Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MEPS, Tuesday 6/16 (#86): A darker shade of orange

Special thanks to the heroes of YouTube, without whom this recap would not have been possible. Or at least not as thorough. I still didn't get everything, so please feel free to fill in the bits that I missed.

(Selected scenes consolidated for narrative/reading convenience)

Rerun of the end of Venus's interview, and Esteve being coy with FrEd about his plans for her.

In the Elizalde kitchen, Florecita tells Fernanda about the bizarre accusation against her. She was the only one with the keys to the files. Of course she didn't give them to anyone. Nanda thinks it must have been a horrible mistake. She trusts Florecita.

Santi comes into the kitchen and, seeing Florecita so weepy, asks what's going on. Flor says it's nothing. Fernanda promises Flor and Margarita that she'll look into this.

Flor and Marg leave Santi and Fer in the kitchen with Tomasa and another woman. Santi wants Fer to come to his studio to talk. His wish for privacy worries Fer. "It's about our father," he explains even more worrisomely.

Esteve has just told FrEd his plan. Whatever it is (we don't know yet), FrEd thinks it's truly crazy. Esteve triumphantly says that FrEd's reaction just proves that it's a brilliant idea.

(I don't get what FrEd says here - is it something about TV? And Esteve says, "not you.")

FrEd still doesn't like it. Esteve says to let Venus decide. She was clear with them that this is the only thing she's known how to do in her life. What they can offer is more dignified. FrEd says it's more dangerous, too. Esteve says it's not much more dangerous that what she did in Jairo's cantina.

FrEd reluctantly agrees to let Esteve pitch the idea to Venus. He takes out his bag and tells Esteve that he's going to investigate the secret that his mother took to her grave. Esteve is intrigued.

In his studio, Santi is telling Fer about his talk with Gonzo. He's never heard his dad talk that way before. He was saying that Santi's siblings are becoming strangers to him and he doesn't consider them trustworthy. Fer says that things are changing - for the worse.

There's a knock at Aurora's door. It's a sour-faced maid I don't recognize. She has some towels and asks to come in to leave them. All smiles, Aurora thanks her and says it's no bother - she'll take the towels herself. The maid leaves, seemingly miffed.

Aurora takes the towels into the bathroom. The camera pans down to the floor as Aurora stoops to the cabinet to put the towels away. She stands, and this is the first she or we see of the mirror over the sink. She shrieks and jumps back - a drippy, blood-colored cross has been painted on the mirror! Aurora is bien impactada.

Fer tells Santi that she's noticed that a lot of strange things have happened since her wedding, and now she's got a bad feeling, like there's a storm coming. Santi presses for details, but she can't offer any. It's just conjecture and impressions; not something specific. She doesn't want to poison his mind with things that might not be true.

Santi says their father told him that Franco Santoro isn't trustworthy. Fer says, "I'm going to tell you everything." He has to promise not to tell anyone else in the family what they've discussed. She says she'll tell him, but not now.

He asks her if she trusts Franco. She says she'd trust him with her eyes closed. She's sure he's an honest person.

She asks what's up with him and Aurora. He says it's like a story from a telenovela. Just then, Aurora comes to the door totally freaked out, babbling about the bathroom mirror. They run to look.

Camilo is riding a horse around and screeching at it in his usual charming way. (Supposedly, he has a reputation as a great horseman. Maybe they call him the Horse Screecher.) Babs shows up and demands to know what he was discussing with Jacinto earlier. He tells her it was nothing important. She makes a sarcastic comment about him having heartfelt chats with employees. Camilo is defensive.

Babs tells Camilo, "in case you haven't noticed, we're in danger." Camilo thinks she's exaggerating. Babs says no, Jacinto is totally on Team Franco, and Franco's been going against them at the company. And she thinks Camilo's conversation with Jacinto looked suspicious.

Camilo admits that Jacinto found Dad's car. Camilo himself has no idea where it is. Babs is sure Franco is behind it. However, Camilo thinks that if that were true, Franco would have canceled the deal with Grupo Lactose Intolerance. Babs says something about Franco being strange? Camilo says Jacinto said he'd leave him alone if he told him why Barb took the blame for the theft of the car. She thinks Santoro is interested in more than the Elizalde fortune. She's sure he's looking for something else too. That's why he's so dangerous. For now, they need to play along with his game and do what they can to convince Gonzo and the others without coming off as paranoid.

And he's going to need to continue humoring Jacinto, too. Camilo isn't happy about this. She reminds him that whatever he says to Jacinto, it will be like they're saying it directly to Franco Santoro.

Not surprisingly, the bloody cross has already been washed off of Aurora's mirror. Fernanda asks Aurora if she didn't just see a reflection or lights or something, but Aurora insists that it was a cross of blood. She realizes that someone must have painted it and then washed it off. Fer chalks it up to yet another bizarre happening. Santi says it was a very tasteless joke.

Aurora says it was no joke. Someone's wishing evil on her. Fer agrees, but Santi says it was only to frighten them. Nothing's going to happen. It's just a bad joke. Some employee must have done it. Fer says she'll talk to Tomasa and find out if she knows anything. She reassures Aurora that nothing will happen to her. Santi tells Aurora that no one in the family would play such a mean trick. They're not THAT awful, he laughs.

FrEd is discussing Artemio Bravo with Padre Bosco. FrEd thinks Bravo must be a very powerful man. He moved his office just to avoid meeting them. Bosco doesn't think that means he's powerful. If Bravo took the trouble to move his office, it's because he was afraid he'd be recognized.

Franco hadn't even thought of that! He asks if his mother ever said if she (or he?) was related to Bravo. Bosco says he can't repeat things that were discussed in a confessional. (Ah, so they DID discuss it?) All he can tell Franco is that Soledad lived in torment.

I miss the next part of the conversation (help!! I think it's important! something about "the man of her life"?? I had a lot of trouble with this scene.) Franco says he has a right to face this enemy. There's an enemy involved who wants to do away with both of them., without compassion. They can either wait to be victimized, or find them. He thinks he knows how to do it. He asks for a blessing. Bosco says he can have it as long as he doesn't hurt anyone.

Fernanda tells Tomasa to make sure that no one goes into the bedrooms except Tomasa and Berta. (I don't know which one Berta is; did she bring the towels?) She also asks if the doctor has come to see Pris; Tomasa says he's with her now.

The doctor is telling Pris take it easy for a few days and not make any sudden movements. She can get out of bed, but no exertion, no driving, and no exercise. Stay as calm as possible. Call if something new happens, and keep taking her medicine, he adds.

Pris talks to the baby. The danger has passed, and she can't wait to hold the baby in her arms.

Vladi has wasted no time with those filing cabinet keys. He's already looking through everything, and is crouched behind the main desk when Gonzo comes off the elevator and begins speaking to Florecita. (He takes her so much for granted that he doesn't even notice that she's not standing there.) Vlad pops up with his nose in a notebook. Gonzo asks where Flor is. "I fired her," Anyballs says as he enters the lobby. "I've been waiting for you so I could tell you," he says.

Before Gonzo can reply to that, Fernanda shows up and asks Gonzo why he fired Flor. "I just found out about it this moment," Gonzo says. Vlad has a guiltier than usual look on his face.

Fernanda is chewing Anyballs out in his office for accusing this girl who's worked for them for so many years. "How can you think she sold it?" she asks. "Giving it away is even worse," Ani jokes. Gonzo tells him he shouldn't have made this decision without consulting him. Fernanda says they should investigate whether it's even true or not. (Vlad is listening at the door, not that it's hard to hear all of the yelling.) But then what would you expect from a guy who isn't even worried about his wife and baby being in danger, she adds. She insists that they do an investigation.

Vlad ducks into his office to call Damian to warn him that Fernanda is going to investigate Flor's firing which Vlad never agreed with anyway. Damian says it can be fixed with Pris's help. Vlad doesn't want her to be involved, but Damian says Pris's family will find the proof that will implicate Florecita.

Next, Franco goes to the Palafox home. The woman who answers the door tells him that Mrs. P isn't out of bed yet. "Tell her it's about the patents," he says. The maid scurries off with the good news.

Ciro's wife and son want to hear all about the patents. FrEd admits he only mentioned patents to get their interest. What they're really going to talk about is money. Mrs. Palafox says they're the same thing. She wants to know how much. 100,000 dollars, he says. They seem happy with this figure. The money's all in his bag. All they have to do is give him whatever they found in the box.

Mrs. Palafox asks Franco if he knows what was in the box. He doesn't. Simon comes back with her handbag. She hopes he won't feel cheated when he sees it; she doesn't think it's worth anything. He says that's okay; it's his risk to take. She hands over the birth certificate. "Artemio Bravo," Franco breathes.

Can you get anything out of this picture I grabbed off of YouTube? Near the bottom, I see "Artemio Bravo," and the rest of his name (his mother's last name) is inconveniently out of frame.

In the upper corner, the last two lines are "Bravo" and "Artemio," but I can't read the rest of what's up there either. It would be nice if Ed would read it to us, but no such luck.

Fernanda checks in with Pris on her office phone and promises to see her later. She hangs up, and then whacks her shin against some part of her desk. (Unscripted, I presume.) She picks up her cell phone and says out loud that Franco needs to know what's been happening. Then she decides not to call him.

Gonzo has a guest in his office - his lawyer. "I never thought it would come to this point," Gonzo says. He's come to the painful realization that he needs protection from his own children.

Fernanda ends up calling FrEd after all. She wants to talk. He agrees to meet her at the bungalow in a few hours.

Barbara finds Aurora admiring some statues and says she'd expect an artist like her to appreciate art. She expects Aurora will invite the whole Elizalde family to her next exhibition. Barb strokes Aurora's bangs and thought-bubbles "pathetic loser, you're no more a sculptor as I am a nun." Aurora tells her that Santi is painting in his studio. Barb says it's a pleasure to see her face around here and she's glad she and Santi have something so solid.

Barb asks Aurora to call her by her name and confides that she's not Santi's favorite person, but he's her favorite of the stepchildren. Camilo interrupts and tries to flirt with Aurora. Barbara reminds him that she's Santi's girlfriend. He just wants to welcome her to the family. He plants a slimy kiss on her cheek which fails to delight. "Santiago just brought you here and now he's abandoned you? Very bad," he clucks. Aurora is uncomfortable. Barb enjoys the awkwardness.

Camilo tells Aurora how glad he is that she came back. Hopefully she'll stay longer. "It was Santiago's idea," she says without enthusiasm and excuses herself.

"You like her, right? Barb asks Camilo. He giggles stupidly.

Gonzo wants to know how to protect Barb's future if something happens to him. The lawyer is shocked. Well, just imagine how I feel, Gonzo says. The lawyer says the family's always been so harmonious. Gonzo says money's come between them. Surprised, the lawyer says they've always had "resources." Gonzo says there was this economic matter, and a new investor named Franco Santoro involved in the company.

"You're thinking of disinheriting your children?" the lawyer asks. Gonzo says no, he's just protecting his wife. The lawyer says it's just that Gonzo seems very upset, and he shouldn't make a decision now that he'll regret later. Gonzo angrily says he won't regret it. Otherwise he'll die, and she'll be helpless. The lawyer says he can dispose of his things however he pleases, but asks him to think about it for a few days.

Gonzo wants to leave 75% to his wife, and the rest to the kids. The lawyer thinks that's drastic. "I'm aware of that," Gonzo snaps. The lawyer says that once he signs a revised will, his wife could leave him or the kids practically in the street. (Doesn't Gonzo have to die first? Did I miss something?) Gonzo insists that she's moral and honest and loyal and would never do such a thing.

Mrs. Palafox tells Franco there wasn't anything else in the box except for that piece of paper. She asks if that paper tells him anything. He repeats that he doesn't know if it's worth anything. Mrs. Palafox wonders why he paid so much for it, then. He says he's okay with it for now; he believes it was a good deal.

Simon asks about the patents. FrEd says he doesn't really know anything about any patents, but he knows that Ciro was a great chess player. "What does that have to do with it?" Mrs. P asks. Something like he was the king of the chessboard... the king has limited movement and very little power, but it's the most important piece in the game.

(The Palafoxes stare at him blankly. Their total lack of recognition in this conversation tells us and FrEd that Ciro never gave them any clues to the inheritance and definitely did not intend for them to get anything.)

In this game, FrEd says, if you lose the king, like in this case the white king lost his head, then that's the end of the game. Surprising, eh? He leaves.

Simon is worried. Mrs P. tells him, "that man's even crazier than your father." Then they admire the money.

Erika comes back from a jog. Her mother is loafing around outside on a cloudy day in sunglasses and a dressing-gown. It's only by the grace of God she was able to get up today, she says. Yesterday she was the happiest woman in the world, believing she would have a baby, and it was all a lie. She's feels like a worthless decrepit old woman. Erika tries to cheer her up, saying millions of women experience menopause. Dolly doesn't care about millions of women. Her life has become a drama. Erika says the doctor said she'd feel fine with hormone therapy. Dolly thinks the doctor is totally wrong. The problem is that her husband is going to dump her in favor of a younger woman.

Vlad calls Pris to make sure she's okay and find out if she needs anything. She doesn't want to be called Gordita and is impatient with his questions about her medicine and sleep. "I was sleeping so soundly until your call woke me." "Really?" asks the gullible dupe. He's sorry. He wants to know about her dreams. Damian walks in on Vlad and asks for the phone. He wants a favor "for us - all four of us" (him, Vlad, her, and the baby). He wants her to put some confidential information about Grupo Lactos in her brother's desk.

Santi and Aurora are outside. "I hope they last," Camilo says. Babs disagrees. She tells Camilo that Gonzo doesn't like Aurora. "Since when does my father have an opinion about Santiago's girlfriends? Please!" Babs says he always worries about his children, but this time she's inclined to agree. She hopes their relationship is disrupted. Camilo's face turns a darker shade of orange as he relishes the prospect of being the agent of this deception.

Camilo asks Babs if she really wants Santi and Aurora's relationship to end. She's not right for the family, Babs says. Camilo says he can help open Santi's eyes. Babs says even more important, make your dad feel better. "I'll help my little brother," Camilo says and leaves.

Babs snickers privately. "Like always, you took the bait."

Next time:
Babs sees Fernanda kissing FrEd.

Bonus avances from the youtube version (I'll be obnoxiously vague to avoid spoiling): Barb helps an old man make a difficult trip. Venus tells Esteve she'd do it for free. Vlad worries about Pris.


Thanks, Julie. Great recap!! I'm REALLY enjoying Silvia Navarro's performance in this. She has such an expressive face. I loved the way she jumped all over Any?Balls right there in the lobby. She's turning out to be the strong shoulder for every character. Methinks there's going to be a battle of the Titans between her and Babs someday.

Horse Screecher! Ha!

Doesn't look good for Florecita. Priscilla will surely plant or arrange for some evidence to be planted so slimy Damian doesn't spill the paternity beans.

More audience teasing! They didn't show whose birth certificate. And they didn't show what Venus's new line of work will be. Hope it's something that drives Gardenia nuts!

Franco said "Artemio Bravo" when he looked at the birth certificate. That's the only name anyone has ever said in reference to that thing, even people who have never heard of him before.

My point is: if someone hands you a birth certificate, and you say only one name on it out loud, it's probably going to be that of the person who was born. Right?

I mean, would Mrs. Ciro and Lili and/or Martina and Fr/Ed all say "Artemio Bravo" and no other name if that wasn't the name of the baby?

What's even more surprising is that FrEd didn't react to any other names on that birth certificate. This suggests that some interesting names like Elizalde, Cruz, and Sanchez aren't on there (or maybe he was just trying to play it cool).

I hope that Pris can find a way to keep Damian happy while warning Fernanda that Damian's still messing with them.

Near as I can tell, Venus's new line of work is going to be the same as her old line of work. That's what Esteve was implying, anyway.

I think he's going to ask her to use her feminine wiles to attach herself to Camilo, then spy on him and keep him out of their way.

(And maybe use her wrestling skills to get away from him if necessary, which would be very entertaining for us.)

Hi Julie. Great to have you back in the saddle, so to speak, and I love the darker shade of orange, whiter shade of pale title. Ah those songs of yesteryear!

I don't remember anything of significance in the passages you said you didn't understand but I always watch the 9 pm show in a semi-comatose state anyway. With summer light I'm always awake by 5 am (or is it my age?)

And speaking of age, I have to admit a twinge of sympathy for the vapid character of Erika's mom. I remember when I got the call from my doc that blood tests indicated I was in menopause. I started to cry. Mind you, I'd had a baby at 40 who was hyperactive, and at 52 sure didn't want another....and yet, and yet....knowing that my fertile days were really and truly at an end broke my heart in some totally illogical way.

Mothering my two grandchildren for a week while their parents were in Bermuda though has once again cured me of the notion of wanting to be a full-time mom again.

Excellent recap Julie. Horse Screecher--priceless. Did you notice how skinny Cadmil-Ho's legs are. Not very impressive in those riding boots and pants. I hope Venus sets him up and then puts the smackdown on him. That would be so awesome.

Abora--Snore (again)

Thanks, Julie. It's great to have you back recapping. I always enjoy your wit and style. The sourfaced maid was the maid on Manuel's hacienda in Amor Real. This is the first time I've seen her on this show. I'm confused ...Does Babs think Aurora is her daughter ? If so, why does she want to get rid of her ? Or does she think she was just some girl that Art was bunnyhopping with? Watching Babs hint around to the repulsive orange Cadmilo about seducing and ruining Aurora is creepy. That willchanging scene reflects real life scenarios of wills being secretly changed. By the way, I don't remember any mention of Aurora claiming to be an artist so what was that whole riff Babs did about Aurora , the artist ? I'm anxious to see Agent Venus in action. Judyb~~~How did your daughter and s-in-l enjoy Bermuda? Hub and I and friends are headed there soon.

I don't remember anyone saying that Aurora was an artist either. I can't figure out where Barb is going with the Aurora thing either so it's not just you susanlynn.

Thanks, Julie! My DTV converter was kept losing the signal so I turned off in frustration, knowing my faithful pals would help me out.

I did catch the rerun of Venus' over-the-top performance, though. I agree with previous comments--way overdone & the gum thing is childish, not sexy.

BTW, what ever happened to the envelope that FArtemio left for Padre & Fr/Ed? Did I miss that or did they drop it? Wish they would drop Dolly...silly side plots are just annoying & distracting. Like Ciro's wife & son; let's hope the $$ from Fr/Ed means they go on a long trip to nowhere.

I'm getting a queasy feeling about Babs & NaranHo plotting to ruin Abora. She's a little weepy but I can't stand the thought of a rape scene.


Thanks, Julie. Loved the recap. The question about Aurora's artistic ability - The first time Santi brought Aurora home she told them that she was a painter and then when introduced to Bab's, Santi told them she was a sculptor. Someone questioned that statement and then Santi said that she was actually both. All this happened in the 3/16 recap.

I can hardly wait to see what Esteve has in mind for Venus.

I can see why poor Ciro left his "family" for the manicomio, anything would have been better than that group. I am glad that Ed/Fr doesn't feel any guilt about not sharing the money with them. The test was priceless.

Nanda, go girl go! I am so glad that she is not spineless. All of the males, except Santi, in that family are losers starting with Gonzo.


When Santiago and Aurora first arrived at the hacienda, they explained their friendship as one of artists...she was a sculptor, he a painter. So that goes way back. One of a series of lies.

I'm confused about Barbara's attitude towards Aurora also. She was devastated to learn of her death. So does she believe she's her daughter?..in that case, she would want to ruin the romance because she's intending to destroy the Elizalde family, including Santiago...so Aurora has no future there. Maybe she intends to take Aurora with her when she runs off with all the Elizalde fortune.
* * * *

Susanlynn...yes, they had a fabulous time in Bermuda. Came home looking relaxed and suntanned and happy. Haven't seen them look so mellow since before they got married. Ojala! you and your big guy will have the same romantic experience.

Well, Julie. It's good to have you back in the saddle. You always have a fresh and piquant slant on things. A wonderful recap.

I'm really looking forward to Venus' role in Eddie's and Este's master plan. Somehow I'm guessing that it will involve hoodwinking poor, randy Camilo.


I thought Barbara might have wanted to separate Aurora from the Elizaldes before their ruin, except that she was thought-bubbling that Aurora was a loser. Not exactly a maternal sentiment.

Aurora, Abora. She's such a pretty girl with a sweet smile, but I just can't work up any interest in her. All her reactions are exactly the same no mattter what happens to her.

I know this will be unpopular, but Steve gives me the creeps.

Loved the recap, Julie.

Dona Gringuita here--Thanks for the recap Julie.

OK, so now we're starting to get into the woo-woo aspects of a battle between good and evil--the Mexican counterpart of KKK cross burning on Abora's mirror and Fr/Ed requiring a blessing from Bosco to take on the dark side.

Speaking of dark, the conversation between Sunkist Liver Lips and La Vibora regarding jumping Abora's bones brings on a major skin crawl attack.

I'm really confused about the birth certificate. What is the secret Soledad took to her tumba? Lately, we've been shown Artemio's face at various times in MEPS. Is that new? Was it shown earlier in the series?

Also, since I only came on board in April, who is the guy at the beginning of the show during the credits who is lying in bed with what appears to be a dead body, screaming something like "para!"? It doesn't look like Ed holding Soledad's corpse--or is it?

At least he had on different colored sweats. Must have been the next day.

Watching Camillo and Babs with Aurora reminded me of two languid snakes almost lovingly circling a frightened little bunny. "Run along now sweetheart, one of us will consume you later."


Oh, Carlos, what a vivid imagination you have.


Anonymous 9:42....yes, that was Ed and he was screaming "Mama!..."
* * *
Yikes, Carlos...terrifying image. Very apt...but terrifying.

Julie, i think that you might have outdone yourself, excellent recap!
Dona Gringuita- that is Eddy holding his recently departed mother, shouting out "Mama" in the opening credits. Not really flattering is it?
Like everyone else, I can't figure out the Babs/Abora thing. First, Babs seemed thrilled that Abora could be her daughter, then, I think she wished bad things for her, then sad at the news of her false death, now she wants to mak eher suffer by way of Cadmil-ho. Someone, please explain it to me. That was a great line- "no mas escultora que soy monja". I think that the writers are giving Lucero the best lines in the script.

What is with showing us the birth certificate w/o letting us really read it. Stupid teaser. Have we seen the last of los Palafox? Gawd, I hope so.

I am so looking forward to the gran soire' that Esteve has been planning. The press, dignitaries, there to witness the madness that they are setting up.

Also looking forward to Fer's promised investigation of the Florecita firing. I am liking her character more and more, and Slyvia is doing a marvelous job. When she bumped her shin, I thought that it might have some minute signifigance, but it was just a blooper that she rolled with.

My word for verification is "cringe"- prophetic?

Excellent recap Julie. So what is Esteve plan for Venus? A duh! moment for me. I saw the cien mil last night and was think it was 100 million until reading your recap this morning. Duh!! :)
I guess it turned out to be pretty cheap to get the birth certificate.

So was there something on the mirror or just a dream by Aurora? Assuming she is feeling guilty and seeing things.

Julie: "I don't get what FrEd says here - is it something about TV?" I believe FrEd said that gringos watch too much TV. :)

Hah -- "Then they admire the money."

Looks like Aurora will be further terrorized by Cad pawing her. Pobrecita. Cad and Barb together, pretty disgusting indeed. I guess Barb must have given up on Aurora being her spawn.

"Gonzo insists that she's moral and honest and loyal and would never do such a thing."
The look on the lawyers face, I think was wondering if they were talking about the same person. :)
I agree Julie, doesn't Gonzo have to die? "The lawyer says that once he signs a revised will, his wife could leave him or the kids practically in the street. (Doesn't Gonzo have to die first? Did I miss something?)"


One thing I noticed recently is that Barb seems to be having wider and broader grins. She appears to be really enjoying things. :)


By the way, has anyone else noticed the gruesome plastic surgery that appears to have been inflicted on the actress playing Mrs. Ciro Palafox.

We've seen some clearly botched nose jobs before but her whole face seems pulled out of line. Pobrecita!

Yes he would have to die for Barb to inherit. Now if he has a financial power of attorney document naming Barb as his attorney-in-fact and he becomes "incapacitated" that could be trouble...

Hey Dona Gringuita - we don't know yet exactly what is the secret Soledad took to her tomb regarding to Art Bravo. There's another secret too - only Soledad and Lili know how evil Babs is, that she was evil enough to kill Gonzo's wife.

Also, regarding Artemio's face, yes that's new. They just started showing his face last week.

JeffMN, I think the cross was for real and not her imagination. Someone probably put it there when Aurora was at breakfast, and then washed it off when she was telling Fer and Santi.

It was probably Babs's idea, but I doubt that Babs did it herself. You notice she really doesn't like to get her hands dirty unless it's for something fun, like killing a sick woman in her own bed.

I wonder if the sour-faced maid had anything to do with it. She looked offended when Aurora took the towels, but maybe she just felt snubbed.

What would be the point of the maid (guilty or not) going into the bathroom with the towels anyway? If she was in on the "joke," perhaps the idea was that she'd deny seeing the cross, to make Aurora seem crazy.

About the will, I wondered if "testamento" could also refer to some document that distributes your property while you're still alive. That would make a lot more sense, not only in terms of providing security to Babs and removing anyone's motivation to rub Dad out, but also to expose him to the possibility of being left "in the street."

Or maybe I heard that part wrong, but I listened several times. Damn, it's really had to recap from YouTube! I thought I'd be able to fill in the blanks when I saw the captions on TV, but it didn't work out that way. I kept looking at my computer and missing the captions I needed. Recapping without a captioned recording is tough!

Hi Julie, great to see you back even if it's only to fill in. You have so much to offer and your recaps attest to that. You clarified a lot of things that I missed.
Well folks sit back and enjoy Aurora's childish innocence because it looks like the spotlight is going to be on her for a while yet. All 3 of the telenovelas that I've seen so far has had a similar character who abused in a similar manner. Acasia in Destilando, LaFonte's daughter in Pasion, and now Aurora. Seeing someone getting beat up on and abused is not what I call entertainment and gets old and boring after awhile.

I'm as confused as everyone else about Babs's attitude towards Aurora. My best guess is that started out feeling both hope and fear at the same time ("maybe she's my daughter, or maybe she's Artemio's spy").

Then, as it begins to look more and more like Aurora had a thing with Bravo and got away from him, with no ulterior motives at all, Babs is feeling more contempt.

And maybe jealousy. Perhaps Babs had an affair with Bravo when she was very young, was sort of in love with him, and then he dumped her for another young girl, and another, and another. That would explain a LOT about her attitude towards him and Aurora.

Hey, a while back we had a very interesting "mini lecture" on transitive and intransitive verbs. I had copied it into my e-mail and somehow mistakenly deleted it. I would love to have that info again. Anyone remember what day that was? (I searched through old recaps but couldn't find it) Thanks

Alice, I agree with you about the token victim in each telenovela (or most of the female cast of FELS), and I'm really hoping that Aurora will be an exception.

But I'm not getting my hopes up. Aurora already has a bad feeling about Camilo, but if she confides in Santi or Fer, will they believe Camilo capable of messing with his brother's girlfriend? Even with the Erika-beating incident in mind?

I hope she will at least take some precautions, like carrying a can of bug spray. (She's probably too timid to defend herself with a regular weapon. NOrmally I'd recommend hairspray instead of bug spray, but Camilo's probably immune to the stuff.)

I suppose a rescue is also possible, but I'd just be so happy if Aurora could deal with him on her own.

Alice, I think that discussion about intransitive verbs was on recap for a Thursday or Friday episode. That should help you narrow it down.

Julie, bug spray, good idea. But with Cad she might want something a little stronger like a cattle prod! ZZZZZTTTTTTT

How about a riding crop, or whatever that thing is that Camilo menaces Jacinto with? Aurora should start carrying one of those. It seems to be the weapon of choice for some telenovela characters (e.g., Gabi).

How about the riding crop, the cattle prod, AND the bug spray?

I understood from reading the synopsis on Televisda that Gonzo would leave 75% of his bienes to Babs. Bienes = property, consumer goods, real estate, personal property, chattels. I guess if you're stupid you could do that before death. But which 75%, the other 25% I think could stop someone from selling the property.

I suspect the unfriendly maid for the bloody cross. Is she someone Babs just hired?

I like Fernanda's strong character also, but pouring her guts out to Fr/Ed after only 80 or so episodes is a little strange, even though we know it's ok.

So it appears that Babs followed her to the country house. That Babs is always in the right place at the right time.

Alice~~~Good points about the token abuse victim in so many novelas. Scenes involving those characters are cringeworthy and hard to watch. We need a little lightness, so I am hoping that Venus provides some laughs in her new job. Carlos~~~Your bunny/snake analogy was spot on ...and muy creepy. Come into my web says the spider to the fly. Teaming up two such reprehensible characters ...Babs and Sunkist [snicker] ..is great. Babs's grin does seem to be growing . [I am reminded of the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. ] We should get her a teeshirt that reads ''I [heart] Evil'' As for the elusive and cryptic birth certificate , I think that it must be Eddie's certificate naming Art as papacito. Since Soledad and Art were probably around the same age, why would she have Art's own birth certificate? She lied to Eddie because she didn't want him to know that his daddy was a really bad dude. I keep trying to figure out why Babs seems to detest Aurora so much [besides the obvious reason that some here dislike her...namely her insipid personality]. I suppose if Art is the baby daddy and Babs hates Art, she might carry that hatred on to his spawn. Judyb~~~Glad your daughter and s-in-l had a good trip. I am packing and repacking . The Bonine is already in my purse. My older daughter called last night to tell me that there is a gift certificate waiting on board for her daddy for Father's Day. That will make the Big Guy smile.

Transitive, intransitive verbs

Mira aqui


Julie and Connie~~~Remember, tiny, frail Aurora is already carrying two weapons with her...those two tiny knees....but will she use them?...We all know the answer is ''NO''' because she is the designated ''VICTIM'' of this novela. Or she could follow my mother's advice concerning playground bullies to me ''Kick him...then RUN.'' ...but will she?....NO. It's frustrating to watch her vulnerablity and inaction.

Thought you might enjoy this on the orange guy, George Hamilton is in there too.


Good point susanlynn. She could also grab and twist. Imagine Cadmil-Ho's surprise on that one! But no, she'll probably pass out and fait like a possum.

Another thing that bugs me about Abora is her stare. She just has this blank wide-eyed stare--like nobody's home. She's like a little deer that looks at you with those big brown eyes--so innocent, helpless, and pitiful. And while she is staring her little deer stare--BAM--she's the first one shot! :-}

Julie: Perfect title and recap. So great to have you back - your wit and comments always add so much.

I thought Barb thinks Aurora was brought in by Artemio to spy on and possibly hurt Barbara herself. I thought she dismissed the idea that Aurora was her daughter when she cut up the handkerchief, but I could be wrong.

Jeff, I wondered who was responsible for the bloody cross. Julie noted Babs many have put someone up to it but thought the unsmiling housekeeper was too obvious. I thought perhaps some new devilry was arising in the house from an unexpected source. Probably wrong again here too but fun to speculate.

Diana in MA

Julie, thanks for a great recap.

It could be my imagination, but to me, the birth certificate looks as if it says 1950 (mil novecientos cincuenta), so that would have to be Artemio's, because he's about 59. But Susanlynn's idea that it's Ed's makes more sense. But couldn't Ed get a copy of his own birth certificate (maybe he should).

I agree with Maggarita that they never explained the envelope AB left for Fr/Ed at the office.

I'm pretty sure Babs thought Aurora was her daughter, but when AB said, no she died, Babs believed him, and therefore has no maternal feelings for Aurora. She even cut up the handkerchief she had found in Aurora's bag.

The blood on the mirror makes no sense to me. Both Babs and Camilo were outside when it was washed off, so the only one who could have washed it off was the strange maid. Actually, it is fun when there's one maid aligned with the bad guys, we've seen it in a bunch of novelas.

I think the lawyer was talking about a real will, but in his comment that giving Babs 75% would leave the children in the street, the lawyer was implying, after Gonzo dies, of course, even though he didn't say it.

Julie, it's great to have you back to recap again. Thanks.

I am confused about Barb's true feelings toward Aurora as well. Maybe her maternal feelings were very short lived....like 15 seconds.

About the slightly creepy Esteve,
he seems to find Venus attractive not only for her assets (nice to see she hasn't enhanced certain assets Gardenia style) but because she has no pretense about who she is. I liked the line when he said she was probably the most honest person he has met. And we know the lies are flying fast and furious around those parts. GinCA

I don't think Soledad and Artemio were about the same age. She looked to be older than Gonzo, and Gonzo looks older than Artemio.

I would think she'd be Art's mother, not someone he had a kid with. But I think Ed would have reacted to seeing his mother's name on the birth certificate.

Maybe she was going by a different name too.

Julie: Thanks for the recap.

If Barb is trying to sic Camilo on Aurora, she is beyond redemption. He probably would have tried something without her encouragement.

Gonzalo's changing his will makes no sense whatsoever. He has one wife and five children. One of whom is impaired (Lili) and four who manage or mismanage his company. So, he's leaving 75% to Barb. There's no way she'd be left out on the street since she would be entitled to a portion of his estate under any circumstances. Just another example of his stupidity.

5ft. Latina: We haven't heard from you lately. Are you still going to do the recap tomorrow? Please let me know.geles011@gmail.com

The lawyer said, leave YOU and the children in the street or homeless.


Since Eduardo is only supposed to be about 27, I don't think Soledad would have been older than Gonzalo. She was supposed to have worked so hard and probably aged prematurely.

I'm wondering if Gonzalo is doing some kind of transfer of power to Barbara, rather than a will. Is that possible?

Magnolia in N.Y.

I actually felt uncomfortable when Aurora was talking with La Hiena at la hacienda and then Cadmilho showed up. I truly felt creeped out!


Thanks Julie for the great recap.

I agree with Variopinta that Fernanda's deep trust in Franco after only 80 episodes is strange, especially considering how the time goes so slowly in this telenovela.

Barbara doesn't think that Aurora is her daughter, she believes her baby died at birth, she also thinks that Aurora has something to do with Artemio wich is why she hates her, I believe she doesn't know Artemio was responsible for the fire also.


What confused me about the discussion about Babs taking off with the money is that I thought the lawyer said Babs could leave "you and your hijos" in the street as soon as he signed the "testamento."

She can't do that unless she kills him first, but then she's not so much leaving him as killing him. That's why I thought maybe he was thinking of distributing his assets now, while he's still alive (which is neither "stupid" nor uncommon).

I REALLY regret missing the captions on that conversation!

He did seem to be in a real hurry, almost a panic, to get this taken care of, as if he expected to drop dead (or be murdered by his greedy children) by sundown.

He does have a heart condition (from the second or third week of episodes?) that he didn't want to "worry" Barbara with. Maybe he really does think he's going to die soon.

Connie --you are right about Aurora's deer-like expression. Although I think Adela Noriega is the still the ultimate 'Bambi'.

And I'm with you Maggarita. I've been dreading a possible rape scence since Camilo first laid his sleezy eyes on our token victim. I'm hoping there is a save or spare us.

Anonymous at 9:33 -- Steve kinda gives me the creeps too. He looks and acts so strange sometimes I cant figure out if there's supposed to be more to this character than meets the eye. You'd think that our hero could have come up with more impressive friends during his stint at Harvard.


Thanks for the recap Julie. We've missed your wit and I admire the fact you pulled this off without captions.

Alice - ITA with you about poor, hapless women in novelas that really mean people abuse mercilessly. It's completely cringe inducing and not entertaining.

Susanlynn - I like your theory on the birth certificate. It would definitely make things interesting.

I do hope Venus side tracks awful Cad (and Barb) from Aurora.

Perhaps the trade-off to getting such a strong minded/smart heroine that does not play the victim, is to get another character like Aurora who is the eternal victim. She is our telenovela scapegoat. As such, we should be happy we have her and don't have to worry about Fernanda being incredibly stupid and weak throughout the next few months.
As for Bab's treatment of Aurora, I agree with many of you who said at first Babs suspected her of being her daughter, but then she accepted Bravo’s explanation that the baby is dead and the girl just got the handkerchief through house servants/theft/happenstance. Babs believes Aurora is just Bravo's spy/minion/lover and therefore can not be trusted.

-Vivi in DC

Pasofino, it's true that Babs gets some percentage even if he doesn't change the will, but she won't have a controlling interest. She has convinced him that the kids are "against" her on everything and will squeeze her out. No, she won't be destitute, but by Gonzo's snotty, class-conscious standards, it would be a terrible humiliation if Babs even had to buy her clothes off the rack.

Magnolia - good point about the premature aging of Soledad. I had forgotten that she didn't already look that old when Ed was a kid. Well, this opens up some possibilities... maybe she and Bravo could even be siblings. (I'm not sure if that works or not, but I like the idea.)

Jarocha and Variopinta, what's especially weird about about Fernanda's trust of FrEd is that she knows he likes to indulge in dirty tricks! He's holding her father's car hostage, and he's using Erika to make some chick (hopefully Fernanda realizes it's her) jealous. How does she know he isn't playing tricks on her too? (Especially since he IS!)

Thank you Julie. I bow to you for doing this using YouTube too! I long ago concluded that I could only use youtube as silent pictures. I don't know what they're saying on there, not a clue even.

Yeah! EdFra saw FrBosco and never seemed to mention that envelope. ANOTHER Hitchcock prop?

I hope we will not be subjected to Cad's rape of the innocent. That ain't entertainment for me. And I am mystified about Barb's attitude change toward 'The Innocent' (Abora). However I am open minded to a possible plot change which would have Abora turning into a psychotic killer. Then, Carlos, she and her mother would be the two snakes. Yep.

That's funny. Steve's personality doesn't give me the creeps at all - in fact I like him. Especially the way he mangles showtune lyrics. (I also like that he's help Jacinto stand up to Camilo.)

But I do find his appearance a little... off. I think it's mostly his hair - both the color and the style - and I thought I saw some weird makeup around his eyes once too, but maybe I imagined that.

The clothes are pretty odd, too. I think they're dressing him "down" to reflect casual US fashions, but even when we dress down it's not like we're putting on random garments.

I don't hold his cosmetic deficiencies against him, but now he looks like an axe murderer on the lam who hurriedly changed his hair color in a gas station lavatory and is wearing clothes that he snagged off of clotheslines while being chased by police.

But we know that's not the case, so I think he's okay.

It looks like Babs is planning an all-out attack on Aurora. She apparently has an accomplice who put that bloody cross on the mirror, then quickly removed it. Looks to me like she's planning a "Gaslight" scenario; i.e. causing all the Elizaldes to think Aurora is a nutcase. There'll probably be more of this stuff.

And she's definitely siccing slimy Cad on her. He's jumping at the chance since his greatest pleasure in life is stealing any female of any age that Santiago cares about. Plus, he's attracted to her and has already peeked through a door to see her in her undies!

I was enjoying Jacinto humiliating Cad, but now that Babs is aware of the game, doubt it will work any more.

I missed the envelope episode, so I never even saw that. :( Anyone remember which episode number that was?

Thanks, Julie, for the great recap and the photo of the birth certificate. There does seem to be a date on it--1951, perhaps? It's mil noveciento cincuenta y ... it looks like une, but perhaps it's uno. Certainly Artemio Bravo could be in his late 50s. It's not clear why Soledad would have this birth certificate, however, nor why she felt it was so important. Does it reveal his parentage? And, since both Aurora and Santiago have observed that he looks like Gonzalo, would it reveal that he and Gonzalo are brothers/step-brothers? But again, why would this be in Soledad's possession?

With a date in the 1950s, it's unlikely to be Fr/Ed's birth certificate, as some have suggested. Also, wouldn't he already have a copy of his birth certificate, since he a passport (and perhaps more than one)?

Preguntas, preguntas, y más preguntas.

Julie, I think it's capitulo 81

"I don't hold his cosmetic deficiencies against him, but now he looks like an axe murderer on the lam who hurriedly changed his hair color in a gas station lavatory and is wearing clothes that he snagged off of clotheslines while being chased by police.'
LOL! ITA! Barbara

Thanks for that ep # Variopinta! I don't know when I'll look at it, but I'd really like to search for clues. It's a lot easier to find clues when you don't have to pay rapt attention to the dialogue...

I'm really impressed that Hombre de M and Juanita were able to read the the "mil noveciento(s?) cincuenta y". I couldn't see it until you guys pointed it out. The last word of the year is way too blurry, but just knowing the decade is helpful.

I notice that his birth date is November 2, for whatever that's worth. And does it say he was born somewhere in Guerrero? (Would it help us to know that anyway?)

Dona Gringuita here again. Julie you said we know exactly what the secret is that Soledad took to her grave. So if it's not spoiling anything, can you tell me? I wish I had started watching MEPS earlier, but I didn't. Sigh. Thanks for your help!

Was Soledad old enought to be Artemio Bravo's mother? Could Gonzalo be his father?

Just back to read the latebreaking comments. Okay, if the certificate has 1950[?] on it, my theory that it is Eddie's is smashed since we are supposed to believe that he has been gone only 15 years and left when he was a preteen or maybe 15 tops, so that would make Eddie in his late 20s[hmmmm]. Anyway, the date makes it have to be Art's birth certificate , so now how did Soledad obtain it ? To me, Soledad, Gonz, and Art seem to be vaguely of the same generation with , perhaps, Art being the youngest of the three and Gonz the oldest with Soledad somewhere in the middle...ewww...menage de tois???] . The same actor wouldn't be playing both parts if these two characters were not related, and the most obvious relationship is brothers, half brothers, or cousins [Think Patty Duke here...''Ohhh, they're cousins, identical couuuusiiiiins...They laugh alike; they talk alike; sometimes they even walk alike...cause........They're cousiiiiins, identical cousinsssssssssss.....''] Why does Art hate Gonz so much? Did Mommy/Daddy love Gonz best? [Think the Smothers Brothers here.] Was there a love triangle involved [The Gonz-Soledad-Art] ??? Was Soledad just an innocent witness to Art and Gonz's drama, or was she a part of the drama ? Likewise, I believe that Padre knows Art and didn't just hear about him in Soledad's confession. Finally, let's remember, we are all trying to be very analytical and methodical as we attempt to figure out the rhyme and reason of all these supposed clues as if we were watching CSI or Law and Order or something that actually made sense ....but this is a telenovela so it could turn our that none of our theories make any sense because ...it's a telenovela. Remember all those false clues that led nowhere in FELS and the cofre that we agonized over in Duelo de Pasiones that ended having nada inside except some kind of glowing green lump that the writers never explained. Maybe Art is just another glowing green lump.

I see cuarenta in the top left corner, but the rest is cut off. Is that felicidad under it? And maybe the name Bravo again.

I see

de Mexico
2 de noviembre cincuenta
Artemio Bravo

Padre ??? at the top

I could have been a one night stand when someone was drunk or maybe raped Soledad that produced Eduardo.
Shades of FELS. Soledad had a picture of her husband, but maybe not Eduardo's father.

I don't think Esteve's character is creepy, but there's definitely something off about the way they try to portray him as a norteamericano. His hair color doesn't go with his overly waxy skin tone, and I can't believe a guy from the U.S. of his age and personality would TUCK IN a casual t-shirt. Neither would he wear the super-tight hipster pants he had on last week.

How can you guys read that birth cert? I'm going to try it again...

BTW: This recap has not been posted to the sidebar.

Nope, no luck on reading the "acta".

I think (hope)that Esteve is being intentionally portrayed as the quintessential gringo. Geeky, cunning, smart, loyal friend, defender and mentor to less those less fortunate. It just seems to me that the writers/producers are contantly bombarding us with PSA's, product placements, and thinly veiled prejudices, and that this is how they want the only gringo to be. It could be way worse...

If Cad forces himself on Abora I'm not sure I could stand watching it. It was bad enough I watched Don Diego force himself on Luis' wife in Alborada at lunch today. (I watch it on my laptop at lunch.) Ack!

Dona G: I said we DON'T know what Soledad's secret is!

I wish Ed had gone to the Palafoxes' first, then to the Padre to talk things over. I bet there's more to discuss now that he has the birth certificate. (At least he can ask the padre if he recognizes Bravo's parents' names.)

Pasofino, I posted this to Delicious last night. I just checked again (on a different computer) and it's still there. If you don't see it there, press F5 to reload the page and see if that helps.

Julia, good catch on the tucked-in shirt. I thought something looked funny there, but couldn't figure out what!

Novelera: I thought of "Gaslight" too, when the bloody cross disappeared. Could be Babs' evil plan...who knows. Color me confused! I can't even begin to make sense of most of this stuff but as Susanlynn sez, it's a TN so put on your beanie & enjoy the ride!

I'm just SO grateful to have TBLMOE in bed with me every night. Metaphorically speaking, of course.


The writers get their impressions about gringos on TV or as tourists.
I've seen tourists that look pretty much like Esteve, if that good. They probably think that a gringo needs red or blond hair also.

Remember the Junior on Esteve's name plate. I forgive them, we have plenty of misconceptions about them also.

One thing that surprises me, is so many blue eyed Mexicans. I guess they trace back to northern España.

Pobrecita Aurora, she's the little lamb falling prey to the big bad wolf. She is also dumb so Santiago should have told her to stay away from Camilo.

Thanks for the very funny recap, Julie. I was away from a computer for a few days, just now catching up. Why does CadmilHo always purse up his lips like he'd just sucked a lemon? I don't have much interest in Aurora, but don't need to see her tortured.
La Paloma

p.s. That brown frock that Fern had on last night reminded me a lot of my old Brownie uniform .

Still thinking about the older generation. If Artemio B. is Gonzo's half brother, he may be illegitimate (yes, he's a bastard in more than the literal sense). Soledad was the cook and nanny in her adult years, so was probably a kitchen maid in her younger years. She could have been in a position to witness whatever happened to make them enemies, or to have been involved in some way.
Older Doli, thanks for the nice PSA on menopause and how to deal with it. Hope we don't have to see much more of you.
La Paloma, again.

Thank you Julie for the great recap!

FWIW – a friend of mine from Mexico City tells me that all the prostitutes there do their bubble gum just like Venus did. We American’s don’t ‘get’ it but she did. (LOL)

The Horse Screecher – loved it!

Steve’s appearance creeps me out due to
a) his weird hairstyle and
b) his pasty complexion.
I’m happy with the long warmup pants…shorts might be scary. Shorts with white athletic shoes and black socks would be even scarier.

Dorado dave – ITA that our gringo could be portrayed far worse, like the guys in My Name Is Earl. Ack.

Susanlynn – I’ve been to Bermuda 3 times and loved it every time. It’s been over 10 years since my last visit, though. Public transportation is the best. No fast-food chain restaurants---It’s the law except for one KFC that slipped through. Be sure to visit the forts at both ends of the island.

El secreto

Soledad knew

Lili knows Babs killed her mom, but she also knows the name Artemio Bravo, but from where?

Padre knows because Soledad confessed her sins. "Ï had sex with another man" seems like a big one here. Therefore, the name Artemio Bravo, either husband or lover or rapist.

Gonzo is probably the other man, thus the hatred.

Doris, Esteve decked out in jogging shorts, tank top, black socks and running shoes. The stuff of dreams. Thanks.


Thanks Julie (11:17 AM) and Variopinta (11:48 AM)for your helpful comments in response to my inquiry about where to find the info on transitive and intransitive verbs. Muchos Gracias

Variopinta, I tried the link you sent (11:48 AM)and got this message: "No sentimos, la página no fue encontrada". Unless I typed the name wrong, this site leads to a "People en Español" page.

Um, yeah, thanks for that, Doris. LOL. The black socks were a nice touch.

Maybe he holds up those socks with old-fashioned little garter belts.

You're welcome. :)

Julie, Ewwwwww!

Variopinta - Lili knows AB's name from eavesdropping on a phone conversation Babs had with him.

Thanks Julie, anything you understand is years ahead of me. Several of the actors are very hard to understand.

I want to sell a house or SOMETHING to FrEd. Have you noticed how he just offers a lot of money to people, for example in the GL deal and now for the birth certificate. Maybe the Palafoxes would have taken $50,000!

Steve's clothes are strange. A few eposodes back, it seemed to me that he had on women's slacks. Maybe they are doing the same thing Hollywood does, caricatures of Mexicans, banditos, sombreros, etc.

Did you notice how cold it was when Camillo and Babs were in the exercise ring? I could see their breath, unusual weather for Mexico I would think.

Sandy In TN

Variopinta--but wait. You're implying that Soledad had sex with AB but you're also suggesting the other man was Gonzo. I'm confused. Clearly Lili knows that Barbarecca killed Montserrat. Can you clarify? Muchisimas gracias

Dona Gringuita

This is certainly getting confusing! Lots of good theories though. Also we're forgetting the piece of paper that Gardenia has with the phone number on it.

Sandy~~Yes, you could see Camilo's breath. I wonder if it was an early morning. I think the observations on Esteve's appearance were all very interesting. Perhaps they think that they are depicting the average gringo with the red crewcut , pale complexion, and casual clothes. Just as Americans often think of Mexicans as having very dark hair, eyes, and swarthy comnplexions, but I had two blonde Mexican students with very light skin. [What really threw me off was when I had 2 Chinese students from Panama who spoke perfect Spanish but no Chinese. However, there is a big Chinese population in Panama for a logical reason.] Esteve's bright red jogging suit with the striped tee really got me. [I kept thinking ''Where is Waldo?] At least, Esteve is not constantly tossing around a baseball . He also does not seem to be saying ''Jesus C....'' and ''Hey, Man'' at the beginning or end of EVERY sentence as he once did. However, remember that the very same wardrobe department thought that it was a good idea to drape the striped sweater around Fr'ed's neck. Really? ..Does ANYONE ANYWHERE do that anymore ? I guess that was a way of showing how Americanized he was....I've been to Harvard , and you can tell by the way I wrap my sweater around my shoulders....American guys do this ALL the time.

Julie: Thanks. Got it this time.


There have been the wackiest wardrobe creations ever in this novela. Babs almost always has on a long jacket/coat over pants like the 70's, Fer's quaint/dowdy/adorable outfits, Esteve's clothes (enough said), the FrEd SWEATER. The choices that have been made by the wardrobe people have made MEPS especially charming for me. They are really taking us to another place.

Sandy in TN

Doris, I'm thinking Artemio was the husband or sig other & Gonzo somehow did the deed with Soledad & Artemio hates him for it.

This just came to mind, a Santiago Camilo thing, deja vu.

Cold weather isn't THAT rare in Mexico. Did I ever post this news story?

In short, and dozens of people die cold-related deaths in Mexico each year, most of them due either to carbon monoxide poisoning (from improper use of heat sources) or hypothermia.

Do we know exactly where the Elizaldes live? They can't be too far from the city - how close are the mountains?

I guess they are near Purification, and just past the North star... then straight on to....NeverNeverland....which might explain the Peter Pan/Wendy vibes...and Captain Hook. At least , they have cellphones and TVs.

The more I think about it, the more I think I've got it. Santiago & Camilo are a repeat of Gonzo & Artemio. That's one reason we need poor simple Aurora.

Mexico DF is in the mountains. As far as I see, you are either on the coast or in the mountains. The mountains are in the whole interior of Mex. Sierra Madre

Alice, it was a link to People Mag in español, it is a picture of Camilo. Copy & paste into your browser, I just got it.

But alas, it's just Camilo.

A few days back, someone was posting who seemed to have professional knowledge on child neglect/abuse and I thought that the poster had some good points. Abuse-neglect breeds very poor self-esteem. With the love of Santi, I hope she grows and becomes a more powerful young woman. Think about it, she isn't one on the estupidos who can't see through Babs or Camillo.

I'm rooting for her, doe eyes and all!

Sandy in TN

I think this TN is in Toluca. I checked Wiki and it says that it can get down to 0 in the winter and as high as 81 in the summer. It has a large airport used by travelers to Mexico City. It is approx 45 min by car to Mexico City. They even have a Mall!


Esteve & Fr/Ed went to Toluca to see the lawyer, Isaac Newton, so the are close to it & Mex DF

It looks like GL & Artemio are both in Mex DF

Looks to me like the setting is in the foothills, if not the mountains. Some of the shots have a view down to much lower-looking areas, with mountains in the far distance. Also, looks like a lot of fir trees, suggesting high elevation. The location for the church in Villa Madero looks more tropical, with palms in the gardens, suggests lower elevation.

The are supposedly in some place in the State Of México, so it must be a town close to Toluca and México City as it's been said.

The exterior scenes are taped in the State Of México and Morelos so it must have been very cold when they filmed the scenes that are airing now in the United States.


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