've never seen a man look that sexy in a baseball hat!

YouTube link to the asylum scene. It's near the end---

Great recap Cheryl. My wife, who is from Las Cruces, has always said it is very windy in the spring. Even though, I think you are quite a ways from Las Cruces towards the other side of NM.
I can't blame Gardenia for her curiosity. Come on, who wouldn't be wondering what's going on in the same position. What will Errika say? You know Camilo would sure like to tell her what she saw. :-)
We now have our answer for what Pris was trying to do, just get Anibal drunk and not remember what happened.
I hope Fr/Ed does get back soon. He's got Lili, but looks like she's ready to run.
I think Damian has been working out. Maybe to try and keep up with TBLMOE.
Right now Ciro is not in a hospital, he is back at the asylum and no better off than anyone in FELS. At least at the dispensario, there were daily miracles.

Thanks for another great recap, Cheryl. I hope things are brightening up for you. I'm glad that at least for the moment that Pris has accomplished her goal, although we know that the matter is not settled. I've never seen anyone get away with such a blatant deception in a TN, though I'm pulling for Pris.

It did my heart good to see Lil all cleaned up and lying free as a bird on the lawn in the bright sunshine. And speaking of my heart, after all the discussion yesterday over how long this TN is going to last, I'm thinking I should have consulted with my cardiologist before starting this TN.


Thanks, Cheryl. Glad to hear that both you and Willa survived the wind. Connie~~~As for EY and FC, here's the way I see it....EY is a big sturdy teddybear , sweet, and rugged , and FC is more elegant and refined [and , I think, the better actor] is primerib and the other filet mignon. I like both, but I must admit that my hubby is more like EY than FC who looks more like my dad. I guess that's why it's hard for me to choose a favorite. They are both very atttactive men in different ways. The nice thing about telenovelas is that one can have as many telenovios as one wants...unlike real life where it's best to choose just one great guy.

Cheryl~~~~I've got to say that I laughed out loud at---''Anyoneseenmyballs.'' Good one.

Damian should not be complaining about not getting Fernanda in bed. He gets to have Babs on the side. To me, that's still pretty good. Babs is so hot.

Btw will we break last night's record of 131 posts?


Piece of cake Ibarramedia!

Cheryl, awesome and brilliant as always! Thank you.

My first thought was PTL we don't have to see anymore of Anyballs coupling! Whew!

But on to more important things...Fr/Ed in jeans! Boy howdy! As for EY vs FC...EY is so handsome, FC is devistating! The way he looks the way he moves, he has IT, you can't look away you can't be imune. He has a serioius pheramone leak.

I'm so glad he took Lili and Martina home. Keep Martina get rid of Gardina. She is so much trouble. Although I did think that Imbarramedia was enjoying her in the pink sundress last night. She was beautiful. But really, the girl has got to learn to shut it!

Barb telling Dam how it was, that was funny. She is really something else. Love to hate her!

Molly, you bet I was loving it. She has nice cleavage too. ;)

Agreed with her having to keep her mouth shut.....Loose lips sink ships.

And the name is Ibarramedia or Ibarra not Imbarramedia. :)


I always love the morning after recapping, getting a cup of coffee, enjoying the comments as they appear from you all, funny, ironic deep or silly. What fun. Thanks everyone.

Weather: Yeah, spring kinda sucks here but in reality it blows and blows. Last night Willa and I were in the almost full moon light on the hilltop. Willa, not me, was chasing bunnies when we took a little turn before going to bed after 2AM. The only calm part of the day.

Jeff and Ibarramedia - I love Gardenia too. Her curls and perky, sexy energy are great. I think she represents a normal, naive confusion that this life of the rich stranger just isn't normal and maybe it is dangerous. I hope she keeps her enthusiasm and curiosity but curbs it before she endangers anyone. It's hard to tell if letting her in on more of the great secrets would make her more sensible or less.

Barbara is so delicious too. I am getting a kick out of the dominatrix scenes which you can tell Lucero is enjoying to the max. She shows frustration well too when the E-Boyz keep slipping from her control and THE E Boy eludes her. She has a lot of people scared, Obregon is such a bully but really so easy to scare.

And that reminds me of that Jeans and baseball cap scene. Cat and mouse done by two real pros. Who knew an office scene involving just phones and files and a pair of jeans could be so riventing.... Obregon plays a great counterpart. brothers always said "she has nice eyes"! I knew the boys eyes were not going above the chin!

Molly, I too am hoping for sex free scenes when Anibal is present from now on. Just too pathetic for hot sexy Pris who deserves to be appreciated. I know she has committed a telenovela sin but I am a fan who hopes she gets away with both having her baby and getting lots of money out of the Elizaldes to raise him/her properly. I like Vladi and feel sympathetic for him now, I hope they don't turn him into an evil, spiteful character. Pris could end up with him later in my playbook.

Anibal Tsk tsk tsk. ***shakes head*** he is a hopeless case. While his brother Camilo is a maniac and potential rapist. Those two brothers ought to be shot behind the head. I just feel sorry for priscilla.

I don't know what would be better, telling Gardenia everything so she understands and stops asking questions or go hardcore with the gag order and threaten to fire her(to scare her,but never do it) You know what they say, curiousity killed the cat. Maybe Jacinto and AMrgarita need to move in to control her. BTW is Jacinto still emplyed by the Elizaldes or by 'Franco Santoro'? If he is still with the Elizaldes, he should just resign and sign up with Ed/FR....


On the counting of posts: I went back in the records out of curiosity once and I believe that the most posts went to La Fea Mas Bella. The site was newer when Alborada was on or it would have most likely drawn the most. I didn't find this site until that show was over.

Also referencing the DVD version purchases discussed this past week. I saw Alborada as my maiden voyage in ocean of telenovelas so it will always be a standard for me. My friend Daniela taped almost every episode so she and I saw it several times. I then purchased the DVD and was a bit disappointed because of course they cut it severely and reordered or just dropped certain scenes that I had really enjoyed. I am glad in the end that I do have this part of it.

However, when I have seen the DVD's of telenovelas that I had not known before, they are quite wonderful and there is nothing to be disappointed about. I feel that way about Amor Real since DVD is the only way I know it. Either way, this is my favorite way to study Spanish and has increased my comprehension immeasurably.

Susanlynn, I love to think dreamily about both EY and FC. Such fine specimens of humanity for us to enjoy. I too think both have a lot of talent beyond their physical beauty. Perhaps Colunga has a wider range with his acting skills. I wouldn't want to lose either one of them and hope they are up on both the big screen and small screen for years to entertain us.

I think maybe Jacinto works for both. Although he doesn't seem do much around the hacienda Elizando any more. I agree, those two are just a waste of good air. I hope Cadmil-ho gets a bad disease and his skin rots and falls off. Not so pretty now are you?

Damian in the shower looks good too. Did he dry off w/o washing off the soap? I like to see him push Babs away, but it doesn't seem to bother her.

Now between EY & FC, EY might look pretty good UNTIL you see FC. On a scale of 1 - 10 EY might be an 8, but FC blows out the top of the scale. But I can do w/o the baseball cap, but it sure calls attention to those beautiful eyes.

The lech Camilo was ogling Martina, I hope she golpe la mierda out of him.

Great recap, I sure appreciate all you guys. I would miss a lot w/o you.

Cheryl: Great interspersing of vocabulary amidst your wonderful recap. Lots of action and you captured it so well. I'm with you on liking Vlad for Pris. Unless he's hiding a dark side, I think he's handsome in a dark and brooding sort of way.

I love there are so many strong women in this -Barbinator, Pris, Gardenia, Margarita, Venus and the real heros - Lili for surviving and Martina who gave up everything to help her. The gentle Aurora, Fernanda and Erica have shown signs of strength as well and aren't far behind.

I think the men are being given short shrift in this telenova. Strong men? Certainly not Anibal, Camil-ho, Damien, Gonzo, Matamentos, etc. - Blech. Only Ed, Jacinto, Santi and dear Ciro are truly "real men".

Connie, you are so right - EY is boyishly handsome and FC is ruggedly handsome. Great way to put it. I like FC (especially in Pasion with the long hair) but my heart is with EY whose smile makes me melt. I think Fernando has been given better parts overall. I'd like to see Eduardo in a more serious, challenging role to see what he could do with it. I think he has the talent but so far and lacked the showcase.

Diana in MA

Pris reminds me of Isadora from Destilando - she did something sneaky in order to get a baby from a reluctant partner. Eventually Isadora's secret was discovered and the babydaddy ripped her off and abandoned her, but she got a job and raised the baby herself and seemed to be proud of her new life (the five seconds we saw of it) so I'd say that's a case of paying for your mistake, learning from it, and coming out of it okay.

I'd wish as much for Priscilla. I'm sure she won't get away with it, but I doubt she'll get run over by a truck. Hopefully she'll end up stronger and wiser.

Curiosity killed the cat - I believe that's why Eduardo is keeping Gardenia around. It's for her own good. She could very easily get into trouble with her nosy nature and big mouth. With Ed keeping an eye on Gardenia, Jacinto doesn't have to worry about her. Ed can't afford to let Jacinto get distracted.

I thought I asked you ladies on the first week of this show who you wanted more Eduardo Yanez or Fernando Colunga. Have they both been in the same telenovela before?

It would be interesting in a future novela to have those two as rivals not necesarilly one being the antagonist. Both can be protagonists but rivals.

The funnist thing las night was seeing Lucio trying to suck up so desperately with Babs. Even trying to kiss her hand which she promptly and quickly pulls away. I love it. That was classic.


I like EY for his enthusiasm and humor and that air of innocent surprise that he's so good at projecting.

However, I know he's capable of more - his brief scene in The Punisher showed that he has another side. (I could still tell that he was having way too much fun, though, so he didn't quite come off as menacing as he should have.)

I'd like to see him in a more mature role - something a little worldlier and closer to his real age. At some point they're going to have to offer him a role that isn't a wide-eyed hot-tempered virgin.

But if I have to choose between EY and FC, there's no contest. FC is the better and more versatile actor, and better looking too, not that EY is rough on the eyes. :)

I would love to see EY and FC as duelling co-protagonists. Maybe competing for twin protagonistas (or antagonistas!). That would be awesome.

Cheryl - thank you for the recap. You deserve combat pay for dealing with the wind & lost recaps. It's been windy here, too, and the pollen is killing me. I'm going to have to wear a surgical mask when I walk the puppy. Ugh . . . !que antifashion!

"Asunto" - what would this mean in the context of Martina, as well as Uribe/Jimena? Thanks!

Connie – I hope Cadmilo gets a bad disease and something else rots off.

I can't wait to go watch my VCR tape (muy pronto!) and see FrEd in those jeans. Mmmmmmm . . . .

I don't think they ever put the "top draws" together, do they? At the moment I presume the top draws are Colunga, Camil, and Yañez. Too hard on the budget to carry two high-enders, and also the Top Draw (TD) always wins, so if you put two together, one would lose. When is the last time Colunga or Yañez didn't win the girl? (Camil is a a newcomer to the top echelon, so he lost in recent history.)

You can have a TD and an elder statesman (Evora or Sendal-he's getting to that age), or a TD and an up-and-coming (Colunga plus Sebastián Rulli and Wm Levy). But I think they never put two TDs together.

Pris used that time-honored TN technique of getting the man drunk and him not remembering if they had sex or not. Used many times to have sex with him and many times just to pretend you did. Just finished watching Mariana de la Noche where Marcia (Gaviota) got Ignacio (Oscar - FELS) drunk and I guess had sex with him.
I think another reason Damian really wants to consummate that marriage is because he would like to be in charge for once instead of doing what Barb wants.
Cheryl: Sorry, still nothing for Vlad. :-) Watching tonight, you know he is going to be trouble now.
Connie: "I hope Cadmil-ho gets a bad disease and his skin rots and falls off. Not so pretty now are you?" You mean that look is real? It has already started. :-)
Diana: "I'd like to see Eduardo in a more serious, challenging role to see what he could do with it. I think he has the talent but so far and lacked the showcase." I didn't see it, but I was watching award shows, not sure if before DA or after DA, but I think EY won the actor award. It looked like he was in prison or something. It looked way different than DA and FELS.

If there is a vote on Martina or Gardenia, I vote, keep both of them on. :-)


EY was the dad in All You've Got, a stupid MTV movie about volleyball that my daughter was in to because one the Cheetah Girls was the lead. He was very good and it was an age appropriate role. It seems like most of his American roles tend to be the stero type latin drug runner. I do think he is talented, maybe not quiet the range of FC, but who knows until he gets the chance.

One other thing about last night...thank heavens Fr/Ed finally got rid of the blue jammies! I don't know any man over 12 or under 60 who wears jammies like that!

I agree Paula, it will never happen.

I read on wiki (grain of salt here) that the novela after MEPS wil be
"Sortilegio" with Wm. Levy (Cuidado) & Paty Manterola (the psicóloga in DA, that Rodrigo had a short fling with.

So Wm Levy must be becoming very popular. He was the Vasco, Camila's bro in Pasión.

I thought the scene where BOW comes to the outdoor table saying: "I already had breakfast" with a true shit-eating grin was pretty funny and Lucero really pulled it off.

Actually FELS was the only thing I've ever seen EY in. I passed on Destilando Amor. What I've noticed about Colunga is that all his galanes are very intelligent men. He's never played a simple guy. He's been a doctor (Abrazame muy fuerte), an executive (La Usurpadora), the illegitimate son of a rich guy who inherits a fortune (Amor Real), a nobleman (Alborada) and a whip-smart pirate (Pasión). I'm pretty sure his bio includes a degree in engineering from some university before he became a stunt double. That's what he did before getting his acting break. Bottom line, he's absolutely the whole package. Great looking and with a very good mind.

Novelera, and a really, really great guy too! You hear that from everyone. In fact, I know someone who met him briefly. She was on a tour of Televisa because she has "connections." FC wanted to know all about her functions as an officer in one of the Camil fan clubs. Imagine, a big star who wants to talk about somebody else's career! Que caballeroso!

Molly I wouldn't be upset if he wore just jammie pants would you?

Novelera, Colunga played a simple peasant man on Navidad Sin Fin which replayed just before Navidades in December. He even copped an illiterate sounding accent and vocabulary. He was still too beautiful for words though. I also liked the very smart, somewhat wicked role he played in El Ladron que Robo El Ladron in the only big screen piece I have seen him in. I could watch him do Cheerios commercials though, what do I care.

Thanks for the recap Cheryl and the vocab. I too hope things brighten up for you and Willa.

I'm with Molly (and others) who were thankful that the scenes with Ani and Priss are over and hopefully never more!!

ITA with Paula. I don't think the producers do put top draws in the same novela which is a bummer. Maybe that can have the protagonista be twins and both are good so you could have EY and FC in the same novela.

Variopinta - The fact that William Levy's star is rising in no surprise to me. If you only saw him in Pasion I understand why you may be hesitant; I didn't think much of him especially with FC, Rulli, Marco, etc. But in Cuidado, there is something about him that puts him in the top draw category. He has fantastic chemistry with the actress playing Marichuy; he's well built and has great lips.

Connie, jammie pants are fine. Its the whole coordinating jammies that make him look like doofus, as much as anything could make him look like a doofus. Okay maybe the Snoopy scarf got old too.

Cheryl...eating Cheerios, LOL! How about reading from the phone book?

Is that the guy who plays the doctor in Cuidado? I think he's creepy.

You have to admit the award for the best crier (and most frequent) goes to EY. Hands down.

Molly, I Linked the video clip of all you've got in one of the Fuego Finales discussions remember?

IIRC TD's can help make a blockbuster and draw more crowd for sweeps and box office draws. The fanbase of both actors would support it. Oh well, what do I know?

I think 'Asunto' in the context used was meant as attention. or Hold it. There is no real translation that I can find.

For some reason, I fantasize our lovely ladies speaking English. i'd like to hear them speak English. Same with the Fuego girls...


Yáñez's telenovela casting since he returned to Mexico from the US has been different than when he first signed on with Televisa in the 1980's.

If anyone wants to see one of his early hits, the abridged DVD version is available at Amazon for "Dulce Desafío," with costar Adela Noriega. Click the link at my name.

(That teen show was a major hit and was remade as "Locura de Amor" with Juan Soler in 2000.)

The profession of the protagonist that Yáñez played in Dulce Desafío (1988) is a psychologist; and in "Yo Compro Esa Mujer" (with Leticia Calderón) in 1990, he played different characters in various time periods, including one wearing a tux on a luxury liner. I've only seen the clips at You Tube, unfortunately.

So, his telenovela characters used to be varied. And they tell me that he was truly "it" in the 1990's. If he hadn't attempted to make it in English language productions in the US, who knows what his career would have been like. He was hugely popular in Mexico.

I hope one day they have a classic telenovela channel where they replay those golden oldies.

Cheryl, very interesting about Navidad Sin Fin. I can't even imagine FC as a campesino. I'd like to see at least part of that. I also saw Ladrón que Roba a Ladrón (in a theater!) when it first came out. My TN buddy, Sue, who's also in my Spanish class, organized a Colunga night at the movies when the flick opened. We saw it in Redwood City, California, which has a significant Mexican immigrant population.

Jeri, I know this doesn't do you much good in the US, but in Mexico they have just such a channel that shows only classic TN's. The problem, of course, is I was watching in motel rooms while traveling and, thus had no DVR function. The amount of commercials was brutal!

Perhaps we should find a picture of each (in a towel hopefully) and then vote! Just for fun.

Thanks Cheryl for a recap that rocks!! I sure with that Francuardo would put out some of the fires he's started instead of continuing to set more (deception, lies, identity). Oh, I know that all his mess and confusion is going to turn out to be the grandest solutions to everybody's problem. But in the meantime it's a bit distressing that the only standard he has to meet is to keep us convinced that he's the best looking man on earth - his shrill cry, ears and all!

Ibarra, yes, I do remember that now. I had seen the movie before I ever watched FELS. My daughter plays VB and used to be way into the Cheetah Girls. I've seen them in concert...whee! It was a stupid movie, but that wasn't the fault of the cast. Once we realized who EY was, we had to go back and watch it again.

I saw some clip on youtube of a novella with FC as a blond, that so was not working for me!

My sisters also played and coached volleyball. Some still play in open gym or summer leagues. I think i saw her pic in your myspace a long time ago....

I know we had been giving Eduardo/Franco a hard time because of his faults. But even protagonists can make mistakes and bad decisions. It is more believable instead of always being perfect.

Even Babs as an antagonist is not all that bad if you take out the fact that she murdered Montserrat. Since then she has not done anything harmful except slap someone once. Nothing at all compared to what Fernando Escandon or even Gabriela did. Nothing like what Sara from querida Enemiga did. Poor girl was just deranged.

That opening episode had you thinking it was some James Bond esque operation. Action as opposed to love story. And an ongoing us against them theme. Like cops vs robbers. This is more like a daytime american soap with plots and relationships forming....

I suspect that we will see some depth into Babs character later. Some real emotion as opposed to just anger or lust... Slowly but surely, we will delve into Barbara Greco/Rebecca Sanchez's character.

I think no one tops Fernando Escandon as a totally evil character. Boufy from Pasion may be a close second.


She didn't just murder montserrat. She also blackmailed Soledad for 15 years and framed an innocent girl for murder to have her committed and ordered a doctor to zap her brain into mush. And stole the company's money.

But I agree that aside from that, she's a swell gal!

As for "asunto," based on context I thought it might mean "state your business" even though it doesn't translate that way literally.

Oh and kept Soledad's death a secret and forbade Eduardo (if he showed up) from attending the funeral.

But again, like I said, she's a super-nice lady otherwise. She throws a hell of a wedding. Well, mostly. And she even keeps the groom warm on his wedding night.

At least with this show we don't have to watch Gabriella and Feo get it on. That is definitely a plus.

Just finished watching my VCR tape. Ooooooer . . . . the jeans scene . . . how can someone look so "hawt" just in a baseball cap, not to mention the jeans? I ask you!

It was painful for me to watch FC in Navidad Sin Fin because he looked so dumb in that knitted wool cap. I’m sure it was part of the role, but . . . eeew.

Thanks for the "asunto" clarification. I sort of thought that was what it meant.

Well let me chime in on Barb the "not so bad" deceitful beauty". Don't forget that she married a man who she obviously doesn't love, for the sole purpose of destroying him. She does it all so completely believable. But who do we say is the fool? Gonzalo, the one whose being taken for a joy ride. Oh, and if I had to choose between Buffy and Feo (of Fels) for bad guy award, I'd choose Buffy. I didn't like that he beat his daughter, but Feo got away with so much evil until it became predictble and thus boring.

Doris I posted a link to that scene on YouTube if you want to watch it again, and again, and again...

Doris: Sounds like you're going to have to go out and get a new VCR tape. That one must have melted. I hope the VCR still works.

Yes, right now Babs does not seem to be as bad as some. But, there is still time.

If anyone is interested in people in different roles, check out 'Gaviota' in Mariana de la Noche. She's bad and seems to relish the role, but nothing like Babs, or Feo or Boufy.


JeffMN - thank you for your concern. It's not the tape..... it is the cable reception. Univision's reception here is the pits unless one has a digital receiver box. I refuse to pay $10/month *each* on the other 4 TVs for that, although one picks up looneyvision better than the others. The cable guys cannot explain it.

Am seriously thinking of renting the DVR, though, for one of them so that I can record Betty La Fea now that we got Telefutura in our area last week. DH's DVR records too much stuff as it is, so I may splurge ...... (ack) and it is the only TV that receives Telefutura.

Ahh Jeans. Doris the only person I want to see in jeans is....... Gardenia. Wink @ the ladies


As Always, Cheryl, thanks for the detailed recap and vocab.

Everyone has made such good and interesting comments on such a variety of topics here today. you just never know what's going to come up.

Did anyone think it was odd that Any?balls and Cadmil-ho just showed up at Las Animas w/o setting a time for a visit? Looked like it was even a workday, too. Then they decide to hang out til he shows up- odder still. Martina is going to get as streed out as Jacinto real soon, and at some point she has to go home to Geppeto.

Someone mentioned that there are so many strong women charactors here , and so few strong men. Hadn't noticed that, but very true, and Eddy is so flawed. I'm eager to see how they reconcile his flaws into a truly sympathetic and heroic charactor, as we know they will have to do in order to win Fernanda. THAT will be interesting.

My CC's worked very well last nite- quite complete and accurate, tho sometimes the CC's preceeded the audio, only slightly annoying, way better early than late. I've been training myself to only refer to the CC's as needed.

Ibarramedia- Gardenia/jeans. Now I can get behind that....

Great recap, Cheryl. Loved FC in the baseball cap and deninm. He's my preference over EY.
La Paloma

Great recap, comadre Cheryl! Dealing with those spring winds is no fun. Glad you didn't lose your dish or Willa.

IMO Lucero is attractive, but nothing to write here about. Most of the other gals in the novela are much prettier, although perhaps not as good an actress.

Babs killing Monsrat was only the beginning. She almost killed Lili when she ordered her brain fried. Babs framed her for murder and tortured her for fifteen years. If our galan hadn't shown up disguised as Franco Santoro, she'd be a vegetable right now. Oh, I see some of BOW's other attributes have just been listed so I won't repeat them...

Ibarra and Dave, glad you are finding as much to enjoy in this one as us gals are! No Audra Barcley skirts in this one.

EY and FC. Any comparisons I'd like to make might seem a bit raw, even for this board. They are both very fine, VERY fine men. EY makes me want to give a primal, hormone-induced growl and FC makes me want to purrrrrr or sigh contentedly and dreamily. . . .


"Anyoneseenmyballs" (Love that nick!) What a riot, Cheryl! Had to watch via Youtube and it was a rotten audio, so thanks for filling in the stuff I missed.

Vlad is so over. This guy is sincere, but so screwed up emotionally. First to get in volved with a married woman, and then to let her walk the hell all over him and folks we have our male equivalent of Errorika...........

P.S. That was a superb choice for a title. Muy multiple entendre!

Molly, if your mention of Audra Barclay was a reference to Sofia- I think that Adela Noriega is gorgeous. It's late in the blogging day, but tomorrow, or soon I'm going to start a discussion among those of us that fully apreciate the atributes of female beauty on the subject of las novias del mundo de las telenovelas

". . male equivalent of Errorika" Jardinera, I think you're right. Prissy so used the poor guy and he was obviously smitten. She's probably the "classiest" dame he's ever been with. He is definitely going to be trouble for her sooner or later.

How're we doin' whoever counts posts?


Julie, I am in accord with your "Asunto" comment. Since it means matter or business matter or deal. It was crisp and smart of Martina to say what business do you have here? in just a word. She is a much smarter country gal than the softer and lovely Gardenia who is kind of maddening that she won't get a clue.

Jardinera and Khalilah, sorry have to somewhat disagree about Vlad. I just can't let you put poor Errika in with him. :-)
"This guy is sincere" - Not even. Come on.
"but so screwed up emotionally." - You bet, big time.
"then to let her walk the hell all over him and folks we have our male equivalent of Errorika." - Sorry, I don't really see him as getting walked all over yet. Sex once and walked all over!! No, don't think so. Sure, Errorika let herself get walked on. But, no way I see Errorika and Vlad as being anything close.
Errorika definite victim, Vlad... Probably just blinded by other roles, but all I can say is watch out Pris!! He is a predator, not a victim.

And, also blinded by Errika. :-)


Julie and Cheryl- that's exactly how I took "asunto"- a crisp, one word, all businees request to state their business. That's one for the vocab list, and the memeory bank.

Thank you, Cheryl! Another great recap!

Who mentioned that they watch old TNs on DVD? Since falling in love with the genre with DA, I have tried to catch up with some of the more famous ones that way, even though they are severely abridged. I just finished Alborada and wanted to mention that they have a "bloopers" section on the last disk which is hilarious, and shows a very goofy, playful Lucero muffing her lines, playing pranks and mugging for the camera. Does anyone know if her son in the novela, Rafael, was played by her real son? In one blooper the director chides them both for chewing gum, and someone makes a comment that he's a chip off the old block, so I was curious. I was struck by how fond little Rafael was of FC in their scenes together. I guess he can join the fan club!

I hear ya Jeff, but I don't see Vlad as havin' done anything bad -- yet. He didn't take advantage of another man's woman, she almost forced "it" on him: further, she's taking his flesh and blood, his own child to use for her own selfish purposes. He looks more like a victim so far. Whatya think?


Khalilah: A good show tonight. Anyway...
Forced it on him? Hmmm, surprised him that it was so easy perhaps. That is what he had in mind. No victim there.
However... "he's taking his flesh and blood, his own child to use for her own selfish purposes. He looks more like a victim so far." -- I'll give you that. :-) Yep, so far, more or less a victim, sort of. Hard to say whether he would have wanted his own flesh and blood or not. I do think that when the time comes to pay for some of Pris's crimes, he will be there carry out some of the penalties. Looks like they are already starting.

Hey, main thing was I had to defend Errika! :-)


I figured that, Jeff, maybe it is a stretch to put them in the same boat. Yeah. Show tonight is gr-reat! Can't wait for tomorrow's blog. This is fun!


Dave, I think Adele is lovely too. It wasn't about them all not being beautiful (as was Linda Evans on The Big Valley), it was more a comment that we (ladies) get to see lots of beautiful men, but the beautiful Adelle was completely buttoned up to her nose. By contract, Gardenia's little sundress last night was a wisp of pink air!

I remember many a board discussion when we would be cooing about another swimming scene (FELS) and you guys were kind of left out, that's all.

JeffMN/Khalilah: Okiedokie,I'll give you that he wanted to get it on with Pris, and wanted it so badly that he let her drag him by his tongue to bed and dominate, but for him it wasn't a one night stand --at least not by the time they'd finished and he brought her coffee (what? no cigs these days? we gotta go the caffeine route instead for our post coital confabs now?) Vlad got dumped and was chumped and he knew it. On the other hand, I agree that the guy refuses to give up so easily because he sees something in Pris that she refuses to acknowledge, something that keeps him after her. I do like that in him! I think that is the more interesting secondary romantic storyline for this novela. The two moppets don't grab me at all, but the twisted Pris and Vlad has this weird undercurrent of tension and just a dash of humor. I'm eager to see where it leads when he finds out it's his kid she's having. Yes indeedy! >8? ))

Jeri: Thanks for the backgrounder on EY. Well, he's still IT to some degree in Mexico from the way DA and FELS took off, but I guess he could have been IT much longer had there been no hiatus in the USA, huh and without the crummy novelas he had to accept when he came back to Mexico, i.e., Te Amaré en Silencio, etc.

I still feel queasy about Vlad. He may not have evil intentions, but he could turn into a stalker of sorts with Pris, especially once he learns she is preggers. He might even try some blackmail. I don't see him going away for a long time.

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