Thursday, June 11, 2009

Las Tontas Wed 6-10 - Green eyed monster and green eggs and ham at Pato's

Sorry, I was at work tonight until almost midnight so I watched super quick and gave you a run down. Not sure if I'll have time to post pics, but I'll try. There were some cute ones for sure. Anyway, hope this is enough for you to keep up. I'm sad this is ending, but I'm just so slammed.

So Issy tells Pau of Santi's mounting deficit.

Santi qvetches to Lalo about Candi...Lalo thinks women are lost causes.

Pato comes upon Candi bathing the baby with the boys and thinking that this should have been his family.

Charly and Lu talk about his wounds, and that some just don't heal.

A real estate agent and gringo come to look at Santi's office...he touches everything and Santi freaks because he's obsessive compulsive.

Pau calls the bank to find out about Santi's accounts. She learns he has nothing.

Abue chats with Llu about the reality that hurts. Charly still loves her and he's great and she's in conflict with her own feelings.

Charly shows up to the restaurant, everyone worries over him.

Arturo shows up and demands to speak to Greg, Meno calls him el Tunco Maclovia.

Chava calls Candi at home and wants her to come back. He thinks he's sick. She says she'll come back and leaves a note for everyone. Candi leaves a message with Isabel re same.

Turns out Santi is at Patos and the kids are playing. Pato chides him about "checking up" on his novia.

Arturo tells Greg he needs comfort because he can't make up with his son. She demands he tell her what he did.

Santi decides Roci wants to stay overnight with them and gives him all the instructions on her meds.

The kids are hungry and want hot cakes and they force him to cook for them. Pato wants Pizza or sandwiches. What I don't get is that he has this huge house with big money yet no domestic help. No way...

Arturo and Greg keep chatting. He digs about Candi a little. Greg assures him she'll get her son back, despite Art assuring judges never change their opinions.

Social services pays a visit to Pat to make sure Chava is there and fine.

Santi chats with Lu issy interrupts but he doesn't want the message now. Lu can't stand up to Fede and Santi says he doesn't like Fede.

Candy gives Chava medicine Pat comes in and offers her Ali's room, but she wants to stay with the boys.

Lu leaves, Santi tries Candi. Pau comes in to talk to Santi. Candi calls Santi.

Pau says she's worried about the future of her daughter and worries about the money he spends and thinks he'll never find his son.

All the boys go to school. Santi meets up with them and Chava says they are almost a family because his mom stayed over. Uh oh.

Santi goes off on jealous rant.

Lu blasts Fede for his behavior and his drinking.

Back at this institute Candi and Santi continue fighting. She finally calls him jealous, he denies it, but yes he is. He calls her sister Candida that she is responsible for all the orphans of Guad.

Pato chats about the movie with his buddy. He begs him not to bring the baby to the next meeting.

Candi and Barb have another session about the Santi incident. Lulu eavesdrops.

Real estate agent shows up again. She tells him the office is sold, but not for the price he wanted.

Meno and Chayo dance and Lulu interrupts that Candi and Santi need their help to reconcile. Meno gets an idea.

Santi and Lalo muse the selling of the office and wonder how they are going to work. Santi thinks they can volunteer in hospitals and eventually they will get work.

The girls including Meno pray to the Virgin Zapopan. Candi and Santi listen in as they invoke the saints. Santi apologizes. He agrees he's been a tonto, but wants Pato locked in his room when she is there. He asks her for a space to give his consultations. She says he can have the bodega for free. He is happy to be near to her. They kiss a bunch.

Art shows up to see Gogo. She says she's prohibited from talking to her boyfriend. He came to tell her he knows how to fix the Candi and Pato issue, he can't tell what, but requires her to keep on caring for him no matter what.

Candi shows Santi his little space. He makes fun but is grateful. When it comes to Horty sharing reception, Santi says no way she'll kill Lulu, Candi thinks Horty is great and will love being with them. He's not sure which Horty she speaks of.

Candi shows up at Pato's with the kids. He wants to talk but she doesn't want to listen. Just then Art comes in and spills the beans, it was all his doing, Pato knew nothing. Impactado look from Candi.


Oh dear, Kris, at work until midnight!? I can't imagine even being coherent after that.

I loved this crisp, clean recap. No clutter, just the clear structure of the episode. Nothing left out but no cumbersome detail. Works for me amiga! Thanks.

(And get some sleep this weekend, okay?)

PS "They kiss a bunch." What a charming sentence. Love it.

Kris, you covered everything beautifully. What a great title! Special thanks for your dedication - you must be exhausted.

I felt a tinge of regret that the family Pat felt should be, will not.

To me, the surprise of the night wasn't that Art confessed to the custody deception but that he really does seem to love Gregoria. I don't think he deserves her, he was (and is) a terrible father: "Arturo tells Greg he needs comfort because he can't make up with his son." Please! As usual, he cares only about himself, not the hurt he's caused to Chava, Pat and Candy. Needless to say, he was an equally wretched husband. Hoping Greg either doesn't forgive him or that her long lost love reappears at the last moment and steals her away.

Diana in MA

At least Santi's onto F

But, as the truth behind the custody issue is out now, there shopit appears the custody issue

Thanks, Kris, for the recap despite your late night at work. Hope that you can relax and refuel this weekend. Looks like this episode was all about wounds [lieral and figurative] and regrets. One time I asked a group of close friends this question : If you could go back and change one decision that you made, what would it be? Pat knows what his answer would be. Live and learn.

Kris, thanks for the witty recap. Even without the visuals you are great. Sorry, it looks like I really misled everyone yesterday. I'm breakfasting on crow (tastes a lot like chicken)this morning. Fortunately, one actually turned up on MEPS. I guess it was one of those senor moments, or as we in the medical world technically refer to it, a brain-fart. It certainly would help save Santi a lot of money had Alicia told Pau the truth about Patito. Maybe I'll turn out right after all... yeah, and as Wayne would say, "monkeys might fly out of my butt."


Hi Kris, oh no, working until midnight! You are a champ to get your recap out at all.

A bit of trivia, Julia Aleman (the actor who plays Arturo) played the lead role in the 1970 movie El Tunco Maclovio (one-handed Maclovio), so it was an amusing inside joke that Meno called Art that name. El Tunco Maclovio is a tragic western of a genre of Mexican and Spanish cinema that was a spinoff from the spaghetti western. I'm kind of hoping that as El Tunco's love was doomed so is Art's relationship with Gogo. I'm not sure if that is what Meno meant or if he was implying something else.

The kids want hotcakes? Pato should try Batter Blaster, pancakes in a can!

Hooray for Lucia, dumping that piojo Fede. Fede no esta sexy.

Carlos, I guess it would have been too easy if Pau knew that Patito is Santi's progeny, sigh.

Thanks Kris, you are amazing for doing the recap after working until midnight. What a trooper!

Carlos~~~I just read the late posts on yesterday's recap. Happy Anniversary ! Carpe Manana !

Kris, Thanks for staying up late and getting out the recap! Great job as always. Did you have green eggs and ham before going to bed?

Of course, Candy will ask Pato, did you know this. He will not lie and say yes. She'll yell at him and leave and still take it out on him. If that is the only plan Art has, to take the blame, not that good. I think Greg will still drop him. He has to get the judge to change.

Have we seen the last of Fede or will he try something else? Is Pau just going to run now?


Carlos, monkeys can fly! I didn't know. Thanks for the info. :)


I found it reassuring that little Chava hasn't lost his manipulative skills.

And though I never like to wish ill on anyone, it would not trouble me in the least for Freddy to develop a large, festering, suppurative zit in the middle of his forehead.


Carlos..."tastes like chicken". Good one.

Sylvia...thanks for the explanation of Tunco Maclovio. I knew there had to be some inside meaning but I was clueless.

Kris, again, you are amazing. Thanks for grinding this out when you had to be dead-tired and then some.

Oh and thanks to Susanlynn, I went back to check yesterday's comments and found a whole slew of funny ones left after I packed it in for the night, as well as Carlos' anniversary note. Will Monopoly money do? That's about all I've got right now...but "FELICITACIONES"...I know we all wish we had a primary care doctor like you Carlos, but clearly they broke the mold after they made you, good buddy.

Gee Judy, Susanlynn, thanks. I'm both speechless and blushing.


Thanks for the recap, Kris, well done, sorry you had to work so late.

The good news is that no matter what happens, it's all going to be resolved soon. The bad news is we make not like how it's resolved. For example, I want Arturo and the judge to go to jail, but I'm not getting the feeling that Art could just say, no problem, I'll just give the judge some more money to change his ruling back, and everybody will be fine with that. Hope I'm wrong.

Lucia was smart to use Fed's drinking as her reason for not wanting to see him, but it would be better if she added that he was a creep (I think she did say he was "abusive"). Hope she's done with him.

I would have liked Chava to have been caught in his phony sickness, but oh well.

I meant to say I am getting the feeling that Art, etc. Sorry for the typo.

Thanks so much Kris! You function really well when you are tired.
I get so crabby I would be pounding the computer and yelling.

Paula, I just saw your comment yesterday about Jaime painting a fence.
Please don't put a bag over his head. He's just too cute to cover those sexy lips, eyes, etc. etc.
He can wear an apron if you want Sylvia as long as it's black.

I wonder if the characters who have disappeared are coming back?
Will Mariloca show up or Sole and Raul?
Is Margarita gone for the rest of the show?
It seems a little late to bring too much new into the mix.

Yep Kris, I will miss it too when it's done. There aren't enough light comedies to suit me.

Carrie L.

Congratulations, Dr. Carlos on your anniversary from medical school. You sound like a great physician.

Carrie...don't grieve too much for Tontas' passing...the next one up for 7 pm, Gancho al Corazon, is clearly a light-hearted comedy as well (although with the requisite scheming female) and Sebastian Rulli has put his time in the gym to good use if muscles and bare-chest shots will console you. (They work for me)
* * *
Carlos: I'm willing to bet heavy Monopoly money you NEVER blush. And I seriously doubt if you are ever speechless as well. But hey, you know we love you, blushing or no.

Hey Carlos: When I was in high school in WV, we used to call the kind of zit you described a 'miner's lantern.' I'd like to see Fede get 'em all over his face: 'pizza face!'

Oh yes, Good work, Kris!

Carlos, no te preocupes nada. I have my share of brain farts too. Heck! Without my notes I couldn't remember a blessed thing! I suspect you misunderstood something when the witches were talking about paternity.

Carrie, I agree Camil looks better when you can see his face (although I think he looks better with shirt than without). But even with a bag over his head I'd enjoy watching him because of how he moves and the energy that bursts out of him.

When Candy offered Santiago the bodega (storage room), did anyone one LFMB flashbacks? A storage room. Small. No windows. But you get to be close to the love of your life. You’re gonna’ love it!

Judy, "Gancho al Corazon, is clearly a light-hearted comedy" We'll probably be watching Gancho to start with to see what it is like. Not sure if I am too much of a Sebastien Rulli fan, but the other time I saw him was in Pasion and he was competing against TBLMOE. So, I do have to cut him some slack. :)
Looks interesting, but will be long. They are on Cap 209 right now, but do look to be in Ultimas Capitulos.


So, who knows that Patito is really Santi's son ...only Marissa and Alicia ???? Any ideas on how the truth will come out if only these two know??? Also, I'd like to see Jacky G. [Chayo] as a leading lady. She is pretty and has a dynamic personality. Will she always be playing the friend of the heroine ?

Happy belated anniversary Carlos!

My youngest son has just started college and thinks he wants to work in the medical field. He's thinking of biomedical research or working with patients.
I'm afraid it's my fault. We watched a lot of those "mystery diagnosis" shows as he was growing up.
I know it's a hard road ahead with all the schooling and practice so I admire anyone who is sucessful at it.

Carrie L.

Violet, thank you for your kind words. We old and even not so old Drs. truly appreciate you nurses even though we certainly don't say it nearly enough. Will you have classes this summer, or will you get a little break? Judy , you're right , I'm not often at a loss for words, though my grandad advised me that one learns more by listening than talking. Wise words, but difficult to heed. I truly enjoy hearing my own words. However, I do blush easily, although as you might guess I enjoy provoking blushes much more. I think there's not much more appealing than a woman blushing. It's at the same time sensuous and wholesome. Probably good for the skin as well. Carlos

No classes Carlos this summer. Just am on the waiting list for an opening in the clinical portion, could be for September or January or who knows when. Will take a CPR class and get all my immunizations completed so I will be ready to roll when I get the call. However, it also gives me time to think "I am too old to be a nurse and what am I doing back at college!" I'll be 55 on June. In the meantime, I will enjoy a little time off, but I must say I kind of miss studying! So, when you throw in a medical word like urticaria, I love it!

Thanks Carrie. Glad to hear there are still bright youngsters interestedin medicine. Please encourage him to take rhe math and science required but not limit himself too much in just that. There's an abundance of that in med school. He'll be well-served to study literature, the arts, and perhaps above all, the use of the English language. There is nothing quite as gratifying to me as to pick up and read scientific literature written in plain, coherent, understandable English. I think too often that scientists and academics take undeserved pride in writing things that even they themselves have difficuty decifering . Lastly learn Spanish. whether one likes it or not , it is already the US' second language. Sorry, it's a rant I've shared with many youngsters over the years , a number of whom are now physicians. Carlos

Carlos, how wonderful that you can still blush. Not sure I can anymore, though I can manage a nice "hot flash" when stressed. Does that count?

* * * *

Violet, you are NOT too old to become a nurse. The profession needs mature, wise and compassionate people. The studies are hard...but they would have been difficult at a younger age also. It's a tough field. I know a wonderful woman at my church who is completing her nursing studies at 65. Of course she sometimes says "now tell me again WHY I'm doing this!"....but she knows why and she will be a marvelous nurse and an emotional and spiritual support to her patients.

Judy, now you're cracking me up. A good hot flash...good one. I'm betting I could make you blush without using a single naughty word or even double entendre. Heck I can still make each of the ladies n my office blush with just a look, and each of them has been with me for a very long time. Carlos

Well now THAT'S a challenge I'd love to take. Next time I'm in Texas, I'll put you to the test, Dr. Carlos.
(you're safe though, the only place I travel is to Charlotte.)

Must say, though, that going to Austin for my nephew's wedding was a real eye opener. Great city, great area. Loved it.

Imagine Houston is quite different. Man, that's a big state!

Thanks, Judy. I need a little encouragement every now and then. To hear someone OLDER than me is going for it, (good for her!) gives me a little confidence. Gracias!

Violet, there will be times that nursing makes you feel 20yrs. old, and others when you feel like 100. Consider the way you felt acing micro. That'll give you some idea of the mean. Carlos

Wow!!! What wise , wonderful, and interesting people here !!!Medicine is one field I've never wanted to enter, but I surely admire those in that profession. I am lucky to have a wonderful family doctor, eye doctor , gyn, and dentist. Carlos~~A few Saturdays ago, I met 3 dear friends for lunch . I had called everyone and set up the time and location, but I was the one who showed up 15 minutes late . They told me that I blushed as they started to tease me as only old friends can do. I've always hated that I blush, but I feel better about it now!!! Such great conversations happen here. Good luck, Violet. My hairdresser has decided to go into nursing and is about halfway through her courses at the community college where I teach. I also get lots of students who work in nursing homes and plan to get their LPN degree after they polish up their English.

Thanks Carlos and Susanlynn. Going back to school has really been a wonderful thing, learning new material and meeting great people. Can't beat that!

Violet, during your clinical exposure, don't be too put off by the Drs. trying to flrt. It's in our job desciption, heck, it's in our genes. Carlos

Ha-ha, very funny Carlos!

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