Thursday, June 11, 2009

MEPS - Wed 6/10 - Cap #82 - Much is Revealed But Not the Face of Evil

If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. A. Einstein

Seekers of Secrets: Erika wants Fernanda to discover who her rival is. Ed/Franc wants Padre Anselmo to stay out of danger and not go to meet Artemio Bravo who is really looking for him anyway. Fernanda wants to follow Vladimir to discover if he is hiding Damian.

Again the real action is in the Grupo Lactos Garage in what looks all the world like a major auto endorsement, Vladimir leaves in his green, racer striped Mini Cooper (a BMW product by the way), Fernanda waits in her hot yellow Toyota FJ1 Cruiser, follows with all caution to see if he will lead her to Damian. Franco in his all white Buick MKZ looks for the address of the Crow. The street sign says Congreso, an elderly straw hatted gentleman says, yes this is the address. Caw, caw (Nevermore) says the crow, Franco knows he has been HAD. Weren't you going in? says the cemetary caretaker with unwitting irony.

Vladi in his Mini Cooper pulls up to his garage with out seeing Fernanda in the Yellow Toyota. Nanda tells her self that she is sure that following Vladi will lead her to Damian but, Priscilla gets out of a silver car (too boring to identify) and goes in. She is buzzed in by guard who doesn't check her ID. What is going on here, says the watching Nanda.

Franco approaches the WTC desk, and the receptionist recognizes him, Aren't you the man who came a while ago? (hace rato) Franco nods wanting to talk to his secretary, he knows they have moved, he goes back up to the offices of Artemio Bravo.

Yellow Toyota awaits, Priscila walks into the eager Vladi's apartment, gives him two really good slaps. Don't tell me anything personal in front of anyone. She accuses him of being clingy (empalagosa) . Damian watches with alarm. You dare call me senora linda

Franco returns to the now totally empty offices The ocelot is gone . Even the evil little devil statues are gone, They may have even vacuumed, the packing boxes are gone, it is totally empty.

Vladi tells Pris that her fit is bad for baby. The only reality she wants him to acknowledge is that I am married, and I am having my husband's baby. Stay away from me. So far so good until, she begins to clutch her stomach, my son, I am going to lose my baby. Vladi, freaky on the best of days, beseeches her, Don't say this Don't say this.

Franco sees an envelope for the messenger (enviado) of Padre Bosco. Touches door to closet, empty looks out big glass windows, looking for clues, leaves empty handed again..

Fernanda waits with presentiment (corazonada) that Damian will show up, but Priscilla arrives.

Priscilla is being laid back onto the couch by Vladi who tenderly attends to her feet with pillows. He rubs her feet. What is happening do you have a little cotton she asks. Damian doesn't want him in bathroom so he cries as she insists on her purse for her phone. She gets to the phone, and Fernanda starts to call. Love those large screened iPods
Prisc answers, as Fernanda drives away but says she wants her future nephew to grow so can she invite her to lunch. She's in a massage Pris pretends, and they are working on the knots (nudos) of her shoulders and her nephew is perfect. Fernanda registers the lie, They will talk later.

Vladi is afraid of losing the baby. I beg you to bring a cotton pad (algodón). Damian is seething, I am not here, Vladi, says, let me go I have to go now, I'm coming (notice use of Voy- go not Vengo = come like English).

Barbara chides Cami why did you vote against me and for Franco. He may take from you the only thing you have, your company. We don't really know who he is. CamilHo says, We know what we ought to know: he is an executive of Power Milk and he paid out (desembolsara) the $10 million, Santoro has a secret agenda, Barbara hisses, We have to protect the family, next thing you know he will seize (se apoderará) the business.

Steve asks Jacinto, why is Barb helping her son by marriage (hijo politico or could use hijastro = stepson). She is covering up (alcahueteando) for him. explains Jacinto This is getting more interesting because it looks like Barbara ordered Cam to sniff around (husmear) Santoro's. Jacinto corrects some of Steve's Spanish about killing two birds with one stone (dos pajaros con un tiro)

Lost of scene flipping, Barbara continues working Camilho's weak brain over, You are the only one who can help me because Anibal and Fernanda are kissing his a** no really, she said, eating out of his hand. Even Fernanda? ask a disbelieving Camilo. Yes, after her recent husband problems she will be running for refuge in the arms of Franco and he will take advantage by taking over.(adueñarse de) Grupo Lackng.

Once more in that famous garage, Fr/Ed stops Fernanda, you were looking for me? YEA, it WAS urgent. But I bet you were too busy, Well, I am here now. You don't know how happy I am. We can talk now orrrrr are you busy. Well can we talk somewhere else in total privacy.I know a place about a half hour from here, can we go in my SUV (camioneta) They get back in her yellow Toyota. What a galan, he opens her drivers door, so suave, sigh.

If Franco controls Fernanda he also controls Santiago Santi does what ever your sister says. A babe just can't help being a babe, Barbara fondles Cami's tie and he is looking seriously confused like the true spawn of Gonzo, he wants to know her plan. We are going to take advantage quickly to know exactly who he is, He is someone else. Oh yeah, she assures Cami, he is another person and I don't know who that is.
Pris has crampy muscle spasms, Vladi returns with cotton stuff from the pharmacy. She needs to go to the bathroom Help me . NO you can't, hiding Damian has suddenly gotten so awkward, I will take you to my bedroom. Don't make any effort, he picks her up like a bridegroom. Let me down I can go alone. She ejects him from the room. He clings to the door, I will be right outside. She can't wait to be alone, I am closing the door. She really ought to be nicer to someone so interested in saving her.

Damian isn't pleased being out of the center of attention: WHAT are you doing . Vladiis still gentle but the strains are evident. I am trying to save the life of my child . Well then call an ambulance. This is serious, how are we going to resolve this. He bangs on the door and she tells him not to pressure her.

How many times do I have to meet Camilo at the stables (caballerizas). The Hyena is not doing acts of charity (caridad). What is the arrangement (arreglo) between them is what Steve wants to know. Tomorrow you will tell Cam that he can find his Daddy's car here at Las Animas then play the poker face so that Camilo will show his game. He needs only one pretext to kill you and he will really kill you.

Gardenia tries to block the arrival of Venus and Martina. Saying Franco is not available but they manage to squeeze in where Esteve is at the computeri, saying, keep this house. and looks up to slinky, jazzy music. Jacinto collars him and says this is Martina and her friend looking for Franco. Ummmmm big smiles and Venus fingers her gum. Esteve apparently has not been to either BigCups or Matamentes Medical Center.

Drink this water, Vlad wants to know if she talked to the doctor. Yes, but he was just stepping onto surgery and he will call her later. He did say she has to stay quiet until the hemorrhaging stops as she is in danger of losing the baby. And Damian hears the words that she has to keep absolutely quiet for at least 24 hours . What will you tell your husband, that I am at brother Rolands. No problem, I want to save our baby and this is your house and also our little baby's.

A very cute child feeds grass to an even cuter lamb. Fernanda introduces Farmer Macario.who takes care of everything and teases the girl where is the bothersome child (latosa niña). Have you been behaving. Does Franco know these people? Lovely gardens expensive stone driveway. This is my secret refuge. Secret is only a saying . Because no one else in the family comes here. Papa built it with the idea of spending weekends with the family but with his marriage to Barbara every thing changed. This is where I can have privacy. Franco agrees It breaths peace and tranquility. She takes him into the humble weekend abode.

Esteve remarks that coffee recently ground (molido). smells good. Gardenia fumbles with jealousy and leaves Steve to serve the pretty visitors. Gardenia whispers a veiled threat in Jacinto's ear, what Margarita might know about these two visitors.

Venus rolls her gum and eats a cookie at the same time washing all around with her coffee. Charming and talented too. Martina explains that Venus to find out if Franco might have work for her. What is it exactly that you know how to do? grins Steve with genuine interest. I am a fighter, well I am a woman of life, well of the vida alegre. Esteve is even more enthused.

The guards are surrounding Las Animas, Esteve says, he doesn't know what Franco might need of this ummm, trade or of this office. But but let's wait and see what he says he needs.

Forgive the preamble rambles Fernanda. Franco jumps in, and the matter has to do with your husband .He noticed the tension among the family members at the board meeting earlier about Damian. She asks if he has been told the stories of what he did.I learned it is impossible to love when you feel distrust (disconfianza) and I have to admit the love I once felt for my husband today is in doubt.

Pris asks for the phone. I will wait for the doctor's report then I will go home. a tray is dropped and draws Valdi out to the livingroom, Maybe it's the neighbors cat who sometimes comes in through the window. Damian the cat is beside himself, what are you going to do and he wants her out. This is too dangerous and I can't hide in the bathroom until she goes Vladi has found strength, I can't risk my baby just so they wont discover you. What are we going to do with Pris , I don't know, he whines.

Fernanda says everything is okay now but if I give you all the information you want what happens He can't betray the confidence she has put in him. . She says, Do you know what it is like to see someones' eyes and see someone you feel you have known all your life? NO. he answers I have never done that.

Finally she says last night I saw my husband and I didn't believe what he said to me.

Vladi calls in that he is putting the cat outside. Pris tells Vlad that her Anibal isn't worried because she told him she is in her brother's house for the night.

Vladi says to Damian, don't ask me again to have Pris leave. Just then Pris comes out of the bedroom and says Vladimir and then with even more surprise, Damian????
And the wind up: As the bird chirping continues around the weekend house, .she tells him of following Vladi to find out if he was harboring Damian but sees Priscila going into Vladi's apartment. Franco doesn't get it, Your sister-in-law? I know my brother is a calamity as a husband but Priscilla lied when I called her to see if she would go to lunch with me. Suddenly she asks, What do you think of Barbara?

Barbara asks Adolfina, where is Dr. Obregon? i need to talk to him. Adolfina, is stunned.

Barbara is a mysterious person and difficult to know says the ever diplomatic Eduardo. Fernanda is telling all, She tells of Damian's condemnation of Barbara who framed him. Now I am afraid to believe her I am afraid to think that the woman that my father loves with all his sole has been a swindler (estafadora) all these years

Adolfina says he has gone on vacation, he left for Veracruz, well really his mama is ill. Barbara, says when he gets here tell him I want to talk to him at once. She asks about Lili. and wants to see her. Adolfina says she is fine but this is not the day for visitors. Those are the rules. Barbara retorts, rules are made to be broken!

Franco wants to know how Fernanda can believe her beloved husband over Barbara, what's the problem?.

She drops the bomb, my marriage sadly is is on paper only. Ooohhh he likes the sound of that.

As the credits roll, we are treated to cigar smoke and lots of teeth but only on the sculpture in Artemio's office.

Next: Babara threatens Lili gets a bit of shaking and strangling as a reward for her surprise visit.
Fernanda learns so much so fast. Barbara is an embezzler (desfalco), oh my!

Okay kids, try to be good and do be gentle with the wonderful substitute recappers. The next two weeks, I will be off photographing wild horses, volcanic cones, geysers y que más in wonderful Wyoming, my girlhood home. See you all in July, Jody has graciously agreed to fill in for me the next two weeks, I will return for three weeks then we are pulling a major switch and I will step down for a few months and Jody will finish Wednesday MEPS. I need to concentrate on my photography for a time.


Cheryl...Have a wonderful time in Wyoming. I love the way you're structuring your life...full of travel, new learnings, creative ventures, wide open skies and possibilities.

Once things slow down, you need to teach a course in "creative retirement" or be a Life Coach or something, amiga! What a terrific course you're charting. Enjoy.

Cheryl~~~Thanks for a good read with my Cheerios. Well, I think that we've now seen the love nest where Fr/ed and Fern will eventually do the deed. It reminded me of the abandoned hacienda where Luis and Co. hid out after the convent escape fiasco. Then, of course, Luis bought Hippolita her own little place where he got lucky exactly one time before they were split apart again by the arrival of her hubby. I loved the expression on Fr/ed's face when Fern told him that her marriage was on paper only. Yesss, thinks he...She's stil untouched...Score one for me ! I'm still in the game. Also, the meetimg between Esteve and Venus and Martina was great. I think Esteve likes these earthy girls. Gardenia, on the other hand, was quite green with envy. Gee, maybe Esteve will end up with the gumsmacking mud wrestler. Then what will his daddy say ? We should start a pool to guess who Esteve finally chooses. Cheryl~~~Have a great time in Wyoming. I'll miss your wit and insight. The photo of the horses is gorgeous. ~~~Susanlynn, tired of the rainy grayness and dismal dampness

Thanks for the recap Cheryl. I was having trouble with reception or something last night. The picture kept jumping. How annoying.

Venus is such a lady isn't she? Gum popping--gross. Esteve was really impressed though wasn't he?

Glad to see Fernanda figureing stuff out for herself. Following Vlad, checking up on Pris. The plot thickens.

Did anyone besides me think the country home looked like the cabana in FELS?

Cheryl: you are a talented woman! Photography & need an agent! Great recap. Thanks for the a.m. laughs.

Fern in her bright yellow big a$$ spy mobile. Nope, no one will notice you following or parking right next to the building.

Esteve was hilarious last night. He's got a bevy of beauties to pick from & each with their own personality. Wow. Every man's fantasy come true. Naughty Nurse, Dirty Dancer or Pulchritudinous Peasant. I bet he writes a letter to the editor of Penthouse.

Fern & Fr/Ed now have a secret nooky hideout but anvils are teetering above. We all know that Fr/Ed will eventually be exposed & everyone will hate him but what do I care? Just keep him on the screen.


CherylNewMex - thank you for the recap! I missed last night's episode and appreciate your recap.
Have a good trip and take lots of great photos. Does Willa go to kennelcamp when you're away?

If priscilla loses the baby, what would happen with that storyline? My bet is on the baby surviving.

Cheryl, thanks for the great going-away recap. I love the picture of the horses. I certainly expect you to share some photos with us on your return. By the way, Willa's welcome to come stay with Bonnie Belle while you're away. I think they have a great deal in common.

I had to laugh out loud with Detective Nanda following Vlad in the yellow Nandamobile. It reminded me of a British comedian's(I wish I could remember his name) describing D.H. Lawrence:

"Hoping to go unrecognized, Lawrence strolled the London streets disguised in the flowing white robes of a Bedouin sheik."

Jody, in the immortal words of Esteve,

OK, next!


Thanks, cheryl, great recap and vocab, as usual. Have a great trip trapsing Wyoming, how can you not. I envy your lifestyle, maybe someday...

What "we" thought was a dangerous setup turns out to be an evasion by Ciggy. Guess he is a coward afterall. What was with the packet for the "enviado de Padre Bosco"? He was expecting the priest himself. A writer's or editing glitch? At least neither Eddy nor Rumpole were hurt.

If I were in Eddy's place, and with Fernanda, the woman I have loved forever, and she looks like Fer, and she takes me to a place like the weekend house, which is her special refuge, and she confiding in me, and she opens up, and she looks like Fernanda, and says what she said, and she looks like Fernanda, I don't think that I would react the way that he did. He is such a stiff- he pulled his hand away when she tried pulling him, and what is with the "usted" that is between them? I've never reverted back, once accustomed to tuteando, just seems all so odd. At least he knows that she doesn't love Damian, like he had thought that she did, and she told him about the meeting that he witnessed. How can he NOT confess his love, the truth of his ruse, but most especially about his own suspicions/fears/dangers surrounding her madastra? and suggest an alliance or at least compare notes- there IS a real element of dangerfor them all, and a little cooperation would be helpful. Oh well...

Martina and Venus got right thru the Blackwater guys. They REALLY did overdo the Venus character- gum popping, etc. She was quite presentable at Silveste's, now she is more a trollop than she was at Copetones. She could be drop-dead gorgeous, they didn't need to portray her this way. I think that maybe, Franco will have a job for Venus, maybe we will be calling her Matahari, b/c I think he is going to enlist her to spend some time with Cadmil-ho, we'll see.

And Martina's leave of absense is putting Lili at grave risk, as we saw in the previews (how different they are than the avances shown on youtube!)

Susanlynn- wher do you live, with such dismal weather? I thought that we had the worst, here in Seattle, but it's been summer for thre weeks, after not having a spring.

Cheryl and Melissa, thanks for the recaps....good trip, Melissa, and good photography in WY, Cheryl. Your substitute recappers will do well, I know.
Carlos, we are hiding everything from puppy Lili--she's cute, but what a handful.
Jarocha and Susanlynn--episodes ago, Lucio made some exaggerated facial expressions that made me think he was a not-great actor, but now, seeing Fr/Ed's same exaggerated expressions, I know it's the director.
We, too, were laughing at the bright yellow SUV--not very distinctive, right?
Carlos--you made the black horse's dangling participle sound poetic. My husband winces when he sees the thwap-thwap going on.


Dorado Dave~~~I live in Northeast PA. We had a very rainy spring this year. However, this weekend is supposed to be sunny and in the 80s , so I am planning on spending a lot of time outside in the garden and on the deck and patio.

I'm catching up on my comment-reading from Monday (new puppy means little time for myself).

Jardinera and Cheryl--when I saw "uxorious," I knew right away that it came from uxor (wife). When we bought our house in 1973, I spoke up loudly that I did not want the deed to read John Smith et ux. (I joked with friends that it could read Mary Smith et vir) At the closing, the bank layers were embarrassingly obsequious to me and practically ignored my husband.
I've seen Guy Eckert only in Salome (my first novela) with Edith Gonzales. I watched Heridas, but only for a while.


Very good, Susanlynn, thank you. You know, when peiople ask what we do here in the summer, I usually answer that "if it falls on a weekend, we'll have a picnic". Too often that answer is prophetic, because we often have lousy summers, so we really treasure nice days

Thanks for the recap Cheryl. Have great time in Wyoming.

DDave, I wondered as well. How did Venus and Martina get there. I guess if you are a Priest or a good looking women, no problem. Come on in. If Barb decides to do Fr/Ed in personally, she'll have no problem getting in. :)

Does anyone know how to go to hospitals when they have problems? Seems like Pris should be going to a hospital or clinic to get checked out.

Ruh, roh, now Pris has caught Vlad with that Dam cat.

At the end, what happened to the oh, oh, be afraid we are about to show you the face of evil. They didn't hype it last night. Does that mean the reveal is delayed? We are about half done, it is about time.

Fr/Ed is probably thinking now he shouldn't have thrown that hissy fit. Nanda apparently doesn't like the hubby. At least now they do have a love shack they can go to if they want. :)


susanlynn, it's been raining here quite a bit too. My basement had water this morning and my carpet was wet. Have to really rip it out now.

This episode was great. Loved how Vlad stood up to Damien. I was having difficulty breathing, had a slight headache and all i really wanted to do was lie down. But 15 minutes into the episode I was feeling fine lol.


It is STORMING here. Good for me, I can cancel my outside work plans and read recaps and comments!

I loved the male couplings comments yesterday. Vlad/Dam etc. Vlad and Damian were priceless last night. They are a little extreme but in some way, cute and real.

Cheryl great recap and have a enlightening time in Wyoming.

Sandy in TN

Dorado Dave~~~I've never been to Seattle, but my daughter's bro-in-law lives there, and she and son-in-law went to visit a few summers ago. She loved it. My friend told me that she went there when her son's baseball team went to play some games. They were amazed that the games were not called for rain...They just kept playing. Connie~~~Sorry to hear of your water problems. You're in Kansas, right ? ~~~Susanlynn, feeling soggy and lethargic

Well of course Fr/Ed and Fer will be discovered at the Love Shack .. just who will be the discoverer? Will Gonzo take the distraught Barb there for a night of tranquility away from his mean children only to find surprise guests already nestled in? btw, do rich people really have houses that havn't been used for 15 years but are kept "at the ready" just in case a family member decides to drop in? Is the refrig kept full and are the beds changed weekly?

Yes susanlynn I'm in Kansas. Our weather here is so unpredictible. We can be near 100 one day and then the next in the 60's. We've just had so much rain and the ground is saturated. Ready for some sun that's for sure.

Cheryl: Thanks for the recap and vocab.

FrEd at Artemio's obviously empty offices was silent-movie material. FrEd skulks around and reaches for a closed door. Mysterious music plays in the background and we get a good shot of FrEd's eyeliner. Yeeow!

Wow, Cheryl, I want your life! Wyoming is definitely on my (admittedly long) list of places I'm longing to see.

Gardenia just does not disappoint, does she? Any female, with the possible exception of Margarita, who crosses the threshold at Las Animas gets the rudest reception possible.

Pregnancies in telenovelas are pretty fragile. Those of us who remember friends in pre Roe v Wade days jumping up and down, soaking in super hot tubs, etc., etc., realize that the little critters are not quite so easily dislodged. But in TNs practically every temper tantrum or finding out unpleasant news results in cramping pains and at least one day's groaning on a bed for said female. The kid nearly always stays lodged.

I'm getting tired of Freduardo's coldness toward Fernanda. He's being so petulant, not even reacting when she said she had doubts about Damnian. I suppose the news that the marriage hasn't been consummated is supposed to move the ball, as it were, but this is taking forever.

And the tease of showing Artemio Bravo? Methinks Friday, usually the day something happens, with a cliffhanger thrown in.

By the way, I LOVED Que Hora Es, posted as a link to You Tube, I believe, by Julie. Laughed out loud and sent it to everyone in my Spanish class. They all loved it too.

I really enjoy when people say where they live. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I think it would be cool to have a map and put little dots and names where everybody lives.

Thanks for the recap, Cheryl, and have fun on your trip.

Steve definitely has it great. He doesn't really seem to be doing too much work, he's in this great house, and now three ladies to choose from! Of course, with Venus and Martina being wrestlers, they don't need the armed guards anymore.

I was thinking that it was weird that the manila envelope was addressed to Padre Bosco's messenger, but remember, Fr/Ed didn't get it until the second time he visited the office. The secretary could have told Cigarman that a person showed up on behalf of Padre Bosco, and that's when they addressed the envelope. But what could be in it?

Ed's coldness and suspicion are making me like him less and less. I couldn't believe it when Fernanda said haven't you ever looked into someone's eyes, and felt you knew them your whole life? And he said, no I haven't. C'mon, Fr/Ed.

Hombre, I think Esteve has been working. I think he is the one that put together the folder Franco had at the GL meeting. He's usually on the computer. Also, Esteve has been doing most of the heavy thinking. But... Now with the extra ladies, that thinking may go out the door. Fr/Ed going to have to start thinking for himself. :)

Also, maybe Venus and Martina got past the guards by getting rid of them? Maybe they are already gone? :)


It will be interesting when we find out more things about Artemio and his motivations and the lowdown on his relationship with Rececca/Barbara.

Also, how did he obtain his wealth?? Where is the source of his money? Did he go into the mob business or what??

Yes, I agree with the others who have mentioned that the writers have taken Ed too far over-the-top in his various stages of affection/dislike for Fernanda.

Also, I bet he is now regretting his rash overture to Errica to make his real girl-friend feel bad and even letting Errica know he had a real girl-friend.

The various scenes with Vlad/Damian/Priscilla were sooooo boring. Like the writers were toying with us, taking us from a high-tension moment between Steve and the cemetery or Steve and Fernanda to the ridiculous goings-on in the apartment.

It will be interesting to see how Pris and Damian tangle with each other. She can't exactly give him up to the police as he has something on her too. Checkmate!

I actually enjoy the Damian-Vlad scenes. The dynamic between the two of them is changing and Vlad will soon put the smackdown on Damian I predict.

Tks Cheryl. I'm so envious of your wonderful trip.

I read the synopsis of the nights episode on Televisa before watching to get an idea of what's happening.
It said that Fernanda & Fr/Ed went to a bar acogedor, cozy bar. They probably changed when they added more chapters. They have something in mind for the secret place, which was an afterthought. Anyway, great place for the long awaited consummation. And Fr/Ed & Fer haven't left yet.

I hear "me voy" all the time when there's a knock on the door.

Couldn't help thinking of Manuel in Amor Real when Vladimir was struggling, trying to carry Pris.

Fernanda told Fr/Ed not to tutear her after the kiss, which she loved. Stripped black & white shirt, remember? She said it must be only on a professional basis.

How do you eat a cookie, drink café & chew gum at the same time?
She should have stuck it under the table.

If Fr/Ed hires Venus, with Martina & Gardenia, he can get rid of the ESWAT.

Cheryl: Thanks for the terrific recap. Wishing you a wonderful vacation!

Thought it was great how Esteve was smitten with Venus. The actress was a great vilian in Guapos and glad to see she's gaining some upward mobility from the mud wrestling pen here in MEPS land.

Maggarita, loved your: "Naughty Nurse, Dirty Dancer or Pulchritudinous Peasant." Excellent!

Our adorable Vlad has some anger simmering beneath the surface. I'd be wary if I were Damian and think twice before maligning Pris...

Fernanda is a smart sleuth and Franco should recruit her for his team. Wonder how Pris will explain this one...

Diana in MA

Forgot to thank you for the excellent recap, Cheryl.

Yes, I can hardly wait until Vlad finally grows a spine with Damián. I could scream every time he abusively shoves the poor guy. Vlad definitely got a clue about the real Damián last night. Damián was perfectly okay with risking Priscilla's health and that of the child so that his hideout remains intact. It's always all about him.

Connie- i kinda like your idea of a map with pins for our locations- makes it seem like a club. Tho, as Mark Twain said, "I wouldn't be a member of a club that would have me as a member"

Hombre- yes, now the envelope for the "enviado" makes sense, don't adjust your beanie at all. And, I'm with you on liking Eddy less as time goes by, as he shows himself to be less and less likeable, with his intentional coldness and miguided anger... He needs to turn around, and fast.

DD, I thought it was Groucho Marx who said he wouldn't be a member of a club that would have him. Maybe they both said it!

That would be an interesting map. We are all over the place---north, south, east, west, midwest. I discovered when I was frequenting a Highlander related forum that one of the posters lived only half an hour from me..very near to the college I attended. In fact, I went to 2 parties at her house. [My daughters couldn't believe that I was going to meet strangers.] It was really fun to meet people whom I had been chatting with for over a year. Well, the forecast has changed. This rain is supposed to continue into next week... h-e-l-p.

Thanks for all the fun comments and especially the well wishes. I do a lot of work to design imaginative trips for myself, and this one is no exception. And, it is a perfectly fine way to avoid housework!

So I will write in more specifically later, I have just taken Willa on a beautiful goodby walk down by the Rio Grande and now need to pack her gear then deliver her to Cisco's house. That is her best friend, fellow giant poodle. She would be a menace on the horse workshop and though she loves Wyoming, she will be better off here.

Novelera, you are probably right on Groucho Marx, the sentiment is the same, are they are both my idols. I remember going to a halloween party when I was a kid, with a Groucho nose, moustache, and glasses. I had to remove it for the apple bob, then everyone knew who I was, my cover blown...

Dave~~~That is a sad Halloween tale.

Ibarramedia--did you ever get Youtube to work?

No, it wasn't that sad, because then I could throw away that horrible cigar.

I checked- it was a Groucho quoet. I also signed up for quote of the day.

Thanks Cheryl for an excellent recap of an action packed episode. As usual, your trademark vocabulary was added to my list. Those of you who are not advanced level but listen without subtitles, can you really sort out words like adueñarse or alcahueteando the first time you hear them? I can't. Anywho, I agree with just about all thats been said so as my grandma used to say, I won't "talk just to be talkin". Oh, but I will say that I loved those Damian, Vlad, Pris scenes. I was wishing that Vlad would punch Damian's lights out and then throw him out. I agree wholeheartedly with the comments about Nanda spying in her one of a kind, canary yellow Toyota. Reminds me of Shaquille O'Neal with his dry sense of humor. Someone asked him what he would like to do other than play ball. He said (jokenly of course), that he'd like to get involved in undercover police work :)

Woody Allen used the "club" quote for his role in Annie Hall. I didn't realize the origin, it is a such a wonderful, funny thought.

As to the way Venus was "tramping it up" (my words) at Las Animas, Edith Gonzales did that in the beginning of Solome and the writers made her into a lady in the end. There's hope for our very pretty mud wrestling friend!

Sandy in TN

Venus as Eliza Doolittle.

Connie, I'm still having trouble with it. Especially when watching MEPS. Apparently i'm not the only one. I did a little research and found this:

Just a commnet about the 'Eswat Team' I like to have them there since Las Animas has been the vctimized by break ins, kidnappings and assaults lately. That will deter Camilo from goin there too.


Thanks, Cheryl, for the fun recap and the vocab as well.

Padre Bosco and Franco have put quite a scare into Artemio. He up and packed his stuff and relocated. Wonder what the WTC stood for that was written on the glass doors. Fr/Ed should have become a detective and followed the movers to the new locale. He seems to have a less obvious car than the yellow Nandamobile (love that name) as it seems Nanda has become a private eye herself.

Hombre, Esteve has a new carreer as an event planner as he is busy with Fr/Ed's debut into high society. And he is currently the only functioning brain in the dynamic duo. GinCA

It must not be you then Ibarramedia! That is frustrating.

Is it Friday yet?

Variopinta: "Venus as Eliza Doolittle." Ah, methinks Esteve will help her make that transition. Or... maybe make sure she doesn't? :)


Sandy inTN - where are you located? I'm in Middle Tenn. Our storm arrived around 9:15 and moved out around 10:30 CDT.

Despite the obvious--what do men see in the sleazy women? I can tell you that if my son brought home a peeler or a mud wrestler or a "model" we would have to have a serious talk. Granted they probably make more money than I do but still...


I'm in Nashville....where are you?

Sandy in TN

Sandy - same. Just south, in Williamson County. Sky looked dark up your way when I got home around 11:00.


Hi neighbor!

Sandy in TN

So what states/areas do we have represented so far:

New Mexico

I know there are more but I'm drawing a blank.


Great recap! Have a wonderful trip and take lots of pictures. My husband recently discovered that you can create a map on with stick-pins. You click on the stick-pin and you can add pictures, addresses, etc. Might be fun to do.
Barbara in Pembroke, MA

That's cool Barbara. Do you want to start it?

Well, I'm in Columbus, Ohio. But Sandy and Doris, I once lived in Lawrenceburg TN and my grandparents and various aunts, uncles and cousins lived in Pulaski.


Connie,models are people too. Wink wink. ;)

You tube work on embedded stuff. Others it is on and off,hot and cold. But someone does not want me to view MEPS. Lol. Cap 81 1 is the most difficult. It usually shows just a black screen with no play buttons. Part 2,3,4,5 lets you play halfway and it is stuck buffering forever. WTF? Even clearing the cache and doing disk clean up and rebooting does not fix it. Something similar happened last summer and it just fixed itself after a few days. i'll justr let it go for a few days and try again. Meps is the only one that really gives me problems in youtube.

Some people here said they don't see the sidebar. I had no problems whatsoever with that.

A couple of hours ago, my computer updated itself with 8 upgrades including internet explorer 8. Still same issues. I even added youtube to the compatibility settings since not every site is compatible for IE8 yet. Oh well.

Back to the story. Venus is not that bad Connie. And Martina is really a good person. I can see how Gardenia and you would butt heads though. Both of you are headstrong. :)

I wish Stevfe had a much better wardrobe than his geeky outfits. Maybe GQ him up a bit. Or at least preppy him up since he went to Ha -vahd.


Illinois, North Carolina, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts.


Thanks Cheryl for the wonderful recap and have fun on your trip.

Jody :)

Connie, I think there is one from PA.

Yes, Venus is indeed Eliza Doolittle material.


Duplicated Massachusetts...sorry. Should have said Missouri.

Connie, that is a great idea!

Novelera, you are in one of my favorite places. My sister is in SF and I try to get down there as often as possible.

I really wanted Pris to smack Vlad again, he gets all over my last nerve. When he was holding the purse almost crying, I was screaming at the TV! I guess at least there was no Aurora and Santi to sit through.

Have a great time in Wyoming, Cheryl!

I'm sorry to say I missed this one last night - went to bed early with a headache. Wanted to be well-rested today because there's basketball tonight. (But I'll watch MEPS first!!) Therefore, I missed Venus and Esteve. He really seemed to like her, seriously? Oh well - now we know what his "type" is.

And if she's his type, that doesn't bode well for the other ladies in his life, does it? (Or maybe he somehow sees Venus's inner beauty. It could happen!)

I can't take credit for posting the link to Que Hora Es. I think that was Paula. I did, however, long ago (during Destilando Amor) post a link to Foux Du Fafa by Flight of the Conchords because that was the kind of French that Frankie the grifter spoke.

Don't we have people in Florida and Georgia? (Maybe I'm mixed up...)

Julie, I think Esteve's type is much the same as mine, smells nice and has a pulse. Carlos

Carlos, you're so funny! And really low standards as well. Only clean and with a pulse!

Also another kudo to one of our guys: Dorado Dave, I loved Blackwater guys at Las Animas.


Yeah, you folks can blame me for Que Hora Es. I have a few other favorite Spanish-themed clips. I'll post one now, and if my adoring fans insist, I'll post another tomorrow. Marimar

Carlos, that sounds like reasonable criteria for your taste in women, but as such, you'd find slim pickins in Korea, due to the Kimchee factor.

Molly, I love, love, LOVE the picture with your profile. Is there a larger version of it anywhere? Be still, my beating heart!

We discussed Latin a few days ago. I taught my son Latin & Greek roots in 4th grade. He just told me that he did well on his college anthropology final, even though he didn't study, in part because he knew his Latin roots. I don't know whether to be proud or angry.

Julie - "Don't we have people in Florida and Georgia? (Maybe I'm mixed up...)"
I wonder if you're thinking of Butter Biscuit Steph, or wasn't there someone else, in Georgia on the FELS group.


Pulaski is beautiful, I was just there a couple of weekends ago for a birthday party!

Sandy in Tennessee

Hey...glad you like Pulaski. My grandparents raised 7 kids there in a one bedroom house. Boys slept in a bed in the dining room, girls on couches in the living room and the youngest in a trundle bed in mom and dad's room. Wood stove, well and outhouse were it for the conveniences. Makes today's life seem unbelievably luxurious. After visiting them there, I've never taken indoor bathrooms for granted!

Born in Alabama, moved south to Florida when I was 7, so I consider myself a Floridian.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Maybe I was thinking of Butter Biscuit Stephe or another FELS person... or Pasion or DA. Or Enemiga. Or... damn, I've watched a bunch of these things now, haven't I?

Do we get a reward after we've watched 10 telenovelas? Like a commemorative lapel pin? MEPS is #9 for me.

I am awed by all the wonderful commenters here, Margarrita with the naughty nurse, dirty dancer and pulchritudinous peasant earn you stars across your forehead. Carlos, I seriously think you should become a recapper soon. I think you have such a funny, snarkful insight.

In the lineup of the states, yes we have a couple of Georgia Peaches. I met them on my way to Spain last fall. Butterbiscuit Stephe who was Dynasty Queen back at DA or Pasion and Black Jack Cash (Have I got that right?) are still around occationally. but they do not visit here on MEPS often. I also claim Wyoming, Massachusetts and California as significant places I have called home although NM or Tierra Encantada has my heart now for sure.

Alice about catching the words. I use the subtitles when recapping and don't care which if I am just watching. I do listen to MEPS twice each night if I can. The speaking is very rapid for most characters and quite sophisticated so I tend to include vocabulary that I catch the second time around but not always the first. Every time I do it it conditions my ear to catch it the first time when I hear it again.

The most challenging recapping for me was being on the team of Yo Amo a Juan Querendon because of the incredible display of Mexican slang and dichos. After it finished my next trip to Mexico was a snap because I think I had at least tripled by vocabulary. But this is precisely why I have spent so much time on telenovelas and this blog for the past two years. I speak much more fluent Spanish than most of the snobs I meet who think they are above squalid telenovelas. Hanging out here always give you the last laugh.

Don't forget NEW YORK, NEW's a wonderful town...!!!


Don't forget NEW YORK, NEW's a wonderful town...!!!


Cheryl in New Mex.........u sound like such a nice lady........doing such interesting things.....and very intelligent too......I love to be here to read all the neat comments......Will miss you for sure......... have a wonderful trip and be sure to tell us all about it when you return
BN in CA EL Monte, Calif...

You guys are doing great with the states! I'll check out that Google maps thing and see what I can come up with. Do we want to put our blog names and the dot or just the dot? I'm not sure how it works though so it may not let us do names.

I'm a little late to the discussion but I'm from the land of insurance executives, failed hedge funds, and high taxes. Any guesses?


hint: everyone who come through here is on their way to Boston or NYC.

Connie, I will ask my husband how he set up the map and will post the outcome. I am not too computer savy - just internet and buying on ebay :)
Barbara in Mass (who also travels to the Daytona Beach area a lot.)

anon 10:58
must be CT, Greenwich maybe?


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