Saturday, July 18, 2009

MEPS 07/17/09: Eddie Owns Up, Cad Goes Fishing and Gets Hooked, and Barbie Comes Face to Face With Her Worst Nightmare

Capítulo 108

First the video rewind: Babs tells garble-brained Gonzo that she spoke again to the nefarious Dr. Obregon and begged to speak to Lili, but Obregon refused and warned them not to continue pressuring him. Gonzo gripes that they are at the mercy of a doctor without scruples who can do whatever the heck he wants with them. Babs sobs bogusly at their hands being tied and wimpers that they have no choice but to get the money to pay the ransom demand the next morning so they can save “their little Lili.” Fernanda, remembering Fr/Eduardo’s insistence on marrying Errika, tells Damian that there is no one else and no reason not to stay married to him. He pushes for the Big Commitment: kids.

Still over at Lili’s, Eduardo is trying to determine from Martina if Lili might have given a clue as to where she went. He asks if she had said or done something out of the ordinary. Martina is still on a guilt trip and only remembers that Lili changed from being very happy to withdrawing into herself [enconcharse = going into one’s shell] and staring continually out the window after her visit with Dr. Sotomayor.

While Fernanda ponders a tactful way to say NO! to the big K question, Dam starts pawing at her. Unwilling to roll over and let him rub her ...uh...belly and pant, Fer tries to wriggle away and tells him it’s too soon to start thinking about having kids, and says that he should recuperate first. She’s saved by a mercifully insistent knock on the door from Santiago and goes into the hallway to see what’s up. Dam listens through the door as Santi tells her frantically that Aurora (whom I not so affectionately now think of as Ah-wah-wah!) is nowhere to be found; that Aurora supposedly went to bed with a cold but when he went to find her, she was gone along with all her things. He thinks she might be in town at church and wants to go look for her there now.

Ah-wah-wah! though, is wandering the streets in the big city. (It’s unclear which, but who cares?)

At the apartment, Camilo is commiserating with pouty, pucker-lipped, Loafly (definitely a keeper, Julie), aka Venus, who’s successfully set a very sticky trap for our pesky horse-fly, Cad. Cadmilo assures Loafly he will go talk to “Uncle Estev” and sound him out for her. She says she’s afraid her “uncle” might come to fisty-cuffs with him he’s so furious with her. Cad says it’s not likely and once he gets a lead on Uncle Estev’s mood, he’ll return so they can decide what to do next. He blows her a kiss good-bye and heads for the door. Venus gets up and goes over to the window to display the goods, making sure to show a lot of leg before demurely calling “Cami” back to her. She gives him a modest “thank you” kiss on the lips. Cad automatically goes for the goal, but Loafly pushes him away. To Viewerville’s amazement the guy actually backs off and apologizes! He then blows her another kiss good-bye and leaves. Venus cannot hold back the giggles once he’s out the door.

Back in Fernanda’s bedroom, Damian (who is just such a whore) continues pushing for her to have his baby. It’s a battle of wills, if not wits, and Fer politely brushes the distasteful idea aside again, repeating that he needs to think of getting better but that she’ll be there all the way to help him. He presses his advantage and asks her to promise she won’t leave his side for an instant, neither day nor night. (Say what?) Nanda does a double-take. Her cell phone starts ringing incessantly, but because it’s Fr/Ed she refuses to answer. Dam smiles mischievously. There’s a devilish glint in his eyes when he asks if she’s going to answer or not. She lies and says it’s only the office and nothing really important. He pushes for the 24-7 commitment again. She deflects and says she’ll be there to attend to him, but avoids promising to literally stick with him every minute. (Thank gawd for a telenovela heroine with a spine and a few solidly stubborn brain cells for a change.)

Eddie has finally figured out how to leave a voice-mail on a cell phone. He leaves a message for Fernanda to call him immediately.

Damian picks up Fernanda’s cell and tells her she’s got a message. He goads her about calling to get it. (Tell her again where it hurts, Dam. Maybe she’ll bang it accidentally on purpose a couple times with that cell phone.) Just then Babs comes into the room to take over for Fer since her daddy is waiting to talk to her in the library downstairs. Fer is glad for the interruption. (So am I.) She grabs her cell and scrams. Dam glares. Bitch Barbie snickers. “You can’t complain about all the attention you’re getting from your ‘faithful’ wife now can you?” Damian sneers back that BB could have at least warned him about what she had in mind before shooting him. Barbie looks back at him like where would all the fun be in that?

Nanda walks downstairs and picks up the message from Fr/Ed. She is about to return the call when Daddy interrupts and calls her into the library. Upstairs Damian reads the riot act to BB for first making him a fugitive and then shooting him in the leg and leaving him to die. She tells him he should be thankful for everything he’s gotten out of that gunshot wound. Because of it –all thanks to her ingenuity-- he’s now a hero instead of a villain.

Gonzo fills in Fer on Babs’ latest “call” from Dr. Oh! and Obregon’s “demands” to come up with the money in the next 24 hrs. or else. She asks her papi again how he can be so sure Obregon’s got Lili. He says because the guy’s got everything so well organized (unlike you, dude) and tomorrow he is going to tell them when and where to deliver the money. (Sort o’ makes ya want to stuff a bottle of smart pills down the old fart’s throat, doesn’t it?) Nanda’s dying to tell him the truth and sighs in frustration. Gonzo mistakes it as worry on her part and tells her to have faith because soon Lili will be home again with them.

Upstairs, Damian is griping about having to lie helpless in bed for gawd knows how long. BB says the longer the better. He complains that while he’s lying there playing the victim his wife has that much more opportunity to screw around on him with Franco Santoro. She says “Exactly! So your suffering will be that much more obvious to everyone!” Dam doesn’t think he can handle that. His male ego is just not capable of it. Barbara tells him then, as consolation, she’ll be there to stroke his male ego and then demonstrates with some voracious lip-locking.

Downstairs, Nanda is futilely trying to reason with her ditzy dad that he should not pay a dime without first being certain Obregon actually has Lili. (Gonzo is definitely my numero uno poster-boy for euthanasia at this point. Makes ya wonder if Fer really is the milkman’s daughter, doesn’t it?)

Meanwhile, at Las Animas, Gardenia is complaining to Jacinto about the way Martina carelessly let Lili get away. Cinto tells her they don’t have a dog in that fight. It’s Eddie’s problem, but because Lili is so sick in the head, he’s still worried about where the girl will end up and what sort of nasty people she might come across.

Lili is now a bit tuckered from her meandering search for the ephemeral Ciro. She wanders into a woodsy area just off of a narrow side road and then plunks down in a little grassy patch to take a nap.

Denia and Cinto are still arguing over Martina’s supposed ineptitude and Denia’s need to be a nosy gossip when Cad shows up demanding to speak with Estev Norton. Cinto excuses himself saying he needs to take care of Saleroso. (Good way to stick it to Cad, Cinto, mentioning that legendary horse Cad Elizalde would give his dad’s right arm to own.) Denia stands there lost in her own thoughts till Cad screams at her to “Go get Norton!”

Fernanda’s on the phone with Fr/Ed. Barbie overhears Fer making a rendezvous with Fr/Ed and walks away smiling. Santi comes into the house half out of his mind with worry, because Aurora wasn’t anywhere in town either. Fer promises to help him figure something out, but says she needs his help to get out of the house to meet with Franco. She tells Santi to come upstairs to the bedroom and fetch her from the clutches of the ever-more demanding Damian.

Babs finds Gonzo in the library. He tells her he’s going to see his lawyer for advice about the problem with Lili. Both the lawyer and Fernanda, he says, are insisting that they don’t get in a hurry to pay the ransom before they are absolutely certain that Obregon has Lili.

Back at Las Animas, Denia shows Cad into the study and warns him not to go nosing around this time. Cad yells at her to watch her mouth and go get him some coffee. She screams back at him if he wants coffee so bad he can go into the kitchen and make it himself, and then leaves him with his mouth catching flies.

Errorika comes knocking at Fr/Eduardo’s front door looking for him. Denia says he’s gone off to meet Fernanda, thinking she’s telling Errika some juicy big lie. Err’s female antennae go up and she leaves. She gets hold of Ed on his cell and says she’s dying to see him and wants to make lunch plans. He begs off saying he’s got a meeting and doesn’t know how long it will last, but there’s no way he’ll be able to see her. Err hangs up with an “I understand” that means she probably is really beginning to.....

Santi stands by as Nanda tries to explain she’s got a life and Tomasa’s there to handle things while she goes on her errand. Damn throws a temper tantrum when she suggests they hire a nurse to help him. “I don’t want a nurse! I need you, Fernanda. YOU!” She gives him a strained “Yes, dear. Just call me if you need me” when her cell rings again. Fer breathes a sigh of relief when it turns out to be Err and she answers. Damian’s frown by now is so deep it touches the floorboards. Errika says she’s in the area and wants to stop by to visit her and the hubby. Nanda says she’s in the middle of something and has to head out with Santiago for a bit. Err ever so innocently questions why she’s not intending to stick like glue to tend to her husband. Fernanda dodges, hangs up, and races out the door with her brother. Exasperated at once again being outsmarted, the invalided Damian entertains us with a temperamental pillow toss at the wall. (Viewerville pauses for a guilty snicker as he accidentally hits his sore leg and howls in pain.)

Over at Las Animas, Estev comes into the study to greet Cadmilo. Cad is there to supposedly invite Estev to one of his riding competitions. Estev accepts the invite. Cad says, by the way, how about Loafly coming. She’s invited too. Estev says sorry, but Loafly won’t be able to join them. She’s dead. Cad knits his caveman brow and waits for him to explain.

In the SUV on the way to Lili’s, Fer quickly tries to fill in Santi on Lili’s current situation and all that Franco Santoro has done for their sister. “Franco knows more about the Elizalde family than perhaps even you or I do.” “—What’s that’s supposed to mean?” “--There are things all around us that we have been made to believe since we were kids that really are not true. Things about Liliana.” In the middle of this discussion they drive right past Lili who, coincidentally, just happens to be napping at the bottom of the hill in that area of the nearby woods. Santi asks for a better explanation about the extortion and how Obregon is supposed to have kidnapped her then. Fer says that’s what she and Franco were trying to find out because supposedly nobody knows where he is, and curiously enough, the only one who seems to get calls from him is Babs. “I don’t know how Franco managed to find out, but the doctor was paid by Barbara to keep Lily drugged the entire time.”

Santi is outraged and wonders how Barbara could have done such a vile thing to their sister! “I don’t know but Lili always rebelled against Barbara and perhaps she wanted to get her out of the way.” Fer explains how they decided to first to get Lili out of the clinic and how Franco took care of making sure Lili had a house and proper care so that in a few months she would be fully recovered. “That’s why for now we have to keep this absolutely quiet. Only Adolfina and the aid taking care of her know besides us. Nobody else from the family but you or I knows anything about this. Eventually the rest of the Elizalde’s will find out, but for now the most important thing is keeping Lili out of danger. All right?” Santi promises to keep mum.

At Las Animas, meanwhile, Estev tells Cad that as far as he’s concerned it was a serious and very painful thing to have Loafly spend the night out of the house without his permission and she knew that it would be. Cad asks if she told him where she spent the night. “Uncle Estev” says that isn’t important, but what is important is that she lost what a woman should protect most of all and that’s her respectability. [decoro = respectability/honor] Cad argues that he can’t be sure of that. “She could have stayed the night with decent people.” Estev says no, because anybody who convinces an innocent girl like that to stay the night away from home is not trustworthy [de fiar = reliable, trustworthy].

Cad asks what seems to be the pertinent question here. “Well, how old is she? “Uncle Estev” continues the lecture. “It doesn’t have anything to do with age; the girl was raised the old-fashioned way [pasado de moda], based on the high principals of morality and decency (obviously, concepts totally foreign to the likes of Cadmilo from the confused look on his mug). “But, Mr. Norton, is what Loafly did really so serious?” “-Yes! She committed the only dishonorable act that I am not willing to forgive, neither her nor the man who led her down the garden path.” [embaucar] Camilo sucks it in and tries to grasp the immensity of the pile of horse pucky he just stepped into. “I appreciate your concern, Camilo, but Loafly has turned her back on everything her parents and I taught her.” Cad suggests there must be some way for her to return to the man she considers a father to her. Estev reels him in. He has Cad right where he wants him. (Viewerville holds its breath and waits for the next shoe to drop.) “Yes, I’m like a father to her and for that very reason, her honor, the honor of that young girl who is like a daughter to me, I ask you, ‘Who? Who will vouch for her [honor] now? Who?’” (A definite 10-ding-ding-dinger there Estev.)

Santi and Fer arrive at Lili’s place. Fer tells him she brought Santi in on it and hopes Fr/Ed doesn’t mind. Santi explains how Fer explained the situation on the way over [en el trayecto] and thanks him for everything he’s done. Fer tells him about the latest call to Barbara from Obregon and his instructions, according to her father, to have the ransom ready and all. Obviously, Obregon again supposedly refused to give them any proof of life. Martina walks in at that point and Ed gives Fer the bad news. “Lili walked out of the house and nobody knows where she is now.”

At the same time, Gonzo’s attorney is telling him not to pay that ransom for Lili, as harsh and inhumane as it may seem, without irrefutable proof the girl is still alive. Bottom line, even if Gonzo does pay it, and Obregon really does have her they can’t guarantee she’d be alive afterwards anyway.

Ah-wah-wah! finds her way back to Rosy the Witch’s cozy abode and bangs on the door, begging to be let in to speak with her. Rosy doesn’t want any part of this and refuses.

Back at Lili’s, Martina apologizes to Fer for being so careless with Lili and letting her get away. Fer and the others can only hope Lili might still be somewhere nearby, since they know they can’t go to the police and start a search. Santi thinks she might be headed back to the clinic since that’s the only other place she knows as home. Franco agrees Lili would probably consider it the safest place to go. The three of them grab their things and head off for the clinic. Martina stays and prays for the diosito to have Lili turn up soon.

We rubberneck back to Fernanda’s bedroom. Dam whines to BB how Nanda abandoned him to run out looking for Aurora. Barbie considers the close sibling relationship Fernanda and Santi share. Dam asks if BB had something to do with Rory’s sudden disappearance. She plays dumb. He says he knows better, but she insists she’s too busy making him the sympathetic victim here to waste her time on Santiago’s little girlfriend. Dam grouses that he’s no simple, sympathetic victim. He’s an invalid tied down to a bed for gawd knows how long and without the ability to do a single solitary thing. BB suggests he look on the bright side. “There’s a lot you can do: for example, you can start to make life more difficult for Fernanda.” “—The only difficulty in her life is me!” Barb disagrees and suggests in his condition it would be very easy to trip her up. Knowing her, he’s afraid to consider what that might mean. She asks if the idea of Fer and him giving Gonzo a little grandchild doesn’t cheer him up a bit.

Ah-wah-wah! has told Rosy why she got thrown out of the hacienda and begs Rosy to intercede between her and Babs. Rosy supposedly is the only one who could explain how it was all a mistake. (Gawd only knows why or how.) Rosy says she doesn’t believe Rory’s side of it one whit and instead scolds her for sleeping with her boyfriend’s brother and shuts the door in her face.

BB suggests that tying up Fer with a kid would be the best way to get back at her for her adultery. She figures Dam would be a real oaf not to take advantage of the opportunity. Dam wonders how he’s supposed to do that stuck there in bed. “What am I supposed to do? Scream? Cry? Demand? Try killing myself??!!” “--Nothing like that! Simply take advantage of her feeling guilty for having cheated on you. I’m sure she won’t be able to refuse you.” He wonders how she figures that. BB says a woman as virtuous as Fer couldn’t possibly cheat on her husband without having some regrets. She is sure that Fer, after every time she returns home from having been with her lover, will be unable to deny Damian anything once she sees him lying helplessly in her bed. (Naw. My guess is Nanda would be the one to start using the guest-room then.) Dam considers the possibilities that abound while Barbara takes an unexpected call from Rosenda.

Rosy has news for Barbara but she can’t talk to the old woman just then. Barbie says she’ll come by and talk to her as soon as she’s finished and then hangs up. She tells Dam she’s got to go and it is just as well since he needs to save all his “energy” for the task at hand with his adored little wife. He grouses about how crazy she is. Barb disagrees. “Not that much considering how I always turn out to be right about things.” She blows him a kiss and leaves him to his pain pills.

At the same time Barbie is getting ready to leave, a taxi pulls up in the drive and who should get out with a beautiful funeral wreath (in the shape of a cross) but Dr. Oh! As he walks toward the front door Obregon thinks to himself, “You dead hyena! What great pleasure to come and give you a last good-bye!” Unfortunately, Barbie comes out the front door at that very second. Ruh-Roh! Obregon tries hiding behind that cross full of flowers as if he’s warding off a vamp. Barbie grabs the nearest pillar to steady herself. Each of them is scared-sh!tless impactado to see the other standing there, big as life and in the flesh.


Let me be the first to say thanks for a terrific recap (as usual). Finally some action. Lately I've been reading the recaps before looking at the tape in order to get a better understanding. So, I'll comment again later. I just couldn't resist being #1 commenter:-)

Thanks so much for the sarcasm and sweetness. I enjoyed laughing through your recap, Jardinera. I especially laughed at the who cares what city she is wandering through and thanks for that brief description of AuWahWah. It was mercifully brief or I would have FF's through it this morning. There are advantages with seeing this telenovela the morning after.

I have a new light heartedness of being an outsider particilpant again. Pure enjoyment! The plot does seem to be picking up again this episode. I hope it portends a snappier run of the episodes.

Wow! It's up! Hey, Jardinera, thank you in advance, I haven't read it yet and I can't wait for you to fill in the blanks on que the hell is the "Lovely is dead" thing all about?!! And I thought Obregon and Babs were both going to pass out-- fun-ny! And will the wicked witch of the barrio tell Babs that Abora is her hija? Ok, later!


Jardinera, great, clever,funny recap. I must be developing a mean streak. I laugh every time Damien bumps his leg and winces or grunts with pain. I know it's wrong but with him it's just so amusing. Sorry. I'm loving Nanda's new outfit. OK with me if she sticks with this awhile. Also, no objections here about Babs'current outfit. I can't decide who looked more stunned, Babs or Dr.O. This should be fun. Loved the thoughtful floral arrangement. Poor Camilo, he is clearly stressed. Thanks again Jardinera. Been missing you during the week. Carlos

Jardinera, thanks so much for the speedy recap. Your witty remarks had me lol. Enjoyed it immensely. I hope things continue to pick up.


Does anyone think that we're ever going to hear from old dude again? Maybe the dingos ate him. Perhaps since Lil since Lil is wandering in el campo, she'll stumble onto him. I still am clinging to the faint hope that he is alive. Babs, we know you're bad so what was the point? Carlos

Thanks for the funny recap, Jardinera. Apparently I understood the ESteve/Camilo conversation after all. Que the ??? was that all about, anyway?

I thought Dr. O was going to tinkle in his pants when he saw Babs. :o)

Jardinera: Thanks for the fun recap.

Lili goes for a walk and noboby got out of their chairs to go look for her. Maybe just ride around a little looking for her. The worst was FrEd's puzzled look - so what do we do now?

Carlos: I think Old Dude will show up with Gardenia's shopping bag that was left on the road when she was kidnapped.


Juez: Televisa no puede transmitir por internet a EEUU => date 07/17/09

Full article at:



Hoping not to belabor talking more about Kate del Castillo, but this article just appeared on Latina Yahoo from AP newsservice....

Headline: Kate Del Castillo dice atravesar buen momento en Hollywood => date 07/17/09

Full article on how she is dealing/not dealing with living in the US waiting on her "big" US break.

The 1st thought I had with Lili resting in the bosque, is that where Macario is?

What was that thing Babs had on, I thought it was her bathrobe.

Gonzo talks about the unscrupulous Dr O demanding ransom & he only left his dear hija with him for 15 years. He needs to join Aurora on the trip to Oz for a brain.

Remember Babs is a crack shot. The opening scene of the show was her doing target practice & getting a bulls eye every time.

Tks Jardinera for a great recap.

Truly enjoyed your funny recap, Jardinera.

Pasofino, I was thinking the same. They might ACTUALLY find Lili if they ACTUALLY went to look for her. But it's been a while now and the trail is colder. Some of Franco's armed guards could form a search team and since Lili is presumed to be on foot, they could set up a radius around the home and also follow the roads. So how far is the manicomio and would Lili be able to walk that far.

Loved how Dr. O held up the flowered wreath in front of him as if to ward off the the evil La Hiena vampire. He should have carried some holy water and a stake as well.

Has Ah-wah-wah figured out why she can't remember what happened in bed with CamilHo. She hasn't mentioned downing all those drops of potion CamilHo gave her. Let's see if she can add 2 + 2.

After going on about Fr/Ed's unflattering wardrobe, I must admit he looked great in that dark brown shirt last night.


Pasofino, exactly. Just how far could she have gone? It's not like Salerosa's missing or Jacy's bike is gone. As someone has already pointed out, there!'s one road and one bosque. Think, Eddie! Did you develop any critical skills at Havard? Carlos

OT It dawned on me today that Esmeralda in "Esmeralda de noche viene" is
SOLEDAD!. Hey guys, Esmeralda was sin ropa totalmente. Maria Roja has a beautiful cuerpo & nothing looks store bought. While watching it, I'm thinking, "she looks familiar", but younger & blond hair & the part she played, I just didn't make the connection.

I just took out another one with her, "Danzón"

EXCELLENT recap, Jardinera, as usual.

More delayed gratification. It would have been so wonderful for Lili to still have been there when Santi arrived at Lili's hideaway.

Skewed logic comment: If Damn hopes to get Fer knocked up, he must assume she isn't on the pill or with diaphram in place. If that's the case, how can he be so sure it's HIS little swimmers that will do the job and not Fr/Ed's, since he thinks Fer has puso los cuernos on him?

I certainly HOPE the bruja tells Barb about Aurora being her spawn. The issue has been hanging there for what feels like weeks.

There's almost no chance Obregon's return will do any good for the "good guys". Bitch Barbie wins every round until the last week, so she'll probably rope Obregon into her scheme before Fr/Ed has a chance to do anything.

Variopinta, I saw Danzón ages and ages ago when it was in a local theater that played indies. It's wonderful. I'm sure you'll love it.

From the very beginning I've been a big Esteve fan. I really enjoyed his dorky self-certainty and even the not-quite-right red hair. Ever since the party and his accompanying change in the way he combs his his hair...well the change seems to be more profound. His smles don't seem as sincere or to come as often. He seems almost sinister. His eyes aren't as sparkling or warm. It's almost as though that now he has his own agenda and is not as supportive of Eddie. Am I just getting antsy for things to move along and am grasping for a scapegoat? I had such high expectations. Carlos

Thanks so much, Jarinera, for the delightful recap and the helpful vocab. I LOVED your sarcastic/witty comments! And Abora has definitely been renamed in my mind to AuWahWah.

Novelera, I had exactly the same thought/fear about Dr. O and Barbie becoming partners in greed. Nothing seems to speak to him more strongly than dinero. Add how intimidating he finds Barbie and I fear the partnership is sealed. Boy, would I love to be wrong!

Oops, I don't know where the d disappeared in your name, Jardinera. Lo siento. (Perhaps it joined its sisters in DDDenia?)

Jardinera!! Oh my Garschk! Funnny recap. Ah-Wah-Wah! Luuuv it! Ok. So Loafly is dead as in "you're dead to me" because she has besmirched her virtue by sleeping away from the house? Is that it? Ok, gonna check back through la noche and see what insights others have. Thanks for a funtastic cap!


Silverfox, thanks for calling our attention to the article about the dispute between Univision and Televisa. Will this affect our ability to see MEPS? Other telenovelas? I'm pretty new to TNs and could only follow part of what the article was saying.

Novelera and Juanita: Oh, no! Surely they won't let Obregon find Lilli and hold her for the Elizalde ransom, aww mannn! Y Carlos, so you think Esteve could become Eevil? That would be awwwwful!


I hadn't thought of Obregon finding Lili. It could happen. I was thinking more along the lines of Babs threatening/bribing Obregon to make a phone call to Gonzo confirming the kidnapping. His finding Lili would be even more sinister.

But I think if anyone finds Lili in a bad way it will be Artemio Bravo's henchman.

Dr O, too funny. How do we explain that huge wreath? Gonzo is at the abogado, Damian is in la cama, Fer & Santi are with Fr/Ed, I think Tomasa is the only one there.

Pasofino – maybe they’ll put Lili’s picture on a milk carton. Or at least tape a few posters to telephone poles.

Carlos – I noticed Steve’s new hairstyle and failed to relate it to . . . a new etapa for him. Good eye! You’re right, though, and it *is* a telenovela rule.

As for Fer’s hair, it must signal Dam's return. Also, I think it is a wig.

Thanks, Jardinera, great, funny recap.

I can't belive that gentle old Marcario's tumblw has been forgotten. My latest theory is that Lili will find him, and somehow rescue him. And WHY isn't anyone looking for her except Arty's goons with a 24 hr deadline? Doris, loved the milk carton joke! Gonzo is so stupid that he doesn't realize that he's in the milk biz.

Rosenda is not going to tell Babs that Abora is her darling stupid daughter for a while, even tho Babs paid her to llegar al fondo on the Rebeca Sanchez connection. I gotta think that Babs is going to rope Dr. O into helping her, now that he has conveiently showed up, but didn't she tell him to amskray w/o anyone seeing him? Seems she could have given him a lift, since she was leaving anyway, and the old friends do need to talk.

Babs was looking especially caliente in that slit-to-there white dress, especially when she smiled (even if it is an evil smile) Lucero is a true beauty.

I noticed the chenge in Esteve, too. It started at the party, with that hamster clinging to his chest. Maybe since he is taking an active role in dealing with Cad, thye had to change him a little, make him a bit menacing. I don't think that said Cad took Estve's treatise on honor and respectability too well. Didn't really fit into his plan.

I am sooo glad that they picked up the pace.

Glad you liked it, guys! -- Okiedok! I'm ROFLOL with these comments. Will have to take 'em 1 by 1 later. Before I head out again, I had a couple thoughts that escaped me so I'll bring 'em up now.

First, I know even though Dam's got a healthy "third leg", it'd be mighty awkward to do the deed with that gunshot wound --and Carlos can correct me if I'm wrong-- but I would think he'd be SOL at least 6 weeks before he could manage a decent balancing act without flinching in any position, let alone with Fer going Amazon and bouncing 110 lbs. of .....pressure on that wounded leg, so I don't know where Bab's gets the idea even if Fer did succumb to her hubby's currently hidden charms, that she'd ever get pregnant. Or maybe I am totally mistaken re: the timeline of the miraculous nature of recovery. Secondly, I finally got a good look at that split in Bab's dress! Definitely Brittany Spears paparazzi material, and I don't mean the cloth it was made from, either.

Jardinera, actually men tend to be fairly resource and even stoic when it comesto that sort of thing. In fact after a serious injury, illness , or surgery, men are pretty anxious to see if everyrhing is still in working order. I expect Damien, especially as an unconsumated newlywed with such a comely wife might try to make the sacrifice. Amazing what a little Vicodin or Percodan might do. I expect him to at least give it a shot. Carlos

Carlos, I was thinking the same things about the changes in Esteve..... that by moving his hair backwards he obviously scrambled something in his brain. He is not the reasoning force behind the Dynamic Duo anymore. In fact like Gonzo, Eddie and Esteve seem to be in need of functioning brains.

Too bad, Dr. O isn't connected to the internet. He could have verified Barb's demise in the obit section of the newspapers as her death would certainly be in the papers as the wife of Gonzo and general manager of such a large enterprise. He could have saved himself that frightening encounter with the newly risen La Hiena and some money on that large cross wreath.


What, am I the only person who likes New Regular Hair Estev??

Khalilah, as I understood the conversation between Cad and Eeteve, the real reason Loafly is dead to Estev is because she besmirched HIS virtue by sleeping away from the house! She has disgraced him!!

Also, just had to say:

Episode ending.

I really enjoyed their synchronized pseudo-swoons.

Also intrigued that Aurora went back to Rosenda. I know Rosenda is eager to talk to Babs, but how much will she tell her? Or is she more likely to blackmail her?

Come to think of it, did Rosenda ever get around to telling Babs that Aurora knows that her mother is Rebeca Sanchez?

Carlos, re: Vicodin or Percodan. I've heard that for men, sex is a better pain killer than either of those. But it does tend to wear off quickly.

Thanks, Jardiners for a delightful recap. I must agree with Carlos..."since Lil is wandering in el campo, she'll stumble onto him. I still am clinging to the faint hope that he is alive. Babs, we know you're bad so what was the point?"
Does Marcario (sp?) have to be dead? How long has it been since the she-devil gave him the high-heeled heave-ho? He seemed so sweet and I don't see how he really was hurting dear Babsie.

I am so happy to see the return of Dr. O. His camp mannerisms crack me up!

julie- Rosenda did not disclose that info, that Abora believed that Rebeca Sanchez was her mommy. Very odd, because Babs took Abora there to find out, specifically, why Abora has the R.S. snograg. Ya gotta think that Rosenda is going to try and get some more pesos out of Babs before she reveals that info. She is putting herself in grave danger, as we know. I'll bet that Babs doesn't show her any kindness when she finds out that Rosenda was holding out on her...

Thanks, Jardinera, for the great , as always, recap. Was this the episode in which Barbwire suddenly pounced on Dam and struggled to give a big , vicious hatekiss or was that in Thursday night's episode? Anyhoo, that Barb is really strong and seems to love to mess with Dam. [It's kind of fun to watch a mujer manhandling Sergio Sendel since he is usually the aggressive one in most of his roles.] It's really pathetic because Dam always ends up giving in to Barb no matter what she's done to him . She framed him and then shot him. Geez, Dam , you are on borrowed time if you do not break free from this psycho. She just loves to toy with him ,like a cat with a mouse. I, too, think that if Dam had the opportunity , he would bear the pain and go for the gusto with Fer, but we all know that will never happen. Even when she's married, the heroine only sleeps with the galan. It's amazing . The ending was hilarious with Dr. O arriving with the enormous cross of flowers only to discover that the news of Barbie's passing was greatly exaggerated . Also, the place where Lili decided to take a little nap did look a little like the woods where Barbie booted the old dude down the hill. Have you noticed that in TNs when someone is kidnapped or goes missing, no one ever calls the police or goes searching ? The same thing happened in Heridas de Amor and in Alborada when Luis's son was kidnapped. Que the hell ? As someone noted, Fr'ed has all those guards, so why not immediately send them out looking for Lil ?

Well, Carlos and Paula H, I can't dispute Dam will necessarily give it the old college try, nor the value of endorphins. : ? )) I guess it could be a great trade-off if it also meant he'd turn into a pill-poppin' junky as a result. Guess I was thinking with the barbot part of the brain, like broken stitches, shredded tissue, lost blood soaking the sheets and double and triple the pain and strain there for a long while after the afterglow, so that further attempts might get scuttled. 'Course, this is a tele-novela so this mental excercise is a waste of good synaptic interchange. % ? ) Unfortunately the antennae on my beanie are being serviced.....

Alice/CherylNM/Ann-NYC --I am definitely looking forward to the next downhill side of this rollercoaster ride. Hopefully,we're there, now.

Khalilah/doris: my first thought with the "She is dead" was did I just hear that? Where's he going with that? It still doesn't play smoothly for me, no matter how much gift-wrapping Estev put on that package before tying it up with a bow for Cad the way he did.
// That milk carton crack had me rolling!
Obregon's reaction by hiding behind that cross when he realized he was face to face with Barbara was a 2 thumbs up with a snap!!

Pasofino: I had the same thought, that Eduardo could have done something besides sit on his backside and wait for Fer to show up before grabbing the car keys. On the other hand, I think I'm fuzzy on the time line here. Has it been 30 minutes or 3 hrs. Villa Madera time since she ran off? Doesn't matter cuz to me it's been drug out for 3 days and nights!!
GinCA: Great idea about using the armed guards as a posse. Eduardo is rich enough that he could hire his own Mission Impossible team if he had to.
Variopinta: Add a little "courage" in that gift pack from The Wizard, too.

I don't think anyone mentioned Damian's pillow toss at the end of the episode. Not exactly a cellphone toss, but he threw it with great gusto.

Novelera: The question of whose little swimmers (LOL!) We're tracking together there. I'd hate for her to do it with Dam, though. Let it be Fr/Ed (we're long overdue for some real hard-driving action there, anyway) and folks can think it's Dam's and we can have a year or two before someone realizes they're in the 21st century with medical miracles like DNA tests. Dam could hold the baby's "good name" over Fer's head and screw with her mind for a while.
Juanita/Novelera/ Elna June: I agree that Obregon will succumb to Barbie's bribery somehow and give Ed fits for a while. Either way, I'm glad they brought him back into the show. He's just too good for so many belly laughs to be so unceremoniously dumped.
Dorado Dave: Babs' dress does show she's got legs that go all the way to her ...uh...waiste. I'd say beautiful smile, rotten coutourier, though I am a fan of the "if you got it you flaunt it" school of thought. // I'm still thinking Rosenda did tell Barb that the RS stood for Rebecca Sanchez, but I'm cloudy as to whether she actually added that it was Aurora's mother's hanky.
> 8 ? }


Thanks for the lengthy, detailed recap with all the funny comments. I liked the reference to the bottle of pills for Gonzo. For some reason I have been thinking of the movie Soylent Green as I’ve watched him, wonder why?!?

Great comments from yesterday and today..first Frankie, I agree with everything that you said the other day. You were smart to draw attention to the writers, they certainly bear some responsibility for this novela. Yes, our galan don’t look so hot is this one, his brain is working in slow mo. “Rewrite, rewrite,”...perfect. I also loved your expression “Tow the line, estupido” in reference to the conversation Babs and Dam needed to have BEFORE he saw Nanda at the hospital. I have kinda thought that, or something like that, as I have worked on going nowhere projects with people here. I’ll have to careful not to blurt that out!! Frankie, along with many others on this board, you have a clever way of expressing yourself, you should post more.

Neighbor Doris, loved the milk carton joke... Susanlynn, I agree with your “Mujer manhandling Dam” comment, it is a fun change. We could enjoy the whole think a little more if your wife but having an affair with your step mother-in-law/ shot by her on a lonely road and left to be found just in the nick of time story line weren’t so .... UNBELIEVABLE.

OFF TOPIC: Julie, glad you got your official papers!

Sandy in TN

Ay, Jardinera y Carlos, love the subtle, almost erudite way you two covered the topic of deployment/utilization of the third leg ". . actually men tend to be fairly resource(ful) and even stoic when it comes to that sort of thing. In fact after a serious injury, illness , or surgery, men are pretty anxious to see if everyrhing is still in working order." Ok, I can dig it.
Ha hahahaha!

Julie, ooohkay, Loafly bismirched Esteve's honor, gotcha. But donde the hell is this plan going? And no, there was that famous interrupting event, in this case urgent knock at the door, and Bruja del Barrio didn't tell Babs about AuWahWah.

And isn't it so novelaesque for people NOT to do the obvious, like call la policia, LOOK for Lilli, (like, how far could she get with her wildly wandering gaze and stumbling gait: she's not a young filly anymore) and also Google or Bing to find out people's identity or if they're dead or alive. Sheesh!

And. .if Lilli finds the old dude at the bottom of the hill she'll have two protecting ghosts cause she's old enough to have known him from back in the day.

Enyh! They're making it all up as they go along. . ."it's only a novela, only a novela. . . ."


This is my first TN and I love it! But love this website even more as my Spanish is pretty bad. You fill in all the blanks that sound like "Blaho blaho blaho" to me!

Here are the top 10 reasons I find myself now addicted to these novellas...

10. My Mom watched themn when I ws young, but I couldnt understand them.

9. I love the beautiful homes and locations. Feel like I am on the travel channel. No soundstages

8. Steve...why the only "American" is the strangest looking man on the show! Is that a bad toupe on his head or what? I laugh at his Sherlock Holmes style of thinking..

7. The handsome men

6.The women are actually shaped more like REAL women. Not the skinny Hollywood bean poles.

5. Everyone has gorgeous teeth..(except for poor Steve)

4. I enjoy the simple things they everyone talking about Lily missing instead of jumping in their cars right away and looking for her...

3. The clothes...I am glad I am not the only one that notices how long they wear the same clothes. Thought they maybe had a small clothing budget for TN's. Fernada's fashion stylist should be fired....always in such stiff cotton dresses or skirts. They make ME itch.

2. The actors actually eat the food! I love to see exactly what they are eating...those tamales the other day looked yummy! I have been craving Mexican food every day now!

1. Did I mention the handsome men!?

Thank you all for making my new hobby so enjoyable and easier to understand! I am now also watching the new El Nombre de Amore. Which has alot more clothing changes, but no handsome MEN. So I am still on the fence about it...but the food looks good...fideo the other day was steaming hot...

Thanks for thinking of me, Sandy!

I agree, Martina found Lili missing just moments after she left - if she'd had a car and cell phone she could have hit the road immediately and found her. (Or just hoofed it with a cell phone - she can probably run faster than Lili.) But I don't think she has either right now.

And then FrEd finally gets back and they just stand around wringing their hands. Que the hell? Lame. Even Juan Reyes would have figured that one out faster.

Ella, I am with you on the food. My life was empty and desolate before I discovered the joy of pozole, thanks to MEPS! (Goya makes some in a can. I haven't tried it yet. I wonder if it's better than my very first awesome homemade attempt?? I'll probably know within the week.)


I don't know if anyone has yet figured out what Estev's plan is with Loafly and Camilo yet, but we now have a situation where Camilo thinks that he will be responsible for the loss of the Powhere Meelk deal if Esteve finds out that the tawny one has taken Loafly away from him.

The situation will be even more dire when Cad-'ho finds out that he's going to have to split a mere 25% of dad's assets with the rest of his brothers and sisters. Every penny will count, and the financial health of GL will be crucial to keeping him in the manner to which he is accustomed.

That's a lot of pressure on Cad, considering the chick won't even put out. (And marrying her won't help his finances, either; he doesn't know she hasn't a centavo to her name!)

Welcome, Elle. Julie~~~Good reasoning, as always. Maybe Cad'ho thinks that Loafly has money because she is related to Esteve. By the way, Loafly is no spring chicken, but they are portraying her as if she is very young and under Tio Esteve's guardianship. A few years ago, we were discussing childrearing practices in class, and I discovered that in a lot of other countries , it is not common for children to stay overnight at someone else's home as it is in the U.S. , so maybe it is a big deal that Loafly did not return to sleep under Esteve's [well...Fr'ed's] roof.

Elle: Welcome! Glad to have you make the trip with us this time.
Julie: Cad will get a big dose of cosmic justice when he finds not only is she centavo-less but is anything but a "lady of virtue" --sort of a like the earthy, female version of himself, ¿verdad?
Julie: I just got done catching up with all the comments from Cheryl's recap. Julie -- sending you the best during your hr. long commutes! That's why God invented car radios, I am sure!
Carlos: You, dear médico, give me hope that the spirit of Marcus Welby still endures. > ; > ))

Susanlynn: This is definitely a different kind of Sergio Sendel playing love-slave. It's been great fun on so many levels.
Sandy in TN: We're tracking on Soylent Green. Ha! That's what was going through my mind when I wrote it. Ol' Edward G. Robinson.....

Jardinera~~I loved Dr. Welby, MD.!!!!! I am anxious for Fr'ed to do SOMETHING. FC usually plays galans who are much more proactive. In this one, he seems to whine and wring his hands a unlike his roles as Luis, Manuel, and RicRicRic.

Just to elaborate on my earlier comment. Damian has been convinced by Barbwire (love that one) that his wife is ALREADY unfaithful with Fr/Ed. If he manages to jump her bones during his convalescence (and Carlos seems to think he can) wouldn't he realize he runs the risk of bringing up Santoro, Jr?

Novelera: Good points on all accounts. All it takes is once to get mission accomplished and Dam, Jr. on the way. Fr/Eddie, Jr. would have to be known as Damian, Jr. and could be raised to hate papi Fr/Ed. Then he could turn on Damian like El Coyote did on Darth. --It might all be moot anyway. I just don't think BB knows as much about Fer's personality traits and human nature as she thinks she does. She's made a few mistakes along the way, and Fer has the advantage of Fr/Ed's informational backgrounders to guide her intuition now. So, I figure short of Dam using a few of those roofie drops, I don't see her hopping willingly into the sack with him. But also, that's what I mean about holding the good name of the child over her head.

Susanlynn: I guess the writers are pushing brains over brawn this time. Can be a bit boring when you're used to FC in Errol Flynn mode. Ed's becoming a big yawn. I want more of the feisty guy he was with Obregon and definitely more of the sexually inviting kind. From what I understand, the original had very little overt sexuality in it. It was mostly a mystery.

Hi Jardinera and all you witty folks...and welcome Elle...always fun to have new faces and new thoughts on the blog.

Jardinera, this was one of your best. Wow. Non-stop wit, in your language and observations from the first paragraph to the last. You were on fire.

And I loved the embedded vocabulary. "Enconcharse" is a new word for me and I really liked your translation of "embaucar" as well.

My favorite verbal image (although there were dozens) was Esteve leaving Cadmilo "with his mouth catching flies".

Just realized in the last few episodes that Camillo has a cat's ass mouth. I hate that look. Notice the next time he puckers up. It's an insult to all adorable cats everywhere (I have one). But what else would you expect for such a loathsome character?

Have to admit, I'm still feeling sympathetic and sorry for Aurora (although your nickname is very funny). I was so hoping that at least the primary care bruja would give her refuge. I hate seeing someone basically innocent (yes stupid...but innocent) repeatedly shamed, brutalized, condemned and turned away. Tough for me to watch. As Carlos would say, Butch up, Judy! I'm trying.

Thanks though for an absolutely ripping good recap. One of your finest, truly.

No, no, people, Cad does not have a cat's ass mouth, that would be an insult to cats. He has sucking-on-lemon mouth, ala Renee Zelwigger mouth.

Judyb~~HA...I was thinking of that exact same description of Cad'ho's mouth ! Someone used it to describe someone in QE or was it JQ ? Jardinera~~~Right now, I don't see handsome Fr'ed as a man of brain or brawn. He just isn't doing anything with his brain or his bod. I think that the writers were told to really stretch out this novela as they did with FELS , and we all know what happened there. I do miss gorgeous Capricio who seemed to have all the brains and a lot of the beauty and brawn in FELS. The writers could have given us scenes of Fr'ed taking looong rides on that expensive horse Er lent him if they wanted to extend the novela . Have there been many novelas in which the leading lady slept with anyone other than the galan whether she was married or not ? I can only think of Pasion in which Camille was raped by the pirates who kidnapped her. In Amor Real, Matilde never slept with Adolfo Solis even though Manuel was convinced that she had, and in Alborada, Hippolita never slept with anyone but Luis, not even her long-suffering husband Antonio. Therefore, I don't think Dam will ever succeed in his quest to consummate his marriage to Fer.

Dam/Fer will never consumate the marriage. Eddy and Fer have both been saving themselves for each other, and they will give/take the other their virginity. Gott a be that way.

Well now you've insulted Renee Zellwegger, Dorado Dave! Will have to check that out the next time I watch Chicago!

Let's face it, comparing Camillo to anything or anyone is an insult. He belongs in his own little loathsome category.

Don't really get where his interlude with Loafly is going but have to admit her whining bugs me even more than Aurora's. But had to love the way she beckoned him back and then turned off the tap again. And Jardinera did it full justice in her recap.

Thanks, Julie, for explaining Esteve's plan, I'm not sure I woulda gotten it even in English! Between Loafly's whining, Cad's orange glow and puckered puss, it's hard to attend to their scenes!


Ellle, welcome! Thanks for your comments. Another interesting and realistic thing about the novelas is that when there is a baby in the plot, not in this one yet, they cry and squirm in the scenes with the actors, like REAL babies.

JudyB, not to insult Renee Zellweger, who is most likely a lovely person, I agree with DDave, she does have a puckery mouth like Camillo. Of course, SHE has taken here mouth and ridden it to muchisimo fame and fortune.

Sandy in TN

JudyB: Cats have much more dignity than Cad Elizalde, even if they do go about their daily ablutions differently!! Hmmm. I was also thinking outie bellybutton, or the top of an unpeeled tangerine, but I know I can never look at my cat's backside, as he strides by with his tail held regally high in the air, the same way ever again.....

My take on Obregón, he will cave with La Hiena, 'cause she's sooo mean, but when Eduardo gets a hold of him, he'll cave again 'cause he's sooo strong, not to mention what else our handsome hero is, well we'll leave it at strooong.

So glad to see dr O back, next to Fr/Ed, he's my favorite character.

Although I agree with everyone that FC has played smarter galans lately, his last 3 novelas have been with Carla Estrada where the roles were really written for him (2 were totally original stories). He played plenty of stupid or unlikable characters in his early days.

MEPS is a remake of Pura Sangre (a 2007 Columbian novela) and if what I read is true, they had to stick to the original story as part of the agreement. I never saw PS, so I don't know if they are, but they have to be stretching it since PS was only 5 months long.

I do know that PS had younger actors and I really think that helps make immature characters more believable. I love FC, but he really is too old for this role as written. That has been a big problem with the 9 pm novelas lately--they have all been remakes with older actors playing young characters.

Just my dos centavos, hope it wasn't too off topic,


ITA with all those who believe Dam will NOT be successful in his amorous attempts on Fer. Watching him try gives me a real Eeewwwww moment. While Sendel is an attractive man, he's done such a good acting job of portraying Dam as an amoral scoundrel that I can't stand the thought of his getting his hands on our Fer.

The thing about the primary care bruja is this: if she doesn't plan to tell Barbwire about Abora having told her that her mother is Rebeca Sanchez, then why does she want to see her at all? It doesn't make much sense she'd say it was "urgent" to just tell her Abora dropped by. It seems possible to me that Barbwire could find out that Abora was her spawn but be unable to find her for most of the rest of the novela because Abora is in the wind. She's not going to go back to Dominga's, I think, because that's the first place Santi would look.

Judy (and others), I guess I did insult Renee, that wasn't my intention, really. I think she's a pretty darn good actress, and has been a bit of a hottie. She just has those "pronounced" lips that you have to kind of ignor. In Cad's example, you add those lips to that unnatural colored skin, and the unfounded superiority, and you have a am unredeemable combination. I have been wondering whether he is interested in Loafly as only a conquest, which we would suspect, or whether he is after something deeper. I know, I know, you think I'm nutz, but they are setting this thing up for something bigger, I'll bet. I just hope that he doesn't hurt Loafly in the process when he learns that she's been playing him. I'm just weary of innocents getting beat up by bullies, as per TN formula.

DDave~~~Unlike Aurora ans Lili, I think Loafly can take care of herself. Pity the poor fool Cad'ho if he tries to push her around as he did Er. He will be wrestled in or out of the mud. This novela has women who are victims [Aurora, Lili, Er] , but it has many strong women [Martina, Loafly, Fer, DDenia, Barbwire]. This show is full of warrior princesses. Then , we have the Wicked Witchand Dominga who defy categorizing !!

Jardinera, Thanks for the complete and thorough recap. It drives me crazy when I can't catch what is being said. I can always count on you to fill us in.

I am so glad Fer has Santi to talk to now. Fr/Ed has had an assortment of people in on his secrets to talk to. Though Fer still doesn't know Fr/Ed's true identity, she has had to deal with the Lili ransom and murderous Babs secret by herself (I know, she could talk to Fr/Ed but now he's Erika's novio and frequently he is in a jealous unpleasant snit fit).

DDave, Re: Esteve "hamster clinging to his chest"
So, so funny and such an apt description! I giggled for minutes. I actually think they have toned it down (trimmed it back?) the last few episodes. Maybe they traded the hamster for a gerbil.

Pascal, thanks for the backgrounder on PS' agreement. I'd never heard of a refrito being so faithful to an original and was curious why folks were saying this one was.
Barbara/ DDave: didn't get to tell you I loved that list you posted on Chery'ls recap. That's one to copy and paste in my files. // I had a few giggles over that hamster crack, too! I guess MIM is not my cup o' tea in the looks department, but as a character actor he never disappoints. At least I can look at him now in MEPS and not think of Donald Duck anymore.....

Gawd, now I'm worrying that one of these days we'll see some little rodent's tail peeping out of Estev's shirt!!

I think the previous cat's ass mouth was the guy in QE that Sara was living with for a while, the evil doctor who had to pretend to be gay as part of the scam against Fafy Cuenca. (Speaking of whom: There's a guy in a beer commercial, it's either Dos Equis or Tecate I think?, who reminds me of Fafy if Fafy had been more virile-looking. I think he's supposed to be like a fake celebrity spokesman. Anyone know the commercial I'm talking about?)

Susanlynn, regarding non-virgin leading ladies, there was Sofia in FELS raped by Feo, and Lety/Betty in LFMB/BLF who had been seduced by a neighborhood boy on a bet.

And I agree with those who predict that Fer's marriage will not be consummated. Dam has too much pride to force himself on a woman or knock her out. (I was going to say that even as a criminal he's more man than Camilo, but then I remembered Camilo's a criminal too - battering Erika and Jacinto, drugging Aurora whether he raped her or not, and breaking into FrEd's place.)

Oh, speaking of nonvirgin telenovela leading ladies, did the chick in Tontas end up with Jaime Camil or the other guy? Because if she ended up with Camil, then that's another one.

Which leads me to believe that it's not unusual for telenovela leading ladies to have either some previous experience, sometimes consensual, sometimes tragic, before she meets the galan.

However, I can't think of any case where the leading lady has consensual sex with anyone else AFTER she's met the leading man!

Julie, I do know one novela where the heroine had consensual sex with her evil husband after having lost her virginity to the hero--Los Plateados. Of course this led to a paternity question. However, I would say the heroine willingly sleeping with anyone besides the hero is a more modern change. That never seemed to happen in older novelas.

Jardinera, I'm glad someone thought my little essay helpful :-). I didn't express myself very well, but my point was that the writers may not have a choice in making Fr/Ed stupid.

Jardinera, thanks once again for a great recap. Julie, did Cam also assault Natalie? What ever happened to her and her pizza? There are now 2 MIA's. No way will Dam be able to do with deed with Nanda!


Susanlynn- I'm afraid that because of Esteve's repeated warning to Loafly to not fall for Cad, she will do just that. Also, he is violent, and not above using a weapon- the riding crop- who knows what else the writers will dream up. While Loafly's resume' would indicate that she might me able to protect herself in a wrestling match, Cad is an abysmal gutter dweller living in a fancy house, and is not above using weapons- the riding crop against Jacinto, the date rape drops against Abora. He is capable of just about anything. He should have an especially nasty day of reckoning...

Sorry for repeating myself in the last post. I need to reread BEFORE publishing.

rsk, At last we're getting a bit of rain. Fri. was a bust and yesterday looked so promising only to come up dry. Not a lot yet but it's still raining. Hope you got or are getting some too. I too am so happy for the return of Dr. O. I must admit that I thought that the obit was like a coded message for Dr. O to get in touch, not show up like a happy mobster, flowers in hand at a rival capo's funeral. Ouch for both he and Babs. Carlos

Carlos, nothing Friday, about an inch yesterday evening and dry, but a little cooler today. I think it is about 40% through next weekend, we can only hope. As a child I can remember going to Mass with my grandparents in the Valley and they were always praying for rain. Now I understand.

Yes, the Dr. O, Barbwire scene smacked of ganster funeral. I loved the cross shaped arrangement - perfecto. Barb's granny good witch dress was a little absurb.


Carlos~~~Glad that you got some rain. I can stop doing my rain dance now. DDave ~~~I wonder what Cad'ho's fate will be. Barb and Art will probably die a nasty death because they are both EVIL and have been responsible for the death of others, but I wonder if Cad and Dam will die or be punished some other way. Let's see. ...Gaby and Feo both died at the end of FELS. It seems like the villans are often killed off at the end even if they didn't actually kill anyone.

Julie, the female lead in Tontas (Candy) was with Lanus once, a week before their wedding, got pregnant (don't they always?), and ended up with Camil. "Only once before her true love" seems to be an emerging trend - Lety, Camila, Sophia, Candy. For that matter, Candy only acostarse with Camil once in the entire novela. Oh, and one implied event.

Elle, I have sad news for you. Regarding handsome galans, you started at the top. There is no place to go but down. Fernando Colunga has been dubbed on Caray as TBLMOE (The Best Looking Man On Earth). The first croissant I ever tasted was in Paris, and I've been disappointed by every croissant I've eaten ever since. I fear you will find the same disappointment with other handsome leads. I'll never get back to Paris, but the good news for you is, TBLMOE will still be in other novelas.

susanlynn, unless Dam can get an annulment, then he is doomed. Once you marry a protagonist in the church, you have to either die or get an annulment so the main couple can get married in the church.

Paula, loved your croissant analogy! I enjoyed novelas before Amor Real, but once I'd seen TBLMOE in what I think still is his best role, there was no going back.

Paula H: I'm with you on both accounts - FC is one of a kind and definitely TBLMOE, and there just isn't anything that in my mind tops a patisserie in Paris! We bought breakfast everyday from the one across the street from our hotel and would munch along the way to the metro (crassly American perhaps, but what the hey).
Pascal: that was my thinking as far as Dam's possible future or lack there of as the case may be. I can't remember the line, but a couple of days back as soon as one of the characters said it I felt for sure Dam was doomed.

Novelera~~I'm with you. I am waiting for a TN to top Amor Real and Alborada. I hope that Carla Estrada, Monica, and FC team up again for another historical novela. That combination can't be beat. Paula~~~Great analogy. I am still waiting to have a croissant [or even a glass of water] in Paris. The closest I've come is Florence , Italy , where every art class I've ever taken sprang to life right before my eyes and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. FC has it all , and other galans can't compare. JMHO

Rsk, I don't think Cad ever battered Natasha, I don't recall them even formally breaking up. He just left her place that day and that was how they left it, I guess. Hopefully Natasha has since met a guy who is more open-minded about pizza and won't be tempted to go back to Cad.

Carlos - I have a question about your corn casserole. Where you say "sprinkle the muffin mix over the corn mixture, mix gently with a fork," how much "mixing" are we talking about? Just enough to shallowly integrate it into the uppermost layer of gooey goodness, or something more thorough?

Paula H, What a way with words. Croissants, FC--yum, my mouth is watering.

Thank you all for your warm welcome!
Paula your analogy of Colunga and a Parisian croissant was great...both totally delicious! I am sad to read not all male TN actors will be as gorgeous. Sendel is nice to look at too, beautiful eyes and body.

Now that I know this is a re-make using older actors it makes more sense...maybe that is why they have Fr/Ed wear give him a younger look ?? Fer also wears little girl Limited Too PJs now that I think of it...

because my Spanish is not great and I only started watching 2 months or so ago,I've missed a lot. can someone please explain the following ...

why does Fr/Ed have guards?

why did he hire Gardenia? she is such a pain

what was the purpose of the big party? (no food served-darn)

what is Steve's real job?

What happened to Fr/Ed's father?

Were Martina and Venus also hookers?

sorry for all the questions but they have been driving me crazy!

Elle: If somebody here can't give you answers in a nutshell, please feel free to read the recaps at the Mañana link on the orange border at the left of the CarayCaray homepage to catch you up fully. The link will guide you back to episodios and even the synopsis.

Have a good day!

Julie, once again you are correct. I just remembered her being carted off in an ambulance. I hope you are right about her finding someone else, maybe Italian.


Elle, welcome. Since I have a bit of time I'll take a stab at your questions. I know that others will feel free to add to my answers.

1.why does Fr/Ed have guards?
After DDenia was kidnapped twice and Orange Boy ransacked his house twice, suddenly an episode ended with a view of SWAT guys patrolling the grounds.

2.why did he hire Gardenia? she is such a pain
Have you looked closely at Gardenia?

3.what was the purpose of the big party? (no food served-darn)
Esteve's idea. I think deep down he's a partyboy.

4.what is Steve's real job?
He's the scion of the Powermilk family.

5.What happened to Fr/Ed's father?
Still a mystery, though I think it's Artie Bravo.

6.Were Martina and Venus also hookers?

Martina: no, just a certified mudwrestler with high morals.

Venus: yes, enthusiastically so, as well as an accomplished mudder.

Hope this is helpful.

Carlos(still mourning the abrupt closing of las Copatonas)

Elle, just to elaborate on two things:

- why did he hire Gardenia?

I think originally he hired her as a favor to Jacinto and Margarita because she had quit the Elizaldes. Babs had the chauffeur take her for a "ride" on Fer's wedding day to prevent Gardenia from prematurely spilling the beans about Soledad's death (long story).

Eventually Gardenia found out that Franco is Eduardo, and also she got threatened by Bravo's goons several times, so now he keeps her around to keep her safe from the goons, not to mention out of trouble considering her big mouth.

- what was the purpose of the big party?

I think Carlos is mostly right that Steve just wanted to throw a big party, but the first we (including FrEd!) heard of it was when Steve told Erika about it and told her she'd be FrEd's date. Steve had this nutty idea that FrEd needed to make Fer really jealous (never mind that she is momentarily trapped in marriage to a criminal). Then later he also decided to use the party to launch the Lovely caper.

Jardinera, I really appreciate the detail you put into your recaps, and the time you take to respond to so many posters. It's a real weekend treat.

Yay! Obregon's back with his usual great comic timing. I am sure he and Lucero had a fun time doing this.

I'm wondering if Barbara is ever going to get to Rosenda's, now that she's been delayed by seeing Obregon. And if she does, will the witch actually remember to tell her the Rebecca Sanchez-Aurora connection? I don't think she realizes how significant this info. would be to Babs.

I'm with those who think that the First Time for Fernanda and Franco will be with each other. I can't imagine we're supposed to think they've been virgins all this time, just to have it "spoiled" by having another partner. So Erika, that's bad news for you, girlfriend.

Elle, just to add a teeny bit to Carlos' succinct list: Just in case you don't actually see Gardenia's charms, abundant as they are, Franco wanted to keep his eye on her by having her work for him, as he realized she is something of a loose cannon that could ruin his whole Fr/ed disguise. It's kind of backfiring on him now that she knows he's her long-lost unrequited love, Eduardo, and has her own secret plan going.

Pascal, thank you so much for the info. you left me on an earlier post re: Salome. I responded on that day, but way after the fact.


Julie, Darla says that you mix just enough to moisten the muffin mix. As I said, I just enjoy eating it, I haven't actually cooked it. Heck, I thought it was a healthful dish.


Good Morning everyone!

Thanks to your suggestions, I'm now watching Alborada. To the person who commented on FC's current size, I agree with you. He seems much smaller in this TN than in Alborada. I don't know if he was larger at the beginning of MEPS than now, but EdFr seems much smaller than the bulky Don Louis. I have tried to take into consideration his clothes/costumes, he is just bigger in AL, his face even seems fatter.

There is a wonderful quality to FC as an actor, he speaks so very clearly. The actors in Alborada are a little harder to understand, but FC pronounces his words very distinctly as usual. Also, he is riding around under complete command of all situations as a TN galan is expected to do. As others have commented, using this older Colombian novela without changes, might not have been the best career move for FC, but I'm sure he'll bounce right back for the next one.

MEPS as a whole if fairly easy to understand, Jacinto is the only person that I really can't understand at all

Sandy in TN

Sandy in TN, I just finished the 3rd disc of Alborada. It is so awesome. Can't wait to start on disc 4.

elle, welcome to this bit of internet madness. A couple notes of my own on the questions that you'd asked;

Esteve threw the party to introduce Ed/franco to the social scene, to prove his legitimacy as someone important, I think. The other stuff- announcing the engagement, seduction of Cad were incidental. He should have had some bocados- not that good a host, and the snide comments from the party goers have been edited out.

Eddy hired Gardenia b/c he needed a cook/house keeper. I would hire her, too. She has great tamales and enchiladas. She could have whipped up something for the party, if asked, she has plenty of time. Also b/c she was a childhood friend that needed a job. The protection/loose cannon stuff became necessary later.

Eddy's dad supposedly died a long time ago. My theory is that Marcario is Eddy's paw, and was banished to the weekend hacienda for pissing off Monserrat over how he pruned the roses. He's still waiting for a rescue, BTW.

Hope that helps...

DDave, I kinda like the idea of old dude as Eddie's daddy. If he's dead it gives Franco even more reason to go after Babs since she's more or less responsible for his momma's death and of course his separation from his childhood sweetheart. In any event, the long term prognosis for the Barbinator is not good.


Thanks for the answer about the corn thing, Carlos! Healthful? I'm sure that with all the dairy in it, it's full of calcium! Maybe we should add some cheese!! :-)

Regarding FC's height, maybe he's working with taller actors than usual? I think Erika might be on the tall side. (Admittedly, I rarely notice height unless it's hilarious, like in FELS when Gabriela tried to hit Juan... didn't someone here joke that she would need to stand on a chair to reach him?)

Regarding FC's size, could it be that in the other TNs (Pasion, Alborada) he was wearing boots with maybe a lift inside to give him more height? Remembering when I've seen him in talk shows, he really isn't all that big....


Sorry, I was unclear. I meant bulk not height. He seems the same height in relation to others , just much bulkier.

Sandy in TN

FC's entry in the IMBD database says he's 6'1-1/2". Don't know how true these things are.

I think nearly all his protagonistas have been fairly tall for Latinas. Adela Noriega is pretty tall, as is Susana Gonzalez. Lucero is smaller, maybe 5'5".

Regarding bulk, I think the period costumes make him look bigger as opposed to what he wears in modern ones. In that one scene they showed of him pumping iron, he looked pretty darned muscular to me.

Yes, it probably has something to do with costumes or camera angles. I'm just glad that it is his face and bod up on these big HD TVs, NOT MINE !

Sandy in TN

DDave and Carlos~~~You guys crack me up. I appreciated the review . Julie~~~I've made the baked corn casserole many times because it is delish and so easy . I would have been more than happy to make some for the BIG PARTY. Good call to the person who commented that they served no food. Que the hell kind of party is that ? I could have also brought a big bowl of Bonnie's Hawaiiaan Jello Salad. For the baked corn casserole, just dump everything in a mixing bowl and mix like you would mix up muffins.. until everything is blended. Then, dump the mixture into a greased baking dish. My oven tends to be on the hot side , so I pull it out when the top is lightly browned and a toothpick inserted comes out clean. As to FC's size, I agree with Novelera that the period costumes make him look beefier...those big jackets. They wore a lot of clothes back in the day. I think that he is about the same height as Eduardo Yanez but slimmer. FC is the quaterback , and Ed is the linebacker. However, having said that, I do think that he might have lost a little weight since Alborada. p.s. FC on a horse is almost more than I can stand. Any of you watching Alborada right is great from start to finish. You will be spoiled hence forth for any other novela. For me, only Amor Real can compare.

The most despicable character in MEPS IMO is Camilo.
He hasn't murdered anyone yet, but he rapes, abuses women & those that he considers inferior to him. There is nothing too horrible that can happen to him.

Sure Babs has murdered, cheated, stolen but at least she is classy doing it. She doesn't slither like the slimeball Camilo.

Have you been reading Melinama's posts at Pratie Place about her Paris adventures. You've got to read today's post. Click on Pratie Place at the top of this page. Yikes. [Today's word identification : ''pestrap'']

Jardinera, thanks for the thoroughly detailed and totally hilarious recap. So many fun moments on screen and again in print.

“Denia’s need to be a nosy gossip.” In some TNs, I’ve seen an older household servant taking on this role. Is it just coincidental that Fr/Ed’s household servant is a young and curvaceous hottie? (The older servants have sometimes been curvaceous, but the curves have migrated south.)

Damian playing the role of invalid is SO much fun. As previously noted, hard not to snicker when an accidental blow hits the sore spot. Isn’t he in Fer’s bedroom? If so, why?? He had a bedroom in the hacienda before they were married, I think? I know, abandon logic all ye who enter here. (Sergio Sendel was wheelchair-bound for part of his role in La Esposa Virgen.)

Several couples in play during this episode: Santi and AhWahWah, Fer and Dam, Cad and Loafly. I was ready to vote for Cad and Loafly as most entertaining, until Barb and Dr. O came on stage at the end. I was shouting and rofl at their mutually stricken looks.

Loved the interview with Estev and Cad!! Not enough concern for a young woman’s honor in these degenerate days, as Cad discovered. At the beginning, I wasn't enthralled with Estev, but warmed to him over time. Guess I was yearning for our swashbuckling sidekick, Mario, from Pasion. Now I really like Estev and hope he stays loyal to Fr/Ed.
La Paloma

I didn't have time to read all of the comments, but wondered if anyone else noticed Barb's hyenic laugh at the end of the previews. I think it means she's going to kill someone. She got her nickname because a hyena laughs after it kills. My guess is Dr. O. This is definitely not a spoiler. Just my guess.

Did anyone come up with how long the old man has been MIA...??? I've been reading comments but haven't come across it -- unless I missed it. It seems like ages ago. It's hard to figure out time in these TNs. Why isn't anyone looking for him...??? Wouldn't they hear at the main house...???

PS - The corn casserole sounds delish. I have to try it...


Beth, not Dr.O!

Susanlynn, I bumbled into Melinama's post from last Mon. and went back a few moments ago after reading your post. As you guys sometimes say, yikes.


I think we might be on day 6 Telenovela time of Old Dude Down the Hill.

Well I hope this isn't a spoiler, but Macario isn't even listed in the elenco, so my guess is only his cuerpo muerte.s

Yes! Beth! I did hear Bar's hyenic laugh! Too creepy!

Another person she could kill soon would be Rosenda, if she thinks Rosenda knows too much. Someone suggested a while back that Rosenda could be Ana Gregoria Bravo - in which case she would DEFINITELY know too much!

What facts do we have about Ana Gregoria Bravo?

connie- zilch, cero, nada, about Anna G Bravo, as far as I know

I thought she worked at the hacienda or something? Maybe that was just something that we came up with. I wish we had more clues.

re: FrEd's big party..... did I read somewhere or did someone tell me, that in Pura Sangre those guests were all paid actors? We were never told if FrEd hired those guests to attend his party, but how else did he know so many people for being in town such a short time?

We only know according to the birth certificate that Ana Gregoria Bravo
is the mother of Artemio Bravo, father unknown.

We know that Bravo's mother got knocked up at the hacienda and got kicked out, and I don't remember what else Martina's father said about her - that she sometimes came to town to beg for food? Did I imagine that part?

Oh yeah and after she disappeared, for a while all the cows went dry (and the crops wilted?) but then everything was fine.

Doris, I can't say about Pura Sangre, but at least some of the muckity-mucks who attended the party in MEPS were supposed to have been for real. I remember Estev telling FrEd that he had invited the head of the ministry of milk (or agriculture, or whoever's in charge of that stuff in Mexico), and FrEd was impactado and nervous that the party was going to have such a high profile.

Julie- thank you for having a memory, which I am constantly reminded that I do not have. Connie, don't listen to me, but to Julie...I'll just go now...

It seems Gonzo would know some of the big shots, since he's the big shot at GL, but I didn't see him interact with any of them, maybe he forgot.
Esteve is a big shot with Powhere Milk, so I'm sure he has some connections.

Ha...interesting comments concerning memory...DDave's, Gonzo's...I can relate. The original title was interesting...Pura Sangre. I guess we have to keep guessing about the origins of Art and Barbwire. I never considered The Wicked Witch might be Art's mama. If Art is the father of Ed and Aurora , then those 2 are half bro/sis. It's a tangles web. Is Art's mama dead or alive ? Some have speculated that Dominga might be Art's mother. Soledad fits in to this mess somehow because Art was very clear to Barbie about getting Soledad out of the way, but he never told her to kill her, did he ? I wish that they would give us a few more clues.

susanlynn - you're right, AB never had Soledad killed, just removed. It almost seemed like he had a tender spot for her.

Julie - thanks on the party guests clarification. Wish I could remember where I heard/read/dreamed that about the hired actors.

A.G. Bravo got pregnant working at the Alzalde place at age 15 (I believe), was run off, had her baby unattended in the wilderness, came back to town, cursed the place causing the disasters Julie mentioned. Syl said she was gaunt with sunken dead eyes. Sound like someone we've met who probably has a spell or two up her sleeve? Carlos

Hmmmm, Carlos...Or should I call you Perry Mason ? That excellent review of the clues you gave does seem to point to the bruja. If you're right, she might just have turned away her own granddaughter from her door. Oh the irony of it all. Do you think she knows that Barbie's real name is Rebecca Sanchez? Also, I think it's quirky that Dr. O calls Barb ...''Barbie''...a very familiar and playful name. Did he know her back in the day? Did they have a history before the day she called him to help frame lil' Lil and haul her away ?

I remember distinctly that Abora said (sobbing) to the Bruja that she was trying to find her mother and that her mother's name was Rebeca Sanchez. Abora also said she was sure her mother was the one trying to contact her from the "other side" because she had to be dead. In Abora's mind this is the only reason she would not have sought her out.

This was when the bruja was doing her hocus pocus bullsh!t routine about the hanky with RS on it. The bruja looked absolutely stunned at this, so I think she knows that's really La Hiena. And I also think she was about to tell Babs this when Barbwire got a cell phone call about something and dragged Abora out of there.

I like the theory, Perry, even the apparent ages seem to fit- those of Bruja and Arty. That would explain why she might want to withold the Rebeca Sanchez info from Babs, just keeping an Ace card close to her chest, knowing what sonny is capable of. I don't think that Arty is Abora's sperm donor, but I can't figure why he seems to be so protective and "attached" to her. I don't know, maybe Babs and Arty did have a roll in the hay, that would certainly explain a lot. Thank gawd I have access to this collective memory, I'd really be spinning wheels on my own...

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