Friday, June 19, 2009

Las Tontas Thursday 6/18 - Patito finds his Papa in the penultimate performance

NOTE: I took a peek at youtube to see which scenes were cut out from last night's episode. They were all that lame story line about Jaime and Isa competing, getting fired, etc. What a bore. I guess I take back my snide remarks about the editors not knowing their job. OK, it's off my chest now.

Santi paces and discusses with mom and padrastro how to get proof that the little duck is his. They agree that Alicia is a muy mala persona. Santi is sure that if Pat is faced with the truth he will do the right thing.

Pato hisses his loathing to Alicia, "estas loca!!" Candy arrives with cara impactada and Alicia accuses Candy of coordinating this as vengeance against her. They all (Pat, Margarita, Candy) call Alicia loca and it pisses Al off. She no longer has a lover and she is alone, ALONE!

Pau is so very happy for Santiago that she takes full credit for finding Patito. Isa gazes at her with a jaundiced eye as Pau pets Santiago. Jaime reminds Pau not to forget the detective and the MONEY also helped.

Pato hugs Patito and tells him how much he loves him. He and Margarita cry. Pato cries that all his sons are being taken away from him and he believes nobody! Candy assures him Santi would not make such a thing up.

Alicia explains to Pat how Marissa gave Patito to her. Candy can no longer bear the weeping and leaves the room. "I'll be back later for Chava." Way to have a heart there Candy.

Alone in their room Isa tells Jaime she would like Paulina out of their lives for good. (You and me both, sister!) Charly calls Isa to ask where Lucia went. Daniela is with him and they go to look for Lucia at Domani. These two have something up their sleeves.

Stupid Fede shows up at Domani which is some sort of dance club, throws back a shot and accosts Lucia. She and her girlfriends rebuff him. Sisterhood is powerfull dumbass.

Pato breaks the news to his older sons that Patito is really the son of Santiago and the brother of Rocio. They think it's horrible and they don't want the little guy to leave. They decide to pray that Patito remains their brother.

Candy visits Santi to tell him she just came from Pat's house where Al admitted that Marissa gave her the baby and Patito is Santiago's son. Hooray! They hug and Pau tries, unsuccessfully, to look happy, heh heh.

Fede, with another drink in his hand, continues to stalk Lucia at Domani. Charly shows up with Daniela; aha the plan is to make Lucia jealous. The nice kids more or less dance, if you can call it that, looking befuddled at the mistmatched pairings, while Fede watches.

Santi thanks Candy for the good news. She reminds him that Pat is destroyed. "Such is life," comments Santi, but I'm sure he'll be more sensitive than he sounds. Candy says she has to go, Santi beams, they all thank her profusely, and a jealous Pau tries to assess her role in this new development.

Mags tells Pato to be calm but he glares at Alicia as if he wants to rip her stupid head off. She tries to explain she did it for love blah blah blah. He tells her first she destroyed his relationship with Candy the love of his life and now she used a child for her own purposes to try to get him to leave Candy. Patito was his life and now he will lose him! He doesn't want Alicia near him, she stole his child and destroyed his life. Vete!

Alicia and her suitcase leave as Pat weeps and asks God why he has to take away everything he loves.

Isa scolds Pau, Santi has his son but thanks to her Rocio is not his daughter. Pau claims she lied to Isa and to Mario too and she's happy to prove it with a DNA test. Isa tells Pau to fahgeddaboudit, Rocio will always be Santi's daughter and her granddaughter. Ptah! (to quote Mike)

I think the younguns are still dancing at Domani (but it's dark so I guess they are inside now) and a drunk Fede throws himself on Lucia. She pushes him away and of course Charly jumps in to save her. It looks like Charly's plan worked. Lucia is jealous and Daniela prepares to leave, her job is done. Charly and Dan have been there for hours and he just now asks her how are things with her dad? "He has accepted my disease," confirms Daniela happily. OK Daniela's story is done, let's move forward with the others...

Charly and Lucia kiss and make up.

Pato calls Santi and asks him to come by the house the next morning. (Man, if I were Santi I would want to run right over but I suppose he's going to give Pato one more night with Patito. I'm not sure I would be that trusting.)

Candy and Chava arrive home and the doorbell rings. She's baaaaaaack...again. Chava is glad to see his Tia, Candy not so much. Greg happily hugs her daughter and Al asks if she can stay there for a while. Doesn't anybody ever ask Meño permission to do stuff in his house?

Next morning Santi shows up at Pat's house. Pat says based on what Alicia told him Santi is entirely justified in doing a DNA test for both his and Patito's benefit. They agree they have both been victims in this whole thing. Santi gives Pat a man-hug. (Ouch! Sore shoulder!)

Pato's lovely lawyer (who, as discussed, looks too much like Licenciada Paula) sits at her desk huffing impatiently. She asks her secretary if Licenciado Patricio has called. Yes she knows it's the billionth time she has asked but it has to do with The Case. Right.

Yo Carlos, check it out...A few days later: At the big house Santi shows his family a document, results of the DNA test. Patito is his son!!! Pat and Mags arrive with Patito. It's hard for Pat but he's great about it, "Santiago, here is your baby," and Patito is handed from one loving father to the other. Readers, will you think me a complete putz if I admit I got tears in my eyes over this scene?

Meño scolds Gogo for allowing Al to stay in HIS house! He's about to tell Gogo what Al did but Candy gives him the stink eye. Alone, she tells him that her mom has suffered enough, keep it quiet.

Al, in a very good mood, joins them for breakfast. Was she hallucinating or were they talking badly about her? Gogo says Meño is just grumpy (cascarrabias). Al says something about joining her boyfriend Mario. (Huh? I thought she said she was alone.) They bicker stupidly and she decides to eat in her room because of all the sourpusses. She can't wait to leave! Meño says that will be a miracle.

Rocio holds the baby and asks shouldn't his name be Santiaguito? (Frankly I prefer little duck to little saint but nobody asked me.) Santi thanks Pat and asks him to be Patito's godfather. While Santi's daughters coo over Patito Pat gives Santi the documents and his lawyer's card (her name is Irene); they do another man-hug.

Santi moves the crib into his room. Donato suggests he get a babysitter (niñera). Santi is insulted, he'll care for the baby himself. The ladies of the house tease him about knowing how to care for a baby. He points to Rocio, "Who do you think cared for this wet rat when she was a baby?" (Rata de mojada = wet rat) Rocio thinks this is hilarious.

Charly phones Lucia and they call each other "mi amor". They can't believe they are novios again; they decide to tell their families and plan to meet later.

The beautiful lawyer Irene goes to Pat's house because she never heard back from him. Beto and Chava explain to her that Patito is now Santiaguito and Rocio's brother. Pat arrives and she tells him how sorry she is. My my, she gives him a sweet, comforting hug. He's still not biting but let's give him time.

Lucia sits Isa and Santi down to tell them she has a novio. Isa and Santi are impactados. Isa is tentatively happy and look, Santiaguito says congratulations. NO NO, say Santi, Santiaguito says his father needs to know who this is. He is suspicious because he thinks it's the alcoholic Fede. Lucia happily tells them it's Charly; the grownups are impactados again.

Charly tells his family the novio news and they are all excited except for the bored Alicia. Meño reminds Charly to be vigilant about not transmitting his disease and Al's ears perk up. When Charly tells her he is HIV positive she recoils. Meño points out to Alicia the only danger in the house is Alicia.

Isa and Santi hem and haw and are far from ecstatic about Lucia's news.

Santi calls Licenciada Irene so she can help him get a new birth cert for the kid. She says no problem but there also another issue. Alicia committed a very serious crime and therefore he should press charges. Oooooooh...way to go Licenciada! I knew she could take Alicia.

Over at the instituto the institutas talk about going international. Horti cackles and seems a bit jealous. Ceci wants to open the Paris office. Chayo wants the Cuban sector. Lulu wants England, Hungary and the United Arab Emirates. Candy shows up and they tell her the great news, three states have contacted them about opening institutos like theirs. They are famous! "Better yet," says Candy, "we will help many more women receive help." Egad she's pompous.

Pat tells a rapt Licenciada about his boring history with Candy and about his kids that he seems to be losing one by one. She tells him to fight for his place in the world. He says he'll try but "no esta sexy". Sheesh give it a break dude. She wants him to think of her not as his lawyer but as his friend. Come on Pat, admit it, wouldn't that be más sexy?

Lucia tells Charly that her family was fine with their news; a bit of a white lie that. He wants her to join him to meet some people from the congreso internacional del SIDA who are interested in his video.

Santi goes to Candy's office to pay the rent. He starts to leave but at the smallest word from her he excitedly tells her that Pat turned over Patito. They almost hug but stop themselves, the sillies. He tells her he's going to file charges against Alicia.

No puede ser! Raul and Sole survived the plane trip home and are at Pato's door. They have come to liberate him from the torture that is Beto. Pato shows them his bandaged hand. Yep, it was Beto and Chava. Oh sure, blame it on the kids.

Santi explains to Candy that he's going to file charges against Alicia. Pato's lawyer said Alicia paid money for a kid and broke the law. "Are you going to nark on her?" asks Candy. (La va a denunciar?)

A group of suits watch Charly's documentary. Surprisingly he's wearing one of his crappy t-shirts for this important presentation. The suits don't mind; they offer him a scholarship to Germany where he can continue his research and become an expert on the subject. It's a miracle!!

Candy doesn't want her sister to suffer but she is most worried about how Alicia's arrest will affect her mother.

Speaking of which, Gogo answers her door. The cops have come to arrest Alicia. Yeeehaw!

Tomorrow: Only two hours to tie up all the loose ends.

At one point in the episode Meño refers to Alicia as a mule. This reminded me of one of my favorite dichos and it certainly describes Alicia: "Otra vez la burra al trigo" = once again the female donkey goes to the wheat, i.e. some people [do the same stuff over and over and] never learn.


Move over, putz, I sniveled during that moving baby scene also. Can't help it, it's those dang hormones.

Candy continues to be insufferable. I actually felt sorry for Superskank Alicia when Candy swept into Patricio's house and looked down her nose at her. Lord, that character annoys me. And now she's going to be helping women all over the world!? Give me a break.

Actually shouted "no puede ser!" when the words "dias despues" flashed on the screen. Carlos is now our resident seer. I'm ready to have him do my horoscope and read my future.

Happy to see that rather prolonged full-body hug twixt the lovely abogada and Patricio. Things are looking up for our galan, whether he realizes it or not. Guess she'll have to keep chasing him until he catches her.

Thanks for the fast and funny recap, partner. I'm looking forward to winding this up tonight with Hombre and moving on to new silliness.

Sylvia: I loved your recap, it was touching and beautifully written. So many heartfelt observations and some wry wit: "Sisterhood is powerfull dumbass." Thank you for all of your efforts over the past few months. Your recaps are always a joy to read and am so glad you'll be continuing.

Sylvia, you were definitely not alone. In an earlier scene, when Pat was holding Patito, (with Pat in tears), little Patito raised his tiny hand and rested it on Pat's face. I lost it. Chris Ferro would definitely have given me a 10on the ugly crying scale. Pat was very gracious and little Patito now has a great father as well as godfather.

"Candy can no longer bear the weeping and leaves the room. "I'll be back later for Chava." Way to have a heart there Candy." That is the definitive problem with this story. How can you root for a heroine who of all the characters in this show is the only one who's experienced the least amount of emotional maturity??

Glad that Charly and Lu are back together and that Sole and Raul are back period. Looks like Pat will have a bright future with Irene.

While I feel sorry for Gregoria, Ali deserves prison but I'm not convinced she will get there.

Will be interesting to see how all of the loose ends will be tied up in 1 night. Wonder how much air time the wedding will get, especially as Santi and Candy are still broken up! :)

Diana in MA

Cap'n Sylvia, muchas gracias!

This was a hard one to watch on account of Patricio having to give up the baby - father of three here, cannot imagine the pain.

Also a cynic and I wonder how much the hug from Licenciada Abogada Irena will cost Patricio. Lessee, probably $400 or so an hour, billed in quarter hour increments plus expenses like mileage to and from her office to Pat's house...

Aw heck, you guys are funny. I wish I would have thought of some your lines when I was writing the recap..."she'll have to keep chasing him until he catches her", "wonder how much the hug will cost him", etc.

Diana you are spot on about the definitive problem with this TN. I think we have all had a big problem identifying with the "heroine" at any level. Thanks for your kind words, amiga.

I'm ready for a new TN. Has anyone heard anything about Un Gancho yet?

Sylvia, so it's almost over. I wonder if there are any surprises or treats for us tonight. I certainly have enjoyed your recaps as well has your witty comments each day. I admit to a tear or two over Pato's and Patito's scene together. The face touch was brilliant acting on Patito's. I seemed so spontaneous.

I understand Pato's almost blind anger with Alicia(clearly a pedazo de inmundecia if ever there were one), but in each case he `had the ultimate say, and in each case he made the wrong choice.

I did smile when unos días después popped up.

Mike, looks like you and I know some of the same lawyers.


"Sisterhood is powerfull dumbass." I'm still laughing. That was hilarious (and true!)

I've oftened puzzled over the show's title and wondered if everyone is supposed to be "tontas," but some of the guys have been, too. Shouldn't it be "tontos?" Then it occurred to me this morning that there have been 3 villains (Marissa, Pau, and Alicia) and I think that seems to be more than the norm in a telenovela. I realized that perhaps the "tontas" in the title may actually be referring to these three evil women who will never know heaven (cielo), joy, happiness, etc. So, does that mean Pau and Alicia will be joining Marissa somewhere other than el cielo tonight? Hmmm....

I really teared up over Pato and Patito. Patricio has become one of my favorite characters. I did not care for him at first, getting drunk and cheating on Candy and then finding out he had fathered Beto while drunk... But the writers really developed his character into quite a sympathetic one. I ached for him as it does appear that he is "losing" everyone he loves. I hope the telenovela "gods" have a wonderful future for him in the gran finale and all the alternate endings!

Thank you to EVERYONE who has contributed to this blog. I just discovered it this past year, and how helpful it has been! On a personal note, I have been studying for the ACTFL oral interview in Spanish so I can get an endorsement to teach Spanish for the next school year. Part of my studying has been watching the telenovela to improve my listening and speaking skills. (I know all kinds of great slang now!) Anyway, I took the test 3 weeks ago, and received my score earlier this week. I "passed" and will now be able to teach Spanish in the fall!
All of the extra vocabulary and insights you have posted have been so helpful! Thank you ALL!!

Signed, Pedacito(-a?) de inmundicia. (BTW, several of you were just a little bit more anxious than others to give me that name after my comments about Marissa's death! Can I move up to a new name, maybe "pedacita de misericordia," since I now have compassion on Patricio?! Unlike the characters in a telenovela, I have a good side at times!)

Congratulations, Deb! I am extremely jealous of your ability to speak and teach Spanish, LOL.

I also cried several times last night. I do like Pat and actually am glad that Cande is not in his life. He deserves someone better. I wish they had let him have a love interest for longer than an hour like probably will happen tonight with the lady lawyer. I love his interaction with the kids on the show.

Can't believe this is the last show tonight. I really enjoyed it.
Wonder if Alicia will end up in the slammer. Will Lucia go to Germany also? Will Santi and Cande tie the knot? What about Greg and Art? So many things will be wrapped up tonight. I look forward to hearing comments on Monday.

Have a great weekend everyone. Going to NYC for a few days, seeing plays. I will be bumping into everyone else's umbrellas on the streets as the forecast is for rain, which it has been doing here for two weeks. Hope you have sunshine where you live!

Deb, congratulations on passing your exam. Did you dazzle them with a little slang? I don't think any of did a lot of mourning for Marissa. I suspect if Chava checked out your heart you would pass.


Thank you so much Sylvia for all your great recaps!
The Pat/Patito scenes were very sad. I wished somehow he could have stayed with Pat and Santi would have found his son someplace else. Not possible I know, but Pat loved him so much.

I'm hoping for a quick marriage for Pat with any of the lovely ladies and lots of children!

Candy will be a good mama to Patito and Chava and Rocio if she and Santi do get married.
Any chance they won't and she'll be off opening offices around the world????

Are Ali and Mario still together?
Will he show up when she goes to jail, or will he reunite with Pau and crawl the streets of NYC?

Speaking from personal experience, lawyers and their fees are indeed very scary.
Anyone who has ever been involved with one would steer clear of all lawsuits at any cost.
Pat will be wise to get this one on his side.

Carrie L.

This comment has been removed by the author.

On the penultimo día of a novela, the normal chatter, here on the blog, is about how the various story threads are wrapping up. We comment on what has resolved so far (e.g. Raul & Sol survived the trip), and we speculate on how things will work out in the finale. Naturally we talk the most about the threads that move us most. The final resolution of the main couple normally dominates the board.

With that in mind, in my duties as Queen of the Lists, I made a little tally of the main plot lines, and how many people have commented about each one today.
Pat's love life: 5
Patito's resolution: 5
Anti-Candy: 3
Santiago/Candy resolution: 1
The numbers don't lie.

Hey Deb...happy to hear you passed the test with flying colors...I hope my grandchildren will learn Spanish in school (where do you teach?) because our country will certainly be bilingual very soon....not just in the cities of Miami and San Diego.

How about calling you "pedacito de inteligencia" for doing so well on the exam!...and we'll leave the "inmundicia" for the arch-evil folks we find on these telenovelas.

Hah! Just saw your list, Paula. We need to send it to the Tontas writers along with some Dear Abby "lashings with a wet noodle". They really blew this one.

Oh, it was good to see that Soledad and Raul made it safely back. Someone convinced me that they were likely toast. I'm hoping there are no more mortalities though I would like a little justice for Artie and his judge pal.


Sylvia, thanks for another great recap. Your recaps are always fun to read. I loved your description of the kids almost dancing. They did look a bit awkward.

Pat sure has had a full year. He started out with only Alicia, almost recovered Candy, could have had Soledad, discovered Beto, then Chava, got Patito, and now he's back to square one, except that Alicia's gone, too. Fortunately, there's Irene!

I really don't think there's that much to wrap up. Of course, what happens to Alicia, but can't they just get that crooked judge to find her not guilty, but make her leave town?

As for Candy and Santi, one would think they could just make up, but I guess it has to be more special than that. Whatever happened to those two matching charms, showing they were part of each other? Maybe they'll have something magical to solve the problem. Or maybe they'll just say "fuera dolor", and that'll do it.

I'm going to miss the show, too, although I agree, Candy was one of the least sympathetic heroines ever. But so many of the other characters have provided us with their own stories. Which reminds me, is there still hope for Lulu and Toño?

I don't think Alicia can die, if only because that would be so painful for Gregoria, who has already lost a daughter (and a husband). Then she'd only have Candy left...what a treat. Although Chava can have his good moments. I hope Greg doesn't marry Art, because we don't have time for him to be believably redeemed.

I'm really more interested in what's going to happen to Pat and the rest of the abandonados and Institute ladies than in Candy and Santiago's resolution. Get Lulu together with someone!

Thanks for the recap Cap'n. Clear sailing into the Gran Final tonight. It looks like Pato will end up with the lawyer. At least if she has it her way.
Looks like Alicia may be going to jail or will she sneak out of town?
I just wonder if there are enough anvils to drop on Pau?


Sylvia, I love the dicho! I'm going to add it to my dichos page.

At Meño's at breakfast, I think they were talking about Alicia's past profession, that Gregoria had no idea, and that they'd keep quiet because it would hurt her too much.

Thanks, Cap'n Sylvia...excellent as always. I think the lawyer is prettier than Candy , and she certainly is sending out signals to him that she is interested. [Re : Lawyers...Our lawyer is our childhood friend. However, we do not get any breaks in the billing department. We recently went to his lake house, and he took us out on his motorcycle, motorboat ,and sailboat before serving dinner and drinks on his large deck overlooking the beautiful lake. All day long, I tried to figure out how many of these luxuries we had helped to pay for. Oh well, c'est la vie.] Charlie and Lucia are sweet together and totally believable as young lovers. [Having taught in a senior high school , I witnessed many Romeos and Juliets. Some not as sweeet as others. These two are lovely together.] As for the final resolution between the main careful what you wish for, Santi. Congratulations, Deb. One of my best friends is a Spanish teacher. She vacations in Mexico every summer to maintain her ability , but she does not watch the novelas and gets a big chuckle knowing that I do with my lack of Spanish. Good luck . Hope that you love teaching Spanish.

I was thinking about the upcoming nuptials between Candy and Santi. Consider that under the same roof we will have:

the lovely couple,

Chava and Rocio, 2 center of universe children, neither of whom are completely on board with this,

a newborn,

Isabel and Jaime: 2 senior metiches,

Donato, a nosy manipulative butler,

Lucia, a sweet but willful teen,
and of course Tina: who is simply a sweetheart.

I'm assuming that Pau will be gone and none of the rest of Candy's family will move in,

Does anyone see smooth sailing for this menagerie? I have more confidence in the prospects of Lalo and Chayo making a go of things.

Though he certainly doesn't realize it, Pato may be the most fortunate.


Thank you everyone for your kind comments. Judy, I teach in the state of Washington. I've been teaching Spanish for 2 years now without an endorsement. The school district has given me time to jump through the 25,000 hoops required to get it. Passing the oral exam was the final hoop. Now I'm "legal" for the coming year.

As far as telenovela slang I used in the interview, I stuck with the classic "No puede ser." I also stole Meño's "fuera el dolor!" I think I also worked "piojoso" in there, too!!!!
Hey, it worked didn't it?????

Deb, what does fuera el dolor mean? I heard Meno say it, but I can only find it translated as "It was the pain."

So sad this show is over.....

Ahoy all, I'm so sorry I couldn't join in the comments today, pesky work and all that. Bleck.

First of all, huge congratulations to Deb and Violet. I think back on the kooky characters of Tontas and have to laugh that a couple of our commenters blew them away in the achievement department. Yet again real life surpasses fiction.

Secondly, Paula my dear we will miss you as a recapper. I hope you will grace us with your clever wit in the comments section. Thank you for all your grammatical help, (tonight included!) and please promise that you will continue to help/advise/correct/add-your-two-cents-worth-to my future recaps.

Thirdly and finally, thanks to all you commmenters, you really make it worthwhile!

OK, I'm off to watch the first hour and read Miss Judy's first-hour recap.

Thanks y'all, and hope to see you at Un Gancho!

Oh, and I think "Fuera Dolor" means "Away with pain", or something along those lines. Fuera can mean "away", "out", "without", among other things.

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