Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Tontas Tuesday May 5, '09 It's A Kiss-o-rama On Tontas Tonight

Lots and lots of kisses tonight. If last night was fighting, tonight is smooching...some tender and tentative (Raúl and Soledad), some cringe-inducing (Freddy and Lucia) and some quite promising (Santiago and Candy). I would be remiss if I didn't add Chavo's good-bye smooching of his mom and Pato's wee kisses for Patito. I found myself worrying the little chap would get razor-burn...Pato had a believable middle of the night beard, but the little nipper didn't flinch. May I admit that was my favorite scene? The baby was looking right into Pato's eyes when he first started feeding him. That's a great bonding moment. This actor is fabulous with children....and what woman can resist that? (and interesting that HE was getting up in the middle of the night, not Alicia). Well, enough prologue...let's get to tonight's action.

We have a brief rehash of Santiago's impassioned self-defense. He reminds Candy that he was abandoned by the wife who had his devoted love. And "abandonados" don't wound other people (Marissa might disagree) because "abandonados" know how much that kind of wounding hurts.

They are chatting (sparring) after the show, and Hortensia, despite Santi's frantic motions to get lost, intrudes and does her good deed of the day. She "confesses" to leaving the handkerchief herself, out of jealousy. But the doctor loves you, she adds, looking at Candy, and he would never do anything to hurt you.

We switch to Pato nuzzling with Patito, tenderly giving him a bottle, every three hours as instructed. I could have watched that scene endlessly...but alas, it was brief.

Back to our lovers. Candy's now snuggling on Santi's chest and they're murmuring lover type things to each other. I couldn't handle another abandonment. You understand me....you went through disillusionment too. I want to wake up every morning and find you there. Share everything with you. " Te amo tanto" etc. More snuggling. (Lordy, I wish I weren't so cynical. I keep wondering how LONG will that last!?)

Back to Pato and Patito. He's also murmuring sweet nothings to the little guy....reminding him that if he really puts himself into life, life will give back many gifts. And although Pato has an empty heart and misses the love of his life, you, little guy, are filling up some of those empty places. Indeed. (although children can break your heart later too. Hmm...do I need an antidepressant?)

Okay. Lovers in the park. Kisses in the rain. Running to the kiosk. Kissing in the kiosk. More sweet nothings. Not only do I love you, I admire you. After your heartbrea, Candy, you went on, you studied, you raised your son by yourself, you worked. Since I met you, you've been counseling women. I know we both put our children first in our lives, sacrifice for them. But.....Candy responds to this flow of sould by saying..... You make me feel very treasured and loved. I love you with all my heart. And we break for an ad.

Psychologists say we fall in love with people because of the way they make us feel about ourselves. Obviously Santiago's doing a great job of making Candy feel great!

When we come back, we see the sun rising over Guadalajara so we know it's a new day. And Paulina's still at it...reappearing in Patricio's office to try and collude with him to break up the romance. Look, says Patricio, I'm not getting divorced. Other than that what do you want...that I kill my wife and bury her in the backyard!? Nope, but she does want him to claim custody of Chava (patria potestad) and if he does that, Candy will have to fall back into his arms. He refuses that kind of underhanded approach, and she flounces out enraged.

Meanwhile, Santi's back at the office, in tight white t-shirt, confronting Hortensia about her false confession. He knows she's too straightforward to do something sneaky like that. They finally conclude it had to be Paulina. No kisses here but you can see that Hortensia is dying for one.

No kisses twixt Ricardo and Meño either, but there's definitely some body contact during the bicycle lesson. He whisks Meño off from the restaurant leaving Zamora in charge. (Zamora quickly cons Toño in taking on the job so he can go rehearse with Jamie). Meño wiggles and wobbles on the bicycle, wipes out at one point, and when Ricardo is hand-brushing his jump suit after the accident, Meño starts getting the message. One swipe too many evidently. Where will this lead?

Santiago comes waltzing into the Institute looking for Candy and learns from Soledad (whom he gaily calls "Chole") that Miss Candy is off to Puerta Vallarta to a conference on Self-Esteem for Abused Women) Right on his heels arrives Raúl who quickly kisses Soledad. Oooh, you're "novios" crows Santiago. He's so delighted that he kisses Chole as well, and then apologizes and leaves the floor to Raúl. There's some cute awkward fumbling...er "asi de rápido?" (so soon?) queries Soledad. Well, er...do you want to go out...but if you don't want to...er, uh. S- I'd love to. R- You would?....you'd like to be "novios"? "Con todo"? (with all that implies?) S- Yes, I'd love it. More tender kisses. Santiago pops back in, pronounces it a "bonito beso" and is off again. Alright, looks like it's a lock for Raúl and Soledad. Cece's strange subterfuge the other day hasn't derailed the romance.

When we next see Soleadad, she's at Pato's office to pick up her support check for Beto, but her glow is unmistakable and Patricio is delighted to see her so happy. She also drops the important info that Candy's off to Puerta Vallarta for a conference. After she leaves, Pato's hot young secretary makes her way in. We presume he's still so smitten with Candy he's hasn't noticed this babe but I'm sure our male viewers have.

Candy's about to leave for her trip, but is struggling with separation anxiety. She's sure Chava will be super-unhappy without her, even though Meño and Gregoria protest that he'll be fine. Okay, she'll miss HIM then. Chava's busy playing with his action figures during all this palaver but finally gives mom the requisite big hug and kiss and the reassurance that he loves her.

Ah, the love of a son. And what have we here...a mirror scene, even thought the protagonists don't know it. Jaime is pounding the out-of-tune plinkety plink piano for all it's worth, and Zamora is singing with gusto. When the assembled request another song, our waiter launches into one about Cristopher Columbo which he learned as a little boy. What a coincidence. Jaime sang this song to HIS son when he was little. Which son was that? queries the friend. "Oh, one of many," answers Jaime. So the mystery remains...but should be cleared up soon.

Now some pseudo-menace scenes. We see a mysterious man tailing Candy in the airport. Is anybody worried? I don't think so. But we might be wondering if it's Patricio or Santiago, since they both know she's going.

We switch to a brief, and for me, annoying scene with Meño, Charlie and the long-suffering Daniella. Her dad's kicked her out of the house. Meño refuses to take her seriously. Assures her that if she asks, they'll let her come back home. Dismisses her assertion that her dad never loved her, only her brother,by saying that All fathers love their children. (if only that were true!) And then struggles to his feet (bicycle injuries). Not a good listener, our Meño, but then, no one in telenovelas ever seems to be.

Okay. Prepare yourselves. I thought this scene was really icky. "Fede" is putting the moves on Lucia at her house and she's resisting. Finally he agrees to settle for a little kiss. Paulina comes by and spies them. Runs for her camera phone, takes a picture, and then reappears, all innocent reassuring them that she's really discreet and they can trust her. Freddy thinks Paulina is cool and lures Lucia out to his car to hear his latest CD. That doesn't bode well. Another ad.

When we come back, Candy is doing her Sparkle Plenty routine in front of a roomful of enraptured women. Thankfully we don't get to actually hear her talk. Afterwards, she's strolling with the conference organizer who wants her to present a second talk the next day, even though Candy's only prepared one. Ah, but this one will be about Candy Morales, Her Life! Candy protests that she's made many mistakes....yes, interrupts the organizer...but you raised your son, you studied, you worked, you never had "la vocacción de alfombra" (you were never a doormat). At this point, one of the conference participants comes up and tells Candy she needs her help. And we switch to a completely different scene.

Patricio's confronting his father, wanting to know who were the menacing men who arrived in his office the other day looking for Arturo. Dad's answer? I'm your father and I love you. Better for you and for me if you don't know who those men were. Punto.

Back to Candy's counseling. She's reassuring the woman that she was right to leave....after all, her husband was beating her more and more frequently. Yes, answers the stricken woman, but I abandoned my children and they are the only thing that matter to me. Life will change. This is the beginning of many good things. There are organizations that help women like you. "Ten much fé" adds Candy looking noble and concerned. And hey, just like that. Problem solved.

Now we see Mario, strolling along, talking on his cell, not noticing the bodyguard he paid off, following his footsteps and reporting in. Lots of drama in store, no doubt.

The conference organizer is filling in Candy on her own story. She too was an abused woman. Married young (17) to a pediatrician who was charming and tender with his patients and an absolute nightmare at home. Jealous and possessive, he either kept her at home or...when they went out, became enraged when he thought other men were looking at her. She finally realized she was sick and co-dependent and left. Went to work cleaning houses and offices and now here she is...with a life and a mission. Candy listens and then excuses herself to change and go for a walk on the beach.

Back in Guadalajara, Arturo is meeting with Gambino and we learn that the latter is the son of the mobster Mario operated on...and killed. (another son looking for his longlost dad!) I'll compress some scenes. Arturo's being braced to build some more money-laundering projects for the crime boss even though Arturo thinks he has earned a happy retirement. Not so. His money, his house, his everything, his life...belongs to the mob. After Gambino leaves, Arturo angrily crumples the bills he left on the table into the glass of liquor.

Candy, meanwhile, is walking along the beach in a pair of very short shorts (great legs has our Jacqueline, about 10 miles long I reckon) and a big floppy beach hat. A menacing guy in a wet suit and snorkel emerges from the sea. She's startled, apprehensive and...delighted to find that it's Santiago. He's come all this way to invite her to dinner. What's not to like? Well, more ads for one thing.

Well, alright, she'll go to dinner with him but she has to change first. Whaddya mean, you were born beautiful!...you don't have to change anything, protests Santi. There are some kisses, somewhat tepid, but we assume they'll get better later on.

Next we see Candy, in purple dress and headband, gliding into the hotel foyer and being directed by smiling waiters with big arrows to a staircase leading to a ballroom....and all for her and Santiago who sweeps her into his arms and begins a tango-like dance. As I noted, Jacqueline has great legs but no dance moves. It's rather painful to watch, actually, although Camil does his best to move his stiff partner around the floor. They they slow dance to a great song..."Pideme" performed by David Cavazos. And do a better job on the kisses. Much better.

Amanecer es suficiente para mi,
no pido nada más de ti
una noche, una luna amor
yo te doy lo que tu quieres corazón
te doy mis ojos o mi voz
estas manos, mi imaginación
pero más que todo
pidemelo todo
pidme, que me quede hoy
que me quede más
que me quede hasta mañana
esta es la verdad
te doy hasta lo que falta en mi
pero más que todo
pidemelo todo
pideme que me quede hoy
que me quede más
que me quede hasta mañana

After they dance, Santi claps his hands and waiters appear and these guys CAN dance. Their swift setting up of the table is beautifully choreographed and they move well. He claps his hands again and a covered platter appears with roses on the plate. Don't eat those, he cautions Candy and with that our romantic scene, and the episode, come to an end.

Previews: Donato tells Paulina that Santi and Candy are in Puerto Vallarta.
Candy is a new woman inside and out. She's looking hot with free-flowing hair (have we reached criterion behavior?) and Santi is asking her to marry him. And....she's saying YES!

el mandamás = bigwig, big boss (what Zamora offes to Toño so he can take off and rehearse with Jaime)
tercer edad = lit. third age, but a tactful way of saying "old". Not tactful enough for Meño who claims to only be in the "second age".
le cruzan los cables = Daniela talking about her dad, saying he's gone nuts (got his his cables crossed)
beso tronadisimo = big smacker of a kiss, what Candy sends Chava via telephone
ten much fé = Have much faith, Candy's pep talk to the abused woman
un par pillos = a pair of sharpies, clever ones Santiago describing Raúl and Soledad and their no longer secret romance

Dicho of the Day:
Arbol que crece torcido, nunca su rama endereza (lit. you can't straighten out a tree that has grown twisted) Once a crook always a crook, once a bum always a bum....Could refer to Gambino, Mario, lots of folks. Often when said, they just give the first part...."Arbol que crece torcido...."


I've asked Melinama to tag this for me, but if she's not around, can someone else do it. My software isn't allowing me to do it anymore.

Great job, Judy! And great episode. There were two things that really jumped out at me in the show, and I liked how you covered them.

1. Santi tells Candy what's wonderful about her. Candy tells Santi that what she likes about him, is that he loves her so much. Oh, that woman! I don't want to blow my monthly ration of rants all in the first week of May, but geesh!

2. The dancing. So sad, huh? I think they filled it with dips so we didn't have to see any more of Candy's dance steps. Will we never get to see Camil dance with a worthy partner? Never? I think that he should have a dream where he runs off with Chayo, and they dance the night away. But it's not really Chayo. Really it's Candy, but in Chayo's body, with Chayo's dancing skills. In dreams, one person can be another person - it happens to me all the time.

Who do you think was tailing Candy? Santiago? That didn't make sense.

I noticed that Pat wanted Soledad to stick around his office and chat. Something appealing about a happy woman.

Tomorrow's cap looks HOT!

Well, my son went through Hell and half of Georgia trying to find the problem that keeps me from tagging but was finally able to jerryrig it thru Firefox. We'll try again next week and see if things work better.

Oh hi Paula. Yes, Candy's still about as narcissistic as they come and can't dance to boot. But hey,we've always got Santiago to save the day.

Judy: You beautifully encapsulated the romance and kisses interwoven throughout the episode. I loved your recap. Perfect from start to finish. You could not have selected better vocabulary and dicho, thank you for always including these. I look forward to reading these almost as much as your recaps.

Although Candy can't dance, I give her credit for smiling her way through it. Also, in the scene with Santi and Horty, Jacqueline seemed to be having difficulty keeping a straight face. I don't care for Candy but I do like the actress playing her.

Paula, I thought Pat was trailing Candy but realized it was Santiago when he appeared. Or, is there someone else?

I was sorry to see Meño brush off Daniella's issues with her father by stating "all fathers love their children." As you said: "if only that were true!" I guess not listening runs in the family :(

Despite all the romance, the best scenes were between Pat and Patito. You are so right - the actor appears to be so genuine in his affection with the kids, which is extremely appealing.

Pat was so gentle and tender with Patito. Pat's words were a foreshadowing of how painful his separation from Patito will be: "And although Pato has an empty heart and misses the love of his life, you, little guy, are filling up some of those empty places. Indeed." Ack.

Also love the Zamora and Jaime story. How many more obvious "clues" will surface before their relationship is revealed??

Diana in MA

You're right, Diana, the actress Jacqueline Bracamontes, appears to be quite charming...too bad she has to play such an unsympathetic role.(I'm sure she'll become more lovable as time goes on) And the actress playing Hortensia always does comic roles,in my viewing experience anyway, so I bet there's lots of cracking up on the set...I figure she's a funny lady all the time.

The whole non-listening thing gets me, but I remember my husband had a student from South America who was horrified at the way Americans and Brits patiently waited for someone to finish a sentence...or thought...before saying something of their own. In her culture it was normal to interrupt and talk "over" someone else so that multiple conversations were going on and intertwining all at the time. A little like the complicated rythymic beats we hear in Latino music which are much more complex than our standard beats. She found the American style too slow and boring.

And of course, waiting for someone to finish a sentence, doesn't mean you're really listening anyway. You may just be silently "rehearsing" your reply. But I find the cultural differences in acceptable conversational style very interesting.

Judy, thanks for what I think that we can safely call a recapazo. Although it puts me in peril of being labeled a sissy-boy, I have to admit the scene with Pato and Patito was wonderful. There is nothing quite so heartwarming as catching a father (or grandfather for that matter) in an unguarded moment of affection with his child. For someone who wasn't planning to get involved with the baby, Pato sure has fallen hard.

And as for Pato's secretary, WOW! Let's see more of her. And, bless his heart, he seems totally oblivious to her.

As for Fred and Lucia, Gack!


Thanks so much Judy!
I had a lot of blank spots in my recording of the show so I missed at least a third of it. I was even more happy than usual to read your recap!
I'm glad to see Raul and Sole getting along so well. I'm guessing the other day with Cece was either Cece mothering Soledad too much, or Cece hoping for something in the relationship that just isn't there.
No matter if Candy can't dance, Santi could whirl a puppet around on the floor and it would be OK with me.
It's going to be a long day today. The cat got me up at 5 and I'm having super problems with my mother in the nursing home. I can't decide if I should go back to bed or clean the bathrooms????
Your recap was an upbeat way for me to start another crazy day!
Thanks again Judy!

Carrie L.

Yikes Carrie, I hope your day improves! It's something when cleaning the bathroom seems like one of your best options. I vote for going back to bed...but with a cup of tea and a good book. Have you ever read Zorro by Isabel Allende? That's good escapism. Or any of the Ladies Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith, we've mentioned them here before and they are an absolute delight. But I digress...

I loved Santi's reaction to Raul kissing Sole. All in all a very cute and upbeat scene.

I had to laugh out loud when Santi emerged, stumbling, from the sea in full SCUBA gear except for fins, a minor oversight from the wardrobe department. However, I'll bet Camil really is a diver because he did the one thing that true divers do, when he removed his mask he put it around his neck instead of on his forehead. Dang, he can be my dive buddy anytime. Is there anything that guy doesn't do? Paula's right, it would be great to watch Santi and Chayo dance together. Poor Candy really is a stiff stick when it comes to dancing.

Judy, I'm glad you finally got a pleasant episode, it's about time. (All except for Freddie and Lucia...as Carlos says Gack!!) Thanks for the excellent recap and fantastic vocab list.

Carrie, "I can't decide if I should go back to bed or clean the bathrooms????"

Wow, that's certainly a dilemma. Glad I don't have to make that decision.


Judy, there may be times when you'd rather be doing something else, but I'd never guess that to be the case - another wonderful recap!

Finally some forward motion in this story!! So how big suitcase did Candy pack for this conference or does she have a high limit on her credit card? Business attire, the shorty drawers on the beach - a lot more material in the hat, but I'm not complaining... purple dress etc.

Paula, Emilia wants to know if she should have "El Sartenazodor" or "La Sartenazodora" engraved on her skillet set. Also liked your 1861-65 unpleasantess reference. I had a great grandfather who was a cavalryman w/ J.H. Morgan. Great-grandpa was captured at Cynthiana and then interned by the Yankees in (gasp!!) Indiana.

Paula, "Something appealing about a happy woman."

How true, how true.


Ha, it looks like my friend has saved the day. She called and ask me out to lunch and then together we'll go to tackle the nursing home problems.
Looks like the bathrooms will wait again. I guess I'm lucky I live with all men who don't notice and don't care.
I didn't comment on Pat and baby but Pat is such a natural loving father. The way he holds the baby it seems as if it's his own.
My husband was never skilled with babies and compared them to "sacks of potatoes". To his credit he was really good as a playmate to them when they got a few years older.

Carrie L.

Here is a clip of last night's dance scene from a somewhat different angle.

Carrie: Glad your day is heading in a more positive direction. Lunch with a caring friend sounds like a great plan. Diana in MA

Your observation is correct, Sylvia. According to that Esmas chat from 2000, Camil is a diver. He also likes to parachute, snowboard, bungy jump, and his passion, ride motorcycle.

Hey, you guys were having a great time while I was at the laundromat. (King size comforters require those super big washers). Carrie, I'm so glad your friend called. As Carlos said, having a choice between cleaning the bathroom or going back to bed...not good. Although sometimes cleaning can be very satisfying. You get results you can SEE immediately. Feedback. Always good. And yes, men don't seem to care. Another great mystery. A contractor told me men would be more comfortable living in caves in the backyard and leaving the house entirely to their wives. Hmmmmmmm
Prayers and good thoughts for your mom...and for you.

Paula and Carlos....I agree. There is nothing so beautiful as a happy woman, nothing so compelling and attractive as a happy man.

During my first pregnancy, I was beyond happy, I was in a state of outrageous bliss. And working as a reporter. I have never had so many men come onto me in my entire life. Did I just run into every man in the universe who found pregnancy attractive? Or was it that I was so happy? Anyway, it was nice because my husband does not like pregnancy at all and was very distant during that time. At least I felt positive vibes in some way although it was a bit unsettling.

Sylvia...good call on the fins. I never notice details like that but then I'm not a diver. Is there anything YOU can't do? You've got a lot of irons in the fire, amiga.

Mike, just remember, those itty bitty shorts don't take up much room in a suitcase. Ditto for the dress which looks like it could be wadded up in a corner of the bag. Shoes are always the problem. Even the floppy hat could be wadded up.

We definitely had eye candy for your guys in this episode...Pat's secretary and Candy in short shorts. I'll just have to mosey over to MEPS to get MY fix.

Thanks, Judy, for another great recap. I enjoyed replaying each scene in my mind through your vivid descriptions. I also like the fact the vocab was accompanied by examples, making it easier to understand and remember.

I agree that Meño could be wrong when he says all fathers love their daughters. I mean (knowing this show), what if it came out that Daniela's father abused her? That would be horrendous, and of course it would be far better for Daniela not to go back.

The showing is really picking up in terms of excitement. It's almost as if the writers knew we were all tired of Candy and Santi, Candy and Pat, Pat and Alicia, Santi and Marissa, etc., and decided to bring on a bunch new plotlines with Mario, the mafia guys against him and Arturo, Federico and Lucía, Ricardo and Meño, Jaime and Zamora, there's something new every day!

BTW, I thought Bárbara was going to the conference with Candy, but we didn't see her at all there. Was I wrong about that?

Okay, I lied when I said the clip I posted was last night's dance scene from a somewhat different angle. Humor me - go see what it really is.

Oh, wicked wicked lady...you lied AND well, are you implying Candy was as stiff and unyielding as a mop? No matter. Great scene and yes, Gene Kelley and Jaime Camil can dance with anyone or anything (ditto for Fred Astaire) and make it look great.

No, Judy, I would never dare say such a thing. I think the mop dances better.

Whoa...this party is getting rough! It does surprise me, actually. Jacqueline won a major beauty contest in Mexico, I imagine she was destined for that life early on and usually those gals focus on dancing and singing skills in addition to cultivating their beauty....but our lovely lady just doesn't have it. Blessed by her genetics in many ways but not that one.

Point taken, amiga.

Paula, just saw the mop dance. Your youtube clips are always a hoot.

Paula, I just watched the Gene Kelly clip. Gee, you can be brutal. I have to admit that I was expecting to see a little more skillful dancing out of our loving couple last night. I'm guessing that Jackie's talent component wasn't dancing during her beauty competition days. Maybe she can twirl a baton.


Hey, I have to take exception to the comments about men not caring about whether the bathroom's clean! I had a weekend job at a gas station when I was stationed in West Texas. Part of it was to clean the gents and "ladies" rooms and I would prefer to clean the gents' any day.

Want the gruesome details?

Mike, I pass.


Carlos, damn right you pass, amigo. You're in Texas, right? This was San Angelo aka Tom Green County.

Las mujeres will pass, too, unless they have a strong stomach.

Ah, West Texas. Where, almost every time you ask directions, the answer begins with, "Well, you go down to K-Mart and turn..." or, "Just before you get to K-Mart..."


Paula, this was before the KMart.

Anyway, any more comments about how men don't care about the condition of the latrine and I shall share my merry tale.

Mike, didn't it give you a proud sense of accomplishment to stand back and admire your work? nothing quite like a job well done to boost one's self esteem.


Mike, no story, please.

Judy, I finally had a chance to read your recap, and what a delight! All the right highlights.

I loved the scene with Raúl and Soledad. They were so cute, and so embarrassed by Santiago. Well played. Soledad is much more charming when she's happy, for sure.

How is Pat going to cope when the baby (inevitably) is taken back by Santiago? They might have to share custody.

I didn't see this episdoe yet, except for the very beginning, but man my gut wrneched everytim I see Pato warming up to that CUTE little baby, knowing, just knowing, he is going to lose it so royally when the truth comes out. Sigh....

Nice cap, I'll have to check out the dancing for critical evaluation...

Oh Mike...I take it back! I'm on bended knee (I'm sure Carrie L. is too). Only MY men, and hers, evidently, don't care about clean bathrooms. You're the "mandamás" and the King of Clean and I salute you. (and yes, spare me the gory details 'cause I've been in many a bathroom and it's horrifying.) However I had to clean men's urinals for a church function we were having and that's no picnic either. (again I'll spare you the hairy details)

But Mike, how did anyone find anything in Sa nangelo without the K-Mart? When I was there, all reality was expressed by its relationship to the K-Mart. I picture people wandering aimlessly, unable to find their way back home, like some 50's B movie.

Paula, you know, I can't remember what our point of reference was for sure. It might have been the Pizza Hut since the locals didn't go there, or else Lake Nasworthy, site of the world's best gar fishing.

You see why I was happy to be offered the opportunity to go to Vietnam.

Thanks everyone for the kind words and wishes.
The lunch was with a friend who needed a shoulder to complain on. I didn't mind because she is so kind to visit my mother and is helpful in that way.
I was speaking "only" of the men in my house regarding bathrooms. Fortunately I don't have experience in that area regarding other men. I am glad to hear that is where some shine.
I'm no Martha Stewart myself in the cleaning department.

Carrie L.

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