Friday, August 07, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, August 6, 2009--It’s My Party and I’ll Lie If I Want To

Repeat from yesterday of Macarena fainting at Camila’s house.

New: At the hotel in Pachuca, the clerk informs Inaki and Paloma that he found them a room at another hotel, but there’s only one left. Paloma looks very worried, but Inaki assures her that he’ll sleep on the floor. When Paloma offers to sleep on the sofa, he says no, you sleep on the bed like the princess that you are. She says fine and suggests they get something to eat.

Carlota is on the phone with Arcadia, asking where Inaki is. Arcadia doesn’t know but she saw him leave with a suitcase. Carlota demands that Arcadia find out where he went and call her back immediately. Carmen, who was eavesdropping on the dynamic duo’s confab, comes in and inquires who Arcadia was talking to. Arcadia nervously answers “with my comadre” (godmother), and Carmen, looking very suspicious of Arcadia, asks why she said what she did about the suitcase. Arcadia makes up a story and Carmen says she hopes that’s what it was really about, because she wouldn’t like it if people knew what goes on in her house, because she’d lose trust in Arcadia. Arcadia claims that she doesn’t say anything to anyone. The phone rings and it’s Inaki--Arcadia overhears Carmen saying that she made the plane reservations for him and Paloma and that the flight leaves tomorrow night.

At Romina’s party, Emiliano and Romina are dancing with Romina saying that she’s 18 now and hopes her age won’t be an impediment, wink, wink. German comes up and asks to dance with her. H says she’s driving him crazy. I think he also tells her to sleep with Emiliano tonight already but I don’t get why he would say that. Meanwhile, Emiliano is getting a drink when Inaki calls him and explains that he and Paloma are on their way to Madrid. Emiliano is totally bummed out by this news. Inaki passes the phone to Paloma to talk to Emiliano--you helped us get back together and thanks to you I’m the happiest woman in the world. Bartender, make that a double.

Romina comes up to Emiliano as he’s throwing another one back and she exclaims that she’s never seen him drinking like this before. She kisses him and he seems to be really getting into it, but then apparently realizes he’s making a mistake and breaks away. He takes off without saying a word and she tells German that he has to go find out what’s happening.

Inaki and Paloma go into a church and Inaki asks what if they got married right then and there.

German stops Emiliano on his way out of the party and asks him what’s up. Emiliano says nothing’s wrong, it has nothing to do with German or Romina, it has to do with himself. As an ardent "Seinfeld" fan, I love that the writers are borrowing "It's not you, it's me". Anyway, German tries to get Emiliano to talk but he says he’s still not ready and he’s not even sure what’s happening to him. German eventually convinces him to come back in to the party.

Paloma wonders how can they marry? They haven’t done the paperwork and there is no preist--why are we here? Inaki replies “to marry you, swear eternal love to you”...he only needs God as his witness. He kneels to propose to her and recites some vows while putting the ring on her hand--he promises to take care of her, protect her, be her friend and companion, and be at her side in good times and bad. She promises to do everything she can to make him happy.

Carlota arrives at Camila’s to take Mac home, but Camila says not until the doctor checks her first. Just then the doc comes in and after he goes to attend to Mac, Carlota accuses Camila of being a bad influence on Mac, just like Romina is with Paloma. Camila responds that she won’t allow Carlota to talk smack about her or her daughter in her own house...if you’re going to stay here, do it with respect, because if not I’m going to have to ask you to take a flying leap.

The doc doesn’t understand why the medication hasn’t worked, and Mac insists she’s been following his instructions to the letter (al pie de la letra). He asks if she’s had strong emotions in recent days, and she confesses that Pal left and it’s Carlota’s fault.

In Mexico City, Cristobal is walking down the street--he enters a bar but then turns around and leaves.

Rafael is reading in bed--Diana, brushing a hairdo that looks to be too shellacked to even be brushable, wonders how he can do that so calmly when their future is in peril. He needs to fight to keep the factory open. Rafa responds that he will do something, but it’s not the moment for it. She asks when, then? When you confirm that you’re a loser (perdedor)? He explains that he has tried to keep the company afloat. She complains that she’s unhappy, unsatisfied and frustrated, all thanks to him. He never imagined that she’d have so much resentment. Wellllll, now you know...I stopped admiring you a long time ago and realized that the worst of my mistakes was marrying you. He asks if what she wants is a divorce. Her response is that if he doesn’t give her the life she deserves, she’ll have no other alternative. He reminds her that he’s given her a better life than what she had than when they first met, and if she wants, she’s free to leave.

Mac’s doc recommends to Carlota and Camila that Mac stay the night. Carlota tells the doctor she can’t leave Mac in the house of a...neighbor. Camila says Mac is also her friend, and they have to think about what’s best for her. Carlota claims that she can’t let Mac sleep outside of her house--it’s not right, and besides nobody takes care of her like I do. The doc reminds her that Mac isn’t a child and assures her that Mac is in good hands. The doc comments again that it’s very strange that the medicine isn’t working and writes a couple of prescriptions, and the Princess of Darkness of course insists on buying the medicine herself.

Inaki and Pal happily walking and talking. Pal says she’s never felt so happy in her life, and she wants to come back to Mexico to marry in the church. Inaki suggests that they come back to the same church, where they just got (pretend) married.

Camila calls Romina to tell her she can’t come to the party because of Mac being sick and fills her on why Paloma can’t come either.

Rufi offers to go to the pharmacy but Carlota says no, she’ll do it. When Rufi inquires about Paloma Carlota says that if Mac dies Paloma will be the only one at fault. She adds that if Paloma contacts Rufi, please tell her that Mac is muy grave. After Rufi leaves, Carlota takes some glass jars out of the fridge and instead of throwing them in the trash, stomps on them on the floor. Then she tries to open the bird cage, banging it around, saying I’m not going to remain here alone, you (Paloma) are going to come back. Mac can die without you, and you’d never forgive yourself, right? Just like my stupid sister couldn’t forgive herself for her man’s death.

As Emiliano continues drowning his sorrows, Romina’s whining about Paloma not coming to the party, as though Paloma ran off with Inaki solely for the purpose of spoiling the party. The party’s ruined because now Paloma’s story is news, instead of it being all about me and my birthday--tomorrow they’ll all be talking about how she ran off with Inaki like a whore. (Clearly, she has been possessed by Jan Brady--Paloma, Paloma, Paloma!!) Emiliano takes offense and says they had plans to get married, and if they changed them, it must be because something very bad happened. She demands to know why they took off but Emilanio claims not to know anything and adds that instead of making a scene, she should try to be support her friend.

Arcadia approaches Carlota as she’s leaving the house and informs her that she’s leaving Carmen’s house, because she’s sure that Carmen suspects her. And oh yeah, I need money. Carlota says she doesn’t owe Arcadia anything, she’s already paid her. Arcadia points out that she can talk and that she has proof that Carlota wanted to separate Inaki and Paloma--I’ll call you tomorrow to see if you’ve changed your mind. (Ha, take that, Carlota!) Rufi is at the window upstairs watching.

Liliana shows up at Romina’s party and they get into an argument about German and Romina being lovers--Romina denies it, of course, and tells Liliana to get lost.

Inaki and Paloma enter their hotel room with Paloma looking very nervous. Inaki assures her that nothing will happen that she doesn’t want to. She wants to wait until they get married, and he offers to sleep in the chair.

Mac is apologetic with Camila but Camila is happy to have her in her house. Mac thinks that without Paloma in the house, she has no reason to go back there or even to want to live--she feels lost, she only knows how to live with Paloma, with her birds, and even with her sister’s tyranny.

Carlota is putting some new “medicine” in the fridge, and saying “I have to be careful” (or cautious, cautelosa) and “nobody can know.”

Mac and Camila continue their heart-to-heart--after her husband left she realized that one day Romina would also leave home to make her own life, and that she had to do something for herself (which is why she opened her shop). You should do something like that. Mac says it’s too late. No, it’s never too late. To start, you could live here and work with me in the gallery. Mac thanks Camila for making her feel valued and for helping her.

While Paloma takes a shower, Inaki puts a rose on the bed.

Now German and Liliana are arguing--he tells her to leave the party, you and I are over already. She calls him a cynic for pretending to be Emiliano’s friend.

Emiliano is on the phone with Querido Orlando, relating (and lamenting) P’s departure. He’s upset because Paloma deserved to leave her house like a queen, not fleeing in secret. He wants her to be happy but it’s hurting him. Orlando says that sometimes love hurts and the fact that he’s aware of it is a big step. Go home and go to bed, and we’ll talk tomorrow. After Emiliano hangs up Liliana comes up and tells him that German and Romina have been fooling around behind his back.

Paloma has a dream that Mac’s in the hospital and Carlota is berating Paloma--look what you did, Mac couldn’t take it that you ran off. You always end up killing the people you love, first your parents and now Mac. The heart monitor flatlines and Carlota yells that Paloma is a killer. Paloma wakes up crying and Inaki comes in to console her.

German and Romina deny there’s anything going on between them--they dare her to provide proof and Romina makes a scene, screaming and trying to beat up Liliana. Emiliano has to hold her back and Romina says Liliana is just trying to separate them. Liliana admits she doesn’t have any proof, and Romina yells at her some more. After everyone leaves Romina asks Emiliano “you’re not going to believe that crazy girl’s gossip, right?”

Inaki tells Paloma that he didn’t believe in true love until he met her. Because your parents divorced? Maybe, he says. Paloma thinks there are some couples like his parents and Romina’s, but there are some who fall in love for their whole lives, like her parents. She wants what happened with them to happen to her, that is, to share the rest of her life with Inaki, and for them to die at the same time. She and Inaki seem to think that this is really romantic and sweet, but it sounds like a big fat anvil to me.

Emiliano tells Romina to go back in to the party and have fun and that he should go home. But why when you just said you don’t believe anything Liliana said? He thinks he drank too much and doesn’t want to ruin the party (too late--I think Romina took care of that herself). She’s worried that if he leaves now people will think the gossip is true--he says let people think whatever they want...if your conscience is clear, what does it matter what everyone else thinks? He tells her again to go back inside.

Awwwww...Paloma is asleep (with her arm conveniently hanging over the side of the bed) and Inaki puts pillows on the floor next to the bed, lies down, and holds her hand.

Avances: The three girls from school who were hanging out in the courtyard earlier this week when Romina and Liliana were fighting in the fountain have the photos of German and Romina kissing, and talk about selling them to Liliana. German asks Romina to break up with Emiliano already. Carlota confronts Carmen again. Emiliano admits to Romina that he’s not in love with her.


Debbie: Fabulous recap of an eventful epiosode.

Loved your noting Rominia's obsession with Paloma a la Jan Brady. Excellent!

It will be interesting to see how the Carlota/Arcadia situation plays out. She who must be obeyed is not going to take kindly to blackmail.

Camila's character is ascending and Diana's is decending (very, very quickly). Camila is kind, protective and fiercely loyal. Diana is cruel and abusive. Rafa's leaving is (or should be) inevitable.

I think the Paloma and Inaki romance is lovely. He is just about perfect and his smile lights up the room. I just don't want their romance to end. Every night I keep wondering when and how that is going to happen. Blech.

Diana in MA

I can't understand Romina's sudden personality change a few short episodes (which in TN time is actually a few hours or days). She went from Paloma's loyal, protective BFF to a jealous lunatic.

Also, Carlota has been scheaming and plotting all these years, even before Paloma came to live with them. Don't you think by now somebody would've caught on to her?


Well-written recap, Debbie. Clear, to the point and funny.

Too many nasty characters for me! but love keeping up with it through you all.

Great recap, Debbie, thank you. I like your style. I too thought it was so funny that "It's not you, it's me" has made its way into the Spanish lexicon.

Caborita, I agree that Romina's change from Paloma's saucy staunch defenter into jealous lunatic has been rather sudden, but to me it makes sense. She seemed to regard Paloma as a pififully repressed caged bird and a satellite in the Romina universe, certainly not a threat or rival. For all of Romina's brash, self-centered posing, she's basically an insecure and vulnerable personality who has never recoverd from her father's rejection and abandonment of her. She is intensely jealous that Paloma has blossomed and now has a faithful and devoted boyfriend and that her own boyfriend is also obviously concerned about Paloma. This strikes right at Romina's most sensitive area, that she's not really good enough to hold onto a man's love. It can only get worse after Emiliano dumps her. I love watching Romina's facial expressions change from haughty, defiant and insentitive to tearful and almost fearful. What I like most is that almost every major character in the show has a complexity that adds weight to what they say and do, unlike a certain other show *cough "Cuidado" cough*
where nobody's actions made any sense I could ever fathom.

Was anyone else wincing when Carlota kept banging on the cage and scaring the poor little birds.

Debbie, thanks for the super recap.

I can hardly wait for Padre Chris to hit town. He needs to do an exorcism on Carlota.

Carlota is loosing control and is now out of control. I am afraid that Arcadia is a goner.

I really like Camila it is just too bad she has such a brat for a daughter.

I sure hope Diana leaves town. What a bruja.


Thanks Debbie! Great job!

That sure was a red herring in the avances that showed Macarena close to death according to the telenovela standard blinking electronic monitors. It turned out to be a bad dream!

I thought Arcadia would tell Carlota about the flight to Madrid and that's how she'd prevent them leaving the country. But now I have no idea. I just know they aren't going to make it to Madrid; the novela would be pretty much over.

I'm glad Carlota decided to be cautelosa. I was getting sick of the diabetic episodes and probably Victoria Ruffo had bruises on her tushy from falling over in a faint so many times!

Jackie, excellent analysis of Romina's character. I agree. Romina was fine with Pal's friendship as long as she could be the star pitying the poor, timid girl. But Paloma having a wonderful boyfriend who obviously loves her much more than Emiliano loves Romina is intolerable. She's really damaged goods.

Forgot something. GREAT title.

Debbie – great stuff and great title!

And this was a great episode with some startling events: Arcadia thinking up blackmail, very cool and very unexpected. Romina telling her mom it’s better if she doesn’t come to her party – a new low. Diana’s speech to her husband, so mean I wonder how the writers even were able to think it up.

Was Rafa making a veiled reference to something in Diana’s past that he politely overlooked when he married her?

I was surprised that the doves belong to Mac. I had thought they were Carlota’s and that the two represented Paloma (duh!) and Mac. Now that I think of it, Carlota’s not the nurturing type so pet ownership would be out for her. It would be squab for dinner.

Can you imagine calling your boss at night for romantic advice when you are slightly sloshed at a party?

Maggie, I ALWAYS drunk dial my boss to whine about my love life. And he NEVER tells me that's inappropriate, he just empathizes and wants to hear the gossip. Except not.

Rafael definitely hinted at something in Diana's past that he married her in spite of. Undoubtedly it will be weeks and many hints more before we find out what it is.

Inaki is the best. Paloma really should have let him sleep on the bed, though...he's a total gentleman and would have stayed on his own side.

Swashbuckling good recap and great title, Debbie.

Debbie, what a great recap and such a funny title. The comments are so well written as well.

Diana in MA, perfect pops into my mind as well when Inaki appears. He would be the perfect candidate for cloning when they get around to humans. I putting my order in now.

Maybe this novela will have a twist as in Querida
Enemiga where the galan featured in the intro is not the one who ends up with the protaganista. But then, what would come between Pal and Inake to separate them. They seem too sensible a couple to fall for flimsy lies. This complex story line and characters and great acting are making this an enjoyable novela. Having grown up in a small town, you'd think all would be idyllic but there are lustful teenagers, shrewish wives, crazy tyrannical women (my friend's mom) and all sorts of dramas going on as in this little hamlet.


Novelera, I wasn't sure what Carlota meant about being more cautious with the medicines. Wasn't she still tampering with it?

Maggie, I caught the veiled remark by Rafa to Diana and wondered if it had anything to do with Emiliano's paternity. But she definitely seems to have come from humble beginnings despite her pretensions. I'm hoping she does divorce him, so he can find happiness with someone else, namely Camila. They'd make a great couple. While I'm matchmaking, I'd also like to see Mac end up with that nice doctor.

Julia, you crack me up!

GinCA, I also grew up in a small town and I can vouch for the fact that there's a lot more going on in them than an outsider might think. This telenovela is not at all farfetched in that regard; in fact it's almost a bit tame compared to some of the shenanigans I've seen in real life.

It's hard to believe anyone would let Carlota deal with the medicines, but I guess it's hard to believe that level of evilness in someone you've known so long. You always think even the mean people have limits, until you are forced to accept otherwise.

I would love nothing more than to see Paloma and Inaki hop on a plane and go to Madrid. Then i would have Paloma get cold feet and realize she is rushing things with Inaki and they wait on getting married. In the meantime evil carlotta is using all her of resources to find Paloma and eventually it will come to light about Paloma inheritance. Why can't the story that way. I guess we have to wait and see. By the way doesn't Romina act as if she was raised by Diana instead of Camilia. Emiliano acts as if he was raised by Camilia instead of Diana. Are we sure these two weren't switched at birth?

By the way, does insulin really come in those huge glass bottles in Mexico instead of those little vials used in the U S of A? They would be pretty hard to carry around if you aren't home during the day. You'd need a lunch box instead of a little kit.


Jackie, my thought when Carlota said she has to be careful is that she has to more careful about not getting caught (since the doctor is questioning why the meds aren’t working, what if he were to have them tested?) but I couldn’t tell whether or not she’s still tampering with the new medicine she just bought.

As for Diana, qué coraje! She’s been traipsing around all this time as though she’s a blue blood, and here we find out that maybe Rafael rescued her from a dreary life.

I also liked Arcadia blackmailing Carlota, although I wonder if by doing that she just signed her death warrant.

Jackie et al:

I think Carlota got a scare when she was in Camila's house and the doctor said in front of Camila that he couldn't understand what was going on with the injections he'd prescribed. She got a really funny look on her face then. Subsequently she smashed up the bottles with the altered medicines and put the shards in the garbage. Then, I'm pretty sure, she filled the prescription from the doctor with the real stuff and put in in the refrigerator, thought bubbling that she had to be more careful. I interpreted that to mean she was going to lay off putting her sis in a diabetic coma for a while.

Ah, that makes sense, Novelera. Carlota is evil but she's not dumb.

I just finished watching Friday's episode and all I can say is that I'm waiting on pins and needles for Monday evening. I'll touch bases with you guys on Monday. I know I'll need my "Amor" support group.

I loved the Jan Brady reference..
Paloma..Paloma...Paloma! pretty funny!

I am now addicted to this TN, thought I would only watch 1 or 2 episodes but now I am hooked. I love the fast pace the story line is taking, plus lots of costume changes,not like MEPS that drags one day into 2 weeks of episodes AND clothes
Carlota did smash the tainted medicine, afraid of being caught.
Wonder what she has been injecting in the medicine.

looks like Rufi had the "tea" that made Mac sick, wonder what that is also...

I thought it was strange how Carlota said Mac should not spend the night at a neighbors, even though she was really sick and passed out. What is she 5 years old? This is reminding me of "Baby Jane", next Baby Jane Carlota will be serving the doves on a plate to Mac for dinner.

I can hardly wait to learn more about Carlota and Mac as young girls. Carlota is a beautiful woman when she is not glowing purple. She must have been a great "catch" when she was younger.

Why won't Mac consider dating the nice doctor? she acts iike she is 100 years old.

I love Camila now, she is a strong woman and great for Mac. Too bad her daughter is such a spoiled lying brat. The scene with the birthday gift car was too much for me. I would have returned the car the next day after that response! My daughter just turned 18 in May and did not get a hot red car. She would have been screaming in joy if she did...EVEN if it wasn't the car of her dreams.

Don't know why from the start she
just could say she dated German in the big deal

Jackie, I also am on pins and needles after watching Friday's episode!

Does anyone agree with me that Paloma is probably Mac and Chris's daughter?

Elle, I agree about Paloma's parents. If Padre Chris returns we are in for surprises I am sure.


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