Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Amor Monday, August 10, 2009: In which Emiliano does a lot of chin jutting

Friday: Inaki turns the car to head back to Real del Monte, doesn’t look, and drives right into the path of an oncoming truck.

Tonight: Blissfully unaware, Emiliano is kicking around a soccer ball with Chava and some other kids. Their team wins and Chava says come play with us every weekend. Cool, says Emiliano. Chava, worried that his cholesterol is too low, wants to go grab some quesadillas at his mom’s roadside stand, and Emiliano says he’ll go take a quick shower and join him.

He notices the message from Inaki on his phone. Call me immediately! He dials, but just gets Inaki’s tape.

Mac comes home from her blood studies and Rufi tells her that spending time with Camila sure makes her look perkier. Mac tells Rufi that if the phone rings they have to grab it before Carlota does.

She takes a big jar of birdseed from the shelf of mysteries in the kitchen and heads off to the canary cage. Rufi follows and in a low voice tells Mac about Arcadia’s two mysterious visits and how Carlota sent Rufi to the kitchen so she couldn’t overhear. Mac says it’s very strange that somebody working for Inaki’s family would come by.

She turns to feed her birds and gasps. There is little yellow feathered body on the bottom of the cage. She storms into Carlota’s office and tells her that the little bird’s neck was wrung and she’s the only one who would do it. Carlota is not the type to note the fall of a sparrow and says There is so much to worry about, what with Paloma and your blood sugar, who cares about a canary?

Mac says I’m outta here. Oh yes? says Carlota. Are you going alone, or are you going to join the runaway lovers? Mac says I’m going alone. I have to get out of this house where the air itself is pure bitterness.

Carlota says what are you going to live on? Are you going to mooch off your divorced friend? Or are you going to beg? Mac says I’m going to live off my inheritance. Our father left us both this house and I want my part.

Ha! says Carlota. You can’t live alone. You’re sick. Mac says I can take care of myself and I’m going to go see a lawyer. She leaves, Carlota’s evil laugh following her out.

Camila comes home and looks for Romina. Romina comes in the front door. Camila says I was worried – I thought you were sleeping. You were worried? says Romina. You say those things, but you’re actually the opposite. I can’t take it. I don’t matter to my father, to you, even to Emiliano.

Instead of telling her to get over herself, ever-patient and ever-doting Camila says what’s wrong? Romina says lies, gossip. Somebody told Emiliano that German and I had something going and he believed it. Camila says I warned you that it didn’t look good for you to be hanging around German. Romina wants Emiliano to beg her forgiveness and get back together with her. Camila says if he doesn’t want to date you, you can’t make him. You can’t force love.

Romina says I’m not a big giant loser like you. When Dad left, you didn’t do anything to try to keep him. I’m gonna get Emiliano back.

Joel comes in and finds Rafa sitting in his office, the blinds drawn. Joel tells him to go on home – Saturday is just a half day, and then you hang out with your friends. Rafa says he doesn’t have a lot of friends because he’s spent all his time working.

Joel says go home and have dinner with your wife and son. Rafa sighs and explains his wife thinks he’s a loser. Joel says chin up! There’s a possibility we might have a backer. Rafa says get real. This place is going to close and a big part of my life is going to close with it. Plus Diana and I are probably going to separate.

Diana meantime is at a spa with a girlfriend, where they’re in big fluffy white robes, getting facial massages. She asks her girlfriend what is was like when she lived in the DF. The friend says too many people, too much traffic. Diana says hopefully But a lot more fun things to do? Is it more expensive than here? Definitely, says the girlfriend. Diana dreams of a fancy home there, dinners at fancy restaurants. The girlfriend warns her that that’ll cost big time.

The girlfriend speculates that Diana maybe wants to go live there, or just rent an apartment and live there part-time? If so, Rafael must be earning really big! Diana smirks half-heartedly.

German has been waiting for Emiliano. Emiliano says don’t worry about that stuff last night. German says no, I want to explain! It turns out that Liliana just said those things to turn you and me into enemies and to piss off Romina. Emiliano really doesn’t want to get into all that and he doesn’t like being in the middle of gossip. German says he hates that his pal got caught up in it, and he feels bad that Emiliano might break up with Romina over something like that.

Emiliano says I already did and it was for other reasons. German fakes ignorance and says why? Emiliano says just other reasons, that’s all. German says if you do that, it’ll make it look like Liliana was right. German’s heart is just not into this speech and his eyes shift around.

We’re at the hospital, both Inaki and Paloma are being rolled in on gurneys. Inaki is calling out to Paloma and begs the gurney guys to call his mother and Emiliano to come take care of Paloma.

We are treated to the sight of Emiliano in a bath towel. He answers his phone. He gets the bad news and starts frantically grabbing for his clothes. Unfortunately, his towel doesn’t come untied.

The telenovela gods must have their moldy sacrifices, and so the writers have laid the requisite hospital scenes on their altar to placate them. We can’t FF through all this because there are some interesting developments interspersed among the clichés, so here we go:

Paloma is hooked up to beeping monitors and the doctor looks worried. We’re not because she’s in the opening credits, and besides, she’s the protagonista.

Emiliano has arrived at Carmen’s house. He gives her the bad news and says they have to tell Paloma’s family.

Carlota is at her lawyer’s. Ominous music plays. For some reason, in this show the ominous music always reminds me of thundering stuff they play in WWII movies when we see mighty destroyers making their way through the waves towards the enemy. Carlota says that Mac has gotten it into her head that a smaller house with just one floor would be better for them. The music thunders some more. The lawyer assures Carlota that she has managed Paloma’s money like a pro. Carlota says and what if Mac wants to sell the house and I don’t? The lawyer says one person can buy the other out, but they’d have to go through the courts and that takes forever and is expensive. Plus he doesn’t think Carlota would want everyone to know that there is a conflict.

Rufi and Mac are in the kitchen cooking. Rufi comments that nobody in town can bake like Mac. She could sell her stuff! Like to restaurants. They could do it together. They could name their business Just Desserts. Mac likes the idea but says she wishes Paloma was there to give her opinion. Rufi says you have to learn to make your life without her.

Mac wishes she would hear from Paloma. Plus she wants to tell her that she’s decided to get the hell away from Carlota.

Doorbell! It’s Emiliano with Carmen. They are startled to see Mac, and say they had heard she was in the hospital. She says no, I just went for some tests. Emiliano introduces Carmen to Mac who says Inaki’s mom! Have you heard from Paloma?

Dramatic pause.

Camila drops some bags on the sidewalk. A man rushes to help and guess what, it’s Orlando. Their eyes meet! A love song kicks in! This does not bode well for Rafa as a future galan for her – we never get a love song when he talks to her. Too bad. Orlando insists on carrying her bags. He’s excited to hear she has an art shop.

Mac is rushing to leave and Rufi begs her to call with any news. Just then Carlota arrives and politely bellows at Carmen What are you doing in my house? She starts to talk trash, but Emiliano cuts in and says Paloma has had an accident, so knock it off. Carlota actually looks upset.

For the ad break, we see Inaki with his big toothy smile. What a prince! I hope he makes it through.

Orlando and Camila have arrived at her shop. He likes it and so do I – I’d like to buy the place out. She thanks him and he says Why are you so sad? Your eyes look so sad. Hey, this guy is Deep. Camila says it’s nothing – just a fight with my daughter.

Though Deep, Orlando is not above using the usual single-guy lines: Oh, so you have a daughter? Well, it figures that a beautiful woman like you would have a husband and family. Camila says I’ve been divorced for some years. Orlando tries to suppress a small smile and the love song kicks in again.

German calls Romina and tries to get her to come over but she says after the photo caper, she can’t. He says too bad, I guess you’ll miss out on hearing about my conversation with Emiliano.

Chava is at the quesadilla stand with his grandma and won’t have a quesadilla until Emiliano shows up which he’s sure he will because he’s a stand-up, do-right guy.

The tias, Emiliano and Carmen rush into the hospital in Pachuca and beg the reception nurse for information. She reports that Inaki is okay, just a few scrapes and bruises. But when they ask about Paloma, she excuses herself for a moment.

Dios mio! says Mac.

The doctor appears out of the woodwork. Paloma’s critical. So ceritical that she’s hovering between life and death. (whatever. yawn.)

Mac comes unglued. Emiliano wants to know what they can do to save Paloma. The doctor says we need some type A blood. Mac says that’s her type – suck away! Carlota says diabetics can’t donate. Emiliano looks terribly noble and offers up his blood.

The doctor tells Carmen Inaki is pretty bunged up, but he’ll survive.

Romina is at German’s but she doesn’t think his news was big enough for her to come over. He comes on to her a little, but she laughingly says she better go. He says what about my prize? She says you get it when you get Emiliano to come back to me.

That’s all you care about, isn’t it? says German. Don’t you feel a little bad about what we’ve done? Romina seems to be searching her hard drive and then shrugs no. German says well I do. I feel like a total rat, a hypocrite. And all this just to get a bit of love from the woman I’m crazy about.

Romina says you’re boring me and she tries to flounce out but he grabs her arm. She says look, one thing I learned when my father left – guilt doesn’t help anything. If you want something, you fight for it tooth and nail and you don’t worry who gets hurt in the process. So if you’re not on the same wavelength with me, forget it.

Inaki tells his mom why they were heading back to Real del Monte. Carmen says Mac was never in the hospital. I knew it! says Inaki. He blames himself for what happened to Paloma and begs his mother to go find out if she’s out of danger.

Carlota bursts into the room and through gritted teeth announces to Inaki that she’s not only going to prosecute him for messing with a minor, she’s also going to prosecute him for attempted murder. If Paloma dies, you’re going to spend the rest of your life in prison!

Emiliano doesn’t look so red hot. It turns out he’s afraid of needles, but he’s given his blood. The nurse tells him they’ll bring him some OJ.

The doctor comes out to the waiting room and tells the tias that he has moved Paloma into intensive care and that they won’t know by tonight whether she’ll pull through. (zzzz.) Carlota wants to move her to a better hospital, but the doctor says she can’t be moved. Mac pleads with Carlota who gives in.

Mac heads off to the hospital chapel and Carlota asks the doctor where she can make a formal accusation. She wants Inaki arrested.

Mac is praying and flashing back on the night Paloma’s mother lay dying, and how her mother told Mac to love Paloma and care for her like a real mama. Sollozos all around.

The chapel. Candles. A big spray of white gladiolas. An angelic voice singing. Mac, tears streaming down her face, telling her rosary beads. Into this scene walks Emiliano and asks if he can pray with Mac. She’s praying so fervently he’s sure her prayers will be answered. Mac blubbers that Paloma’s life has been horrible and it’s all her fault, she’s so weak and she made so many mistakes.

Emiliano tells her to be strong and that Paloma is who she is, a wonderful woman, thanks to Mac. This is a nice sentiment so I forgive him his schmalzy acting in this scene.

Mac leans into him and dampens his shirt with her tears. She goes on and on about how Paloma’s sorry little life is all her fault.

Back in Real del Monte, Camila has dropped by to check up on Mac and gets the bad news from Rufi. Ay no!

Romina is trying to shove someone out the front door. It’s Liliana who pushes in. She says she knows about Romina buying the photos. Romina plays dumb and says all this for German? Lili says German’s a loser like you, I’m declaring war for Emiliano and for all people who get messed with by people like you.

Romina tells her good Samaritans have fallen out of fashion. Lili says who laughs last, laughs best. Camila comes in and Lili says she’d like to talk to her, but Camila says now’s not the time. She turns to Romina and says Paloma’s been in an accident and she’s dying.

Carmen has called Inaki’s dad who is very upset. He thinks Inaki’s irresponsible and that girl has caused nothing but problems. Carmen begs him to find a lawyer. She also scared that if Paloma dies, Inaki will never get over it. She asks him to give Inaki his emotional support.

She hangs up and we see next to her Emiliano who says feel better? She says you were right – it was a good idea to call him.

It’s early morning and we are treated to the amazing sight of Mac and Carlota conked out on the waiting room couch, Mac’s head on her sister’s shoulder, and Carlota’s head resting against hers. Sigh. The lion lying down with the lamb. That’ll last until the second they wake up.

Emiliano was sleeping in the waiting room too and he wakes and starts right in on today’s good deeds. He tells the duty nurse that Mac has diabetes and can the nurse arrange for her to have her daily shot? Whadda guy! He wakes Mac and goes with her to get her shot. Carlota falls back asleep.

Chris’s superior sees Chris off with his blessings, but I can’t tell if it’s for the 2-week retreat or for his assignment in Real del Monte.

Inaki’s dad and his wife arrive at Inaki’s hospital room. Inaki is asleep in his neck brace. Carmen throws her arms around Alonso and his wife looks like she feels a bit out of place.

Emiliano and Mac are back in the waiting room with Carlota. Emiliano offers to bring Mac something to eat. Mac says she can’t eat. Carlota says to Mac Quit acting like a child. Aren’t you embarrassed that you always need someone to take care of you? Emiliano says come on, let’s go to the cafeteria.

They start to leave, but Camila and Romina come rushing in. Romina says please tell me that Paloma is going to live, and she throws herself in Emiliano’s arms. Mac and Camila embrace. Carlota is disgusted by all these emotional scenes.

Alonso tells Inaki that a lawyer is on the way. Inaki says thanks, but what I’m really worried about is Paloma. I don’t want her to die!

Natalia says I’ll go talk to Carlota. Maybe she’ll recognize me and I can get her to retract her charges. Carmen says recognize you? Natalia explains her connection to Paloma’s mother and Inaki is astonished. You are the Natalia Paloma wanted to look for! Natalia is thrilled that Paloma remembered her and thought she could help them. And she will!

Emiliano and Romina are sitting in the hospital cafeteria. She tells him she didn’t realize how much she loved Paloma until she got the big news. Paloma is like a sister to her. They had such adventures growing up! Her aunt always tried to keep them apart. I don’t want her to die!

Neither to I says Emiliano kindly.

Okay, so nobody wants Paloma to die, apparently not even Carlota.

Carmen comes up and tells Emiliano Inaki wants to see him.

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Natalia is telling Camila and Mac about her connection to Paloma while Carlota listens, disgusted. She says I don’t know why you’re so proud of being his stepmother – he’s ruined my niece’s life. Natalia says he’s a sweetheart who would never hurt anybody, so she hopes Carlota will retract her accusation of attempted murder.

Mac is stunned. Is that what Carlota is doing? Carlota says that and corrupting a minor and nobody’s going to make me change my mind. Camila looks at her agape. She starts to protest, but Carlota tells her to butt out. Carlota’s on a real roll and Natalia says Paloma’s parents would have reacted as Mac has, and she can’t believe that they left Carlota in change of Paloma.

The doctor comes in and says good news! Paloma’s going to make it. She’s regained consciousness. Everyone is thrilled, even Carlota breaks into a wide smile. The doctor says Paloma wants to talk to Inaki but she can’t be moved yet. And she wants to see her tia Macarena. Carlota’s face falls.

Inaki is worrying about Paloma, and Emiliano at his bedside understands. Inaki thanks him for giving blood and for everything. He’s in his debt. Emiliano says there are no debts between friends. Natalia bursts in and tells them that Paloma has pulled through. Big toothy smiles all around.

Suspenseful music. Carlota comes in to Paloma’s bedside and tentatively touches her sheets. She calls to Paloma who flutters her eyelids, then looks at her. Carlota actually asks kindly how she is and says how worried she’s been. Paloma says I asked to see Mac, where is she? Is she okay? Carlota says she’s fine, just worried like we all are.

Carlota strokes Paloma’s cheek gently. She says with Mac’s and my care, you’ll be back to your old self in no time. Paloma looks distressed. Carlota says what is it, my love?

Go away, says Paloma. I don’t ever want to see you again in my life. I’d rather die than to return to your house and to have to live with you.

Avances: Mac tells Inaki that she’s bringing charges against Carlota for her abuse of her authority over Paloma. Inaki says he wants to find out about the inheritance that he now hears (from Natalia?) that Paloma’s parents left her. Camila tells Mac that secrets held inside can fester into open wounds. The lawyer tells Carlota that when Paloma turns 18 she’s entitled to her money.


Maggie, a wonderful recap of a very emotional episode.

An astonishingly quick recovery for Paloma. A huge sigh of relief that Inaki also survived the crash. Still, I have to wonder, was this only a temporary reprieve??

The casting in this was genius. All of the galans have inner strenth, goodness and kindness. Perhaps that's why Inaki and Emiliano are so appealing.

Did Carlota really think Paloma would forgive and forget? As if... Oh, I'd also suggest a pet free house as Carlota obviously can't be trusted with anything that breathes. Let's hope Mac's resolve to live a Carlota free life doesn't dissipate. Glad Natalia has appeared - think she will be a big comfort to Pal. Plus, she's not afraid of Carlota.

Diana in MA

Excellent recap, Maggie!

Yep, it looks like Orlando and Camila will be an item instead of she and Rafael! Whenever they get that stunned look on their faces when they first meet and the violins cue - that's it. I was so hoping they'd kill off Diana and Camila and Rafael would be the happy couple. Although, come to think of it, that would bring Emiliano into lots more contact with snotty Romina.

Carlota's behavior confused me. It looked like she really cared that Paloma was badly hurt.

Great recap, Maggie, you most definitely have a way with words. My favorite line: "The telenovela gods must have their moldy sacrifices"....

So glad to see Iñaki pull through and his parents and madrastra all there to support him.

But this was really Emiliano's day; he was the hero. I especially like how kind and attentive he is to the older women: Carmen, Macarena, Camila, his nana, and even his annoying mom. He's a true gentleman and so sweet.

Novelera, I was also puzzled by Carlota's feelings with regard to Paloma. She's always seemed to hate this girl and yet she appeared relieved and gentle. Have to admit when I first saw her lurking in the hospital room with the usual purple shading on her face, I thought she was going to disconnect her tubes or something equally sinister.

Novelera and Jackie: For a few moments, I also thought Carlota seemed genuinely upset about Paloma. But, I fear the concern was only that she may lose her golden goose. As soon as Paloma declared her independence after a lifetime of cruelty and abuse, Carlota resumed her normal, hateful countenance. For me, she crossed the line of no return long ago.

Diana in MA

I, too, thought Carlota was going to unplug something so Paloma would die. Then she could snag Paloma's inheritance AND accuse Inaki of murder! Yay! But she didn't...why? I guess she really needs a victim around.

Maggie, you were absolutely on fire. So many great lines...

"shelf of mysteries"...indeed. The tea, the sugar, what else is lurking there that may not be on the up-and-up?

Romina "searching her hard drive."

Carlota is not one to notice the fall of a sparrow...HA. For all her proclaimed Christianity there isn't a drop of it in her.

I am so so glad Inaki is okay. Emiliano was a little over the top but it's hard to snark on someone too much for being good and considerate. The towel scene was a little bonus but not quite on par with other galans.

Maggie, I loved your funny recap with so many great lines. I glad you named the" shelf of mysteries." Now, if we only knew what is in the "mystery container" that Carlota and Rufi use on the dreaded "shelf of mysteries."

These galans must have been boy scouts in another life. They know how to use their heads, are loyal and helpful. I forgive Inaki for his momentary lapse of good sense since Paloma was also a contributing factor to his bad driving. Even injured, Inaki was intelligent enough to figure out Carlota lied about Mac being in the hospital just as he had suspected. And he connected Natalia as Paloma's unknown friend. What a guy! If he makes it through this novela, I will be grateful to the telenovela gods forever.

I thought it was funny that Carmen was losing patience with Mac and Rufi when they were futzing around and they wouldn't get out of the house to go to the hospital. And of course, Carlota shows up and has to accompany them to the hospital. It's difficult to have sympathy for Mac when she is such an emotional and mental mess.

Did anyone see the promos for ENDA during MEPS which revealed a very important upcoming scene which they didn't bother to show with the promos at the end of ENDA? I won't reveal it because it seems like one of those spoilers.


Why can't Paloma have two boyfriends? Would that be wrong? I like them both so much!

-Vivi in DC

Maggie I loved your recap, the comment about too bad Emiliano's towel didn't come untied was priceless. I thought the same thing even though he is a tad too young for me!

I noticed that Carlota's evil powers did not have the same effect when she had Mac,Cam and Natalia against her. She only seems to have her purple glowing evilness when it is one on one.

The opening credits shows Camila between Rafael and Orlando. So I still hope she ends up with Rafi. Orlando needs a haircut, I don't like that David Cassidy shag on a 50 year old man. Ugh!

It was a horse trailer that crashed into Inaki's car. I hope the horses and driver were okay, no mention of them.

I think it was a significant gesture that Emiliano gave his blood to save Paloma's life.
She now has his blood running through her,can't get more intimate than that. Well maybe later on they will...

Elle – I didn’t notice it was a horse trailer. Oh dear! Maybe it was empty.. Also, very good catch on the symbolism of Emiliano’s blood now running through Paloma’s veins.

I think Carlota’s tenderness towards Paloma was genuine. That’s what I like about this show’s writing – the characters are more nuanced and not just black and white. I think Carlota likes having her sister and niece with her and not just for the fun of controlling them. At the very beginning of the series, we saw that Carlota was hurt that Paloma prefers Mac. And we know that Carlota was hurt when she fell in love with the same man as Mac. So there’s some human need and feeling down under all that meanness. Maybe that’s even what drives the meanness.

Anyway, with Mac and Paloma revolting, and the lawyer saying Paloma is due to get her money, Carlota is about to have her horse shot out from under her.

I also liked in this episode that we got a real clear justification of Romina’s thinking and why she is so ruthless while still being so vulnerable.

What I didn’t go for was the overkill on Emiliano’s saintliness. Also, I don’t think the actor plays saintliness well. He does well as a decent guy, but when it passes beyond that somehow he seems simpy. The Inaki actor on the other hand seems to be able to radiate sweetness very naturally.

I was surprised that Inaki was okay. I really thought he was going to be a goner.

Thanks for the recap Maggie. I'm not watching the show but see the last bits of it before MEPS comes on. It's so neat this show actually has intelligent, kind galans (more than one) in this novela. What a difference from most!

Hola Maggie! Still avoiding this show like the plague....but wouldn't miss your recaps for the world.

Ditto all the favorite lines Julia mentioned. You just are fabulous. I do enjoy the ads for this one. Love all the actors and actresses but too much anguish for me to handle.

Maggie, yes, I agree. You expressed Carlota's reactions much better than I could. There were signs in two places that Carlota has SOME feelings for Paloma. The first one could just be ego, her hurt that Pal asked only for Macarena. But, also, when she received the news of the accident she seemed stunned.

It could be something like such deep insecurity that she thinks everyone is going to leave her, and she wants to keep them right there, for company, but she can't resist torturing them as well.

Maggie, I agree with you...Iñaki has the saintliness without the schmaltz, which is why many of us think Emiliano is great, but are totally in love with Iñaki.

It's actually really sad...I think Carlota really wants for people to love her, and to have a fine upstanding family, but instead of trying to be the sort of lady people would love, she tries to force everything. Rather than embracing the different kinds of "good respectable people" she has around her, she tries to squeeze everything and everyone into her very narrow vision of what's acceptable. It's very classic domestic violence.

Julia, I have to agree with you regarding Carlota. Look at what she's done to Macarena -- by constantly putting her down, Macarena is an emotional cripple who believes she can't fend for herself and must depend on Carlota. Like you said, this is sad and classic domestic violence.

I agree that on some level Carlota wants to be loved but she has no clue what the word love means. She is jealous, cruel and controlling to the extreme and seemingly cannot bear to see anyone happy since she is not. The only person I've seen her show love to was her brother and that was the smothering, possesive kind.

I'm enjoying Paloma's defiance and bid for freedom. But it's way too early in the show for this to work out, isn't it?

Have to say, the excellent recaps and comments here make this show for me. Thanks for letting me join in.

I wanted to add that the scene with German and Romina was completely unbelievable, as have been German's actions all through this telenovela. It's rather absurd he'd waylay Liliana to give Romina time to beat her to the punch and buy the photos. Wouldn't his best move have been to somehow guarantee that the photos would come to Emiliano's attention?

And she has the brass cojones to tell him she'll give him his "prize" after he helps her get Emiliano back. Frankly, I don't think any guy unless he was really terrible looking would be such a doormat. She's not even subtle

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