Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tontas Tuesday May 19, '09 Well, A Whole Lotta Things ALMOST Happened Tonight

The previews for tonight's show were sexy, weren't they? Mario digging his own grave while Paulina shouts "Kill him, kill him!" Santiago and Candy in the church, getting married in "the eyes of God". Soooo promising but honestly, the plot wasn't advanced much tonight. Still, the trip was a pleasant one. So let's look at what happened...and what didn't.

After the brief rehash (which you don't really need, do you?) we see Patricio and Arturo talking over why Patricio is sure Santiago's connected to the local mafia and why it's dangerous to Arturo's grandchildren for him to stick around. Arturo agrees to go.

Switch from there to the Alizée concert. Our French chanteuse looks more like a mom and less like that enchanting nymphet that danced so bewitchingly in the video Sylvia linked last Thursday. But no matter. Santiago is wild with enthusiasm and jumping up and down like a teenager. Candy is looking embarrassed. (Lord! what a wet blanket she's going to be in this relationship.) Fortunately, he ignores her and goes on shaking and baking.

Soledad, Cece and Barbara are back at the apartment commiserating that they can only buy the Alizée CD. Lucky Candy is actually at the concert. (But not enjoying herself. He should have taken someone else, honestly. Like maybe Lulu...or Hortensia. Oh well.) Anyway, the talk soon turns to men. Soledad's raving about how tender and thoughtful Raúl is. Cece's trying to douse her enthusiasm and Barb weighs in with some therapy. Soledad's earlier hurtful relationships were "her fault". Jorge left because Beto wasn't actually his son. And she should never have fallen for Patricio because he was married. Sooo...upshot. No reason for her to be afraid to fall in love with Raúl. Follow that? I didn't, really, but whatever.

Back to the dressing room. Santiago's babbling his praises of Alizée in Spanish and Candy's translating into French. Some words she pronounces well, others badly. Then she pulls a fast one on Santiago and makes him believe Alizée wants him to take her around Mexico for 2 weeks and show her the sights. He gets nervous; plants a big kiss on Candy to show he's taken, and off they go. Just as well since our French chanteuse was tired and needed a break.

Now, shades of MEPS. We have another partially dug grave and tough gunmoll Paulina is ordering Mario into it so he can finish digging his final resting place before Lozano shoots him. As if! He manages to talk his way out of it by handing her his cellphone and pointing out that he calls his lawyer every three hours. If he misses a call, the lawyer has the papers of a full confession which he'll deliver to the authorities. Paulina and Lozano decide to let him live (they'll fake his death by taking a picture of him in the grave with blood all over him) but tell him he has to get out of Mexico.

These scenes are broken up with some humor. Eduardo's drooling at the thought of Santiago being in the same dressing room with Alizée. Seems he's not getting any at home and he's feeling....well....deprived and depressed. Santiago fakes a gay accent, then a French accent and pretends to be Alizée dancing. Dancing superb. Accent not so much.

The last scene before we break for the first round of ads is Patricio confronting Candy in her office. He's convinced Santiago has mafia links and insists on keeping Chava away from him. Candy threatens him that if he tries to take Chava from her he'll be sorry. We've had this conversation before and will probably have more of the same in the future.

When we get back, Isabella and Donato are pondering Jaime's lack of recognition of the photo. Donato has it all figured out. Men don't like their wives going through (hurgando) their affairs and their secrets so maybe Jaime really did recognize the lady and is just faking confusion. Isabella is the one looking confused now! (But I agree with Donato.)

Same office, same lady, different galan. Santiago is now talking to Candy about the threatened custody and has a plan. They get married pronto! As a stable family, they'll have a much better chance of custody as opposed to a single guy. He tells Candy "no tengas miedo" (there's that theme again) and to come with him. They're off to the chapel and gonna get married...if only in the eyes of God.

Romance is in the air elsewhere as well...at the study table. Chayo's tutor has brought her flowers but she wisely refuses them (how do I explain this to my husband?) and vamooses, leaving him with the posies and the bill.

So back to church. Candy loves the idea of getting married but remember, she's not yet divorced. Santi assures her that God sees, not the laws of man, but the hearts of men...and their hearts are so full of love right now that they're in the perfect condition for getting married. The romantic music swells and so does the emotion. Santiago begins to pray....Lord, I haven't always been a good man (Candy interrupts...What? I need to know more about that...) Santi brushes that aside. This is just "in general" and goes on quickly to inform God that he loves this lady with "locura" and pasión (he's crazily, passionately in love!) and asks God to watch over them, protect their children, and help them to be as happy as he and Candy are together. Now it's your turn, Candy.

But you've already said everything replies our sweetheart. But she manages to add Thy will be done. I love this man with all my heart and please God, take care of us and help us. Amen. Short but sweet.

In the meantime, less happy scenes are taking place. Arturo is bidding good-bye to Margarita, giving her a letter for Patricio, and adding sadly, Tell the children they had a grandfather who loved them very much but wasn't able to stay around to see them grow up. And Lucia and Charlie are feuding again. He wants advice on how to handle this icky new friend of Meño's and she manages to spill the beans about Fede being in her room kissing her. That does it! When Fede calls, Charlie grabs the phone as says If you're ever in her room again, I'll kill you! (Go Charlie! We're on your side.)

We next see Lucia coming home, spotting Paulina and Rocio playing on the lawn with a dollhouse and standing up to Paulina quite effectively, swearing that she'll "never help Paulina stay at the house". Of course Paulina later uses this confrontation to manipulate poor Rocio some more. Your "sister" is just jealous because she doesn't have a mother. She's all alone and wants you to be alone too. Rocio tearfully vows that she won't like Lucia anymore. What a clever witch this Paulina is! Comes out smelling like a rose no matter what!

Brief restaurant scene with Lalo and Mario. He's telling him to relax, he's getting out of Mexico, all will be well for Eduardo and Santiago. As far as Gambino knows, Mario is dead.

Brief office scene with Meño and Candy. She's babbling on a mile a minute about the secret wedding and the promise of true love they made to each other. Simpers and 7th grade giggles. On both sides.

After the ads, we see Fede again. Ugh. He's still trying to seduce Lucia. She's still resisting. Good.

Now we're in Santiago's office and Alicia has handed him the baby while she discusses the possibility of a boob lift. Does she take some kind of fiendish pleasure in watching Santiago hold his own son? Dunno. But the interaction is great. The bambino has an enchanting smile and is radiating comfort and well-being in Santi's arms. Santi however, nixes the idea of being her plastic surgeon. Not with the current unpleasantness between him and Patricio. Better that she see another doctor. At this point, a hostile Candy walks in and wants to know what Alicia is doing there. Why, lining you up as Patito's godparents, quips Alicia. Dubious as they are, she assures them she'll talk Patricio into it.

Switch to Arturo loading suitcases into his trunk and the omnipresent Gambino catching him at it. No running away, Arturo. If you do, I'll pick off your grandchildren one by one. Which one do you want to go first? Guess he's make Arturo an offer he can't refuse.

Candy stays after Alicia's exit and does her usual blah blah about how Santi will find his son soon and everything will be okay. (True of course, but she has no way of knowing that) She offers to stay with him the rest of the day but he (perhaps remembering those hives of the other night) begs off, saying he has to see some patients and pay the rent after all. So off goes Candy and in comes his true love, Eduardo....who gives Santi the hugs and the comfort he needs by reassuring him that Mario has left and ain't nevah coming back. Santi muses that Mario sure has changed. He didn't used to be like that. Wonder what happened?(In a word, the evil Paulina.)

Patricio's talking with his mom, feeling guilty about running off his dad but recognizing that it was for the good of the children. The Institutas, meanwhile, are planning their next radio talk which will be about domestic abuse and how to escape from it. The Abandonados are planning theirs as well. What is the place of women in the universe? The kitchen! says Carlos. And he suggests talking about divorced women....they know what they like, they know what they want, there's no wasting time...there's always Susy Spencer. This isn't going over with Raúl who's definitely feeling romantic about women now that he's in love with Soledad.

On to more serious discussions. Patricio is dumbfounded that Alicia wants plastic surgery. There's nothing wrong with her!...he's noticed...even if they're not getting it on together. He's even more dumbfounded that she's asked Santiago and Candy to be the godparents. She digs in the knife, pointing out that they're a marvelous, solid, stable couple (dig dig!) and besides, he'll only have to see them at the baptism ceremony. Well, aren't you sweet?! he snarls back.

Two more scenes wrap up tonight's episode. First, Santiago shows Candy his new prescription pads and then the old ones which should have been the ones used for the prescriptions he supposedly wrote for the botched plastic surgery. She's relieved at the proof but both wonder WHO could have put this shady lady on to Candy.

And the last is the police investigator who confirms that Santi's private detective Leonardo, was also investigating Gambino. And was no doubt killed by him. As to Santi's son's whereabouts....no clues.

So....what happened? Arturo planned to leave but couldn't. Mario was slated to die but didn't. Santiago and Candy got married....but not really. Fede tried again to seduce Lucia but failed. Cece tried to discourage Soledad from falling in love with Raúl but was unsuccessful. The tutor tried to make some headway with Chayo, but she discouraged him.

The only person who seemed to make any headway was the execrable Paulina, who is turning Rocio away from both her father and her sister. Ugh!

Previews: Paulina threatens Isabella and tells her to get out, and take her husband with her....or she'll tell Santiago that Rocio is not really his daughter. Lucia overhears this.

Candy gets tough with Patricio and tells him to get out of her office and out of her life!

Algo que no me cuadra = something's not right, Donato, musing about Jaime not recognizing the picture.
hurgando nos secretos = burrowing into our secrets
no hay gato encerrado = Isabella stating that there's nothing fishy going on
meto las manos al fuego por él = I'd put my hands in the fire for him (using present tense)
yo di de más= I gave more (to the relationship) Soledad complaining before Barbara set her straight.
jugar chueco =playing dirty, Gambino threatening Arturo
burdo intento de fuga = stupid attempt to flee. more Gambino to Arturo
el tiempo es un cruel amigo = Santiago musing on the changes in Mario (time is a cruel friend)

Dicho of the Day:
Siempre se rompe el hilo por lo más delgado (lit. the thread always breaks where it is thinnest) We say "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."
So who's the weak link in episode?...this story? We shall see.


Thank you Judy, very interesting recap!
Pau just plows onward smashing everyone in her path. When she is finally stopped it will be all the more enjoyable!
If I were Mario I don't think I would have stopped to tell Lalo I was leaving. He took quite a chance that Gambino might see him.

Carrie L.

Judy, Love the title, and especially the perfectly worded summary paragraph near the end of what did not quite happen, and the expansive vocabulary list we all look forward to each week. You have really taken the helm of excellent vocabulary listings which hasn't been so well developed I think since Juan Querendon days.

It surely is a whole lot of nuthin' going on. Three of the four telenovelas I am watching are winding down and ought to be doing it much faster than they are, it is hard to put up with some of the silly plot ruses but it is even harder to simply stop watching before I find out how any one of them are resolved.

Thanks Judy for the very good and quick recap, and the vocabulary lesson.

It is too unbelievable that Arturo and Mario and Pau all had dealings with the mafia(narcotraficantes?).
Mario fingers Santi for the mafioso's death, and Pau is the cheerleader at Mario's near execution? Dios mio, que basura.

Given the evil trio of Paulina, Marissa and Alicia, "ni las malvadas" should be added to the title.

At long, weary last Candy seems to have acquired some sense, and is committing to Santi. She may be tonta, but at least she's not evil.

I know discussing the actors' private lives is prohibido, pero,
at the Alizee concert, the blonde woman dancing behind Santi was Jaime Camil's real life girlfriend at the time, Heidi (they have since broken up). It's just a family affair with him, isn't it?

I thought Candy spoke French pretty well, what a surprise. Whew, what a relief that Alizee is growing up and looking more mommy-like (she's still very hot though).

Why is Candy such a terminal wet blanket? Personally I think it takes too much energy to be that much of a drip.

Paulina is acting like a crazy woman. Does she have any sort of plan at all? If she really wants to get back with Santi and be Rocio's mommy why is she enraging everyone? It doesn't make sense to me.

Great recap Judy, your title summed it up well!

Anya, that's a great fun fact you shared with us. Thank you.

Thank you, Judy. Great recap, great vocab, you summed it up so well.

Anya, good eye, spotting Heidi! I would've never noticed. I always have trouble recognizing her - her face is just not memorable to me. Maybe that's an important trait for clothing models, so your remember the clothing and not the model.

I do enjoy the scenes with Osvaldo, probably because I know a young man from Mexico that looks so much like him. My friend E. could charm the blush off a peach! I think if they had a World Cup for flirting, the Team Mexico men would win every title.

Did anybody else wonder about the grave scene?
A. Pau tells Gabino that Mario confessed. But did Mario really?
B. Pau tells Lozano that Gabino says kill Mario. But did Gab really? And if you were Lozano, would you want to hear the order from Gabino directly?

When Pau was shouting, "Kill him, kill him!" I started thinking that she invented the kill order to get Mario out of her life.

Judy: Stellar recap along with vocabulary that perfectly matched the story line.

As both you and Sylvia pointed out, Candy is a total "wet blanket". Santi was having such a wonderful time at the concert, how could she not have helped dancing along with him?? Ack.

I also enjoyed Santi's dancing for Ed. Great fun...

Grateful that Lu didn't succumb to Fede's "charms". Thankfully, she stood up to Paulina. Let's hope Isabel does the same...

What was behind Arturo's burdo intento de fuga? I thought it was cowardice as he had no assurances Gam would not harm his son or grandchildren in retribution.

Carrie, I also thought getting out of the country rather than lunch with Lalo might have been a wiser course of action for Mario.

Still a lot to be resolved. Diana in MA

Good morning everybody. I totally agree with all your comments about the Mario/Eduardo scene. Didn't make sense at all that he would loll around Guadalajara after that grave-digging number. Especially since Gambino seems to be everywhere.

And have you noticed one of Gambino's henchmen looks like Frankenstein? Can't imagine this poor guy gets many roles in telenovelas. I do like the casting for Gambino's role...he seems convincing as the son of a mafia chieftain.

And Anya...thanks for the tip about the dancing blonde. I'll have to go back and watch the tape. I can easily get carried away at musical events or sporting contests and my kids (especially as teenages) looked at me the same way Candy looked at Santi. Once again, a high-maintenance, low-satisfaction kind of date.

Hah, Anya...like the Las Tontas y ni las Malvadas Van al Cielo...our wicked trio is certainly headed South if they don't reform. Wonder which ones will get redeemed and which ones will stay condemned to suffer. There's always ONE redemtption holdout in these things.

Sylvia... Candy did a good job on speed and many of her syllables were correct but then she totally messed up on some of the nasals. I'm just a snot about those things because I worked for years on my accent. One of our teachers when I was at the Sorbonne would have us practice speaking French 15 minutes a day with a pencil clutched between out teeth. That really helps you get rid of your American habit of swallowing syllables! My finest moment came when I was back in Bloomington, IN and a French gal who overheard me speaking to someone in the store asked if I was from Paris. Oh joy! Of course I've lost most of it now. Just retained enough to be cranky about other people's abilities.

Cheryl...you've nailed our dilemma. We hate putting up with the silly plot ruses and yet....we've gotta keep watching. Let's face it, we're hooked...but as long as we're still learning Spanish...it's a "positive addiction".

Hi Judy, I too noticed the look of the Gambino henchman. I don't know if he looks that way in real life but I thought he must get a lot of gangster type roles. I think sometimes unusual character actors can get more roles than the average pretty boy who doesn't stand out.
Is Pau Gambino's girlfriend or partner? It doesn't seem likely, but I wonder if she is controlling
him like she tries to everyone else.

Carrie L.

Paula! "Charm the blush off a peach". Lordy, I love that. Will put that in my memory bank and use it sometime. You remind me of my colorful mom who had such unique phraseology. I hope she's "al cielo" although she always claimed she had no interest in going there with all those boring folks. (My brother told her "Just in case, always wear seersucker.")
+ + +
Diana. Love it when you use Spanish! You are picking up the language so fast. I had to labor over various Learn Spanish Now! books before I could grasp anything. You seem to just absorb and use instantly. Yea!

+ + +
And finally, thanks for the kind words everyone. We have such a great and caring family group on this blog. Who knew the internet could be such fun?

Hmmm..Carrie...you've brought up an interesting question. Paulina, in true villaness style, seems willing to do anybody if it gets her what she wants. But I thought she was just heavy-duty flirting with Gambino in order to move ahead with getting Mario out of her way and out of her life. But who knows?

I haven't seen the Frankenstein actor before and he really hasn't had any lines but certainly looks meanacing. Did you watch Al Diablo Con Los Guapos? There was a huge actor there (with a monstrous head) but he did both menacing and humorous with a lot of style. Will be interesting to see if Frankenstein ever speaks.

Judy, a great job of turning a pretty tiresome episode into another great recap! Appreciate very much your dichos at the end because they reflect what I think is called the idiomatic part of the language.

Please let them have the Alizee thing out of their system now. Cute kid, cute performer, let's move on. Candy's problem at the concert was probably an inability to stand not being the center of attention.

One of Gabino's thugs may be ugliest-lookin' dude I've ever seen. Emilia thinks they glued some kind of putty to his face to make him look that way.

Paulina's motivation - one thought is that she may realize it ain't gonna happen for her w/ S. and now she's burning and salting the fields in retreat.

OOOH...burning and salting the fields in retreat...love it when you talk military strategy Mike.

Emilia makes an interesting point about Frankenstein's face. Our TV is pretty small but I'll press my nose to the glass next time and see if that's what it looks like.

On the Alizée thing, quite right...it did not move the story along at all. And Sylvia's youtube links were far more interesting than what we saw on Tontas.

And lastly, thanks for noting the vocabulary list. I love learning the colorful idioms in other languages and I'm glad you do too. It's like being a child again to share in the wonderment of new words and new ways of processing and expressing reality.

Great recap Judy. I thought that you were going to be babysitting yesterday. I guess I wasn't paying close attention to when you'd be gone. I knew it was you after the second sentence. Your writing is unmistakable.

As to the ugly henchman. He looked to me to have the leonine facies of Hanson's disease (leprosy). Of course he may have scarring from something else.He may suffer from acromegaly (over-secretion of growth hormone). Or, he may just be downright scary-ugly.


Good point about Pau "burning and salting the fields". (I've never heard that before!) I'm still a little confused at her relationship with Gabino; I thought she was just a collateral acquaintance because of Mario but all of a sudden she seems to be playing a larger role. Oh well, whatever puts her in front of the pie cart sooner is OK with me.

I agree the Alizee thing was gratuitous PR and kind of boring. Probably just an opportunity for Candy to show off that she "knows" French (kind of like Gaviota "knew" English, French, Italian, etc.).

Carlos, thanks for your medical viewpoint on the henchman; interesting stuff.

Wow Carlos...after hearing that medical diagnosis, I'm hoping it's just silly putty that's making his face look so strange! Anyway, glad the actor is finding work and sure hope it doesn't hex his love life. We women sometimes go for super-ugly guys (think Charles Bronson, grrrrrrr) so perhaps all is well.

Our babysitting stint will come the first week in June. When I get back to Columbus, I may be so exhausted, my recaps will be incoherent. Then you'll really "recognize my style". Pure babble.

Thanks for the recap Judy, yes, a whole lotta almost. I saw the ugly guy the night before and almost couldn't believe it. He needs help from Santi or perhaps he was a botched job by another Dr Plastico. This morning I was thinking, perhaps Gabino's dad isn't dead and this guy him, hiding in plain sight. :)

I'm with you Sylvia, what is Paulina's plan? Get everybody to hate her except Rocio?

Paula: "B. Pau tells Lozano that Gabino says kill Mario. But did Gab really? And if you were Lozano, would you want to hear the order from Gabino directly?" Not sure if he said to kill Mario, but he saw the pictures later and wasn't too upset about it. And, I think Paulina definitely wanted to do Mario in. I hope that gives him enough of a clue to get the heck out of there and stop trying to get her back.


Carlos, Google images resulting from a search of your terms have made me lose all interest in lunch...

BTW, amigo, keep an eye on the pit bulls. The Feds let Michael Vick out of the Big House last night.

Mike, thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately Bonnie Belle would be all too eager to go with Michael Vick as long as it meant a ride in the car. I think he is forbidden to be around or own dogs, even a chihuahua.


Ah that Bonnie Belle...you should have "raised her Presbyterian" like I was, Carlos...then she'd be a little more cautious. I imagine our Señor Vick is going to be mighty cranky now...wouldn't want to run into him with or without a dog.
+ + +
Yes, Jeff...there seem to be more "almosts" than "actuals" in this telenovela. And the Paula/Gambino connection is a puzzle. Maybe we'll "almost" get further clues tonight.
+ + +
Mike, I'm not going to check out those medical sites if what you say is true. Lunch is one of the highlights of my day!

The way Paulina is playing with fire (Gabino) now, I'm not sure if she'll live out the show. I know others had mentioned in the past she couldn't die because it would affect Rocio too much, but not so sure any more. I don't know if they have any other connection other than she's a woman and Gabino may have a certain code of ethics that he doesn't harm them until he just has to. :)
He definitely knows that she was fooling around with both Mario and Santi.

Has Santi seen FrankNStein yet? I can just picture him doing his double take if he sees him. He'll probably tell him, "I can help you out with that." Frank will say, "Help out with what?"


Poor Lozano, no matter who or which story Gabino believes, this cannot turn out well for him. Whoever killed Daddy Don, Lozano was a party to it. Wait'l Gambino finds out that Lozano got a cool mil(million that is) to keep quiet about it. Nope, no need to renew any subscriptions on or begin watching a new telenovela.


Actually, since the one consistency to all the stories is somebody killed Daddy. I'm surprised that Gambino doesn't just whack'em all and let God sort it out.


Carlos and Jeff...you're cracking me up. "No need to renew subscriptions". Hah. You're right, Carlos, Lozano isn't long for this world.

Jeff, yep, I'm sure Santiago would be willing to help out Frankenstein...and maybe pro bono. Your speculation about Paulina is interesting. Could she die even though it causes Rocio grief/ I think she could die in an accident, maybe trying to flee the consequences of her evil deeds, and together Santiago and Candy (in her chirpy goody two-shoess way)would console Rocio and the poor little tyke would "move on" as charactes do in these instant-healing telenovelas.

These stories seem to have characters hanging on to vengeance thoughts for ridiculously long times or else getting over it in ridiculously short intervals. None of the emotional pacing seems realistic to me.

PS Sorry for all the typos today. I even noticed in my title I had spelled "ALmost" as "Amost". Had to do a fast correction. Do you suppose it's time to get glasses?

Glasses? Nah, the world is a much prettier place without 'em!!

I remember a character on Hee Haw long ago said, "In order to be dumber you'd have to be bigger!" With this show, in order to have more 'nothing much' the show will have to be longer. Spare us!!

Too true Emilia...on both comments. I remember when I put on my Sam's Club reading glasses I saw things in digital pictures I really didn't want to see!....like wrinkles.

And God bless whoever decided not to "extend" this one. The things that have been happening on the extension of Cuidado are so absurd that even us telenovela fanatics are dropping by the wayside.

Judy, thanks for the great recap as usual. I love your writing style. As for needing glasses to correct typos, don't worry, most of us miss the typos anyway, because WE all probably need glasses!

I think Paulina does have a plan. It's to have Santi to herself (maybe with Rocio). She wants Isabel, Jaime, Lucia and Donato out of the house, and she's doing various things to bring about that end. Problem is, just as with the evil Sara in Querida Enemiga, she has too many plans going at the same time, and they conflict. It's as if she's weaving a spiderweb, but the strands are getting too thin. As you said, Siempre se rompe el hilo por lo más delgado!

Oooh, Hombre, thanks for working in my dicho that way. Love the spider web image. And you're right, Paulina definitely wants Santi, but poor little Rocio?..just a means to an end. Not a maternal bone in that bony little body, I fear.

JudyB, I loved the recap and I'm glad you got an episode you enjoyed, even if nothing much happened.

I haven't watched this episode but now I'll look forward to the dancing. What a dull date that Candy must be. Then again, I'm always the one dancing to music only I can hear at my desk or on the sidewalk, and people are giving ME the "I can't be seen with you" look...I think Santi and I would get along.

In my mind, the mobster guy's character name is "Thugly Ugly." He certainly is distinctive.

On Frankenstein, I vote putty. That's why he never talks - his face would crack. But Carlos' suggestion, acromegaly - he does have that look, doesn't he? (My son went through a Guiness Records phase.)

Jeff, I too hope Mario gets a clue about Pau. You may love her unendingly, but when your babe is shrieking, "Kill him! Kill him!" that's a clue that she's just not into you.

Lozano shouldn't start any novelas. But I wounder if he could buy a Ferrari for zero down?

Hmmm Julia, Or we could just shorten it to "Thugly". That would fit nicely. Glad you're a spontaneous dancer. The people "whc can't be seen with you" are just insecure. Who needs 'em? (unless they're your own children of course).

Hah Paula!..."she's just not that into you.". Good one.

OK, now I'm wondering if El Thug IS somebody we're not recognizing.

- They do love to slather on makeup in these shows.

- I still think the psychic landlady from QE was Walter Mercado.

- What better way to tease the audience by disguising some handsome galan as a mob palooka.

Ergo, I suspect if you pulled off the Mission Impossible mask, one would find either:

- Chef Hawt

- Juan Querendon

- Table Mo (Paula, that's how I figure one would pronounce TBLMOE)

In the pretend wedding, it was so sad, Santiago's look of disappointment. He was crushed. He just promised her the moon and the stars, with God as his witness, and her response? "Whelp, I guess you've said it all!" Oh, and "Gee, I really love you a whole bunch." We all know a solid marriage can't be 50/50. It has to be 100/100. I think their marriage will be more like 100/0.

The Paulina thing is one of the more poorly developed elements of this show. Is she really obsessed with Santi like Mar is? Is she a golddigger? Her motivation is never revealed, she's just strongly driven by something. Although we did get one clue - Luc said, "You don't love my tio, you just want to live in this house." Maybe she just wants the life of leisure like Margarita. But it's never developed.

Lastly, poor Rocío. Do we say, "Pau can't die; it would be too hard on Roc"? I dread saying this, but maybe Roc would be better off if she died. Not just because Pau doesn't love her, but because Pau is inflicting a blizzard of emotional torture on the poor child. And we know that when Santi marries Candy and Pau eventually gives up, she'll drop Roc cold and won't ever speak to her anymore. I think Roc would be better off with a dearly departed mother she can mourn, rather than a woman who keeps rejecting her for the rest of her life.

Interesting idea Mike but I don't think it's any of those galans, alas. But maybe we can research the actor's name and find out what he looks like without the fright makeup.

Paula...too true about the Santi/Candy pairing. Candy's like the moon, basking in the light of the sun but not sending anything back but her cool beauty. That's going to get old after a while.

I also agree, hard-hearted as this sounds, that Rocio would be better off grieving a lovely memory than living with a real-life narcissist and borderline personality. Those types just get worse as time goes by.

Paula "I think their marriage will be more like 100/0." You're all just too hard on Candy. We all know it will be at least 100/err.. 20. :)

And, sad but true. It won't turn out good for Paulina, no matter what. May be better for Rocio to have good memories of Paulina than to try and live with what happens when Paulina loses. :(


Now when even the guys say "100 to 20" you know there's something wrong. Why haven't the writers made Candy more lovable? It just seems so odd.

Certain key characters have to have flaws, granted, so the tension can be strung out for months and months before the romance can be truly resolved, but this lady is just borderline annoying ALL the time.

In Cuidado, Marichuy is stubborn and short-sighted, and the luscious-lipped Juan Miguel is an idiot, but still, for some reason you like them and want them to end up together. I just can't get excited about Santiago and Candy ever being together. And the beach consummation scene, while beautifully filmed, was a yawn.
And I don't think it's a problem with the actress...I really liked her with Guy Ecker in Heridas.

Judy, I agree, I like Jacque just fine. In fact, her scene with Camil in LFMB was magical. I loved the chemistry! That's why I was so innitially excited to see them paired up.

In my mind, there are two problems with her character.

1. She started as a scared Miss Centro Universo with an obsession for her son. Five weeks before the finale, she's still a scared Miss Centro Universo with an obsession for her son. No growth, despite all Santiago's efforts to heal her.

2. The female lead always has flaws and failures, but she also has the qualities that we love about her. In the "qualities" column, Candy is pretty, and she doesn't cost much to feed. Other than that, I can't see anything to make us forget her legion flaws.

Doesn't cost much to feed! Too funny. Agree with your analysis, Paula. How sad. Part of the reason this telenovela isn't working as well as it should. Oh well....

You know this show has been diappointing at times(I for one could do without the childish bathroom humor)but we have some interesting characters,compelling situations,and unique subjects. We never seem to lack material to discuss and we're learning Spanish. There are worse uses for time. Carlos

You're right, Carlos. I've been letting myself wallow too much, y no sirve nada. Thank you for the reminder. Fuera dolor! I need to pay more attenhtion to the good things.

Paula, I sounded like a self-rigteous scold, didn't I? Well, things certainly picked up tonight. Carlos

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