Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues., May 5 - Things start coming unstuck for Gonzalo and Sapo
DB notices that León's 'enthusiasm' has fallen and asks why. He says that it's because of the gun she is pointing at him. DB replies that lies make her enthusiasm go away. She presses León to tell her where he hid the money so she can take her share but León won't talk.

DB has Genaro Mondragón brought to her and tells him that she wants to talk about his cousin, the traitor.
Cecilia is trying to get the prison guard to bring Antonio some food that she brought and a note. He refuses and up pops our old friend the boat captain, otherwise known as Captain Delgado. He asks the guard what the Secretary of the Governor is doing in jail.
Captain Delgado overrules Gonzalo's order and Antonio and Cecilia fill him in on what has been going on with Gonzalo and express their concern about Marisela and Santos' safety.
Marisela and Santos are at Cecilia's house when she comes back with Captain Delgado who promises to take care of everything.

Now that DB knows their secret, León and Tigre are going to dig up the money and get out of town. They are confronted by their cousins who say that a little birdie told them that León and Tigre have stolen money they haven't offered to share. León says that is just a rumor. If he had money, he'd share it. He leaves and the cousins ask Tigre what he has to say.

Gonzalo returns to Government House and finds the guards tied up. He sends them to find Marisela.
The nurse tells Don Encarnación that Lucita won't take milk from anyone else and hasn't eaten. She says that time is running out. The baby needs to eat. She wants to call Cecilia.
Marisela is getting treated for what Gonzalo did to her. She is concerned about the threats Gonzalo made against her, Genoveva and Cecilia. Santos comes in and says that Gonzalo won't harm anyone. He will take care of them.
Gonzalo is ripping up papers in his office [I guess they don't have a shredder.] He calls Sapo and tell him that the jig is up. Santos has escaped with Marisela and the police must know everything. DB comes in and asks him to say hi to Sapo. Gonzalo tells Sapo that DB is there and Sapo tells him to kill the bitch. "Woof, woof," says DB says, "you can't kill this bitch that easily." She has Gonzalo at gunpoint. DB demands that Gonzalo tell her where Marisela is.

Sapo tells Facundo that they have been found out and have to flee.
Santos chides Marisela for letting DB persuade her to take such risks to protect him. Marisela says that she did it on her own. She had to get the ... She stops and doesn't tell Santos about the photos. He knows she is lying. I'm not sure why she didn't tell him unless it is because it concerns DB's plan for Sapo. Santos says that Marisela went too far in paying Antonio's bail. Marisela tells him that she didn't pay it and they both realize that it must have been DB.
Meanwhile Gonzalo has pressed the intercom button while DB is threatening to fill him full of lead. The guards hear.
Marisela takes some sedatives and goes to sleep. Santos keeps saying that he wants to kill Gonzalo and Cecilia keeps telling him not to do anything crazy. Captain Delgado comes in and and says that he has arranged to protect the women while he and Santos go to make a formal accusation against Gonzalo before the judge.
DB tells Gonzalo that she knows Marisela was looking for the photos of the rapists. The guards burst in and hold DB at gunpoint. Gonzalo orders the guards to take DB to the airport. He will take her to the capital. When they have taken her out, Gonzalo sets his wastebasket on fire, collects his money and the photos and leaves his office.
The judge doesn't know what to do about Santos' accusations against the Governor. Santos tells him he only needs the judge to accept them and he will do the rest.
Marisela wakes up. When Cecilia tells her that Santos has gone out, Marisela is sure that he will go and confront Gonzalo.
The Inspector has brought in a large police operation that attacks and destroys the plane that was trying to take off on the secret runway.
However, Sapo wasn't on the plane. He tells Facundo that all that has happened is DB's fault and he has to destroy her. They are going to hide out where they will be close to DB - in Progresso.
Gonzalo is about to leave his room when he gets a call from the judge about Santos' charges against him. The judge asks him what to do. Gonzalo tells him to do whatever he wants and hangs up.
The guards are dragging DB to the van. Although they have doubts about what is going on, they follow orders anyway.

Cecilia leaves Marisela and Geno to go to the hospital to try and feed the baby or at least give her a bottle of her breast milk. As soon as she has gone, Marisela jumps up and tells Genoveva that she can't let Santos be in danger without doing something. She and Geno leave.
Santos tells Captain Delgado that he has to confront Gonzalo. They arrive at Government House and are told that Gonzalo is about to leave. Santos forces his way past the guard. Meanwhile the guards are trying to get DB into the van. Gonzalo handcuffs her as Santos and Captain Delgado show up. Gonzalo takes DB hostage.

Gonzalo tries to shoot Santos and DB deflects his aim. Santos attacks Gonzalo and in the melee that follows, Captain Delgado is wounded slightly and Gonzalo escapes on foot with his briefcases full of money.
Mujica is hot to trot to get it on with Federica but she says that it is Good Friday ('viernes de cuaresma,' literally, 'the Friday of Lent') and even in her profession they abstain on holy days. "No meat, only fish," Federica tells Mujica pointedly.

There's a knock at the door and Sapo and Facundo burst in and hold Mujica at gunpoint. They tell Mujica and the women that they are going to stay for a few days.
While Eustaquia is asleep, Tigre and León tell Leoncia and Celeste to pack up so they can leave. Leoncia doesn't understand why they should sneak out like thieves but Celeste says that she knows why - it was Leon who murdered Carmelito and stole the money.

Cecilia brings the bottle of her milk to the nurse. She sees DE and chews him out for putting Lucita's life in danger because of his grief at losing his daughter.
Santos chases Gonzalo and knocks him down with everyone else in pursuit. Santos hold Gonzalo at gunpoint. Marisela tells him not to shoot. DB tells him to kill Gonzalo.

Labels: barbara
To shoot or not to shoot, what a dilemma. Gonzalo is so arrogant, he didn't seem to have a plan in case anything went wrong. At one point he says: Why is this happening to me?
Didn't think much of DB's interogation methods. What's to keep Leon & Tigre from taking off? Maybe Melquiades will finish them off.
I had to laugh when DB gave Sapo a woof, woof...
Much as I want Gonzalo to be punished, I don't see Santos shooting him. Maybe they'll use him as bait to draw Sapo out.
I love the dialog given to Edith Gonzalez in this TN. The double entendres about Leon's enthusiasm are so funny.
I truly loved it when she had the gun on that weasel Gonzalo. Unfortunately, it didn't last.
Looks like Don Encarnación at least is having second thoughts about Lucita's welfare.
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