Sunday, May 17, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Fri., May 15- 'Frog flambé' or 'Auto-da-frog'
Back at the jefetura, Antonio tries to think of some good reason to tell the Inspector why Marisela is handcuffed to a chair.
Sapo ties up DB and Santos.
Both Santos and DB tell Sapo to kill them and spare the other. He says that he will kill them both.
Tigre tells the Inspector that Marisela was locked up so that she wouldn't go after Santos. When he returns to where Antonio and Marisela are, the Inspector demands to know what is going on.
The terneras and their menfolk criticize Pajarote for leaving Santos alone. Gervasia says that it is too bad that the guys are so such bad fighters with their fists (puños). Cósme agrees and pulls out some pistols.

The Inspector tells Antonio that it looks like he is in a conspiracy to obstruct justice. He asks Marisela to tell him where DB is. He says that if Sapo finds her and Santos before they do, she could die. Marisela says nothing.
Sapo tells DB that he will open Santos' veins and let him bleed to death in front of her. Then he will kill her. She repeats that she will kill him. He says that he took everything from DB: her boyfriend Asdrubal, her father, Eustaquia and Melquíades. He says that he was responsible for her losing her baby. Now he will kill the love of her life and then for dessert he will rape and cut Marisela's throat.

This gets Santos mad and Sapo mocks Santos as the 'peacemaker of the Arauca'.
The Inspector suggests that there is no need for Marisela to be handcuffed. Antonio releases her warning her that the Inspector wants her to lead him to where Santos is.
While Sapo is mocking Santos for sleeping with DB and her daughter, DB manages to get out one of the poison darts that Melquíades gave her. Then she insults Sapo's manhood and dares him to show her that he can still do his business with a woman.
Pernalete and Mujica decline to leave the hotel to find out what is going on. Josefa calls them cowards and girly men ('poco hombres'). Mujica and Pernalate agree with her. They are cowards but they are alive and well.
The terneras' men arrive at the jefetura. Antonio invites everyone to join him in the bar for a drink. The Inspector follows after them.
DB's taunting of Sapo has the desired effect. He gets close enough for her to stab him with the poison dart. He keels over.
Don Encarnación asks why Cecilia is being so nice to him after all he has done to her. She tells him that she is a person who likes to be surrounded by her family. She says that although she lost most of her family when she was very young, she has, through her relationship with Antonio, has managed to create a new family. She would like DE to be a part of that family. DE agrees and they hug each other.
DB tells Santos that Sapo is only asleep. Santos tells her to get away before the police come. Once DB gets herself loose, she refuses to untie Santos. She says that he would only try and prevent her from doing what she has to do. She says that he has always called her a monster. Now he will see the most monstrous thing in his life. She says that Sapo has to suffer before he dies for all the people Sapo has taken away from her but especially for the baby that would have brought Santos back to her.
Everyone in the hotel is playing 'distract the Inspector'. First Mujica tries to get the Inspector drunk.

Marisela goes into the ladies room and escapes through the window.
DB ties Sapo to a metal filigree screen. Then she manages to find some neatly cut firewood and puts it at Sapo's feet. She tells Santos that she loved the way he fought against his inner demons. She loved him for his defects and virtues but he could never accept her dark side. He only loved the woman she made up so that he wouldn't leave her. She wakes Sapo up and tells him that the time has come for him to pay for his crimes. He sees the wood at his feet and asks what she is going to do. "What do you think?" she answers.

Santos begs her not to do it. Sapo asks her to forgive him. DB tells him that she promised him the worst of deaths and she is going to fulfill her promise. She will send him from hell in life to hell in death. "If you ever loved me, don't do this," says Santos. DB says that she will always love Santos but she has to do this to be free.
When Mujica passes out, Federica and Josefa take over the job of distracting the Inspector. Tardily, the Inspector realizes that everyone is gone. He accuses Josefa and Federica of tricking him ('tomando el pelo,' literally, 'grabbing his hair,') and leaves the bar.

Santos tells DB that killing Sapo won't make her happy or give her peace. He goes on in this vein until DB gags him.

After leaving the bar, Marisela apparently doesn't encounter any of the men who are in Progresso. She rouses the folks at Melesio's house and she, Melesio and some of the terneras go back to town to find Santos.
Sapo begs for his life and when DB denies him that he begs for a quick death but she reminds of what she suffered at his hands when he raped her. She lights the fire.

Sapo screams while DB stands there impassively and Santos yells behind his gag.

Someone comes to the jefetura to report that shots have been heard at the cemetery. The Inspector accuses the totally innocent Acosta of hiding this information from him.
After Sapo is dead, DB is surprised that she doesn't feel anything. She says that she doesn't feel free. She doesn't feel any guilt or remorse and she isn't any more tranquil or worried than before. She wonders if she is dead, too. She says goodbye to Santos, telling him that she will come back for him and they will go far away and live happily together forever. She tells him to wait for her and leaves.

Labels: barbara
Does anyone else think Sapo died too fast? I thought DB was going to torture him first.
My friend who's also watching this has a low tolerance for violence and was appalled at Sapo's burning. I have to say that, after his taunting her with all the harm he'd caused her and threatening Marisela, the burning didn't bother me too much. I knew she wouldn't use the killing dardo on Sapo.
I thought the scene with Cecilia and Don E was really touching. The poor man needs to be incorporated into the warm loving Melesio family. Looks like the sleazy lawyer is going to lose out on a big fee!
It was sort of ominous that she said she'd come back for Santos. I'm pretty sure she's fated to die, but I don't believe either Santos or Marisela will be the cause of it.
I think DB will die, too. Before Lorenzo died, he told DB that she would die alone. I wonder if they are going to do that or let her have the farewell death scene.
I also wonder if Gonzalo is going to make another appearance?
Not long to wait now!
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