Friday, May 22, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, May 21, 2009, Love and Truth are So Near Yet So Far Away, Cap. 68

Good morning, world. Two things, will someone please post this for me. And, if anyone is interested in doing this recap one Thursday a month, the third to be exact, please let me know. Thanks to all.

Ed and Steve discuss strategy. Steve says they should set a trap. The fiesta will be a good start to smoke out the enemy. Steve confuses me when he speaks Spanglish.

Lucio is collecting his thoughts at the jail when Barb enters. He is ever so grateful to see her. She now rubs it in. She’s not there to help him, but to make sure that he stays where he is. He realizes how stupid he’s been. She has another way for him to redeem himself. Tell me, she asks, “Why are you running away?”

Ed is fighting with himself over the love of Fernanda. He had her at his fingertips but it wasn’t real. Sorry, says, Steve, “What are you going to do? “ FrEd says that for Eduardo Juarez that Fernanda’s love was impossible, and for Franco Santoro Fernanda is prohibited.

Barb tells Lucio that what he did must be terrible. She’s going to squeeze it out of him. He spills his guts and tells her that he killed a man. This is right up her alley.

Aurora waits for Santi outside the telegraph building. He tells Aurora that he will leave an envelope for the person who makes the money transfers (Carpio). He goes in and asks the clerk if he remembers him. The clerk says no so he reminds the clerk about the 7th day of the month transmissions and he wants a favor. Santi wants the clerk to give the person who sends the money the envelope. The point is that he and Aurora will be able to identify that person when he/she leaves the building with the envelope.

Lucio denies guilt. He tells Barb about the fight. She wants the name of the dead man. Lucio tells her Rene Manzanares. It hits her like a lightning bolt. She wants to know if they were friends. No, says Lucio, we just met at the cantina. He tells her that Manzanares was investigating Franco Santoro.

Ed tells Steve that he has to act completely professional with Fernanda. He pulls out Manzanares’ card. Now he’s using his head because he’s going to call the police and ask for Rene Manzanares who supposedly works in narcotics. Ed finds out that no such person works for the police. Now Steve wants to find out Manzanares’ identity. Enter Gardenia who tells them that Jacinto and Margarita have arrived. Enter padre Bosco with Jacinto. The good father is shocked when he sees FrEd.

Aurora and Santi discuss their plan to find out the identity of Carpio when a man leaves the building with the envelope. They follow him.

Fernanda is daydreaming at Soledad’s tomb. She misses her very much. She runs her fingers over the name of Eduardo Juarez. She has so many questions without answers. She will love him forever. He’s left her heart so empty no man can fill it.

Padre Bosco is good at this game. He looks at Ed and says, “Who are you?” Ed says Franco Santoro. What? All three of them know he’s Eduardo. Jacinto and Marg leave.

Margarita, Jacinto, Gardenia, Lili, Father Bosco, and Steve all know Franco Santoro’s true identity. Did I leave anybody out? Does Martina know? Manzanares knew and look where he is now.

Padre Bosco and Ed share a hug. The discuss Manzanares and Ed tells him RM was an impostor. Father Bosco tells him that he believed that Manzanares was also investigating him.

Gardenia remarks that Padre Bosco doesn’t recognize Ed. Neither does Fernanda. Gardenia tells them that maybe the dead man told somebody about Eduardo since he had Ed’s passport.

Lucio continues his sad story. She wants to know why Manzanares was wrapping up the investigation. He says he’s sure Gardenia knows something. Jairo has dumped him. He remembers that Gardenia was going to tell him something like a secret about Franco Santoro.

Father Bosco discusses the ramifications of his knowing Ed and Franco. Ed asks the father if he knows any secret about Liliana and tells him that Manzanares was working under the orders of the mystery man – the enemy.

Aurora and Santi hug and kiss while Carpio walks around. Carpio seems to be walking around in circles just like this part of the plot.

Lucio’s head is bursting. Barb is so disappointed in him. He tells Barb that she has to get the information out of Gardenia.

Tomasa and Denia talk. Tomasa tells them about Lucio’s return and the necklace deal.

Barb tells Lucio that prison isn’t for him. She’s moved by his begging. She’s going to move heaven and earth to make him “disappear.” He’s grateful and actually trusts her. She tells him they have a contract. You keep my secrets and I’ll keep yours. He’ll shut up while he’s out and free. She leaves, and he’s not free yet.

Ed talks to Father Bosco and implores him to remember the name of the enemy. The Father tells him he can’t say anything if it was a product of the confessional. And, he says there might have been a good reason why Soledad kept this secret. The father urges him onward, but Ed doesn’t understand how he can do this without knowing the name of the enemy. The father also tells him he will save Liliana with God’s help.

Martina and Lili are winding some yarn when Silly Simple Simon and mama enter. They have brought goodies for the little girl. They tell Lili how sorry they are about Ciro’s demise and how much they loved him. Mrs. Ciro came to ask her something and if the name Artemio Bravo means anything since there was a paper a box they found with the name of Artemio Bravo on it. Lili disappears into herself.

Ed and Fr. Bosco discuss how Lili has been an innocent victim and that the family Elizalde has gone downhill since the arrival of La Hiena.

Meanwhile, Barb makes sure that Lucio will never see the light of day.

Margarita, Denia discuss who could be responsible for the theft of the necklace.

Fernanda visits Damian’s mother. Fernanda immediately asks her, “ Where is Damian.”

Santi and Aurora have lost Carpio.

Fernanda just wants to talk to Damian. She tells Ursula that she (Ursula) was waiting for him. Ursula is distraught because the police are after Damian and it is such an injustice.

Barb meets with Artemio Bravo and tells him that Rene is dead and that her chofer killed him. She also tells AB that Jairo Roca and Gardenia may have information about all this monkey business that they shouldn’t have. Do you have the impression that the body count is about to go up and up?

Gardenia, Margarita and Jacinto have an emotional discussion. Gardenia loves Ed and Fernanda is through with him. She actually thinks that she has a chance. Margarita and Jacinto are exasperated with her. This conversation actually was somewhat more complicated, so, if you know what actually happened, please bring it forth. Thanks.

Barb rips up an envelope and tells AB that Gardenia is now working for Franco. Barb doesn’t trust her for information. AB laughs at her. He wants everything that Gardenia and Jairo Roca know. She has to get it out of them even if blood must be spilled. Barb tells him where Rene is buried.

Padre tells Ed that he had several weird conversations from Barb – like she was following orders. Ed says do you think it’s possible that Lili found out Barb’s real boss. When Ed gets justice for Lili he will succeed in finding the name of the real enemy.

Mrs. Ciro is beside herself. She keeps pressing Lili for information about Artemio Bravo. Silly Simon says that if Lili the loca can’t speak, they might as well leave. Lili says, “Wait,” and hands Mrs. Ciro what looks like a ream of paper. Lili keeps the little box.

Ed asks Fr. Bosco how he is supposed to find out the name of the enemy. The name that his mother carried to her grave. It’s too early for an answer.

Artemio Bravo talks to Carpio. Carpio “made” Santi and Aurora and tells Artemio Bravo about them. Carpio hadn’t seen them before, and they are still looking for him. We now know that Santi and Aurora are in way too deep. AB shoves something at Carpio. It’s a new job. AB is not happy. We now also know that Carpio follows orders from Artemio Bravo in the same robot-like way that Barb does.

Aurora and Santi are in a park and discuss the monthly payments that Dominga received. They thinks it’s funny about how crazy they’ve been. Stupid Santi is going to call her Rebeca Sanchez even though they don’t know the identity of her mother. He loves her and is not marrying her for her mother, but for love. Santi wants to know if Aurora has a good reason not to marry him now. They kiss and we have our answer.

Fr. Bosco and Ed say their farewells, but before the padre leaves Ed asks Fr. Bosco if he knew that Fernands wrote him letters that his mother was supposed to send to him.

Fernanda keeps asking Ursula about Damian. Ursula refers to Damian as her baby and wants to know if Fer thinks Damian is a thief. Ursula reminds Fernanda about marrying for better or for worse. Fer tells Ursula this isn’t about a marriage. Damian caused her many problems. Ursala insists that Damian is innocent and that Damian adores her and that as a mother she can’t be wrong about that. Ha, ha!

Denia tells Marg that everybody knew Ed adored Fer. Now she’s in Ed’s house and can care for him and let the world know she loves him. Marg knows that Denia is having a nervous breakdown. Besides Fer married someone else.

Fr. Bosco tells Ed that Soledad did what she thought was best for him. Ed wants to know why she dared hide this from him. Fr. tells him that his world and Fer’s were completely different. The Elizaldes would never permit him to get near Fernanda. We hear the Mexican version of he’s from the wrong side of the tracks routine. Finally, Ed points out that Fernanda married a criminal.

Avances: Ed, Steve and Denia work at keeping his identity hidden while Barb works equally hard at revealing FrEd’s true identity.


Thanks, Pasofina~~~I'm confused. Why did Padre pretend not to know Fr/ed??? Does he think that Jacinto and Marg don't know he's Ed ????

thanks, Paso, great recap. What was with Rumpole pretending to not recognize Eddy? Was there a point to that that I don't see?.. Poor, delusional Denia, she is in danger from Hiena, and setting herslf up for heartbreak in the quest for Eddy's heart. Wanna bet that they don't take any precautions for her safety?.. I'm glad that we dropped in to visit with Lili, I was concerned that they were going to deal with that froma distance; we hadn't seen her for days.
What about Manzanares' body? The flies should be thick by now. Isn't Fr. Rumploe obligated to inform the authorities?
Imminent murders- Lucio is a dead man walking, for sure. Carpio is going looking for Jairo, maybe whack him. Fr. Rumploe has already escaped Ciggy's clutches, is he still on the list? Should be another interesting Friday nite...

Hi Pasofino...Great title. Will read the rest after I take care of some yard work. Posted it for you.

Susanlynn and Anon 10:01: I didn't get the point of Padre Bosco petending he didn't recognize FrEd either. The writers think we don't pay attention.

JudyB: Thanks for posting for me.

When Margarita and Jacinto went to see Fr/Ed's supposed tomb at the church, it was clear then that they and the Padre did not know that they all knew the trugh about Fr/Ed. He didn't tell the Padre what his new identity was either. Fr/Ed isn't doing a good job of letting all his team know that they are on the same team. Right now the people who know the full truth about him are: Jacinto, Padre, Margarita, Gardenia, Esteve, Martina and Rene (dead). He needs to hold a team meeting and get everyone on the same page!

-Vivi in DC

That's the truth. Sorry about the mispellings.

-Vivi in DC

Oh, and Lili knows who he is too, but she's too adled to make sense of it all. Then again, I'm too adled to make sense of it all!

-Vivi in DC

Pasofino, thanks for a very good recap. My concern for today is poor Manzanares laying(is that the correct word,Judy?) in his open grave. Have the buzzards, coyotes, rats, not to mention dogs and cats begun to gather. Cover him up or call the cops.


Add me to that list of the addled, Vivi.


Pasofino, thanks for the terrific recap.

I'm a little dazed and confused myself about the why's and how's of everything right now but Vivi articulated it far better than I could have.

Happy to see Lili and Martina.

Diana in MA

Hi Carlos. Nope. Manzanares is lying in his grave. He will not be doing any laying...not in this incarnation anyway.

I posted earlier as anon 10:01. Vivi, thanks for clarifying that they all did not know that they all knew his identity. What is unanswered is why Eddy kept that secret from all. Why not get Esteve in there with the rest of them, exchange info, so that all know what everyone else knows, expose the dangers, come up with a plan that all know about, and make a concerted effort at this thing. Maybe I've worn a hole in my beanie, scratching my head...

Oh, Vario, thanks for the info on yesterday's last post on the sentence. I try to use the subjunctive, probably not at all correctly. One is probably safe in using simpler tenses, but it at least impresses non-native spanish speakers...

Judy, yes but I'll bet the flies are laying their eggs in his nose.

So Rene M. was investigating Franco Santoro AND was planning to whack the Padre but did not know the two matters were related? Bravo wanted to eliminate Padre because of what Soledad might have told him. He also wanted to investigate Franco because he was possibly complicating Bravo's plan to destroy Grupo Lactos. If Rene M. had lived to tell him about the passport, Bravo and Barbara would have known that their supposed nemesis Eduardo was still alive and they would have put him at the top of their whack list.

Good acting job from the guy playing Lucio. He can play sniveling, goofy, menacing, and unhinged very convincingly.


Thank you for the excellent recap, Pasofino. Very succinct, which I need today since it's a busy one. (day, that is)
Is the title from Carole King?

Awww, geeee . . . Padre Bosco’s talk with FrEd is a refrito of all those with Fr. Bouffy in FELS. "I know the secret, can’t tell you, press on….."

Did Ursula and Gabriela (FELS) go to the same school-for-mothers? “I’m never wrong because I’m a mother…” must have been the official school song.

I KNEW you'd think of that, Carlos.

Dorado Dave, just wondering...if you come onto Caray Caray through Mozilla Firefox, you don't have to type your name in every time, it will remember you as the blogger.

Regarding the question in the recap about Martina - yes, she knows that Frank is Eddie. She learned that in some incident at the manicomio. I believe it was when Ed/Fr was explaining to Lily that he was Eddie and Martina was in the same room.

Then, she said that she knew even when he was a young man that he was good. This, however was before her dad got beat-up. After he dad was beaten up, she thought Ed was evil - because he had promised no harm would come to her or her dad. Then, she found that Ed saved her dad's life and gave her dad his blood. Then, she knew, again, that Ed/Fr was good. Whew...

However, Ed/Fr still hasn't gotten Martina a cell phone. ???

The Silverfox.

Thanks, Judy, I'll trey that.This a.m., it was because my computer had dceided to log off, and it's such a pain to log intl caray sometimes, just easier to post as anon w/o deciphering the word.

One thing I noytcied last nite- the HUGE swinging glass door at Ursula's house. It must have been 5' wide.

Everyone have a good weekend. I'm going to a rotisseried pig/ whole lamb bbq. I'm making my loaclly famous paella....

sorry for the misspells...

Great recap, Pasofino.

So it seems Carpio has some new orders, maybe to kill someone. Besides the names mentioned, isn't Dominga expendable now that Aurora's not living with her? Also, she allowed the money order to be taken, thus allowing Aurora and Santiago to trace things. Yes, Dominga's troubles may be over.

I also think Jairo's in trouble, but Gardenia should be okay. She's definitely a fun character. I loved when she said she wanted to shout for all the world to hear "I adore Eduardo!".

Liliana gave the box of candies back. then she took the little box in exchange.

It is interesting to see Babs interrogating Lucio. I guess she's a cop now. Laff.

I'll be glad they are about to deep six Jairo and Lucio. We don't need those scumbags.

I alos noticed the huge glass swinging door.. Never seen one like it. It must be a custom made job.

Somebody might want to post this. I think it was originally made by Julie.


Some clarification on the conversation between Margarita and Gardenia. First of all, they knew that Lucio had the necklace because the woman who works in the kitchen at the Elizaldes (can't remember her name) told them so over the phone.

Gardenia said that she knew Eduardo and Fernanda were in love when they were children. But she said that Fernanda lost her opportunity when she married Damián; i.e. gave up on someone she loved. She, Denia, wasn't going to make that same mistake. She ADORES him and is going to fight for his love. She was very contemptuous in speaking of Fernanda (jealous) and this doesn't bode well, unless they have Carpio kill her off.

Sorry, guys. Denia has never done a thing for me; that stubborn, not too bright, loudmouth personality just bothers me.

Another odd thing. Unlike all other FC novelas I've seen, his sidekick, Esteve, is being portrayed as smarter (or perhaps more cunning) than he is. He's usually the smartest guy in the room. Guess they're trying to show he's blinded by his huge love for Fer.

I think the reason Padre Bosco pretended not to know Ed is that Margarita and Jacinto think he doesn't know so they went along with going to see "Franco Santoro". And he thinks M&J don't know, so he plays dumb.

Hi, Carlos~~~Rene is LYING [reclining] in the grave where Lucio LAID [set, put, placed] him. [Actually, Lucio probably just kicked him into that pit.] To provede a reall life example for you~~~You would tell your patient to ''Lie [recline] on the examining table. '' Then , you might LAY your hand on their arm, leg, whatever to examine him'her.] By the way, word verification is ''eatin'' , so I'm going to have yogurt and an orange for my lunch

Thanks for the recap, Pasofino. I, too, wondered why padre seemed surprised to see FrEd. Poor Gardenia--things do not look good for her.

I asked a friend (Latina, taught Spanish for years) about Carlos's grammar question. She says:
The phrase should be "más de uno" instead of "más que uno" (gringo speaking). "Sabe" is correct because the equivalent pronoun would be "él or ella" (third person singular). So is "eres" (subject is "tú") because it is a fact, not a supposition. Subjunctive is used to express doubt or possibility. If it is fact then you cannot use the subjunctive.

I just had a really feo thought.

Steve is clearly the brains of the operation. Dare I say this? It could be because a servant's son can graduate with honors from Harvard, and he can be heroic, brave, tenacious, loyal, and noble, but he still can't be as smart as someone who is high-born. This is written for a Mexican audience, after all. Remember that in his other novelas, FC had noble blood.

Pasofino, Thanks for a super job on your recap.

I too think Padre Anselmo wasn't sure who knew what so he keeps up the ruse to protect Eduardo. He said he knew this "Franco Santoro" was important but he was surprised moments before when it turned out to be Eduardo. I like the friendly energy between the old mentor and his grown up mentee. The confessional secrets just add to the drama in this case since he clearly knows so much more from Soledad. Remember the look of horror on his face when she confessed what all Artemio was up to. I still don't know if Padre also knew Artemio in the old days. It is odd that they don't all get together to come up with a smart plan and compare information but then this telenovela wouldn't last until October. I am certainly enjoying it.

I had higher hopes for Gardenia to be intelligent and helpful but they may take the pathway of using her for great breast shots and best ever bouncy curls and let her intellect take a nap. We will see but it looks like she thinks she deserves Eduardo and knows how to love him and claims rights because she has loved him and fantasized over him all these years so he claim trumps Fernanda's who went off and married someone else. Oh you foolish, foolish girl. Lots of painful realizations coming your way.

Ibarramedia, I tried to follow your photbucket link but info came up that it was moved or never there. Could you repeat the URL please?

Doris: I really didn't think of Carol King when I wrote the title. It just fell out of my brain, but there is definitely a similarity.

Ibarremedia: Thanks for the info re the box swap. I couldn't see what it was that Lili gave Mrs. Ciro on my small TV screen with poor eyesight added to that.


LR, I never had a problem with:

"...que tú no eres FS sino ES."

but I still believe that
quizás, maybe,
gives a major degree of uncertainty to the first and I believe dependent clause. I do, however find that I originally wrote down
más de
rather than
más que
and transcribed it wrong in my posting.

I found this in a lesson on the subjunctive mood on a web site which I will try to link to in a moment:

othing But The Truth

When the main clause expresses less than 100% certainty about the truth of a que-clause, the verb is in the subjunctive.

Certain (indicative)

saber / creer / pensar que
no dudar / no negar que
es verdad / cierto / seguro que

Not 100% Certain (subjunctive)

no saber / no creer / no pensar que
dudar / negar que
no es verdad / cierto que
(no) es (im)posible / probable que
quizás / tal vez

I do wonder now if instead of sepa it shouldn't be sepan since más de uno seems to me to be plural.

So I submit that maybe the correct version should be:

"Hey, listen to me here! Quizás, maybe, más de uno ya sepan que tú no eres Franco Santoro sino Eduardo Suarez."

There is one thing for certain:

I won't be bringing up grammar questions anytime soon.


Thanks for the great recap. Even with captions, I missed a lot because my vocabulary is weak, but I'm working on it. Lots of interesting comments and I was intrigued (and confused) by the lie and lay discussion. I googled it and found out that part of my confusion is due to the fact that the past tense of the verb "lie" is identical in appearance to the present tense of the verb "lay." This site gives a nice explanation.

It also gives these examples. ~You need to lie down today, yesterday you lay down, in the past you have lain down.
~Today, you lay the book on the table. Yesterday, you laid the book on the table. In the past, you have laid the book on the table.
I hope I have laid this all out clearly enough to allow the proper uses of these two words to lie in the back of your mind, where they will be available to you when you need them. (authors words not mine)

Sorry, Pasofino, I forgot to thank you for your fine recap!

Another thing that I liked a lot was Freduardo's outburst of righteous anger and throwing of a chair when Padre Bosco seems to be justifying his mother's withholding of those precious letters.

Padre Bosco came up with the same old crap about the son of a servant being refused by the Elizaldes (as if Fernanda would take that lying - correct usage, I hope, Susanlynn - down).

That may have been a piece of Soledad's reasoning, but I think the threat by Babs and her knowledge of Artemio Bravo's vengeance was the real reason she wanted her son to break off all connections and thus withheld the letters - for her son's physical safety. Perhaps Padre Bosco also knows this is the more likely reason, but can't tell Freduardo because it's under the seal of the confessional.

Jeez, that's almost as Ibarramedia's dissertation on the shelf life of semen.

My source on subjunctive . Carlos

I meant to add that "lain" is not even a part of my vocabulary. If a bricklayer finished his work yesterday would he say "I have lain all the bricks? :)

I know some people are allergic to formal grammar, but I think it will help this issue.

A transitive verb is done to something.
* I kicked the ball.
* I kissed the galan.
* I ate a sandwich.

An intransitive verb is just done. It doesn't have an object that it is done to.
* I slept late.
* I am listening.
* Pigs might fly.

Most verbs can be used as a Trans. or Intrans.
* I ate lunch - Trans.
* I just ate - Intrans.

* The boy kicked me - Trans.
* The baby kicked - Intrans.

* The galan kissed me - Trans.
* We kissed and kissed - Intrans.

NOw that you understand the difference between transitive and intransititive verbs, it's simple.

LAY is transitive.
Today I lay an egg.
Yesterday I laid an egg.
I have laid an egg.
I am laying an egg.

LIE is intransitive.
Today I lie down.
Yesterday I lay down.
I have lain down.
I am lying down.

And if you understand the following, then you "get" it.

I am laying the book on the table. It is lying there.

So now Gardenia can join the Unrealistic Expectations Dating Club with Vlad and Erika. We just need another delusional guy for that club and maybe we'll end up with two happy couples.

I wonder if we've seen the last of Lucio. I don't see what else he can do now that Babs has more dirt on him than he has on her, but is his role really finished? Someone else is going to be blamed for RM's death. (Oh, I know! Maybe Babs can blame it on Damian!)

Alice and Novelera, you both win !!! You were both correct in your usage. Okay, here we go. ''Lie'' means to recline one;'s body on something ; it's an irregualr verb [lie (present tense) lay (past) lain [Present perfect] ~~~I lie on my bed every afternoon to take a nap. ~~~I lay on my bed yesterday afternoon,~~~I have lain on my bed many times. /////''Lay'' means to set, put, or place something; it's also an irregular verb. [lay (present tense) laid (past tense) laid (present perfect tense) ~~~~I lay the keys on the table every day.~~~I laid the keys on the table yesterday. ~~~ I have laid the keys on the table many times. Then, there is the regular verb ''lie'' meaning a fib. ~~~Lie-lied-lied. And the naughty use of Lay which is also irregular lay-laid-laid. If you are confused, imagine what it's like trying to explain this to ESL students.

Susanlynn, your explanation is excellent. Now feel free to weigh in on the subjunctive controversy. By the way, Memorial Day is another of those cabrito days here in Texas. A butcher/patient of mine once told me that he could sell as many baby goats as he can get his hands on right before Memorial Day. Are you maybe going to celebrate with some baby spinach or baby carrots?


So how about the little bedtime prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep...

I'm guessing perfectly correct use of the transitive verb


One more thing---in English, present tense is used to indicate a fact or routine.[ I lie down every day. ] The past tense is used for an action that is completed and happened at a definite time in the past . [I lay down yesterday.] And present perfect is used for an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past or one that began in the past and continues now. [I have lain on this bed many times. OR I have lain in this bed since two o'clock. [Or you could use present perfect progressive. [ I have been lying in this bed since two o'clock. ]

Carlos~~~I guess you could interpret that prayer as ''Now, I place [put, set] myself down to sleep.''

Sorry...That ''stevi'' was me...Susanlynn. I use that name on another forum.

Carlos~~~TeeHee~~~I plan to celebrate with some Morning Star baby veggie burgers, but I made a gigantic pot of spaghetti sauce today, so it's baby pasta tonight.

Susan Lynn and Paula thanks so much for your input. I'm one of those rare beings that love grammar. I'm very left brain analytical and rules, regs, laws work well for me. I'm not saying that I'm an expert at it, but just that for some reason it fascinates me.

Susanlynn, our resident serial killer, Jack, Monday brought in three cute baby field mice and consumed them in the kitchen. I think he may have been high on catnip. More drug-related deaths.


Here it is CherylNewMex:

Be sure you highlight everything from left to right when you copy and paste. The fonts come out bigger when it is posted on the blog... I tried it and it worked for me.

Not to confuse everybody but when speaking in the first person, you can use lay.

"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take."

Without getting into rules on what is grammatically correct, it 'sounds right' that way.

You would not say 'Now I lie me down to sleep...' Know what I'm saying?


I don't know whether anyone has noticed this or not, but, Artemio Bravo seems to have some sort of accent. I can't put my finger on it, but I think something is there. I also have a hunch that he might be disfigured in some way. Anybody picking up that vibe?

Yes, Ibarramedia, because it's being used as a transitive, in the present tense.
Trans: I lay ME down.
also Trans: I lay myself down.
Intrans: I lie down.

The trans. verb "lay" is done to an object, in this case "me."

Pasofino - good speculation that AB might be disfigured. His art certainly is.

Has anyone already mentioned that Esteve's hairstyle looks just like Freddy's in La Fea Mas Bella?

''Now I lay me down to sleep'' is an awkward way of saying ''Now, I am lying down.'' It means ''Now, I place my body down to sleep.'' Alice, I've noticed through the years that my students who are engineers, architects, and computer programmers are excellent grammar students if they are shown how structured English grammar is . I teach them formulas for creating verb tenses and using modals. I LOVE teaching grammar even though I also like teaching reading and speaking. Also, my older daughter majored in math and computer science , and she has always been very good in grammar and an excellent writer. I, on the other hand, have always liked grammar and writing but never liked math and sciences. I prefer the humanities and took lots of electives in art, music, and literature in college. So, what should we discuss next....punctuation ????

Doris```Yes, what is up with those grotesque statues in Art's office ??? Did anyone watch Highlander the tv series ? There was an episode about an immortal who was a sculptor who made really ugly statues,,,gargoyles. Of course, he was an evil immortal, so Duncan took his head. Those ugly statues in Art's office remind me of those nastylooking gargoyles. I'm sure they are there to reflect his evil character....likewise the darkness he's always shown in. Perhaps he was burned or injured somehow. Maybe the Elizades [Gonzo] had something to do with his injuries and that's why he is seeking revenge. [Carlos~~~~Word verification : ''bedibi'' in...''Now, I lay me down for bedibi.''

Thanks, pasofino! I posted your recap for you.

Great title. Liked some of those nitty-gritty insights of yours.
; > )

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Artemio Bravo is NOT disfigured. He just sound like an old guy to me. I guess being in the shadows does give him that impression.

Now about Steve's hairstyle, it is similar to Freddy's but not the same. I'll tell you why. Freddy has that combed down, pressed down look with gel in the front. i know because my borthers used to sport that look in the early 2000's. Same thing with some of my employees. I even did that for 2 days and hated it because it did not look good on me.

Steve on the other hand looks like a little chick. hair is a little spread out.

Compare the looks between Freddy and Steve.


Susanlynn, it is a gargoyle. The man has creppy taste. What can I say? ;)


p.s. - Haven't had a chance to read the other comments, but you may want to change the date in your title from April to May 21.

Ibarramedia - eSteve's hair is also a wig (a bad one) and Freddy's is his own. That's probably why Freddy can use the gel.

Doris, thanks. For some time now I've been meaning to bring up Artie's art. Isn't tha some of thw most bizarre stuff you've ever seen in a grown man's office? Pasofina, I think you are really on to something. Now, just what might have happened? I must say that artwork gives me the creeps. Carlos

Oh! The picture Ibarramedia is referring to - that was the magazine cover mock-up I did for FELS. Here it is with the original recap... click the picture to enlarge...

Pasofino, thanks for the recap and helping us stay clear on all the confusing points.
I enjoyed the grammar discussion, although I may not take advantage of it. I live in the south, where the culture allows for grammatical slip-ups. When I attempt to speak Spanish, I usually tell the other person "hablo Espanol un poquito, pero no muy bien," to excuse my blunders in advance.
Julie, I loved your "Unrealistic Expectations Dating Club." I could suggest some more members, but they're in my real life, not MEPS.
Carlos, our gata asesina used to leave her dead squirrels on the porch. She even sneaked one into the kitchen on time.
La Paloma

Julie~~~I loved that cover. By the way, I believe you are a ''Mad Men '' fan. Do you know if that series is ever going to return ???? Also, were you aware that they are STILL having Highlander conventions ? They just had one in LA, and Peter, Adrian, and Liz were there [also the actress who played Dr. Anne].

Woops, that was the first picture Ibarramedia referred to, much earlier today.

I never, ever notice the artwork in Art's office. Nor do I ever notice the photos at the Elizalde house! I need to pay more attention!

It was incredibly naive of Santi to think Carpio wouldn't expect to be followed after receiving that envelope!

If anyone in this show needs a hair makeover, it's Esteve. I really want to know what he looks like with decent hair.

That's what I was talking about Julie. Is it possible to embbedd that picture onto your post? Someone was asking who the worse mother was Gabby or Simple Simon's mom? Belated mother's day soon to be fathers day. ;) :) Lol.


Carlos~~~I hate mice. [I grew up in an old farmhouse, so the field mice liked to slip inside in the winter.] So, I say , Go, Jack, go !!!! As for that unfortunate catnip habit, I say, whatever it takes to get those lousy mice. I am not going to judge you, Jackie Boy.

Susanlynn: Mad Men season 3 begins in August. I probably still won't have cable but I'll get someone to tape it for me. STILL having Highlander conventions - yikes. The one I went to in 1995 was great, but such an expensive trip that I decided it would have to tide me over for the rest of my life. :-) As for Dr. Anne, I was NOT a fan! Tessa was much too hard an act to follow.

I noticed the lion statue that someone mentionned . It was over Padre's left shoulder as he was talking to Fr'ed in Fr'ed's office. The statues and artwork seem to be used to reflect the characters' personalities. Fr'ed : strong and brave like a lion. Art: creepy and ugly like a gargoyle. I'm expecting to see some clowns on velvet in Santi's room. Hieronymous Bosch's depictions of hell would be suitable for Babs. For Vlad, maybe those big-eyed children .

No, there's no way to include an actual picture with a comment unless I attach it to my user profile. I don't want to do that because I also use this profile to comment on other blogs where that magazine cover would make no sense. I figured it was enough just to include a clickable link!

But your copy at Photobucket isn't as fuzzy, so I'll link to that one too!

Jardinera: Thanks. I just changed April to May. My how time flies. It was definitely a late night problem.

Julie~~~OT~~~I've never been to an HL convention, but my forum buds [Clan Macwow [aka Women of Wisdom] have posted photos from conventions . Alexandra Vanderroot went to one a few years ago. I agree that she was perfect for Duncan...beautiful, refined, talented, elegant, smart, loyal, independent. I couldn't believe the writers killed her off, but I've heard that she wanted to leave. Her beau was in France, and she didn't like shooting half the episodes in Canada. But Amamda and Dr. Anne just couldn't hold a candle to Duncan's Onetruelove. I still miss that series. It really was kind of an extended French/ Canadian telenovela , n'est-ce pas ????? I'm sure that novela fans would also love Highlander the tv series. I can see a lot of similarities to the novelas....except for the whole ''There-can-be-only-one-I'm taking your head now'' thing.

I've got some half-baked ideas for a couple of other magazine covers too. (Do not hold your breath; it won't be soon.) I really wish that I hadn't accidentally (stupidly!!) overwritten my source file for that first one - having that would save me a lot of time. Oh well. You can bet I'll be more careful when I do a new one!

Posted this last night & maybe you didn't see if


"Quizás, más que uno ya sabe que tú no eres Franco Santoro sino Eduardo Juarez".

My teacher says this sentence is fine. The key seems to be that they know & not doubted.

Onward & upward with the subjuntivo!

I also think the key to whether sabe s/b plural is the fact that it's uno sabe not unos saben.

Santiago better stick to his day job, he fails miserably as a P.I.
A blind man whould have known he was being followed.

Babs told the officer in chg at the police station that the criminal was where he belonged, that's Babs, loyal to the end.

What was the envelope that Babs got at the police station that she later ripped up in Artemio's office? I think the man in chg said it was her copy. Couldn't have been an evidence rpt, she got the necklace back. Maybe it was just a police report.

Lili gave Graciela the present back that she brought her, I think it was some kind of dulces. I believe Graciela wanted the little box back, but Lili wasn't about to let go. Can't wait 'til Graciela visits Artemio.

Padre Bosco doesn't know who knows the true identity of Franco, so he had to play dumb, but he almost gave it away with some exclamation when he 1st saw Eduardo. It looks to me like Fr/Ed was giving him the look like don't tell. I don't think the Padre would want anyone to know his complicity in Eduardo's fake death, very unpriest like.

Tks mucho for the great recap.

eStevi, Julie, La Paloma, you guys are hard to keep up with. I hesitate to admit it but I was a big Highlander fan. Tessa was great. I could not beieve they killed her off, THE BASTARDS! Jacky Boy(actually what I call the little dope fiend has brought in some fabulous wildlife. The most dangerous(potentially)a bat. The cutest, flying squirrels(they were indigenous here). The coolest, an owl(which survived). Gotta love the little killer. He's also rather tidy , usually dispatching his victims in the bathtub. Carlos

The same actor plays both Gonzalo & Artemio.

Carlos and everyone else: I was, and still am, a Highlander fan. Every now and then an old episode will show up somewhere. Adrian Paul cannot be duplicated.

Vario: Well, if the same actor plays Gonzo and Artemio - I didn't know that and don't think that's a spoiler, all the more reason why Artemio might have been injured or disfigured and is so full of hate. Funny, thought, Gonzo has never mentioned the existence of a brother or close relative. Maybe he thinks Artemio is dead.

Carlos and Pasofino~~~Hermano ! Hermana ! Don't you find similarities between the novelas and Highlander ? Pasofino , I , too, think Adrian is fino ...but not as fino as Fernando. [I liked the Quickenings. I'd like to see Fernando take one.] I like them tall, dark, and handsome. Also, did you know that you could watch HL episodes on hulu ? There was even a short film on hulu called ''Reunion'' with Methos, Amanda, and Joe. On the HL forum that I still frequent, the women are either Duncan fans or Methos fans. Carlos~~~ Wow, Jack the Killer must be one big kitty ...and bring home all that prey. We sometimers got bats in the farmhouse...but never an owl or flying squirrel. My dad would catch the bats with hid fishing net. Once, he couldn't locate one that my grandma had spotted . He finally pulled out the sofa, and the bat was hanging upside down on the back of the sofa. Bleccchhh...the joys of country living that they never write about in Country Living.~~~~~~~There can be only one....~eStevi

Variopinta, the thing Babs signed at the police station was probably a copy of the statement she signed against Lucio.

She destroyed it because she doesn't want Gonzo to know that it was Lucio. Maybe because she doesn't want Gonzo talking to Lucio; Lucio could tell Gonzo everything, and that would be bad for Babs!

Variopinta, I love how you sashayed in and casually dropped what for me is a bombshell. This may explain a lot once we have a chance to process it with the facts we have. As for your profesora, I'll check with the lovely Adriana and report her opinion on Tue. Meanwhile I urge you to look at my submission on the matter earlier. As for whether the first subject is singular or plural,just diagram the sentence. The subject is not uno, but más or if you will, más de uno(more than one). In any event the news about Artie is major. Carlos

Stevilynn: OK - what's hulu? Forgive me, but I'm from the typewriter generation.

Pasofino~~ hulu is a free site where you can view old tv shows.

The gift that Graciela brought to Lili was polvorones = almond cookies.


Susanlynn, you're cracking me up. I remember the first Highlander episode I saw.I stumbled onto it and watched because it began at the tomb of Jaques de Molay (I was a Demolay).I had never heard of the show or any movies and had no idea of the premise of the show. Imagine my reaction to the beheading followed by the quickening. It was a truly (forgive me) WTF moment. My daughter explained it to me later(another WTF moment , what has become of my little princess?) Carlos

I seem to recall that Artemio & Gonzo are half brothers, maybe Gonzo doesn't even know that Artemio exists.

Carlos, going in search of your subj link now. Guess I need a refresher on parts of speech.

Is that a spoiler? I don't that being revealed.

Variopinta, thanks for sharing your thirst for knowledge and for your obvious sense of fairness. I may very well go down defending my assertions with my profa, but my understanding of the Spanish language will only increase and solidify. And if we can't agree, she has access to the head of the Spanish dept. at U of H. Carlos

Julie, is that a spoiler, no, yes. maybe. Depends on your preferences. That information has been talked about previously. It is information included in the synopses that were posted here on this site from the official synopses for MEPS. I know some people don't read them, others do. I don't think it has been explicitly stated in the show yet?


Hope it wasn't a spoiler, I might have read it in the synopsis of the TN, but that was on wikipedia & I had other incorrect info, which they later corrected.

Carlos~~~That episode with Jaques de Molay....Was that the one about the Knights Templar ???? There were a lot of rock stars as guest stars...Roger Daltrey of The Who, Joan Jett, and otherrs I can't recall now. I always loved the scenes in Paris...a place I've always dreamed of going, and I wanted to live on that barge on The Seine. It was a great show with great characters and a very philosophical, death, love, hate. mercy, justice, forgiveness, revenge.I miss that show.

Susanlynn, yes y yo también. Jaques de Molay was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. He and Guy d 'Avergne (Probably mispelled) were burned at the stake on an island on the Siene for heresy. When Ciro said the white king must lose his head, I thought , here we go,"there can be only one."Carlos

Sorry - you're right, it's in the very first sinopsis that was posted here! Why do I keep forgetting that??? Never mind!

Also Sheena Easton and Roland Gift and Vanity were in Highlander, to name a few more. I liked the one with Roland Gift. Can't remember it any more, but I remember liking it. :) And I loved the barge. It was nice getting to see another country; that's what I like about telenovelas, too.

Speaking of which, where does MEPS take place exactly? I think we are near Mexico City, correct?

Julie, I know Toluca has been mentioned. Something is there. Toluca is just outside Ciudad de Mexico. They are close to it as they seem to go there and get there quickly.


Julie~~Did you know that Adrian was in one of Sheena's music videos playing her boyfriend. I liked the episode she was in. Richie nearly lost it in that one. It was the episode right after Tessa was killed, and I couldn't believe Duncan wasn't grieving more. No...right there he was on that dock doing the bunny hop...or maybe it was the highland fling with Annie [Sheena]. The one with Roland Gift was good, too. He came on board the barge looking for Duncan ...that had the swordfight at some old castle and Duncan jumped in the Seine . The guy in Avenging Angel [the one about The Knights Templar ] was also a rock star , but I forget his name. He was the crazy immortal. Roger Daltry of the Who was in several episodes. I forget his character's name , but he was very funny.

Carlos, Please do not stop asking questions on grammar (I, personally, could not answer any questions dealing with Spanish grammar--I'm fine with English, though LOL). I asked my friend's opinion because she watches MEPS and has been a Spanish teacher.


One of my favorite things about "Highlander" was the music.
I can never hear Freddie Mercury sing "Who wants to live forever" without getting chills. For a rock band, Queen played some beautiful, complex music.

Had any takers yet for the 3rd Thursday? I've been out of commission for a while and just getting over a bout of carpal tunnel...I think once-a-month recapping would be just my speed :)

-5ft Latina

Kat, aka 5ft Latina: No takers yet. It would be great if you could take the third Thursday. Contact me at

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