Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MEPS: Oops, Melissa has an emergency tonight.

So, just as I published my very-tardy recap just now, I got an email from tonight's recapper saying she has a family emergency and can somebody else do it? Any takers?


I'll do it if no one else has volunteered.

I have a few days before Jury Duty.. ha..

Just tell me what I do with it when I finish. How do I post it as a recap??

My email is norris913@earthlink.net

The Silverfox....

Silverfox you can e-mail the recap to me at cherylnewmex@gmail.com and I will post it and tag it for you. Have fun!

If you e-mail it to me, I'll post it for you. paulah88@hotmail.com . But post an alert to me here, because I check here frequently; there not so much.

Send it both as an attachment, and in the body of the e-mail, in case I have trouble with the attachment.


¿Que dices, Paula? ¿JINX? It was a bit amazing that our posting times are IDENTICAL....bwaaahhhhaaahhaa!

Good lord! You both must have been twitting, chatting or talking on the phone at the same time and decided to prank us. Muhahahaha. ;)


No, Ibarramedia, there really is a posting fairy that makes simultaneous postings possible if you really believe.....

Cheryl, the Jinx thing is a remnant from my pre-teen days. When you and your friend say the same phrase at the same time unintentionally, you're both not allowed to talk until one of you says "JINX!"

Although both of your posts were at the very same time, I mailed the recap to Cheryl.

A Word attachment and also in the body of the email.

I'm off to bed - Nos vemos manana.


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