Friday, June 12, 2009

Las Tontas Thurs 6/11 - No toque mi toque!

After Candy asserts that she loathes Pat with all her soul Art reveals it was he who arranged to have Chava taken away from her; Patricio knew nothing about it. Art did it to win back the love of his son. Jerk. Grrrr! I love the way Pat raises his eyebrow to Candy like "toldja so beeatch".

Candy apologizes to Pat. She wants to denounce the judge but decides she doesn't want to see her son's grandpa in jail. Looks like Art is off the hook again although clearly he's persona non grata in Guadalajara.

Lalo and Horti help Santi pack up his office while Santi attempts to negotiate his new digs.

Santi takes Horti to the instituto and shoehorns her next to Lulu where they will share receptionist duties, he talks really fast and Horti steps on Lulu's toes. Lalo "casually" asks Lulu about Chayo. He steps on Lulu's toes too.

Meanwhile Chayo complains to Ceci about Lalo, that he's always hanging around all day long and now Horti's here to rub salt in the wound. Ceci tells Chayo to ignore Horti and Chayo tells Ceci she filed for divorce.

Candy is finally in a good mood and Chava asks she still mad at papa? No, she acted like a jerk but they made up and are happy. Just another 5 second miracle in Guadalajara.

The inhabitants of the big house sit down to eat. Santi blabs and Rocio keeps trying to ask him something. She asks about her little brother, when they find him will dad return to his office? Santi says "Al palo que a uno le de Dios ya no lo regresa", the stick that God gives you can't be returned, i.e. you can never go back. Yet he is optimistic.

Jaime tells Isa that Santi's problem is bigger than he thought and he feels impotent. "Again my love?" asks Isa. No, impotent because he can't help Santi economically. Isa says it's her son and her problem but Jaime is all "hoo hoo you married a millionaire and never worked a day in your life." Isa tells Jaime he is completely wrong and she'll prove it. He lays down a bet and she accepts.

Pat meets his pal Maxemiliano who is kind of miffed because Pat toted Patito along. Pato says better yet he brought two expert critics for the private kid's film. Chava and Beto are there too!

"Every boy has a hero..." The boys love the beginning of the animated film. Pato's got to dash but he leaves his two experts there to review and critique the film. How very odd, would this happen in real life?

Isa tells Don and Tina that she wants to help Santi by pulling her own weight. Lots of eye rolling by Don and Tina. Don asks Isa what is her specialty? She hems and haws...ah yes!! maybe not...oh perhaps!...not that either, oh darn she's good for nothing! Donato says "Si no sabes hacer una cosa por que no contrates a alguien que lo sepa hacer?" If you don't know how to do a thing hire someone to do it for you. Ummmm...not quite what Isa had in mind.

Jaime visits Sven and Ole to try to get a gig playing at a restaurant. S and O think it's a good idea, and hey what about this place? Meño strolls by and accuses them of too much chit chat (tertulias). Zamora acts like it's in the bag. The three amigos descend on Meño and talk him into letting Jaime play Chopin, whatever. Meño agrees, Jaime had better not bore the patrons or else. Jaime sees Isa arrive and quickly hides.

Pat and Candy (holding Patito) tell the dirty judge that Art told them everything. He (very confidently) warns them that even if they report him he will deny everything and sue them for defamation of character. He agrees to overturn Pato's claim to parental rights. What a guy.

Santi and Lalo converse in Santi's new office. Santi talks a mile a minute and as usual the closed captions can't keep up. Lalo tries to be a friend but he's preoccupied by his own problems.

Isa proposes to Meño that he hire her to renovate the menu. He acts insulted but she insists, give her an opportunity to design more sophisticated meals. "La Maison de Don Meñon" suggests Zamora. Guess what? He reluctantly agrees. Isa starts planning...Mexican cuisine but with a toque.

Candy calls Santi to tell him Arturo admitted his perfidy. Santiago is incensed, "first you protect the son and now..."

Beto and Chava give Pat a debriefing on the movie project. Candy arrives followed by some other guy who has them sign the papers giving Chava back to Candy. Candy gives Pato a huge hug and at that moment Santi arrives. Sinister music indicates Santi is not happy. Pato grins.

Isa sneaks into the big house kitchen with Donato, Tina and their secret gourmet ingredients but Jaime catches them. She smugly tells him she got a job. He brags he did too and he's making what she's making but more. She says Ha she's making what he's making but less...oops she means more, much more.

Candy ignores Santi's sour puss, hugs him and shares the good news. Santi can't wait to leave and gags when Candy almost hugs Pat goodbye. Then they leave without Chavo. Eh?

Lalo is aimelessly arranging the art in Santi's office when Barb arrives. Lalo remains distracted and he keeps looking for Chayo; he spies her warmly greeting Osvaldo. Barb drags him away in order to cool off.

Santi and Candy have a rather tame argument about her kissing Pato. She tries to leave and of course he runs after her. "Hey Morales!" They continue their tame and boring disagreement. She leaves, he runs after.

At the restaurant Jaime plays and Zam sings. Toño suggests the music is tasteful as long as Zam doesn't begin singing like an impetuous wolf. Meño's not convinced, he thinks the music is very slow.

Isa is in the restaurant kitchen wearing her toque. Don and Tina try to help Isa cook but frankly she doesn't know the difference between an ant and an elephant says Don. Lulu shows up and is not happy to see the invasion in her kitchen. Isa mollifies Lulu by begging her assistance.

Santi and Candy kiss and make up when he apologizes for being a macho man.

They go to a nice restaurant for dinner and make sweet talk and kissy face. He promises not to be jealous and she promises not to give him reason to be.

Barb counsels Lalo and ends up unpacking his boxes while he lounges on the couch and plots to win back Chava.

Meanwhile Osvaldo is at Chava's door trying to get invited in. She doesn't look happy when he suggests she needs to get used to her new life as a single. She gazes dolefully at her sterile and empty apartment.

Jaime and Zam have jazzed things up with bongo drums. Meño is thrilled to have hired someone with such talent. After their set Meño congratulates Don Jaime. No, not on the music but on the magnificent success of his wife's menu enhancements! No comment on the music and point to Isa.

Santi finally gets Candy to bed and she falls asleep. He tries to wake her but a snore is her reply. Chiste! Just kidding. Next scene is sunrise. Did they?..

Over in man land Pato irons and accidentally burns Chava's only shirt, then he tries to teach the boys how to feed Patito.

Paulina goes to Santi's office and a hunky contractor tells her Santi moved up to the Instituto .

Lulu paints a line down the middle of the desk to mark her territory from Hortensia's. Paulina walks in just as Horti gossips that Candy is putting the horns on Santiago with Patricio. Pau makes her "oh goody goody" face.

Santiago is giving Paulina what for, he wants her to stop being a barrier between him and Candy, stop making things hard, etc. Oops, it's not the real Pau but a frowny face on Santi's punching bag. "I thank you. You helped me resolve many problems. But we’re finished. I’m in love with Candy, I have nothing with you. You helped me in your time, get rid of stress I had in certain areas. I’m happy now. I’ll donate you to a gym."Paulina bursts in to tell him she heard Candy is seeing both Pat and Santiago at the same time! Yawn...dude, consider the source.

The boys play futbol in their room. Pat stops them,! He chases them outside and gives them 5 minutes. He agrees to play with them and promptly hurls himself into the shrubbery. What a climax.

This ending was kind of stupid, but to be fair I missed it and had to fill in from youtube. Did I get it right? Not only do we have last-minute houseguests for a long weekend (that is already busy) but my honey bit a bee while he was cycling, got a swollen tongue, and I had to pick him up from the emergency room tonight, which leads me to the dicho du jour:

Las desgracias nunca vienen solas = misfortune never comes alone, i.e. when it rains it pours.


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Thanks, Cap'n Sylvia , for going above and beyond the call of duty. Hope your honey is feeling much better. Wow...biting a bee...ouch. Hope that you have a good weekend.

gOOD MORNING SYLVIA....Yikes, you and Kris have both had a challenging there a bad karma cloud hovering over your city?

I'm experiencing serious "title envy". Yours today is wonderful.

The Jaime/Isabella spat annoyed me....for one thing, I thought it was out of character for him to sneer about her being a useless spoiled society lady. Ugh. Raising children is no small feat (I got a powerful reminder last week) so she could certainly get a job as a high-class nanny!

I see more anvils coming. Patricio's fall into the shrubbery clearly injured him. Of course he can't hire a nurse or therapist with all his dough...Candy will have to come to the rescue! More ugh.

Wishing a speedy recovery to you (fatigue) and your honey (allergic reaction)and hope the houseguests help out a lot.

Paula, thanks for watching out for me; I adjusted the recap to put Pau's face on the bag. Much better than Pat's. I was definitely having a deja vu with Santi and Candy, same argument two nights in a row and more than once per night. Enough already.

I think the argument between Jaime and Isa was pretty benign. Both Jaime and Donato gave her a hard time about her abilities which was kind of weird (as you pointed out) because she has always been the one they all look to for direction. She showed them. Was this another thinly-veiled PSA, you're never too old to start a new career?

My poor Tom, knowing Thursday is my recap night and that I was already slightly stressed with last-minute house straightening, sat in the emergency room observation waiting for the swelling on his tongue to go down before calling me. He knew I would have driven straight over to sit with him. Very sweet of him, and it's not like he could talk or anything. By the time we got home the walnut-sized lump on his tongue had subsided and he was ready to eat dinner.

Our houseguests will be fun and low maintenance. They are here for their 85 year old aunt's wedding!

Your honey bit a bee?? I had to read that twice! He does sound like a real sweetie - waiting to call you from the hospital and all... OOOOhhh, that's gotta hurt!! Hope he's much better today.

I thought the last thing Pato said was: "I can't move." It would be nice to be wrong, but it would definitely advance the story. Seems a bit late for something that drastic, though.

I think a bee flew in his mouth and went splat. Gross!

I hope Pato's not paralyzed or anything. That poor guy has had enough problems.

I had my hand out the car window once and I caught a bumblebee! I decided on 'catch and release' when he started to turn around and sit down. Could have been quite interesting - at least I wasn't driving! On the tongue is exponentially worse.

Thanks for the recap Sylvia. Wow, bit a bee. Never done that. Been stung in feet (stepped on one), stung in the hand (hand open hanging out car window), stung on the nose, stung in the ear (bee flew in ear and cupped my hand over it and buzz, sting, this way and that). All a long time ago now..

Anyway... things wrapped up too easily. I thought for sure Candy would still give Pato a what for. Judge fixed things up. No prob for him, he got his money.

Santi's jealousy will increase as Pato said, "no me puedo mover", so he is going to have a problem and Candy will have to be there even more.

Jaime and Isa over and Meno's. They have to pad the last few episodes to stretch it out. :)


Sylvia, thanks for this great recap. A bee in the mouth? Like one of those things that would sound funny unless you happen to be the stingee. I've treated lots of bee stings over the years, but only one in the mouth, and believe me, he definitely could not appreciate the humor. Fortunately they tend to resolve relatively quickly. My sympathy goes out to him.

How is it that Pato has this movie and presentation all worked up? Either I've missed something(else) or the man truly is superhuman.

And is Candy now some kind of forgiving saint? I believe that I would show up with a SWAT team at that judge's office. Maybe she should cut back a bit on her Prozac.


Wow, Sylvia...your Tom is a sweetie. Most men don't understand that frantic last-minute cleaning we do before guests arrive, even easy-going ones. Understand why you fell in love and are still in love, amiga. my Cheapskate newsletter I get daily, there was a nice article on Iron Skillets are Making a Comeback. Hey, you and I never let 'em go, right? Going to make cornbread again today but not sure about the spinach or greens. Definitely will put them to the side if I do.

Oh Sylvia..forgot to add...really enjoyed your "aside" concerning Patricio's raised eyebrow. And how does he do that? So subtle.

Sylvia: Spectacular recap! You had so many wonderful lines but "toldja so beeatch" and "man land" were spot on. I enjoyed your embedded vocabulary also. Glad your husband is better. Hope

I can only echo what you, Judy and Emilia have said about Pat. I can't believe they are going to throw serious incapacitation into the mix at this late juncture. Enough is enough. Candy and Santi are together and I don't think Pat is harboring any illusions to the contrary. I'd rather see the remaining time devoted to getting Pat, Lulu and Meno partners than another contrived plot to keep Santi and Candy apart until the bitter end.

Diana in MA

Thanks so much Sylvia. You are definitely another woman who works great under stress.

Thank you Carlos for the medical education information. My son was thrilled to hear it from a "real doctor's mouth".

I'm thinking maybe Pat broke an arm or leg? Yes, it makes sense that Candy is the only one who can be nurse and nanny.
I like your daughters friend's idea Judy. A nanny for each child. Those southern belles know how to live!

I'm tired of the constant same argument with Candy and Santi. At least now she doesn't walk out on him but is actually able to forgive. He's so crazy about her I think he would forgive her for anything.
Maybe men are better at not holding a grudge than women???

Sorry to hear about your husband's bee accident Sylvia.
I'm no bug lover myself and often remind myself how nice it is to be without them during the long cold winters.

Carrie L.

Sylvia, in addition to beeing sweet, your honey must bee happy too. In the motorcycle world it is said, "You can tell the happy biker by the bugs in his teeth."

BTW, I deleted my first post now.

Hee hee Paula you're funny. Why did you delete your first post?

Tom was riding his bicycle which he always does with his mouth hanging open. (Maybe not so much any more.) But he also has a Harley which I'll bet he rides with his mouth closed. He's all better today, thanks for your kind words y'all!

Yet another reason to not ride a bike or motorcycle. My cousin Drew used to drive from NJ to our farm [over an hour] on his motorcycle, and then describe all the different bugs he encountered. Thanks...sounds like fun...but no thanks. I've heard of people being stung in their mouths when a bee or wasp sneaks into their cans of soda. Yet another reason not to drink soda. Glad your honey is feeling mejor, Cap'n Syl...Now you can call him your honeybee. Question: If Candi and Pat don't end up together, whom will Pat be coupled with at the end ? The baby will go back to Santi. Chava will be with Candi. Beto has a new stepdad. So will poor Pat be alone wife or kiddies living with him ? Pat is growing on me. He seems calmer and nicer now that he is with His Three Sons. Maybe a new love interest for Pat will suddenly come on the scene.

Great recap, Sylvia. Thank you. Sorry about your beau's bumble bee bite in the boca.

So, knowing our telenovelas, what can happen to Pat?
1. He could have amnesia.
2. He could be blind.
3. He could be paralyzed, but in the last episode, can walk again!
4. Candy could have to move in to take care of him.
5. He could be hurt enough to go to the hospital, and a cute nurse we've never met before cares for him, and they fall in love.

Okay, I'm hoping for #5.

I'm really hoping for a good ending for Patricio. He definitely wins the award for Most Improved Character, not to mention that Lanus's acting has improved immensely from ASL days.

He'll definitely need help at least for awhile. I assume the invisible Eva quit awhile back because she couldn't stand dealing with Alicia, Margarita, AND Arturo. Santiago would probably volunteer to take the baby while Pat recovers.

I am baffled by the movie project. For someone who acts 10 years old most of the time, Pat sure can make things happen.

Are we supposed to view Art as just a lovable, incorrigible old rascal who deep down only means well, or do others find him, as I do, to be a disgusting possibly dangerous mob-affiliated criminal. There are, after all, innocent people living in potentially dangerous buildings he constructed. Surely he and the judge are not going to merrily get off unscathed after that little episode of judicial bribery and misconduct...are they? Or are there some heavy duty anvils hovering just out of sight?


Carlos, I'm with you. Arturo is no more than a Mammon-worshipping scumbag and an anvil would be too quick an end. Plus that crappy little Boston Blackie mustache...

FWIW, I think of the male characters in terms of "would I have been glad to be on the same crew as this guy for a couple of months?" Patricio, yes.

Mad at you, JudyB, for the talk about cornbread and greens. Been starving since you wrote that.

Cap'n Sylvia, ma'am, another triumph of a recap. Thank you! And tell Tom to spend less time watching Andrew Zimmern - not everyone's cut out for that stuff.

I agree and think Art deserves an especially large anvil. I had hoped Pat would be furious but it seems everyone is treating Art like a cute child who has done something wrong.
Shame, shame little Art, now go out and play and don't steal the little girl's lunch any more!
I didn't want to see the bad guys walk away without punishment.
Evil Ali is off to romp with evil Mario in NYC.
Will evil Pau be the next one to escape?
I thought evil Mariloca would come back but so far no.
What in the world is going on with her? Is she tied in with the detective?

Carrie L.

Carrie, Marissa and the detective, hmmm, that would make a lot of sense with perverse irony. Essentially sell Santi his son for everything he's got. I like that a lot (not the plan, the theory).


Something has to happen to Art, I at least hope that Greg will drop him after she finds out. Did she find out? Some punishment has to happen to Art. I am somewhat disappointed in overreacting Candy in that she did not overreact this time. :) Santi is the overreactor now.
I don't think anything will happen to the judge. I think we are done with him now. He got his money. I don't think he really wanted to do it to begin with, but money talks. Now everyone is happy, he has his money, they got the divorce settlement they wanted. If it is any consolation, the judge will be getting his very soon on Mariana de la Noche. He has been the cause of the death of one child, kidnapped another recently, killed one women and not sure who else. Mariana is in Ultimas Semanas and with his record, according to TN rules, I don't think he can be allowed to live. :)


I like your analysis Mike...having Patricio on your crew for a couple of months....good company, good guy. I'm liking him more all the time.

He could have really reamed out Candy for not listening to him and believing him...but all he did was barely lift one eyebrow. Definitely a keeper.

Sorry you're hungry but I know Emilia's got some wonderful supper planned for you. Trust me.

Actually, Judy, I'm going to my book group this evening and Mike is on his own for dinner. We have some lamb in the fridge so he plans to cook that for himself. He's a much better cook than I am so he'll be well fed. (I'm a better baker, so it all works out...)

Sylvia - you went way beyond the call of duty to recap last night - many thanks!
Mike - I love your description of Arturo - "Mammon worshiping".. "Boston Blackie mustache" - I laugh every time I read that! ;)

I'm thinking like Hombre d.M. - the emergency room RN (or Doctora) and Pat will hit it off.
However, I more want Lulu to find someone. She certainly is more deserving than some of the other characters.

Am I the only person who thought Santiago's bird and seal impersonations were very funny? I know he's done them before.(Is it an impersonation when an animal is being copied?).

Is that so-called detective even in another country looking for Marissa? It looks like he could be calling from any street corner in Mexico. Santi is soooo gullible.

Chayo - don't go back with your cheatin' husband just of out loneliness!! What a message that would send to novelaland audiences. Get a dog or 2 cats.'re cracking me up. Get a dog or TWO cats!!!! One cat isn't enough to replace our Lalo, huh?

Well, pets are loyal and never disappoint. But I think Chayo truly loves Lalo (or her character, as written, truly loves his character, as written) and they are destined to reunite and live "happily ever after".

Some marriages do thrive after infidelity has been addressed and overcome. Others never heal and limp along as pseudo-marriages without genuine intimacy.

It's great to be happily married but one can thrive and be fulfilled as a single person, once you give up the idea that being ecstatically wed is the only route to happiness. Also great to have a loving pet. And a lot easier to arrange!

Emilia...sounds like you and Mike are the perfect combination. He grills (and captains the riding mower AND the beer) and you whip up baked delicacies. I'm comin' to your house for dinner next week!

What book did your club read?

Pssst... Judy? Dirty little secret, amiga. Don't tell me esposa, 'K? I fried the Trader Joes Burgundy Pepper Lamb Tips in the Big Iron Skillet!! Bwa ha ha!

I think her book group was reading one called "What is What" but I'll let her confirm that. My guess is that what really goes on at "book group" is, de verdad, they make popcorn and do each others' hair and giggle about cute guys.

Judy - you're probably right about Chayo and her esposo getting back together. I just don't like him.

Por favor, don't insult the kitties! Eduardo isn't worth half a cat - not even close. ;)
Two cats keep each other company and are less trouble than one dog - that's why Chayo should have two.

Oh Anya..I would never insult the kitties. We have an adorable one, a rescued Burmese (owner had cancer) who's the epitome of unconditional love. But she doesn't like other cats. So even if we wanted another one (and that would have been nice) we can't take another in. However with me, a retired husband and our adult son around, she's got a lot of laps to warm.

Mike...popcorn and talking about cute guys sounds good to me. Who needs great books?

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