Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Las tontas no van #123, Tue 6/2, Emergency Recap

Judy couldn’t find a substitute recapper so I’m posting a bare-bones emergency recap.

Pat and Candy meet with the judge for custody. The judge asks why she passed for dead for seven years.
Candy tells her wedding catastrophe.
P: You didn’t have the right to take my son.
C: It was your fault for cheating on me.
P: The one who suffered was Chava.
C: That’s why I let him know you.
P: After seven years. When you needed me.
C: No. My son doesn’t need a father.
Candy pretends to be the hero martyr for keeping Pat away from Chava.

Raúl & Sol pick up Beto from school. Chava has to go home with Ali.

Secretary Ratched has Santi nervous because she’s so harsh. Then she finds out he’s a plastic surgeon and she’s all charm. Then the other women in the office also want his attention. Santiago goes into flirting sales rep mode.

Raúl and Sol tell Beto they are getting married ASAP and taking him on their world trip.

The two witches take Chava and Roc to lunch. Ali explains the custody battle from her point of view.

Pat started the custody battle because he thought Santi was involved with the mafia. Don’t I have the right to know and raise my son, too? The judge says he will decide. Candy starts bawling, gets down on her knees, and begs Pat to relent. Tears work. Pat says he will not pursue custody.

Soon Santi is surrounded by women all clamoring for his attention. Just another typical day for Jaime Camil.

Raúl and Sol go to get a marriage license. Everything is fine until Beto realizes he has finals next week.

Candy comes out of the judge’s office to tell Santi that Pat has dropped the custody battle. Pat comes out and says he’ll give her the divorce too. Santi does a happy dance. Pat signs the papers dropping the suit. Pat suffers.

Beto tells Sol she can go on her trip. He’ll stay with his dad. She talks to Raúl later, undecided.

Pau tells Santi she left him, not for her career, but to be with Mario. Santi blows a gasket. He asks, as do we, why is she telling him this now? Roc comes in and asks why they are fighting.

Chava is depressed about the divorce.

Isa and Jaime bring friends to the restaurant. Meño tells Sven and Ole he needs lots of customers so he can pay his debts.

Pat tells his mom about his rough day while Ali the Exile looks on.

In a bar, Ali tells Pau she’s so happy that Pat is giving Candy a divorce. Pau says, “Great for you, rotten for me.” She also realizes Mario could return. Ali’s surprised they were amantes. Pau says she told Santi. Ali asks, “What, are you nuts?” Pau says she did it so that if Mario returns, .. I can’t figure out what she says. Some plot to win Santi. Ali says she’ll never pull it off. Besides, Pau’s dark side shows. By the way, Ali asks, who is Mario?

Santi and Candy decide that their problems are resolved and they can get married ASAP. They don’t realize there are still 16 episodes left.

Art visits Pat to tell him he’s closed all his business ventures and he’s now retired. Later Raúl and Pat ask if he can take care of Beto for a month. Pat’s glad to do it.

Luc takes Fred and two amigas to the restaurant. Charly is pissy and spills Fred’s drink on him. When the food arrives, Fred flips the plate onto Charly. Meet me outside.

Candy and Santiago do some serious kissing and serious flirting.

Art visits the Family Court judge. He wants Pat to get custody. What is the judge’s price?


Wow, not sure about bare bones, that looks quite complete as far as what happened. Thanks for the recap Paula.

But... Pau finally tells Santi about her and Mario. Pau knows there are 16 episodes left.

And, Art tries to buy the judge. Art knows there are 16 episodes left.


This was great Paula! Not so bare bones to me. You answered all my nagging questions. Thanks so much!
I'm happy so many players are finding happiness.
Poor Pat! I would love to see him with the pretty teacher. As someone menioned, they both love kids and Pat deserves to be happy.
Santi is so cute with his happy dance!
Now if only Tono and Lulu can just get together!
I'd love to see Pau get stopped. As someone mentioned, maybe the long arm of Gambino will catch her.
As for Ali and Mariloca, a long time in a jail cell would be fitting.

Carrie L.

I thought when Santi showed up at Candy's to talk about Pau, Candy would say what do you care for now. We are getting married. They would then get into a fight, etc. At least, if this was FELS and other TNs, that would have happened. :) All we got here was kissing and making out. :)

Yes Carrie L, I agree, Tono and Lulu together. Let get it done.


Paula, thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with this recap. I believe that you covered this episode very comprehensively. I wanted to choke Pato in the judge's office when he started that "it's everybody's fault but mine," but was proud of him when he did what I thought was the right thing. I'm not sure what Pau is tramando with this truthtelling but it just can't be good. Artie is demonstrating once again what a rodent he is. I'm now betting that one of his shoddy buildings collapses. Surely the judge won't even consider a bribe. Will he? Carlos

Great job Paula. I agree with the others, not bare bones at all...but thankfully brief concerning Candy and Pato's sturm und drang. Dios mio the wailing and gnashing of teeth seemed to go on forever. The close up face shots back and forth back and forth through two entire scenes nearly did me in.

I hope Charly knocks that smarmy smirk of Freds face. Jerk!!!

You're awesome Paula. Thanks!

Aver, Sylvia, I think you're closing in on my secret. I made a deliberate decision to not be crabby in my recaps. Life is depressing enough. Who needs crabbiness in our nightly escape? (Well, okay, I allow myself a little crabbiness, but I really do try to keep it to a minimum.) In order to not be crabby in tonight's cap, I had to minimize my description of the meeting with the judge, as much as I dared. It really did keep going and going and going, huh?

I was glad for the Santi and the Scty scenes. Someone asked, yesterday, why it was included. I'm sure it's because we needed the comic relief to break up the Pat/Candy emo.

You showed remarkable restraint my dear. Very nicely done.

I like Santi's little comic scenes. I agree they are probably for comic relief and maybe also to let Jaime Camil do some free form whatever-it-is-he-does.

Hey, Paula, you can call this one bare bones, but I thought it was more like Hemingway in "Old Man and the Sea." Tight, spare prose that came across with perfect clarity.

Somebody tell me why Paulina and Alicia are being given free room and board?

So Candy chooses to deny Chava his father completely? Stick a fork in Chava, he's done. Of course it'll all be Patricio's fault when Chava enters the criminal justice system.

I'm hoping Patricio's not put himself into the checkout line. I've heard that once the decision's made, the person becomes serene and appears happy - like Patricio seemed to be at the end last night.

Thanks again, Paula! Great job!

Oh I hope not Mike. Patricio agreed to look after Beto for a month so surely he'll stick around for that? Maybe? Lately Beto has been a much nicer and more fun kid than Chava, and Pat still has Patito...for now.

Paula: You're amazing. What a great and thorough recap.

I know I'm in the minority here but I've thought Pat and Candy still had a lot of hurt and anger toward each other that needed to be vented. They had their opportunity last night. I knew Pat would do the right thing and not pursue custody and he did. Of course Art the weasal is right there trying to railroad everything.

As the end is drawing near, we know there will be more upsetting developments. I've been spending too much time speculating but something is in motion as of last night that may have the possibility of a tragic ending for several "good" characters (I wish it were Paulina and Ali but it's not and Mike, I don't think it's Pat). Hope I'm wrong.

Diana in MA

Aw, c'mon, Diane. Don't tease us like that. What did you see? (Unless you've seen it before and you know the future.) I love hearing speculation and I love seeing whether it pans out. Spill!

I really didn't mind the endless crying and yelling back and forth between Pat and Candy as much as I did the intense close ups of their faces while they were doing it.

I enjoy so much the comic relief Santi brings to the show. I wondered if he told the women to "call the office for an appointment"? That's what I kept yelling at him to do.

I still say it may take Gambino to do Pau in, unless Mario returns and goes berzerk. That would be interesting.

Carrie L.

Paula, you're amazing, excellent recap, covered everything.

I think Paulina said she was trying to act like a good guy by telling Santi about Mario. Also, if Mario came back, she didn't want him to be the first to tell Santi. Alicia said Pau isn't a good enough actor bring off the good guy act.

I don't think the judge will go for a bribe.

I'm not too worried about Pat. Candy told Chava that nothing would change, Pat would still get him every weekend, the way they've been doing.

I was glad that Lucia admitted to her friends that she still may be in love with Charly. Can't wait for Federico to get his punishment.

Yes, everything seems a little too good, now. The only two problems we know about are whether Rocio is really Santi's daughter, and what will happen with Marissa and the baby swap. However, with 16 shows left, there's plenty of time for more problems to come up.

Who should get custody of Chava, and why?

I figure this pot needs a little stirring.

Candy and Santi should get Chava with liberal visitation for Pat. Patricio wants to be the 'pal' rather than have much to do with discipline. Santi will keep Chava in line, but gently and lovingly. Plus, Isa will be a wonderful grandmother, better than Margarita. Also, the less exposure to Alicia the better.

OK Paula. This is absolutely not a spoiler but something that struck me with full force...so I'll spill.

Am I alone in thinking it strange that the trip planned for Sole, Raul and Beto suddenly changed to Sole and Raul only? I see an anvil in the sky...Maybe it's just the recent plane crashes but I had a chill...I really, really hope I'm wrong...Please let me know what you think.

Paula, I am not in favor of shared custody as a rule. It's very hard for the child who has to split their lives and residence in two. Children need one place to call "home". Both Candy and Pat are good parents but I have to lean toward Candy simply because she is the mother. That said, Pat should continue to see Chava as he has been but wanting to go to the other parent's versus having to go are 2 different things.

Diana in MA


I thought the exact same thing when I read the recap, and I didn't even see the episode. It just seemed mighty convenient that Sol and Raul were on a trip together somewhere else leaving Beto with Pat. So, knowing that Pat will eventually lose Patito and Chava will live with Mom and Santi almost full-time, him becoming a single parent to Beto may be the resolution to him not being alone by the end of this novela. I am hoping that this is not what will happen, but I did think it.

-Vivi in DC

Nooooo! Please don't kill off the one functional happy couple! Pat can marry the teacher or his secretary and they can have triplets or something so he'll have a bunch of full-time children.

I actually think Pat is much better at disciplining Chava and keeping him in line than Candy is, but Chava would be better off living in Santiago's house than Pat's.

It frustrates me that we're so close to the end and Candy still refuses to admit that she was wrong to fake her death and keep Chava away from his father for so long. No. Character. Growth.

Diana and Vivi, ditto. Wow. Yes, that passed through my mind when I watched last night as well. Soledad and Raul crash out and Beto gets left with Pato. I thought that would be Pato's "happy ending" that was speculated about the other day. But... I hope not.

Julie, not sure if Pato is better at disciplining, but Chava has been in a mood to listen to the super hero/champion stuff that Pato spews. :)
And I agree, Candy should admit to being wrong. I have to agree with the judge when he said that you could have just got a divorce?

I'd have to say things should pretty much stay the way they are with Chava. He should stay with Candy wherever that is and see quite a bit of Pato.


Jeff and Vivi: OK, good to know I wasn't alone with that tragic thought.

I've said all along that it was sad Pat would not have his children living with him, but this was NOT what I had in mind. Blech...


Another thought, Chava will probably get all upset again when he finds out Beto is staying with Pato for month. :)


Diana, Vivi, and Jeff, NO, NO, NO. I won't have it. Anyone who looks that good in shorts cannot be knocked off, and since Raul will also be on the plane... no. I know that the stage is set, keeps Pato from ending up alone, and gets Marissa back into the picture. You can kill Marissa, Alicia, Fred, Christian, Mario, Gambino, Artie, even Ricardo, but lay off Raul and Soledad. I'll be going to pout now.


PS, looks like I may be having my weekend martini a little early this week. Don't you guys have work to do?


Can I have a martini also, Carlos. Yes, Pat might be happy to have Beto for keeps, but poor little Beto will have had his own happiness jerked out from under him. Can't happen!!

When the judge asked why she didn't immediately divorce Pat for infidelity, her answer was essentially "I was young and dumb."

But in her tirade, she yelled that she was a supermom perfectly capable of doing everything her son needed.

You can't have it both ways, Honey.

Emilia, will that be a regular dry martini or perhaps a dirty martini? How about some chicharrones? (Oh, that conversation was over at MEPS, never mind.)


Oh, and Mike, will you be having a drink? Anyone else?


Paula, as to your question:

Who should get custody of Chava, and why?

Do we have to choose between Candy and Pato?


I'll have a margarita, if it's all the same to you. "Dirty Martini" sounds less than tasty...
Mike is from KY, so he'll have bourbon on the rocks. (Mint juleps are only good on Derby Day!!)
Thanks, Carlos

Actually, a little Weller and branch sounds pretty good right now.


Oh yum. I’ll have a martini too, but no olive juice for me so “clean” I guess. I’ll have an order of chicharrones too!

Have you ever tried Woodford Reserve? it's excellent. Also Blanton's. (both are good KY bourbon)

Emilia, one of my Ky friends swears by Woodford Reserve, but I haven't tried it nor Blanton's. I don't remember even seeing Blanton's. I bought some Fighting Cock Bourbon because I really liked the label. It was very good and not costly . I also really like the flavor of Old Crow. My mom kept it on hand for medicinal purposes. Sure beats Robitussin. Carlos

Hello all! I have a question about Jaime Camil's song "Señora de Nadie" -- did he write it himself, or does he just sing?

Hi Carmel! It's fantastic to hear from you after all this time. I don't know the answer to your question but I'll bet Paula does. I'd like to think Jaime Camil wrote Senora de Nadie because I really like the song.

Same here, Sylvia -- it's a great song. If he did write it, wow, how much talent can one person have.

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