Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gancho Tuesday August 11 '09 Aldo Gets Dumped, Mau Is Stumped, Beto Takes A Licking But Keeps On Ticking

And that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

What!? You want more? Well, Xime finds out it's not much fun to be poor, not if you're being squeezed like a sardine for hours on end in the metro. And Consti and Beto have another hot to trot almost kiss (dang! Moni comes in and interrupts) and even Mauricio gets locked in the coffee room.

Oh alright, if you insist, I'll just recap the whole darned thing. Fortunately we start with a little review of the stripper club scene. (Susanlynn, hope you were watching) We get to enjoy again Mau's little off-tempo dance, somewhat better knee scoot butt slappin' move and his tender request that Monita forgive him. They almost kiss also, but then another sassy lady tries to horn in on the action and pretty soon our galan is beseiged by a whole wad of lustful women. And who can blame them? Julia, Emilia and I would be right there helping out if we could. Oooooh if only we could! Quote of the evening? Monita saying tenderly, Gee you don't have to strip to ask my forgiveness. (But we're glad he did.)

And what else? Well, we see that Salvador definitely returns Gabriela's kiss. He caves completely. Oscar successfully plants the bug in Mau's office. Beto busts in, reeking as usual, but not yet completely under the effects of the dope they gave him. Jeri and Oily Oscar manage to convince him this was just a test. And he passed. What do I get, asks Beto (see his little brain cells are still firing) and sure 'nough Oscar forks over some money. But not a word of this to Mauricio he warns. And not a word about this money to Monita replies Beto. And even in his doped up state he doesn't spill the beans that he and Monita are actually novios. Well done, Beto!

We switch from the office to a tender good-bye scene twixt Mau and Monita. The romantic music swells and I'm dying for them to kiss, even if Nieves is watching, but they don't. Just gaze at each other with longing ...and yearning... and wanting.... and needing...and where was I?...oh yes, and goofy smiles. But no kisses. Still, Nieves is no fool. She felt the heat and she's worried.

Okay. Brief but funny Rocky take-off scene with Moni running up and down steps, punching away while mariachi-style "Getting stronger" music plays in the background.

Next morning a blissful Mau is breakfasting with his kids but things quickly deteriorate. (my, that brings back memories). Luisa rats out Aldo for not being prepared for his entrance exams to school. Mau offers to pay for a special prep course but our young galan wants nothing to do with it and stomps out. Luisa rats out some more about Estrella not returning Aldo's calls. Gets reprimanded for being a snitch. She stomps out. Only Dani remains and she wisely pretends to be asleep. Howevah gotta say I loved Mauricio's smile as he hugged the little girl. This guy has a terrific smile. Distracts me momentarily from the memory of his pecs and biceps. Momentarily.

Oscar and Jeri are listening in to the conversations in Mau's office and learn he was a stripper last night. Do you suppose he uses depilatory in those intimate parts? asks Jeri. Yep, this is definitely a guy show. No topic is off limits.

Meanwhile, Beto's lying around the barrio putting off going to work. Nieves tries to give him the 411 on taking better care of Monita so his beautiful girlfriend doesn't go off with someone new. Beto reminds her how often she's told him he's drop dead gorgeous. Did she lie? Does she know how traumatizing that could be to a son!? "Me dañas, me dañas" he bleats.

Don Cesar is being worked over also....by his loving, cosmetically inclined wife Dorita. She's worried about his pores and wants him to put on an avocado mask. He's more worried about Monita and whether or not she's serious about her career when she comes to ask for another chance. They agree he'll be her trainer again and Dorita makes her promise not to let anybody punch her in the face....because Lord knows she has nice skin and she'd hate to see it ruined! Dorita is very task focused...you gotta give her that.

And now my favorite couple--Salvador and Gabriela. He slides into the office and looks at her hungrily...(yes, I swear to God he does!) but Gaby plays it cool. Claims to remember nothing about anything last night, especially a kiss. Well, you DID kiss me, insists Sal, and then...well, WE kissed. Nope, don't remember. And then we made mad passionate love, he adds. No way, we did NOT! Okay, he laughs, you do remember. Yes, but I forgot the minute I saw Oscar. (Oh Gaby Gaby Gaby. I know Sal's married. But still he's better than that slithering lawyer. Wake up girl!)

Gaby's not the only one who's hungover. Even our professional daiquiri swiller Ximena is feeling a bit under the weather. Connie's not sympathetic and warns her that if she keeps hanging out with those girls who reek of frying oil, she'll lose Constanza's friendship completely. It's them or me! Well, muses Xime, there's three of them (her favorite number) so I guess they win. But a quarter kiss for you, Con, and the rest for my buds. And off she goes.

At the big house, Estrella has arrived with Aldo's shirt, neatly washed and ironed, but alas, she's there to give him the big brush off. Yes, I let you kiss me because I was feeling down, but you're just a kid. This can't go on. Don't call me. Don't look for me. Please. And off she swishes...as only Estrella can, leaving our lad bewildered and heartbroken.

Light is slowly....very slowly...creeping into Mau's little brain. He's wondering why someone always alerts the judge when there are problems at home. He suspects something by golly! Salvador is encouraged but of course Jeri and Oscar are listening in to this conversation and are on full alert. Oscar gets in a dig about Jeri's lack of brain power (guess it runs in the family) but they both agree technology is going to keep them well ahead of Mau's every move.

The light's going off in Beto's brain too. He comes in to confront Mau about Monita. Something's wrong. She's goofy, distracted, head in the clouds. He thinks she's going out with someone in the office. Could it be Jeronimo? No way. But why should Beto care? He's her brother, not her novio. Beto handles this adroitly. Well, I'm really close to this guy. He has, um, five or six character defects, yes, but he's really likeable, ticks along like a clock with her and he's "buena bestia" (a good guy) so if I thought anyone was trying to take Monita away from him, I'd hang him by his b***s, he adds menacingly. Mau gives this statement his utmost consideration.

Wow. And speaking of menacing, we're now in the gym and Andy is there with that really scary professional boxer. (I forget her name. Honestly I forget MY name when she's around. Scares the p*** outta me, that one) They want to set up a fight with Moni and offer a 60-30 split. And what about the other 10 percent asks Don Cesar.... I wasn't born yesterday. Okay, they agree to a 60-40 split. Done deal. But I'm still scared! Moni and my Nightmare get into a little scuffle but it's quickly settled. Whew. Protect me Moni.

Fortunately, we're back with favorite gal pal Xime. She's down in the barrio and is right suprised to find Estrella there also. Well, hey, it's because she lives here. Oh...well, then I'm down here to visit you, chirps Xime. I want to find out how working folks live. Estrella points out that "Pobre se nace, no se aprende" (You're born poor, it's not something you learn) but Xime insists she'd like to hang with her and find out what it's like to go to auditions. So let's take a taxi, she adds. No way, answers Estrella. When you're poor, you take the metro, and get squeezed like a sardine. Okay. Xime's on board. Somewhat.

Back to the coffee room where things are heating up between Consti and Beto again. She's angry because she found out Beto's Monita's "brother" and thinks he's after her so Monita will have a clear shot at Mau. Not so. Beto wants her for her own sweet babelicious self and is ready to prove it (in spite of the broom she's swatting him with). She's pressed against the door again, he's moving in for the kissing kill , murmuring Relax. This won't hurt. It's like an injection and will do you a lot of goooooood.

Rats. Monita comes in and the whole scene deflates. Pooh.

After the ad, Connie is talking fast about coming in for raw sugar (that refined stuff is toxic!) and Monita not believing a word of it. I'm surprised she doesn't ask Beto to drop his pants again for a chastity inspection. She's about to start the Big Talk when Paula tells her Gaby wants to see her. Saved by the bell is Beto.

Connie, properly inflamed, now spreads herself all over Mau's desk (that's as discreetly as I can put it) and starts in about this sexy dream she had about him being a stripper. But alas, it turned into a nightmare because that Monita was in it too. Mau plays dumb. Not really a stretch for him. And then suggests she talk to a psychoanalyst about this, not him. Meanwhile, our listeners Oscar and Jeronimo are intrigued. Wow. He's resisting her, muses Oscar. I'd be all over her in a minute. Beto barges in and they have to pretend they're listening to a soccer game. And now, gotta go. We're hungry. No prob', Beto wants to go along. Jeronimo archly reminds him that employees don't hang out with executives, and certainly don't eat in the same restaurants! So there.

Mau is still resisting and asking Connie to get off his desk. After all, he would NEVER strip before a horde of women. And Monita...well she has a novio, Don Cesar. Uh oh. More lies and more misunderstandings. Where will this lead? Give you three guesses and the first two don't count. And Beto, hearing this, is gonna be on the warpath.

A brief scene with Gabriela and Paula. Gaby's wondering how Paula can be fresh as a daisy after drinking like a fish the night before. Paula replies it's because Gaby has two hangovers--one from booze and the other from kissing a married man. Wow. Some down home wisdom there, Paula.

In the meantime, Beto has charged off for the gym and is accusing hapless Don Cesar of sneaking around with Monita. Sweet little Dorita goes ballistic and starts belting hubby and accusing him of being a "rabo verde" (dirty old man). Ay yi yi.

An all too brief scene with Monita and Mau in the coffee room. He's whispering, afraid of being overheard. She's wondering if Connie reamed him out and if she's jealous. The mood is tender and warm and dang! this time it's Costeño calling...you gotta get down to the gym pronto. All hell is breaking loose. Mau wants to go with her. She sends him back for her sweater. Then she whips out and locks him in. Runs out of the building.

Mau yells for help. Gaby goes to get the keys. Sal pleads in vain for him to stay because the Japanese clients are waiting for him in the meeting room. Take them to the Alameda, whiffs Mau, and off he goes in hot pursuit. (Alameda Central is a famous park in Mexico City. Google it for more info). Sal sidles up to Gaby and she's on red alert. I'm NOT going to disguise myself as a geisha, she snaps. Sal does a clipped "Come here and do what I say" routine and who knows? will she cave? Could be fun.

Xime drags in to Consti' boutique, aching all over from her tough day in the metro. She wants Connie to send her to a spa for a massage. She hurts all over. Connie's playing it tough like the Cuna de Lobos diabolical lady she is. Threatens to tell Rolu about the goings on last night. Xime promises to do anything, be her slave. Double uh oh. And...she needs money for the taxi. No metro to the spa for her. Ask Augustina, snaps Connie.

Beto's still accusing Don Cesar of nefarious doins' with Moni and getting thoroughly thrashed by Don Cesar for his pains. And now I understand why you wanted to take her to Vegas! Beto adds. This really riles Dorita because Cesar's only taken her to Xincolcuan (hey if this is wrong, it's what was in the closed captions...sorry) Monita arrives in the midst of this harangue. Cesar tells her to tell the truth, the whole truth! Whoops. And then Mauricio arrives. Cesar looks at him glumly....this is all we needed, he sighs.

And there the madness ends for the evening.


Beto is caught kissing Monita. A big kiss.
And some sort of dream sequence? Beto's in black like the cowboy bad guy. And Monita and Mau, also in cowboy gear look mighty scared. Who knows? We'll find out tomorrow.


es un cromo= (she's) a looker. Nieves talking about how pretty Monita is.
dar duro a la pera = really work hard on the punching bag. Cesar's advice to Monita
esto no da para más = this can't go on. Estrella dumping Aldo.
que siga la fiesta = let the party continue. Ximene. Who else?
agasajando = celebrating
Alameda = tree-lined poplar grove but also a famous park in Mexico City , adjacent to the Palacio de Bellas Artes. Built on an area that used to be an Aztec marketplace. After the Spanish conquest, the Catholic Church used space to burn heretics and witches.

Dicho of the Day:

We'll credit Estrella with this one...

Pobre se nace, no se aprende. One is born poor, one doesn't "learn" it.

and another proverb about poverty....

Más tiene el rico cuando empobrece que el pobre cuando enriquece. The rich man who loses his wealth is richer than the poor man who attains wealth.


Hey girlfriends, you saving room for me on the front row?

OK, enough lascivious ogling, back to the recap...

Judy, wow that was quick. You are smoking hot tonight. You were really zinging ' em in. This show just seems to get funnier and funnier. No real plot to keep up with just a good romp each night. I suspect that Ximenas brief flirtation with poverty is almost over. She has the attention span of a hamster but I love every minute that she' s on. Ditto for Beto. And as for Connie, well I knew her when she was 16 and played the clarinet. It's good to watch a pro at work, and you certainly are a pro at this. Carlos

OMG, Beto actually slurped at Coni when he wouldn't let her leave the closet! That guy really is too much; es el colmo!

Judy, I don't know what to say, what a fantastic recap of a truly enjoyable episode. You are so very talented!

These unconsummated kisses are killing me. Is it because I'm a romantic or just because I want instant gratification?

I think this cast is incredible and they are having a great time. I guess this is what it feels like when you have practically an entire cast of scene-stealers.

I love your final dicho. I intend to memorize it and use it forever. Thanks amiga!

Where to start? The title? "knee scoot butt slappin' move"? "own sweet babelicious self" or my favorite "cosmetically inclined wife"? Judy, you were really on fire. As fun as this episode was to watch, your recap shone even brighter. The vocabulary, dicho and information on the Almeda - priceless.

Sylvia, you are so right - the cast is perfect and scene stealers all.

Did Dumb and Dumber really think Beto wouldn't try to listen to the "game" once they left? Jerry and Oscar certainly aren't Napoleon and Illya, are they? Don't think the men from U.N.C.L.E. have anything to worry about :)

Diana in MA

Good morning amigos. You guys are cracking me up.

YES, Sylvia...we'll make room for you in the front row. Just promise not to drool (although I will be). And I'm also going mad with these almost-not-quite sizzling kisses. Ahhh the pain!

Carlos "attention span of a hamster". Love that one. Can I steal it?

Diana...Dumb and Dumber. Napolean and Illyia....you should be writing recaps! Too funny.

Thank you one and all. Great to start the morning having breakfast with you.

Judy, I promise to bring my drool bucket or at least a hankie with me. I have never liked Sebastian Rulli much before this TN but, like Kris mentioned yesterday, he really puts himself out there even though he knows he will look a bit goofy. It's very refreshing and endearing. (His singing is goofy, his stripping, er dancing, is just fine.)

I forgot to mention that I thought the Mariachi Rocky music was a hoot and the title is excellent. Beto really is a version of the energizer bunny, isn't he?

I think that my favorite quote last night(and there were a slew of good ones) was shouted by Estrella from her front row seat at the strip club:

"¡Ven acá y lo hago papá pero en tu cara!"

I recognize all the words, but I'm not quite certain what she said. It certainly sounds provocative, though.


Drool bucket...now THERE'S an image! My version of a drool bucket is to wear an apron when I eat (at home). Less embarrassing than a bib...but those days are coming. I've visited too many nursing homes to have any illusions.

I've only seen Rulli sporadically and never in a whole telenovela, but he's definitely cute in this one.

Carlos...you definitely need to ask your tutor about that one. I had the same reaction. I knew she was saying something racy and interesting but I sure couldn't figure it out from the words.

I kept thinking it had something do do with sitting on someone's face. Hmmm...then again, forget about asking your tutor. We'll just have to put that on on the Mystery Shelf of En Nombre del Amor.

Thanks for this gem of a recap Judy. You seemed especially funny this recap and I loved your references to your enjoyment of our galan's body. You are a hoot.

Sylvia - ITA with you regarding the kisses. The writers really seem to be cruel to us with Mau and Moni. I know Connie and Beto will get together long before those two do. Dang.

I really enjoy Gabi and Sal; I just wish the barrier between them getting together wasn't his wife.

Wow, Judy, what a feisty recap. I loved so many zippy phrases, many of which Diana mentioned.

The stripping scene really was something to behold. It was quite telling that Monita completely wrapped herself around Mauricio to protect him from the grabby girls. But then she doesn't kiss him later? What is wrong with her?

Mauricio better hope Aldo doesn't get wind of his stripper escapades. I can't imagine that would be better for the adoption than Aldo signing up Dani as an actress, and Aldo would not hesitate to point that out.

Great recap, Judy, it just zipped along, letting us view this rollicking farce of a show almost as if we were on an amusement park ride.

What are the chances that Moni will tell the "whole truth" now that she's confronted by Don Cesar, Beto, and Mau? Pretty slim.

BTW, I think the lady boxer's name is La Hija Guerrera.

Hi Karen, Julia and Hombre. And thanks. Last night must have been good recapper karma. I loved Julia's and Kat's recaps of their shows last night and thought THEIRS were especially funny. Good vibes all around.

I DID love the way Monita wrapped herself around Mau. Protective but also POSSESSIVE. No hiding her interest in him now!

Thanks for the id on the boxeadora Hombre. Man, the look on her face!...just scares the bejesus outta me. Sure glad I didn't go to school with her. She'd of had my lunch money every single day.

I was looking carefully at Scary Guerrera, and I think she's actually rather pretty. She certainly hides it well with her severe eyebrows and her pinched hostile expressions, though.

Scary Guerrero...now there's a name I can remember! She DOES have nice cheekbones and as they say, good bones make a face. A little make-up and a smile and who knows? But I'd still give her my lunch money.

Judyb~~You are too funny. Thanks for the great recap. I watched last night and saw Sebastion dance. Hmmm...it was a little painful to watch because although he was really trying to give it his all, he was off the beat a little...which always makes me cringe and brings to mind my cousin Jimmy dancing at family wedding receptions. I must say that Sebastion is more attractive to me now that he looks a little more seasoned and not quite as boyish...I say never send a boy to be a telenovela galan. Galans are like fine wine and improve with age. [Yes, Fernando, Mi Vida, Mi Amor, Mi Cielo, I am talking about Y.O.U. ] Anyhoo, I will keep on keeping on with this show because it's easygoing and funny [2 other attributes that I adnire in a man.] . Unfortunately, the guy I find most attractive is a bad guy...Jeronimo. [We have a Jeronimo on MEPS too...but he is not nearly as guaypo. ]

Judy, I laughed all the way through your recap! You were really on a roll, girl.
Shame we had to put away our drool buckets - good one, Sylvia.
Little Dani was just precious pretending to be asleep at the breakfast table. Mau seems to genuinely like the kids.
Ximena definitely looks different without makeup on. Still very pretty. She appears to be the only one in this cartoon who has a lick of sense.

I wasn't going to bring this up, but since there have been a couple of allusions to Mao's apparent lack of rhythm, it must be pointed out. The musical soundtrack for Mao's performance was different on the apparent same dance. Mon. it was an instrumental version of Macho Man and last night's version had vocals. I still had the tape from Mon. and compared them. Why the difference? I have no clue, but maybe the sound mixer(I have no idea what I'm talking about here: Hombre?) didn't get the soundtrack in sync with the actual dance. (I'm liking Mao and want to see him get the benefit of the doubt.)


Hombre, I thought just about the same thing when don Cesar that he wanted the whole truth. Yeah sure, and people in Hell want iced tea. You could almost see the wheels in her little brain spinning up some serviceable lies. I think she pretty much lies all the time just to stay in shape.


Carlos. How kind. Would never have occurred to me. And what a memory. (thank God. We want our doctors bright, with an eye for detail and the memory of an elephant) That could be it.

Perhaps that is why Pablo Montero was always off key in his painful Ave Marias in FELS. It's the sound man stupid!

+ + +

Susanlynn...so glad you tuned in last night. Would have been muy disappointed if you had missed it. Loved your comment about having Colunga shipped FedEx, Overnight Delivery etc. Just clone 'im and fax 'im to me, baby.

+ + +

Emilia...Xime is cute no matter how they dress her or make her up. She has a vulnerable look that's very appealing. In the right role, she might have the appeal of a waifish Audrey Hepburn. I know!...hard to imagine with the ditz she's playing now, but who knows?

Have to admit, THIS Miss Crankypants is thorougly enjoying the show. I'm sure it will get dark and e.x.t.e.n.d.e.d. at some point, but for now it's fresh and goofy and thoroughly enjoyable.

I agree with Carlos; Mauricio was dancing to some beat, and it was up to the sound guy in editing to add music that matched. Not Mau's fault it didn't come together. Of course, it could have been done on purpose to show Mau's lack of experience, but still not necessarily a reflection of the actor's abilities. And regardless, it was funny. The butt-slapping move was just beyond hilarious.

Yes, Julia...that was the first time I've seen that particular move (not that I have much experience in these matters) and it was a hoot.

As others have noted, the whole cast seems to be having fun filming this one.

OK, my faves for this one:

loving, cosmetically inclined wife

our professional daiquiri swiller Ximena

Beto wants her for her own sweet babelicious self and is ready to prove it (in spite of the broom she's swatting him with).

Priceless Judy,,,
you kno I noticed the soundtrack difference too because I watched it on youtube but I thought, hmm maybe they changed it for the US market? Yeah, can't figure that one out...twilight zone...

Another lovely recap and fun episode...

I think, but I could be wrong because I don't exactly remember this part, but that Estre was telling "Papa" to come over that she'll do it (whatever it means, like sexy dance or whatever) with him "Papa" (male term of endearment could be sexy), right in his face or in front of his face as in plain view out in the open...in otherwords, she's not shy, she's game, right there right now...she'll do it - dance or whatever he wants if he comes over to her, if you get what I mean.

That was my interpretation, too, but I didn't quite know how to phrase it.

Kris, Julia, Yeah, pretty much as I thought. Loved her enthusiasm.


Whew...thanks Kris. And Julia too, for your thoughts on the "Ven aca..." matter even if not expressed. You've put my and Carlos' fantasies to rest!

Good to hear from you Kris and thanks for the props. And Julia, remember, I'm waiting for those structural engineer memoirs.

Hey Judy, Speak for yourself. I'll cling to my fantasies. Seriously, there was a sweet little song playing during the segment after Moni and Mao escaped from the strip club. Does anyone know what it is?


Carlos, I think it is the same song that Kris identified one other time. It's called Cansada and it was written by Alex Sirvent, the actor who plays Rolando Klunder and sung by his novia Ximena Herrera (Rosita from Duelo de Pasiones).

aw ladies you done it again you have a good eye for spanish men sebastian really works its well thou sometime when i watching it feels like hes posing for a modeling shoot work on that seb i love this site i miss the soap yesterday and feel a little dirty without it but caray caray washes me done have any of you seen he in ps you cat just die well its to die for and i think he going to do it again work in the natural body hot hot hot

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