Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Las tontas no van #128, Mon 6/8, A Raft of Goodbyes on a River of Tears

Where do we stand? The wedding is postponed and everything has been thrown into chaos because the bribed judge is forcing Pat to take custody. As Hombre de Misterio observed Friday, the premise is ludicrous. “A hearing the same day? Ignoring the wishes of both parents? Threatening to put the father in jail and the kid in an institution? Give me a break!”

Well, my mama always taught me, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” So here is my recap.
Alicia leaves with Mario.
Chayo leaves Ed.
Chava leaves to move in with Pat. Candy cries a lot. No one believes Pat when he says he dropped the case.
Margarita leaves.
Pat is left alone caring for his three sons.
Santiago imagines how he should be spending his wedding night.
Roll credits.

What? You want more detail than that? Okay, you twisted my arm.

Pat shows Ali’s note to Margarita. Marg can’t believe Ali would just leave like that and abandon her baby. Pat is fed up with the way she did it, but he’s glad she’s gone and that she left Patito with him. He says, “I’d die if I didn’t have Patito.” Dangerous words in a telenovela.

Meanwhile at the airport, Ali tells Mario that Pat is probably glad that she’s gone. Mario says that if Pat never loved her, it’s good that she left him. Ali says she can’t stand babies, and that’s just fine with Mario because he doesn’t want to share her attention. They agree they are tal para cual - made for each other, or two of a kind.

Pau arrives home and is delighted that Mario left. She reads his note. “I’m going back to New York but not alone. I’m taking a delightful woman who is much more attractive, intelligent, and sensual than you. I wish you luck with Chanti but I don’t think you’ll have any luck there. With the small love I have left for you, Mario.”

At their apartment, Chayo is dividing their belongings into His and Hers while Ed tries to convince her that they are a pair and belong together. He asks, “Don’t you feel bad at all, just leaving me like this?” She answers, “Well, didn’t you feel bad at all, cheating on me with every woman who crossed your path for years and years?”

Meño and Gregoria say tearful goodbyes to Chava. Candy tells Chava how much she will miss him. More tears. The doorbell rings. Santiago tells her that Pat has arrived with the court official. She begs Santi to do something. He tells her it’s the law, but he will work to get Chava back. I have to wonder how Candy got that turtleneck over that hairstyle. Maybe she had a beanie to protect it. They go downstairs. More tears. The official warns, if Chava doesn’t go to live with Pat, she is instructed to take him to an orphanage. Would you permit me one little rant? They pour on the tears so we’ll feel the pain of the situation. All I feel is that the whole contrived situation is preposterous. Done! I rant quickly.

Ed and Chayo fight over the fry pan. Did you see that, Emilia? I’m sure you could give her some suggestions.
Chayo: You don’t need this. You can’t boil water.
Ed: No, but I can learn. I can find recipes on the internet.
Chayo: You don’t know how to use the internet either.
Chayo watches the last chair go onto the moving truck. Ed secretly watches too, and he follows as they drive away.

Paulina shows up at the big house. Vultures don’t wait long, do they? Roc tells her she’s sad because Pat took Chava. She wants Chava to live with them.

Santi implores Pat, “Don’t do this. Don’t you see the harm you’re causing?” Pat says he didn’t do it. He halted the custody action. No one believes him, and Santi is disgusted that he doesn’t even have the calzones to own up to what he did. Pat promises he will fight this. Candy says, “I don’t believe you. I can’t trust you.” More goodbyes, more tears. In her room, Meño consoles Candy. More tears. Candy takes a call from Alicia. She has moved to New York with her new boyfriend.

At Pat’s house, Beto tries to cheer up Chava. Didn’t he want to live with his dad? No, not when he saw his mom crying. Pat spills his frustration to Margarita. He doesn’t want to do this to Candy. But if he doesn’t take Chava, the court will take him. He’s sure someone else interfered, but who? Margarita gets a call, her sister is dying. More tears. She needs to go be with her. It strikes Pat that he’ll be left alone with his three sons. Gee, too bad that in a place like Mexico, a man with a Ferrari can’t afford to hire a cook, housekeeper, nanny, etc. In fact Marg suggests that but Pat refuses. Do we see a contrived situation on the horizon?

Art the weasel is having dinner with Gregoria. He minimizes Candy’s problem. He’s sure Pat will do something to make Candy happy.

Paulina the weasel is at Santi’s house when he gets home. She tries to sound compassionate. Roc is worried for Chava, and Pau says that of course children are only happy when their parents are together. Santi politely boots her sorry butt out of the house.

Candy is amazed that Ali could just leave like that with someone she just met. Meño’s dicho: Genio y figura hasta la sepultura (a strong personality until the grave, or a leopard never changes his spots). He says she’s always been frivolous and casco ligero (flighty or fickle, literally thin of hull or helmet). He says people don’t change their nature. She wonders how she’ll survive without Chava. More tears. All I can think is, at a time like this, shouldn’t she be leaning on her near-husband? He tried to stick around to support her and she said she wanted to be alone. Now she’s “alone” crying on Meño’s shoulder. Women, if you had a life crisis days before your wedding, who would you talk to?

Pat says goodbye to his mother. He turns around, tells the boys it’s pizza for supper, they yell their approval, and the baby wakes up crying. Pat struggles to get him back to sleep.

Ed spies while Chayo moves in to her new apartment, and he sees Osvaldo making some moves too. Osvaldo helps her unpack, and sitting beside her, he asks what her plans are. Just then Ed shows up at the door. She slams it in his face.

Santi lies in bed, unable to sleep, thinking of how he should be spending the night making love to his bride.

Candy calls Pat to say goodnight to Chava, but he’s already asleep. More tears. Max calls Pat to remind him about the important meeting tomorrow morning. They need to present the movie project to the investors, and this meeting is critical to the success of the project.

Candy meets Pat when he drops the boys at school, and she discovers that he is caring for the three boys alone. Ever helpful, she says she’ll take Chava and then he’ll only have Patito and Beto. (Wouldn’t it be more “helpful” to take Beto and the baby, instead of the only one who is court-ordered to stay with Pat? Or maybe to stop being such an amargada with him?)

This little scene was fun, and we could all use a fun scene in this cap, no? Hortensia tells Santi that she filled his schedule today so he wouldn’t have time to be sad. He thanks her, “You’re the only woman who understands me.” She says he has consultations all morning. Then he takes her out for lunch. Two surgeries. He takes her out for a stroll in the park. Two more surgeries. He takes her out for ice cream or coffee. He breaks in with an ad lib – gaznate (a filled pastry)! Horti doesn’t miss a beat, but Camil falls into his own trap and has trouble stifling his giggles.

First he wants to call Detective Ambrosini, but before he can find the number in his agenda, Horti has already dialed it from memory. Santi warns her that she has the attitude of a serial killer. Hortensia tells him he’d better be careful then, and she makes Norman Bates style mechanical hacking/slashing gestures.

Ambro says it’s not easy to find someone who has fled the country. Santi understands, but considering how much money he’s paid, he should be seeing some results. Ambro has some bad news. Santi needs to make another payment of the same amount into the account. Santi says, “Wait a minute!” He has already paid a huge sum, and nobody has accomplished anything. Ambro says there are a lot of expenses. Can Santi make the payment or not? (Does anyone else smell a rat?) Santi says he doesn’t have that much in liquid assets, so he’ll have to figure something out.

At the office, Candy discovers that today is Charly’s AIDS presentation, and the front room is filled with teenagers.

At the investors’ meeting, Max is apologizing for Pat who hasn’t shown up yet. The investors are all looking impatient and frustrated. Just then Pat enters, briefcase and diaper bag on one arm, and baby carrier and toys in the other. Everyone turns and stares at him.

tal para cual - made for each other, or two of a kind
Genio y figura hasta la sepultura - a strong personality until the grave, or a leopard never changes his spots.
casco ligero - flighty or fickle, literally thin of hull or helmet.


Ha, I loved your condensed recap. I also thought it was very weird that Candy wanted to be alone instead of with her husband-almost-was. There does seem to be a plethora of leap-of-faith storylines as we near the end.

Do I smell a rat? Honestly, at the end of a telenovela the writers seem to try everything. I smell many rats. It seems like someone definitely wants to pray on Santi's desperation to find his son.

Thanks Paula!

P.S. That's a mighty fine title you came up with.

Hate to just echo what Sylvia said but I must...funny (yet poetic) title and the "cliff-notes" version of the episode was hilarious.

There have been so many scenes that the writers seem to have lifted from an old American movies Mr. Mom and last night was another one, where Pat staggered in with baby, baby carrier and all kinds of equipment.

Paula, you're always funny and your "if you can say anything nice don't say anything at all" condensation was a real treat....as was the expanded version. Gracias!

PS Emilia...did you realize your special frying pan was going to become THIS famous?

P-tahh! THAT was a wussy little Teflon skillet. Real women wield nothing but Lodge or Griswold cast iron pans! Latest is the little mini-corn stick irons she bought last month. They leave these cute little skull furrows.

Coupla things:

- Chayo looked ever so June Cleaver wearing a dress and heels while moving her household goods.

- Patricio's buddy the producer's name was "Maximiliano" last week but last night the cc's showed "Emiliano" - whatever.

- Arturo's prosecution of his agenda was crude at best. A more elegant method would have been to establish a non-profit organization and appoint the magistrate as executive director with a multiyear contract and high six figure salary. Emilia thinks Gregoria will "Bobbitt-ize" Arturo when the truth emerges.

Thanks Paula!

When Emilia is right she's right...I mean about Arturo, not her cute little skillet, (but I'm sure she's right about that too). We've all been hoping for a way for Greg to dump Art and it looks like he's done all the hard work for us.

Paula, I enjoyed both recaps. Your shortened version actually pretty well covered it all rather well, but I still enjoyed the more detailed account. The custody thing is simply too outrageous to take seriously. If only the judges in Mexico had half the interest in the street children, well...

I think that Osvaldo's prompt appearance at Chayo's new place was unseemly and disgusting. What an opportunistic little rodent, and tsk tsk to Chayo for her compliance. It makes her a little less of the poor wronged victim in my eyes. It looked to me that she was struggling to keep from cracking up when she closed the door in Lalo's face.

As for Pato as Mr. Mom, good luck pal. Careful what you wish for.

Santi and Hortensia acting together... so funny.


Hi all. Yes, I was pleased to see the skillet "tussle" between Chayo and Ed. She needs lessons on how to use it! ( Mike knows you don't start with the iron ones, ya gotta work up, like earning belts in karate!)

Can't wait to see Gregoria in high dudgeon when she finds out what Art did. He is such a sleeze!

Thanks for the recap Paula. Your condensed recap was more of a barrel over the Niagara vs a raft down the river. :) So, is that it for Ali and Mario? Will they be back or is their punishment just being with each other?

I do think Osvaldo is going to try something that Chayo does not want. Now I think that Lalo will come and save her from that.

Once Marg got the call, knew that Pato was going to be in trouble with all of those kids. He did do quite well, considering. Not sure what will happen with the kids on an all-pizza diet though.

And is the detective working with Santi in on taking the money from him or just the guy he is working with?


Jeff, I'd bet that the detective working for Santi is a scam artist, probably working alone and simply giving false reports and updates. I also think that Max the movie mogul is also a swindler.


Mi esposa is right, of course! I'd forgotten about the old Club aluminum starter skillet set.

A quick review of the Periodic Table shows an atomic weight of 13 for Aluminum and 26 for Iron, so, yes, it makes sense for young brides to train on aluminum.

I wonder about the benefits of a titanium frying pan? It would be very light and strong and I hear titanium doesn't dent. On the other hand we old-fashioned gals might miss the heft.

Thanks so much Paula.
I'm wondering what happened to the invisible Eva?
Pat sure needed some help keeping up with the three boys.
He's a great dad but one person only has two hands, eyes, feet for running, etc.

I'm anxiously waiting for Pat to find out what Art did. I'd love to see him turn his father in and send him to jail.

The most enjoyable scene was Santi's dream. It made all the wailing and crying bearable.

Carrie L.

Sylvia, per Isaac Newton (check the phone book),
F = ma. Force equals mass times acceleration.
So you need something with more mass than titanium, to get the greatest force. Of course, I don't know if little Chayo can ever graduate out of aluminum because she couldn't lift it. That's unfortunate because Lalo has such a thick skull.

Paula, how about a titanium pan with a depleted uranium core? That'll get you your mass.

Available this fall at Target.

Chemistry lessons, physics lessons.. oh, the things we learn on Caray!

Carrie, thinking about Patricio's reaction to Arturo...

Having had a father and being a father, I don't even really want to think about that, notwithstanding what's right and just. That would be painful beyond imagination.

Thanks, Paula, your recap was lots of fun, and you pointed out just the dichos I missed.

As for smelling a rat, I was shocked when the judge turned out to be corrupt, so what would be a similar shock? How about, maybe the Detective has already FOUND Marissa, and the two of them are splitting the money! Pretty unlikely, I guess, but it would definitely get Mariloca back in the picture. Santi needs a detective to investigate his detective.

I agree, Pat is foolish not to hire some people to help with the kids. But wait a minute? Where's Eva? Wasn't she always Pat and Alicia's housekeeper?

Thanks for the recap Paula (both the short and long versions).

The writers seem to be pulling all the stops with quite a few implausible scenarios. Now that Ali left with Mario, will she not get some type of punishment for her helping Marissa? At this point, I really what to see what happens to the female villains (Marissa, Pau, and Ali).

Since when does custody mean that Chava HAS to stay at Pat's? Doesn't it just mean that Pat is in charge, and could therefore give permission for Chava to stay with Candy as often as he wants? Does the court really have nothing better to do than conduct summer-camp-style bed checks if neither parent is complaining about custody violations?

Julia, that appears to be the case and it's a head-scratcher.

Not a good PSA for the Mexican judiciary, but, hey, it's TN-land, right?

A thought I had was that it will be hard for Pato to deal with all of these kids. Now that women, from Child Services(?), will show up and see the big fiasco that is going on with them. She'll then take Chava away! I think it will take something like that to make Art see the error of his ways. Definitely Santi should not have saved Art's butt after save Gabino's hija. But... he still needed to save Pato from Gabino.

Last night I was saying just let Pato say something!! But, he did and didn't matter, they didn't believe him anyway. I liked it when he didn't let Candy talk to Chava because he was sleeping. She didn't believe him then either. Poor, poor Pato. :(


I'd really like to think he'd hire some help and soon. But if I understood the timeline, he had two hours to go pick up Chava, then within a couple more hours Margarita flew the coop. I don't think he's had the actual time to engage assistance (yet).

But I thought he looked great taking the baby to the business meeting. Amazing how much stuff it takes to support an infant these days!

It looked like Pat had no choice but to take Chava. Once he had him why couldn't he have sent him to "visit" with his mama for a while?
Do you think Ali might have taken the invisible Eva with her? There was no sign of her with them at the airport I know. Could she have sent her on ahead? Probably not but where is she when the household needs her?
Pat's going to be hurt terribly anyway and Art the snake deserves to suffer.
Candy broke my heart when she was crying over losing Chava.
I couldn't help but put myself in her shoes.

Carrie L.

Carrie, since Eva is invisible, and we didn't see anyone with Mario and Ali at the airport, that must have been her, there!

Yes, Mike...baby equipment today is horrendous. Those baby carrier/baby seats weight a TON, even without a big baby in them. I mean, it takes muscle, amigo, to lug those things around.

Fortunately, in my day, we were allowed to have crappy little light weight carriers and fortunately no auto accidents to find out how really crappy they are. Lifting my 30# grandson is plenty without adding a heavy carrier on top.

(you'd think I'd be stronger after wielding my own iron skillet and a lot of Le Creuset pots but no....)

Carrie, that's what I was wondering yesterday. Call me naive, but seems like after a couple of days, Pato could send Chava back to Candy and have things pretty much the way they have been. Right now the biggest impediment to that is that even if Pato tries to say anything to Candy or Santi, they're not going to listen to him! Hey, he's actually on your side.


I think Pat is the one I feel the most sorry for.
I can understand how they don't trust him after he filed to get Chava at the beginning of the mess.
I'm hoping he will correct the situation when he finds out what daddy has been up to.
If Eva is invisible then maybe she was there helping Pat all along, but in the kichen baking the frozen pizza when the scene was being shot.
I suppose to any mother or father losing your child is your worst nightmare. That's why Candy's tears really got to me.
I hate seeing Pat hurt too. I'd really like to see him with the pretty teacher but I suppose it's getting a little late in the show for that?

Carrie L.

Thanks, Paula. That was a great letter that Mario wrote to Paulina. I especially liked the ''With the little love I have left for you'' ending. Welcome home, Judyb. How were the kiddies ?

Hi Susanlynn...the kids were good but the hours between 5 and 7 pm were brutal. My husband decided to stay home but my younger daughter Julie and I were sure we could handle it.

Then Julie came down with the flu. So she was ensconced in the master bedroom trying to get well and not infect anybody (she's still sick but getting better) and I was a "single mother at 69". Trying to get two different dinners, clean up the food off the floor (when Jack is finished he makes a clean sweep of the tray) bathe him, read him books and get him to bed, then bathe Kate, read her books, negotiate toothbrushing ("i'm too tired...then no more stories1")....well, you get the picture. I really feel for Patricio! (and am glad to be home, much as I adore my grandchildren). Too old to sleep on the couch and too old to be a full-time mom, even for a week!

God bless you, Judyb . What we do for our kids!!! Our Janie is now 19 months old and watching her from 6 to 4 or later 5 days a week is...interesting. It's either keeping us young oe aging us faster. Sorry your Julie caught a bug. Our Julianne had some bad luck, also. Last night, someone stole her purse from her car [It was in their garage , but they left the garage door open.] What a mess....She lost her wallet, credit card, debit card, driver's license, and passport [and she and Janie are supposed to fly to visit Julie's sister in Canada in a few weeks]. When bad things happen to our kids, it's as if they happen to us. It's been a rotten day . I'm hoping I can escape with FC in MEPS tonight for an hour and forget the mess.

PaulaH, Thanks for the great recap and especially the perfect title. This is driving me bats, I can't understand why Alicia didn't stick it to Pato and tell everyone that the precious baby that Santi is so drawn to is actually his lost son. But seeing Pato so flummoxed was more than worth the price of admission. Judy and Susanlynn you are both angels of mercy. I hope the fumbling Pato was great fun for you both to see.

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