Thursday, July 09, 2009

Gancho Wed 7-8- Oh just break up with the witch already!

We open with the race car driver all of a sudden deciding he wants to take boxing lessons and showing up at precisely the training center where Moni trains (because of course in this huge city there is no other place he could have gone and we all know this one simply must be near his million dollar home and equally close to the pueblo where our poor barrio folks train…and it ..oh never mind). Moni sees him and ducks behind Don Cesar prompting him to wonder why she is so affectionate.

Gabi approaches Sal about the red floss, she yells at him first saying this changes everything, but she likes the change and tells him he has free range to do with her what she will. Of course just then wifey dearest comes in and wonders que the hell. She ends up insulting Gabi and asking for a divorce before she wanders out and thanks Jero on his way in for opening her eyes to them being lovers.

The next scene is at the new school where it looks like Aldo and Conni’s sis Katia will get to see each other all the time because she goes there to. Conni tells them, ok they are signed up, but Dani is missing. Luisa comes back with her and she has the cutest little kitty cat. I hope she’s not squeezing it tooo tight, poor little thing. She wants to take it home but Conni says she’s allergic and can’t stand for the thing to be around and pulls (ha, pun) the old pulling of the ear trick to make her drop it. Luisa of course doesn’t like this physicality one bit and yells at Conni.

OK this woman can never redeem herself in my eyes. Anyone who dislikes a cute little kitten like that bleeds ice. She is first on my horrible death list for this novela. Gouge her eyes out I say…

Moni tells Estre Mau showed up.

Turns out Mau shows up to find her. She says he can’t come unannounced. The end result is he sees her with a raspberry and thinks she’s being smacked around by her boyfriend. He demands to know if it was the guy he saw her with and she swears Beto is her brother. That makes possible abuse much better indeed. Of course on cue said bro knocks.

Sal and Gabi argue about the “incident”

Beto shows up and comments on her hair and asks for money for the boss. Mona hides Mau who hears everything and thinks it’s strange that a brother cares about his sis’s hair.

Back at the house Mau hears Aldo laying into Conni and wants to know what happened. He learns what Conni did to Dani, but he sends the kids off for dinner and pretty much lets her off easy by telling her the kids don’t hate her she just needs a little patience. She smells him and wonders where he was. He says he with with Tano and on the weekend they’ll go like a family to the Kartodromo.

At said Kartodromo Mau tells Tano of his concern that Mona is being beat. The abominable snowman, club version, shows up with Rolu nemesis and sours the scene a bit. Later Mau wants to know why she brought him and she tells him he’ll have to get used to him because one day she’s going to marry him. Mau tells her the only reason he’s with her is to annoy him, she’s blind. She gets all offended and upset that he thinks she can’t get a guy to like her for who she is. They end up agreeing that he’ll tolerate the hellman if she’ll be careful with him. She loves her primoguchis.

Cesar tells Mona he’s arranged her first fight. Beto is all excited because this means he won’t have ot go to work like she just asked of him. She’s not sure she’s ready and thinks she wants to wait for some more training. Beto keeps interrupting and Cesar tells him to stuff it and only she can say when to fight.

Club music as we watch everyone zip around the course at molasses speed. Whooo hooo!

Estre shows up to the gym and sucking out all their testosterone and spilling it all over the floor.

She ends up listening in to Don C’s call to Mau telling him he’s got someone ot teach him boxing classes. And so she finds out why he was there.

Back at the track, Everyone is hungry but Danni is begging for another lap. He takes her then Rolu comes up fast behind them and stops short in front scaring her. This almost leads to a fist fight. Mau gets one punch in before everyone freaks out and Rolu backs off. Tano takes his chance to yell at Xime too that Rolu is using her. She says who are you to me, we are nothing. He says yeah, but you still matter. Rolu says his course is nice, too bad his cars are toys.

Back at the gym Estre tells her of the boxing lessons, and pitches that if she doesn’t love Beto she should give Mau a chance.

At mau’s home he puts the kids to baths and fends off Con who wants to hang with him for a little bit. He tells her to go, he’s tired and wants to go to bed. She says ok, if that’s what you want. No sooner does she exit stage left then he is calling Mona who is in her pjs to go eat dinner.

WE then get a montage of him singing in Garibaldi square very much off key “si nos Dejan” and they eat taquitos and all. He’s not a singer, but I suppose I can cut him some slack, it might be a bit much to ask an Argentino to sing mariachi. Oh well. Clearly they have a great humble time together.

Uh oh, ice veins Coni calls and hears from Tere he’s gone. She gets mad at Tere and can’t believe he’s not home. They fight about respecting each other.

We see Mona and he eating esquites con tuetano (essentially corn and cheese and toppings) wandering on the street. He wonders if her bf likes these things.

Coni makes a pact with the devil Jero to get rid of Mona. He just wants payment of the flesh, she doesn’t go for it though and leaves.

On their walk home they talk about the rich and the poor and who doesn’t like who and he tells her he’s going to learn boxing, where her brother does, but she knows nothing about it. They kiss each other on the cheek…so cute.

Moni is looking at a photo from their outing and Estr runs up and wonders where the hell she’s been because they had to take Nieves to the doc.

In the other house who’s waiting for Mau but ice veins when he gets home. He says he had an emergency. For some reason that satisfies her and she has absolutely no interest in knowing what it was. He cares for her of course. They kiss and she thinks he was eating esquites. Alright this I'm starting side with Conni, but not really because she hates kitties....

Back at the barrio the chicas are off to work. Beto checks out Paula just a little too much.

Conni and Xime are going somewhere and Consti is trying to get out of a parking space. They argue about what she is going to do to get the monkey off her back. She says she’s going to see someone who can take care of it for her. Xime tries to talk her out of it, that she is Jero but with a skirt and these things always turn out bad. Just then it looks like they almost run over Beto. He says hello and Conni gets a scary smile.

Mau goes to the barrio. He’s not looking for Mona, he seeks Este to get intelligence on Mona . She has to go to an audition, but he wants to know if the boyfriend hits her. Ester tells him no way. Later Estre calls and tells Moni what happened.

Moni all angry goes into Mau’s office and busts him why is he following her. He denies everything. She leaves him the envelope with the picture of them. He opens and wonders what she is doing with tests. She realizes she took the wrong envelope.

Xime and Con are having lunch and Xime knows that guy was the avenger. She starts teasing her. Just then said avenger shows up. Conni asks for him to do a big favor. She notes that he is a fighter used to punches. She tells him there’s someone annoying her. He asks who does he have to kill? Kill she says? And that’s it for tonight…


Love the title, Kris. And of course the pictures of the wonderful pratfall seduction scene of Salvador. Definitely my favorite couple.

"Clearly they're having a great humble time". So apt. A recurring theme. Rich guy doesn't know what fun..or love is until he meets a girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Turns out that's where all the lovin', fun and authentic values are.

Oh well, who cares...their kisses WERE sweet. And his singing WAS woeful, but it was so bad it was endearing.

We know for sure Connie is beyond redemption after the kitten scene, right! The Gates of Hell are yawning wide open for sure.

Thanks Kris. Always appreciate the pics but today, with the scarlet undies...priceless!

Kris: The pictures were spectacular (as always), as was the recap. Loved the "red floss", "bleeds ice" and my absolute favorite: "Estre shows up to the gym and sucking out all their testosterone and spilling it all over the floor." Perfect!

Looks like Moni's ruse is exposed tonight. It always seems to be acceptable for the main galan to have a novio (other than the heroine he inevitably ends up with) but not for the heroine. Hmmm.

Diana in MA

Fantastic pics of Salvador, really funny! Agreed, Connie is numero uno on the hit list. She's mean to everyone, her little sis, little girls, and now kitties.

Diana, thank you for bringing up the double standard. I keep wondering why Moni feels she needs to lie about her boyfriend. She already spilled the beans once, is she ashamed of Beto's naco-ness? Or maybe she just wants to avoid a confrontation.

I am very impressed that Sebastien Rulli allowed himself to "sing" in the romance scene. The guy is clearly confident with being able to poke fun at himself. I have been rather tepid about him so far but last night I might have approached fan level. It was a very cute scene and Moni and I were favorably impressed.

Kris, very funny recap and the title is perfect on more than one level. Were you talking to Mau or Sal or both?

Thanks for the recap Kris and the pictures. I missed most of the show and your pics helped. I'm going to find the show on-line so I can see Mau and Mon on their "date." If only Mau could break up with Connie (she hates kittens), I'm sure capable (which is a key word here) writers could create a story without evil novia. However, that might mean that Beto would have to stay and I really don't like him.

I'm glad Diana and Sylvia mentioned the weird novio/a double standard here.

Hey JudyB - have you given up on El Amor? I knew it would be dark but seeing the animal death let me know this one is a recap novela.

Hi Karen...I think I gave up on the 8 pm show in the first five minutes of the first night. Good God!...thank the Lord I'm not a recapper for it or I'd have no choice.

I'll check in with the folks writing about it, because I dearly love them, but this story is way too nasty for me.

Thanks for the recap and the fantastic pictures, Kris!

I liked when Aldo and Ivan both backed up Mau in his fight with Rolando (at least I think it was Ivan). It was like the 3 Shagateers (is that what they call that haircut, a shag?).

I understand about the kitten thing, but I'm still feeling a little sympathetic to Connie. Maybe because she looked so nice in that outfit last night. She's certainly not as evil as say, Sara on Querida Enemiga. At least she didn't jump into bed with Jeronimo (the kind of thing Sara would have done at the drop of a hat).

I thought Mau ended up at that particular gym because he followed Beto there. Probably that's what gave him the idea for the boxing lessons...he thinks he needs to learn to fight better to defend Monita, not knowing she can hold her own and no one is beating her up outside the ring anyway.

I loved the singing. What he lacked in skill he made up in enthusiasm.

I do kind of feel bad for Connie, because Mauricio is just throwing her all sorts of curveballs all of a sudden, but still, she is wretched and he needs to dump her ASAP.

Judy, I think you were right to give up on ENDA. I hope you didn't see it last night--serious, serious child abuse and puppycide. Near-constant crying. No light moments. We'll let you know if it gets any more palatable.

Kris, my favorite line of yours was the description of Ximena -
"abominable snowman, club version".

Julia...I was in and out of the house doing yard work and saw that the puppy had died and the sociopath aunt was saying Yeah, everybody dies on you....your parents, your dog...or words to that effect. Confirmed my decision to 1) do more yard work! 2) avoid this novela like the plague!

Still love you guys though...and you have all my sympathy.

Hombre, agree w/ you (and Kris) on Ximena's couture. Didn't Cher (of Sonny and...) wear one of those - back in the 60's?

Thanks Julia, yeah I think you are right. I missed some episodes and I thought about that this morning, of course after I'd written everything, aha...he probably saw Beto go in there and decided this was how to see about what was going on with Mona. It was much more fun to rant though, so I'll leave it in. If it doesn't apply to this, sooner or later it will apply to something in the novela!! :)

Capn, nice observation there...actually I was thinking of the way Mau pays marginal lip service to Con, but yeah, it applies to all of them, Sal, Moni, Mau...course we all know that if they actually did somethign sensical we'd probably have no fun with the story. Ah well, at least we don't have birthing through jeans like on other novelas!!! :)

Ha Cher...yes that seems familiar to me I'm sure she did!!

Wait, Mau does know that Monita can fight...she popped that kid in the abandoned house right in front of him. And then the slimy gringo in the office...Mau knows she is no pushover. How long will it take him to figure this out?

Great recap Fuego de Rosca! You know, my parents hate cats too, but I don't think my mom would pull my ear just to make me drop a kitten, I still like Constanza though, but I tend to like the villains, and right now Mauricio is being very deceptive with her, he needs to dump her.

Judy I always end up laughing at the scenes with Gaby and Salvador, I love the two of them together too.

Interesting that you think En El Nombre Del Amor is too dark, I didn't watch it, but the original Cadenas de Amargura is a classic, and Diana Bracho's character in that novela is considered the second best villain of all time (she's only behind Catalina Creel), and the biggest complain a friend and my mom had about Amor was that it wasn't as dark and claustrophobic as the original.

Oh, and another thing, in Cadenas de Amargura, Raul Araiza (the actor who plays Beto in Gancho) was the galán, he was my first telenovio since it was one of the first novelas I ever saw and all the galanes in other novelas were too old for me at the time, and he was very young, he and Daniela Castro had great romantic chemistry, so you see, I am a little biased in my opinion of Beto, since I've always liked Raúl.


Hi Jarocha. Good to hear from you again. Are you still up in Canada studying?

It's well-known around here that I'm a big wuss when it comes to "dark" telenovelas, tragic happenings and super-wicked villains. Just can't handle it.

Good thing I'm on the "light" 7 pm crew, although there for a while, Querida Enemiga was giving me nightmares.

Glad you find Salvador and Gabriela as endearing as I do, and I love Beto even if he IS a scoundrel. He's funny and I can forgive a lot of character defects if someone makes me laugh.

By the way, Hombre, we'll be down in Charlotte this weekend so I won't get to read your fine recap until Monday. But we should be back by then since I have to teach....and also fill in for Nickster.

manceAy no! Parents don't like cats? Hmmm. Actually a lot of people don't care for them. Including me about 10 years ago until one waltzed into my house and my life. Next thing you know I had four. I was always a dog person.

I think to get to know them is to love them and most folks aside from allergies, don't like them because they haven't had the opportunity to spend daily time with the sweet ones as pets. I don't know if you like animals, I think you could like cats this way. Cats just don't always warm up to everyone. They love their masters sometimes and everyone else, they run from until they are used to them, so if you are always on the outside, there is very little appeal.

If you don't like animals period, or only like animals if they obey you, well.... :)

Now a fuzzy little kitten is something different altogether...

by the way Hombre looove your characterization "three shagateers" too funny!!!

Judy: Yes, I'm still in Canada, I'll be here until the end of August, I think I'm advancing fast at speaking but I still need to get better with my writing. The teacher is making us write an essay every week so hopefully that will help a little. It's so beautiful here and I'm having a great time, Canadians are so nice and warm and make you feel welcome, Toronto is just incredible, I went to Niagara Falls last weekend, and we are going on a trip to Montreal soon, this such an incredible experience.

Fuego: I do like cats but I was never allowed to have one, both of my parents had cats while they were growing up and they hated them so now they don't want them in the house, but we have three little chihuahuas that we adore, while I was growing up I also had fishes, a turtle and four chikens.


Kris,I was catching up and came smack up pn your essay about cats. Thanks for reminding me of my mom on a bit of a difficult day. She grew up on a farm where cats were tools to keep rats out of the barn. Growing up in inPasadena, Texas we had Irish Setters (my dad was a quail hunter) but no cats. Not that my mom disliked cats...we just didn't need them. When my dad retired as a pharmacist they sold our home(sob) and moved to he farm my mom inherited. Cats were essential, but something happened to my mom. She seemed to all of a sudden develop a profound love of cats. People began dropping kittens off in front of the homeplace. My brother, a vet, from time to time would round up the new cats, take them to his clinic Cypress,Texas and spay and neuter them. My favorite last memory of my mom is her strolling across the back yard like a drum major leading a parade of cats(dogs flanking both sides out of step )of all felines races, colors and creeds. Cats are tools to keep down rats...yeah...and music is a nice sound. Carlos

Well it's kind of weird Carlos, when we first were "adopted" by our cat, my guy kept trying to throw things at him to keep him away saying "some punk cat is spitting his fur out all over the hood of my car." (Poor thing had flea allergies). I'll never forget that.

Don't you know that punk cat became his best friend. He would sleep in the van in the driveway just to be with the cat who didn't like to come in the house after we got the other cats. He would not go away on vacations not to leave the cat alone.

I have NEVER seen a guy cry so hard and be so distraught when this fellow passed in February. We both still cry about him.

He too was an absolutely excellent rat catcher and we needed him too for the crawl space. His favorite story to tell is of one night early in the relationship (with the cat) when the cat jumped up and picked off like 4 or 5 rats one after the other after the other from a tangerine tree and laid each out (Dead) in a line on our front porch. Amazing.

I like the rats too because these are clean country rats and so damn cute, but they chew everything in that space and well, there was no way to stop that cat, so we chalked it up to natural selection. Rats are pretty cool though.

Anyway, I could see folks not liking cats for that reason too, it's pretty gross to find a half eaten rat laying outside your door, guts all over the place. Man we loved that cat.

You know there is an odd phenomenon with women and cats...I wonder if it has something to do with their similar weight to babies when both are carried and some sort of maternal instinct that kicks in. People used to tease me I'd be that crazy cat lady. I'm actually thinking of getting a dog if I lose three of my 4 cats in 2009 which we are on track to do, sadly. Sigh.

Kris, love your cats. Our resident serial killer, Jack does not have that volume but he does have quality and variety. He was one yr. old when I broughr him home. Not the least of the lovely Linda's worries was that Bonnie Belle(princess dog) is a pitbull. Her predecsor TWMBD Clyde Henry had an unfortunate disdain for cats. Jack had never been outdoors in his life. He soon adapted. His most dangerous gifts...bats. My owl. The owl I rescued an released much to the chagrin of Señor Gato. Carlos

You guys are sweet with your animal stories.

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