Saturday, April 18, 2009

MEPS 04/17/09: Bad Milk and Bad Mojo

Capítulo 44

As we begin, Eduardo has just woken up covered in sweat from a nightmare in which Fernanda, dressed as The Bride in Black, screams at him for lying to her about his being dead. (Viewerville sighs at the disappointing revelation that Eddie-boy doesn’t sleep in the nude.)

Once morning returns to Villa Madera, Lucio drives Bitch-Barbie, fashionably dressed in black silk and dripping in diamonds, off in her SUV while Santiago commiserates by phone from Pueblo Purificación with Nanda over Eduardo’s untimely death. Nanda says she just needs a little time to get over the blow but she’ll be fine, and no, Santi doesn’t need to come back to hold her hand.

Toady Lucio unctuously asks BOW to put Soledad’s house in his name since otherwise Eduardo might return to claim it for himself. BOW barks that there is no reason to put Sole’s house in his name since Eduardo died; and so no one will be taking it away from him. She smiles to herself then to think that fortunately for her, yep, Eduardo’s good and dead.

Eddie, however, is really back at Las Animas pining away for Fernanda. (Hubby at this point unceremoniously recommends a solid smack on the head with a royal reality stick to put Wreckeduardo out of his macho-less misery. Hmmm. We know who’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight…..) Looking through his bedroom window at the morning sun he tells himself he might have renounced her love, but not the good fortune of having her nearby. He needs to see her again, so much so he can literally taste it and he licks his lips at the thought.

Across the way at the Funhouse, Gonzo comes up to Nanda’s room for a morning father-daughter chat. Nanda is emotionally exhausted and very down. Gonzo says it may be cruel to say so, but after Eduardo’s death they’ve all just got to get past it. She tells her daddy that she feels their family tragedies still haven’t ended and that something terrible is about to happen. At that very moment the alarms go off at the plant and the technicians are realizing the plant’s refrigeration system has broken down and now all the milk is going to spoil.

Across the hall from Nanda’s room, Pris interrupts Anibal’s morning ablutions to tell him he’s got an emergency phone call from the plant. He yells at her that he and she are going to have a heavy duty chat ASAP because he cannot put up with things the way they are. She tells him not to delude himself, that they don’t have anything to discuss. He picks up the phone and gets the word from the plant about the machinery failure there.

In Puebla Purificación, Santi must have put his brain in gear and done a bit of detective work because he has found Dominga’s house. He knocks and Aurora tells him through the bars on the door that she’s been locked in. Through the bars on the window he tells her that if she’d only have listened to him this wouldn’t have happened to her. Rory says she’s got to find out about her mother and only Dominga has the answers. She says he’s got to let her do things her way and asks him to leave before Dominga returns. He refuses to leave her alone.

Back at the plant, Grajales informs Gonzo, Anibal, and the slimy Dam that they’ve lost a million liters of milk, the whole enchilada. Dam pretends to be surprised and yells in feigned incredulity at Grajales and (without a cell to throw instead) nearly breaks his clipboard in half.

Meanwhile, Santiago pensively chugs a bottle of designer spring water and thinks about a way to persuade Dominga to let loose with the 411 about Rory’s mother.

We beam over to San Rafael. It seems that Bitch-Barbie apparently went to see Padre Bosco. (Wait just one milky-moo minute here. Bosco? Now which wise-ass writer’s idea was it to name the priest in this uber-dramatic telenovela, a telenovela about dairy products, Bosco? Anybody else have an unexplained thirst for “leche chocolatada”?) Padre Bosco is pointedly irked and tells her, “This better be important if it’s interrupting my praying.” Babs tells him it’s a matter of life and death for her and apologizes for the interruption.

A bit later, the Elizalde family is gathered in the meeting room at the corporate offices. Any Balls calls Fr/Ed to tell him there’s a glitch with things since Fernanda is about to leave on her honeymoon. Fr/Eddie pressures him about the meeting with Fer that he was expecting AB to set up for him. “Powhere Meelk is waiting for a report (about their community service activities) in order to decide whether to invest in Grupo Lactos.” AB says that’s why he was calling and asks if Fr/Ed can meet with them today at the plant. Freduardo says a bit sternly that he’s not sure he could make it there today because his schedule is so full, but perhaps he might be able to call and see if his company would put off the decision till after she and Dam return. Anibal doesn’t want him to have to do that so Ed pretends to check his day-planner to stall for time. Seems he just got an idea and tells AB he can cancel some other appointment if Fernanda can meet with him at Las Animas in two hours. AB says fine, she’ll be there and hangs up. Fer is suspicious about what Anibal has just committed her to.

Back at the parish church in San Rafael, Barbie pretends to be emotionally pained over Eduardo’s death. Little does she know that Padre Bosco’s already got this bad babe’s number and is ready for her. She lays it on thick about how the family hasn’t been able to recover from the bad news of Eduardo’s death. Bosco is finding it hard not to roll his eyes. “He was held in such high regard,” she laments and goes on about how ever since Ed was knee-high to a grasshopper she and her husband had been helping him make a future for himself [labrar un porvenir, literally, “to carve out a future”]. Padre B comments a bit flatly that yes, he remembers well how they sent him away to boarding school as a young boy.

Babs, fishing for information, says she understood the two of them kept in contact all these years. Padre Bosco confirms it. She answers in signature muted tones of affected melancholy that, well, they on the other hand, never heard a word from him. Padre Bosco remarks that he finds it hard to believe they never heard even a little something through his mother, considering she lived so close by and dealt with them daily. Barb dolefully replies that the woman never returned the same trust they offered up to her. She sighs and gives a proforma, “Well, in the end one does good deeds and does not expect anything in return” for the priest’s benefit. She gets up then and looks pensively off into the distance. Bosco can’t control the major eye roll. “You both worried over Eduardo and Soledad,” he says dryly. Babs is too overcome with her own performance to notice. She looks back at him. “Yes, my husband had a great deal of affection for him, and…well, so did I.” Padre Bosco is stone faced.

Back at Las Animas, Eddie is in a hurry to leave and tries to ditch Denia. He asks her to go to Margarita’s for the day, but Denia objects to loafing around at her sister’s the whole day and asks if she could stay. He says she should leave and come back in the afternoon after his guest has left. She asks him how she’s supposed to know when the guest has left if she doesn’t even know who the guest is. (Eddie has the patience of Job around this girl.) He tells her she does know her, that it’s Fernanda Elizalde and walks off. Denia is knuckles-in-mouth impactada and doesn’t know what to think about that little bit of news.

In the board-room at Grupo Lactos again, AB and Fer fight over why she has to meet with Franco Santoro at Las Animas instead of there at the plant. Gonzo, knowing what’s at stake here, finally supports AB’s decision to have Fer meet with Franco wherever he wants. AB is adamant that she is not to mention the problems they have had at the plant that morning when she meets with Santoro. Fer says she won’t lie or hide anything if that’s what he’s asking. Gonzo reassures her that nobody is asking her to lie, just simply suggesting that she not mention it and then, if the offer comes through, that day’s mishap will seem like only a small glitch in a couple of months.

Jacinto rides up and parks his trusty bike just as Ed is on his way to the car. Eddie asks Cinto to help him ditch Denia by making sure she goes over to visit Margo for the day. He explains that he’s got to check in on the not-so-looney Lili in the meantime and then meet with Fernanda back there later.

Back at Padre Bosco’s office, Barbie tells the padre that she needs to know more of the details about Eduardo’s death to clarify things for herself and the rest of the family because no, Fer didn’t say much, other than there was an accident. Bosco tries to put her off and says he doesn’t see the need. He asks her point blank if she wants to know the reason Eduardo took his own life or if he blamed somebody for it first. The Barbot is unflappable and she replies casually that she wants to know if he mentioned anyone. Padre Bosco tells her that Eddie mentioned there was somebody that had greatly harmed him and his mother. “He referred to the person as “La Hiena. --Do you have any idea who that might be?” he asks her. She lies and replies with an unruffled, “No.” “--Well, this La Hiena showed Soledad and Eduardo no mercy and in a truly appalling way.”

Finally Barbie slips up and falls into the priest’s trap. “Did Eduardo ever say who he thought the woman was?” Padre Bosco looks her straight in the eye. “Truthfully, I don’t remember Eduardo ever saying whether it was a woman or not.” Babs remains cool as a cuke and bats nary an eyelash.

Eddie makes it over to the asylum and enters Lili’s room. Lili ignores him and stares out the window. Martina explains that Lili’s upset over Ciro’s death. Ed says Adolfina just informed him. He walks over to Lili and promises her that his one mission in life will be to always look out for her, and then he adds that she can count on Martina also. Lili smiles to herself. Suddenly she starts in with the chess gibberish again. “The white king must lose his head for her to gain her freedom. The white king (Ciro?) must lose his head for her to gain her freedom! ”

Padre Bosco continues with his little white lie about Eduardo’s reasons for dying: “Eduardo couldn’t handle such an affront against his mother or the excessive cruelty with which she was persecuted, even after her death.” Barbie asks about Soledad’s remains next. Bosco explains that Eduardo didn’t want his mother’s remains transferred to the Elizalde’s crypt and so her ashes were now there in the parish’s crypt. Babs asks to visit the crypt “to say a prayer” for the two of them.

Back at the corporate offices, Damian asks Fer why the meeting with Franco Santoro affects her so much and she starts in on a long explanation about Eddie being her best childhood friend. Dam asks if Eduardo was what was bugging her, then why does this servant’s son mean so much to her? She finally confesses that Eduardo was her first love. Dam says, then, out of respect for the dead, they should just leave him dead.

In Lili’s room, Ed confronts squirrelly Dr. D about Ciro’s death. Matamentes tries to blame it on the old codger’s suffering a simple heart attack. Ed says he’s sure that’s what the doc entered on the death certificate, but he’s just as sure it wasn’t a “simple heart attack” and that more likely it had to do with the old man blowing himself up in the attempt to prevent Lili from having her brains fried. Eddie dares him to deny it. Dementoh! looks sheepishly over at Martina and asks Ed if they couldn’t talk about it in his office.

As Nanda is leaving for Las Animas Anibal tells her to make sure she explains everything about all of her various plans for the community and the area artisans to Franco and practically begs her to say yes to anything Freduardo asks her to do. “The survival of Grupo Lactos depends on you!” She snarls and leaves. From the frantic expression on Anibal’s face as the elevator door closes, it is obvious the guy has had better days and could be heading for his own colossal coronary.

Back at Looney Central –-the other madhouse-- Dr. D doesn’t want to accept any blame. Eduardo angrily tells him that in addition to all the other “irregularities” around there, now he can add the death of Ciro Palafox to the list. “Do you realize how dangerous your situation is now?” Obregon gives a wimpy nod just as Ciro’s family barges into the office demanding to know what happened to Ciro. Eddie introduces himself, offers his sympathies and then leaves. First thing out of the woman’s mouth to Obregon once Ed’s gone is a cold, money-grubbing, “Where’s my husband’s things?”

Padre Bosco leaves Barbie next to Soledad’s crypt “to pray.” Bosco catches his breath as he overhears her curse them both: “The Devil burn your remains in the deepest of Hellfire!”

In Puebla Purificación again, Santiago knocks at Aurora’s door again and this time introduces himself to a stupefied Dominga. He tells her he is Rory’s boyfriend. (Kudo’s for not holding his nose.) Dominga snarls accusingly at Rory.

Back at the processing plant, Gonzo, AB and Dam are waiting for information from the two supervisors about the processing machines. Dam starts yelling at Grajales and the other supervisor claiming he wants a rundown on the damages. The two stunned supervisors tell Gonzo and the others that the systems were so severely damaged they will not be able to restart milk processing for at least a week since the replacement parts have to be ordered all the way from Switzerland. Damnian, muy pleased with his handiwork (and no doubt figuring on a much needed congratulatory boff from Barbie) yells at Gonzo in a fake fury that this means bankruptcy for the company because they’ll soon be receiving all sorts of complaints from their distributors about spoiled milk!

Gonzo is distraught to think what that will mean for their reputation and the company’s label and angrily asks who was supervising when the machinery failed. Grajales says he was, but insists there was no negligence involved and nothing to indicate there was a problem. “It was as if somebody got their hands on the control panel somehow,” he adds. “—Sabotage?” asks Gonzo. Damnian immediately accuses Grajales of being that somebody, and the low-life tries to shame Grajales for supposedly pushing the blame onto his co-workers. Grajales defends himself and says this is the first time in all the years he’s headed the department that anything like this has ever occurred. He refuses Damnian’s accusation outright.

A couple of hours later at Las Animas, Denia, who wasn’t supposed to have any contact with the Elizaldes as one of the conditions when she was hired, still hasn’t left and is chattering away at Jacinto. She asks him if she should just hide a while till Fernanda leaves but Cinto warns her that she’d better do what Santoro asked her or she could very well end up losing her job there. Just then Fernanda shows up and sees Denia who stands around stupidly looking for Cinto instead of high-tailing it to the barn or hiding her sorry self behind the nearest bush. “Gardenia?” Too late. She’s been made.

Finally alone, the Barbinator calls Artemio Bravo to confirm that the ashes at the church are Eduardo’s. She says she has proof because the priest was the go-between for Soledad and Eduardo all these years and because he got the scholarship for Eduardo to study in the U.S. This was their parish and they were both very close to him. Artemio tells her to come to his office for a personal meet, and that it’s urgent.

At Las Animas, Fr/Ed walks in on Denia and Nanda just before Denia is able to explain why she’s there. Denia races away and Fer demands an explanation. Eduardo ignores her and opts for another sexilicious display of his pearly whites. (Damn! A woman would have to be made of stone not to melt and go all wobbly-kneed at a smile like that.) He apologizes for the inconvenience of having to wait on him. “I was worried because I knew I was going to be delayed. Would you like to talk in the garden? It’s a sunny day, a rather auspicious beginning for our business negotiations, wouldn’t you say?” He flashes another dazzling dental display and Viewerville swoons as their glass t.v. screens nearly liquefy from the heat. (Yowsa!!!! Make mine a double!)

Back at Domicile Dominga, Santiago lays the flattery on thick as thieves by telling the smelly old hag that she’s really something for having taken in a little girl and taking care of her the way she did. Dominga immediately lites into Rory for telling him their business and demands to know what the devil Rory came back for if she’s got a boyfriend now. He quickly covers for Rory by saying that she came back to ask her permission to get married. This becomes a horse of a different color now for Dominga (or in her case I guess, a horse’s ass of a different color). Santi looks over at Rory with a twinkle in his eye.

Nanda and Freduardo sit down in his living room. (Note: leather sofas, very sexy ambiance and muy appropriate.) She wants to explain what was going on with her at dinner the other evening. Eduardo says, yes, it was a bit awkward for the two of them and he offers his apologies. His eyes are staring directly into hers and she gets a bit fidgety. She explains that she avoided telling her husband about him because after all, she picked him up on the side of the road and she didn’t know how Dam would view it. It might be infantile, but she didn’t want to get “scolded.”

Ed asks if Errika would scold her also, but Nanda says no, because Err already knew about him, only not that he was the same person. She quickly adds that since they’re going out together now there is no reason to mention it, either. “You understand, don’t you?” His eyes are still boring into hers and he lowers his voice almost seductively, “No Fernanda. No I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you don’t want to clear up something… so simple.” She starts to explain further, but Fr/Eddie purposely interrupts and changes the mood to something more businesslike. “—Ok… It’s really none of my business, and since we have more important things to discuss, shall we begin?” She tries to match her tone to his. “--Of course, but before that I’d like to be clear about something.” He gives her another boyish grin. “—Oh, don’t worry! I would never make you look bad in front of Erika. As far as I’m concerned, I never saw you before.”

Fer, somewhat relieved, but still a bit off kilter, says that’s fine but she was referring to Denia and she wants to know why Denia is there and apparently working for him. Fr/Ed replies matter of factly that the way he saw it, having worked for the Elizalde’s was the best and most reliable recommendation a former employee could have. She asks if it didn’t bother him that it would hurt the family to have her leave them to work for him? (Get real, Fernanda. Maybe you, but definitely not The Family.) He says, “Truthfully, no.” He thought since they were going to be business associates they wouldn’t mind since Gardenia wasn’t intending to go back to the Elizalde place to work. Fer says sarcastically that she would have preferred he ask first anyway, “because the association between my family and you still depends on a number of factors, correct?” Fr/Ed moves in much closer now and lowers his voice to a seductive level again. “No, Fernanda. You’re wrong. The association between Grupo Lactos and Powhere Meelk depends…solely…on…you.” Viewerville takes an unexpected gulp as Fernanda, very aware now of the seduction that’s taking place, inwardly fights the urge to succumb.

At the same time, in Mexico City, Artemio Bravo and the Barbinator are meeting in Bravo’s office. He is telling her that there is no alternative. She asks him if what he’s saying isn’t a bit drastic. He says she of all people has to understand that if Eduardo told the priest his reasons for killing himself then it’s definite that the priest knows his secret and the death of Soledad’s son will be the end of his secret. He’s certain the priest knows who he is and he isn’t going to risk it. He orders Barbie to do the same to Father Bosco as she did with Monserrat. (Ruh-Roh! Killing a priest is very bad mojo.) The Barbinator shows just a hint of a robotic smile as she mulls over the best way to carry out her new orders.


Jardinera, thank you for the recap. Your title was so true. I am beginning to think that most of the characters are morally corrupt. Don't Barbie and Artie know that you don't mess with servants of God.

The nerve of Nanda, she and her family do not "own" the people in the people in the area. Why would she expect Ed to obtain permission to hire Gardenia?


Jardinera, another great recap. It seems like we didn"t hear much from you last wk. It"s good to see that you"re in top form. When I was a child, Bosco sponsored one of my favorite radio shows but for the life of me I can"t remember which. I do remember that despite our pleading, she would never buy ir for us. We had to be content with Hersey"s chocolate syrup. I"m not sure whether I"ve ever tasted Bosco. I allso remember that it was George Costanza"s PIN word. OK, no need for Marty and Lil to be at the nut wearhouse, let"s get them out of there, Eddie, then you can gett back to your seduction of Nanda. Carlos

Jardinera, Thanks for the fabulous recap and for getting it up so quickly. I loved your little side trip to Bosco-landia, too mooognificent for words.

I don't think Ciro is the white king, I still think the king piece has something inside of it literally under the head. And the white knight is shown prominently on its side on the board both last night and Thursday night when Ciro flat lined. He saw himself as a rescuer not a major character in the Lili story. Oh how I will miss the brilliant Ciro, the whole IQ of the show just dropped 15 points.

Francuardo is definitely doing the bite me wiht white toothed dazzle. And the still virginal Fernanda looks mighty tempted but too puzzled - so far that is. This will be a lovely dance, with their collective dreams showing the growing passion.

Neat job how the little girl in communion veil turned to black then morphed into the black veiled big girl with Fernanda becoming more like his widow. I am glad they let her scream out her rage. Very well done scene.

And Padre Bosco's poker face was sheer joy as he gets to act puzzled about whether La hiena is a woman or not. Loved the play on the Spanish gender with La Hiena being the animal male or female. Alas, PaddyChocoMilk is not long for this world. I hope it is a good scene though and not done between commercials when she comes to obey orders.

Muchísimas gracias, Jardinera. I can't tell you how many times I said to myself, "Oh, THAT's what they were saying!" I'm in awe of how you and the other recappers produce these wonderful synopses! They're great fun to read, and they're a lifeline for people like me whose Spanish, horrible, muy malo.

Well well a saucy mood again, amiga. I too was disappointed to see Eduardo in a chaste white t-shirt as jammies, muy disillusionada....laughed out loud when you mused "guess who'll be sleeping on the couch tonight". Hope you'll forgive your husband. "Congratulatory boff" was another good one. In short, you were in fine form. Can't wait to see this one. Muchas gracias.

Loved the recap Jardinera. Killing the priest! If Babs carries it out she will earn her own spot in the deepest part of hell. So Eddie is laying it on thick with his sensual seduction of Nanda. Will she cave? With that smile I think Damian might as well give up the notion of ever consumating the marriage LOL. I see a phone smashing coming soon in that case and when it happens it will be so spectacular that we'll need a special recap for the event alone. Santi and Rory have their own love theme. Awwww. The white king has to lose his head. Who? Eddie. What about the chess pieces that holds the clue in his room with Ciro's greedy wife looking to scrounge throught his belongings. I think Eddie needs to get Lil and Martina out of that place and hide them so where else.

Another wonderful recap, Jardinera. Good catch on the Bosco name. Thanks also to Cheryl and Pasofino for the past two recaps. I was too late to add any comments to the many already there.
Padre was impressive in handling Barb and her questions. I don't think there'll be any redemption for Barb. She's very cool and controlled with her evil deeds and smiling face.
I know Dominga won't win any awards for good deeds or hygiene, but I really enjoy seeing this actress in this role. The other times I've seen her, she was always the kindly, caring, helpful neighbor or relative. She's probably having fun this time.
Nanda teased us with that little toss of her phone onto the dashboard. One day, we'll get a full-bore phone smash from someone.
So far, I'm not seeing any comic relief scenes in MEPS, unless you count Gardenia's bumbling interference and the mud wrestling. It's all action and intense feelings. Something to be thankful for.
La Paloma

Great recap Jardindera. The comic relief imo is Santiago. He lays it on thick and seems to try too hard. Just look back at the toll gate fiasco....

That fool Lucio is also a comic relief. Look at him snivel at the foot of Babs trying to kiss up to her. A classic moment was when he literally tried to kiss her hand and she snatched it away form him and gave him a look of disgust.


Thanks for the recap Jardinera. As others have noted, I really appreciate your work otherwise I would not know A LOT.

Wow, I didn't know crazy Artemio was ordering Barbie to kill the priest. I know its to show how ruthless they are and they don't know that Soledad told the priest everything in the confessional but really to plan to kill a priest. Again no question as to how things will end up for them.

I'm glad Santi didn't listen to Aurora and showed up at the house. It's fun watching "Dominga" be mean as La Paloma mentioned, I've only seen her being kind and nice.

The Ani/Priss story line continues to intrigue me. What does he think they need to clear up ... whether the kid is his?!!

Yes now that poor Ciro's dead, I hope Fr/Ed finds a new place for Lil and Martina.

Jardinera, thanks for the fun recap.... i look forward to the next day to be able to read all the comments to the recap...I also look forward to Fr/Ed seducing Fernanda...what a lucky girl...If the Barbie does do the padre in she really has no heart...barbie will have to do lili in too... in order to clean out all those who know her dirty work....Does anyone know why Anival and Prissy are together?...there is no love there at all.....Anival could care less what happens to Prissy....Preggers or not.....The name, money, inside information to give to her family...Prissy should have the barbie get rid of Vlad for her...she may have to enlist her help soon.....we will see.....BN in CA.

The weather is really dreary here today. The backyard is a lake with water lapping at the patio. A day to curl up with a good book. Too bad my medical texts don"t have the same features as Dr. O"s. Poor Padre Bosco, it looks as though he"d best not start any new TNs. Perhaps he enjoys rhe same divine protection as Padre Tadeo. Let"s hope so. I"m liking him more and more after his confrontation with Babs. Carlos

Have just started watching and was absolutely appalled at the vision of all those poor cows in metal prisons, hooked up to cold metal milkers, not even the touch of a human hand to give milk. Glad I'm sticking with my soy milk and vegetables.

BN in CA, the Pris/Anibal marriage seems one of dynasty to me. Her parents have a milk company that rivals Grupo Lactos of the Elizalde's and the grandchild was supposed to forge a permanent bond. However, Anibal's reluctance to eithre consummate or accept the pregnancy is a mystery. They did say somewhat back that Prisc had already betrayed her family by giving Elizalde's insider information so they could surpass them. One would think they could be a huge power as a united front but too many disfunctional family members are ruining that opportunity and we don't know if Barbinator is also souring the milk so to speak to interfere with inter-familial cooperation.

Judy,I felt much the same way about those cows. It"s a far cry from following my grandad into the cowlot while he milked his 3 milk cows who had names and seemed to enjoy the bonding. A herd of cats would follow him and he would reward them with tasty squirts right into their waiting mouths. I never saw a drop wasted. Quite a contrast with what we saw last night. Soy milk? No thanks. Carlos

Excellent recap, Jardinera, as usual, thank you. I cringe when Gardenia appears and have given up trying to understand her for fear of over-straining my few remaining brain cells. So I appreciate your hard work (and all the others as well)
Judy, if this dairy operation is anything like the one a friend of mine had a few years back, the milk cows enjoyed freedom most of the day and were more than anxious to take their places at the milking machines when their udders were full. They were only there briefly-then back to pasture again. He always said "a happy cow is a productive cow". Hopefully the sentiments are the same here.

Hi, guys! Thanks for the back pats, and glad to clear up whatever questions y'all might have had after watching. (It's just as dreary here, too. Spring has sprung, but it's got a permanent aerial leak, so to speak.)

JudyB: That scene with the mechanized milkers was like something out of a sci-fi movie. Ugh! Moo-ey and udderly disconcerting. I couldn't help wondering with all those cows needing to be milked daily what they were going to do with all the unprocessed milk for the next week, especially if they are having refrigeration problems and can't let anyone know so as to get an assist from anyone of their friendly competitors in the surrounding area.
Carlos: I've been playing catch-up with the metrics for three days after spending the first two this week riding around with the boss invading medical space and constantly avoiding playing havoc with HIPPA regs. Those visits always have a way of fouling up my otherwise perfectly coordinated schedule..... and leave a body too emotionally and physically blitzed at the end of the day for cracking wise with blogging buds. >!8 ? (

I had not thought about Bosco in years and just Googled it and guess what, it is still available. I will have to get some next time I am in the market.


CherylNewMex, Thanks for the info....i could'nt imagine why they would be married....Carlos u need 2 visit CA. its 85 outside right now.....BN in CA.

EXCELLENT recap, Jardinera. Your hub is just going to have to bite the bullet. There's no avoiding major Colunga lust. It hit me during Amor Real, when I felt a compulsion to show part of a DVR'd episode to some non-Spanish speaking women friends visiting my house for dinner. See? I said, while they looked at me as if I'd lost it. He's TBLMOE, I replied!

I have a great idea for a plot change: Gardenia is hitchhiking and Anibal picks her up. Then the two of them have a mechanical failure, the car goes off a cliff, and there's a ball of flame. It would save me so much annoyance.

Thanks, Cheryl, for clearing up that la hiena is either masculine or feminine. I didn't see the trap for Babs thinking that the "la" already indicated a woman.

BN/Pirate Babe: something tells me Fer is going to fall fast and hard with Fr/Eddie. Unfortunately for her, she made the marriage leap and didn't look first. It's lacking that special spark that somebody like a Freduardo can definitely ignite. Lucky lady 4 sure!
rsk/Carlos: knew about the Bosco as a kid but never saw it where I lived. Hershey's and Nestle's was it. Click on the links and have a few giggles and a walk down memory lane.
Cheryl: The Anibal storyline is a bit confounding for me. You seem to have a better take on it than I do! We are moochually agreed that what you've suggested makes the most sense, too....
Juanita/Karen: I'm just in awe that anybody who doesn't understand the dialogue would have the patience to watch these things. Good on you! Glad you've found us and can join in the fun.

Whoa Novelera, you"re welcome to dispose of Anibal, but ah, Eddie needs her to run Las Animas(yeah, that's the ticket, Eddie needs her to...). Carlos

Marianne: Dealing with Denia is definitely a way to earn points with St. Peter.....
Ibarramedia: seeing that leacherous lounge-lizard Lucio catch crap is definitely the humorous hi-lite of an episodio for me, too.
La Paloma, the actress playing Dominga is almost too real for me. A definite detour from her usual, but very believable in this one, I agree.

Novelera: Ha! LOL! It is definitely Colunga lust or bust on this blog! The guy was just oozing with pheromones last night. Hubbies throughout Viewerville should get down on their knees and give thanks, ¿verdad? > ; ? )

Carlos: You'll have to get in line behind Vlad. LOL!

Thanks for the recap and I love your humor, Jardinera.

Oh, the moo..mories. I don't know how, but I forgot about Bosco which like Ovaltine is something we bought to stir into our milk. I think the song for Bosco was "I love Bosco, Bosco's good for me." It actually was tasty.

Am I the only one who is totally irritated by Gardenia. Since her abundant assets hold no attraction to me, she is just one huge pain.

However, I am appreciating the not so subtle seduction of Fernanda by Fr/Ed. It won't be too difficult as Nanda already feels a strong attraction/connection to him and Damian is a consolation prize for her.

Will they really off a priest in a TN...remember Feo stabbed the priest in FELS but Pad Tad in was miraculously saved. And Padre Bosco seems more save worthy than the ineffectual Pad Tad. GinCA

BN, thanks for the invitation, but for the moment, the sun is out and the frogs are in full throat, serenading, and the Cnfederate jasmine is filling the air with a narcotic fragrance. I'll stay here for a while. Carlos

Jardinera! Muchisimas Gracias! for the entertaining and thorough recap. Bosco indeed! Hilarious, somehow that was on the tip of my mind's tongue but you brought it out!

Biggest impact was Ed's full frontal seduction upon Nanda. Ooo laa laa! didn't he turn it on girls! Let me tell you in these days of guys and gals jumping in the bed after barely a hello, it's so good to see a depiction of the lost art of the use of voice, gaze, and proximity to slowly but surely woo the object of one's affection through the sheer force of animal magnetism and body heat. Ahhhhhh! Leave something to our imagination or better yet, let us insert ourselves into the leading lady's place and make us swoon with anticipation of that first kiss. Yah Baby, make mine a triple!!

Your description nailed it, Jardinera but I'm gonna have to you-tube that scene to resavor it over again. . . .


Oh, I see from the prior posts to mine that Gardenia is grating on the nerves of many of the commenters...sans the males.

Yes, the weather is hot here in hot I need to water my plants but I have to wait til 5 p m due to water restrictions. GinCA

GinCa, I have seen more than one priest killed in a TN. Early in "Abrázame Muy Fuerte" the arch-villain played by Cesar Evora has a priest killed off in a grisly car crash. Ironically, Fernando C. plays the hero in that one. I'm afraid poor Padre Bosco is in for it.

I think the super-annoying Gardenia needs more to keep her occupied. Fr/Ed never even eats the delicacies she cooks up for him. She's like a hyperactive kid you have to keep busy all day so they can conk out early at night. I do envy her abundant curly hair though.

That was a fun recap, Jardnera, thank you.


Yeah, I think priest murder is pretty common in novelas, to show how super-evil the villian is. Don't I recall one in either Amor Real or Alborada, in the woods next to a log?

Khallilah, you"ve got me reachng for the cigarettes and I probably shouldn't even be in on this conversation. Carlos

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Good mojo, its got milk. :-)
Eduardo was really sweating. He had to be thinking, hmm, maybe that wasn't such a good plan after all.

"Toady Lucio". should his new name be "Toadio"? Gives toads a bad name.

Santiago did a good job finding the house. We'll have to see what happens there. No telling, if he turns around, Dominga may knock him in the head and grab his money. Maybe they'll bring Dominga to the hacienda and she'll recognize Barbi?

The cat and mouse between the Padre and Barbi was good. I was worried for him because I thought Barb had some brains. Put 2 and 2 together and figure out that Soledad just may have confessed who knows what to the good Padre. But, in the end, she didn't seem any the wiser... Until later and Artemio said he's gotta go. It did look like perhaps Barb maybe didn't want to do in a Padre though. She didn't lick her lips like she usually would anticipating a job like that. I think he is going to need some of that Pad Tad protection, perhaps a beanie?

When Barb was at the crypt, I expected the sky to darken, have sparks come from her fingers.

And Eduardo flashed that smile and said, "I'm smiling now, you'll do everything I say." :-)

Wasn't Denia kicked out by Barb? Does Nanda even know that? Definitely doesn't need Nanda's permission to hire her.

Cheryl: I agree, I think there is something in the White King chess piece. I was thinking that perhaps it is something that points to Ciro's will that gives everything to Lili? Key or something?

Khalilah: "Let me tell you in these days of guys and gals jumping in the bed after barely a hello, it's so good to see a depiction of the lost art of the use of voice, gaze, and proximity to slowly but surely woo the object of one's affection through the sheer force of animal magnetism and body heat. Ahhhhhh!" --Damn straight, girl! You and I are tracking this week. A lost art is right! The art of love and there is something to be said for the skill of the chase. It's what made the classics classic and it's been lost somewhere along the line. Kudos to these writers for finding it and putting on a platter for us to eat up in piles. --Ok. Time for me to get off my soapbox.

GinCA: Oops! Almost forgot about Ovaltine. --Good take. I guess Nanda is only Dam's "consolation prize." If the formula is the formula, he'll never get her before she hits the hey with Fr/Eddie.
JeffMN/PaulaH/JJ: I'll be interested to see if Padre Bosco is sacrificed. If I remember right, the priest in Heridas de Amor was offed, so maybe Bosco will meet a nasty end. Artemio Bravo has forgotten apparently that if the priest found out through confession his secret should still be safe. Maybe that's a continuity error. Dunno.

Jardinera: "Artemio Bravo has forgotten apparently that if the priest found out through confession his secret should still be safe." Or, he may think there are priests with more common sense than others (PadTad) that would tell people about muy mal things done by muy mal people. :-)

I've heard of Bosco (mostly through Seinfeld) but I've never seen it. I did try Ovaltine as a kid and I hated it. Qwik or Hershey's, please!

Now, for comic relief, I actually look to Babs. Her little performance for the padre last night was world-class. It must be tricky to play an evil person who's pretending to be sad (as opposed to an honest person being feeling sad), but somehow Lucero manages to nail the insincerity with great delicacy. And it is hi-larious.

I saw this episode and I couldn't wait to read your recap, boy you guys do not disappoint, just love it!!!The scene with Padre Bosco and Barbie was awesome, I kept waiting for a lightning strike to come down. I was thinking "she's gonna get struck....NOW.....ok....NOW.....NOW"
It was great. The girl that plays Liliana is actually the sister of the girl that played Alina (I think) in the novela with the dog named tinky or whatever, though "liliana" is a much better actress and has actually played a villain in another novela alongside our wonderful fernando colunga. Anyway great recap.

to all: i find myself coming back to the comments during my day to read the most recent adds soooo much to the novela and answers sooo many questions and poses possibilities........thanks to all the recappers...and commenters for making this novela so much fun... u would think Gardenia would do some laundry or windows instead of bugging...maybe even make FR/ed's bed.....does gardenia live at his place??(she must)another lucky girl......wondering if she(gardenia) finds out later that he is Eduardo, she will remember the crush she had on him as a child....BN in CA.

Didn't I see a scene where the priest looked at a painting on the wall and said something about he couldn't violate a confession??

If so, how much did Soledad tell him in the confessional? Will we be made privy to it?? Will the priest leave a clue for Eddie??

I wonder if Babs will really go through with offing the priest?? She asked Artemio if that wasn't an extreme solution - will we we see a break in her armor??

Hmmm, the curves keep coming...


Thanks ,Jardinera~~Unlike your weather and Carlos's , our day here was picture perfect [clear blue skies, sunshine, and 70]. The weather made hanging out laundry and cleaning off the patio pleasant. However, that was one day. Tomorrow the clouds and 60s return. WoweeWow~~~Is anyone better at putting the moves on than FC ??? I think not. We are about to experience mass seduction via the airwaves. Babs looked a little rough at the cyrpt . She seems to have cornered the market on Maybelline. And , yes, I do remember ads for Bosco, but I never tried it. Living an hour from the town of Hershey, Hershey syrup was what we used for chocolate milk and banana splits. This afternoon , we saw a movie in which someone pushed a cellphone into a garbage disposal. Hubby gave me a weird glance when I snickered.

Thanks Jardinera for the recap. Once again it helps fill in the holes of what I failed to understand in the dialogue.

Cheesy product placement with Santiago’s designer water, eh? (oy!)

Gardenia totally irritates me, too. She’ll never get a man because she would smother him to death. What guy wants that?

I remember Bosco from when we were kids. Eek, I'm old!

Oooh, that scene between Fer & TBLMOE; his face . . . he looked like a dog eyeing a big juicy steak. ;-) What great acting skills and all in subtle facial expressions!!!
Khalilah – ITA about lost art of good acting v.s. jumping-into-bed scenes (which I don't really want to see). Let's leave something to the imagination. Nothing beats that scene in Gone With The wind, when Rhett carries Scarlett up those stairs.

Can’t stand that BOW is supposed to kill the Padre. Oh Noes!!!

...make that ''crypt.'' I really must proofread. If Father B. was Soledad's priest, he knew her for a long time , so she probably made many confessions to him. So ...what did Soledad know about Art ? And why does Art want to destroy Gonzo and Family ? And if Babs is just working for Art, why does she did she hate Soledad and Ed so much ??? This must all be more than just a job for Babs. She must have more of a connection to make her hate Soledad so much. Did Soledad recognize Babs when she first came to the hacienda ? And how does Aurora fit into things ?

Doris~~~Yes..That staircase scene in Gone with the Wind rocked...Rhett carrying Scarlett all the way up those stairs...and then cut to Scarlett waking up the next morning all smiles. Now that's entertainment.

Loved the description of Gardenia as an overactive kid. She is pretty ADD. Maybe instead of sending her off the cliff with Anibal we could get Dr. Demento to shoot her up. Think of the peace and quiet Freduardo would have, at least for 12 hours!

Doris, smothered by Gardenia? Only in my dreams. Carlos

Carlos~~~~HA ! I can see you now as Rhett Butler striding up that long staircase with the lovely Gardenia in your arms !!!! Your story about your grandfather's cows made me remember the dairy farms of my friends. One of them thought it was very funny to squirt me with milk fresh from the cow . I also remember the unpasteurizes milk I had to drink at those homes...I didn't like it. Even out of the refrig it tasted warm to me and smelled like the cows.

Welcome, Wifan. Lightening flashes when a demon enters the church...flashbacks to FELS. Aacckk!! Oh noes!!
Julie: pardon the pun when I say that as the villana in this one, Lucero really shows her "star quality."
Doris: Ah yes, the stairway scene when Rhett still really did give a damn... Oh yes, yes, yes!!!
Susanlynn: FC, a heat-seeking missile. Hmmm. I don't think I need to take that analogy any further. Let your imagination run wild, girlfriend!

I'm not sure why Babs is so nervous about offing the padre. Don't tell me it's because he's a priest - something tells me that's not what bothers her. Is she worried about covering her tracks? Or is she trying to keep her kills to a minimum? After all, you never know who else she might have to whack.

Carlos, it seems you're not gonna make it through this novela with just one pack of cigs this time. Looks like you're gonna need a whole darn carton.

Silverfox: Yes, I think Padre Bosco did say he couldn't reveal Soledad's secret to Eduardo because it was told during confession. Maybe, though, since he's willing to do a little lying in the "service of the Lord's work" to help Ed, he will leave a clue.
Julie: I remember that Barbie objected at first when she was given her original instructions and Artemio told her that after what she did to her parents, this shouldn't be a problem for her. So maybe it's just in her nature to object to being given orders, but once she gets over the hump she puts it all behind her and the stone cold killer instinct takes over?

Susanlynn, the smell of warm(or cool) milk straight from a contented cow, precious memories. Carlos

I found a page dedicated to Sofia. You ladies will also like this since Eduardo is in here too.


Hi All! Just got from a very long day at a regional volleyball tournament which was taking place in the town where our friend Creemelo (Joan) lives!

My daughter and I met her for dinner. Check my profile for the pic my daughter took. I'm the dark haired one.

JudyB, Julie and Connie, Creemelo send you three a very special hello!

Comcast dropped Uni from the basic line up down her way. I told her to check out the youtube feeds of Manana, catch up to us, and come back to the board to chat!

It was wonderful to meet her! wonderful that you got to meet Creemelo! I've talked to a few recappers and commenters on the phone, and e-mailed a few...but hey, nothing beats a face to face meeting of our blog friends. This is such a great community of humor, love of learning...and hey, more humor.

Khalilah...thanks for that smokin' hot addendum to the Franco/Fernanda love scene. And Carlos, you crack me up.

That's what I love about this line, not just the comments per se but the way you interact.

Was afraid I was going to come off sounding "holier than thou" about my horror at seeing the cows being milked that way.... so thanks for your empathy, guys.

Marianne...I know the cows are relieved to have that pressure taken away, but as a former nursing mother, I can tell you the feeling is completely different nursing your baby from being hooked up to a milk extraction machine. Even for a good cause.

At many farms, the calf is taken away, confined in a crate in the dark 24 hour/7, fed with a milk bottle jammed in its mouth by an impatient handler who calls it "stupid" and then sold for veal while it's mama continues hooked up to a machine twice a day to give milk. Yes, I've actually seen this at the university farms where I took for children for a "look at nature". That was it for me.

But your friend sounds like a compassionate and caring farmer. I hope it is different at his place.

My parents both grew up on farms but like Carlos' granddad, the cows were smaller in number, known and loved, and milked by hand.

However, when they took my mother's pet lamb off to market, just like Fernanda, she ran down the road after the cart sobbing for her lost love.

Oh, Judy! What a sad story! I just recently found out I'm lactose intolerant -- I kid you not and during this novela -- ain't that a trip! Your story about the calves is going to help me resist dairy. I don't want milk from grieving cows. I can sympathize with them, though. My son (who just turned 22 Wednesday) decided one day when he was six months old that he'd had enough of Mommy's moo juice. The little nipper just quit! Let me tell you, I'd match those hot, milk-swollen udders with any hollywood boob job any day! A milking machine woulda been a blessing!

Jeff in MN I think the lovely Dominga will be the Barbie connection. Yah!


Molly~~~How nice that you and Creemelo were able to meet, and what a nice photo of the two of you. It looks like you had a nice time together. I met woman from another forum I've been on for years. It was so much fun to put faces to the online personalities. I've wondered what happened to Creemelo and hope that she can join us here soon. Judyb~~You're right about the calves that they raise for veal. No one on the farms around me raises calves for veal , but I've seen the little units they keep the calves in as I've driven through other farming areas . I stopped eating baby animals [veal, lamb] years ago .

Yes, Susanlynn, I know we're alike that way (and many other ways!) was such a shock when I saw it. Before that, when I lived in Austria, I ate veal all the time. Never again.

Oh Khalilah...I know what you're saying. Ouch. But those pumps do help in the transition. (But not with the sadness). Fortunately mine didn't lose interest until a year old or 14 by that time they were getting lots of other food and I was not uncomfortable. That first "clamp-down" in the hospital is a surprise though, isn't it!? Good luck with your lactose intolerant journey, amiga.

My grandparents had a ranch in South Texas where I spent my summers and I hated the milk but loved the fresh churned butter. One of my treasures is the cow bell from everyone's favorite cow.


"Comcast dropped Uni from the basic line up down her way."Bless their black little hearts! They must be related to Barabara Greco. I've often wondered if Comcast would do this to us in our area at some day in the future. Now I'm pretty sure they will. If they move it to the next tier, I'll be forced to get several of those big ugly black digital boxes they rent for $$/month. ALL for my telenovelas. (it's not like I can quit whenever I want to....)

Yes, thanks to all you recappers. Mi espanol es muy mal, tambien, so I always have to check and see if I got it right or not. After this last episode was over, I said to myself, "kill who?" It is good to have a source for the important details.

Thanks, JudyB. I think it is fortunate that I discovered my lactose intolerance during this novela!

Doris, I live in southeast Michigan and Comcast did just that. Luckily it was just a matter of tuning to 98 instead of 25 since we already pay $$ for the little box. They are known in these parts as Comcrap.


I posted the pic late last night but hadn't read all the previous comments or recap. Just got done and had to laugh about all of the chocolate milk. Creemelo gave my daughter some Abuelita a chocolate mix from Mexico! We haven't tried it yet, I'm sure she will today.

I saw a John Stossel report on 20/20 when I was a teen, it was about veal. I have never eaten it. It broke my heart.

FC...Wow! Wonder how long Nanda will hold out. But I was totally sad to see the white t-shirt in bed. **sigh**

I love my lactaid milk. It does the body good. ;)

Looks like dear Babs has been villified more than Fernando Escandon. *shock*. How about throwing some hate down Artemio Bravo's way or Dominga's too. Lol.

I am interested in seeing how Santiago can get Aurora away for good.

Is there any correlation with Ciro's family in the big picture of this telenovela? Or is it just an insignificant minor subplot dealing only with Ciro independent of the whole goings on at MEPS? Inquiring minds would like to know.

They need to address Priscilla's relationship or lack thereof with Anibal. Looks like the readers are most curious about this.


Welcome, Sylvia: Hope you'll keep coming back!
Ibarramedia: I figure Ciro's family will come back into play somehow trying to sell/bribe someone for the birth certificate they stole. How they get from A to Z though is up to the writers, cuz I can't even begin to imagine. I've thought of them also as a sort of dark comic relief. Dunno if anyone else has, though.

Jardinera said:

I've thought of them also as a sort of dark comic relief. Dunno if anyone else has, though."

I'm beginning to think about them that way now. The past 2 weeks, they were such insignificant blips on the screen that they did not warrant mentioning. Now that they seem to be establishing some sort of prominence in the story and episodes, I can say that they lack the depth of any of the other characters.

Simon is a pathetic worm of a son and his mother is nothing more but a gold digger. Thier reactions may be considered a dark comic relief now. I wish they would just do away with it though. And play it serious. I don't mind the comic reliefs in dramedies or comedies. and please no slapstick quintina like nonsense. No more tonterias.


Ibarramedia, the first time wife and son showed up they were looking for patents or ideas good enough for patents that were worth a lot of money. With the black and white theme going on maybe the papers have something to do with the milk industry. Could they be small enough to hide in the chess piece? The only comic relief is Dr. O and the "good book".


Even though it happened 35 years ago, it is comforting to know someone else shared my experience of my daughter quitting cold turkey at 8 months of age—from 4 times per day to nada!! I was miserable physically and emotionally. They told me at LLL to pick her up during the night when she was asleep and try to get her to nurse. Yeah, sure—they should have been there when she starting screaming and pushing me away at 2 in the morning! And with nothing to offer her to help her get back to sleep...At least nothing she wanted!

I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance as an adult—and thoroughly enjoy Lactaid milk. And although I grew up in NYC, I visited my grandparents’ farm in SC every Easter. I, too, hated the taste of unpasteurized “milk from the cow,” and my mother’s family thought I was hopelessly spoiled because I would only drink “milk from the store.” Did love the butter, though!

Thanks for an entertaining and informative recap, Jardinera, and for everyone's great comments!

I was just thinking that we haven't seen much of Erika lately. I thought she'd be popping in at Fr/ed's place all the time because she seems so smitten. I wonder if Ciro's despicable wife and son will contact Artie with news that they have the birth certifcate ? Did Lili take Ciro's chessboard and the pieces to her room ? Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow night. Anyone heard what Eduardo Yanez's next novela will be ? I am missing the big guy.

Ah. Lamb. I love lamb. I can't resist it if you wave it under my nose. However, I'd eat mutton instead if I had the option. They don't sell mutton locally!

Veal, on the other hand, I can definitely resist, though sometimes it's sold as part of a cheap meatloaf mix (something tells me there's not much veal in that, though, probably mostly pork and beef). I probably saw the same Stossel report on 20/20 that Molly did.

Jardinera: "maybe it's just in her nature to object to being given orders"

I think you must be right. I can sorta' relate, since I love following "orders" when it's something I was going to do anyway, but not so much if it's something I don't think is a good idea.

She didn't balk at his order to kill Eduardo, but she hated him and his mother to begin with. She's less eager to follow an order that will put her more at risk of capture (ye gads, killing a priest??) for less personal enjoyment.

It'd be different if she had something against the guy (I think she will enjoy killing Lucio, if it ever comes to that), but she has no history with this priest, she doesn't think he'll blab, and she knows the whole parish will be up in arms if they suspect foul play in his death.

Susanlynn, I didn't see Lili take Ciro's chess set, but there's a good chance I simply missed it. I hope you are right. I'd hate for Ciro's family to take it. It's bad enough they have Artie's birth certificate. No sense letting them have all the cash too (plus whatever else might be hidden there).

Although, that chess set could probably sit in their house for twenty years without anyone ever examining it. Neither mother nor son strikes me as a chess player.

Thanks, Agnes. Isn't it funny how you can remember stuff like that? I guess it's the emotional component that underscoring the physical pain! I'll have to try lactaid. . .wonder if lactaid makes icecream? Years ago I tried Ricedream for fun and, well, it was not memorable. . .or fun.

Ibarramedia, I wonder if maybe Anyballs is having a clandestine affair with Prissy's brother (yeah, that's funky and not because of the gay factor) and Anyballs is secretly helping his lover to amass the fortunes of both families?. . . .Eh. Ok. Farfetched, just trying to figure out this guy's contempt for this beautiful woman. Even her nagging doesn't explain it.


I think it would have been interesting to find out why and how Ciro married this woman. Maybe the writers will add a little storyline backgrounder there.

Good question about the chess set. Since we didn't see Lili leave the room with anything in her hands, the novela gods could invent anything they want to have happened along those lines and just let us know later that it happened.

What I want to know is why Barbie is following Artemio Bravo's orders to begin with. Did I miss something or forget something from the opening? Is she his ward? Did he raise her or hire her because of her dangerous background that he seems to know about?

Agnes in Iowa: Glad to see you here.

Hard to believe how many folks can't handle milk. I had the same problem as a kid, and so did my son, but we both eventually grew out of it. I have no idea why.

Khalilah: I've been thinking all along that Any Balls has a secret lover and was convinced he was gay, but after the night at the brothel he seemed just fine in the arms of that blond. Maybe he is a workaholic because he can't stand Pris' personality or he is totally turned off by brunettes? (Carrot tops with invisible blond eyebrows are a complete turn off for me.) Combine that with a marriage of convenience arranged by the two fathers and voila!

Jardinera - ITA - I'd like to know how Ciro and his ... wife ... ended up together, or rather how Ciro ended up with her!

I think that after FELS, my brain is still like half-pear floating in red jello. With MEPS, I am starting to realize that we are to take nothing for granted in each episode. Every character, conversation, and set prop has a purpose.

Now if I could just engage the brain cells . . . I must remove red jello food coloring first...
Maybe a nice swimming scene with Eduardo would wake them up...

Doris W in Tn: Welcome! We're all recovering from FELS overload and the deleterious brain cell epidemic it caused. I am totally exasperated by the lack of appropriated swimming and bath-time scenes in MEPS. So much skin and so little of it seen. Pity!

Molly: Terrific picture of you and Joan!

Maybe Ciro's wife was a real looker when she was younger , and Ciro might have had an eye for the ladies even though he is a genius. [Think Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller.] That would explain things. Any?balls and Pris that's an enigma. He ALWAYS has a vaguely uncomfortable look on his a guy in a high level position who knows he is not up to the daughter is always complaining about people she works with who have high salaries, high positions , and no clue how to do the job. Maybe Any?balls is aware of his own incompetence. He never smiles [except that one time that Cadmillo made some offcolor , stupid comment....It almost appeared to me that the actor who plays Any?balls actually cracked up.] His strongest human connection seems to be to Cad [who he tries to boss around...with no success]. This whole family really is a ship of fools. So let's see, we have to figure out why Any?balls doesn't want Pris anywhere near him....and the connections between Art and Babs...Art and Soledad...Babs and Aurora...Babs and Dominga . Is Babs just a hired gun , or is their some kind of past connection between Babs and Art that Art is holding over Babs's head. Something has kept her at that hacienda for the last 15 years. I'm hoping that Babs's gets a yen for Fr/ed, puts the moves on him, and is rejected . Wow...wouldn't that take the wind out of her sails ???? She used to bossing guys around , and Fr/ed is not going to be a guy she can boss around. Babs is going to be a hot mess if Freduardo passes on her pass. Caray Caray.

Thanks Jardinera for filling in the key blanks for me. I didn't understand that Babs was supposed to kill the priest. Maybe denial from disbelief. I really enjoyed the episode. Where are the pictures of Molly and Creemelo and how can I see them? My grandad had cows that he milked by hand for years. Just before he retired due to poor health they had "moved up" to milking machines. I've seen them used and our cows didn't mind them at all and showed no signs of disliking being hooked up to the machines. (The prison word and a hooked up to a machine gives me images of the electric chair - ouch). But I can see how emotions can get stirred up if you assign human emotions to the cow by comparing him to cuddling and nursing a baby, your own flesh and blood who you've brought into this world. What makes the cow scene even worse is it you're lactose intolerant and don't even like milk. Like my granddad (RIP), I love cows and all animals. If I thought that the stalls were comparable to prision or that the machines hurt them in any way, I'd be the first to complain. Our cows were content and well loved and produced the best tasting milk in return.
PS: I'd like to

Alice if you click on my name at the bottom of this message it will jump you to my profile.

Susanlynn~~that is exactly what I want to see, Fr/Ed getting hit on by Babs and getting turned down flat! They had such great chemisty in Alborada that it would be great. She has so much confidence in herself and she is trying to figure out Franco, why not try to seduce him. I hope we get that!

Thanks Molly for sharing the picture. It's very nice. A novela reunion is a far fetched idea but sounds great. I just reread my post and see that I didn't complete the last line (the doorbell rang and I got distracted). I wanted to say that I'd like to give Gardenia a tranquilizer. She's a pretty girl with nice enhancements but she's like a little butterfly AKA a loose cannon. I wouldn't be surprised if Nanda simply meant that she would have liked to know that Ed asked Denia to work for him merely out of respect. Eddie hasn't exactly been a poster boy for considering feelings other than his own.

Molly~~~Well, we'll have to see what happens. There is always the telenovela on the tv and the one in my mind. I went to youtube and watched a little Alborada for old times sake....such great characters...a great hero and such delicious villains. Luis is my favorite novela character. I like FC's look the best in that novela. I liked the way he swaggered when he walked. And when he was really mad , it was like watching a freight train moving down the track. He did a good job of playing an aristocrat born to wealth and privilege. Have you started watching Amor Real ? Trust me, you will love it.'s 10.30 here , and I must get up at 6.00 am, so happy trails to you. Can't wait to see what happens on Monday night in Milkville. Maybe I'll celebrate with some yogurt.

P.S. Oh, one more thing...I liked the way Luis always answered ''si si.''

Whoops...''stevi'' is me. That's my name on a different forum.

Jardinera: Thanks for the recap.

I can't stand Gardenia either. She puts ants on me.

The chess set: I hope that Ciro's wife and goofy son don't think it has any value and leave it alone. Ciro's son Simon played Ivan, the hitman, on Amar Sin Limites. That's a hard image to erase.

Khalilah, There are also lactaid pills that you can take. I've gradually builtt up a tolerance and it is not as bad as it was in my late teens. I would definitely feel it if I had an excess amount of milk like maybe 2 or 3 big glasses one after the other. Icecream does not affect me at all. I could eat as much as i want with no ill effects.

The double sis (si si) drove me nuts. I do love Dona Juana's "so it is, so it shall be" from Aloborada. Imasgine speaking English and always saying yes yes. Lol.

I guess we guys will just have to accept the fact that Gardenia does nothing for the ladies. Sigh.


Happy Monday everybody! It rained here most of the weekend and so I did't get to finish my pergola. Had to sew instead. Thanks for the recap Jardinera.

It's a shame they are going to kill off the priest. I'm not a fan of his but you just don't whack the clergy.

I found the milking part disturbing also. I don't drink milk just because it is gross. If I have to drink anything I drink Silk Vanilla. I used to eat veal until I found out how they were treated and can't eat it ever again.

Gardenia is getting on my nerves too. Someone needs to slip her a Ritilin (sp?)

Started watching Alborada this weekend. Long hair, I vote for the long hair! He can sneak into my room any time.... :)

Great picture Molly. Tell Creemelo I said hi. I miss her comments and "presence" on the blog.

Yep, Ibarramedia, your girl Gardenia plucks my last nerve every time she is on screen. Asi es, asi será. Sorry, I just couldn't resist.


But who can forget the pathos of the young Gardenia saying her tearful goodbye to Eddie before he boarded the bus? Did that not tug at our heartstrings? Perhaps the most convincing crying scene ever.


Ok, let's start a list. Best cryers (so far):

1. Nanda
2. Liliana
3. Gardenia
4. Fr/Ed
5. Barb

Jardinera, having to wait until Monday to read the recaps and post is very frustrating. I thoroughly enjoyed yours - thank you! I kept asking my husband what was said as there was a lot of diaglog I just couldn't follow. Another great job.

I echo other commenters in that I was bothered by the industrial "milking" scene and agree it was: "udderly disconcerting". Perfect!

Diana in MA

Connie: Jacinto did some heavy duty crying when Marg left him. What do you think? Diana in MA

Thanks Diana, I forgot about Jacinto. I think he should come before Barb for sure. Oh and Geppeto.

1. Nanda
2. Liliana
3. Gardenia
4. Jacinto
5. Fr/Ed
6. Barb
7. Geppeto.

Did we have a crying scene with Erika? I can't remember.

Connie: You can't forget Soledad's scene writing the letter for Ed, many tears. And, she must have had other crying scenes don't quite spring to mind, but I'm sure others can think of them. She should be up the list somewhere.
Also, Gonzo has definitely shed a tear or two.
And what about Natasha, I believe she was crying, neck brace and all, when she cam back to Cadman. ;-)

Also, my word verification for this post was 'calvess'. Sort of appropriate for GruposLactos.


I seem to remember Aurora shedding a tear or two at the tollbooth as well. And she has the saddest eyes of any of the characters, except maybe for some of those cows hooked up to the machines.


Right Jeff--How could I forget. Soledad was very snively and I couldn't understand what she said.

1. Nanda
2. Liliana
3. Gardenia
4. Soledad
5. Natasha
6. Jacinto
7. Fr/Ed
8. Gonzo
9. Barb
10. Geppeto.

So should we put Aurora near the top?

And perhaps the saddest tear of all was shed by Damian upon realizing that once again he was going to enjoy no nuptial bliss for yet another night.


Does one tear count though?

Connie, I think you would have to drop Natasha out of the top ten and move Aurora towards the top.
Someone asked about Errika, can't remember specifics, but seems like she must have shed a tear or two.
How about Santi? He always looks close to crying.

Carlos: Good one, yes, Damian.


Connie, you can give Damian, Honorable Mention, or Best Supporting Tear.


This crying list is great.

Ibarramedia - the thing is I want to like Gardenia, her character is just so hyper and immature. I can understand why you and the other men on the blog enjoy her.

Susanlynn, I am with you on Luis. Best look, great character. Loved him. And I loved the si si to everything. Diego and the creepy laugh were great also.

When the boys come riding down the beach toward Hippolyta...OMG!

I haven't started Amor Real yet. The kids were mad about barely getting fed during my Alborada emmersion, but I will get to it.

I love Gardenia! Maybe this is one of those times when not knowing any Spanish comes in handy, but I just love watching her when she is on. She is so bright and bubbly. I know she is a nosey pain, but she is so cute. Fr/Ed obviously hasn't gotten tired of her.

Molly, you make me long once again for spending time with the Alborada trio. I enjoyed their friendship. Also that wonderful actress when she would say, "Asi es, asi es sera!"

I don't think I'd enjoying hanging out with Gardenia socially, but I don't find her all that annoying. However, if some of her friends and relatives decided to teach her a lesson about jumping to conclusions, that'd be okay with me. :)

Should we add the departed Ciro to the Crying list? I think he has shed a tear or two.


Enjoying (that was a typo), annoying. They rhyme. Good to know, just in case someone needs to write a poem about Gardenia.

Thank you Jardinera. So wonderful.

And I was afraid I did get it. Franco was intentionally being seductive. The stick over the head is too drastic. How about a finger tap on the hand to say 'don't touch'. Is his goal REALLY temptation to adultery?! I can't believe that. Where's Silverfox? Must be against some telenovela rule...

That camera shot of Barb when Father Bosco - and I had been thinking that name was another tougue in cheek - asked if she knew who the hiena was, was a money shot. They have sucessfully used eye make-up to present a animal, poised but dangerous.

Maybe Barb is leary of killing the priest because that takes her into real police and church investigation of a crime territory.

I changed it just a little. Feel to make any changes or add categories:

1. Most believable and realistic crying—
A tie between Nanda and Liliana
2. First runner up to believeable and realistic crying--Gardenia
3. Most dainty crying--Aurora.
4. Most tears produced in one scene--Soledad
5. Crying for someone else that is in pain--Ciro
6. Best macho man crying--Jacinto
7. Worst macho man crying (this one is debatable)--Fr/Ed
8. Most annoying and nobody gives a S***--Gonzo
9. Crying for someone who doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ about you--Natasha
10. Most dramatic and not believable--Barb
11. Worst and “I don’t ever want to see it again” crying--Geppeto

The special guest tear goes to: Damian

I forgot to add Fr. Bosco.

I think he's going to tempt Fernanda but not put out. I think he's mainly trying to shake her up and wreck her marriage, rather than actually have sex with her.

At least I hope so. I don't think he would be happy afterwards if he went through with the seduction. He'd just feel that much more hollow realizing that with such a betrayal, he's permanently wrecked any last hope of happiness with her.

Then again, even if he does go through with it, the telenovela laws say that somehow she'd find a way to forgive him.

Connie, your list is hilarious! GinCA

The most intense part is when Ed says her name. I got shivers every time. Really hot shivers! I think he's reaching for her. He's trying to call her out, like he did at the wedding, calling to the Fernanda who once knew him so well, in hopes she will know him again. Not as "The Eduardo I knew" - he could do that by telling his identity. Instead, he wants her to recognize "The Eduardo I love," and for that he has to call to something deep inside her.

Um thinking about the chess piece and the question about clues in the head. Because it is so tiny I thought not even the smallest post-it would go in there without multiple folds. And when folded that much it would be illegible. So how about a ring? Maybe an engraved baby ring. ?

Beautifully put Paula.

Bonney Churros, I was thinking that the chess piece held some kind of formula (he had formula on his black board) and I think he may have been a chemist (the bomb and books). It could be a key or combination to a safety deposit box.

Carlos, I think Gardenia is cute and don't we all know one just like her? Is she in Mariana?


Lol @ special guest tear Connie.

How about Padre Bosco and his tears of repentance and being put on the spot by Eduardo. He really got cornered and what do you do if you're in the same spot? Help your onetime pupil and not blow his cover or reveal all because he is against it, thus putting Eduardo in possible harms way.

Not to mention wasted effort and money in his schemes. I don't agree with what Eduardo is doing to Fernanda and the lies, but I don't want his cover blown just yet.


Alborada ladies...a friend sent me the WHOLE DVD...about 55 hours worth I imagine it's going to take me forever to get through it, but Lordy, I think I've got a 24-hour hot flash goin' on. Can hormones come back from the dead? I'm thinkin' we've got a medical miracle here. Whew.....can't wait for another dose of MEPS tonight. Hope this old cuerpo can hold up to it.

I only watched a little bit of the first disk and it jumped around and I was confused on some parts. So that was a little disappointing. He looks very fine though.

Judy, I'm just a guy asking a question. Are those aloborada dvds the real thing or are they taped off the tv? If they are the real thing , where did your friend get them? Thanks.


How many CD's are in it? Mine came with 4 but I think it's not the entire thing. Kind of like Destilando.

rsk, I think Gardenia is in Mariana de la Noche, as the house servant at the hacienda. Her hair is straight, but the face is the same. Hubby agrees with me, and he's looked very closely at Gardenia in MEPS.
La Paloma

Judyb~~~If anything is going to revive those's Alborada. I can't wait to hear what you think about it . It has a great storyline, wonderful acting, beautiful costumes...and FC with long hair , mustache, and beard. Have mercy. I could never decide if I liked his hair long and flowing like a lion's mane or tied back in a cute little Paul Revere ponytail. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Luis has a swagger in his walk and always looks large and in charge. And don't forget that Melinama recapped it all by herself , and you can find her recap by scrolling down to the very bottom of the sidebar on the left. She coined 2 of my alltime favorite phrases : ''the mystery boinker of Santa Rita '' and ''swelling in the humid zones '' [ouch]. And Mariana Carr is wonderful as Luis's loving Tia Isabel. I love the characters , especially my telenovio Marcelo Cordonva who plays Luis's bodyguarxd Marcos. I also love the rest of Team Luis [also coined by Melinama]...Cristobal and Felipe. Then, you have Luis's crazy, frigid wife Esperanza and his mistress plucky Perla. I'm anxious to hear your thoughts on this novela. Connie~~~If you're confused about what's happening in Alborada don't hesitate to ask here and remember to check out Melinama's synopsis.

Connie~~~The abridged version of Alborada has 4 dvds. The whole novela would be many dvds.

Connie I love #8!

PaulH you totally nailed it! And really, how can the poor girl resist?

JudyB, it is really a good one! And a story that flows really well also.

The DVD is 4 disks, about 14.5 hours according to Amazon, mine should be here tomorrow. So it is cut. The best feed I found on youtube was by user angelyfor. The only part missing is the first two parts of the finally, so I read those in the recap and haven't seen them. I have to skip right to them when my disk gets here. I have search online for them and everytime I get a hit the video has been removed. Not sure why those to parts and not the rest of it.

Oh that's great. I forgot about Melinama's recaps. One minute Lucero was talking to her maid and then the next she was washing clothes so I must have missed something in there somewhere.

I love the costumes and FC looks great in those leather boots.

Yeah......those boots. FC looks muy macho as Luis.

rsk: Yes, agree with La Paloma, that is Gardenia in Mariana. I've been thinking it for quite awhile, but just couldn't commit. We saw her again today and my wife agreed that that is Gardenia.

I'm thinking the chess piece has key or something like that. I think it may be something that would point to a will where Ciro leaves things for Lili.


I think they were trying to do a period piece in FELS with the mariachi suits and no phones but it really didn't work because of the SUVS.

Ibarramedia...I think they were originally taped off the tv (there are little blips of ads that get cut off) and then they're probably run off in bulk somewhere. The quality is good enough for me, that's for sure. And I think she probably just went on the web and took a chance ordering them. But she's part of a Fernando Colunga forum so maybe the word was passed around where to order them. I'll ask her. There are 20 DVD's in the package, although I imagine the 20th is some sort of recap of how the novela was made, construction of sets etc. And each DVD last close to 3 hours. Anyway, it IS the whole durned thing and I'm enraptured with every single minute of it (as I was with Amor Real)

Susanlynn, Connie, Molly and whoever else is hooked on Alborada...yes, all the parts are wonderfully acted. And Diego is absolutely the most heinous villan ever played. I actually feel some sympathy for his mom...she knows he's a degenerate loser but he's her son and she's willing to commit sin after sin for his sake. Motherhood can make you crazy.

Valentino Lanus is adorable in this one. Never seen him look better nor played a more sympathetic role. But those smouldering looks between Luis and whazzher name (sorry, Lucero)Man, show that to me on my deathbed and I'll rise like a phoenix from the ashes, baby!

JudyB, you mean Hippolita. Dona Juna is a tragic character. She loved her son and was going crazy about his idiotic activities and decisions. Despite her'sins' she said that she really loved Luis but was not a demonstrative and affectionate person. Somehow I believe this despite seeing only the dvds and not the entire run.

Dominga was her enabler. they have aspecial relationship other than master and servant. You would almost think they might have lesbian relations. But they did not.

It was noble of Luis to forgive his asshat of a cousin and his 'Mother' but really aunt. He rationalized that the burden of the secret was too much for his relatives. I think in the end, he said he loved them.


Judyb~~Alborada was the first novela I ever watched. I used to flip past Univision as I channel surfed, but one fine day I noticed a tall, dark stranger dressed in period costume [and THE BOOTS] with long locks and facial hair. Hmmm, says I , What do we have here ???? I love historical fiction [I used to love Highlander the TV series for that reason , and if you never saw it, I'd bet you'd like it. It stars another tall, dark actor Adrian Paul...check it out on] Anyhoo, I watched a bit of Alborada , and then I decided [with my very limited tech skills] to goggle Alborada...and...EUREKA ~!!!!, I found Melinama's site and her translations. I happened into the middle of the novela , and I thought that Esperanza was Luis's mother and that Hippolita was his wife. I wasn't sure who Dona Juana , Modesta, and Tia Isabel were. By the by, Judyb, I was reading the Tontas recap and came across the name FAFY CUENTA....Is he in Tontas ????

Ibarramedia~~~Dominga is in MEPS. Do you mean Modesta ? Her relationship with Dona Juana renminds me of the relationship between Dona Barbara and Es in Dona Barbara. Is anyone watching that show on Telemundo ??? It's really good and fastmoving. Jean is recapping it [with photos and text] here.


My lady is extremely reliable and has the best reputation at Telenovela-world, where I originally found out about her. She does both Uni and Telemundo stuff. She's been putting the goldie-oldies onto DVD's and I will vouch for those. If there is a problem she corrects it and is very honest and very helpful. The earlier video tapes were subject to how well your tv read the video signals, but were decent enough to be worth the effort and a donation. I got two sets of tapes and two sets of DVD's and they were worth the time and effort.

Linda Boschian is the lady's name. Her e-mail is:

Jardinera - Doris W. in TN is my alter-ego on a quilters group. Thanks for the welcome anyway. (grins) I didn't realize which name I was signed in until it posted and was too late.

Doris: That makes two of you doing that! LOL! Susanlynn did that also. I've got two or three myself.

I would love to see the actor who played Felipe in something again. I really liked him. Actually all of Team Luis was awesome. I really liked Christobol also and was so confused about him in FELS until I did some digging and found out he was Juan Sr. That made me laugh since Gaby kept saying how much Juan looked like his dad and there is no way those to men could look alike!

Susanlynn, thanks for the correction. I meant to type Modesta but for some reasson, I'm also thinking about the MEPS posts and inadvertently typed Dominga's name.... Interference in thought.

Jardinera, I might give her a shot and email her for the dvds. I hope they are all in excellent quality and commercial free if taped from tv... I have gotten some NFL and a few NBA game tapes that way.


Jardinera (and all of the recappers), I really appreciate your recaps. My husband says Franco's car is a Lincoln (someone thought it was not an expensive car). He also enjoys watching Gardenia (I think she's cute, ADD or not).


So Molly~~~What do you think about my boy Marcos [Marcelo Cordova]???? If you watched Amar sin Limites , he played the tialoving abuelokiller Andrrrressss. [And Martin / Valentino Lanus played the male lead [can't remember his name]. I think Marcelo should get a chance to play the galan in a telenovela. The actor who played Felipe was Hot Rod's uncle in Destilando. It's fun to see these actors and actresses in different roles. Abd the actor who played Vincente in Alborada was Elvis in Destilando.

Fafy Cuenca has a bit part in Tontas, as a crabby husband of some lady. No doubt they're having a marital problem which Candy and her Institute will clear up with a couple of platitudes and 5 minutes therapy.

Judyb~~Is the guy following nasty Paulina the same guaypo actor who was on La Fea [ Fernando's bud] and Amar sin Limites ????

Marcelo Cordoba....good memories from Pasion and even good memories from ASL where he was the tialovingabuelokiller.....want to see him in the next novela. GinCA

LR, I was the one that said that Eduardo/Franco drove a Pontiac. I realized that he was driving a Lincoln MKS. I was expecting more along the lines of a Mercedes,BMW,Lexus, Acura or Caddilac. Please do not flame me for my car choices. I mean if he has a hacienda, a million Dollar or Peso horse(sure it's borrowed) then it is consistent with his image to have a real luxury car.


Susanlynn and GinCa: Marcelo Cordoba is in a TN right now. Juro Que Te Amo in the afternoon has him in it and he seems to be one of the main male love interests. I don't watch it myself, but it has other familiar faces, too. Mariana Karr, Patricia Navidad, Cesar Luis from Juan Q.

Susanlynn, you are correct about the guy following Paulina. Also, the Tontas recap for tonight has been posted. You should be able to read all about it there.
Also, he was on Mariana. He was dressed up as a Fabio look-a-like that lived out in the jungle.

paula. I agree with Fernando saying her name. It is obvious that uit is intentional and each time he says it (softly and slow), she looks at him with searching eyes. She is feeing something and it is making her uncomfortable.


LR: Welcome. Join us again. I also thought it was a Lincoln, then I started to doubt and think it was a Japonese make. Oh well....

Ibarramedia: the tapes might have a smidge of commercials but not intentionally. No different than Youtube versions do once in a while.

Susanlynn--I really liked Marcos and I didn't care for the end of his story. I wanted him with someone who was crazy in love with him. He didn't deserve to settle.

Vincente was gorgeous and what a voice! I always wondered how he knew to be at the door or in the back area where people would just ride up. He was always in the right place, guess he did his job well.

The guy that dressed Luis, a job I would gladly take, was very cute too. Diego was a great villian, and Dona Juana was just brilliant.

P.S. The caps were not meant as yelling, just that with 140+ comments I wanted to differentiate the information notice is all.

I knew that was Elvis! I like his voice.

Ibarramedia, no flames at your car choices...I, too, think Franco should be driving a BMW or Mercedes. I always ask my husband to identify the car the wealthy character drives.


I wanted to see more of the work of Dona Juana from Alborada. She was great. But there were only two clips on YouTube other than her singing, also great. But it appears she is another telenovela actress that switched from playing good woman to playing the bad woman as Lucero is currently doing.

I also want to see other things with Luis Roberto Guzman, Diego in Alborada.

I think the actress who played Juana is in that new show Women Assasins or something like that.

Is anybody watching that new show? Where is everybody today?

did something happen or did i miss the recapp? i can not find it... Please

bn....not sure what happened to the recap. Melinama might be having trouble with her computer access. Last night certainly had some subtle sizzling moments though. When Franco/Eduardo laid his hand on Fernanda's knee (on the pretext of straightening the napkin) I truly lost my breath. Ay yi yi. As Susanlynn says HAVE MERCY!

What new show Connie?

I just knew, JB, that he would need to be told don't touch when he was TRYing to send Gardenia 'out for the rest of the afternoon'?.
My goodness how that man can burn the screen.

It's Mujeres Asecinos (sp?). I think it comes on during the day. I thought it looked interesting. I watched again last night carefully to see what you all were talking about with Fr/Ed. He was staring into her eyes...I got shivers. Ok, regarding Pris--Real or not so real?

We can post here until it gets posted.

What was it that he said that got her so upset? Was it something about Soledad? I must have missed it because the next thing I know she got up and went to the bathroom and was crying.

I believe the remark that sent her over the edge was when he said he saw a deep anguish and emptiness in her heart.

Actually I think there was more, like maybe there used to be someone, but I'm not sure. I roughly remember the conversation but I'm not sure at what point she left the room crying. Then she came back and he continued to ask personal questions, still twisting the little emotional knife, but with a little more subtlety.

Thanks Julie. I'll have to replay that. He did look so sincere. You could drown in those eyes...big sigh....

Connie, regarding Pris - not real.

Bonney Churros, yes, that man can burn the screen. I am afraid if I were Nanda, my hair would be on fire.

If Lili recognized him from his eyes, way can't Nanda?


You could tell Nanda was trying to figure him out because she looked at him so funny when he was looking into her eyes.

Freduardo, you had me at''Pow-where-meelk.'' That gaze is mesmerizing. And who knew that a guy could make drinking pink lemonade look that hot. Nobody does intense and seductive like FC. He should do a seminar . He could call it ''The Art of Seduction'' and show clips from Alborada and Amor Real ...the ones in which he was talking Hippolita into accepting the house and apologizing/seducing Matilde in his bedroom. I wish that I could tell you what he said , but all I got was ''Soledad'' and maybe something about Nanda never being able to love again. And thank goodness Fr/ed figured out that something was in that chess piece , and we don't have to endure weeks and weeks before he discovers the little rolled up message.

RSK,I will be strong and resist saying something about fire regions.
But, maybe Lili's mindset was different. She expected to place who this person was, probably having no new faces ever visit her. So she was seeing the past in his face. Fern has not had that limited social life. Fern probably is taking in so much of this person that his eyes are only part of a package. Maybe?

p.s. I disagree about Pris. I think those assets were a gift from Mother Nature. She is a big, healthy girl.

Text to FrEd:
Basta! Alto! You had me at hello!

Text to Gardenia:
Bring water and distraction! For them too.

Can you believe how Colunga is transmuting between Edwardo and Franco, so smooth the man is so smoothe.

Barb looked like she was considering maybe doing a full body search on Franco as part of her 'investigation'.

I totally forgot about the chess piece! What did the note say? What is that weird paper they use. It looks almost like waxed paper.

Pris' assets don't seem as round as Gardenia's so I'm thinking real.

I was thinking Priss was real also.

Poor Nanda doesn't stand a chance against that assault!

He went right to figuring out the chess piece. We don't get months of waiting for someone to use their brain. Of course nothing will get solved, but at least we don't have to see the stupid box every night without anyone ever opening it!

Mujeres Asesinas is the new show they have been advertising. I think it will come on at night and I think it will replace La Rosa de Guadalupe (now on Thur and Fri nights). Just my guess. Also, Soledad (MEPS) will be one of those Mujeres. Other ones are Mariana (from Mariana de la Noche) and Viviana (Cuidado). And a few others that I'm sure people would recognize. Some young, some older.

Bonney~~~That's a good theory about why Lili recognized Eduardo. Poor Fr/ed really wants Nanda to look into his eyes and know that he is her longlast onetruelove. I think he feels that they should have a psychic connection and that Nanda should be ''feeling'' his true identity. In Alborada, when Luis meets Hippolita 3 years after the mystery boinking incident in Santa Rita, he gives her a false name, but she discovers his real identity quickly and doesn't want to have anything to do with him. Buy know the formula,,,he puts on the charm and the moves and the next thing you know...she's pregnant by him again. Whataguy.

Molly, you got that right! I'm surprised we didn't see the stupid thing sitting on Fr/Ed's desk night after night waiting for someone to figure out the riddle. Thank God we didn't have to wait long.

Note to Vlad--seriously dude, get some new threads! He's starting to be really creepy now and he's not dumb (although that is debatable). Why do they always tell all they know and run the risk of getting whacked?

Thanks Jeff. That's what I was talking about but couldn't remember how to spell it. If its at night I might watch it.

Jeff~~~I caught a few minutes of ''Mariana'' today and saw Oscar from FELS [Jorge Salinas] looking younger and hotter. I hope that I can caught ''Juro'' and see Marcel. Thanks for the info.

Why don't I proofread my posts...''can caught''...make that ''can catch'' ??? I actually just taught modals...You use them with present tense [can catch] and present perfect [could have caught] but never past tense [can caught]. I am hurrying...and careless. About Vlad. ..He creeps me out ,'s the hair, I think. I am getting an Eddie Munster vibe from him and is disconcerting.

Ewwww! Eddie Munster. You're right though.

Was anyone else hearing Barry White and Al Green or Sam Cook while Freduardo was putting the moves on Nanda??? Or maybe Sade ?...Francuardo is a Smooth Operator. In real life, those types can get a mujer in a whole lot of trouble.

And he's subtle enough that you don't see it coming until it is too late. if only any of us here at the moment knew any Spanish and could figure out what Fr/ed actually SAID to Nanda. And what did Gardenia , our favorite little snoop , say to Nanda when she stopped her car in the driveway ? Why don't we make something up , and then see if we came close when someone who can actually understand what they said translates this episode ?? I think Fr/ed was questioning Nanda's love for her new hubby . Gee, that was pretty cheeky if he did that. I think he thought that he was making some progress with her, and then , that expression on his face when Erika entered, started chattering, and kissed him...muy uncomfortable.

Susanlynn, too funny about Eddie Munster, I think he has a new nickname.

I think Pris needs some Mace, I don't think Eddie Munster is going to give up easily, if at all.

The paper that was in the chess piece is probably parchment. Thank goodness Ed went to Harvard and it didn't take him a year to figure out the puzzle!

Yes, Jorge is terrific in "Mariana", I watch it everyday at noon. I also have the DVD. These novellas are taking over my life. Patricia Reyes Spindola (Quintina from FEL) is also in "Mariana". "Mariana" was made in 2003 and was the most popular novella ever made (or so they say). They are showing it again by popular demand. Patricia Spindola is also in "Mujeres Asesinas".

For all of you "Alborada" fans, I ordered the soundtrack and it is very good.

Bonny, very funny, I will have to be careful in what I say.

Okay muchachas...admitedlly I might have missed some of the dialogue due to my own heavy breathing, but he said something like this..."I know you care for your husband and yet I emptiness...a lack of love....a loneliness ('soledad')....

her crying scenes are awesome. The quiet ones, where there are just some choked sobs, rather than great heaving ones, are even more poignant and upsetting. This gal can act! I don't even notice her eyebrows anymore.

Anonymous~~~I'll bet that soundtrack is great...Plaido Domingo, no ??? I really can't watch any more novelas or my family will do something harsh. I watch Manana and Dona Barbara [surfing back and forth to Dancing with the Stars on Mondays]. That's enough.

Judyb to the rescue !!!! So Fr/ed was not saying his mother's name ...soledad means loneliness ??? I have a student from Ecuador this semester named Soledad. She's very outgoing and doesn't seem lonely at all. So Soledad doesn't seem like a good name to give your kid. I would prefer ''Joy'' or ''Sky'' better. Wow...that was a pretty intimate conversation for someone you think you've just met to have with you, verdad ??? Thanks, Judyb.p.s. My word verification is ''chipso'' so now I'm going to get lunch.

The note in the chess piece was something cryptic about foxes and cheats, and lions and wolves. I wasn't really able to follow it but I am sure it will be repeated many times.

The paper reminds me of air mail paper - the kind of thin/light paper we used to use to write to pen pals overseas because international mail was really expensive and there was a half-ounce limit for the cheaper rate. So you'd use air mail paper which was very thin and light. With the good stuff, you could even write on both sides without the ink bleeding through.

Onion skin paper? We used to type on that stuff.

Well I for one am certainly glad that Eddie found and read Ciro's note. That certainly clears everything up, doesn't?


I just watched on YouTube the scene with Gardenia and Nanda. I think that Gardenia was worried that Nanda was upset because she was working for Fr/Ed. But Nanda said not to worry about it.

Thanks, Julie. When Fr/Ed was reading that cryptic message, he had a look on his face that matched the one on mine....Que the hell ??? [Hello Beckster wherever you are.] I have ''Juro'' on and saw Bouffy from Pasion and one of the hot soldiers [Frank?] from Duelo de Pasiones but I haven't seen Marcelo yet.

Hmmm...Also in ''Juro'' , Emilooooooo's ''friend'' who was always after Duhlina. Lots of familiar faces in this one but still no Marcelo for me. [I told Hub ''I'll be right outside in a minute'' ...I guess he's wondering what happened to me!!

LOL Carlos, I realize Ciro's note doesn't answer any questions, but at least we don't have to worry about Francuardo losing his own pretty head.

I'm not even sure how Ciro's message could be helpful even if we knew which foxes and cheats and lions and wolves he was talking about. What would he have known about Soledad's secret?

Unless he actually knew EVERYTHING. Maybe he and Soledad were pals and she told him and promised to keep the secret, and that's why he ended up with all these riddles. That might explain why Soledad said in her letter that Lili knows where to find the answer, but doesn't know that she knows (or whatever that confusing thing was that she said).

On the other hand... Ciro had himself committed for a reason. Maybe this stuff about foxes and wolves was written while he was having a paranoid spell, or something. :-(

I was thinking of all the women (myself included) swooning when Eddie subtly adjusted the napkin on Nanda's lap. Whew! The heat that came through the screen and the intense eye contact. FC can bring it and then some LOL. I loved that he found the note with the crytic message in the chess piece. Hopefully, he'll be able to figure out what it means. Vlad was creeping me out. Now that he knows Prissy is preggers, he won't give her a moments peace.

Yeah, I remember that paper. And it would be thin enought to crinkle and still unfold to be legible. I did not understand anything he read or said about the note.

But if the soledad Franco was referring to was 'sadness' why was Fern so broken up and why did EdFr fight back his own tears? What I remembered was him saying at the wedding that now the two of them shared a grief, that of losing his mother. I thought that was what he was reflecting on.

A couple of my students have been watching Manana, but they weren't much help when I started grilling them about plot points. Re : Pris and Anyballs... my student Soledad thinks he acts weird just because the marriage is a business proposition. My student Albert thinks that Art is named as the father of someone on that mysterious birth certificate. [Of course, in real life, he just got the news that his novia is pregnant and he's not doing well in grammar class, so I don't think he's focusing enough on the novela right now.] Hey...idea...I'm going to offer extra points if they'll pay better attention to Manana and take notes English . [Actually, in class , I give lectures in English and they take notes and then take quizzes using their notes, but this could work , too...for those who speak Spanish. I think they need an incentive to help me out.]

I think Vlad will betray Prissy with his love, judas style. He has already shown he knows no pain; just ignores insults. He probably will not get angry or vengeful.

I wonder if Damian is going to be mad about her having "business" with Fr/Ed? He really doesn't have any right to be jealous--just look at what he and Babs have been doing.

Erika drives me crazy. Don't you think she's taken this pretend novio's too far?

Can somebody explain what is up with Santi? That whole let's get married thing was just silly.

I think it was a play on words. Fr/ed couldn't talk to Nanda about Soledad without her getting suspicious because Franco didn't know Soledad, but he could talk about her apparent ''soledad''. The word has a double meaning. Pretty clever of Freduardo ...well, the writers.

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