Thursday, May 07, 2009
Tontas no van - Wed - 5-6 The Love Boat meets Gilligan's Island
We go back to dinner where there is idle chit chat about good dinner, good galan, tomorrow we fish, tomorrow Candi has a surprise not for Patrick Dempsey for him...he jokes about her having the pirated version of him here in Region 4.
The next day Pau calls him and wants to know when he is coming home. He laughs in her face, and she says Roci won't stop crying. He tells her to put her on and of course she's not around.
Candy returns to the conference and Santi in the yellow cow shirt is back in the sound booth and explains he wants to watch his girlfriend. Turns out the engineer gets a phone call and leaves Santi alone. He thinks the guy is stupid for leaving one button off so he turns it on, and well it provides sound from the booth to the room. Just then Santi takes a call from Lalo tell him he's in paradise and sings Candi's accolades. The whole room of women hears him from the speaker and turn around to watch. He tells Lalo she makes him feel things above the belt (I think he means really good positive righteous things, and yeah he confesses to feeling things down below the belt too(this you know). Candi is in the background trying to shut him up and getting super embarrased. The engineer comes back and busts Santi that the women heard everything.
He tells her he loves her and then argues with the sound guy who eventually kicks him out.
Next we go to a big promo scence at Vick o, a boutique. The shopkeeper is clearly someone famous who Candi either really opens up to, or knows somehow from before (her yearly trips on her and Pato's wedding anniversary? the wedding or times before?) Anyway she tells all about the new Candy, she's made some resolutions and blah blah blah she's happy and full of love. So shopkeeper asks if she's really ready for a new Candy inside and out and she says yes. The first thing to go is her silly head comb. I'm ready for that too indeed. Thank God, and this woman reminds us we should do the same.
Meno sees another love note getting put under his door so goes out to see what he can see. He watches the woman get into a blue car, and who is driving...Ricardo, and so Meno discovers his secret admirer.
OK, "sexy sexy smile" plays, make upscenes etc, then we have a new sexier Candy with a lot more make up on and fuffy wild hair. What does this mean I wonder...wilder behavior? She looks good though for sure.
She calls Santi on the phone while walking down the dock and he's a little bugged that he's had to wait two hours. She said that's not much, he says well, it's two more hours of dock time. But then he sees her, and her makeoverazo. He's pretty blown away.
Oh and that's one hell of a nice NEW boatazo they go off on.

If anyone remembers Heridas de Amor, this is like deju vu for Jacqui, who also went out on a boat nearly identical to this one with Guy Ecker in Puerto Vallarta or actually maybe that was Cabo, anyway it was big and nice...and Llegaste Tu plays on...
Hundida yo estaba, ahogada en soledad
Mi corazón lloraba de un vacío total
Todo lo intenté
por donde quiera te busqué
Eras tú mi necesidad
Triste y desolada ya no pude soportar
Más desesperada era imposible de estar
Todo lo intenté por donde quiera te busqué
Eras tú mi necesidad
Alcé mi rostro y...
Llegaste tú y todo cambio
Llegaste tú, la esperanza triunfó
Llegaste tú, volví a nacer
Por tanto tiempo quise
encontrar la solución
a ese gran vacío que llevaba en mi interior
Todo lo intenté por donde quiera te busqué
Eras tú mi necesidad
Alce mi rostro y...
Llegaste tú y todo cambio
Llegaste tú, la esperanza triunfó
Llegaste tú, volví a nacer
OK, and this next pic has something for everyone...Cuerpazos indeed.....aahhhhh.....
Ah fun boat scenes, then they fish and pull up a pescaja (fish box not a pescado-fish) and Candi wonders que the hell, but Santi says it's a fish ready to eat, well, no, he's fishing and he sure hopes she bites. Turns out it's a ring and he wants her to marry him. I love the light effects off her boob...something tells me I might not be the only one...

Back in Guad Pato was mulling Pau's suggestion he should take Chava, but that is short lived when Ali shows up with Beto and babe in tow and they all are going to the park.
OK, so we go back to the boat, and Santi is talking to Pau. I'm thinking if I just proposed to the woman of my dreams, the last person I'd take a call from would be my ex-wife, but whatever, I suppose he's worried about Rocio. Pau yells at him to come back which he aint doin'...hell no, he's on a roll here.
Pato, kids, and Ali go to park and have a great time, Pato is surprised at her mothering skills. She still tells him he needs to get divorced or she will go back to the apartment because she doesn't want to be his cha cha. She steals a kiss and he looks drugged....

Mario shows up at the big house where Donato lets him in and we see mafioso following him.
Daniela is sharing her story at the kids group and lamenting that no one will kiss her. One guy says he will, and they learn that's because he already knows he can't get HIV from a kiss. She thanks Charly, in a big way by plating a kiss on him. Right next to Lu. Ow. That smarts. I mean even if she wants to move on, to see your ex boyfriend, your FIRST, kissing the girl he cheated on you with right in front of your face. Nah, I wouldn't want to see that even 25 years later... :)

Charly runs after Lu who says she's going to get condoms for everyone. This whole condom thing is so strange...aren't almost 99% of Mexicans Catholic and frowning (officially) on birth control never mind teen sex before marriage? OK , whatever. I'm sure my brother would love it if I brought my niece a huge old sack of condoms when she's fifteen. :) Annyyywayyyy.....
Lu denies she's jealous to Charly but says he's obviously with his girlfriend...his response is it was just a kiss. Yeah, ok, see my comment above.
We are now at the rocky shore of some hopefully secluded beach where I bet these two can't wait to get off this rock and they chat about how perfect the night is, blah blah, I'll skip to the important part. Well she chats about how Chava is happy if she is happy and we know that portends an anvil but any way....

Back at home Pau spreads the evil, spilling to Roci and Chava that their parents are novios. Neither one of them wants that.
Back to the beach....and they do it. I suppose I'd have "ganas" that night too if a guy hired that boat and set up all this stuff for me -no brainer if it was that guy. Boy am I getting a great episode.

Playing in the background is Jaime Camil himself singing from his latest CD.
Nadie se va a marchar
Interprete: Jaime Camil
Para que la vida no te pese tanto
Te hago una maleta con tus desencantos
Y la mandare de viaje muy lejos
Para que las penas no nublen el cielo
Para que la risa te brille de nuevo
Pintare las tardes de un azul intenso
Y atare un rayo de sol en tu pelo
Para que no temas al frío en invierno
Para que explicarte que te quiero tanto
Y que no puedo verte llorar
Déjame mostrarte que la vida es buena
Nunca es tarde para soñar.
Sabes que hoy me quedo
Y mañana lo hago de nuevo
Yo no te voy a engañar.
Para que las dudas abran su camino
Y tu corazón siga su destino
Te daré una noche en el centro del mundo
Para que disfrutes de cada segundo.
Para que en el alma cuentes los pedazos
Construiré tu casa dentro de mi abrazo
Nos quedaremos por noche y días
Sin que nos importe que traiga la vida.
Para que explicarte que te quiero tanto
Y que no puedo verte llorar
Déjame mostrarte que la vida es buena
Y nunca es tarde para soñar.
Sabes que hoy me quedo
Y mañana lo hago de nuevo
Yo no te voy a engañar.
Pasara, la luna subirá
Y tu estarás conmigo, conmigo
Déjame mostrarte que la vida es buena
Nunca es tarde para soñar
Sabes que hoy me quedo
Y mañana lo hago de nuevo
Yo no me voy a marchar
Nadie se va a marchar.
At the restaurant, Cuautemoc Fornales introduces himself to Lulu and wants to talk to her agent, that she has a great voice and hopefully he'll see her again. Zam offers himself as her agent...but she says nope she doesn't have one and she walks off with Cuau. Tono teases him...
Greg and Meno are talking about Ricardo and she didn't quite get it right away but then it clicks. What is with them always putting on chartreuse face masks....

Ric himself calls at that moment and Meno refuses to answer. Greg takes this opportunity to tell him what he told is short be happy and go for it. She thinks they are twins only his story is more interesting than hers. Meno isn't sure because he's known Ric and his wife forever and it would be sooo weird. Yep, probably. Can't argue with that. He's conflicted for sure. He tells Greg Santi went to PV and he's a good guy.
Ok, we go back to the beach where Santi and Candi are playing the don't blink game and he wins by making her laugh. I couldn't resist this pic of his lovely chest and tatoo...

Rocio and Chava are fighting because neither one wants their parent with the other.
Candi chats with Meno on the phone. He wants to know how things went, and she wants to know how he knows Santi is there. When he asks about the night before, she hangs up on him.
Santi talks to Lalo and tells him he's so happy. Lalo is worried about him leaving, but Santi doesn't play that gayme (to quote Hombre) he too hangs up on Lalo.
Pato does some web sleuthing on and discovers that Gambino is mafioso. Could he be anything but with that name? Pato is worried about what his Pa is messed up in.
The happy couple is returning from PV and talking about how their respective kids aren't happy about their union.
Pato sends out the hot sec to find his Dad. Ma shows up and wants to know what the prob is. Pato asks if she wonders where all the money came from. Not so much, she says. He tells of the mafia connection potentially and Marg is frankly not surprised, and not too concerned if their money was dirty.
Chava calls Pato and says he loves and misses him to the voicemail.
Candi gets home and is sweet to Chava and gives him a ship from PV saying she thought about him the whole time. The little brat, who's very smart, says, no, you were with your boyfriend, and doesn't want the toy, or the possible stepdad, he wants Pa and Ma together, smashes the ship and runs upstairs.

Labels: Tontas
The story has very odd juxtapositions as you noted. The promotion of condoms and acceptance of teenage sex down to a very young age and then the oh so materialistic clothes and makeup scene where the woman says "Don't leave God out of it". Okay. Definitely a good thought but there's a clash of world views here nevertheless.
I wanted to be as moved and transfixed as I was by Lety and Fernando in Fea but alas, Candy has not captured my heart in the same way that vulnerable, longing Lety did. Still.....the scenes were beautifully filmed and you did it justice both with your writing and your pictures.l favorite part of the episode? Alicia playing and romping with Beto, then snarling to herself when no one was looking. She HATES being mommy but is willing to fake it for a while to get Pato back. Perfect punishment for her! Ditto for Paulina.
Candy and Santi looked great but I didn't get any real sense of passion or am I wrong?
I think they are portraying the Charly and Luc storyline realistically. Even if they don't end up together, they meant a great deal to each other and jealousy (although unwanted) seems an inevitable emotion this close to their breakup and transition to friendship.
My heart goes out to both Santi and Pat for such scheming, insensitive ex's: Paula and Ali. Although when you add Mari into the mix, Santi certainly has it worse.
Judy, I couldn't convey my sheer disgust with Ali any better than you did: "Alicia playing and romping with Beto, then snarling to herself when no one was looking." Ack. Please, make her go away.
The walls are closing in on Pat. The engagement along with Chava's unhappiness are going to severly test him. Not to mention what will happen when little Patito is discovered to be Santi's. I know there would be nothing like the prospect of losing everyone I love and care about to cheer me up! :)
Diana in MA
My favorite scene also was Donato's deft shot at Pau. What a witch she is. Right before my knee replacement surgery, one of my patients reveled in sharing with me an account of the serious infection that a friend of hers suffered after his knee surgery.
There were many good scenes last night(though I really didn't need to see so much of Candy's shopping spree. I did think that Geeky Guy's chaste kiss for Dani was sweet and Santi's phone conversation with Lalo while in the control booth was fun.
Meno is my fave character and I would like to see him find true love but I'm not sure I like Ricardo. I would hope for someone more optimistic and upbeat for our Meno. He deserves a wonderful person, not a sullen curmudgeon.
Does anyone recognize the mafioso guy? He looks familiar but I can't place where I've seen him before. Susanlynn?
I didn't really care if there was romantic chemistry between Santi and Candy, I thought the extremely hot scene of the bed on the beach was romantic chemistry enough for me. Ooh la la what fun.
Thanks Kris, loved the episode, loved the picures, loved the recap.
I'm not feeling any real chemistry between the two like I did with Camil and Lety. I wish I did but it's just not there.
Never mind, it was a joy to watch.
Santi definitely knows the way to a woman's heart.
Rent a huge multi-million dollar boat, fish a huge diamond ring out of the water, and have a beautiful camp set up on a private beach for a night of passion.
I definitely had to re-run that scene more than once.
I think it's past time for some tough talk with Rocio and Chava. Look, mom and dad are adults and will make their own decisions. You are the children and you will accept it and go along with our choice. Period.
While they are at it, Pau needs to be booted out of the house.
Late last night I posted a quick thank you to everyone for their kind words.
Thanks too for the reading suggestions Sylvia, I'm going to look for the books.
Carrie L.
The beach scene was great, but wasn't it exactly what Al and Mili did in Guapos? It was beautifully shot here but I think Al and Mili had way more chemistry. Candy is just such a caricature at times. Apparently taking a boat to a remote beach with a canopied bed all set up is THE THING to do while in Puerto Vallarta.
We got to see Camil's calves last night, while he was in his room in a robe, on the phone. He has silly calves and you almost never see them. But my oh my, that blue chambray shirt on the yacht. I don't know how anything so common could be so sexy. Call me a heretic, but I liked it better than the bare-chested look.
Remember Candy promised Santiago a surprise? Santi's gift to Candy: magical date in private ballroom, and date on rented enormous yacht. Candy's gift to Santi? She bought herself a new dress and got a haircut. Candy, your generosity is breathtaking.
ITA with Judy as to the juxtapositions, and ITA with Carrie that the parents need to be firmer with the little kids.
It's interesting we haven't seen Marissa for a few days. I guess there's really nothing for her to do at this point. But being such a terrible character, what can happen to her? I'm thinking she could be in some kind of an accident, and on her death bed, confess the baby switch? She's the only character who is so bad she could possibly die.
Of course, there are a bunch of others who deserve some bad fate, such as Paulina, Mario, Arturo and Alicia. But if something bad happened to Paulina, that would be awful for Rocio, so hopefully it won't be that bad.
But enough of this speculation - I enjoyed the love between Santi and Candy, again thinking how lucky Candy has been to have these two super rich guys pull out all the stops to woo her.
Sylvia, I think the mafioso guy may be one of Darth's and Raquel's nephews on FELS that almost married the two girls? I've been trying to figure out where I've seen him before as well.
Now that Santi and Candy have locked in, it looks like we are going to be in for a really rocky stretch.
Watching the end, what surprised me was that the ship did not totally break up, it held together pretty good. :)
Paula HA! Great observation on Candi's surprise, yep, two for me, one for you kind of mentality. How funny. She did look good though, I must admit.
I too thought the shirt was oddly sexy indeed despite it's simpleness. It just always amuses me with scenes where the man is in like turtlenecks and woolies and the lady is just happily galavanting around in a thong, you know, that bias. :)
Hey I totally missed Ali kvetching about playing mommy. I thought she really was enjoying herself for a change. Bummer, that colors the whole scene differently. Thanks for picking up on that. I'll try to add that to the cap.
Regarding your comment about Dam's mom/Ricardo's wife. I'm not sure about that. I would have to look more closely. Ricardo's wife seemed less scary than Dam's mom.
I won't have access to my stuff until tomorrow or late tonight so check back then...
My dvr got a workout rewinding and "freeze framing" certain scenes. lol
Paula is sinking to Marissa's evil level with her outrageous lies and attempts to manipulate Santi.
What was it that he saw in either of those two brujas?
I, too, was disappointed that Alicia was just pretending to like being with the kids. Bruja # 3.
Yep, I don't feel the chemistry with Santi & Candy either, unlike Lety & Fernando in LFMB. Neither am I as emotionally hooked into this story, although I do enjoy it.
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