Thursday, April 09, 2009
Las Tontas no van - Wed Apr. 8 - A troll, heart holes, and a GOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!

Santi and Lu arrive home to Issy and Santi tells her how the kids made up and then gives us more PSA about AIDS and how Lu will work with Candi. Issy is glad Lu is over her resentment and will learn what she needs to keep herself safe. She asks about Candi and he sort of brushes her off. She tells him not to resign himself to losing her, he should fight for love.
He says ha ha you’re funny but remembers a dream that she told him about being at the Azteca stadium the last time she went to a match with her Dad. She says oh yeah, the one where we won 3-0 under the coaching of Profe Bracamontes (her Dad in real life for those of you who didn’t know) and she remembers it was Sept. 2000. Indeed it was. He smugs that she has a good memory, but she says she just has a super Chiva memory. She always remembers when they beat America, the others she forgets. Anyway, he was talking about her dream that she made a goal in the Azteca stadium. She says that dream died because a woman can’t do that, only if she was to get put on El TRI Femenil (the Mexcian women’s national soccer team) and she’s really bad anyway so that will never happen. He says he just wanted to hear her voice so good night, and she says good night as well to Plastic Doc.

Doc and Horty have a talk about a patient; Horty hoping he’ll help her and then they argue about when to send in the poor woman.
Candi runs down AGAIN, why it’s so great that the teens are helping. She gets a phone call, it’s Plastic doc…she agrees to see him tonight for a surprise. The teens cheer and Lu tells her how sad Pa has been because he misses her.
Enter a woman and a man into Doc‘s office, and the woman has one nasty smashed up nose. I bet I know where this is headed. Ugh. The man begs Santi to help fix her, and he promises they will get ready for emergency surgery right away. When he’s gone she tells her husband not to say anything. IN the operating room our Doc swift says the fracture is complex and strange and not like something from falling down stairs. This perplexes me, because in telenovela land people die and get paralyzed from falling down stairs, so what is so strange about multiple nose fractures? Anyway…..

He did all this because the airplane food sucks and well he wants her to leave Pato. She says it’s hard because of Chava but since they are in the Azteca, they’ll drop all that for now, except zero kisses. They both shout it out and sit down to dinner.

Labels: Tontas
Good call on the Seinfeld episode....and "much poppinger" Hah! that is now my favorite pseudo-German phrase! Good one, Kris.
Zamora is trying so hard and Soledad's smiles seemed genuine. Was she simply touched by his efforts and having a good time or was it the start of something else?
Great gend of the date scene made even better by your clever Seinfeld comparison with the realization maybe “coffee” wasn’t just “coffee”.
Pat went from hero to zero in sixty seconds flat. Cold shoulder from Candy and a diatribe of icy proportions from Greg (not that she was wrong). I think the avalanche is just beginning.
Diana in MA
If Candy dumps Pat will he go back to Soledad?
He could also stay with Alicia and keep the relationship like it was before.
I think Soledad deserves better for she and Beto but I don't see Zamora as more than a good friend.
Maybe Raul?
Mariloca definitely "popped" on this show. She now looks like the due date is imminent.
I would think the c-section date would have already been set if she doesn't want to go into labor.
I wonder about Alicia eating crackers all the time. Maybe she will have a surprise for Pat?
Is she not suppose to be able to have children?
Carrie L.
Zamora has my full support. I think he and Soledad look great together and I don't think there is a sweeter guy in this story.
As for Santi's ploy at the stadium:
I am totally embarrassed that I honestly thought the woman being treated by Santi had been injured in a car accident. I mentioned to my husband how caring her husband was being to her. Blech.
Carlos, I don't know how you and other professionals deal with those situations. How do you keep your anger and disgust in check? I can't imagine how difficult that must be. Diana in MA
I liked the last scene with Greg and Pato. To me it didn't seem like she hates him, she has been on Team Pato since the beginning. However she has seen what's been going on and I think she knows Candy in her heart doesn't love him. She was being honest with Pat, brutally honest I guess. Maybe she's as tired of the Candy-head ping pong match as we are!
Adolfo Rios is one fit guy. I'm impressed.
I really felt sorry for Pato, but as Gregoria said,"if you don't want the truth, don't ask.
Even though for one day it seems as if Candy's going toward Santi, it seemed that as soon as Santi said he WASN'T going to marry Mari, Candy backed off a bit, and agreed to dinner, but zero kisses. This is another example of Paula's analysis that Candy wants Santi more when she can't have him. When she can (such as he calls off the wedding), she backs away. She really is afraid of commitment, I guess.
However, what a lucky lady she is, with two handsome guys, both with endless money, able to take her on plane flights, hire famous soccer stars or famous singers, rent a country house, buy her uncle's restaurant to save it, take her to magic spots, have magic days, it never ends. And yet, she won't commit to either guy. Maybe the writers actually DO want her to learn a lesson, and she'll actually lose both guys, just to have some sort of epiphany right at the end, and end up cured, and with one of the guys. But that would mean we have a rocky road ahead, if she actually loses both guys. I can't see her really committing to Santi at this point, because there's too much of the show left.
In the scene at her house, he started resigned: "I know I'm not the man of your life." But when she said, "I'm going to break up with Pat," I clocked it. Santi waited all of 25 seconds before he started pawing her. And she didn't argue (because he's safe - he'll marry Mar, right?). Fifteen seconds after that, he says, "Let's find someplace where we can be alone." So in 45 seconds he goes from "I'll miss you all my life" to "Come up and see my etchings."
Then he called just to hear her voice. Then he made her dream come true. Finally he asked her to move in together. Santiago lost her once. If he doesn't catch her this time, he's making sure it won't be for lack of trying.
Right after Candy admitted that Pat is not "el hombre de mi vida,"
notice Santi stood up to her? I think it's the first time. She accused him of not leaving Marissa back when he should have. He said, "You're hitting below the belt and I deserve it, but we're talking about you, not me." Go, Santiago! Maybe you finally grew some.
Hombre d'M, I also noted Candy's change in demeanor when Santi says he's not going to marry Marissa. Ruh-roh! Candy bar the door! Suddenly he's not safe anymore. She pulled way back and was much, MUCH more defensive thereafter.
What a delicious episode!
Hard to say where Soledad will end up. The last time I remember her talking to her ex, we thought they may still end up together. They seemed to get along well at that time. Seems like Pato should get stuck with Alicia if anyone. I think they are still married.
Yes, tonight, GOL! for both Candy and Santi. Once Pato hears about it, we'll have to see what he comes up with to get Candy's attention.
Was figuring that on the flight to DF that Santi and Candy would catch Ali and Mariloca at the airport. Maybe they'll see them there on the way back. :-)
Someone's comment from last week definitely applied last night as before I knew it, it was 2:30 am, so I guess there's my answer.
I had a lot of nervous energy and didn't tire like I usually do. Sheesh! Yes, this was a fun episode.
My thought with Gregoria was that she could have communicated this same information in a less harsh manner to him, so I was surprised at how angry she sounded, although I suppose maybe she was still freaked out from her "un" dinner date that she agreed to go on, then abandoned before it even really began. I suppose the attempted kiss would have been enough to send her over the edge.
I don't know, I'm feeling bad for Patricio, despite knowing he has sort of made his own bed. But frankly, he's really been nothing but sweet since he found out she is alive, and by this point after 8years she's either over his original sin or she isn't, and if she isn't, she has no business even giving him the time of day, so what can I say. It's like hombre said...these guys are doing amazing things for her, not that that is a measure of love, but heck in the grand scheme of things these guys are definitely on the heavy side of the great guy scale and the other very lovely ladies in this show should be so lucky!!
If that doesn't answer your question, please clarify what you mean.
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