Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tontas Tuesday April 21, '09 I Love You...Forgive Me...I Wanted It To Be Better
Those were the last words a friend of ours said to his family before he died. Too cerebral, too distant...he never was able to relate to them as a warm and caring father. We heard them at his Memorial Service this Sunday and understood them far too well. Many of the other academics in the sanctuary squirmed in recognition of their own discomfort in relating to their families.
But those are words that all characters say in telenovelas and are part of the overall message. A message far more important perhaps than all the "after school special" lessons that this particular telenovela purports to teach. And those thoughts were all expressed in some way or another in tonight's episode. Let's take a look and see......
We have the brief rehash: Gregoria struggling with her attraction to Arturo. Arturo confidently continuing his seduction. And Paulina( with a little boost to Guadalajara again) predicting that it will become an important fashion center...before she tumbles down the steps in her stiletto heels.
When it comes to "product placement",let's face it, the principal product is Guadalajara itself. But fine by me. I'm enjoying the change from Mexico City.
Now onto the new stuff. They carry Paulina into the house and drape her over a sofa. She's unappreciative and rude, as usual, but when she overhears Tina worrying about amnesia (like in her telenovela she's watching) little Paulina gets the idea to fake memory loss. She goofs it up a little, recognizes Rocio but not Santiago or Isabella. Our doctor plastico isn't fooled for a minute but concedes that if Isabella wants Paulina to stay over a few days while they make sure she's alright, it's fine with him.
These scenes are alternating with Candy/Gregoria scenes where Mom is on the verge of telling her about the romance with Arturo, but can't quite make it over the hump.
And there's a third strand in this mixture...Santiago's plan to talk to Suintila's mom. He's also chaffed about her name....thinks it sounds "visigoda" (visigoth-like) and actually asks her mom why she would saddle her offspring with such a handle. Seems it's her grandmother's name and that's the tradition.
Interestingly, when Santiago tells mom her daughter is sick...bulimic,in fact.... mom accepts it instantly. This does not square with my experience at all. Most parents will deny deny deny for a while before finally seeing that their child has a problem....but hey, this is the show of instant cures, and here we have another one.
Santi hands mom a card, directing her to an institute where experts will show her how to intervene in her daughter's denial and persuade her to seek help. We'll see where this leads. Lucia is initially appalled that Dad took this action, but Isabella and Jaime support Santiago, and presto, Lucia is okay with it. Another instant resolution. Man, if the romantic problems could just get wrapped up this fast! Ojala!
Well, Tio Abuelo Meño is doing his best to wrap up those romantic problems but his ladies keep resisting the advice. He's still pushing Gregoria to return to Arturo's bed (a questionable decision) and when she nervously dithers he snaps "Deja esa cantaleta" (Just drop it). I say she's right to be nervous! but what do I know? And then there's Candy. He chastises her for being an intransigeant woman, who forgives nothing (ya got that right, Meño) and has been given a gazillion chances with Santiago and run him off a gazillion times (ya got that right too, compadre). Gregoria's had enough, she wants to head off to bed, pleading a Meño-induced headache. But Candy wants her to stay...she has a request. Mom's sure she knows what it is, starts talking, doesn't listen, until finally Candy gently asks her to hush. And what will the request be? We have a couple of ads before we find out.
Well, no biggie. Candy just wants mom to tuck her in. ( Candy, by the way, has already tucked in Chava and hears that he wants a little "hermanito". A little boy, preferably so he can play with him. We see her mull over this idea with a decided glint in her eye. Is a consummated romance in the offing?)
Okay, back to Mom. Not only is she tucking Candy in...she's telling a bedtime story which in fact is the story of her sad, romance-rejecting life. Gregoria, growing up in Guadalajara, fell in love at 16 but her father wouldn't let her date the boy. So she married someone else, had three daughters and.... But every year, on the 4th of December (Gregoria's birthday) she'd receive a bouquet of lilies from her lost love. Her husband never knew. But when she was widowed, and the bouquet came once again....she rejected it. Why? Because she was afraid of love. And yet she never stopped wondering what would have happened if..... Candy, she says, Accept the flowers. Accept what life gives you.
"I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better". True for both these women. Will they be able to change their destinies?
Gregoria turns out the light, leaving Candy to her dreams. In another apartment though, we see Lalo, unable to sleep, one sad tear running down his cheek. He's condemning himself as "basura" (garbage) for being unable to give Chayo a child. Chayo tries to comfort him by saying If a woman can't conceive it's no big deal. But if a man seems infertile, he condemns himself as garbage. Toxic macho thinking. (Actually, women condemn themselves as well for being unable to conceive. And are often condemned by their husbands. So I don't know where this bromide is coming from. It doesn't hold up.) But yes, in a better world, no one would condemn anybody. Just get to work on the solution, if there is one. What fools we mortals be!
"I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better. "
Maybe it will be for these two.
When we come back from the next set of ads, the romantic theme is playing in a minor key, and Patricio, pacing in his lonely new house, is crying as well. Arturo enters and is horrified. Men Don't Cry, he snaps. Machos Don't Cry, replies Patricio. And I'm not up for listening to stupidities....I miss Candy. I feel so alone.
I love her. I asked for her forgiveness. I wanted it to be better.
Yes, he did.
Alright, we've been wondering if Arturo's changed or if he's still a sleaze. And the answser is....Sleazebag! He gives Patricio advice on how to force Candy back. Given her lying about her death and keeping him from his son all those years, Patricio has legal grounds to get full custody of Chava. And if he has the child, the mother won't be far behind.
Patricio points out that Dad hasn't been able to force his own wife to come back. Sure, but that's because he doesn't want her. He likes new blood, new romantic adventures. That's what keeps him ticking. Ugh. Evidently Gregoria's just the latest Geritrol in Arturo's medicine cabinet. (Meño, your advice sucks!)
And speaking of poor advice, yep, we see Candy in front of the mirror, dolling herself up. Evidently she's decided now is the time to throw herself in Santiago's arms. The guy is frantic with worry over his missing infant son. Is now really the time? Well, evidently it is. Go figure.
Santi's talking to Barbara about the possibility of the Institute teaching mothers to recognize signs of eating disorders in their children, but Barbara is all 7th grade excited and giggly (along with Candy) at the thought of these two hooking up, and runs off to get her excited friend. Ostensibly to vet Santiago's proposal. In fact to make a proposal of her own. Let's be novios!!!!
If you saw this, you know she enters the room in full seduction mode, leading with her chest. After she and her bubis arrive, she announces "Te amo" (no need to translate, right?) Santiago babbles. Is he dreaming? She pinches him. He babbles some more and asks for another pinch. Of course she hedges a bit. They have to find out if they're really "meant for each other". And whether or not he's "cured". Is he sick? Well...if he's cured of being a "mujeriego" (womanizer). Sho' nuff, there's a fly in the ointment. You can see it coming can't you? But relax, enjoy their kisses. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
I love you. Forgive me. (For all the times I rejected you. For all the times I went back to Marissa.) I wanted it to be better.
Will it be? We'll see.
In cruel contrast we see Patricio, all alone in a dreamy aqua-blue nursery, holding gaily wrapped packages of baby gifts. The phone rings and it's Alicia, assuring him that the baby looks just like him (wha?). She's pleased he brought some gifts for the baby and he admits he's sentimental because he's never held a baby in his arms. His two sons were born 7 years ago. Alicia's phone call is followed by one from his mom. Evidently some of the gifts were from her. She's evidently operating on the thought that Alicia and Pato are going to get back together but he reminds her that nothing can ease the painful absence of Candy. (famous last words? we'll see....)
Alicia loves him. She wanted his forgiveness (for seducing him and ruining his romance with Candy. She wanted it to be better.
And perhaps it will be. Or not.
Alright, our meddling "metiche" Meño is continuing to give free romantic/marital advice....this time to Fafy Cuenca's (aka Ricardo's) unhappy wife. She wants out of the marriage. He counsels giving it another try. Take a chance. Try and make it better. Fall in love again. (This time, for once, I agree with Meño. Studies seem to show that couples who work hard to repair their marriages are happier long-term than those who decided to end them. Individual exceptions abound of course. Just sayin') What does amuse me is Meño seems to hand out a lot more advice than does our giggly shrink Barbara. And he probably has the same batting average.
But clearly this woman needs to say to cranky Ricardo.....
I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better.
And maybe, just maybe.... he will listen with his heart.
Another painful scene. This time Santiago, head down on the desk, is having a nightmare about Marissa and his missing son. Guess Candy's romantic declaration wasn't a cure-all after all. And "té de tila" (linden tea) which his mother offers isn't doing the trick either. That stuff is like water, he snorts. I need someone to advise me. Someone who knows how to help fathers recover their children. (By the way, I have searched Columbus for "té de tila" and have come up empty. Hope I don't need calming down anytime soon.)
Another set of ads, and then an interesting scene indeed. Soledad comes home exhausted from, presumeably a tough day at the Institute, and Cece has already tucked an equally exhausted Beto into bed and prepared Soledad's favorite dinner...."filete con salsa de mango". Won't let Soledad do a thing. Sets the table, feeds her, and later we see her tenderly cover Soledad with a blanket after she has fallen asleep on the couch. Not sure where this is going but we'd all like a roomate like that, wouldn't we?
Okay, more palaver with Santiago and Mom. She's worried now about Tina (whose mother died of cancer) but Santiago brushes that aside. The cancer was found early, they'll operate and punto, problem solved. And if she wants reconstruction, hey, there's a plastic surgeon in the house. No problem. (I found this a rather simplistic treatment of cancer, especially since it can come back, regardless of when it's found. But enough qvetching.)
And Santiago has other concerns. His concerns about his son. He knows he was born, but that's all. Is he being cared for? Is he loved? Mom has the answer. He should go to the Institute. They cure "heridas de alma" (wounds of the heart, wounds of the soul). Santiago's not sure he should go (neither am I). After all, he's a man. (Sure is.) But Mom thinks the Institute's the answer...and it's not just for men. (no it isn't.) Santiago replies that his heart and soul wounds will be healed when he holds his son in his arms. (And I totally agree.)
The episode ends with poignant memories of Marissa's pregnancy, the ultrasound (where they found out it was a boy), and Santiago tenderly listening to his baby moving around in Marissa's womb.
I swear I'll find you, son, Santiago whispers...and when I do, nothing will ever separate us again.
I love you. Forgive me. I wanted it to be better.
If he can't say the first phrase, Marissa definitely needs to hear the last two. And will that heal the wounds and end the vengeance? Who knows?
Previews: More troubles to come. Candy's declaration of love has unleashed all kinds of repercussions. Paulina is on the warpath (or lovepath, depending). Pato is going to fight for Candy after all. And Marissa is about to wrap up her final vengeance. Ay yi yi.....
alegado, alegada = alleged
visigodo, visigoda = Visigoth (adj.)
azucena = Madonna lily, Ascension lily....the flowers Gregoria's first love sent her on every birthday
dejar esa cantaleta= drop it, don't keep going over the same old stuff
pellizcar= pinch (not as in "steal" but simply to pinch someone)
Dicho of the day:
Las mentiras tienen patas cortas (lit. lies have short feet) Lies don't take you very far. Isabella, counseling Santiago to give Rocio the truth about the absence of her little brother.
Other "pata" dichos:
tener mala pata = have bad luck
tener buena pata= have good luck
meter la pata = to put one's foot in it
Labels: Tontas
But I digress, these story lines are so whacky but I am glad to see Candy and Santi finally coming closer inspite of Marissa's and Paulina's attempts to ruin Santi's life for their own selfish reasons.
Oh, and about that TILA tea. I can get it easily here in New Mexico and love it. If you send me an address to cherylnewmex@gmail.com I will send you a box of it.
Cheryl, I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with the death of a friend. It's encouraging to hear that in the midst of your sadness you can be awed something as exquisite as the pre-dawn sky. I wonder how many other people happened to look up at the same time you did and wondered at the beauty they beheld?
Judy, regarding Santi's advice to Suintila's mom, if you hadn't recapped it I would have completely missed what that was all about, it happened so quickly. Oh would that our real problems could be fixed like that. I noticed that Suinti's mom is pretty darn skinny too.
Hmmmm...that was an interesting scene with Soledad and Ceci. Could there be something to this or will it be yet another false start in this TN?
Thanks Judy!
I wonder where this baby story is going, it has upset me even though I know it is just fiction and supposed to be entertaining. How come Pato is too stupid to tell Santi one of his wives is out getting a baby at the exact same time as Santi is being tormented by the news that Marissa has given birth to a baby he will never see....just makes me shiver.
I can identify somewhat with the Santi/Lucia/Suinti storyline. When I was a teenager my mother felt she had to "rat out" one of my friends. I was convinced she only wanted to ruin my life. Of course Mother was right and her intervention helped correct what would inevitably have been a train wreck with drastic consequences. As a teenager I thought I knew everything, but now I feel the more I learn the less I know.
Thank you for another dicho. I added it to my dicho page.
Both my uncle and a good friend have passed on within the past 10 days. While deaths close to us seem to pull us out of the world for a few days and force a look at reality and what is important, the story of your friend really makes me think: What can I do to "make it better" for those around me RIGHT NOW?
One more comment: "but hey, this is the show of instant cures, and here we have another one." I wonder if I sent a letter to the writers and listed some of my LIFE's struggles, would they be able to get me some ideas for instant relief? Would that life's problems could be so easily solved!
I thought it was strange, the woman Santiago has been pursuing and desiring for months finally admits she loves him, and all he can say is, "I have a novia!" Huh??? How about, "Candy loves me!"???
A couple more comments about his nightmare. Clearly improving.
A. As I mentioned, his son faces him; Santi sees his face.
B. The boy does most of the talking instead of Marissa.
C. The boy wants Papa to find him. Papa! Here I am! Papa! In the other nightmares he is just pushed in and pushed out by Marissa.
I've got to dash off to another early morning class (subbing for a colleague) but I want to thank you one and all for your thoughtful comments...Susanlynn, Paula, Jeff, Deb, Sylvia, Cheryl....
I love you all. I hope I never have to ask your forgiveness, but if I do, I will...with heart in hand. And as for my recaps, well you know...I always want to make then better...we all do...but you makes us feel wonderful with your responses, your attention, your crazy and caring comments.
And for some reason the Lulu scene got left out. The Institute gals are giving her advice on losing weight to avoid health problems and premature death and she's hurt and dashes off. Candy wants to dash after her but Barb advises giving Lulu time to process. "Take-away" of the scene was that Lulu wasn't born fat, she became heavy in adolescence. Therefore she can return to a healthier weight. According her Institute pals anyway.
and finally...yes, many of the actresses on the show are VERY thin and have to be. Witness the pressure and the actress who played Lety to lose weight for the role. So what a mixed message. C'mon people!
Judy, I love the way you left no doubt as to Arturo's character (or lack thereof):"He likes new blood... Evidently Gregoria's just the latest Geritrol in Arturo's medicine cabinet. (Meño, your advice sucks!". Perfecto!
The subsequent revelation of Gregoria's lost love bodes well for her future with someone who cherishes and loves her.
Thank you for pointing out that Pat: "admits he's sentimental because he's never held a baby in his arms." My heart went out to him.
The timing of Candy's declaration of love to Santi was definitely off.
Susanlynn, your wish for your last words were touching. They say everyting.
Cheryl and Deb, I am sorry about your losses and wish you both comfort. God bless.
Sylvia: "Hmmmm...that was an interesting scene with Soledad and Ceci. Could there be something to this or will it be yet another false start in this TN?" I wondered that same thing too.
With the (hopefully) fast return of Santi's baby, there are some interesting storylines to be developed and solved. I'm enjoying it more now than I have to date.
Diana in MA
Diana in MA
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.
I wasn't as thrilled as I thought I would be when Candy finally gave in to her feelings for Santi.
The way she has gone back and forth between he and Pat has left me not really caring who she ends up with.
Art is just bad news for Gregoria or Pat or anyone else he comes in contact with. Meno your advice powers are slipping!!!
I'm going to be out of town for a few days so I'll miss the show and the recaps (sob!)
It will be fun catching up anyway when I get back.
Thanks everyone for the interesting comments.
Carrie L.
It will be interesting to see who the new fellow is, if they have him show up. And I hope Gregoria made Arturo wear protection; no telling what Arturo contracted in his wayward life.
However, Meño is incorrect: Candy has indeed forgiven Patricio; but that doesn't necessarily translate into falling in love with him again. She cares about him and always will, but he killed her love, IMO.
Patricio was looking thoughtful after Arturo's advice about how to force Candy back. I hope he doesn't try that; but there are quite a few weeks left to go.
I don't think he really has it in him to be that ruthless. The bad things he's done have been behind his own back, like Candy's. They have that in common.
I never do think Candy and Santiago have much chemistry, unfortunately. The hottest kisses Jaime gave anybody in this show were to Sabine, for my money.
I know it's a stupid thing to say, but from body language, I think he likes Sabine.
Just likes her; not having an affair with her, LOL. I saw him brush her arm the other day, and I've never seen him to that to Candy; and he's supposed to be totally ticked off at Marissa.
The kisses he gave Marissa the day he was trying to make Candy jealous seemed to have real warmth. But of course, JMO.
Yes yes yes I hope Gregoria's true love will come out of the woodwork so she can stop wasting time on Arturo. What a great idea Judy.
So Candy has committed? What a sense of timing.
I feel really bad for Lulu. I'd like to join her for a big ice cream sundae. We'll deal with dieting mañana.
I, like Carrie, wanted to be more excited about Santiago and Candy's kisses than I was. I think they did better during the seaside scene early on. And maybe Jeri is right, the chemistry just isn't there. I think we "old hands" were all spoiled by the incredible chemistry between Angelica and Jaime in Fea Mas Bella.
Through my work and because of my age, I'm going to a lot more funerals than baby and wedding showers. It's always a good reminder to speak our love, and to show our love, while we still have time. And yes, to know...that the kindness and affection we did share will live on in the hearts of others after we're gone...Ojala!
Ann Landers said the best marriages are made of friendships that catch fire. It's not exactly fire, but I feel sure Santiago's got plenty stoked in the furnace.
I agree about their trip to the seaside; I thought then that something might be going to spark up there. But it's been pretty subdued so far.
Could have to do with Candy's reluctance; and I've never seen Jaqueline in anything else, so I don't know what kind of chemistry she has with others.
I'm currently watching Yo Soy Betty La Fea (the earlier, Colombian version of LFMB), and there's a character, Bertha, who always eats, and is heavy. Her husband goes on vacation and leaves her the money to buy a new car. Her office cohorts convince her to have liposuction instead. So she gets thin. When her husband comes back, he doesn't even notice she lost weight (he was fine with her as she was), but he's mad that there's no car.
And now, she has to diet, too, to keep the weight off, and all the other girls are eating away in front of her!
My point? I just hope the ladies don't advise Lulu to do the same, or go on some crash diet. Before, they were saying that love has no size, and I'm still hoping the romance with Toño can happen.
One more thing. I'm now officially an Arturo-hater, too.
Hombre, I'd love to watch the original Betty La Fea. Wish we got another station here but alas...and I'm not fond of youtube squinting.
Love it that you're officially an "Arturo hater" now. He's on my list, for sure. But it explains how confident he can be pursuing Gregoria...He really doesn't give a damn, it's just more of the old smoothie moves for him. Easy to be confident when you don't really care. (and have done the same thing a gazillion times before)
I can't remember the exact circumstances but seems like he sent him off to deal with some threat and the stress led to his heart attack and demise.
I'm sure Paula can firm this up. She really has the story well catalogued.
That was a good observation that it was the eating-disorder episode. They did have both ends of the spectrum there.
I go along with Hombre on the Lulu case; and I'd like to see a normal relationship with Toño.
Regarding Arturo's shoddy buildings, I sure hope they don't kill a bunch of tenants in exploring that.
I hope they just use it as Alicia tried, as leverage to get him to do something -- and then reveal it in the process so that tenants can move out.
When that part of the plot plays out, though, Patricio is going to become a much less rich man. He's doing something bad even now by withholding the information.
I can't picture Santiago withholding such a devastating secret, not even for the sake of a family member.
People need to realize their value and self worth. Nothing is sadder than a kind and caring person trying to share their lives and themselves with a self centered selfish person unwilling to do the same.
It would be so refreshing to see an acknowledgement that some people actually prefer to be single and furthermore, are actually happy!
I don't believe a happy life is defined by marital status. Love is not confined to marriage, nor is companionship.
Sharing your life with someone could mean sharing it a family member, a spouse or a friend. I believe and hope that societal pressure is easing with the realization that a happy, healthy life (with or without mariage) is the ultimate goal and dream.
Diana in MA
I'm more in line with what Diana is suggesting. But I am often wrong and occasionally surprised, so who knows?
I'm experiencing serious channel envy with you Sylvia, Hombre and Carlos. Breaking another Commandment alas.
As for the chemistry between Santi and Candy that some of us find lacking, I think they do have it, but both have been afraid to let loose (first she, then he). I think at some point they'll put all the world's problems behind them, and the chemistry will be just right (and hopefully, explosive, in a good way).
Not that it can't work, but lesbians usually avoid straight girls like the plague. It's a recipe for heartache.
But this is a telenovela, so who knows what they might do. As I said, I think it will just be an eye opener for Soledad's prejudices, which kind of goes along with what Judy B. said.
Meño is full-on gay, and they have never had a relationship for him yet. They had a relationship for Luigi Lombardi, but it was just brushed over very lightly on the surface.
Telenovelas deal with gay characters and their feelings, but not their relationships so much.
The excuse was that after Marissa pulled her money out of the institute, they had less cash coming in and less pay, wasn't it?
So, they actually might be setting this up for something.
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