Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Aug. 25, '09 Some More Roadblocks to Romance But Who Cares?

After the dizzying swirl of "bochornosos besos" of last night, Moni and Mauricio's hot romance has hit a few roadblocks. But we regular viewers are on quaaludes, right? We know it's all in good fun and eventually (say in 12 months or so) we'll see those little hot bods get together for real, and in the meantime we'll just sit back and enjoy the raunchy reckless fun. That's what I plan to do anyway. So what kind of shenanigans went on tonight?

Old stuff: Madre is confronting Bad Boy Beto about his romp with Connie. He claims she's "bien de familia". She says Connie's "bien zorra! (slut). My, how their perspectives differ. "Individual differences" my husband likes to say. Monita comes in on the tail end of the conversation and is suspicious.

New Stuff:
Nieves and Beto both backpedal quickly and Beto quickly figures out the best defense is offense so he wants to know WHERE THE HECK Monita has been and why does she have those stars in her eyes?! Hmmm...let me just pause here and remember those steamy kisses. We really got double and triple helpings last night. Well, somebody did anyway.

So...back to dreary reality now. We're at the big house and our somewhat dim hero is trying to figure out who tipped the judge. Teresa comes in with the news that Connie went ballistic last night and started shaking Dani. Sal is there but heading out for a dinner with Gabi. He'll be in touch though if Mau needs him.

Connie meanwhile, has invaded the office once more on the hunt for Mauricio. Whoops, our gal Gabi has spotted the huge hickey (chupetón) on Connie's neck and is offering her some makeup for coverage. Connie's spinning alibis...hit myself on a hangar. Nope, actually it was Mauricio...he's a wild man. Gabi's not buying any of it, but she's amused for sure.

Well, evidently Mau IS a wild man. At least in Estrella's opinion he is. She's dubbed him the Love Machine and Moni, temporarily awakened from her post-beso haze, is suddenly worried Estrella might try to nick him from her. No waaaaay, smiles Estrella. (Do we believe her?...Sure we do. The gal is loyal first and foremost.) And now, will Moni cancel the wedding?

Oh dear, our heroine is waffling. How can she do that after all Beto's family (think Nieves) has done for her. Fine, snaps Estrella. Stick with Beto and his "ojos de perro tragón" (greedy, gluttonous doggie eyes) and I'll take your Prince Charming. Gee...Bachelor No. 1 or No. 2? It's a no-brainer for me.

More dreary scheming. Jeronimo, our incompetent villain, has noticed the huge hickey on Connie's neck also. " His women, his many many women", have tried to cover up theirs with makeup also. But it won't work! This line of reasoning is diverted when the phone rings and Connie gets hysterical. She's afraid to answer. Mau is going to blame her for everything. Jeri counsels her to deal with it. Otherwise she might as well buy a one-way ticket to Greenland.

Rumble, rumble...back to romance. Mau's on the phone to Monita. He needed to hear her voice. With all the judicial problems, he has to be with his kids tonight but he's wondering how he can go that many hours without seeing his little Monita again. (I'm wondering too. Getting a hot flash just thinking about it). But it gets worse! (or better, depending on your point of view) They decide they'll both imagine and remember those kisses, those hugs, that walking hand in hand. They'll think about it ALL NIGHT LONG. They'll be exhausted in the morning but it'll be worth it. (Okay, taking a break here. Will be right back.)

Okay. Looked for my quaaludes. Don't have any. Will Advil do? Just kidding. BUT...things are heating up as I'm sure you've noticed. And Connie is striking back. With the help of Jeri and some bogus psychiatrist (our own beloved Tio Meño) she's pretending to be catatonic, paranoid, bipolar and a few other diagnoses as well. Mix and match. Mauricio's clueless so it really doesn't matter if her mental mix makes no sense.

And our Beto is trying out a new persona as well. He's taking a shot at being a sensitive New Age man, and waggling a flower (una flor por otra flor...ahhhhh) at poor Monita. But wait! There's more. He's decided Mauricio should be the one to lead Monita to the altar and be the padrino. And the best part of all? Since Mau's famous all the tv cameramen will be there and they can get their wedding video for free! (Doncha just love it? Pure Beto.)

When we come back from the ads, we see that our phony psych is arguing that Connie is not safe on her own. She needs to stay at Mauricio's to ensure that she won't harm herself while in this fragile state. And he warns Mau not to use this as an excuse to break up with "this poor woman". Mau looks confused. (This is a sentence we could use a lot.)

And our favorite illicit would-be lovers, Sal and Gabi, are having a somewhat rocky time at the restaurant. Gabi's in a foul mood. Lorenza's name comes up. Oh, and should I start talking about Oscar? she snaps. No, groans Sal, but please....trust me...tell me what has happened to make you so angry.

Now back to the barrio. The wedding discussion has escalated to "If you won't tell him (Mauricio) that we're really novios, I will! sez Beto. Moni floats the interesting argument that finding out Paula is not his novia will interfere with her oft-cited "carrera empresarial" (business career). Fortunately this feeble reasoning is interrupted by Estrella. So you're back, quips Beto. Good thing my mom's taking her pills 'cause otherwise she'd have a heart attack, knowing you're around again.

Off he goes and our three mousketeers, Estrella, Paula and Moni, huddle to chat about the hot kisses again. And don't forget who got you the job, adds Paula, as she settles in for some juicy love gossip. (And we thought it was only guys who discussed their conquests with each other.) Final verdict. No way will Monita be able to sleep tonight....not with those hot memories bubbling away in her brain.

Ah, brains...evidently Connie's are fried. Or that's what the psych is saying. Maybe she and Mau should have some "therapia de pareja bipolar". Ya mean I'm one pole and she's the other? queries our handsome galan of very average intelligence and education. Oh well.....who cares? When he kisses you, you see multicolored stars. The guy's a wizard.

So back to our real bipolar couple...Gabi and Sal. She's explaining that she's not mad. SHE'S INDIGNANT!.. And why. Because morals are no longer the same. Standard's have slipped. You and me here. That's all wrong. And Connie walking around with a hickey from God knows who. Wrong wrong wrong.

Sal has just made the wise suggestion that they get rid of all the extraneous people who seem to be at their table...Lorenza, Oscar, Connie....and just focus on the two. of. them. right. here. right. now.


And then Ximene crashes in. Lots of typical Xime babbling about food and how she doesn't have a peso so how wonderful that she can eat with them (and drink their wine which she quickly does) and screeching for the waiter, she prepares to order up a large feast. Gabi and Sal look suitably glum.

Poor befuddled Mauricio is still being led around by the nose. As the phony doc prepares to depart, he intones "Cogito ergo sum". "Huh" says Mau. " I think therefore I am", explains Tio Meño. This clears up nothing for Mau, but let's not quibble. The guy is hot.

And who's not? Jeri. But he does put the bite on for 500 pesos. And since Mau doesn't have change, he actually makes off with a 1,000. Gotta admit, Jeri and Xime are doing pretty well living off others.

After the ads, we see that Mauricio has rolled the bedspread over a sleeping Connie and has left the room in order to focus more completely on remembered kisses and embraces with Moni. And from there to the decision to go seek out our little barrio gal and leave Aldo in charge of the mental case. Aldo agrees but only if Dad will tell Estrella how much son misses here. Trato hecho (it's a deal).

Alas, our Monita has the same idea and is heading out to the big house to see her big handsome galoot.

In the meantime, Xime is still shoveling in pasta like a stevedore while a crestfallen Gabi and Sal call for the check. Time to bring this lovely evening to a close, no? Ay yi yi...it's Rolu at the restaurant with his latest conquest. Gabi advises Xime to forget him. No way. Our lovelorn lass will make a BIG scene...but not until after finishing her pasta and dessert. Waving a fork as a weapon, Xime sashays over and wants to know if Rolu got treatment for the warts on his feet, and ummm, for that impotency problem he had...and something else I didn't catch...but you get the picture, right? She's putting a bit of a damper on the evening.

And so is Connie. She intercepts Moni in the kitchen. Tells her she can't see Mauricio and chides her for waking her up when she was sleeping. If she want's to see Mau, do it in the office. That's where EMPLOYEES see their BOSSES. Uh oh. Mauricio's barrio welcome is even worse. Beto, who seems to have serious intestinal issues (Crohn's? Irritable bowel sydrome? Too many frijoles?) is exiting the barrio john, leaving a putrid odor in his wake. Who are you looking for at this hour? he asks Mau.

Now you know our galan couldn't come up with a nifty rejoinder; but luckily Estrella shows up, nibbles on his ear and tells him to follow her and she'll save his bacon. Beto has no problem believing his super macho boss (let's just forget that little unpleasantness with the mustachioed guy) is ready for some late night dalliance with the neighborhood round heels. His final rationale is that Mauricio must be a "metroflexible". Love it.

Things have gone from bad to worse at the restaurant. Rolu insults Xime. She retaliates with a big boff but she hits poor Sal instead of her slimey ex-novio. Never mind. The main thing is she can't stand to see Rolu with another woman. Well get used to it, he snarls because I'll be with her from now on. (Whoops...the gal has left the premises. Smart lady.)

I need to tell you THREE THINGS, Xime continues. First, I love you. Second, accept that. "Ni drogado vuelvo contigo" (wouldn't even come back to you drugged!) mutters Rolu. Wait, Xime counters, I haven't said the third thing. We NEED to be novios! And she's off on a roll, exulting that they're so united it's wonderful. Hug me, Rolu! she adds. He looks bewildered, confused and defeated. Kinda nice to see.

It's the dawn of a new day and Teresa is waking up Mauricio from his night on the couch so he can get over to see the judge. And she'll fix up the guest bedroom for Connie who hopefully will only be there a few days. And at the barrio, Estrella's confiding that Mau told her last night that he's absolutely crazy about Monita.

Great news. Or it would be if Beto didn't show up right then insisting that they get down to the courhouse at 2 o'clock sharp to confirm the date of their wedding. Uh oh again.

But now we're at the office. First scene: Mau, Sal, Aldo and Jeronimo are all trying to figure out who the briber could be. Well, Mau's trying to figure it out. Jeri, Sal and Aldo know darned well who it was. Whatever. Aldo gets the word that he'll have to take the exam again in a week....and PASS...on his own.

Next, Mauricio sneaks up behind Monita in the coffee room and she immediately knows what sexy man has his hands over her eyes. She could recognize him even if he were disguised as a Franciscan monk. (Interesting thought. Forbidden fruit always has a special allure.) They smooch and babble a little bit and he tells her to "tutearme" but she can't do it. They babble some more about how they'll break the news to their respective novios in a few days. Riiiiiight.

And Connie and Jeri are still befuddled. The plan isn't working. The judge is giving Aldo a second chance. Well, don't forget that thanks to me, you're still in Mauricio's bed, argues Jeri. GUEST BED! snaps Connie. Oh well.....Don't worry, counters Jeri...I'll take care of Aldo.

Alright. We worry about the latest nefarious plan while they sling a bunch of ads at us. The number of ads seems to increase as the hour goes along. Bummer. When we come back, we see Monita spraying her underarms with deodorant. Honestly. Let's draw a veil over some of these scenes.

And Mauricio overhears the tail end of Jeri's phone call with Connie and wants to know what's up. Stay away from my son, Mau adds. Oh, I just wanted you to know you could count on me for whatever, stammers his primo.

Actually, it looks like Aldo's capable of sabotaging himself without any help from others. He and Ivan are listening to their iPods without a care in the world. Good girl Luisa is trying to get him to study and Ivan backs her up, but Aldo wants no part of it. Connie wanders in, pretends to be dizzy but also fakes being concerned. Jeri arrives, trumpeting himself as "Tio Alegria" but then wonders why the kids all have that "cara de guacala" (yucky faces). Because they're adolescents.....and because they hate me, Connie adds, when she and Jeri are alone.

No prob. Jeri has yet another harebrained plan. Since Aldo's hormones are running wild, and no one can resist Connie's multiple charms, she should win him over by.....ugh, let's not even go there.

And Moni has met Beto at the courthouse and says..."Beto, You and I aren't getting married..."

Wow. What a finale.

But wait! There's more. Previews anyway.

Connie appears to be trying to seduce a half-naked Aldo.
Nieves is grilling Monita about stolen kisses.
And Xime catches Connie with her hands on Aldo and both of them on Mauricio's bed.
(If this were any other telenovela, I'd worry. But nothing too awful actually happens in this one. Not yet, anyway.)


trato hecho = it's a deal
zorra = slut, round heels, shady lady, streetwalker (female fox)
metroflexible = Beto's attempt at "metrosexual". Good try Beto!
recovecos = a road full of twists and turns
cara de guacala = yucky face
zafar los tornillos = loosen the screws, get a little screwy
arguineras = squabbling females
camellón = traffic island
ojo de perro tragón = greedy gluttonous doggie eyes (Beto)
chupetón = hickey

Dicho of the Day

Poderoso caballero es don dinero.
Con dinero baila el perro.
Both phrases mean "money makes the world go round". And this seems to be the main motivation for Jeri, Oscar, Connie and possibly Beto. But we know Love is pulling everybody else's strings.


Wow, Judy, spectacular job. You really captured the spirit of this episode. I was envying you during Ximena's scenes. She just gets better and better with each new episode. Thing is, I've come to expect more and more and she has yet to fail to deliver. How those working with her keep from cracking up is a mystery.

I shuddered when Jerry suggested to Connie that with Aldo she...well, you know. Of course I'm sure the writers will handle this with the best of taste.

You got me to thinking (like Moni might) if Estrella is tempted by Mau, how would she behave? She is after all, Estrella. But as you indicated, she is a loyal friend.


Thanks for the superb recap Amiga. Yet another great apisode even with all the hickey, armpit and stinky bathroom humor.

Surely Aldo won't fall for Constanza's questionable charms? Yuck!

I love how Xime always seems to land on her feet. Both she and Jeri are mooches but she is bearable, enjoyable even, and he is just a pest.

Did you notice how when they were discussing who the briber could be Mau stared at Jeri very pointedly? Could that beautifully muddled brain of his be working at last? It might be too much to hope for.

Judy: Brillant! I thought this was your finest recap to date - truly stellar.

You built a rich dessert for us: the story was the cake, the vocabulary, particulary: "metroflexible" and "ojo de perro tragón" was the icing and the dicho was the cherry.

I really laughed at Jerry's: " women, his many many women". As if!

Carlos and Judy, I agree that Estrlla is loyal above all else and would never act on anything with Mau. It's one of her most endearing qualities.

Sylvia, loved your wondering if Mau's "beautifully muddled brain" is working. I don't know but simply becuase I'm still savoring the smoking hot vision of him in his pirate costume. Sigh.

Diana in MA

My favorite Judy's jewels today were:"metroflexible" and "ojo de perro tragón". The vocabulary and dicho were well, just

Thanks, Judyb~~~I only got to see a bit of last night's episode. It was too nice on the patio to come inside to the tv. [We've had such humid weather lately.] By the way, I don't think that Monday's episode was posted to the sidebar. Well, I've got to motor...my first class is at 9.30.

Good morning Carlos, Sylvia and Diana. I love our "virtual family room". As I watch the show I find myself wondering about you all.... what strikes your funny bone and which plot lines will really set you off.

I love how Estrella jumps in and saves every dicey situation. Even protects nasty Nieves. At least with Mauricio she had a lot of fun. I'm sure it wasn't too unpleasant to snuggle up to our galan, dim bulb though he may be.

Possibly yes, Sylvia, he's beginning to get a clue. The description of the briber (is that a word?) as tall seemed to ring a bell. But will he be able to figure out the mustache bit? Between his surging hormones (him and Aldo) plus his modest IQ, I fear it will take many many months before he puts two and two together.

Odd that in the super macho culture of Mexico, the writers have no trouble presenting these hunky heroes as complete idiots. But then I suppose it's mostly women who watch these shows while the men go out to the cantina and watch soccer.

PS After writing a recap, my brain goes round and round all night long reviewing the episode.

Does anyone else's do that?

Anyway, one of the things me olde brain threw up (that doesn't sound right) was that we should call Ximene "Ximinnie"...as in Minnie the Mooch. Even thought about making that the alternative title but seems a little harsh. She's a lovable well-intentioned mooch (did she actually get all of Connie's pretty clothes?) whereas Jeronimo is just slimey.

Good morning everyone. I posted Monda's recap to the sidebar late last night so it is there now.

Ximinnie the mooch, hee hee, I love it! Maybe it is a little harsh but she is a mooch, isn't she?

One of my favorite things about this TN is how the girlfriends really stick together and are not back stabbers as is so often portrayed in these shows. Ximmie is smart to hang with Pau and her pals; they are more fun and more faithful.

Judy, I know what you mean about the brain churning long after the recap is up. I used to go back and add/change things but now I just wait for others to bring them up in the comments.

By the way, two things from Monday that I forgot to say: 1) Jeri in a moustache reminded me of Magnum P.I., and 2) great picture of Emilia!

I thought that Tio Meño was great as the ersatz shrink. I hope we see and learn more of him. I'm very interested in how Jerry knows him and recruited him. Connie was great though not very convincing as crazy.

I've no idea what ya'll are talking about when you say "post it to the side bar." Thanks for doing that, Sylvia.

Judy, I also think about our little Gancho family. Often it's in thinking about one or more of you that things will occur to me to say. I also think about how each of you might be reacting to the scenes that I'm watching.

I was almost feeling sorry for Rolu last night. I'll bet he's ruing the day that he thought it was a good idea to hook up with Ximy. With her, it's only over when she says it's over.


Carlos...like your thought that "it's only over till Ximena says it's over". Yet another plug for the strong women in this one.

Sylvia...hope I'll get to the point where I can let these late night "did I mess up or not" thoughts go. Trouble is, I also have those thoughts about relationsips. You know the type...did I say the right thing? Did I hurt his or her feelings? Was my action helpful or harmful? Ah those Presbyterian/Catholic "examens de concience".... They keep you up at night.

Loved it, JudyB. We only got to see half of the show last night so we may have to rewind and watch Meno as a different character. Yup, still using the old VCR. Works great...

Thanks for the compliment, Sylvia. having seen me in person, you know the photo is lying! It was taken a a wedding so I was about as frou-frou as I ever get, heels and all, yikes!

Kinda wonder how Mauricio got to be the head of a company, as dim as he is. Inheritance perhaps? Not too bright but oh so easy on the eyes!

Judy, I was laughing all the way through. You were en fuego.

I, too, frequently wonder later whether I totally misinterpreted something in my recap (usually because I did), or I think of a way better joke at like 4 in the morning. Oh, well, the blog is a quick-burn format, so unless it's a mistake that would lead to a misunderstanding of something important, I just let it be.

Usually when I'm watching on Monday nights I'll be thinking, "Carlos is going to say something HILARIOUS about this scene", and on Tuesday I'm thinking "Judy will love this" etc. I love seeing the shows through so many points of view.

Mauricio must seriously be in a heck of a brain fog after all that smooching. If I got word that Connie had been physically abusive, even a little, to MY (theoretical) 7-year-old, she would never step into my house again, mental illness or not. She has her own family; they can take care of her.

I can't imagine Aldo going for Connie's tricks. He hates her. It would be awesome if Mauricio caught her trying something, though. That might actually get through his skull.

Emilia, dolled up or no, those beautifully arched eyebrows are awesome. Trust me.

Julia...hey...love it that you imagine how Carlos and I will react. Yes, we do get to know each other's tastes in humor pretty well on this blog.

Connie is getting close to criminally abusive behavior, both with Dani and Aldo....but since this is a comedy show they give it a light touch. And yes, hormones are definitely clouding Mauricio's already way too average brain.

Regarding the t-shirt Beto has now had on for a few days (he must smell really nice)...

I had to look up golfería (trampiness) for ENDA last night, and I noticed that another slang meaning for golfo is "tramp" as in a promiscuous person. Keepin' it klassy, Beto.

Thanks, Judy, for another terrific recap. You definitely captured the mood of the show, where we have all these mini-crises, but nothing's too serious, and we can enjoy the endless combinations the writers throw at us. I was thinking that sometimes entire shows are based on not finding out someone's secret, such as I Dream of Jeannie, where Tony knew the secret, but kept it quiet because it would ruin his career, Roger found out, but would use the secret to get riches out of Jeannie (like Ximena), and Doctor Bellows kept getting SOOO close to catching them, but never quite did. And of course that was the source of much of the show's humor.

I'm not worried about Estrella and Mau, because her previous troubles were caused when the guys came on to her, and she couldn't say no. I don't think Mau is going to come on to Estrella, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Loved the wacky psychologist. Of course Mau never questions where Jerry found this guy, or his crazy diagnosis, much as he didn't question other previous experts brought in by Jerry.

What happened to Andy and the rematch with La Guerrera? Was that ever resolved?

Julia, I'm not sure of this, but I think golfo means more like lazy bum, but golfa means whore. In other words, the male version and the female version have slightly different meanings. The same thing is true with pendón, which for a guy means a slob, but for a woman means a slut. Also zorro and zorra, which can mean a cunning guy, but again, the female version is more derogatory. Can a language be guilty of discrimination?

HdM, a language can DEFINITELY be guilty of discrimination. Or else my slang dictionary lies to me.

It seems to me that the words can mean the same thing whether male or female, but it's considered a bad thing for a woman, but not so much for a macho man.

I never watched Jeannie Hombre (although I can totally understand why guys would) but the secrets and misunderstandings also remind me of Three's Company.

Same quickly resolved crises and no harm done. Nice to just be able to cruise on this one. But I'm sure there's some drama coming.

Carlos, here's the link to what I think is meant by the side bar.


Nice thing here is that you don't have to scroll through the other TNs.

Thanks, Judy! Your recaps are consistently stellar, so I don't understand why you would worry about them after you post them. Is this a compulsion/obsession that would benefit from a few hours of analysis w/ Dr Meño?

Mike, thanks. I would pay to sit in on Judy's sessions with Dr. Meño.


Carlos, I'm sure Judy will sign the HIPAA form for you ;-)

BTW, Judy, how's Nick adapting to college life? Tell him we said hello!

Hi Mike and Carlos...Actually Nick's not on campus yet. Still running wild in his hometown with all his high school buds.

Fall semester starts the 23rd of Sept. at THE Ohio State University so he has time to do lots of damage locally before he gets here.

Nothing like that last summer before college to really build some wonderful memories...eh guys?

And Hmmmm...I think I'd pay to sit in on YOUR sessions with a therapist too, Carlos. Wanna go Dutch?

As to obsessive-compulsive...spot on, Mike. I'll get up in the middle of the night to make sure I've closed the garage door, turned off the iron, whatever. Comes from being flakey and actually forgetting or messing up in a major way from time to time.

PS. Mike...post your instructions and link on the MEPS line, will you? Pasofino is having trouble posting to the sidebar and is getting very frustrated with the situation.

Whoops. Never mind Mike. I see you've got it tagged for Gancho. But anyway, Pasofino should go to the del.icio.us site. However the only reason I can post is because my adult children showed me how. Before that, Melinama was doing it for me. There ARE advantages to having your grown kids still around the house.

Judy, when I was a senior in med school on my psychiatry rotation I was assigned one day to sit in on a group therapy session at the psyc hospital. The patients would try to drag the students into their sessions. When I was invited to participate in their (what seemed to me rather pointless and rancorous) conversation, I pointed out that they were the crazy ones, I was just an observer. That was not well received. Next day I found myself assigned to the trip to the jail.


What a great story, Carlos. I still think you need to write up all your funny med student and resident stories some day.

While we're thinking back to that time in your life....what led you to quit smoking? Ya ya ya...sure you knew it was bad for the health. But it takes more than that to make the decision and stick to it.

My adult son just quit for 5 weeks but started again as soon as the stress of school began. I'm sad...but also hopeful that one day he'll quit and not relapse.

Judy, the day I quit smoking was one of those special perfect days. It was late afternoon on a Fri. I was done for the day, had just delivered a baby, was relaxing at my desk in my office (located next to the hospital), leaning back in my chair (a comfortable castoff from one of the older Dr.s at the clinic as was most of my office equipment at the time), feet on my desk, thinking how great life is (there was always this wonderful exhilaration after a delivery). I lit up a Pall Mall, no girly filters for me, thank you very much, with my Zippo lighter, took a deep drag, inhaled, let the smoke gradually drift from my open mouth, re-inhaling the second-hand smoke through my nose, held it for a moment then slowly exhaled blowing smoke rings. Then I took a long look at the glowing tip with a skinny blue thread of smoke lazily curling toward the ceiling. I had already decided to quit some time before,. I thought, what better time than today...I took one last puff, ground it out in the ashtray, then threw the ashtray and the rest of the pack in the trash. Kept my Zippo. And that was that.


Wow. You made that scene come alive for me Carlos. Have you ever read anything by Arthur Schnitzler? An Austrian writer, also a doctor. No longer living. But a great writer. It seems that many MD's also have the gift of the written word.

Anyway, ojala that one day my son will have that moment also and never turn back.

Interesting story, Carlos. My sister also quit smoking cold turkey after her husband died of lung cancer. They both had been smoking since they were teens. In fact, my mother and dad also smoked , but I never did because my circle of friends didn't smoke. [My mother smoked until she was 89. She died at 90.] I've heard that it is a hard habit to break....and I have enough bad habits. And, I agree with Judyb, you could be a writer, Carlos. I always look forward to reading your recaps and posts.

Judy and Susanlynn, thanks. I'd bet that I would still enjoy a cigarette, maybe a Camel, they always smelled good as my dad smoked them. I would have thought that the two of you would have at least tried smoking. In our high school all the cool girls smoked or at least tried smoking. Even the lovely TimothyO smoked for a short time.


Carlos~~~I had one friend who smoked in high school. He was my friend's beau and they doubledated with hub and me often. We would play endless games of pinocle , and Sterling would drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. [He's still smoking and also dealing with Lyme disease.] Hub used to bum a few , and I would ''smoke'' one every New Year's Eve. [Read this as ''I would put one to my lips.] I guess that growing up around smokers turned me off. My father-in-law also quit cold turkey . My dad said he quit , but my mother [spitefully] insisted that he used to ''sneak'' cigarettes. He also smoked a pipe when I was little...a nice smell. After my mother died, I discovered that her cleaning lady had been buying her cigarettes for her. [She had never asked me to buy them.] My dear brother-in-law died very young, and he never got to see any of his 4 children married or any of his grandchildren. I think of Bill often and wonder if he would still be here with us if he hadn't smoked. I am amazed that my mother who smoked since she was a teen lived to be 90.

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