Thursday, July 09, 2009

MEPS Wed. 7/8/2009 - Where it is hard to tell just who is hallucinating now

Review Pieces: Must be the season of the witch, (when I look out my window, many sights to see; when I look in my window, so many people to be...) Barbara is outed by the whiner Aurora who saw la maldita madrastra in compromising position (trance amoroso) with Fernanda's beloved husband Damian through the window. Gee, that was way back, Barbara has to think which tawdry love scene could have been seen through a window? Funny, we didn't frequently fondle on the first floor, hmmm.

Damian demands that the dimwit Vladimir come immediately, Vladi says he has a report he has to prepare for Anibal and when Damian yells more that if he could have told him over the phone he would have done it by now. Vladi says he will talk to his boss and hangs up on Damian who keeps talking for several minutes.

Franco and Fernanda still fight. Franco is in touch with an excellent psychiatrist who can cure Liliana so fast and so there is no more pretext for them to meet again. They scream have a good afternoon to each other while we hear the silent frustration of love unresolved.

Flor freaks freely with Erika telling with tears that Vladi asked her out to dinner, bought her flowers then rejected her but she saw outside his apartment that he was hiding Damian. Oh my so many confessions, such dangerous voyeurism by two such innocents. Not hesitating, Errika decides to call Fernanda, who is still at the country house. Erika has something urgent she must tell her but not in Fernanda's office where Erika is currently. Yes about Damian. They will meet at Erika's. Fernanda says she will come right away.

Back with the Primary Bruja (thanks to Carlos for this gem of an image) who tells Barbara that she told Aurora that she must be having a type of hallucination but she thinks that the way to control Aurora is with fear, fear. Barbara thinks blame will also work well. The Bruja is about to reveal the Rebeca Sanchez connection with the handkerchief, Aurora appears wanting to leave and a knock on the door suddenly ends the audience, a woman enters with a baby who is badly frightened/haunted (mal de espanto). The Bruja looks out as Barbara and Aurora disappear, saying, from now on nothing is going to be the same. This woman is a true visionary.

Franco meets with Dr. Sotomayor (wait isn't she busy preparing for Senate hearings? Ohhh Doctor not Judge, so sorry), discussing the case of Liliana. He tells her that she was interned (recluida) 15 years ago in the Miraflores. What was the cause? The most cruel infamy, It was the cruelsest her step-mother hatched (urdió) a terrible plan to blame her for the death of her own mother.

Liliana finally reappears staring out the window and Martina wants to ply her with popcorn (palomitas) and telenovelas. Or we could continue learning to play chess. Carlos (Dr. Cuteguy, not our dear colleague here on C2) calls. Who its it? asks the innocent Martina. Your boyfriend. How did you get this number? Your papa provide it (proporcionar) to me. (We all knew this was going to be a problem). I miss you so much. Martina is pleased but has to arrange Lili's care with Venus. He waxes poetic that he dreams of her and when he wakes she is totally on his mind. Martina gives the only smile of this of this section of the episode, maybe the whole episode.

As they flash a view of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico, DF, Steve presents Lovely Norton with a cell phone explaining it as the central tool (herramienta) of her work. The point of the fiesta was to awaken Camilho's interest in her. They plan to make Camilho suffer waiting for her call. She rehearses that there will be nothing happening - Nada de nada.

Back at the hacienda, poor Aurora Bora is grateful for Barbara's attentions as Barb insinuates that it is as if she has known Aurora all of her life.

The Doc is almost as lovely as Doctor Erika in Destilando Amor who seduced her patient...(but I digress) She starts her diagnosis about hallucinations, delusions. A patient has called and cancels her appointment so Doc Sotomayor and Franco leave to go see Liliana

In the barn, Cam gets a happy call from LOVELYYYY. Is the number I see on the screen yours? Yes. And when can we see each other? he oozes pleasure. She counters with, Oh I think never, my uncle wants to send me to live in Switzerland. Oh no, pleads Cam. She is coached through the call by Steve playfully plans to meet Camilo tonight but just for one hour.

Pris' brother Rolando shows up to see Gonzo, turns down a drink and wants to get right to the subject at hand (entramos en materia). Rolando tells Gonzo that he thought the marriage and the professional relationship between Prolassa and Lactos would be good fortune for all. He reveals that the person selling confidential information about Lactos to his company is Flor Campillo. Gonzo gets right on the phone and calls Flor into the office. She is nervous.

Damian finally gives us the long awaited but ever so gentle toss to his cell phone but only for a moment, he retrieves it from the floor and calls Priscila. He wants to see her immediately in Vladi's apartment. She thinks he is going to intimidate her more, He threatens with two unpleasant choices: are you coming or not coming.
Errika warns Fernanda that before she reveals the information she has, Fernanda must first assure her that she will protect Flor.

Said Flor is being intimidated by Gonzo as he accuses her of trafficking information about Grupo Lactos.

Meanwhile Errika tells Fernanda that Flor discovered Damian had been living at Vladimir's while he was hiding out. How did Flor know this? Vladi was apparently courting Flor. Fernanda can't believe that he is the type to be interested in Flor.

Meanwhile, Rolando takes his turn at beating down Flor with towering height and tough words saying she was romancing his employee Jaime Correa who confessed all and implicated Flor. With profound disbelief, Flor sputters into tears and gasps for air which sounds the same in Spanish or in English.

Errika wants to be sure Fernanda isn't mad she knows more dirt about Damian but quickly wants to enthuse about the fiesta and Franco's declaration. Errika goes over the edge about how they are two halves of a whole (media naranja). Fernanda looks supremely irritated with this unsettling gush from her friend.

The bigwigs continue to browbeat the hapless Flor who continues to swear on the sacred memory of her parents that none of their accusations are true. Gonzo finally releases her to go home and wait until he has talked to Fernanda. She cries in the hall and who should appear but a miniature accountant and eight tiny ledgers (Vladimir himself looking totally puzzled).

Back at Vladi's den, Damian is browbeating Pris which isn't nearly as easy as the bigwigs berating Flor. She is not going to pay extortion her whole life. Damian points out that what she cares about is that her baby has the Elizalde name not Vladi Who. Damian has plans to collaborate with Pris, You will be at my side for what. We have to work this together and eliminate the danger: Franco Santoro. Huh...

EdFranco presents Doctor Sotomayor to Liliana. The good Doc says she would love to talk to Liliana.

Pris really is surprised, What are you talking about? Damian asks, Are you surprised that Santoro and Fernanda are lovers?

Fernanda Walks in her office and picks up Flor's tearful letter that Gonzo fired her so she is no longer her assistant.

Doc asks Lili if she would like to tell her about her life in Miraflores. You are very hurt (lastimado). But you had a good friend. Ciro! says Lili with lovely music and a sudden smile as she relives happy moments with Ciro She begins her mantra, The white queen is in danger and only the white king can save her and give her liberty. There are also black pieces says Doc. Those are dangerous says Lili pulling up into her main Miraflores protective body curl.
Camilho whistles a happy tune as he enters the hacienda, Barbara needs to talk with him urgently.Camilo looks surprised and only a little interested, while Santi paints and Aurora crochets in domestic bliss. Santi is still wary of Barbara's motives, Where did she take you to shop? Someplace very large, I can't remember the name, says Aurora with no shopping bags. He tells her of the talks they need to have with Padre Arcadia so they can marry in two monthsl. Can we start the course? She finally says something happy about him being the love of her life. But Barbara has a way to wipe that away, but for now they have a happy little cuddle.

Barbara tells the amazed Camilo that she and he are more alone than ever. What does that mean? Well his father and Fernanda are all happy about the liaison with Franco and there is news of Liliana's disappearance. She assures him that Obregon is behind it but with more money and patience they will take care of this little problem. But now she is worried about Santi and the type of person Aurora is. Santi needs to realize that she is not the saintly one (santurra) that he thinks she is. How can you prove that his girl is lady or a whore (fulana, note that with fulano for men it is just a so and so) and we need convincing proof (pruebas contundentes). Barbara's plan means Camilho is to inveigle Aurora this very night so he can save his brother. At first Camilo says he doesn't want to get involved in this, but soon forgetting his tryst with Loveleee so quickly he claps his hands in glee at the chance to seduce and derail. This is even more fun than the break in.

Gonzo is on the phone with police to delay further investigations for now when Fernanda bursts in with Flor's letter of goodbye. What is this? demands Fernanda. Gonzo solemnly reports that Flor is the person who gave the minutes of the board to Prolassa.

Damian is obsessed with what happened to Fernanda up in the mountains. Pris tries to soothe him; Fernanda was very worried. Damian reminds Pris that the family is responsible for the disappearance of his 3 million dollars. She doesn't know what to do. He plays up that they both hate the Elizaldes, especially Anibal. Do you have confidence in Anibal. They decide what to do. She wants Vladi as far from her as possible. But Damian says they need him and he is worried about his incipient paternity.
Second. if you continue the extortion with me, I will kill you. Damian.
Damian's phone rings it is Vladi, Damian tells him that Pris is here and wants to talk to him, doesn't he want to come talk to his love, his gordita his consentida. Pris sneers. (I almost sneer too, it is still hard to accept fatty and spoiled girl as terms of endearment).

Fernanda points out that Flor has worked for them for 16 years and he says that someone confessed? Rolando said his new employee confessed. You would believe an unknown nobody over Flor who is nearly part of our family. Gonzo contemplates the silliness of his firmly held idea with a totally confused expression.

The Doc and Liliana talk and Liiliana finally admits that she did not kill her mother but knows that the Hyena did. Who is the Hyena? My father's wife, Barbara Greco. Suddenly Liliana hallucinates Barbara's face on the doctor's and in another flurry of plaid we see the incensed Lili think Doc is Barbara who telling her that her accusation is useless because, they all believe she is crazy. She chokes the Doctor/Barbara person in unleashed fury. Whew! What a comeback, Liliana! Not what we were hoping for...
Next time: Fernanda dreams of Franco's kisses and Franco and Errika contemplate a loveless marriage to continue the farce. Lili isn't the only one totally out of control. this is my penultimate penning. I will deliver my last recap next week. Never fear, Jody will continue to recap and delight you all on Wednesday nights. buenas noches amigos mios.


Good morning amiga. Interesting quote at the beginning. Didn't recognize it. And loved your "and who should appear but a miniature accountant and 8 tiny ledgers". Every once in a while your humor is so off the wall and unexpected it kills me.

Now I must say that Fernanda's calves continue to be "tense" even when not walking on grass. I think she must have had extensive ballet training. Those are definitely working legs holding up this marvelous actress.

Was very happy that Flor, even flustered, defended herself vigorously. We couldn't bear with two Aurora's in this one. Flor, at least, will fight back, even if afterwards she collapses in helpless tears. Go Florecita!!!

And of course, the best psychiatrist ever isn't an elderly man, but a young babe. Another concern for Erika, Gardenia and Fernanda. Let the games begin.

Now goodness! this isn't 'adios' forever is it? Color me blue if you're not going to be a regular recapper. Of course we love Jody, but we love you too. More travels?

Cheryl, you're leaving us? What?

Good morning to all my fellow early birds. Cheryl~~~Thanks for another great recap. I was very sad to read that you will be doing only one more recap. Que lastima. Well, we could change the title of this novela to ''Forever Plaid.'' What is up with all the plaid garments all of a sudden. We have discussed Barbie's plaid slacks , and now we have Pris in a plaid jacket and doctorcita in the most awful red plaid blazer I've ever seen. Que the hell ? I think that you have found the perfect name for our sad innocent...Aurora Bora. Perfecto. Have you noticed that Erika seems to be in Fer's office more than Fer ? Fr'ed and Er discuss plans for a loveless marriage....Hold on , Folks. You have to plan the loveless wedding first. [I am thinking here of my friend. After spending $35,000.00 on her daughter's wedding and reception, she told us that the happy couple is in the middle of a nasty divorce after about 5 not-so-blissful years together. Ai-YI-YI]

Cheryl: thank you for the wonderful recap and embedded vocabulary. If you are taking a temporary break from recapping, I hope you'll return soon. If next week is your swan song, sincere appreciation for all of your fabulous recaps. You will be missed.

Flor is a fighter and Fernanda her champion. I expect that situation to be righted fairly soon.

Sendel shines. His subtle (and not-so-subtle :) movements are sublime. His coquettish head tilt to Anibal the other night was brillant. His relationship with Vladi - priceless.

It appears Cad is not totally besotted with Lovely, hence his leering and salivating over Aurora. I know it's been speculated before, but wouldn't it be ironic if he ended up really falling for Aurora?

Best couple (outside of Dam and Vlad of course) - Martina and Carlos.

Diana in MA

I got a big kick on Tuesday night when Aurora and Barbie passed by Cad on the way to go ''shopping'' , and as he looked at Aurora's back, he had on that signature smarmy grin as he let out an apprecitive '' OOF, OOF.'' What a piece of work. Diane~~Yes, Flor is lucky to have plucky, pragmatic Fer on her team.

Cheryl NM: oh noes! I hope this is a "see you later" & not good bye 4ever. Love your recapping style (I'm with Judy on the miniature accountant line...TOOO funny!) & you always delight us with Willa tales & photos. Hope it's just another fab trip & not a serious case of TN overload.

Back to the action: can it get any more despicable, the way they treated Flor? And good for her, when she stood up, straightened her jacket & walked out with head held high. Talk about flimsy evidence of malfeasance but yes, let's jump to conclusions & verbally beat the crap out of a loyal employee. Grrrrr.

Damn makes my skin crawl. Nice transferral of guilt, from his sorry cheating a$$ to Nanda. Grrrr. May Babs eviscerate him.

So the gaslighting of Abora will continue...blah blah blah. Trust the woman who screws her stepdaughter's husband. Good move. Grrrrr.

Naturalmente, la doctora is a hot babe. Guess where this is going. Grrrr.

Err is convinced the man who says he doesn't love her will be a great husband. WTF????????

Grrrr. A very annoying episode. Donde esta la tequila? I don't think I can wail til Friday.


Good morning everyone. Great recap Cheryl. I had trouble following it last night. Tired I guess.

Yes, the plaid is terrible. And what is that thing attached to the front of Fer's dress. Very distracting.

Gonzo is so stupid. He makes a big decision all by his little self and when Fer comes in and defends Flor he just gets that confused look on his face. Maybe he should just retire and take up golf. What a moron.

Cheryl - thank you for the recap and the great snark. I won't get to watch this capítulo, so I am eternally grateful. My favs from your 'cap:
”Flor freaks freely …” --- Try saying that out loud, five times in a row! (LOL)

”…and who should appear but a miniature accountant and eight tiny ledgers…”- - -
Oh,,,,,, classic!

Count me in with those who don't like the plaid spray-on pants.

So the Primary Bruja didn’t reveal the Rebeca Sanchez statement? Oh gimmeabreak….. (ack)

Oh dear, I hope Dr. CuteGuy doesn’t turn into a stalker.

It amazes me how after not even having a date they are novios. But then again this is TN land so anything is possible.

Cheryl: Thanks for the great recap.

The psychiatrists apparently have to be beautiful. Think of William Levy in Cuidado, Dr. Erika in Destilando, and now Dr. Sotomayor in MEPS. I just wonder if Franco will fall for her or vice versa.

As to Fer's dress, I couldn't make out exactly what was attached to her dress, but I kept thinking poodle on a chain.

Since the Primary Bruja has warned us of the future between Aurora and Barb, it seems that more pain will be inflicted upon us as we watch Barb destroy Aurora only to find out too late that Aurora is her long-lost daughter.


Thanks for the recap Cheryl along with the vocabulary. I also hope your hiatus is short as we'll all miss you.

I loved that Priscilla threatened to kill Dam!! I don't know if she'll live to the end of the novela but I hope she does as I really like her. She just has to be redeemed from the baby thing but maybe its Anibal's payback for being in love with his madrastra.

Gonzo continues to be clueless. Thank goodness Flor has Fer on her side. And I'm glad Flor does have spunk.

Connie - the term novios is kind of deceptive. It seems to run from a couple dating (even just starting) to an engaged and later newly married couple. To those who have a better grasp of the language, please let me know if I'm wrong.

Pasofino - ITA with you regarding Aurora and Barb. I keep having these images of her killing her daughter (or at least hurting her badly) only to find out later Aurora is hers.

Thanks Karen. I've often wondered about that word. I've always thought of it being more serious than just dating.

Cheryl, thanks for the great recap and helpful vocabulary. I love your witty comments, and I'm really sorry to learn that next week will be your last recap.

I kept wondering at the end of the episode whether Lili was actually choking the doctor, hallucinating that she was La Hiena, or whether she was just remembering the past, as she did earlier with Ciro. I hope it's the latter, but in TN land, smart bets are probably on the former.

As for the word "novio," I thought that the word was not used for someone you had just started to date. There had to be some kind of commitment--what we referred to a zillion years ago cuando yo era joven as "going steady." But, of course, Martina and Dr. Cuteguy seem to have jumped right to that stage even though they've never actually dated, so I guess "novios" is OK.

¡No, no, no puede ser! Cheryl, you can't leave us. ¿Qué pasa?

I know it's time consuming but have so enjoyed your recaps with the helpful vocabulario added.

Aaaawh CherylNM. I'll miss you.

You can't leave us Cheryl! Hope it is only for a short time.

Wow, i am new to this blog central and love it....i have gotten to know everyone's style and love them all...but CherylNM is leaving and i will be sad.....looking at her picture and reading her recaps weekly....seems like i know you as a good wishes for your future and health....BNinCA

Ye-yah, Maggarita, grrrr. And Primary Bruja didn't tell Barb to call off the dog Cad. AND CherylNM is going away! DONDE esta the tequilla.

Am I the only one who feels like MEPS is just spinning its wheels? Like nothing actually happens? Here we are at Cap 103 of about 170. Remember where things stood, just a few weeks after the show started?

A. No one knew who Ed was except a few homies and Lili. Now, nobody knows except a few homies and Lili.
B. Lili was too spaced out to be of any help. Now she’s still too spaced out to help.
C. Fernanda wouldn't let Damian touch her and had doubts she loved him, but she married him. Where’s the marriage stand now? No change.
D. Fern didn't recognize Ed, and Ed didn't tell her who he was. Now? No change.
E. Ed was pissy at Fern because of Damian. Fern held back from Ed, por Damian. No change.
F. Aurora held back from Santiago because she's afraid of her shadow. No change.
G. Ed and Barbara are enemies, but neither has done much damage to the other since Barb forced Ed into playing dead, and Ed interrupted the financial collapse (a process he started near the beginning). They still haven’t done much real damage to each other.
H. Ed found out that someone really evil is behind all this, but didn't know who. Now he knows a name, but nothing else.
J. Damian was Barbara's lackey. No change.

What important progress have we seen? Well, there are a few things.
Lili was freed. Since then, what has she done?
Fern found out Barb killed her mother. Since then, what has she done?
The big important fiesta. What did that accomplish?
Damian left. Then he came back. Is anything different?
Ed found Fern's letters. Has that changed anything?
Ed still throws immature jealousy tantrums. Has he grown up at all in 100 caps?

Contrast to..
Now you may point to certain events and say the plot is progressing. I say the progress is mostly insignificant. For contrast, I'm watching Betty la fea, admittedly an unfair comparison. It's at a similar point: roughly Cap 105 of 170. So far, the STAGES of BLF:
A. Betty fell in love with Armando and he ignored her
B. Arm. pretended to fall for Betty to insure her loyalty
C. Arm. fell in love, but Betty discovered the betrayal.
D. Betty rejected Arm. and he suffered badly
E. We are almost at the board meeting, where the world turns upside-down
See all the progress?

Even a poorly written novela like Tontas has progress. At a comparable point in that one (about 60% through), we had the following STAGES:
A. Santi shifted from lust to love.
B. Candy refused Santi's attention because he was spoken for
C. Santi left his bride at the alter; making him a free man.
D. Candy revealed to Pat that she was alive, and she let him court her
E. Candy dumped Pat. Santi dumped Mar (again). They were both free to get together.
F. Mar disappeared with Santi's unborn son, to make him suffer.

I challenge you: What have been the STAGES or major plot developments in MEPS, developments that brought significant changes to the plot?

Oops! Forgot. Cheryl, great recap. Thank you. Sorry to hear of your departure, but if it's for time commitments, I of all people can understand.

New vocabulary word! I've speculated that MEPS has slowed down and is slightly boring, because this is where they extended it. A Mexican friend of mine says they call it the "enfadosa." (maddening/annoying) I think that is perfect.

I will start at the end of the comments so far, number 22, Doris' word of the day "enfadosa" which perfectly describes the middle of this plot. It is indeed maddening.

Thanks for all your comments and well wishes my great amigos. I love this blog and the friends I have developed here, even materialized several of them on the physical plane. I don't expect that to change. But here is the deal: I need to concentrate on this next phase of my photography right now. I am trying to enter some contests, prepare some special Final Cut slide shows, get an image published, make my web site more coherent, etc. etc. I need to walk away without a commitment of when I could return. But, I do love doing this so I expect that come winter, I will want to jump back onto a telenovela and ride with you all again.

The plaid has nearly driven me loca this week too. did wardrobe get a bargain close out deal or what??

And yes, GO FLOR! A timid girl with real courage and a sense of her own innate worth. Give Abora lessons, please. I can't stand to see that lovely face tear-stained through the next 3 to 4 months.

It is lucky that Camilho is so self absorbed. If he had a care for anyone else, he would be a candidate for discovering where Liliana is hidden through pursuing Venus/Lovelee when she goes to relieve Martina who needs to go on a date with Carlos Cuteguy.

And Paula, I love your rant about lack of progress, too funny. I do think that until this recent bout of doldrums that the story was more dynamic than most. I suppose this stalling is inevitable.

And didn't Vladi seem so like a confused Elf when he came out behind Flor, that made me think North Pole and the rest of the image just burned into my head...

Judy, The Season of the Witch is a song by Donovan from the 1966 on his album Sunshine Superman. I didn't really remember the lyrics about the looking out then looking in the window but now the internet brings all those long lost memories back and sometimes they are eerily applicable on more than just the title.

Forgive me, Cheryl, I don't think the doldrums are recent. It's not as if the plot was progressing and then it froze (that happened in Tontas for about a month). It's that everything was put into place in the first 20 cap's (that number is a guess), and then it went into suspended animation. Nothing has significantly changed since the stage was set in the early weeks.

It's like a museum that sets up a diarama of the Battle of Gettysburg, with all the forces in their starting positions, and that moment is frozen forever for all the visitors to see.

In MEPS, nobody has moved from their starting positions.

It looks like we'll be seeing DDenia tonight. She sure hates Erika that's for sure. Should be interesting.

Cheryl, thanks for the very funny recap. Sorry you're going to stop recapping (although I totally understand), your sharp wit will definitely be missed.

Paula, as soon as I saw those lists, I knew that was your post. Perceptive, and perfectly organized, too! I thought this novela had way more than 170 epis, but you usually are on top of that, so I agree. One would think that Fernanda would have fallen in love with Fr/Ed by now, found out his secret, and broken up with him because of it. But I guess they have to squeeze it all in at the end (no problem, really for those writers).

The only things I can think of that have happened are that at least 3 of AB's henchmen have been killed, we now know what he looks like, and Ed and Steve have endless money for their schemes. Not much. It does feel as if we're still in the first third.

Of course, that means (I hope), we're gonna have a lot more action now!

And about the song, Season of the Witch, by Donovan. First of all, when the words went, "you've got to pick up every stitch. Oh, no, must be the Season of the Witch", I had no idea what that meant (still don't). Maybe just an example of those tripped out psychedelic sixties' lyrics that don't alway make sense.

There was another version of the song done by Super Session (Steve Stills, Al Kooper and Mike Bloomfield). Since the song has only 3 chords that repeat over and over for about 10 minutes, it's really easy to jam to, and we all used to play endless guitar jams to this song, back in the day....

Not much time to comment. Mostly, thank you Cheryl, for the excellent (as always) recap and vocab. So sorry you're leaving the recapping. I will miss you, but you'll still check in, right?

Pasofino- you could add our Martina to the list of lovely shrinks. Wasn't she the doc that was giving special sessions to don Loco in the forgettable TN a couple years ago? With Pablo Montero, Ludwika Palenka, Ana Martin, and who else? What was the name of that laugh fest?

dorado dave

Cheryl, being in CA, I read your sayonara and the comments regarding it rather later than most. No time to comment on the episode itself as I have an appointment. But I definitely wanted to say, in spades, WE'RE GOING TO MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!!!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates that you gave us two weeks to go through the grief process.

Best of luck on your photography ventures. If the jagged lightning shot is an example, you should do very well indeed.

Cheryl - Great recap! I LOL'd many times at my desk! Sorry to hear you won't be recapping! I love your style and I think last night's was one of your best! I don't comment much because I've been so busy lately, but I do read the recaps on a daily basis - I love the recaps.

I won't be recapping much longer either. I need to find a replacement for Tuesday nights. I was just told last Friday by my boss that I need to take the CLA (Certified Legal Assistant) exam - even though I've been doing this job for almost 13 years. But if I don't get my certification I also won't get a $10,000 raise and a new title. So, I have lots of studying to do.

Any takers for Tuesday nights? I'll be more than willing to substitute for anyone whenever I'm needed, but I can't commit to weekly recaps anymore.

Cheryl, normally I hate the winter. But if it means that you'll be back, then I can't wait! In the meantime, best of luck with your photography.

And yes, I agree that Vlad looked like an Elf, but I also thought he looked rather remorseful. Perhaps I'm just naive. Hmmm....on second thought, after Abora, no one else can claim that title!

Cheryl~~~Good luck with your photography. I hope that you will still have some time to comment. I always enjoy reading your take on the craziness. I really wasn't much into Donovan, but I can still remember a lot of lyrics from other singers and groups. I still listen to the oldies via satellite radio ...a gift from our kids a few Christmases ago. DDave~~~That forgettable novela was Duelo de Pasions. Pablo had only one facial expression in that one, so it was a nice surprise to see that he had added another in FELS. Dearest Mommy Monserrat was also in that one. She was married to [and being held prisoner] by Don Loco. She kept trying to escape while lugging her enormous Samsonite suitcase...remember ? Good times.

For you Sendel fans, did anyone notice his flirty looks right into the camera during going into a couple of commercial breaks? Did it for me!

"naive... after Abora, no one else can claim that title!" Yeah, maybe they need to retire that jersey, huh?

Lili was really choking the psychiatrist. At the end, Barb's face changed back to doctorcita's. Yikes. Juanita~~~I, too, thought Vlad looked like he was remorseful...kind of ''oh noes, what have I done to this poor woman?'' I think that he will eventually turn against Dam. I don't think Vlad is bad. I just think he's obsessed with Pris [Yikes...Maybe he was a 40 year old virgin and she was his first mujer!!!] ,and he's a little dim...Dim and Dam, the Incredible Duo.

Cheryl, I want to thank you for all your funny recaps with the added vocabulary. It's been enjoyable living vicariously through your many adventures and hearing what Willa is up to. You are a talented photographer so I can understand pursuing your passion. Good luck and drop in if you have the time.

Dr. Plaid didn't take long to set Lili off. She could have slowing gained some confidence with Eddie in the room. Please T N gods, please do not let hot doc fall for the galan as in FELS and DA. Though we are in the enfadosa doldrums, Fer and Fr/Ed's dance and Dam, Vlad and Flor have been making this T N worthwhile but we do need some progress. GinCA

Melissa – CLA? Is that same as, more than, or different than being a paralegal? And you have to be . . . certified? Is that a firm mandate or state? Just wondering. Either way, good luck on your test! It'll be worth the raise. Around here, law firms are laying off lawyers.

Cheryl – I will miss your recaps. Waaah! I put my big girl pants on and totally understand, though. Life often gets in the way of our guilty pleasures. ;-) Good luck, best wishes, and I hope to see you back here on Caray!Caray!

Cheryl, add me to the long list of readers who will miss your recaps, vocab and amazing pics. Please let us know when and where your pictures are published. I would love to see more of your wild horse pictures as it has long been a dream of mine to get out there and see them "in person". I am envious of your freedom to follow your dreams and wish you much happiness in pursuing them.

When I first saw the psychiatrist I thought "Aw crap, another hot doc to distract our galan or at least drive Fer crazy with jealousy", but after watching the scene with her and Lily, I think casting chose her for her resemblance to Babs. Hopefully nothing more than that. I hated that storyline in DA and don't want to watch it here.

Beth, as a Sendel fan, believe me I didn't miss those piercing baby blues looking directly at ME, of course. Like him or not, he is a blast to watch.


Melissa, is that a new trend for legal assistants/paralegals to be certified? Ours is not certified but has been doing it for a huge number of years. We will miss you too.

You too Melissa!?
It is a pleasure to connect with you and all the other Recappers and I will miss your voices here.
To you both, best wishes and write us sometime.

About Fernanda's yellow dress, I think it is an appliqued black rose dangling from that gathered print pattern. She had matching black rose on her pumps the first episode but they seem to be missing from the other scenes. (Detail observations, "a blessing and a curse").

Excelent recap CheryNewMex, I like that Flor has her temper, Aurora's lack of character is more obvious since it seems like the rest of the females in this novela are much more stronger than her, even Erica.

Karen, the term "novios" is used when a couple has a more stable relationship, I've heard in english tv shows people using the words "going steady" and I think that could be a good translation. In novelas is where they take the term lightly, since some characteres can be novios by just one date or something, that doesn't happen in real life.

The psychiatrist is played by popular singer Edith Márquez:


susanlynn: "Dim and Dam, the Incredible Duo" - I love it! And I too think Dim may eventually turn against Dam.

I was surprised and taken aback when Prissy said she would kill him. Thanks Cheryl for the translation of the words before that phrase. Pris just did not strike me as the killer type but I believed her when she said it.

I don't believe her desire for a baby was about binding the two families together as Damian said. I think she is/was trying to get something of value out of her marriage. She wants to have a child to love. Marriage to Vlad would be sure enough aggravating but. She could come up with some strict rules like sit now, don't speak, fetch - and that sort of thing.

Thanks for the info Jarocha. I had been confused about the term "novios" in the past b/c young children were using the term also . It's interesting that the term is used so broadly in novelas.

Thanks Cheryl and add me to the list of those who are going to miss your top notch recaps. I'm one of the many viewers who view the Novela and recaps as a great learning tool. And I must say, I've learned a lot from you and all of the other recappers. Thanks for all that you have given. I can certainly understand your next step.

Paula, I love your list and what you said is true. Some minor progress, Aurora and Santi have made progress as lovers. Aurora progress from being abused by Dominga to being abused by Babs. Gonzalo started with an older domaneering wife and now has a lovely young wife whom he adores. Martina has made progress from being a mud wrestler to falling out with her dad to falling in love. Damian has made progress from marriage to becoming a fugitive to being accepted back into the fold. Denia has progress from carrying a torch for someone for 15 years to having him in her presence on a daily basis. Jacinto has progressed from being Camilo's flunkie to being a man. Pricilla has progressed from desperately wanting a baby from a sterile husband to becomming an expectant mom. That said, I must admit,
Too many love scenes with Aurora and Santiago and the lack of progress between Nanda and Ed is really the only thing that's driving me insane. It's beginning to resemble Gaviota and Rod playing cat and mouse for way too long.
I second that emotion that the psychiatrist doesn't become part of a love triangle. I hated that subplot in DA.
I'm not complaining yet, I'm still loving it. Look forward to my daily dose of novela and recaps.

Hola Cheryl! Gracias por el recap :)

Hey, are we sure our Dr. Carlos isn't a Dr. Cuteguy? I think the good Doc and Martina are one of my favorite couples.

I too cringe at Vladi's pet names for Pris. However, it was my understanding that "consentida" can also mean "favorite" in addition to "spoiled". Still, I've warned Mr. 5ft that if he wants to keep his limbs intact, he'd better not use "gordita." To his credit, he said he'd figured that out already. Now, if only I can get him to learn to say "mi amor, mi vida, mi cielo" :)

Cheryl, I wish you lots of luck with the photography and I hope you'll at least stick around and comment.

Melissa, if it takes some pressure off you, I can take Tuesdays or switch off, or just sub, whatever you need. That really sucks that they sprung this on you!

Connie, I think some states require legal assistants/paralegals to be certified. I wish my state, NC, had required that when I was doing it many years ago. Everyone started promoting their secretaries to "paralegals" and they almost became synonymous, which is one reason I got out of it. No slam on legal secretaries--great professionals!
But I had a four-year pre-law degree and an associate degree in paralegal technology. Now I'm a technical writer who wishes NC would require certification for that.

BTW, I tried shooting lightening out west last week and couldn't get the timing right to save my life. Now I really appreciate that shot of yours!

:( We'll miss you exceptional recaps. Love the detail. Hurry back!

Cheryl, thanks for all you've done here. I'll really miss your hilarious recaps and helpful vocabulary bits. Best of luck in pursuit of the next stage of following your bliss and do let us know where you will be showing and also when your website is ready for its close-up. I live not that far from you and will happily attend any shows in NM and,I hope, meet you. Thanks again. hgr

Connie and Doris - It's not something that's absolutely required by state law. I know most law firms won't hire a paralegal without formal training, though. In my case, I have 13 years experience and I work in-house for a company, not in a law firm. The certification is a waste of my time and their money because I already know my job. There are 8 sections to the examination, most of which are things I will never need for my job, but I have to study that stuff in order to pass the exam. I think they wanted me to get the CLA (with an Advanced Certification in Contract Administration) just so that they could justify my title being changed and the raise. I didn't ask for this, and nobody in our company is getting a raise this year, but my boss went to bat for me without me even knowing it and the "powers that be" said fine, but she has to get certified. So, whatever, I'll do it. I'm just happy I can take all the classes online and I don't actually have to go to school and sit in a classrom 3 nights a week - that would kill me - I'm a homebody.

5ft Latina - That would be GREAT if you could take Tuesdays from now on. If you need me to sub for you (or if anyone else does) I'll be more than happy to fill in. So do you want to start this coming Tuesday?

I would have needed a sub for the first August 4 and 11 anyway - I'm going back down to Mexico for my husband's second interview at the consulate. This is the make or break appointment to find out if he's approved for a visa immediately, or put in the backlog of applications that takes 12-15 months to get an answer on. I can't bear to think that he might not be coming home for a year! The immigration system IS broken.


I will only consent to MEPS stuck in neutral if they show more scenes of Fr/Ed coming out of the shower...
or working out...
or unbuttoning his shirt verrrrry slowly...
or skinny dipping...
in the moonlight.

[le sigh]

Boys, you can have the same with your favorite. But that's me, a giving person, always thinking of others.

ruh's Thirsty Thursday!

I'm a legal secretary/office manager and have also been a paralegal. They have a certification for legal secretaries but attorneys scoff at it like it is not important.

Maggarita - Can I add something to your list? "or speaking English!"

Connnie - attorneys scoff at everything they think is not important - which is everything but themselves! LOL

Sure, Melissa, I can start Tuesday.

Another little fantasy:

Artemio Bravo: Rebecca, I know you've been a loyal henchperson for fifteen years, but in order to give you a 10,000 peso a year raise I need you to get certified as a "Henchperson Extraordinaire", or HPE. You can study up with these classes at the local community college, then there's an exam in eight weeks.

Barbara: Maldita sea!

5Ft - Hilarious Fantasy! If Babs becomes an HPE, then it's only fair that the Primary Care Bruja becomes a PhD - Dr. Bruja!!!!

Thanks for the continued great comments, I am nearly teary eyed reading them. It is too hard to say goodbye but this will be a see ya later alligator type of goodbye

What a great tagging, Susanlynn, DIM & DAM. They are a study in contrasts. Emotionally, Pris would be better loved and involved with DIM but Pris is also tied to her family's economic sense of social standing and it would be asking a lot from her to step into or down to the poorer life Vladi would give her. I like her almost best of the women characters so I hate to see her in the emotional dessert of Anibal's severe emotional poverty forever. But, hey this is telenovelala land and who knows where they will all end up. Fatherhood may awaken real passion and emotion in Anibal (see I can hallucinate too) Bonney I like your training ideas for Vladi and I agree with all those who think he actually feels remorse, actually feels at all puts him ahead of Anibal as a lover and companion in my opinion.

Paula I feel your frustration with the near total lack of character development (getting meaner and more devious does not count as growth, it's like how rust or decay seem to grow). I had higher expectations of Franco/Ed by now.

Paula H - I have heard through the Mexican Grapevine (my SIL's and husband's nieces)that the second half is WAY better than the first half.

Melissa, good luck with your studies and the exam. You are fortunate to have something however annoying to do to get you a promotion but feel free to be openly exasperated here where it is safe then you can face this group of clowns and jump through their silly hoops of fire with a secret grin on your face. It will really confuse them. In my early years in administration (mostly in medical research orgs and hospitals) I had a great friend with whom I made a pact to release anger, tears and disbelief in a safe way by calling each other instead of beaning the idiot that is requiring you to do stupid things. Keep your cool, it is always the best revenge. But you sound like you are well on your way already to keeping the maddness in check. I wish you all the best. Keep making them pay for your excellence!

You've got that right Melissa! We are just the little people.

Aw, bummer! Cheryl AND Melissa?? I'll miss you both!

I thought the thing on Fer's dress looked like a pompom, but a rose does seem more likely.

I was worried as soon as I saw Dr. Sotomayor. I hadn't been paying attention, and when I looked up I thought she was Babs. I wondered if that would be a problem, but at first it wasn't. Then - BAM!

Since we don't use the term "going steady" any more, I usually think of "novios" as "an item." At least, that was the expression a few years ago. I may have lost track!

I was pretty shocked at how nasty Rolando was to Florecita. Okay, so she's an alleged spy, but she's not his employee to bully (not that you're supposed to bully your own employees either). Would he have tried to intimidate a man, someone his own size, that way? Doubtful.

I loved Dam's gentle little phone-toss. You just know he's warming up for that special day of phonedemonium. And you BET I've noticed that bump where he glowers seductively at the camera with a drink in his hand... I'm too busy looking at his eyes to even notice what's in the glass.

Julie - "phonedemonium" - love it!

Melissa - I'm with you. I love when our galan speaks English, even just a few words. What is it that makes it so dang sexy? I remember the same reaction in Fea, even though Camil's voice gets higher when he's speaking English.
Galan speaking English: very sexy.
Dork speaking English: very dorky.

Novios - In Tontas, when Santi was suffering jealousy, he said something like, "60% of novios never get married." He was clearly pulling the number out of thin air, but still it indicates that a large percentage of novios DO get married, almost like a pre-engagement stage.

Cheryl, once again, a hilarious and excellent recap. I'm sad you're leaving the rotation, but it's for a good reason. Best of luck with your photos and web site.

Oh noes, it's a plaid explosion! It was already too much to have Pris in that giant grey plaid coat, and then the Dra. comes along in a red tartan blazer. Yikes!

Probrecito de Flor! She played an excellent meltdown, while still standing her ground. Vlad (miniature accountant--he!) looked both guilty and helpless standing behind her.

Paula, you raised some valid points about not much really happening. Doris, love the enfadosa word for being bogged down. It feels (for me) that some useful things have happened. I'm hoping we're on the slow, chugging climb to the top of the roller coaster track, just before the big swoop down the hill.
La Paloma

La Paloma--

as long as we're not being pushed down the hill by Babs!

Phonedemonium - A classic phrase that should be added to the Vocabulary Hall of Fame.
Definition - What Sergio Sendel threatens and teases and thrill us with doing in most of his roles to express his frustration with or without words.

Kat (5ft), tiene razon. At the top of the hill, always look over your shoulder for Barbi.
La Paloma

Before I settled on "phonedemonium" I also considered "Damianemonium" and "phonedamianium," but I got tongue-tied just thinking about those.

I propose another new word: plaidemonium.


I'm glad you decided to pursue your career in photography, you are talented. It wasn't just the lightning strike, it was the composition of the photograph with the dirt road snaking off to the right. You are good! You have a big group of fans already so please keep us posted on your progress.

P.S. Thanks for all your great recaps with the Spanish lessons thrown in for free!!

Sandy in TN

I loved the Devil's Tower photo enough to use it as my desktop wallpaper. (Not that I see my desktop picture very often anyway!)

Julie, Thanks for choosing phonedemonium among the finalists, it is definitely the best and has the virtue of being easier to say. HA!

Sandy, Thanks to you and all the people who have expressed appreciation for the Spanish vocabulary thrown in. Each of us recappers who do it spend extra time and although it is totally from love and caring, it is so good to know that it makes a difference in helping people study. That is why I do it. It also helps me remember the words better when I write them down and spend extra time thinking about them. At this point in my life it is the difference between retaining it or perhaps not. HA! The memorization tools change a bit as time goes by but repetition and attention to a word really pays off. I find I am much more likely to use it in a sentence at my next El Grupo meeting.

By the way, beginning to read Denise Chávez's "Loving Pedro Infante", I have been ordering the Pedro Infante movies from Netflix. They are a hoot and dated but wonderful music and scenery and classic simple story lines. He was a real piece of work who thrilled audiences in his day like Fernando Colunga does us. He also had some beautiful actresses to thrill you caballeros out there. Check them out.

Cherylnewmex, you will be missed. Thanks for the great recaps and do stop by once in a while.

I remember now where I might have seen Rolando hermano of Priscilla. CSI: Miami season final as Ivan Sarnoff. Don't know if it really is him or a look alike.


Dorado Dave: OK - we'll add Martina - but, that was before my time. I started watching telenovelas and found this site just last year.

Cheryl, I loved Loving Pedro Infante! It really reflected how important our women friends are to our general mental health. The women in it reminded me of a trip to San Antonio with my best friend some years ago. We went to a Tejano-type dance place and met this great group of women, third or fourth generation Texas Latinas, that were so much like the characters in the book: salty, funny, warm. And God help the guy who wasn't good to one of their hermanas!

Cheryl, thanks again for a great recap. We'll all miss you for sure. I haven't read "Loving Pedro Infante", but we've met Denise Chávez a couple of times. If you head down to Mesilla or Las Cruces, you can drop into the Cultural Center de Mesilla located at 2231 Calle de Parian in Mesilla, NM, next to the Mesilla Post Office, one block west of the Plaza ( and she may be there. She is there quite a bit and loves to talk. :)
My wife is from Las Cruces and we try to get down there each year.


And speaking of plaid, I think those pants make Barb look a little wider than usual. :)

When FrEd was talking to the psychiatrist, I had Destilando flashbacks and was worried he might start sniffing her. :)


LOL, JeffMN, I forgot about the sniffing! That was so funny! Luckily, though, FrEd only has nostrils for Fer!

Ha~~~Jeff--Yes, Hot Rod had a thing about sniffing, didn't he ? Very odd. Dr. Plaid might fall for Fr'ed , but Fr'ed is too obsessed with Fer to get distracted by the good doctor...or anyone else.

Phondemonium....The writers are definitely teasing the viewers. At lest twice in the promos, they included the scene where Sergio's tossing something and the scene where the lamp and other things are about to tip over. Then we see he never tossed the phone in one scene, in the other he tossed but not as hard as expected and we've yet to see any lamp falling over. And he always has that drink in his right hand making me very anxious that he may be moving on to other things to toss.

And talk about slow progress, they haven't even found the old man's body yet.

Melissa, I will miss your very funny recaps as well. Hope you'll recap again when you have the time. GinCA

Whoever posted big ugly spoilers yesterday: do NOT do it again. It is FORBIDDEN to tell what's going to happen next - not what's at the end of the novela, not what's in the next episode. NADA DE NADA.

I was hoping you'd see that Melinama. Somebody certainly liks to cause trouble.

I am so sorry for any of you who saw the spoilers!! I did not check this site after about 7 or 8 PM last night so was amazed and horrified to have email messages in my gmail inbox telling of the rat who told the end of the story. How dare you ruin our fun time here, whoever you are!

Variopinta, thanks for your quick thinking to send messages to me and Melinama to alert us to the nasty message. I feel so bad for you and our early risers who had to face this unkindness.

Thanks for the recap, Cheryl, and Welcome back home.

I didn't see the problem spoilers at all. I have been busy lately so I haven't been able to read the comments or add my own to any MEPS recap.

Jody :)

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