Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 5/15 If you talk, you’re busted. If you’re silent, can you be trusted?

Tonight’s episode was filled with truth and consequences. Unfortunately, we seemed to have more consequences than truth. Let’s see how everyone’s utterances have turned some lives into an utter mess.

We see the scene in which Meño tells Gregoria that Christian, the gay guy who was the impresario at Santi’s male stripper show the other day, reminds him of himself in his younger days. Greg was preoccupied, and reveals to Meño that Patricio wants custody of Chava!

Okay, now with the new. We start off happily enough, as Ceci delivers a present to Candy, from Santi. I note that she DOES still have her engagement ring on. The gift is flowers, plus a little suede bag with a drawstring. Inside, Candy finds some sand. She smiles as she reads the card, which relates that the sand is from Puerto Vallarta, from a special night, where they were united in one single soul. (So there to those of us who thought Santi had slacked off on the special gifts!)

Candy’s happy for 3 seconds, when the phone rings. Darn! It’s Pat, who wants Chava to spend the weekend with him. Candy doesn’t agree. Pat says he knows Candy is upset since he won’t give her a divorce, but Candy shouldn’t put the boy in the middle of that (Hah! That pot’s sure calling the kettle black). Candy hangs up on him.

Gregoria needs advice from Meño. If she tells Candy that Pat’s trying to get custody of Chava, Alicia will think she’s a traitor. But if she doesn’t tell Candy, then Candy will think she’s on Alicia’s side. She and Meño decide to keep quiet for now, but they’re both worried, trying to find a solution. Both think it’s terrible of Pat to try to take Chava away from Candy.

At an outdoor café, Gabino is meeting with Santiago. Santi actually does remember him from eight years ago, his father wanted a new face, and Santi said he couldn’t do that kind of surgery. Gabino says Mario the traitor did the surgery. This surprises Santi, he didn’t know that, and Mario, although a doctor, would not have been capable of that kind of operation. The main thing, though, is that Santi doesn’t know anything, didn’t know there even was an operation. And by the way, he adds, why did you call Mario a traitor? Gabino doesn’t answer, and the meeting is over. But guess who just happens to be watching this meeting (out of earshot, though)? Pat, of course. Yep, can’t leave Chavito with a dangerous Mafioso like Santi.

Cuau and Lulu are walking through the park. It finally comes out that she’s the cook at Meño’s restaurant, and she hugs him (not too easy with their big tummies).

Pat’s in Santi’s office angrily asking what Santi has to do with Gabino. Santi feels it’s none of his business. Pat asks “Does Candy know that you go around with Mafiosos”? Santi responds “how do you know he’s a mafioso?” Well, Pat can’t share that info, for reasons of security. Santi thinks it’s more like anger. And if Pat wants to know when he’s leaving Candy, the answer is never. Pat agrees that he’s angry, and he’s not letting anything happen to his son, ever. He leaves.

Isabel and Lucía have a little chat (about sex). Isa tells Luc that when Isa first met Luc's grandpa, it was the hippie days. Things were a lot more open back then, and the boys would give each girl a love test (prueba de amor). This pretty much went that if you slept with a guy, you loved him, if you didn’t sleep with him, you didn’t love him. Luc breathlessly asks what Abuela did, if she’s willing to tell! Isa reassures her she really loved Luc’s grandpa, the only boy who DIDN’T ask her to prove her love by sleeping with him, until AFTER they got married (yeah, sure, but it’s makes for a good story). Isa adds that whatever you decide, do it for love. Lucía admits she slept with Charly for love, and although Fred makes her laugh, she still has feelings for Charly.

Now, we’re in Candy’s office, and Pat loudly insists that it’s best for Chava to live with him. But why, Pat, tell me why? Pat can’t tell her, but he won’t allow Chava to be with that lowlife Santi (he uses the word tipo). There’s no other option. Candy demands to know what is going on, but Pat says he just can’t tell her now, and she has to trust him, he’s doing this to protect Chava. He’s sorry, one day she’ll understand, and he walks out, filled with angst, since he wants to tell, but can’t endanger Candy by mentioning the mafia thing. Candy is frustrated as hell, as we see the two of them suffering in a split-screen shot.

In Santi’s office, Santi wants the truth from Mario. Mario tells him that the less he knows, the better. But Santi insists, and Mario tells all. He did the operation, Gabino’s Dad died, and Mario paid the bodyguard the $1 million to keep quiet. Also, adds Mario, if Gabino knew his father died on the operating table, he wouldn’t just kill Mario, but Santi, too, because he thinks they were working together. The operation was done in Santi’s clinic, after all. Santi wants Mario to tell Gabino the truth, but Mario says he’d be killed. Besides, there’s the matter of Lozano. Who’s that? asks Santi. The bodyguard he paid the million to. Santi has had enough. He demands that Mario tell Gabino immediately that Santi, Ed and their clinic had nothing to do with the operation.

Meanwhile, Isabel is continuing her sex talk with Lucía. At 15 years old, it’s a big decision (this is nuts, can’t she even raise the possibility of waiting?). Sex is a decision that involves responsibility, if you have a warm heart, you must have a cool head. And always use a condom. Well, Lucía now knows how bad AIDS is. Yes, but it’s not only that, says Isa, can you imagine what it would be like if you had a baby at 15? No, I never thought of that, responds innocent Luc. Well, it wouldn’t be good, counsels Isa, adding that since boys might forget the condom, we girls have to be ready to protect ourselves. She whips out a condom she had ready, gives it to Lucía, and the problem is solved. How nice!

Barb and Sole are consoling Candy. Barb can’t believe Pat would go so far, but Sole and Candy say that when Pat gets worked up, he’s capable of anything.

Santi now tells Ed about Mario’s mafia problem, and that it’s their problem, too.

We now see Meño and Christian in Santi’s office. Apparently Christian’s nose got hurt when Santi stopped the act, and he wants a free nose job from Santi. Meño is hoping Santi will throw in a little fix for Meño’s ears, too, to avoid a lawsuit. Meño wants to look 30 years old. Santi tells him he’s no miracle worker, how about 40, like Christian (Meño hadn’t realized Christian also lied about his age). Christian still thinks Santi is too aggressive, and Santi disagrees, saying he’s well under control, if he weren’t, he’d throw Christian out the window. Christian then thinks he knows why Santi is so aggressive, it was bad upbringing by his Mom! Well, this is a federal crime, according to Santi (insulting a Mexican mother), and he kicks them out of the office.

Osvaldo and Chayo are doing a little late-night cramming (studying, I mean, what did you think I was saying :)? Osvaldo lays on the charm, and Chayo asks if he’s ever been in love. Os says not really, he feels that if you aren’t slayed by love, love dies (los amores que no matan, se mueren), as Joaquin Sabina says in one of his songs. Os thought that such loves didn’t exist, but he’s changing his mind, maybe he’s found one. Of course naïve Chayo has no idea who this could be.

Meño and Christian have a funny conversation, in which Christian cries a lot and Meño tries to console him. Christian’s face is very important to him, not only does he want to fix his nose, but he’d really like thicker lips, too, sort of like Angelina Jolie! Meño wants to cheer him up with a dance class. But Christian has a problemita. No job. With no job, he can’t buy the clothes he needs, Don Manuel (Meño corrects him, just Meño). Meño fumbles a bit, but before he can really say anything, Christian says, I can’t permit it, but if you insist, I accept! Huh? Yes, thanks for giving me a job in your restaurant, he says to the shocked, sympathetic (but trapped) Meño. So now let’s go shopping!

Soledad is in Pat’s office, not to talk about Beto, but to wonder why Pat wants to take Chava away from Candy. Pat repeats, you all have to trust me, I know what I’m doing, as Sole walks out, disappointed.

At Santi’s house, he has told Paulina the Mario saga, and she says she knew nothing (liar!). Pau counsels kicking Mario out, demanding that he leave. Santi finds this strange, as isn’t Mario her novio these days? Well, noble, self-sacrificing Paulina assures him that all she cares about is the safety of their family.

It’s shopping time, as the boys have hit the mall, ready to make Christian’s dreams come true. He’s sort of a mini version of Meño, and buys all sorts of bright colored outfits, spinning and preening to Meño’s consternation (especially when he sees the bill). Meño tell Christi he’ll have to pay all this back from his salary, and Christi says “but of course” as a candy mint falls out of his cherubic mouth.

In Pat’s mansion, Margarita is holding Patito while sitting on the couch, and Alicia is stretching in her warmup outfit. Marg asks if Ali thought about a baptism for the boy. Ali has, and she wants Candy to be the madrina (godmother). Marg thought Ali didn’t like her, but Ali says she’s family, and has already agreed (true, but Candy felt weird about it). Okay, what about the padrino? Well, replies Ali, it’s supposed to be a friend of the father, Pat doesn’t have too many friends here, how about Santiago? My surgeon? The very same. Marg forgot her pill, hands off the baby to Alicia, and after Marg leaves, Ali tells Patito I think it’s a really good idea for your real father to be your padrino!

Santi’s laying down the law to Mario in the garden outside his house. Mario’s going to have to leave town. But I thought I was your friend, whines Mario. You WERE, replies Santi. But after you did this, forget it. If I had to balance my friendship with you as against the security of my family, my family is a thousand times more important.

Isabel has come to see Zamora in the restaurant. Since she’s almost sure Z is Jaime’s son, she has a question for him. She starts out lamenting that they rarely see each other, even though Zamora is now living in their house. After a little small talk, she asks “if you re-met your real father, what would you say to him?” Zamora surprises her when says he’d punch him out (I couldn’t understand the word he said, someone with captions help me out here), a thousand times, for the pain he gave my mother. Isa is taken aback, didn’t your mother leave him? Yes, but remember, he had two houses, he was tricking my mother. So much for Isa’s family reunion plan.

Christian loves Meño’s house, comes prancing downstairs with his new scarf, saying it’s a shame Meño doesn’t live alone. The two sit down to tea. They both lift their teabags, daintily dipping them into the cups. Then it’s three big spoonfuls of sugar for each, taking turns. The tea is stirred, pinkies properly extended. Then a few unison taps of the spoon on the cup, and we can see these two were made for each other. Meño tells Christi now that he knows Chris’s real age, Chris should have his own apartment. Chris then thanks him again, profusely. He accepts again. Huh? First the nose job, the clothes, the job, now this, thank you so much Meño (is he hinting that Meño will get him an apartment, or let him live in Meño’s house? I gotta hand it to Christian in the chutzpah department!)

Santi has the tickets for the Alizée concert. Remember he was only getting three? Well, who’s going to go, as Isabel, Jaime, Lucía, Rocío, Paulina and Mini West gather around. It was Santi’s idea, so he’s going. But who will be the other two? Paulina votes for her and Rocío, their “family”. As Santi hugs Lucía, Isa points out that they’re ALL family. Isa and Jaime then bow out, they’ve seen enough concerts at their age. And Lucía has too many exams. So that seems to leave Santi, Pau and Rocío anyway. But Santi nixes that, he wants to go with Candy and Rocío. And believe it or not, Rocío agrees, after some smooth talking by Santi, leaving Pau to walk off in disgust.

Mario is right outside waiting for her. Santi’s kicking him out because of the mafia thing, he knows everything now. But you didn’t tell him I helped you dispose of the body, did you? asks Pau in an agitated tone. No way, says Mario. Pau not stupid enough to tell anyone she was involved, she might just leave the country, and she advises Mario to do the same. Mario then gets a flash of insight. Could it be that Paulina is behind all of this (maybe he even means bringing the mafia guys to Guadlajara!), to get Santi upset, and get rid of Mario from her life?! Paulina smiles cryptically, gives him an evil kiss-off with her hand, turns and leaves him to stew. After 5 seconds of stewing, he’s fully cooked, and in desperation, calls Gabino.

Isabel needs some advice about the Jaime-Zamora thing. Since Donato already knows about her hunch as to their relationship, she asks him for some help. She’s almost totally sure, and if she were completely convinced of the truth that Zamora was Jaime’s son, she’d tell Jaime. Well, turns out that Donato has an idea. They quietly go over to to Zamora’s room (Don has a key), and on the nightstand there’s a picture of a woman, obviously Zamora’s mother. Donato says if they show that to Jaime, his reaction will reveal the truth. Donato will make a copy.

In the restaurant, Meño introduces Christian to Toño, Zamora and Lulu. Christian will be a new waiter. No one’s too happy about this, and Christian takes Meño aside to complain, the job’s a little beneath him. Meño jovially tells him take it or leave it, and he leaves. Immediately, Mr. Chutzpah tells the others that he’s just talked to Don Manuel (they correct him, Don Meño). Anyway, he’s not going to be a waiter. He’s the HEADWAITER, and they’d better get to work pronto, as he claps his hands to get some action.

Gregoria is on the phone with Alicia, criticizing her for going along with Pat in trying to get custody of Chava. Unfortunately, Candy hears this, and is mad at her Mom. She knew, and didn’t tell Candy? Candy grabs the phone, tells Ali she’s never giving up her Chava. Relax, says Ali. And get yourself a good lawyer. Bye! She hangs up, Candy throws down the phone in exasperation. Greg tells Candy she’s on Candy’s side, but Candy wants to be alone, and goes to her room. She flashes back to good times with Pat and Chava. She remembers when Pat agreed to the divorce, even gave her the papers, and at the time (pre-Santi-love-admittance), she tore up the papers. A tear slides down her cheek, as she then remembers when Santi proposed on the boat, and how they’re now in love, but now Chava’s upset, now Pat won’t give her the divorce, and she’s distraught. But she wipes away the tears, thinking crying will not help her keep her son.

Isabel is looking for Lucía, who’s not in her room. Paulina comes up from behind, did I scare you? No, you make me nauseous, is the reply. Pau then roughly grabs Isa’s arm, saying she’s fed up, but Jaime comes in to defend his wife, let her go, let’s see how you treat a man. Paulina says you haven’t been a man for a long time, old man. Isa stops Jaime from anything further, prompting Paulina to declare it’s a good thing she stopped him, or Pau would tell him many things! After Pau leaves, Jaime really wants to help, and Isabel declares “no puedo mas”, or I can’t do this anymore. I think she may be about to confide in Jaime.

In the mafia car, Mario has decided to tell “the whole truth”. He didn’t do the operation. It was Santiago Lopez Carmona! And there’s a witness right here in the car, Lozano. Is that true, Lozano? asks Gabino.

Santi is reading a story to Rocío. Paulina approaches. From behind, Jaime and Isabel walk in, his arm around her shoulder in support. He says to Santiago, “Your mother has something to tell you.” Paulina is muy impactada, and we have to wait ‘til Monday for the truth or consequences!


Once again, a great title and opening paragraph to tie it all together. So well done, Hombre. And I'm impressed that you're sailing along like this with no captions. I just about had a heart attack the first time I had to do "without".

As to your question:

I think that Zantoro said "le pegaria una trompada" for I would give him a punch in the nose, or I would punch him out etc.

I got a kick out of the attempted hug between Lulu and Cuau. They reminded me of two little Pacmans bouncing off each other.

Understand that Candy can't and won't give up custody of Chava, but she should be willing to share custody and let Chava spend the weekend at his dad's for heaven's sakes! As always, this pouty high-maintenance lady annoys me.

Thank you Hombre!
Wow! I wonder how Santi will get out of this latest confession from traitor Mario?
Now it's Mario, Pau, and Fred on the boat to doll island.
I don't like Christian very much for Meno. He's a little too devious.
I still would rather see Lulu with someone else. The shorter stripper would be great. Just because she is heavy I don't think it's fair to pair her with someone else who is the same. How about a good looking stud instead?

Carrie L.

Hombre, what a good, wry, perceptive recap. Judy beat me to the punch, so to speak, in confirming your translation of Zamora's response to Isabel. I was a bit surprized by his hostililty since he had spoken fondly of his dd before. Well, can things get any worse for Santi? It's become like watching the trials of Job. We need to keep telling ourselves that this is a romantic comedy. Also, it looks as though we may soon have to start.a death watch and death count much like FELS. Who would have guessed? My early nominations are Mario, Pau, Gambino, Lozano, Marissa, and Art. Sadly, possibly Pato and Alicia. And that Christian, isn't he a piece of work? Carlos

Thanks for the recap Hombre. You are such a role model for those of us who aspire to do recaps one day.

Judy - Yes, Candy is still so high maintenance. I guess she isn't supposed to grow at all in this process...bummer.

Carrie L. - I'm glad you don't like Christian for Meno because based on what I've read, I don't either.

Carlos - You hit the nail on the head with poor Santi and his life paralleling Job. I didn't realize Mario was ratting him out as I watched that scene. It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Your list of possible deaths is compelling though it is sad because this is a comedy...right?

Hombre, I am very impressed at your comprehension skills without the closed caption. This was an extremely fast-talking episode with more conversation than action. I am still without CCs and I'll admit a lot of this was over my head. Big kudos to you.

Oh dear, the adorable Christian appears to be a bit of a gold digger. Meno is always the backbone of all situations, it would be nice for him to hook up with someone who is a giver instead of a taker.

I like how Santi always calls Luc's friend by her full name, MiniWest like it's one word, instead of just Mini. It sounds funny when he says it.

Pat really pissed me off in this episode. He claims he wants Chava to live with him so he can "protect" him, however at the same time he is also connected to the mafioso and in fact has blatantly threatened Gabino. I don't see how Chava is any safer with Pat than with Candy. I think he is less so. Furthermore Pat is very remiss about not revealing to both Soledad and Candy what is going on.

Carrie, I want Lulu to end up with Tono. I think they already have a little crush on each other but so far it hasn't gone anywhere.

I was hoping this telenovela would be homicide-free but with the death of the PI that is already ruined. Rats.

Sylvia, Pato is both being selfish as well as not thinking clearly. Judy, I understand your lack of patience with Candy, but I think that she used good judgement in denying Pato custody for the weekend. He already has said he wants to exert his custodial claim and I think he was actually planning to use weekend visitatin to abduct Chava. No matter how you cut it, this is a bad and dangerous situation. I'm hoping Alizée lightens things up a bit. Oh, and Sylvia, I'm afraid that unless Gambino gets whacked first, there will be major carnage. Such a happy little show. Carlos

Great recap Hombre. You'll have to put me in the naive section with Chayo. When Mario was talking with Gabino, I was wondering if he was going to throw himself under the bus or throw Santi under the bus. I just never thought he would throw Santi under the bus!
Man, Pat is there every time Santi and Gabino get together. Sheesh. Well, with Mario's confession, being with Pat may now actually be safer than being with Santi!! Good call Pat? :)


I like Lulu the best with Tono too and had high hopes for them. All of a sudden this new guy who wants a cook is in the picture. What happened to Tono?
I hate the way they sometimes dress her as if they are making fun of her. Having this current guy as her interest seems to suggest that everything for Lulu has to be a fat joke.
Not very nice for our likeable girl!
Meno is such a sweetie! Christian is annoying and not trustworthy, in my opinion as a Meno fan.
I've given up on Candy. She is a beauty but way too self centered.

Carrie L.

Carrie, re "everything for Lulu has to be a fat joke", I wonder if this is yet another PSA. I read a few months ago that Mexico is now poised to overtake the U.S. as the world's most obese nation. Just a thought.

Judy (and Carlos), thanks for the identification of the word I couldn't hear, trompada. I looked up several words starting with t, but couldn't find it. Fortunately, I can understand most of the dialog nowadays, but I can't give much vocab, because I don't hear the words I don't know. I barely heard the name of the singer Osvaldo mentioned, Joaquin Sabina. I actually heard Joaquin and Sa..., so I started entering it in google, and the search engine filled in Sabina. I clicked, it took me to the Wikipedia entry, and there he was, Spanish singer. Computers sure are amazing!

As for who might get killed, I'm hoping that somehow none of the characters we know will get killed, as I don't think any of them is really bad enough for that. The one exception may be Arturo. He's been saying things recently that almost sound like farewells, as if he's going to do something drastic. He also says he's old, and he doesn't think he has much time left because he might have cancer. So maybe he'll attack Gabino. Or maybe Lozano and Gabino will have a shootout, killing both, which would solve a lot of problems. Paulina should end up in jail, maybe with Mario. Mariloca is half crazy anyway, maybe she'll be committed. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Hombe, you suggest that we might be spared some mortalities by Art making an ultimate sacrifice or Gambino and Lozano simultaneously whacking each other. I much prefer one of those solutions although Mario has displayed a selfish disregard for his friend and his family that is unforgivable. Maybe he will have a pang of conscience an offer himself up. I won't be holding my breath. Heaven forbid that Charly decides to sacrifice himself or for that matterMeño or any of the others. Much like you and likely the rest of us, I'm not wanting to see even the flawed characters wasted, just a bit of retribution. Carlos

Thank you, Hombre, for pulling it together. Good job as always.

Does anyone deserve death? Remember in novelas, the bad get badder and the good get gooder. (Except Candy. But who knows? Even Candy might get better. And pigs might fly.) Paulina has clearly been escalating in evil; who knows how far she'll go? We don't know much about Mariloca, but her insanity seemed to be escalating when she was a regular. Maybe she'll go stark raving. Whereas I put Mario in the same category as Alicia. Not evil at heart like Paulina, but no moral backbone either. Interesting that Mario and Alicia fill the corresponding positions on the Relationships Chart.

In fact, in looking at the chart, I notice that Pat and Paulina are in corresponding slots. Both are obsessed with the ex-, but Pau is sinking lower and lower, while Pat in general has been building character. Even in the current situation, though misguided, he believes he's doing the right and noble thing.

Paula, with all due respect (don'tcha just love that phrase?) Mario has esentially just (knowingly, sentenced Santi and his entire family to death. As far as I know, Alicia's only crimes are being a slut, sleeping with her sister's fiance, falsifying a birth certificate, depriving Santi of his infant son, and n general being a pan in the butt. Mario on the other hand... Carls

Yikes!!!! I can't believe Mario is that evil!!! Ouch!!

Great title and tie-in Hombre...definitely consequences a foot. Seems like they are going to torture us right until the end with this stuff.

I have not watched all week except for my cap, but I've stayed current with all you folks capping and feel like I've seen everything because of your vivid descriptions. Thanks all and lovely detailed work Hombre!!

Carlos, yes I do love that phrase. Takes me back to my army days.

Yes, Mario panicked. Given a choice between Santi's neck and his own, he saved his own skin. But is that part of his general personality? It doesn't seem to be. And if it's a behavior that's out of character for him, then maybe he'll snap out of it. As I said, he doesn't have an evil heart, just no moral backbone.

Paula, yes I buy that(tonight I'm easy), but will Santi? Carlos

Sylvia and Hombre: thank you both for your wonderful Thursday and Friday recaps. As usual, both were well written and very informative.

What a disappointment Christian is. Sylia as you noted: "Meno is always the backbone of all situations, it would be nice for him to hook up with someone who is a giver instead of a taker." Think we had all hoped for better choice for our favorite character.

Carrie and Sylvia, I'm with you in hoping Tono ends up with Lulu.

Carrie, you noted that "...seems to suggest that everything for Lulu has to be a fat joke." Yes. Unfortunately, this show is not alone in that people who are overweight are considered fair game for ridicule.

Diana in MA

Does anyone deserve death? Interesting question. The truth is that (at least so far) the worst deeds of Mari, Paula and Mario, etc. simply are not as vile or murderous compared to the sins of others (Fernando and Crabi in FELS and Sara in Querida). I don't think any of the Tontas characters (thankfully) can compete with the litany of their murder and mayhem.

That said, I think jail time for several of the above would be fair.

Diana in MA

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