Friday, August 07, 2009

Un Gancho Thurs 8/6 - Oscar and Jero are birds of a feather, Mona flies the coop, Oscar is an odd bird, Consti kills 2 birds with 1 stone

Ahoy all, I'm in a bit of a fret because my Tivo didn't record tonight's Un Gancho! Tivo got wedged which means the hard drive froze up and didn't record a thing. I was able to get the most of it from YouTube which offered up 4 out of the 5 parts, and some of the last bit from piecing together previews and ads and things. Wouldn't you know it, Part 5 was "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by TELEVISA S.A. DE C.V.. ".

Update: Kris jumped in and recapped the last bit for me, what a relief! Thanks Kris.

Coni tells Mau she needs time to forget him, boo hoo. They are interrupted by a ruckus in the front office and they are not pleased to see Rolando there with Xime. Mau accuses Rolu of trying to murder him. Xime says calm down, Porfis, Rolu is here to apologize. Coni slaps Rolu so hard that she hurts her hand. Ha ha, two birds with one stone.

Moni gives fight advice to El Vengador. It's all about actitud, actitud, actitud (attitude) says Beto. No, aptitud, aptitud, aptitud corrects Mona. Meanwhile, off to the side, Nieves and her little monkey place bets with Costeño on Mr. Tornado. Oh mama, whatcha thinkin?

Mau inspects Coni's hand and she "weeps" for the kiddies, she wants to help protect them. Mau comforts her, the idiot. She says she plans to leave tomorrow and she wants to spend this last nght together. Puhlease, give me a break.

Oscar and Jero celebrate their impending financial success with some champagne and a couple of manly hugs. No Knock Gabi busts in and and wonders QTH (Que the heck) is up with them? "Don't you ever knock?" Jero asks. Finally somebody asks her that question! Gabi reminds Oscar they have plans to go to the concert. Jero says kisses to you both. "To both?" asks Gabi, impactada.

Cut to the ring where our luchadors are going at it. El Fantasma Vengador is getting a right thrashing by the brawny Mr. Tornado. Nieves can't look. Moni shouts encouragement which inspires Beto to get in a few good licks starting with a foot to the groin of the Tornado.

Aldo looks very profesional in a new suit. He is going out but won't tell his sisters with whom. Mau and Coni walk in and Coni tells the kiddies it's very important for them to spend the evening together because she is going away on a trip. "Very, very, VERY far, right?" Dani asks hopefully.

Coni is dining with the Mau family so the mood is glum as it always is when she is around. Poor Aldo has a terrible case of the fidgets because he is late for his date. I remember being that age and this would be absolute torture. Coni asks Teresa to fetch Ivan because she has something to tell them. She wants Ivan to sit with them but Teresa refuses, she knows their place and wants them to eat in the kitchen like always. (This is a little power play going on between Coni and Tere.) Coni wants them to have a glass of wine. Teresa says no thanks and Ivan doesn't drink. Coni presses, she wants to make a toast. Her words are nice enough but ominous music plays in the background and the discomfited family waits for the anvil to fall.

Estrella waits for Aldo at the cine and longingly watches another loving couple. She looks as if her heart is breaking. It sucks to be stood up.

Coni, giving them a bunch of crap compliments and crying croc tears, weepily tells the kids she will miss them and she forces them to drink a toast. Aldo tries to leave but Mau orders him to sit down.

The tide has turned at the ring and El Vengador is kicking booty. He climbs up on the ropes and one gigantic body slam later Mr. Tornado has become Mr. Dead Calm.

Estrella stomps home and Aldo, who has finally escaped, runs after her apologizing. He tries to explain what happened but she is in a rotten mood. He apologizes and she relents a bit saying he looks very handsome in his suit. She suggests it's best if he leaves but she agrees to give him a goodnight kiss...on the cheek. He grabs her and plants a big one on the lips. (He also tries to cop a feel and she calls him picarón.)

Victorious team Beto gets home in time to see this kiss. Nieves is impactada. Mona scolds them, are they crazy? He's way too young for Estrella. Aldo tells Mona it's their own biz and takes the blame, but Estrella tells him to go home and quickly escapes to her room. While Mona bangs on the door Estrella fondly recalls the kiss.

Coni tells Mau goodbye forever, she gives him a longish goodby kiss and promptly faints. Oh dear, I think we all know what this anvil is.

At work the next morning Mau recounts to Sal that Coni was supposed to leave but she ended up staying because she felt sick.

Mona gives Estrella a hard time about kissing Aldo, he's 15 yrs younger. Pshaw, says Estrella, he's only twelve, maybe ten years younger. Anyway, he's in love and she...well she really likes him. Estrella tells Moni at least she's doing what her heart tells her, not turning her back on love like Mona.

Gabi is doing her filing (her nails that is) when best buds Oscar and Jero stroll out of the elevator arms around each other. Oscar teases Gabi by filing his nails and stealing her lima (file). She's thinks something is up with this guy who is acting like a girl. Gabi grabs Paula because Pau tells it like it is. Does Pau think Oscar is a bit odd in his tastes?

Holy cow, Paula talks really fast; I think this is the story she tells...Pau had a neighbor very macho, deep voice, great futbol player, and what a body. Pau prayed every night that he would just look at her. Well one day he finally did look at her but only because she happened to walk by holding hands with a fireman. At least I think that's what she said.

Sal scolds them for gossiping but pulls Gabi aside for a Mau consultion, Mau is going to marry Coni.

Paula the corporate eavesdropper dashes off to tell Moni (who is on the phone saying goodbye to Fausto, going back with his tail between his legs to Gringolandia) that Mau is going to marry the Mummy. Moni thinks Pau is hearing crazy things again. Surely he won't marry that harpy.

Aldo calls Estrella Falcón, actrice. She's down because she's trying out for a part as a mom and she needs a kid about 6 or 7 yrs old. Gee, can Aldo help her? Hell yeah, Dani's just the kid. This didn't make sense to me, wouldn't the studio provide their own kid actress for the tryout? Aldo says he would like to help Estrella and a whole lot more.

Mau glumly asks Coni how she's feeling and what did the doctor say. Oh not much, she answers, just too much stress. The outcome is she has decided to stick around to be close to her friends. Darn. She happily shows him a tiny pair of shoes and a cute little shirt for for Dani. Mau tells her those infant clothes won't fit Dani. Coni replies then she'll just save them for their baby. Of course Moni overhears and jumps to conclusions, such a surprise. Coni drives it home by saying she feels nauseous. Mau is clueless.

We are at Televisa studios for Estrella's try out and Dani is game for the fun as long as she gets to wear a bit of Estrella's lipstick. I wish Kris was here to capture the image of Estre putting lipstick on Dani; "too-doo-doo" Dani says as she puckers her lips.

Gabi overhears Jero helping Oscar get something out of his eye but she thinks they are up to some lovin' as Oscar says "wow it's really huge don't you think?" Jero says indeed it's very impressive. They go on but I think we get the point. For once Gabi doesn't burst through the door.

Pau finds Mona crying in the coffee room. Mona tells her that Coni is expecting Mau's baby. Mau was fooling her and never meant to leave Coni. Pau insists Mau is a good guy. Mona says it's her fault because she did the same to Beto who has loved her. She's nothing more than a stupid fool.

Gabi tells Sal she has a secret to tell him. Jero and Oscar are partners! Not in biz but in that other way. Sal can't believe it. Gabi says it's a huge office scandal. They are interrupted by our metiche Paula who, thinking they are discussing Mau and Coni, tells them they don't have to get silent around her because she already knows the chisme. They mean the pregnancy, right? Gabi says it's impossible for a man to be pregnant. Duh, says Pau, the news is that Coni is pregnant by Mauricio Sermeno Group! Que?!?! All the heads in the secretarial pool turn in unison and Sal and Gabi (and a hidden Jero) are impactados.

Everyone stares as a triumphant Coni sashays out of Mau's office, kisses him goodbye, and tells them all to have a great day! Gabi and Pau think Coni's bubis are definitely getting bigger.

Back at Televisa Estrella Falcón, actrice, and Aldo sign the necessary papers and flirt while Dani runs off to play with some other little girls.

Xime shows up at Sermeño Group and Gabi can't wait to tell her that Mau is going to be a papa and Xime a tia. Xime is a bit confused so Gabi spells it out. Coni is pregnant!

Moni recalls Beto telling her he loves her very much. He busts in and sees her crying, does she have a fever? She asks does he remember when they were kids and always together, does he remember when her mama left? He hugged her hard and said he would never leave her alone. He remembers that she was very sad. She asks him to forgive her and give her another chance. He says he adores her. She loves him too. He asks are we novios again?

Dani has her big moment at "the casting". She asks her pretend mami Estrella why does always come home drunk and beat her with a belt? Dani is acting her little heart out but Estrella cuts it short; the directors tell her not to stop and to take the gum out of her mouth. (Finally!) Estrella, back in her mami role, gives Dani a big hug and says she'll never leave her. They all clap. The directors think Estrella has great legs. So what are we thinking here, that Dani will land the role?

Mau thinks Moni is mad at him and he asks her why. She tells him to leave her in peace and runs out.

Jero visits Coni at the boutique to congratulate her on the pregnancy. She asks what's he talking about? He wonders why didn't she tell him she's preggers? "Because I'm not," she insists. He tells her yes, she IS pregnant. He sits her down and tells her his plan. From today forward she is, doesn't she get it? This will get her to the altar with his cousin.

Mau call Mona and asks why is she so mad? She tells him to go back to his girlfriend because she's gone back her boyfriend!

Nieves finds Mona home early from work and wonders what happened and Mona tells her she asked off but she probably won't be working there long anyway. Nieves worries then about the fall out effect and Beto's job and reminds them that rent is due next week. Right on cue the guy who kidnapped her to have Beto throw the fight shows up and offers Mona a buen negocio she can't refuse.

At Mau's office, Beto is happily eating his torta in the break room and Gabi comes in and tells him he has the same skill as his sister, he can disappear. She tells him the boss is looking for him and is disgusted with his torta de tres reganadas (or maybe torta ahogada) de queso y puerco and tells him he better go see the boss. He will, but if she eats any of his torta he'll cut off her fingers. I thinks she throws it in the trash.

He gets to Mau's office and makes a comment that all executives should have smokes and cognac but Mau doesn't smoke. Anyway, he wants Beto to do him a favor, try to persuade Mona to come back. Beto gets cara impactada and that's the end.

Whoa, should be good tomorrow.

Pájaros de una misma pluma, gente de una calaña = Birds of a feather flock together
El pájaro ha volado = The bird has flown
Es un bicho raro = He's an odd bird
Matar dos pájaros de un tiro = Kill two birds with one stone


Oh noes, Cap'n Sylvia! Bless your heart. I know how I feel when my DVR even looks like it might sneeze. Thank goodness someone invented YouTube. I appreciate the recap and the torta link--I do want to try one of those! And thank you too, Kris. :)

Wow, Conny did go to town on Rolu's face, didn't she? I cracked up when she about broke a bone. She was in such rare form the whole night (ugh) I wouldn't even know where to begin.

My lord--Beto looked like a Power Ranger in that get-up. All he needed was a morpher or a Zord. My favorite scenes of the night were in the ring. gigantic body slam later Mr. Tornado has become Mr. Dead Calm. LOL

Someone mentioned the other day how different this role (as Beto's mom) is from the ones we're used to seeing Ana Martin play. I wholeheartedly agree. And I'm enjoying this one a lot.

Aldo was looking pretty sharp, yeah. That's why Estrellita is trying to rob that cradle.

Anyway, he wants Beto to do him a favor, try to persuade Mona to come back. Yeah, good luck with that, Maury.

(And just so's you know, I'm not known as Llorona in the Lucha world because I off'd my kid--he is alive and well, I assure you. I do weep, though--I wander the arena weeping for my opponent because the moment I get in the ring they are dead meat. My fantasy hubby--El Cibernetico of the AAA--thought that an all black get-up made me look like I was married to La Parka, and suggested red instead. And the rest, as they say, is history.)

Good morning, mates! (no, there's nothing in my coffee)

Sylvia: I loved your bird themed title! Your recap was witty and simply great. Thanks for all the effort to do this, (vocabulary too!) despite the technical problems.

You captured the perfect titles for Gabi and Paula: "No knock Gabi" and Paula "corporate eavesdropper". I love how Paula makes absolutely no attempt to move or conceal her listening whenever and wherever she chooses.

I was surprised Nieves threw Beto under the bus. As you said: "Oh mama, whatcha thinkin?" Nieves is great though - La Llorona, I'm enjoying Ana Martin as well.

It was so hard watching Estrella think she might be stood up! Ack. Aldo did look very handsome, I totally agree.

Also thought a job offer might be forthcoming for Dani. Kids and dogs are tough competition for actors.

Diana in MA

Stephe, I seem to recall that one of the first times you ever commented you shared the info and that you and someone (your bro?) used to watch our fave El Intocable on the Saturday afternoon Lucha Libre, isn't that so? Yes indeedy, Beto did look like a power ranger and I was a little irritated that Mr. Tornado's outfit was nearly the same. With all the awesome Luchador outfits out there was this the best they could do? I saw a better variety driving across the Tijuana border. Compared to Cibernetico and La Parka their Luchador personas were positively kindergarten.

Diana, poor Nieves was just trying to make a buck and go with what she thought was a sure thing. Just goes to show ya, sometimes you've got to take a leap of faith when it comes to those you love. In fact that seems to be a big theme in this show. Everybody holds back from doing the thing that they really want to do and being with the person they really love. And since this is a very long TN then it will go on for months!

Thanks again to Kris for helping me out last night.

Hey, good morning Stephe (aka La Llorona Roja), Diana and Sylvia. Missed the first part of the show because my daughter and granddaughter arrived last night and my mind was definitely elsewhere. Didn't record either. Too bad I missed Consti decking Rolu and Beto giving Tornado a thrashing. That would have been fun to see.

Love those pájaros phrases Sylvia. I've never heard the first one.

My cc's said torta de tres rebanadas so I thought it was a three-layer sandwich. But I've read the description of tortas ahogadas and they sound divine. Really hated it when Gabriela threw it in the trash. Noooo...never throw good food away!

Well done Sylvia AND Kris. You two make a great team.

Judy: Have a wonderful time with your family! Diana

Great recap, Sylvia, with your bird theme, reading the recap just "flew" by. :)

It's really funny how everybody jumps to conclusions, first that Oscar and Jerry are gay, and then that Connie's expecting. And gossip sure spreads fast in that office! A few days ago Paula was telling someone she's no gossip, which of course means just the opposite.

Of course they solved the Mr. Tornado problem really fast. Was it just yesterday that several of the characters were worried that Monita was going away with Tornado? But untrained Beto beats one of the top wrestlers in the USA (they said this the other day), so problem solved. I love it!

Silvia, simply amazing. The quality certainly didn't suffer. Thanks to Kris for riding to the rescue. Not good news about missing episodes on You Tube.

I love the way that in this show, crises arise and are quickly resolved within 2 episodes. I think Mau's coma may have been the shortest in TN history. The dangerous Mister Tornado pops in, menaces, and is vanquished(by Beto, no less) in 2 episodes. We barely got to know him.

During the conversation between Mau and Beto, a word came up that took me back to my very first session with my profa:

quemacoco (coconut burner) which refers to a convertible or open-roofed automobile.

I'm not sure how it came up but it, and here it is 6 yrs. later. Cool.


Gee, I have a "moon-roof" in my battered old Honda but I like "quemacoco" beter. Thanks Carlos.

Oh my gosh MOST Excellent and right on the money title...very perceptive miss Sharkbait!!

Loved Mr. Tornado has become Mr. Dead

Actually I had to listen to Pau's story twice too, but I think what she was saying is that the guy she lusted after only looked at her one time because he saw her when HE was on the arm of big burly fireman, i.e. the guy she liked actually was gay, hence the build up of description about how manly this guy was. This fed into Gabi's suspicions that maybe Oscar tilts that way as well.

My bad, because I typed it wrong, it's not reganadas it's rebanadas, or slices. His torta was with three slices of cheese and pork. It definitely wasn't ahogada, it had no sauce. Gabi was disgusted because this could be associated with "naco" style food a commoner would eat(as opposed to trendy European style cuisine that folks who like to think they are upper class eat.)I say give me a torta anyday! Sorry for any confusion.

Ay, a fool and his Monita are soon parted, eh? Why does Mauricio continue to let Connie steamroll his family life? How can he not see how things look to Valentina?

I may change my answer on the acceptability of Estrella's and Aldo's commingling if she really is 10 or 12 years older. I had been thinking it was more like 4 or 5.

Thanks for the recap Cap'n Sylvia, it was excellent as always, I'm sorry for all the technical problems you had.

I felt so bad for Aldo last night while he was trying to leave for his date. I don't understand Mauricio's position in making him stay there for so long.

Connie's fainting was real but of course they had to get everything mixed up at the office. Now Monita is back with Beto and we are almost right were we started.

I couldn't find the last clip of the episode in youtube, but I don't remember Beto having a torta ahogada. I'm surprised most of you don't like Beto's lucha libre outfit, that's a very typical tecnico's outfit. I remember watching the fighting as a kid and the tecnico's were always my favorite.


Sylvia, you remembered! I was (and still am) a Lucha AAA watcher, me and my brother. LOL Only now I'm sort of keeping up with the CMLL league as well, because our beloved Intocable/Gaspar left the AAA and is now freelancing a bit with CMLL and I must keep up with him. Ah, the drama. ;) Alas, we no longer have Galavision, so we do most of our watching shows online...

Ditto what Diana said--JudyB, have a grand time with your family.

Hi, Jarocha. :) I did like Beto's Power Ranger look. I love the tecnicos of the Lucha world as much as the sexy stars--they are so talented and so much fun to watch. They really make the show, don't they? (like Sylvia, I did want something more fantastic for Mr. Tornado)

Past novelas' subplots and such have seemed to linger on and on for forever and a day, causing us great suffering... so yeah, it does seem that Gancho problems are being resolved kind of fast... and that ain't necessarily good.

Oh, well.


Hi Stephe and Diana...yep, having a grand time but unfortunately hub and I have to leave for Pittsburgh tomorrow for a wedding. Alas, my daughter didn't check my schedule before planning this weekend with her friend here in Columbus. Sad sad sad, but Uncle Andy will still be here to hold down the fort.

* Our social life is so tepid we have at MOST one wedding a year. Who would have guessed it would fall on the one weekend my daughter and granddaughter were in town!

Oh, JudyB--that is a bummer.

But have a nice trip and enjoy that wedding!


Posting late but wanted to say thanks to Sylvia and Kris for your respective recaps.

Oh my I know Mau is dense but watching Connie play like a violin was quite sad.

Wasn't it gallant of Jerry to say, when Connie pointed out that Mau would soon realize that she is not pregnant, that he would take care of that little detail personally?

Poor Dani, she seemed genuinely happy that Connie planned to travel far away. Sorry, Dani.


Yes, that Jerry, he's such a giver.

It was funny that Constanza didn't even seem to notice that offer; she's so used to his slimy advances.

Hi everyone, TGIF!!!

I thought I her Jeri make the "offer" but since Coni didn't respond I doubted what I'd heard.

Thanks for the sandwich info everyone. I think I'll leave the torta ahogada link up anyway just because it's fun.

Back to Luchadors...I always laugh to myself when Moni calls Coni la momia because a couple of my fave luchadors are Las Momias, "We're The Mummies, here to serve the people." Gotta love it.

I like both rudos and tecnicos because they represent both good and bad sides of the individual human and the human condition in general. Jarocha, it's not that I didn't like Beto and Tornado's outfits, I just thought they looked too much alike, but I was just being picky.

Quemacoco, I love it!

Judy, I'm probably too late for you to read this but I hope you have a great weekend.

Thanks for all the comments and support everyone.

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