Monday, June 08, 2009

MEPS June 8: We do not see the Face of Evil. Aurora is an idiot but is forgiven. Fr/Ed pops his jaw a lot.

This episode was, happily, light on dialogue because Fr/Ed spent so much time gritting his teeth and the rabble spent so much time waving their torches.

Redux: Fer doesn't call Fr/Ed though she yearns to. "He's my best friend's sweetie!" Meanwhile Erika wheedles for the name of the woman who's broken Fr/Ed's heart, but in vain.

  • The padre's own personal rabble (he calls them "the faithful") wave torches. He sends Gardenia to call them off, but instead they torpidly trudge forward into the house.

    The hooligans, terrified of the aimless mass/es, reveal Artemio's name, and also his address.

    Father Bosco lets them out the back way so they won't get lynched, and says: "Tell Artemio I'll be there at noon tomorrow to ask why he's trying to kill me." After the goons leave he tells the sky: "At last you and I, Bravo, will be face to face!"

    Then he goes down to calm his faithful, telling them he dialed the red telephone by accident. "Stand down, everybody."

    They make kissy faces and signs of the cross and leave. "How the village loves you!" explains Gardenia. She says these were the same goons that locked her in the truck with the snake. Bosco says they won't be back. [See trapdoor, below. --Ed.]

  • After Fr/Ed has finished repeating to Erika that he loves another, she says she'll support him as promised, pretending to be his fiancee at the big party, but after that she doesn't want to see him any more, it makes her too sad because she's in love with him. She makes a few last feeble tries to touch him but he's impervious.

    And, frankly, boring. This is the worst Colunga role ever.

    "I'm the worst possible candidate, in fact I'm worse even than Camilo," he explains. [How I would hate to be listening to this if I were her! -- Ed.] "I have things I must resolve, I have no confidence and trust nobody, not even myself."

  • Fer and Prisila have sleepover pillow talk. Pris says she hasn't ever seen Anibal so happy as he's been since the ten mil got deposited in the company account - "he's practically bouncing on the bed like a kid." Fer: "It's the first time ever both he and Camilo agreed with me!"

    Fer: "I suspect Barbara's dislike of Franco is a front."

    Pris points out: Franco is sexy and Barbara has surely noticed. Fer indignantly points out Barb is married to daddy. Pris sez that doesn't keep a woman from noticing a goodlooking guy - "But I'm not surprised, Fer, if after your experience with Damian you might distrust sexy men."

    "I think maybe Damian didn't do it." "If he didn't, who then? Well, don't worry, the truth will out."

  • Meanwhile Damian crows to his sidekick Vlad: "Fer still loves me, she believes in my innocence and will help clear my name with her family, and then we'll live together. Also, I unmasked that villanous Barbara, she's garbage!"

    Later, Vlad pulls out partial notes from one of the board meetings. He's pretty uncomfortable as a spy, and worries about having framed the receptionist.

    Damian tells him to pull himself together and be a rat, I mean, a man; their whole plan will be ruined otherwise.

    Vlad frets: "Prisila has been so laconic on the phone." "La-what?" asks Damian. "Brief! Cold! I've lost her!" "Be patient and you'll have her eating out of your hand!"

    Vlad is clinging to a dream of Prisila divorcing Anibal and then marrying him, Vlad, and the two of them will live with Baby and tweety birds will fly around the cottage door.

  • Barbara glowers into her mirror. Daddy Elizalde comes to comfort her. She tells him she's worried about Fer, such an odd girl ever since Damian disappeared. "I suspect she voted, not FOR Franco Santoro, but AGAINST me! I know she's the apple of your eye..."

    "Yes, she is, but you're my wife!" Clueless old geezer embraces viper. What a uxorious ditz he is. (I was gonna say p-s-y-whipped but figured I'd get in trouble with our beloved readers.)

  • In another room, Fer wonders whether Barbara is, in fact, lethal, and whether she does, in fact, hold the entire Elizalde family in mortal danger. And lastly, to the sky: "You confuse me, Damian - when you said you loved me, why did I feel you were lying?"

  • In yet another room, Fr/Ed sulks remembering Damian and Fer standing so close together in the parking lot. He makes the muscles in his jaw pooch out. [Fine acting for you! --Ed.]

  • Our village idiot, Aurora, is in Dominga's house (with very fake brick walls). The phone is ringing and ringing, she isn't answering (it's Artemio Bravo calling). Then Santiago drives up and starts banging on the door. Does she let him in? She does not. she sits on the floor hiding and crying. The phone ringing and door banging continue.

    A neighbor comes up and says Dominga is away, and so is Aurora, and they'd fought so Aurora probably is never coming back. Santiago leaves a woeful message for her and drives away. Aurora comes out of the house and calls after him. Too late!

    No it isn't! He comes back, jumps out of the jeep, they have a tearful reunion, she confesses: the whole thing about another boyfriend was a lie. They kiss and make up, he tries to answer the phone but she won't let him.

  • Well we still don't see Cigarman's face, but I'm sure it won't live up to this buildup unless he is a Cyclops. The two goons come in - in suits! - and confess they did not off the padre owing to his fearsome Torch Squad. "You're fired!"

    More goons in suits come in - Bravo tells them to take Frick and Frack away - is there a special trap door somewhere nearby?

  • Grupo Lactos is having a meeting, and here's Fr/Ed for his first appearance.

    He tells them to up the price paid to small milk providers. In the last ten years 75% of the little guys have been driven out of business. "Soon you won't have anything but that crappy POWDERED MILK to sell your customers."

    Daddy is of course on board with this and vows to correct the situation immediately. He points out that powdered milk would annoy the customers. Uh.

    Fer agrees too. She slips Franco a note: "I need to talk with you urgently."

    Fr/Ed says he has business elsewhere and leaves. Barb: "Thus begins a new epoch" and leaves. Daddy: "Fr/Ed has shown us our errors. I thought I'd passed my fine values onto my sons but I see I was wrong." He leaves.

  • Fr/Ed is in the underground Lactos garage, and there are menacing bongo drums so I thought there would be trouble, but nothing happened.

    He goes home and tells all to Esteve, including: "And SHE gave me a note! she has to see me urgently!" "She has to see you, so see her." "No, I don't wanna." "You moron, she is your only ally and you're going to let her down?"

    "She isn't playing fair. I saw her with Damian." "You nitwit, you're letting the lovelorn Edwardo dominate and it's a mistake. Remember, they're MARRIED! What, you think she should be turning him in?

    "Be less Eduardo and more Franco. Franco has a business relationship with Fer.

    "It's risky what you're doing - remember, Lili's life depends on you! Artemio Bravo and Barbara are behind all the evil doings - and only Franco can save the day. If your love distracts you, any further victims will be your fault."


Thanks for the recap, melinama, and such wonderfully snarky comments. It's sad when the recap is more exciting than the actual episode, but there you have it.

I thought Barb was going to tear her hair out with that brush. Ack.

Yeah, I think we've seen the last of Frick & Frack. So...when DO we get to see the face of evil? (if ever....until the Por Fin episode)

All I can say is thank goodness for the -->FFWD button when Aurora/Santi scenes are on!

The fact is, I thought Aurora was pretty cute at first, but her character has been written so wimpy one cannot believe she has a drop of Barbara's blood.

When Fr/Ed came into the meeting, he shook hands with or hugged everyone but Fernanda.

What did Camilo say to Fr/Ed as he was leaving?

Such a quick & great recap, just thought I would take a look before going to bed & there it was. Tks

Thank you for the funny recap. Extra bonus points for "uxorious"; what an excellent word.

One time I used "kitty-whipped" and it seemed to go over OK.

Melinama, Thanks for the rapid and funny recap. I love how you don't dwell on the numbing details.

It was pretty cute when Fernanda passed Franco a note, just like in study hall! Good grief. They are letting Colunga hang on his good looks alone to keep us thrilled. I hope we are not going into a fatal stall with this plot.

The trap door to sweep away the useless heavies was a great comment. Long live the villains! The new ones look totally anonymous and boring. So much for violence with a face. Speaking of face, the face of evil isn't rushing to the camera and light. His wig doesn't fit will and his hands look like little pork sausages as he dials Aurora over and over.

CheryNewMex - unfortunately (not a spoiler) I heard or read somewhere that Tele-risa extended this novela, so there will be a slow, bogged down period of time. Thank heavaens for recording devices and the FFWD--> button.

I had study hall flashbacks, too. ;-)

I think AB is trying to phone Dominga to see if she is back with Aurora in custody. He would not know the Big D went up with the Big Cups Cantina.

Thanks for the recap Melinama. It was certainly more interesting and funnier than the real thing.

The only problem with watching the show in real time and not on the DVR is I can't FF through Aurora/Santi. Snore.... We all know that curling up in a ball on the floor and crying is very productive. Get your head out of your butt and do something besides whining and crying. People that helpless make me want to scream.

Maybe Fer will let Fr/Ed carry her books home and then they can head on down to the malt shop and share one soda with 2 straws. Come on, really how juvenile can it get. I'm surprised she didn't kiss the note or spray it with perfume.

A couple of notes:

Las Animas had armed guards at the end of the show - all around the place. So, finally, Ed/Fr or Steve have realized how vulnerable the place and the people there are.

Artemio doesn't know that Dominga is dead - that is, if she really is. I wouldn't be surprised to see her reappear after plastic surgery as a born-again Christian or voo-doo doctor!

Isn't it funny how they looked up Isaac Newton in the phone book, but they haven't looked up Artemio Bravo in the phone book - or employed their own private detective to find him?

This thing with Erica is going to end up being a telenovela problema later on.

Did everyone see Conan O'Brien last night?? He did a telenovela sketch - and the cast, including Conan, spoke Spanish. He actually isn't that bad a Spanish speaker. Conan hints this will be a regular item on the Tonight show.

Did anyone else catch Lucero's hour-long singing special on Telemundo Sunday night? I still have problems with her "two identities" as the sweet singer and tough villain actress. I listen to one of her "live" albums all the time on my iPod. Too bad iTunes doesn't have any of her songs - but does carry some rock band with the name "Lucero". I got my album at Best Buy a few years ago - before I knew that she was also an actress.

I think we are going to see some bit of acting from the actor playing Gonzo when they bring Artemio as an actual player on the screen. That must have really cramped the director's shooting schedule - as that actor must have had a period of time to play Gonzo scenes and another period of time to play Artemio scenes.

Camilo is now Franco's biggest supporter?? How in the heck did that happen?? Only in telenovelaland.

I'll bet Camilo can be a huge gigantic suck-up so maybe it's not such a stretch that he would support (or appear to support) the person who is currently in the power position. Camilo is always looking out for his own hide.

Thanks Melinama, it's fun having a breakfast recap.

So Padre is going to ask Artemio - what?? How ridiculous is that? Almost as ridiculous as the two goons telling Artemio - we let him live and by the way, he'll be dropping by to say hello.

That Gonzo is a fine leader. He's lead them to ruin and now he blames them for the ruin.

I'm in Dona Barbara withdrawal distress...

Melinama: "uxorious ditz"...OMG, that is great! Sums Gonzo up rather nicely. Kudos!

Fr/Ed must have needed some muscle relaxers after his clenched jaw episode. But still, he can do Angry Handsome Man rather well. I agree, the high school crap has to go. The whole Errorika storyline is lame too.

Sniffles & Curls: yadda yadda yadda. No interest. Why the sobs over someone who physically & mentally beat the snot out of you for years? Curls better buy stock in Kleenex, if he really intends to marry her.

So, AnyBalls & NaranHo both have a thing for Fr/Ed. We should rename the show "Everyone Loves Fr/Ed."

Ciggie better lay off the booze & the butts. His hands looked like they were ready to explode.


Do you think those are fake hands? They do seem rather pudgy.

Melinama, thanks once again for another funny, perceptive recap. I was fully expecting a trap door to open and swallow up our two brilliant hitmen. They looked like funeral home attendants decked out in their matching suits. Did they really think that Artie would say,"Nice try boys, better luck next time, and thinks for the heads up on Padre Bosco dropping by"?

I wondered if Pris contemplated at all the irony of her observation that,"sooner or later the truth always comes out."

And, would Eddie be able to stay focused or function at all if he didn't have Esteve. He sort of lends credence to the saying that sometimes when He makes 'em pretty, He leaves something out.


Thanks for the quich, snarky, and succint recap, Melinama. The recaop was way better than the episode itself.

So little happened, both still comment-worthy. What was with Franco not even greeting Fernanda at the meeting, even tho he sat next to her? Did you notice that Babs extendered her hand to shake, and Franco ignored it to give his new BFF Cad a big hug? Then he shakes her hand. The note was silly, but Fer has resolved to not calling Franco, this whole coolness between them doesn't make sense, they dropped tuteando some time back. It's just wierd. I wonder if she took Damian's warning about Babs seriously, and wants to bounce it off Franco. She is becoming quite suspicious of her madastra, finally someone is. What a gem of insight Franco had- Pay these milk producers enough to survive, or we will lose them! A harvard genius! Then Gonzo blames his kids for bringing them to the brink! What about he, himself and Babs?

Does DAmian really think that what he was telling Vlad is true; that Fer "still" loves him, she going to help him, bla, bla, blah? She really is his only chance, I guess that he has to hope that it's true.

Bosco sure has huevos to want to meet "la cara da maldad", and that should be interesting. I hope that when the new three thugs drag him off, he can get in a quick comment about the ugly wig that Ciggy is wearing, an d the stinky cigars, too. The actor that plays Gonzo also plays Artemio, I hope that these scenes with him give him a chance to act; the Gonzo part would be quite boring, I would think? Those are Gonzo's inflated hands that they show. I keep thinking that if a mosquito were to risk biting, it would immediately swell and explode.

Lastly- what is with the armed guards at las Animas? Where did they come from? Was there a discussion about that that I missed?

dorado dave

I love your recaps, Melinama, thank you.
I also thought the bumbling hitmen were going to fall into an alligator pit when Bravo pushed the button. Sometimes I wish I had one of those.

Variopinta: I think Camillo said "Que le vaya bien" to Fr/Ed when he left. More evidence that he's ready to do some serious boot-licking. Marianne

Speaking of crappy powdered milk, isn't it strange that we haven't heard more about that? Maybe Fr/Ed was referring to that. Can't remember how much they paid for it.

Lots of loose ends. Lucio, Babs note that Gardenia got, Pris's money, not to mention the big ones.

Someone else that I'm sure will want to smash Camilo's face in, is Augustín when he finds out what he did to his precious hija. Up 'til now, he hasn't added much to the story, except buying Soleroso.

Apparently Padre Bosco knows the Gonzo/Artemio story from Soledad's confession, which is why he can't reveal it to Fr/Ed. So he should have an idea why Artemio wants him dead.

All I could think of when the goons took away Nector & Carpio was "The Godfather"

Thanks for the recap Melinama, sorry you didn't get a chance to introduce us to the face of eeevil.
Before Frick and Frack were phased out, did they tell AB that the good Padre was going to come to see him? Does the Padre know where AB lives then? Artemio does seem rich enough, so it shouldn't be too hard for Ed and Steve to find him. They'll spend a bunch of money for a detective and he'll just open up the phone book.

Someone mentioned it previously, but perhaps Gonzo has been better off these last 15 years with Barb than with Montserat. Better looking, doesn't get hysterical... he gets a good night sleep... I can see why he likes her.

At the meeting, I think Barb was trying to figure Franco out. She may have to tell Artemio that, err... perhaps helping out Santoro may not be a good idea. It looks like perhaps he will actually help keep these Elizaldes in business. The papers that Franco had at the meeting, were they produced by Esteve? Esteve has been working a lot, so assume he probably put all of the at together.

Oh, oh, back to Auroraboreallofus. She hasn't changed much. I was yelling at Santi to try the door to see if it opened? I don't he tried it. :) Also, he left the keys in the car. Good thing no one showed up to take it.

That's right DDave, was the Las Animas that had those guards around it? I was wondering about that, too.


Yeah, what was up with those armed guards? I actually thought that was at Artemo's secret lair. Why would they need an armed guard at Las Animas?

Dona Gringuita here: Thanks for the recap Melamina, straight from the snark pit. Bravo--but without the Artemio.

Didn't you just love the Abora overload? (Oh dear, Artemio Bravo phone marathon inside the house and Santi banging on the door outside. What can a girl who was born without a spine do??)

So now that Fr/Ed has armed bodyguards all over Las Animas, can't Denia come back and cook for him? Wouldn't it be cool if he just happened to go through her closet while she's gone and find the Fernanda letters? Too much to hope for.

Eddy doesn't know about the powdered milk, does he? Just a lucky reference, I think. I keep thimking that is going to come back into the story, just like Babs' initial embezzelment ($167M?), as Vlad continues his digging. Too much to ask for? Also, do we know that Bosco knows anything of Artemio Bravo from Soledad? I think that he is walking into the lion's den +/- blindly, albeit shielded by the Lord...

Tks Marianne, I knew Camilo was sucking up, but just couldn't get what he said. It should be interesting when Fr/Ed confronts him about breaking into his house.

What about Gonzo's car? Did they all go to the meeting in Fernanda's yellow, whatever that is? BTW, what is it?

I would have thought our Fr/Ed was a bit chauvinistic when greeting the board, before remembering, he hates Babs & is hurt by Fernanda. However, he shouldn't have let either of those emotions show. Fernanda must be really confused. She doesn't know he was spying on her. Tk goodness, Esteve is the voice of reason.

Dorado Dave,
Fr/Ed knows about the powdered milk. He was in the old barn when they took it away. He had seen the expiration date. He went there thinking about Fernanda.

DDave, actually Eddie does know about the powdered milk. Remember when he was hiding in the barn while the guys were loading it up to haul it off? He even removed the phony expiration date that was covering the original.


I'm pretty sure Padre knows the story about Artemio. His face has shown recognition on a couple of occasions when the name was mentioned, of course in TN land that doesn't always mean anything.

Thanks, both Vario and Carlos, for the clarifications...

Dorado Dave:

Eduardo Jaurez (ie before Franco) found out about the powdered milk in one of his first nights in town. For whatever reason that he couldn't stay with his mom, he went to the old "barn" to sleep that night.

He discovered the powdered milk and that it was out of date.

Then, some henchmen came and loaded the milk into trucks to bury it. As I recall, it was the same night that Eduardo was sleeping there and he saw them take it, but did not see where they took it.

That is another reasons why they are in such money trouble, was the money spent on the powdered milk - which Anibal and Babs were involved in - Gonzo didn't know about it. I never figured out why Artemio Bravo ordered the milk buried. To have sold the out-of-date milk would have destroyed Grupo Lactos reputation and ruined Anibal at the same time, but Artemio passed on that adventure for some reason.


Haven't read the recap yet, want to savor it with coffee break :-)
But chimming in to say ...DimWatt/Night light/Gonzo had a power surge! What a unique moment for his children to see their absentee father. Maybe they will visit him in the manicomo after he loses Barb.

Playlist for The Party: Barry White's "Your the first, my last, my everythang". (EdFr to No-Mystery - about it woman). Now why did he tell Ericka the truth!

"You're So Vain, you probly think this song is about you, bout you". (Erika to Cad).

And I need a translation by level for the word 'enamorada'(sp?). I remember Melinama did that for the words quiero and amo I believe. How is it that people in telenovelas always claim to fall in love with the sweep of an eyelash.

I think that Padre Bosco pretty well knows all the secrets about everything,only that pesky thing about the confidentiality of the confessional is getting in the way of his sharing. Kind of like another padre that we all came to know and love.


I remember the powdered milk deal as a way to ruin GL & blame it on Anibal. Pris's family (can't remember the name of their co.) had passed on the deal & therefore knew about it, could that have been the reason for burying it?

Enamorarse is to fall in love, or be in love, so instead of Erika saying te amo o te quiero, which means I love you, she is saying I have fallen in love with you or I'm in love with you. I think it goes like this
Yo te enamorada de ti

someone correct if that is wong.

For those who may want to see Lucero sing, try:

Lucero "La Unica Que Te Entiende" Music Video

You can also do a search for "Lucero" and find more - but they will be mixed in with the American rock group named Lucero.


Thanks for the recap Melinama. I've never heard or read the word "uxorious" so that's a new word for me, you guys don't know how much you help me with my english, thank you!.

Poor Aurora is so stupid, I just want someone to slap her sometimes, and Santiago too.

Even though Fre/Ed is trying to make it clear to Erika that he is inlove with someone else, I don't think he should use her to make Fernanda jealous, especially now that she has expressed her feelings to him.

Hey Silverfox, if you like Lucero's singing you may like her here with mariachi and an orchestra:


I have just found this site and have been enjoying all the great recaps and comments.

I have a vote for one of the best telanovelas of all time: La Mentira with Guy Eckert and Kate del Castillo. Does anyone else remember it? It was really fun, fun, fun. The Spanish was easy to understand and it went a little quicker than most.

Sandy in TN (Tennessee not novela land!)

Cad leaped to Franco's best friend when AB told him about the 10 mil and "...he's saved our lives..". As Carlos said, a man would do a lot for a good horse.

Loved your recap as always, Melinama!

What Erika said to Fr/ed last night at dinner was, "me estoy enamorando de ti" - I am falling in love with you. Also, regarding the armed guards at Las Animas, remember that Fr/ed told Esteve after Gardenia's kidnapping that he was going to get security the next day for Las Animas and Esteve said then they had to take her somewhere else that was safe (yeah, right) for the night.

I did watch Conan O'Brien last night and enjoyed his version of a telenovela, "Pasion en la Noche" with lots of black horses at the opening. When Conan's sidekick showed up in a mariachi outfit and Conan asked him if it was a mariachi suit, I expected his sidekick to say, "I am Juan Reyes!"


I need to clarify something from the board meeting. Did Fr/Ed berate them for not buying locally? I think Gonzo said their leche was inferior to EEUU, did I understand correctly?

Fr/Ed looked directly at Babs when he said powdered milk.

I kind of miss Juan. He is just so awesome.

Melinama: Thanks for the recap. Is uxorious a word you use frequently?

All I could think of when Carpio and Nestor were in front of Artemio who then declared them uselless and pushed the red button for four more black-suited goons was More Men in Black.

Carpio wrote Artemio's address on a little piece of paper and gave it to Father Bosco. We were supposed to believe that Carpior and Nestor, two hardened hit men, were afrait of the crowd. Oh, well.

Your beanie might need adjusting Pasofino! I was hoping for a secret door in the floor and those two would drop down in the shark tank.

Haven't seen Monday's yet. But I did comment on Friday's. Have a couple of thoughts. Also, thanks Melinama, havent read this yet, but know it will be wonderful.

Thanks Jardinera for the great recap. I was kind of lost as to why the townspeople just showed up. thanks for clearing it up.
Why is it that the bad people overhear every freakin' thing, yet the hero, who wasnt that far away couldn't hear Fernanda and Dam talk? (Rhetorical) What a big baby our hero was. Sorry, have to disagree on the point - the hunkiest guy in Latin America is still Jaime Camil - gorgeous AND a sense of humor.
Don't we already know what Artemio looks like?

Great recap, Melinama!

I loved Cigarman's red button to get rid of Carpio and Nestor. He started with Rene Manzanares (1 guy). Then Carpio and Nestor (2 guys) messed up. Now he has 3 guys. If these guys mess up, does he press the button again, and 4 thugs show up?

BTW, I believe Fernanda's car is a Toyota FJ Cruiser.

Franco's open field target estate needs armed guards. To keep Cad out, to keep Cigarman's new squad out, and to keep Gardenia in. Besides, a show of force is so sexy.

I loved Franco at the meeting and Barb looked like she did too. I thought she was leaving so quickly to catch up with Franco and tell him - again - that her marriage is in crisis... hint, hint, hint.

Poor confused Fer. He ignored her outstretched, loving, supportive hand. Edwardo if you were not dead already I'd say you are killing yourself!

Thanks for the recap Melinama. I'd missed a few days so the episode wasn't boring for me and the rabble at the church was hilarious. They "frightened" the hit men.

ITA with others that Fr/Ed's actions in the board room (ignoring Barb and Fer) were bad.

Melinama, thanks for the great recap, couldn't believe it was up so quick!

SilverFox, I saw Conando last night, very funny.

Okay, this is kind of stalling, time for something to move. And please no more Aurora. What is Santi thinking?

He did shake hands with Barbara but not Fer didn't he?

Sandy in TN - I didn't see La Mentira. But I have seen others with Guy Eckert and Kate Castillo.

If I recall correctly, Guy is American and Spanish is his second language. He played the head detective in the first season of "Vegas"(?), but didn't last there beyond the first season. I haven't seen him in any other American films/TV lately.

Also, I believe Kate was in a film that was distributed here in the US recently. I don't know if the language was English or Spanish in that one. It hasn't reached the top of my NetFlix list yet. Wasn't she also in the latina tv series (maybe HBO) La Familia, speaking English??


Thanks Melinama! Mucho snark!

Obviously Gonzo has selective memory problems. He berates his sons for not learning from him and and running the business like his father and grandfather did. But, . . . ummm, Cad doesn't even work there, and what about Barbie? He knows she's been running the business with AnyBalls, why not berate her too?

I agree, this is Colunga's worst role ever. There was a commercial last night for the 3-pack DVD of Amor Real, Alborada and Pasion - I really miss the good Colunga parts. I just can't get behind Eddie or Freddie. It's hard to see Colunga in a "weak" role. I like him better when he's decisive and strong. Waaaaaahhhhh - I want the real Colunga back!

I guess Lamont Sanford and Chico have gone to that junkyard in the sky.

Fr/Ed was such a take charge guy at the board meeting, too bad he can't take charge of his life. I still have hopes for him.

As he came in Fernanda had her hand out & he walked right past her, then Babs had her hand out & he hugged Camilo & then took her hand. Then as he went to his seat, Fernanda had her hand out again & he ignored her.
Bad Fr/Ed.

Fr/Ed continues to punish Fernanda for no reason. She hasn't done anything to him. He's the one who has a lot to answer for when she finally finds out the truth.

I liked how Vlad slapped back at Damian's leg yesterday as if he's finally getting tired of how Damian treats him: insulting him, ordering him around and constantly pushing, hitting or slapping him upside the head.

Melinama~~Thanks for the speedy recap of a slooow show. Mwlissa~~~I totally agree with you. I've never seen FC in a role this weak and poorly written. The writers have really given us no reason to see Fr/ed as the leading man. Such a departure from the strong characters FC played so competently and brilliantly in Amor Real, Alborada, and Pasion. Those characters were powerful, sexy guys...very attractivo. Tell me what you want, what you really , really want...Sir. As for Art's pudgy hands...they are Gonzo's pudgy hands. Some men have beautiful, strong hands...FC, for example. What would make hands so pudgy??? Too much salt ??? Bonney~~~I, too, thought that Babs was running to cathch up to Fr/ed. Yes, study hall and all those notes. Finally, I wish I had one of those red buttons ...It would eliminate a lot of problemos. For awhile, I thought that Nestor might end up with Gardy. p.s. Carlos~~Hub got his patch yesterday , and I bought chewable Bonine, so we are set to make sail on the high seas,,,I hope they are not too high.

Jazee, unless I've missed something, I don't think anyone in viewerville has seen Artemio's face, it's always in shadow or shot from the back.

I thought Fernanda's lacy dress last night was very pretty. She's finally out of the turtlenecks and fur vests. Marianne

It was also funny that Damian didn't know the meaning of "laconic", but Vlad did.

I just watched the board mtg scene again, Franco did say buenos dias, Fernanda" almost under his breath as he walked in. She offered her hand twice, which he ignorred. I agree she has done absolutely nothing to be treated that way by anyone, much less Eddy, who has much to answer for, evemntually, but his attitude as Franco sucks, too. Part of that segment was the conversation between Vlad and Dam- the "laconica" comment. Sendel is great, and he and Vlad are so good together. Oscar and Felix, indeed...

Isn't it sad that the news of the baby made Any?balls cranky, but the 10 mil gave him a great big smile. ....and there you have it . Whataguy.

Marianne~~~I agree. I loved Fern's dress. I want that dress.

Welcome Sandy in TN.

Glad you found us. These recaps really add to the fun of watching telenovelas and working on our Spanish. I'm a Guy Eckert fan as well but have only seen hime in one thing, Heridas de Amor. Hope you'll be a regular visitor to the line.

And thanks Melinama for, as always, succint sarcasm... as only you can do it. It's a gift!

Regarding Ed snubbing Fern at the meeting, he's just throwing a tantrum because her husband touched her shoulder. Somehow he thinks that if her business associate gives her barn-burning gazes, she should not talk to any other men for the rest of her life.

Melinama, I loved your line, "I'm sure Cigarman's face won't live up to this buildup unless he is a Cyclops." That one busted me up.

I just loved AB's red button. Where can I get one of those? I tried the Staples one, but no sirve nada. My son says that since you can't see the villian's face, he's like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget. Claw had a scratchy voice as well, but no bizarre crucifix. That red button was Gadget-worthy, too.

Jarocha, I had never heard or read the word uxorious either, and I think I have a respectable vocabulary. It's an obscure but interesting word.

Jazzee, I beg to differ with you. You'd have to look far and wide to find a bigger Jaime Camil fan than me, and IMHO he does trump Colunga when it comes to sexiness (although that FC barn scene gave him a run for the money). But if we're talking just plain good looks, well, it's not without reason that FC is dubbed TBLMOE. Nobody else even comes close.

Yes, Hombre and Dave, I had meant to mention that "laconic" bit. I think these are subtle hints that Vlad won't be so easy for Damian to manipulate for much longer. Vlad is already uncomfortable with the plan to frame Flor. He's doing everything because of his obsession for his "Gordita" but wait til he finds out how unscrupulous Damian really is and how he's been used by him.
That said, I love their scenes together and can just imagine the two actors having great fun doing them. They've got the best chemistry out of any of them.

Susanlynn, re Gonzo: I think pudgy bellys make pudgy hands...
jb ;-}

Was Jaime Camil the handsome guy in La Fea?

Everyone forgot that Jacinto told Camilo about the car he found. He told him that Franco does not know. That is why Camilo wants to be Franco's good amigo.

Yes, Connie, he was Don Fernando, Tan Divino from Fea. His picture graces the sidebar here on Caray, just above TBLMOE.

Silverfox, the Kate del Castillo movie that was recently released on DVD is Under the Same Moon or Bajo la misma luna. The plot is of a woman who crossed the border and is working illegally in the US, leaving her adorable son with the abuela. What happens is that the kid decides to find his mother, and many adventures ensue.

Ah, thank you PaulaH. He is quite the guy! Latin men just have a little something, something--I don't know what it is but it is pretty darn sexy.

Susalynn: I think the reason for Gonzalo's pudgy hands is the fact that Rogelio Guerra is 73 years old, in his youth he had beautiful strong hands that went with a gorgeous face, you can see them at the minute 1:43 of this video:

Paula: Uxorious is indeed an interesting word, I inmediately went to find the correct pronunciation of it and now I'll have to find ways to use it, hehe.

I'm sorry you guys are not enjoying seeing Colunga in this role, I used to have a crush on him when he was younger in his "Maria Mercedes" and "Maria La Del Barrio" days but his character in "Esmeralda" ruined him for me, Jaime Camil never stood a chance because I hated his first character in "Mi Destino Eres Tú", that's why I avoided FELS, because I didn't want to lose my crush on Jorge Salinas, I can appreciate Colunga's prettyness and Camil's humour, but not in the same way that most of you do, so I know how a character can change ruin an actor for you.


Speaking of sidebars- it disappeared from my computer screen Saturday, after the connection to Caray was acting up. What's with that, anyone?

And I dubbed Jaime Camil TMBMOE - The Most Beautiful Man on Earth - sigh!

Good verbal slapping Esteve gave Eddie. Maybe he can adopt a less offensive exclamation when Eddie's being bone-headed and say "Jesus Lopez!" instead.

I expected a scantily clad Babs to jump up from the back seat of Eddie's car in the parking ramp!

It does seem as if we're going to witness a different kind of grinding now. . . .to a halt! sheesh!


When Pris finished commenting that the truth always catches up with people, she did have a yikes-hammers-will-fall-for-me-too look on her face..

Variopinta –HdeM is right. Fernanda’s car is a Toyota FJ Cruiser. I saw one just like it on the road a few days ago, same color!

I was taken back by the SWAT team outside Las Animas, too.

Dorado Dave, I've had intermittent sidebar disappearances for a long time. Have no clue why it happens sometimes or why it subsequently goes away. Today, I have it at work. What works for me is to google Caray Caray. There's usually a link to a post from some novela a while back, and when I click on that link, there's the sidebar.

Yes, Colunga's childish behavior in this is annoying. But he didn't write the script. He definitely snubbed Fernanda in the Board Meeting, after having slobbered over her the last 2 or 3 times they've been together. She must be incredibly confused.

I didn't fast forward through Abora and Santi, because I was curious to see how it would turn out; i.e, would she answer the phone and/or ever open the freakin' door. Crying for Dominga takes the gosh darn cake!

Melinama, what a great recap! It added luster to an episode that was sadly lacking. "Uxorious ditz" was excellent. That's one of those fabulous words that doesn't get used often enough.
When Artemio pushed the red button, I was really hoping for a trapdoor to open. Oh well, that wasnt' the only disappointment in this show. I would have been ok with Curls driving off for good and Sniffles dropping out of the cast.
The note-passing in the meeting did maintain that Jr. High feeling.
Camilo was overly cordial with Franco (who should have checked his clothing for orange stains following the hug.)
Cracked up at the cyclops face for Artemio. I'm sure the big reveal won't happen this soon.
I'm worried about the uneasy feeling that says the action may be grinding to a halt. We'll have to count on eSteve to keep things moving.
La Paloma

Yes, Novelera, crying for Dominga... I maybe would have cried for her as well... cried tears have happiness. :)

I finally took a look at the definition of uxorious. After seeing the definition, I thought for sure there would be a picture of Gonzalo there. :)
Just too long to type out, but perhaps his name should be Gon-uxorious. :)

I sure hope the Padre says his prayers and is protected when he sees Artemio. Watching Mariana de la noche this week and they did kill off the Padre. They whacked him in the head tossed him in the mine and he still came back, hopefully to save the day. But... no... he stopped to say a prayer and the baddies found him and finished him off. So, it happens in the TNs, some priest don't make it. Of course the punishment for some of baddies in Mariana will probably be some real doozies. :)


Thanks Melinama, I loved your recap. It's amazing how each of you have a different style, yet all are equally impressive. I could say something great about each one, well nothing great has to be said about Cheryl's, they rock always. And I love the way Jardinera's are so full of juicy details that keeps us entertained for the entire weekend. Thanks guys and gals.
I agree with the comments about Colunga's role. The problem is, it's just not interesting. I wish he were more of a lover and not so business oriented. I guess he returned home under a cloud, but geez, he's been home long enough to have figured out how to win the heart of his leading lady. It's no wonder they have to extend the episodes. Look how far along we are and still no action between the leads. I'm glad that Erika doesn't plan to see Eddie after the jealousy plot. That tells me that she really thought he had feelings for her that maybe just needed honing. That shows she knows where to draw the line. Good for her, but please no more scenes between her parents. They are a non interesting as the Santi-Abora scenes. After she was so indecisive about not answering the telephone or not resonding to Santi's beating on the door like a maniac, I was hoping that she had missed him when she finally went out and called to him. But lady luck was on their side and brought them together for what seemed like an hour of hugging and kissing.
Am I the only one enjoying p*s*y whipped Gonzo? He is so real. I love when the spotlight is on him.

Jarocha, I never saw Esmeralda, but Colunga was pretty arrogant and mean in Maria la del Barrio, rejecting the pregnant Maria because he saw a fairly mild hug with his brother. I got turned off by the constant masochistic stuff with Thalia's character and never saw the finish where Colunga's character turned it around.

I don't know if it will slow too much. According to Esmas, It is on Cap. 164 right now and in Ultimas semana. Wiki has it ending on 6/14, but not sure about that. On Esmas, I saw Ultimas semana (not semanas), so I don't know if it really is the last week or not? Also, right now it apparently (again according to Wiki) is running 30 minutes since 6/1. I think someone mentioned that the other day, that Sortilegio is already sharing time with MEPS. If those are true, then we are about half done with quite a bit more to still do. Sooo, maybe won't slow down. We can hope. :)


Quite a while ago it occurred to me that perhaps Colunga wanted this role because he got to wear such beautiful suits and get a haircut. Maybe he was sick of those heavy period costumes and huge leather boots. I'm pretty sure he said something on Cristina once about being really relieved to be able to get a haircut after (I think) Alborada finished up.

Melinama, I enjoyed your funny snarky recap.

Regarding the pudgy hands of Gonzo and Artemio: in earlier episodes they used makeup on Artemio's hands to hide the liver spots seen on Gonzo's hands, as if this covering of age spots would fool us into thinking that it just couldn't be the same actor. GinCA

I think he should look the way he did in Alborada all the time. Especially the way it looked after he'd been riding on the horse for awhile. Love the mustache and goatee.

I think that FC was a little worried about being stuck in the past after doing 3 historical dramas in a row . Didn't I read somewhere that Carla Estrada had to talk him in to doing Pasion because he wasn't sure that he should do a third historical novela ? By the way, was that his real hair or a wig in Alborada ? I liked thinking that it was his real hair. In Highlander the tv series, Adrian Paul had a weave for that long hair in the first year, but he later let his grow.

Colunga doesn't have to go to the long, long locks. Just let the hair grow a little ... hate that chiseled, get my hair cut every week look. Too harsh for a 40 something trying to be a 20 something.

Connie~~~I'm with you....long hair, facial hair, on a horse...all the time....24/7.

Silverfox...Yes, you are right, I think that for Guy Eckert, Spanish is a second language. I have lost track of both Kate del Castillo and Guy after they "went Hollywod". Glad to see that someone has seen Kate in a movie.

JudyB... I'm so glad that I found all of you. I have been the Lone Ranger watching the telenovelas here except for all our latino brethren who live and work in this state.

I agree with all of you who are saying that this is a different character for Fernando C. It is odd to see FC seem a "second banana" mentally to another character, in this case Esteve. FC has always called the shots and been on top of his game in telenovela land. It just "ain't rite".

Sandy in TN

Susanlynn, speaking of Highlander and especially Adrian Paul, I had only seen him in Highlander and so for me he was always Duncan McLeod, that is until one afternoon...I was riding the stationary bike and an old episode of Murder She Wrote came on and it was bout a ballet company. The head of the ballet group was, you guessed it, our own Duncan McLeod, prancing around decked out in black leotards. Highlander was never quite the same after that.


For me, Carlos, Highlander was even better after that, because I could then imagine him in his tights. ;-)

Maybe that's what it is - Fr/Ed playing mental second fiddle to Esteve. FC has always had a "sidekick" - LOVED Mario from Pasion, but Esteve is on the verge of mentally abusing his "friend" and it makes FC's character really weak. Esteve bugs the cr*p out of me even more than Santiago!

Carlos~~~I know exactly the episode you mean !!! I agree. Seeing Duncan as a Russian ballet dancer [and killer] rocked my world, too. I also saw him in an old rock video of Sheens Easton. Poor Adrian has not had very good luck since Highlander ended. Recently, he was in a really awful movie on Scifi channel...something about Sir Francis Drake with a stupid scifi twist...dreadful. Peter Wingfield [Methos] , on the other hand, has been in several fairly good movies and tv shows , including ''24.''

Julie~~~The image I keep stored in my memory bank is Duncan rising from the bathtub in that episode in which his old flame [the immortal who taught him about the finer things in life until he fell in love with the chick she hired to paint his portrait in his kilt] seduced Richie and caused a rift between Duncan and Richie. Remember that show? Duncan couldn't bring himself to take her head, but the ever pragmatic Methos had no problemo doing the job. Can't remember the title.

All Aurora had to do was unplug the damn phone.

Loved Conan's telenovela last night. ;)

Like the rest of you, I was disappointed there wasn't really a trap door that would fall into either an alligator pit or a dungeon with a rancor (that creature at Jabba's palace that wanted to eat Luke Skywalker).

LOL Khalilah about Eddie saying "Jesus Lopez!" from now on!!

I am enjoying Colunga in this role because he's Colunga, but I don't enjoy seeing him in the shadow of a much smarter friend. Foolish galans are sadly common in telenovelas, but often their foolishness is augmented (or induced by) a goofy friend. At some point, the galan stops listening to the goofy friend or devious frenemy and listens to his heart, and all his problems are solved.

Instead, Eduardo's heart is making him stupid and his friend seems to be pretty much running the show. Weird.

I saw Adrian Paul on a show that he was on with the other Highlander and he was kind of a little snot. I can'tremember what it was though. I loved Highlander.

I barely remember that one, Susanlynn. In fact I think the only reason I remember it at all is because of the conversation all the fans had about the bathtub scene afterwards. :)

For me so far this tele hangs by hair, the length of hair, that is.

Whose hair? FrEd’s. And why hair and his in particular?

Well, most of us are on pins and needles waiting for the lovers, Fer and FrEd, to profess and partake in their love for each other, get together. Are we going to have to wait until September or so, when this magnificent tele comes to an end? And then only get to see a tidbit of their passion coming to fruition?

Or will our lust to see them in the throes of requited love be fed intermittently with breaks de vez en cuando, of “I hate you,” “We can’t see each other anymore”, or one of them being sent to Siberia.

So, what’s it going be? Well, FrEd’s hair length could provide a precursor.

During commercial breaks, they show the lovers se besando passionately. Now that says, gosh, it’s won’t be until September. That’s because FrEd’s hair is curling behind his neck. And in current cápitulos his hair is short.

But in another break scene, they show them kissing on a pier with FrEd in his favorite stripped sweater-shirt. This time his hair is short is like it is currently.

So that one argues, we’re going to be treated with some early-on passion. Whoopee!

But then you can contend, hey, they shot that long-hair-kissing scene in advance photos taken in ‘08. They were taken before the first cápitulos were shot, and he had gotten that haircut for his return to Mexico to see his mother and entry in Fer’s world.

Yet they show another FrEd long-hair scene, where I think Aníbal is introducing him to Fer and Dam. Confusing?

Anyway, I note the tele’s copyright for the longest while was shown as ‘08, but it now reads ‘09. This says they still might be filming right now.

Bottom line: I think my hair, that is my hair theory, is wet hair, ALL WET! Those break scenes likely were filmed at various times when FrEd’s hair was at different lengths. So, hair length tells us nothing.

So the good news is: as a lot of us hope I think the lovers will find and enjoy their mutual passion for each other long before El Fin.

What say the rest of you?


Variopinta: "Did Fr/Ed berate them for not buying locally?" He berated them for either not buying from, or not paying a fair amount to, the small local suppliers. (I realize there's a big diff between the two, but it went by too fast for me.)

The reply about it being inferior to EEUU, I think but can't swear that that was in reference to the large Mexican dairies who mass-produce milk for cheaper but it's not as good. So the big suppliers were causing the little suppliers to get squeezed in cost even though the small suppliers produce better stuff.

Anyway, regardless of the berating's focus, the outcome was that they were going to do business with small dairies AND they were going to pay them very well.

Frankie, I doubt that they're still filming, since it's now in final episodes in Mexico. We're several months behind Mexico. No doubt they wrapped a while ago.

I guess Fr/ed was giving a PSA promoting small dairy farmers. Ironically, today on one of the morning news programs there was a piece on the fact that small farms are being replaced by huge agribusinesses. Having grown up on a farm and still living in that rural community, it is all so true. I go to bed at 10 since I have to get up at 6 , so I missed Conan's novela. I've seen novelas spoofed on SNL with Antonio Banderas and also one with Cristina Aguikara. p.s. Khalilah, You are too funny...Jesus Lopez !!!

Thanks a bundle, Julie.


Ugh Aurora. I can't stand her. When Santiago drove away, I said to my wife "NOW she's going to come outside, too late...." and she did. Her character is the worst. THE WORST. Every time she comes on the screen I shudder.

IMHO, the best telenovela parody, bar none, is Que Hora Es? "the Mexican soap opera for people who only had three weeks of Spanish, in the fourth grade."

What I understood Franco to say- that GL was not paying the small, local milk producers enough to survive. Then Any?balls said something about the price in Mexico isn't as high in EEUU, because the quality isn't as good (he forgot to mention the dairy price supports that inflate the price) Then Franco said something about the lack of technical suport, and that they should be helping the little guys, or else they will come to the point of having to rely on inferior powdered milk for their supply. about this time, Gonzo's wattage spiked, and he agreed with Franco, and berated his spawn.. All this is from memory, so might not be totally accurate.

I was thinkling while Dominga's new phone was ringing was for Abora to unplug it. Then I realized that she doesn't know about these things, not ever having had a phone. Then Santi answers, and hangs up. Why? Now Ciggy knows that someone is there. Santi should have had the sense to unplug. Dumb

The Gran Finale in Mexico is June 14th this coming Sunday, two hour special.
They wrap filming this week, last week FC invited 30 of his fans to be extras in one of the scenes in Toluca MX.

My understanding of Freduardo's PSA at the Board Meeting is this: He had reviewed some financials and seen what Grupolactos was paying for milk (which I think they then go ahead and pasteurize in that factory Damián sabotaged) from the small farmers locally. His basic point was that if they continued to starve them by underpaying so much, they'd go out of business. Then GL would not have enough fresh milk with which to operate and would be reduced to inferior products using powdered milk. Fernanda, as the sweet defender of the campesinos, of course was nodding her head like crazy.

Just remember that uxor means wife in Latin. What a fabulous word, I agree we don't get to use it very often, at least in part because not too many people are besotted with their wife. I am glad I studied Latin in school and it wasn't even a Catholic school.

I am wondering if Artemio in the plane again at the end means he is going to fly to smarmyville to check on Dominga in person and thereby trap the wimpier than thou Abora. I hope I get to recap some of the mayhem and madness he is sure to cause in jumping in with the hoi polloi. And if the guards are really at Franco's I hope he has the sense to go pick up Padre and Gardenia and Lili and take them all somewhere really safe.

My darkest thought is that Franco will have a Luke Skywalker moment and face the fact that he is the spawn of Darth Vader Bravo...

I was having a problem with inferior milk in Mex. You milk a cow & what do you have, milk! I know feed helps & the pasteurization process, but happy cows give the most milk.

Tonight s/b be interesting, Artemio is going to have some interesting visitors, the Padre & according to the avances Fr/Ed. Now who will Fr/Ed be, Franco Santoro or Jesús López López? I'm sure it won't be Eduardo Júarez.

Cheryl, good catch on uxor. I also studied Latin (2 years' worth and loved it) in public school. I had planned to study French upon entering high school, envisioning myself in a Parisian cafe with some dreamy French guy. I got quite the severe lecture from my 8th grade English teacher. He was the one who taught me more English grammar than any teacher since, including SERIOUS diagramming of sentences. This teacher said I HAD to take Latin, that it would immeasurably improve my English vocabulary and give me a background for other romance languages. How true!

Thanks for the clarification about the milk, DD and Novelera.

Also, thanks 6:26 for the note about wrapping filming this week. Hmm... usually they film a few weeks ahead of air date... wonder if they were just trying to prevent early leaks about the ending?? (or waiting for an unavailable cast member... the possibilities are endless)

Melinama, that once again for a fine recap - I couldn't bear to watch the TN with them and the ensuing discussions.

Regarding the Latin word ux - you see it a lot in legal documents, especially real estate (et ux meaning and wife. Ex vir means and husband).

Jardinera - Goodspeed.

I thought Franco was being snide in his comment on the inferior powdered milk since he did see it in their warehouse and knows he can poke at their conscience IF any of them has one. Barbara at least must have caught the snark but doesn't know yet that Franco is on to her. I loved how he goaded them into being more just with payments to the smaller independents. He is scoring little points with the Familia Dufus and of course thrilling the politically correct Fernanda. Gonzo having a sudden memory of how honest and forthright his family used to be was amusing. BUT, being uxorious, he probably won't figure out how they have all fallen so far from the path of the righteous.

PaulaH, Thanks ever so much for the Que Hora Es YT, I have already sent it out on my Facebook page to my Spanish study buddies. Very funny.

CherylNewMex - OMG!!! I never thought of the possibility that Artemio could be FrEd's father! But wouldn't AB want him, instead of having Babs ship him out of the country all those years ago?

:::Luke, er, Eduardo . . . I am your father:::

Novelera and Cheryl~~~I, too, studied Latin for 2 years in my small rural high school. I had the same teacher for English lit. and French. Latin is great for vocabulary and helpful for those in careers in medicine and law . Most schools in this area dropped it. When I asked our local district superintendent why it was no longer taught when my daughters attended the same school I attended, I was told that it would be difficult to find a teacher certified in Latin. However, the high school I worked at reinstated Latin into the curriculum. My boss also studied Latin. It seems that all the Latin students I meet love English grammar.

Sorry gang, I need to proof read.

This is what I intended to type:

Et ux (and wife)
Et vir (and husband)


We haven't seen Artemio yet, but (and this isn't a spoiler) don't we all know who he is for some reason.

Jazzee~~~All the story has told us so far is that Artemio has Barb under his thumb for some reson and wants her to ruin the Elizades. We also know that Art knows that Barb killed her parents. [At least that's what Art says.] We also know that Soledad knew Artemio . That's what the viewers know at this point. So the whole mystery revolves around Art-Gonzo-Soledad. Like Cheryl, I've wondered if Art is Eduardo's father. Did he rape Soledad , and Gonzo did something to Art to avenge Soledad ????...Just wondering .

Eddy as Ciggy's spawn, I never thought of that, but definitely possible. Refresh my lousy memory, if possible- did Ciggy ever threaten Eddy before Eddy faked his death? I don't think so, which would lend credence to that idea.

Another memory jog, please. What was GL going to do with the expired powdered milk- use it in their production, and what DO they make?

112 comments, and still counting!

Many thanks for the recap, Melinama!

Jarocha, thank you for the youtube link to a younger Gonzo! I don't know why it never occurred to me to search that, because I love to see younger or different versions of actors I've come to know. That one is particularly remarkable, and makes me like Gonzo better. Have you noticed that in addition to being heavier, he also seems to walk with a small limp? I'm wondering if that's real, or part of his role (to distinguish him from AB when the time comes).

Eduardo & Babs, siblings, Hmmm?

Artemio wants Eduardo dead because he thinks Soledad told him the secret. He wants the Padre dead for the same reason.

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